Don't start what you don't know how to finish. What a spectacle of incompetence!
And then they slink off for their Christmas vacation. Thanks for the tidings of comfort and joy.
I started watching the Democratic candidates' debate last night. The first question was about the impeachment: What should be done
now, now that the House Democrats have voted to impeach without amassing and building support from a strong majority of Americans?
With the exception of Andrew Yang, they all blathered about how Trump
should be impeached, as if the argument that hasn't worked yet could work if it were just repeated endlessly. It's not working, and you have no new ideas, no creativity, no thinking on your feet, and no restraint about seizing power, beginning to use it, and then not knowing how to complete the action that
you began.
Yang spoke last. It looked as though he was going to speak
second to last, before Tom Steyer, as moderator Judy Woodruff called "Mr. Yang," while looking straight at Tom Steyer. Yang had to call out "I'm over here." Woodruff kept speaking to Steyer, calling
him "Mr. Yang," and Yang called out "Judy!" and then Judy realized her screwup and finally addressed the person she was looking at as "Mr. Steyer." I guess all businessmen look alike.
Anyway, what Yang said was (
transcript): "What we have to do is we have to stop being obsessed over impeachment, which, unfortunately, strikes many Americans like a ball game where you know what the score is going to be, and actually start digging in and solving the problems that got Donald Trump elected in the first place."
That gave me a little hope that the debate could go somewhere, but the next question was about the new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada and it immediately devolved into spewing factoids about how our economy is actually terrible or something. The subject of
suicide got dragged in. Bernie was yelling. Something about Bernie's yelling makes me grab reflexively for the remote control. I can't take the perpetual anger and negativity, and I used to find Bernie Sanders to be charmingly lovable.
I turned the debate off in the middle of that second question. I heard myself say, "I'm not watching debates anymore." I wasn't just turning off that debate. I felt I was turning off all debates, that debates had become something a sensible, sensitive person ought to avoid.
I switched over to volleyball and enjoyed seeing the Badgers defeat Baylor in the Final Four. Now, I'm up at 3 this morning, scanning headlines over my coffee and crackers, and I balk at reading things like
"Trump Impeachment Trial in Doubt as Democrats Weigh Withholding Articles/Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would wait to see what the trial in the Senate would look like before sending the two charges there" (the top story in the NYT). I'm afraid the NYT is going to try to con me into buying the notion that Nancy Pelosi has got this, that she's a wise strategist and an inspiration to all.
But I'll read it: