August 10, 2024
"Her emotions remain mixed: shame, fear of exposure, sadness and a sense of freedom. In her head the aborted fetus has grown into an adult man..."
From "At 23, She Had a Termination. 55 Years Later, She’s Ready to Write About It. In 1969, Honor Moore was granted an abortion by a Connecticut psychiatrist, and went on with her life. In 2024, she reckons with the fallout" (NYT).
"Keanu Reeves plans to begin his Broadway career in the fall of 2025, opposite his longtime 'Bill & Ted' slacker-buddy Alex Winter in 'Waiting for Godot,' the ur-two-guys-being-unimpressive tragicomedy."
"The DJ at Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent rally in Philadelphia turned up the volume on Ludacris’s 'Move B----!'..."
"[Trump] has found the change disorienting, those who interact with him say. Mr. Trump had grown comfortable campaigning against an 81-year-old incumbent..."
Write Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan, in "Inside the Worst Three Weeks of Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign/People around the former and would-be president see a candidate knocked off his bearings, disoriented by his new contest with Kamala Harris and unsure of how to take her on" (NYT).
"Ms. Harris is ahead of Mr. Trump by four percentage points in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, 50 percent to 46 percent..."
The NYT reports.
Views of Mr. Trump haven’t diminished. In fact, his favorability rating ticked up slightly, to 46 percent across the three states — just enough to represent his highest rating in the history of Times/Siena polling. It’s a tally that might have been enough for a clear lead against Mr. Biden, whose ratings had fallen into the 30s in early July. But for now it’s not enough against the surging Ms. Harris.
One way to think about her position is that she has become something like a “generic” Democrat.
"So you start to see the the trappings of this thing that was created in New York City, in the Bronx in the 1970s start to leave its beginnings a little bit..."
From the new episode of the NYT "Daily" podcast, "Breaking’s Olympic Debut."
I could not tell what portion of this is humor. I had to do research.
Australia has lost the plot. For the breakdancing competition at the Olympics they put this woman with a PhD in breakdancing up as a competitor. She admits that she barely ever trains and complains that she doesn’t fit into the hierarchy of merit, which she considers to be a form… pic.twitter.com/zrmIhPZLjt
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 10, 2024
I'd seen the video yesterday and believed — though it's hard to believe — that this is a real Olympic performance in what is the sport/"sport" of breakdancing. But what about the rest of that — the PhD in breakdancing and the critique of hierarchy? It's too good as satire. True?!
August 9, 2024
"A mechanical issue caused former president Donald Trump’s plane to be diverted Friday as he headed to Montana for a rally, according to airport staff at Billings Logan International Airport."
Strange to see that on the same day I'm seeing "That Time Trump Nearly Died in a Helicopter Crash? Didn’t Happen. In a news conference, the former president recounted a brush with death alongside Willie Brown, the former San Francisco mayor. A few aspects of the story don’t hold up to scrutiny" (NYT).
Imagine all the things that "Didn't Happen."
I'm curious how the NYT established that something didn't happen:
"Republicans are attacking...."
From the Washington Post "Fact Checker," Glenn Kessler: "Assessing claims about Tim Walz’s military service/Republicans are attacking the Democratic vice-presidential nominee on his retirement timing and with allegations of 'stolen valor.'"
There's no "Pinocchio" rating. I'm not going to expend one of my gift links on this piece. I don't think it says anything inconsistent with my effort at reading the news yesterday, "The New York Times and The Washington Post address J.D. Vance's attack on Tim Walz's military credentials."
There may be some new info, such as:
"You tell me how and why corporate media constantly speaks from the same exact script this way, verbatim. #KamalaIsJOY"
ADDED: Byron York has "Joy! Irrational exuberance soars to new levels" (Washington Examiner). Excerpt:Not even herd animals are this flagrant about it. You tell me how and why corporate media constantly speaks from the same exact script this way, verbatim. #KamalaIsJOY pic.twitter.com/AHSE9Im1GL
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) August 9, 2024
"For more than 30 years, the world’s largest iceberg was stuck in the Antarctic. Five times the size of New York City’s land area and more than 1,000 feet deep..."
The NYT reports.
How do we speak of the ocean/oceans? "The ocean is the body of salt water that covers approximately 70.8% of Earth. In English, the term ocean also refers to any of the large bodies of water into which the world ocean is conventionally divided...."
"We’re Having the Wrong Argument Over the Olympic Boxers/Questions about unfair advantage won’t just go away."
By Helen Lewis, in The Atlantic.
Please read the whole thing before commenting and restrict comments to the issue framed in the article, which I am not going to attempt to summarize. If you don't know what 5ARD is, please don't comment.
