The Harris campaign paid Oprah $1 million to do that interview, and she spent $100,000 building the set of the Call Her Daddy podcast so Kamala Harris wouldn’t have to fly out to LA to film it.
— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) November 9, 2024
In mid-October, the Harris campaign disclosed that it had spent over $880 million this election, almost $526 million greater than the roughly $354 million that the Trump campaign had disclosed spending.... Harris’s payments to the consultant class will likely come under the microscope in the months ahead, as Democrats look to diagnose who is responsible for why the party lost this election so handily. Speaking on MSNBC after Harris’s Wednesday concession speech, former Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill said Harris “was listening too much to consultants,” which McCaskill argued detracted from her ability to “exude who she was” to voters.
Exude! "Exude" means "To sweat out or give off like sweat; to discharge through the pores or an incision" (OED).
When the entire purpose of your party is to enrich your leadership and supporters, this makes perfect sense to do. I say let them do it again, harder!
And to be clear, by supporters I mean financial backers.
Cheap Oprah - who owns millions and millions valuable acres of property on Maui - gave precious little to the victims of the Lahaina fire. Many of the victims are poor Islanders and elderly and young families with children.
Oprah is an asshole.
comments vanishing again.
When you have cost plus contracting coupled with an endless list of people whom you owe/have promised their slice, this is what you get. Too bad they lost control of government. It's only 20 million. It'll be good for the contractors and the travel/leisure business!
I wonder what happened to the cost of living these last four years? Why did people vote for that orange guy anyway? It's a mystery.
Harris did not lose the election due to lack of funding. Clearly they had money to burn.
Black women, in their status as sacred cows, are exempt from the general stigma attacked to looting the till.
Democrats = fake cares for U.
this is news? people been asleep for the last 50 years? Its a small club, and both parties want in. they take our money, and slosh it around to the top members of the club.
that is one of the reasons they want Trump dead. He wants to break the rice bowls of a lot of very wealthy and corrupt people.
Do you suppose Trump paid Elon millions to make speeches at his rallies? No? Why does billionaire Oprah need another million dollars? Wasn’t she doing it to back her candidate like Elon was? ‘I’ll back you, but yea gotta pay me a million dollars’. Yeah - really dedicated to her causes.
Oprah ‘I’m for sale to the highest bidder’ Winfrey
If Trump/Musk really want to cut spending, focus on NGOs too. The conservatives laugh/weep at news like there is XX billions for high speed internet, but after YY years not a single house has been connected. We say, "What a waster". The left dances in glee. You see many billions HAVE been spent. On expanding bureaucracy at multiple levels, hiring NGOs/Consultants etc. That my friends is success to the left.
And don't get me started on cost plus contracts. I worked on them in my career. What a money laundering scheme.
Oh come on Kamala. You paid Oprah $1 million to endorse you. I would probably endorse you for say, half of that sum. But then I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the morning.
Respect is gone for Oprah Winfrey. But is it possible Oprah will hire Kamala’s services or ask her to make a speech for $500,000? Some for you and some for me.
Kamala wrapped up the She-boon vote.
so, just to Be Clear..
The democrat party received a BILLION dollars..
They INSTANTLY spent MORE than that.. leaving them far in debt..
Oh! by the way, they did this trying to PROVE that They should be running the country
Oh, by the way, they HAVE been running the country.. in Just That WAY
(another Trillion Dollars in debt Every 100 days)
BUT! for Some Reason, people didn't think that was what they wanted..
SO! the democrat party PAID democrat supporters to support them
[even the democrat supporters Only support them *if* they are paid to]
Well, there is that expression "exuding confidence." Does it have a smell? "I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory."
Given the context, exude looks like the ideal verb to me.
One million dollars from donors - given to Oprah.
oh wow. Perhaps democrat donors should be made aware of this.
And she wouldn't pay Beyonce to sing? What a cheapskate.
Indeed. The BLM women - who raked in millions and millions and did nothing for their fellow blacks. Oprah is the biggest scam going.
btw- BLM is dead now. Totally dead. Why? It was never about blacks. It was only about a few people at the top - scamming everyone. (in this case - black females)
It's more than a billion dollars. I've heard that Kamala borrowed over $300 million to cover her final week of silliness.
I am delighted the DNC has finally chosen to audit Kamala's profligacy. There's nothing better for the well-being of the Union than delusional Democrat knight-errants tilting at windmills.
Yes. We need to go to DC and make this happen. I will work for free!
Sounds like we dodged another bullet.....Progressives have no problem spending other peoples money, but are the stingiest MF's around.
