blogging every day since January 14, 2004
The Harris campaign paid Oprah $1 million to do that interview, and she spent $100,000 building the set of the Call Her Daddy podcast so Kamala Harris wouldn’t have to fly out to LA to film it. pic.twitter.com/rg0dthCR7c
— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) November 9, 2024
wait trump just says shit out loud in a room full of people logged into his social media accounts who post it for him i can't even begin to describe how much i need this set uppic.twitter.com/Or0C5Rfbfe
— manny (@mannyfidel) November 8, 2024
It is not clear what the three men discussed or whether they touched on any change in U.S. policy toward Ukraine in the wake of Mr. Trump’s election.
I'm going to guess it was a perfect phone call.
"The news media in the eyes of many Americans is discredited. More than half the country have tuned out the mainstream media. We are now in little information silos, so it's almost impossible to overstate how much Donald Trump has defeated the system and how favorable the current composition of the system is for Donald Trump."
Did Swan even consider that mainstream media could be the "little information silos" and people are breaking out?
— Catholic Arena (@CatholicArena) November 8, 2024
The bells of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris rang out this morning for the first time today since 2019's fire
The Cathedral reopens with Mass on December 8th pic.twitter.com/roQS22b0t7
😂🤣Michael Cohen keeps getting trolled during a livestream about fleeing the USpic.twitter.com/ZodVV17rG7
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 8, 2024
... with Nevada and Arizona lingering, endlessly unreported.
But Real Clear Politics shows all the states decided, with a final score of 312 to 226. We know where Nevada and Arizona are going — into the big landslide.
So I just want to declare my victory as the one who predicted the final score on December 14, 2023: "Predicted Electoral College vote: 312 Trump, 226 Biden."
I mean, the word "Biden" is wrong, but 312 to 226 was right on the nose.
I gave some good advice then too: "The demonization of Trump has not worked for Democrats.... My advice, not that I think Democrats would or even could follow it: Fight Trump on the substantive merits of the issues. Show us that you deserve the power you seek."
That advice is still good advice. Especially now that it's a landslide.
[Toshikazu Kawaguchi’s series, “Before the Coffee Gets Cold,”] — set in a magical cafe in Tokyo where customers can travel back in time while their coffee cools — centers on ordinary people struggling with loss and regret who wish they could change the past....
Recent releases of cozy Japanese novels include Mai Mochizuki’s “The Full Moon Coffee Shop,” set in a magical coffee shop run by talking cats.... [There's also] “The Travelling Cat Chronicles,”.... “The Goodbye Cat,” and... “We’ll Prescribe You a Cat,” [and] “We’ll Prescribe You Another Cat”....
Cats are such a staple in healing fiction that Kawaguchi’s publishers in the United States and Britain added a fluffy brown cat to the covers of “Before the Coffee Gets Cold,” even though, in a break from tradition, cats are not central to his novels....
No mention of Trump (or Vance) in this article, published yesterday, but it's featured at the top of the home page like this...
Start doing that border control job effectively — coordinate with incoming President Donald J. Trump and incoming VP JD Vance.
Or just do the obvious things: 1. Rest and enjoy whatever it is you enjoy (you, the "joy" person), and 2. Oversee the pursuit of money through a ghost-written book and scripted personal appearances.
I just saw the headline at the NYT: "What’s Next for Kamala Harris? Here Are Six Options. Her friends, aides and political allies say it’s too soon for her to even contemplate her next career move. But the speculation has already begun."
6 options, eh? I only thought of 2. It's hard to care long enough to think of 4 more options. Wear comfortable clothes? Get drunk? Divorce Doug? I don't know. Run for Governor of California in 2026 (Newsom is term-limited)?
Let me, at long last, read the actual article:
It’s not a concession speech. It’s… perhaps something graceful and inspiring.
I see this little collection of chastened musings on the edge of the NYT front page...
... but I don't have to read this stuff. For you, though, I'll power through it super-quick and say...
1. "In this new era, in which supporting Palestinian freedom has become central to what it means to be progressive, the Palestinian exception is not just immoral. It’s politically disastrous."Here's a link to the YouTube live feed.
It was scheduled for 4 PM ET, and it's running more than 20 minutes late.
[L]iberals thought that the best way to stop Trump was to treat him not as a normal, if obnoxious, political figure with bad policy ideas but as a mortal threat to democracy itself.... [T]his style of opposition led Democrats... into their own form of antidemocratic politics — using the courts to try to get Trump’s name struck from the ballot in Colorado or trying to put him in prison on hard-to-follow charges. It distracted them from the task of developing and articulating superior policy responses to the valid public concerns he was addressing. And it made liberals seem hyperbolic, if not hysterical, particularly since the country had already survived one Trump presidency more or less intact....
Yeah, I wanted Democrats to campaign on the substantive merits. Maybe they'll change their ways now that this over-the-top attack on the man, Trump, failed so badly. But for that, they'll need to come up with some good substantive merits. They'd better get to work.
Writes Jeet Heer in The Nation. Subheadline: "Trump won because the opposition party is committed to ancien régime restoration in a country that desperately wants change."
The key to understanding the Trump era is that the real divide in America is not between left and right but between pro-system and anti-system politics. Pro-system politics is the bipartisan consensus of establishment Democrats and Republicans: It’s the politics of NATO and other military alliances, of trade agreements, and of deference to economists (as when they say that price gouging isn’t the cause of inflation). Trump stands for no fixed ideology but rather a general thumbing of the nose at this consensus....
Democrats... need... to embrace radical policies to change that status quo. This is the only path for the party to rebuild itself and for Trumpism....
"We're gonna turn our country around. Make it something very special. It lost that, lost that little, it lost that little, that little thing called special. We have to make it, so we're gonna make this so great. It's gonna. It's the greatest country, and potentially the greatest country in the world by far and right now we're gonna just work very hard to get all of that back. We're gonna make it the best it's ever been. We can do that. We just, if we had to wait longer. I don't know. It was going bad and it was going bad fast...."
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but can we go back to what happened here? pic.twitter.com/FkScNHivuU
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 6, 2024
Lil X and Elon Musk with Tucker Carlson.
— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) November 6, 2024
The best video you'll see on the internet today. 🫶🏻 pic.twitter.com/fnCTOqO4R5
The party’s coalitions are changing. We’re going through this realignment that Trump has hastened. And Republicans are now much more dependent than they really ever have been in our lifetimes on low-propensity voters. They’re counting on the "Manosphere," the Joe Rogan listener, the crypto bro, “the guy who vapes.” And these are not high-propensity voters.
The king of the manosphere has spoken. Celebrity podcast host Joe Rogan officially endorsed Donald Trump in a lengthy post Monday evening on X. Receipts immediately followed... Fans were quick to point to the many times Rogan has criticized Trump....
Then, Brittany is joined by Code Switch's Gene Demby to explore the roots of a corner of the conservative internet that may have surprising effects on the election: The Black Manosphere.
"'If you are an especially giving person, warns the Internet, you are a prime target for narcissists,' Dombek writes. The narcisphere has a gendered inverse, which some call the manosphere and which is dedicated to teaching men how to dominate women by feigning self-confidence. This is the realm of pickup artistry. It is much worse than the narcisphere...."
"What I was surprised to find was the extent to which [the 'manosphere' is] using ancient Greek and Roman figures and texts to prop up an ideal of white masculinity," said Donna Zuckerberg, interviewed in "Donna Zuckerberg: ‘Social media has elevated misogyny to new levels of violence’/When the academic, sister of Mark Zuckerberg, began exploring online antifeminism, she discovered far-right men’s groups were using classical antiquity to support their views" (The Guardian).
With 97.3% of the votes counted, Baldwin led Hovde by 49.2% to 48.7% — a margin of nearly 16,000 votes — in a race that drew attention and big bucks from around the country. Absentee ballots had not yet been counted in Racine and Oshkosh and votes had not all been counted in various places in Oshkosh.... The Democratic incumbent outperformed Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who was losing to former President Donald Trump by more than 41,000 votes.
Control of the Senate doesn't hinge on this race: "Republicans Clinch Control of the Senate/After picking up seats in West Virginia and Ohio and winning an unexpectedly close race in Nebraska, the G.O.P. had enough for a majority. Tight races in swing states will determine their margin" (NYT).
Hear Tucker narrate this ad. It captures the truth and emotion. Chills. 👇🏻🔊✊🏻
— Sheri™ (@FFT1776) November 4, 2024
That's the headline at NPR for a piece by political reporter Stephen Fowler.
What does "primed" even mean? It seems to admit that Trump never said he has "no chance of losing," but he said something that has caused a belief. And then what's the evidence that Trump supporters believe that? No chance of losing — who believes that? And then to ding these people for "falsely" believing this thing Trump never said... well, the "falsely" ought to be appended to this NPR article: NPR political reporter falsely believes Trump somehow caused his supporters to believe he has no chance of losing.
Am I being unfair to Fowler? As Shakespeare put it: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air."
Okay, let's hover. Fowler writes:
In the frantic last days of an election when candidates are scrabbling for any edge, the death of P’Nut (who also went by Peanut) has been pounced on by some Republicans as something of a fur-covered November surprise....
"You know I did a thing a couple of weeks ago with a very smart guy and a very special talent. He's got the number one podcast they say by like four times. Joe Rogan.... And I said Joe I got a rally of this size waiting for me in a very far away place. I'm going to be very late, like 2 and 1 half hours late, but we kept talking. It went 3 hours and 15 minutes or something, then when I got up there, it was cold little bitter, and everybody waited nobody left, and I explained to him, look, Joe is the number one guy he kept me late but I'm doing it because we have to win, and not one person was unhappy. We had a great time, and I said we're going to devote a lot more time. It was pretty late at night. It was worse than this, okay, I can tell you. But Joe Rogan just announced and he doesn't do this at all I don't think he's ever done it but he just announced that he's giving me his complete and total 1:37:07 endorsement.... Wow. Wow...."
"It was worse than this" = later at night.
Funny that she has never said a word about Soros, who has cumulatively put a hundred times more money into elections than I have 🤔
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 4, 2024
If I can figure out 🚀science with SpaceX and 🧠 surgery with Neuralink, then maybe I can figure out politics too 🤷♂️ https://t.co/cW9sKHGgs3
“Don Lemon left this interview practically in tears 😭 — he tried talking to a Pennsylvania resident and got a major reality check. Turns out, in Pennsylvania, it’s Trump signs 10 to 1 over Kamala 😂” pic.twitter.com/0VwTTMw2Bn
— 1776 (@TheWakeninq) November 3, 2024
[This ad] employs this device of the disillusioned Trump voter as a stand-in for the viewer. It's a permission structure for the small sliver of undecided voters who might have voted for Trump before to say: It's okay, there are other people just like you, other people who don't think that Donald Trump is good anymore....
Here is a Harris supporting celebrity saying he is disillusioned with what she Harris has said. It's the same permission structure for Harris. You have a white lady saying: You know what? Maybe I can actually vote for Kamala Harris.
"Permission structure" was used as if it's a standard term, so I wanted to get up to speed.
I can see that Obama used it back in 2013, but I'm interested in its repeated use in the last few days. I'm seeing it first in Ms. Magazine, on November 1: "New Ad Creates ‘Permission Structure’ for Men to Support Harris":
Trump: "Can you imagine a wife not telling a husband who she's voting for? Did you ever hear anything like that? Even if you had a horrible -- if you had a bad relationship, you're gonna tell your husband." pic.twitter.com/gd5of817VY
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 2, 2024