ADDED: If you have trouble accessing that article, try "What does science tell us about boxing’s gender row?" (BBC)."Adopting joy as a political shield has also allowed Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz to throw some bare-knuckled punches at Mr. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio."
Writes Katie Rogers in "Harris Used to Worry About Laughing. Now Joy Is Fueling Her Campaign. Democrats are smiling again, and so is a vice president who once weighed the political risks of cheerfulness. The high spirits are also providing air cover for scathing attacks on Republicans" (NYT).
"Is Donald Trump 'quiet quitting'? Here’s what his 'meltdown at Mar-a-Lago' reveals."
AlterNet analyzes that press conference Trump did yesterday.
Trump is not “campaigning a lot,” but in that statement Trump made big news. He casually announced he will continue to not, or to barely, campaign for another two weeks. Trump is also not “leading by a lot”... Trump’s winding and unfocused hour-long news conference led political experts to express grave concern. “Trump looks ill,” observed The New Yorker’s Susan Glasser.... “Trump is completely whacked out. He’s terrified,” remarked Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina....
I know you're going to say "Experts!" etc. etc. But look seriously at the performance. I think he did seem tired... if not exhausted.
"And over 26 years of marriage, Gail played housewife. But in the early years it was for a house full of groupies."
From "Frank Zappa’s kids are still grappling with his legacy — and each other/Like their dad’s oddball rock songs, their family defied description. His music, and their pain, has endured" (WaPo)(free access link).
"[Nixon's] men broke into the Democratic National Committee in 1972—so what?"
Writes David Frum in "Richard Nixon Was Unlucky/The Watergate scandal forced his resignation 50 years ago. Today, he’d probably have gotten away with it" (The Atlantic).
August 8, 2024
"The vast majority of the memes circulating this week are in praise of Walz’s masculinity. Stereotypical masculinity, even."
Writes Monica Hesse, in "Masculinity’s check-engine light is on. Let Tim Walz have a look. Vice-presidential nominee Walz’s 'Midwestern dad vibe' comes with opportunities to rethink a whole tool kit of types" (WaPo)(free access link).
"[Jason] Reitman’s first production company was even called Hard C, based on the linguistic comedy theory..."
From "Saturday Night First Look: How the SNL Movie Captures 1975’s Wild Opening Night/Director Jason Reitman calls it a 'thriller-comedy' that counts down to the very first 'Live from New York…'" (Vanity Fair).
Here's the trailer that came out today:
"ABC says Trump and Harris have agreed to debate on Sept. 10."
The 90-minute debate is expected to be held in Philadelphia, according to two people with knowledge of the plans. The ABC anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis will serve as moderators. The debate will probably be held without a live audience, but the exact format and ground rules are still being determined, the people said.
Remember my prediction, 5 days ago, when I ranked the likelihood of the possible outcomes:
1. The originally planned version of the debate takes place, with one change: a live audience.
2. The originally planned version of the debate takes place, unchanged.
3. There is no debate.
4. A third version of the debate is hammered out.
5. The Fox News debate, as proposed by Trump, actually happens.
The originally planned debate had George Stephanopoulos has the moderator, so there has been a change, though not the one I predicted. But the live audience is still a possibility. I'm glad Harris is exposing herself to the risks of debate. It is a big risk for her, and it's not for him.
"My concern is this is instrumentalizing the dog. This is not giving the dog any choice in the matter."
Said Daniel Mills, a professor of veterinary behavioral medicine, quoted in "Dolce & Gabbana Has New Dog Perfume. Veterinarians Turn Up Their Noses. An extravagant scent might seem like the height of pampering for your pup. But veterinarians are raising red flags: 'Overall, it’s a very bad idea'" (NYT).
"That Tim Walz falsely believes the free speech guarantee doesn't include what he considers to be 'misinformation' or 'hate speech' will bother almost no Dem supporters, since the vast majority of them want the state to be empowered to censor dissent."
That Tim Walz falsely believes the free speech guarantee doesn't include what he considers to be 'misinformation' or 'hate speech' will bother almost no Dem supporters, since the vast majority of them want the state to be empowered to censor dissent.pic.twitter.com/z74vizL9HT
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) August 7, 2024
"Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low, when we use those same tactics of degrading and dehumanizing others, we just become part of the ugly noise that’s drowning out everything else. We degrade ourselves. We degrade the very causes for which we fight."
"More than 20 States in our country have a Trump abortion ban, many with no exceptions even for rape and incest, and if he wins we all know he will sign a national abortion ban to outlaw abortion in every state."