Oprah doesn't care. It was ALWAYS all about her, and her windfall, and millions of white women fell for it. Now she is an out and out racist. Her and Al Sharpton should get married.
"Yeah - really dedicated to her causes."
Looting and plundering is raison d'ĂȘtre of the Democrat Party, always has been, starting with Jackson and the expulsion of the tribes. Oprah is just being a normal Democrat -- living down to expectations.
do you really want to go there?
of course Kamala can define 'exude'
The male urethra is the tube that carries urine and semen through your penis, outside of your body. Urethral discharge is any type of discharge or liquid, besides urine or semen, that comes out of the opening of the penis
The insider class(D) is so corrupt and addicted to money whoring - They will never get. The left is a lie factory and a money whore factory.
Wonder how much cardib, Jessica Lopez, dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, bill clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hussein Obama and big Mike got paid.
Entirely on-brand for a Democrat.
They didn't "pay" Oprah a million laundered dollars. They "bribed" Oprah with a million laundered dollars.
the vibes she was putting out were not her own. I looked like the creature from the black lagoon in the green she picked up from some influencer somewhere.
If you give me $1 million, I'd be President of Assholes For Harris.
Pantzoots, crossed legs, spike heels.
Wait a second. Kamala really won!
"Harris’s payments to the consultant class will likely come under the microscope in the months ahead, as Democrats look to diagnose who is responsible for why the party lost this election so handily."
They need to sit around and try to diagnose shit.
* $5.75/gal gas
* $6/dozen eggs
* $4/loaf of bread
* 7% interest rates
* 9% inflation every month
Don't have to look too hard if you live in the REAL WORLD where you're just an average American NOT being paid $1 million dollars to endorse Kamala Harris.
now that the Democrat Party is TOTALLY in favor of the filibuster..
now that the Democrat Party is TOTALLY in favor of ignoring the popular vote..
will they Ever admit, that 3 weeks ago; they were singing the opposite tune?
Do you have any idea how many bottles of Diddy Oil you can buy with $1 million dollars?
Trump needs to figure out that you don't CUT SPENDING. You DIRECT it to YOUR SIDE.
I share some of the concern that the U.S. sees too much money in politics, but it is reassuring that a campaign can burn up a country's worth of money and fail. KH, Huffington in CA some years ago, one of the Daytons in MN. It may be true of House races that she/he who spends the most, wins.
Oprah Winfrey is Kamala Harris' pimp. You've got who's buying who backwards.
They "laundered" a billion dollars.
If Trump doesn't put them ALL in jail for money laundering donations through ActBlue then he's a MORON.
all those buses
Harris paid for interviews???
This is why she didn't get the Taylor Swift endorsement. She's too cheap.
"Progressives have no problem spending other peoples money, but are the stingiest MF's around."
Washington, DC is the only place I've ever dined with a group of people, collected money for the check - and had people argue that too much was collected for the tip.
They have $7 trillion annually to loot. Paying Oprah $1 million of that is couch change.
Oprah is a billionaire. Why was she paid at all for her contributions to the Harris campaign? Why not publicize that she would donate the million to a homeless shelter? What is wrong with the super wealthy these days?
Remember R's and all - Federal debt/deficit and wealth inequality are killing us. Upper tax rates need to go up. Gift and estae tax rates need to go back to year 2000 levels. Eliminate carried interest loophole, eliminate itemized deductions (Schedule A).
am I reading this right =
Oprah charged Harris $1 million and build for her $100,000 set?
Why the left lost: Reason 4592.9
Keep in mind, the biggest Never Trumpers were Republicans who couldn't make money off his 2016 campaign.
Agonizing is like riding a bike, you never forget how.
Oprah has long since had to come to terms with hat she sees in the mirror in the morning.
Taylor Swift & Oprah & Obama. They aren’t cheap. Or effective.
GoogleAI is MASSIVELY interfering with the free speech rights of Americans. Plenty of my comments are deleted AFTER they are posted. So many that I now have to go back and check to make sure and many times they've just vanished. It's obvious Google is doing it in the background.
Extractive empathy.
Oprah avoiding in kind contributions strictures? must have good lawyers!!
Democrats PLUNDER the treasury for $7 trillion dollars every year. Most of this money not spent on Social Security or defense gets LAUNDERED right back into the pockets of Democrat interest groups (teachers, insurance, nursing, NGOs, etc.)
what is story in NH?
R for governor got more votes and won than Trump who lost to Harris?
Fani Willis just got re-elected as a prosecutor in GA after admitting that she kept piles of cash that she took out of her campaign in her mattress. So I hope that Kamala had the sense to do the same.
"am I reading this right"
No. Those were two unrelated expenditures. Harpo Productions (i.e Oprah Winfrey) got $1,000,000 for *something*, IOW, a bribe.
The $100 grand went to build a set (used for less than three hours) for the "Call Her Daddy" podcast, that could have been built for around $10,000, give or take. IOW, a kickback for Kalamala's staff.
Meh. A postmortem on the same subject went on in these pages in 2012 after it was obvious Romney had been fleeced by his campaign “advisers”. Grifters abound. Especially around the stupid.
I’m sure they’d say the money was to cover production, transport, staff and other expense, otherwise it could be construed as an illegal in-kind political contribution from Oprah.
A fool and her money were soon parted; who could have predicted it?
The Novel Green Diet has a progressive price with low density returns, a veritable blight on the political environment and a first-order forcing of wasteful climate change.
How did Bernie afford that third house he bought a few years ago? By running for President!
Oprah is a billionaire. Why was she paid at all for her contributions to the Harris campaign?
I bet if you dropped a quarter on the sidewalk and Oprah was anywhere in the vicinity, she'd fight a bum over it. How do you think they get so super wealthy?
It's a good thing Joe Rogan didn't take her up on agreeing to fly to her for a podcast. That would have been another $100,000+ she would have had to spend for another set. Or maybe part of the first $100k was to hold the hotel room they could modify (maybe the whole floor for tech support and security?) for a couple of months for other interviews that ended up not happening.
Waltzing Matilda
The title was Australian slang for travelling on foot (waltzing) with one's belongings in a "matilda" (swag) slung over one's back.[2] The song narrates the story of an itinerant worker, or "swagman", boiling a billy at a bush camp and capturing a stray jumbuck (sheep) to eat. When the jumbuck's owner, a squatter (grazier), and three troopers (mounted policemen) pursue the swagman for theft, he declares "You'll never catch me alive!" and commits suicide by drowning himself in a nearby billabong (watering hole), after which his ghost haunts the site.
Truth in labeling.
What did Beyoncé know and when did she know it.
It looks like Harpo (owed by Oprah) got one million to stage a large event.
Considering the crowd size and the associated costs that may or may not be excessive.
Making it seem that Oprah put a million dollar payoff straight into her pocket is misleading.
I don't like it when people claiming to be on the "Right" lie to me any more than when the left does it.
And if it makes me defend Oprah in the name of simple accuracy, I like it even less.
Trump was out spent by both of the women he beat. He didn't become a billionaire by spending money he didn't have to.
Good question, plus all the rent-a-mobs.
Claire McCaskill and bodily fluids tags… lol… the lady left a snail trail wherever she sat. Or so the legend says…
How much money did Oprah donate to the Harris campaign? Did she (and others) also get paid for DNC speech(es)? Did Trump have to pay for any similar events or surrogates?
I feel better than ever about the result. These people need to be kept as far as possible from the US Treasury.
Um no. In the possible scenario I raise, Oprah would give Kamala a percentage of the take. So we agree.
"Too rich to be bought" isn't a thing anymore?
The second best thing about the 2016 election was that all those people who'd "invested" in Hillary or sucked up to her for decades got nothing in return after her SoS stint. At least the Harris 2024 backers' agony was short, but many of her earlier donors must have figured she'd already be Prez or Senator for life.
Oprah got a mil. How much were the late-night batherers paid? We need a new political campaign law, one that demands a full accounting of all monies and in-kind contributions going into a warchest along with a full accounting of the expenditures -- who, what, where, when, and how to the last penny on pain of prosecution on a laundry list of felonies of the first and second degree. Undocumented cash and in-kind contributions should be allowed, but no more than 2% of the total. Anything over must be surrendered to the Treasury Department.
Not a means to perfect honesty, granted. When dealing with a Democrat pol, you might just as well shoot him through the head than to expect and obtain perfect honesty, but such a law will slow their cheating and bribery down to something less than banana-republic-level corruption.
Unbought and honest presidential historian Dave Garrow had a good discussion in the Daily Mail today nailing the Obamas for their self-interested involvement in the race. Apparently, as nonprofit laws are for the little people, some foundation is building his latest mansion in Hawaii.
Not that it's a surprise to any of us, but we can officially add "total fiscal irresponsibility" to the Harris platform.
Plus I don't think that they'll be too keen on packing the Supreme Court by adding six new justices anytime soon.
The thing i hate most about the results of this election is that talentless, vile people like Jesse Watters have the mouthpiece they do not deserve. Can someone please shut him up?