At the Harris/Walz rally yesterday in Eau Claire, Bon Iver played "Battle Cry of Freedom."
And here's a particularly evocative sample lyric:The "Battle Cry of Freedom," also known as "Rally 'Round the Flag," is a song written in 1862 by American composer George Frederick Root (1820–1895) during the American Civil War. A patriotic song advocating the causes of Unionism and abolitionism, it became so popular that composer H. L. Schreiner and lyricist W. H. Barnes adapted it for the Confederacy. A modified Union version was used as the campaign song for the Lincoln-Johnson ticket in the 1864 presidential election, as well as in elections after the war, such as for Garfield in the 1880 U.S. presidential election....
Oh we're springing to the call for three hundred thousand more,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
And we'll fill the vacant ranks with a million freemen more,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
"[Chef Thomas Keller] inspired the chef Rob Rubba to display a plaque — 'always be knolling' — near the pass at his award-winning restaurant, Oyster Oyster..."
From "Live, Laugh, Lowboy: Fine Dining’s Love Affair With Inspirational Quotes/Sayings from Navy SEALs, furniture designers and Steve Martin are just a few examples of how restaurants use signs to motivate their staffs" (NYT).
It's funny to see these word wall signs presented as cool when hung by men in restaurant kitchens. For years, people have been mocking women who put up these signs in their homes. I can see from the article — not from my own TV habits — that the coolness has something to do with the show "The Bear" (the restaurant in that show has a sign that says "Every Second Counts").
Reminds me of: "I should get one of those signs that says 'One of these days I'm gonna get organizized...."/"... like those little signs they have in offices that say 'Thimk'":
"I know that Tom Sachs is where it proliferated," says Amy Auscherman, director of archives and brand heritage at MillerKnoll..... "It’s a point of pride to be able to say the company name is also a verb." While the blue-chip artist laid out the rules for knolling and championed the concept into the creative world, sculptor Andrew Kromelow originally invented it. Both men worked in Frank Gehry’s Santa Monica studio during the late 1980s; Kromelow was in charge of keeping the workshop tidy as a janitor and would feverishly organize so that workers could quickly and clearly see all the tools at once. At the time, the Gehry studio was constructing a bent-plywood chair for Knoll. The name stuck.
From the internal link:
Sachs’ studio mantra was instituted - ABK - ‘Always Be Knolling', a riff on the salesmen’s ‘ABC - Always Be Closing’ recited by Alex Baldwin in the screen adaptation of David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross. It is an exquisite subversion of the capitalist creed into a sense of creativity in the display of the tools of craft. It is a riposte to the real estate snake-oil sales culture in the form of a celebration of making and order.
- Scan your environment for materials, tools, books, music, etc. which are not in use.
- Put away everything not in use. If you aren't sure, leave it out.
- Group all 'like' objects.
- Align or square all objects to either the surface they rest on, or the studio itself....
"We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests."
This is actually happening https://t.co/50NdFdlZfi
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 8, 2024
Teen Vogue weighs in on "Why the Harris Walz Camo Hat Is Becoming a Status Symbol for Liberals."
On August 6, VP Kamala Harris posted a video asking Minnesota Governor Tim Walzto join the ticket as her vice presidential nominee. He gleefully accepted from his living room, where he was sitting on a wicker chair wearing a black t-shirt, khakis, bright white sneakers, and a camo hat.
The New York Times and The Washington Post address J.D. Vance's attack on Tim Walz's military credentials.
Senator JD Vance of Ohio accused Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota on Wednesday of quitting the Army National Guard two decades ago to avoid being deployed to Iraq and of exaggerating his service record to claim falsely that he had served in combat....
“You abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq,” Mr. Vance said. Mr. Vance based his accusations on a Facebook post from 2018, and a paid letter to the editor to The West Central Tribune that same year in which the writers, Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, both retired command sergeant majors in the Minnesota National Guard, accused Mr. Walz of “conveniently retiring a year before his battalion was deployed to Iraq.” ...
August 7, 2024
"Can I make a suggestion — as a marketing professional — what about licensing the Sheena Easton tune 'Sugar Walls' for use in the Harris/Walz campaign?"
Devastating... or is there an answer to this? Better get it out quick.
You know what really bothers me about Tim Walz?
— JD Vance (@JDVance) August 7, 2024
When the US Marine Corps asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it.
When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, he dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him. I think that's shameful. pic.twitter.com/Dq9xjn4R51
I love that Kai Cenat used the word “blogs” in his rant.
Bill Clinton, lunching with the bloggers.