There is no lower life form than the campaign advisor. And I say this as a former campaign advisor. I was like the snails in that skit from Portlandia.
We also need them to report all expenditures weekly. As it stands, I believe they can still hide the last quarter’s expenses until after the election.
You make him ya loser.
Republicans need to
- get rid of the filibuster, increase the court by 3 and then change it back before they leave.
victoria oozes, "Can someone please shut him up?"
Vicky, you are near the end of the line of people with the moral standing to label anyone talentless or vile, being yourself quite devoid of talent (e.g. there's no wit or verbal aplomb in your comments) moral uprightness, or even respectable intellect.
It may surprise you to learn that "mouthpiece", an insulting term for a advocate or spokesman often used by career criminals, is not a synonym for rostrum, podium, dias, soapbox, etc. When you write "people like Jesse Watters have the mouthpiece they do not deserve" you directly imply that you object to someone else speaking on Watters' behalf. So, do us all a favor and restrain your imbecility long enough to write something at least linguistically sound.
This isn't about Oprah. Althouse's title captures the spirit of the issue. It's like redistributive change schemes that share responsibility (e.g. capital extraction) with non-profit and for-profit corporate supplements a la Obamacares in green deals. Someone is lying in a multi-trillion dollars for democracy racket.
"The thing i hate most about the results of this election is that talentless, vile people like Jesse Watters have the mouthpiece they do not deserve. Can someone please shut him up?"
Why not take care of Maddow first, since she's demonstrably more vile.
It all goes back to the White House correspondent's dinner, 2011 when Obama's attack on Trump started this ball rolling. Yes, by all means: A little reciprocal Lawfare for Obama !
Narayanan - I believe the NH electorate is one of the most female. I suppose a lot of R leaning females voted for the female R gov candidate but would not vote for DJT.
victoria is very very very upset that others are allowed to offer up different views from hers which interferes with her constant praise for male politicians that shower with and sexualize their own adolescent daughters.
It should be noted victoria is a mindless hack who repeats every transparently moronic lie spewed forth by talentless leftist mouthpieces.
Though no one is calling for her to be prohibited from such idiocy.
You can't put a price on defeating Hitler!
Why waste your ire on Jesse Watters?
'Which McCaskill argued detracted from her ability to “exude who she was” to voters.'
I see two problems with this. (1) Does Harris have any such ability to begin with? Does she ever exude who she is? (2) More importantly, who *is* she? Does she even know? And if she exudes this would voters want to have anything to do with her?
Gutfeld enjoys making digs at Watters, who I hope has a sense of humor.
Trump offering to cover her debts is masterlevel trolling.
It’s teh silly old lady from Pasadena!
Karma Kamaleon
They paid Oprah 1 million. Amazing. I thought she'd do it for free, but I guess the Kamala campaign was awash in Big Donor money, so why not wet your beak.
You mean Kamala wasn't The Won?
Do not think Taylor Swift came cheap. She, likely, cost more than Oprah.
"Vice President Kamala Harris joined Oprah Winfrey for an at-times emotional conversation in front of a live studio audience made up of more than 400 mainly supporters on Thursday night, that featured the families of victims of an abortion ban and a recent school mass shooting."
According to Fox News, the Kamala campaign spent $15 million on the "event". With $1 million allocated directed to Oprah winfrey. BTW, if you try to google this, you'll find almost zero from the MSM (excepting Fox News).
"It looks like Harpo (owed by Oprah) got one million to stage a large event."
Nope. Kamala spent $15 million to stage a 400 person "event" and gave Oprah $1 million of that. Oprah's media company doesn't "Stage events". In any case, why was Oprah taking ANY money?
Victoria - You make the perfect leftist. Censorship is right up your alley.
Too sad.
I am certainly enjoying the bitter frenzied spittle-flecked circular firing squad of post-failure admissions by the New Soviet Democraticals regarding all the Anti-"Joy" that permeated the kamala-Walz jackal-staffed campaign.
Just as we could see clearly while the Althouse lefties were crowing and lying the opposite 24/7.
Victoria - Do tell us where Jesse is wrong? Or is it just that you, like most Soviet Democrats - cannot handle negative information about your team?
I got roughly 20 'emergency' texts from the Harris campaign asking for donations in the last couple of days before the election. My reply? "Haha no lol." Then I'd block them.
Yeah, you read that right.
Hey, it wasn't HER money...
"I won't endorse here for anything less than a million."
Gets handed check.
"Well now... when do you want the event?"
Dark Money is cool again! On team D!
"Future Forward, the $500 million “ad-testing factory” and super PAC that supported Harris, was a reliable clearinghouse for checks from wealthy Democrats such as Reid Hoffman, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Dustin Moskovitz. And anonymous donations, or so-called “dark money,” also benefited Harris at a faster and more substantial clip than Trump thanks to lax federal laws that progressives often criticize but, nonetheless, exploited in 2024."
NIALL FERGUSON: Appalled by Trump? Read how Kamala's woke ideology has left my beloved San Francisco a cesspit of drugs and crime, and you'll begin to see why it's lucky she didn't win
"Liberal political commentator and TV host Rachel Maddow took this line of argument to the next level on Wednesday night, calling on her fellow Democrats to 'actively resist' the coming 'strongman, authoritarian' overthrow of the Constitution.
According to Maddow, the incoming Trump administration intends to 'undermine the American way of government' — to subordinate the military, Congress, the courts, the media and civil society to the will of the president.
She demanded formal 'assurances' from all these bodies that they would not succumb to the pressures of the 'Dear Leader' – equating Trump with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un."
Rachel Maddow needs to be destroyed. That's right - I said it. Free speech. She needs to be destroyed. Her lies on the Russia Russia BS - she should be sued until financially ruined.
The thing i hate most about the results of this election is that talentless, vile people like Jesse Watters have the mouthpiece they do not deserve.
There are many, many talking heads on television who deserve to be called “talentless” and “vile.” A reasonable person would not put Jesse Watters on that list.
Can someone please shut him up?
Ah , that would be negative. I get that you’re not ashamed of calling for censorship, though if you had the personal integrity of a warthog then you’d realize thst once again you’ve humiliated yourself.
Consider relocating to the UK, where Keir Statmer is raising censorship to a minor art form.
Speaking of money - there are women posting on Reddit asking if they should take all their money out of the bank because the actually believe that the Trump administration is going to make it illegal for women to have bank accounts and own property. I just can't get my mind around it! We truly are fucked and not because of Trump. We are fucked because our species is getting dumber by the day.
In Los Angeles, they had a candidate for City Council say, at a recent press conference, "Fuck the police." She won with 65% of the vote.
The thing i hate most about the results of this election is that talentless, vile people like Jesse Watters have the mouthpiece they do not deserve. Can someone please shut him up?
Who's holding the gun to your head forcing you to listen to him?
These freaks feed off the lies and the mayhem.
The legacy media want to destroy your right to freedom of speech.
They are saying it out loud and repeatedly. Dedicated Soviet Hive-minders agree!
OPM. Other people’s money.
Well, I got an offer of $250. if I would help out Kamala's campaign by sending in comments to social media. Come to find out that the campaign had a billion dollars and was just throwing out pennies in my direction like a New Orleans carnival float. Or worse. Not even pennies. Work out the percentages and they were offering me twenty-five hundred millionths of what Kamala took in. I'm glad I never acted. You see, I felt I could make up names like "No Garbage Fascistsism in River West"; and I felt I knew how to make people skip right past anything I said without reading it, so that would take care of my conscience and my future; and, end of the day, I'd have some cash. But then I started watching a Columbo rerun on Amazon and forgot to do anything. Just as well. Twenty-five hundred-millionths of Kamala's take! They really do think I'm garbage. But wait! As 1 of America's 334 million citizens I am just two quadrillion nine hundred ninety-four trillion eleven billion nine hundred seventy-six million forty-seven thousand nine hundred four septillionths of the country. Ain't AI grand? worked it all out for me in two seconds. Back to Columbo.
I love all the endless spewing of petty grievances
And you only have to use your left ear to listen to them, Howard.
straighten up
Dems regret messing with Joe's drugs prior to debatey
Democrats keep acting like she wasn't able to get people to know who she was. The more she let them know who she was the less they liked her.
And fly right!
She learned pimping from her good buddy Harvey Weinstein.
Those peon waitstaff are beneath them. They should serve the elites for free, and be happy.
Word salad was her shield against broader discovery.
Democrats squandering other peoples’ money is SOP.
At some point, maybe, democrats will realize they are the party of the rich.
That ‘poor people’ voting for republicans are not voting against their best interests.
Prohibit government funding of NGOs. They sound good, and if they're not funded by Govt, fine. But Govt funded NGOs sidestep accountability and are a means of paying really high salaries to elite insiders.
Harris and Harpo fleecing George Clooney. Love it.
which McCaskill argued detracted from her ability to “exude who she was” to voters.
The problem is that "who she is" sucks
And that the same is true for every single "top tier" Democrat
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