Come on, you'd fly to New York City, to eat "southern chicken" with Bill Clinton and pose for a group photo, wouldn't you? And then you'd go home and blog about how he's good on your issues and how you're totally impressed, right? And, omigosh, "He's got beautiful blue eyes."
Good luck to Mr. Cenat, who is only 22. He was 4 when Bill Clinton was wrangling the bloggers, so social media was always a normal part of life for him. How can someone so young have any idea of the difference between real and fake and to know how precious real is? I wish him well.
"Back when Lyndon B. Johnson was president and the latest dance craze was the Frug, Washington high society was transfixed by..."
Donald Trump, the fiction writer.
Written by Donald Trump, at Truth Social.
He's pretty creative.
"So the Trump campaign and its allies moved to quietly kneecap [Josh] Shapiro."
From "Trump World Fueled an Anti-Shapiro Whisper Campaign/Now that the Pennsylvania governor is out of the way, are they ready for Walz?" (Bulwark).
August 6, 2024
"[Tim Walz] jumped to the top of Ms. Harris’s list in a matter of days, helped by cable news appearances in which he declared that Republicans were 'weird.'"
"I was in my kitchen and he said something, and the minute he said it, I knew what he’d just said. And every window and door closed. And that was it… He knows what it is; I know what it is."
Walz has the issue that tripped up Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries.
Here's the WaPo article, "Tim Walz is a bold, smart choice for Harris’s running mate/The Minnesota governor rightly argues that many progressive ideas are good and practical" by Perry Bacon Jr.
"Eyeliner"/"Yeah, I can work that into a post about JD Vance."
Meade gave a 1-word response — "eyeliner" — to this longish quote I'd texted him:
"Harry Truman, with bipartisan support, militarized the economy so that we might be forever at war. It was just decided that we were going to stay in the war racket -- that's how we went broke. Now we have an enemy-of-the-month club. If it's not Noriega, it's Bishop in Grenada; Qaddafi, whose eyeliner is very ominous; Saddam, just like Hitler. When they get into their bunkers they always find a copy of 'Mein Kampf,' a portrait of Hitler, women's underdrawers — which they wear — a couple of dead Boy Scouts and three mistresses, because they do both terrible things."
Is "eyeliner" what jumped out at you in that feast of words — "Qaddafi, whose eyeliner is very ominous"? Who speaks like that and drops in a phrase as apt and poetical as "whose eyeliner is very ominous"? It was Gore Vidal, in a 1995 NYT piece called "Gore Vidal Receives a Visitor," which I'm reading because... it doesn't matter why I'm reading that! It's full of great stuff. I just wanted to give you those 3 sentences."
Anyway... eyeliner. Are you up to speed on the subject of JD Vance wearing eyeliner? Let me help:
Why is Trump suddenly calling Kamala "Kamabla"?
In a string of Monday evening posts on Truth Social, Trump intentionally misspelled the vice president's first name as "Kamabla" after a series of posts earlier in the day calling her "Kamala Crash" and accusing her of bringing about the "Great Depression of 2024."... Trump used the "Kamabla" nickname in a variety of contexts across four posts on Monday, first in relation to food prices, writing: "food is now at an all time high because of Kamabla/Biden INCOMPETENCE."He then used it in the context of debate scheduling "Kamabla Harris is afraid to Debate me on FoxNews," before using it too attack her record: "Kamabla is the WORST V.P." He also used it in a description of what he said were Harris' views on policing and fracking: "Kamabla has stated, over and over again, that she wants to DEFUND THE POLICE AND, WITHOUT QUESTION, BAN FRACKING. "NO MORE FOSSIL FUEL."
KH picks Walz.
August 5, 2024
"Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly."
The government argued that by paying billions of dollars to be the automatic search engine on consumer devices, Google had denied its competitors the opportunity to build the scale required to compete with its search engine. Instead, Google collected more data about consumers that it used to make its search engine better and more dominant....
"The bronze sheen on our presidential candidates... used to be organic: the result of hours spent in the sun rallying crowds and shaking hands..."
From "Color theory for male politicians: Am I a gold, copper or bronze? The 2024 presidential election season has given us an eyeful of the glorious highs and perilous lows of men’s makeup" (WaPo).

"Former U.S. President Donald Trump has claimed that Iran is planning to attack Israel tonight."
Grok summarizes the discussion on X.
"Are we just alternating between weird and normal — perceptions of weird and normal? If so, then 2024 is Trump's turn again."
That's the last line of a post I wrote on May 23, 2023 — "DeSantis uses Warren G. Harding's word, 'normalcy': 'We must return normalcy to our communities.'"
That was back when DeSantis was endeavoring to replace Trump by being essentially Trump minus the weirdness. Yes, there was talk of weird-versus-normal just like there is today. I said:I myself am hungry for normality, but I don't trust people who keep saying "normal." I always think of Peter Sellers as Clare Quilty in "Lolita" — "It's great to see a normal face, 'cause I'm a normal guy. Be great for two normal guys to get together and talk about world events, in a normal way...."
"Is Joe Rogan good at standup comedy?"
"To become a bird, pull an oversize T-shirt over your arms and torso. Hide your legs. Let your hands stick out like claws and your empty sleeves flap like wings."

"It was incredibly different and it was incredibly painful and hurtful, this division of Americans that he has embraced of normal people and everyone else."
She's speaking to the podcast host, Michael Barbaro, who had just said, based on Nelson's text exchange with Vance, "You say to him... 'The political voice you have become, seems so, so far from the man I got to know in law school,' and JD Vance replies to you, 'I will always love you, but I really do think the left's cultural progressivism is making it harder for normal people to live their lives.'"
"Biles wore her goat necklace as another GOAT, Tom Brady, was in attendance to support her."
August 4, 2024
... was the original name of this blog and the subject of the first post on it, so I'm always delighted to find something bloggable that can take the "marginalia" tag.
I love this one, from the biography "John Adams" (pp. 763-764)(commission earned):
Unlike [Thomas] Jefferson, who seldom ever marked a book, and then only faintly in pencil, [John] Adams, pen in hand, loved to add his comments in the margins. It was part of the joy of reading for him, to have something to say himself, to talk back to, agree or take issue with, Rousseau, Condorcet, Turgot, Mary Wollstonecraft, Adam Smith, or Joseph Priestley.
Ah, John Adams was a proto-blogger!
"After the rain, he went out in search of snails. He talked to them; they did not creep away from him. He held them in his hand..."
Wrote Elias Canetti, quoted in "A Nobel Prize winner’s brilliant tirade against mortality/Elias Canetti described 'The Book Against Death' as 'the only book that I was born to write,' but it was also a book he could not finish, or even properly start" (WaPo).
Some of Canetti’s meditations span several pages; others are brisk aphorisms. Many are straightforward; a handful are downright gnomic. “He only wants to be kissed by very old ravens,” one particularly mysterious entry reads. Canetti sometimes chronicles his personal life in the book — he writes wistfully about his first wife, who died in 1963, and he cannot resist a few joyful remarks about the birth of his daughter — but he also includes short, grotesque fictions. In one, he imagines “a people made up of individuals who have kangaroo-like pouches, into which they stuff their shriveled dead and carry them around with them.”
"In the past, campaigns and official party committees, which are subject to contribution limits, generally observed a firewall that blocked information-sharing with super PACs..."
From "Trump team gambles on new ground game capitalizing on loosened rules/The campaign is joining forces with outside groups such as Turning Point Action after regulators cleared the way for more coordination. But it comes with the risk of untested outfits duplicating efforts or working at cross purposes" (WaPo).
At long last: marriage for Tim Scott.
Tonight, we promised to cherish and nourish each other and our marriage for the rest of our lives.
— Tim Scott (@votetimscott) August 4, 2024
Mindy, you've made me the happiest man alive. I love you.
"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."
Matthew 19:6 pic.twitter.com/tRjlffL0EE
Watch Republicans pounce on whatever meanness or dubiousness or racism this elicits.
I need to decide if I care that Kamala Harris's husband cheated on his first wife.
The article is "Doug Emhoff, Husband of Kamala Harris, Acknowledges Long-Ago Affair/The relationship with a teacher at his children’s elementary school occurred when he was married to his first wife, years before he met Ms. Harris."
"Kamala is throwing a party. She doesn't believe in anything. Well, she's flip-flopped. It's not flip-flop."
Trump loves bronze. Beautiful bronze. Beautiful everything — storefronts, so beautiful....
If Kamala wins it will be crime, chaos, and death all across our country.... They took over Seattle, 20%. If I didn't have the soldiers ready to go that morning... Seattle would still be occupied.... [W]hat they did with Portland... I was in the real estate business. I love storefronts. Beautiful bronze. I love bronze and beautiful everything — storefronts, so beautiful. In Portland... their storefronts have been so decimated they use old 2x4s with a wooden door — no glass no windows.... It's the worst looking avenue I've ever ever seen because, and I spoke to people that have shops there — they don't have many more— they've all fled — but the few people that remain they have wooden storefronts made out of old lumber, and they said, no, anything we put up, including this, will be knocked down the next time, and it happens on a weekly basis and nobody does anything about it."