September 24, 2022
"Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, long entwined, continue on vile parallel paths: They would rather destroy their countries than admit they have lost."
"[T]he incident once again highlighted the increasing man-animal conflict in India."
On Dehradun-Rishikesh Highway....
— Susanta Nanda IFS (@susantananda3) September 21, 2022
Both are lucky ☺️☺️ pic.twitter.com/NNyE4ssP19
"I don’t know that there should be a common Latinx identity. This identity is rooted in land and geography when it should..."
"Racial preferences should now be thought of like chemotherapy, a cure that can cause side effects that should be applied judiciously."
Writes John McWhorter in "Stop Making Asian Americans Pay the Price for Campus Diversity" (NYT).
McWhorter is anticipating the Supreme Court cases Students for Fair Admissions v. President & Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. Oral argument in those cases is scheduled for October 31st — Halloween.
"Has anyone ever won an Oscar for showing so little expression?"
I wrote that on Christmas Day in 2006, the morning after the last time I watched "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."
I understand why Biden said "We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30."
I'm seeing the puzzlement — or feigned puzzlement and eager seizure of an opportunity to remind us, once again, of Biden's history of nuzzling young girls.
As an older person, I recognize what went on in the old President's head. It's something that used to be very common in the generation that preceded Baby Boomers. There was this deeply embedded cultural norm of acting as if older women are not actually old. There were expressions like "A lady never reveals her age" and "A woman of a certain age" and lighthearted misstatements of age. It was considered rude even to imply that a woman is old.
Within that ethic, Biden's statement "We go back a long way" created an awkwardness that prompted a joke to undo the implication that he had called a woman old. He'd suggested that they were contemporaries. They'd worked together long ago, so she must be about as old as he is. He wanted to cancel the implication, and, long ago, he was about 30, so he made her as much younger as he could — a ludicrously young age 12.
"As what one might call a celebrity emotion, empathy is often simplified and caricatured. It’s hardly an entirely positive attribute."
"While these are beautiful objects and tell important stories that need to be known, it's disappointing to see the MET giving legitimacy to Crystal Bridges Museum."
That's a comment on the NYT article "The Magnificent Poem Jars of David Drake, Center Stage at the Met/Before the Civil War, an enslaved artisan from South Carolina created storage vessels that transcend ceramic traditions."
September 23, 2022
The Menominee North Pier Lighthouse.

"I’m attracted to things like pointillism or a Jasper Johns ‘numbers’ work because they come out of breaking something down into its components, like bytes or numbers..."

"Kripke challenged the notion that anyone who uses terms, especially proper names, must be able to correctly identify what the terms refer to."
"Totenberg’s confounding book, subtitled 'A memoir on the power of friendships'... always comes back to friendships...."
From "Nina Totenberg Had a Beautiful Friendship With RBG. Her Book About It Is an Embarrassment. Her memoir shows everything that’s wonderful about friendship — and awful about insider culture" by Michael Schaffer (Politico).
"You do your best, you know, and maybe people will agree. And maybe they don’t. And maybe you’ll win. And maybe you’ll lose."
[Vonnegut] uses it as a refrain when events of death, dying, and mortality occur or are mentioned; as a narrative transition to another subject; as a memento mori; as comic relief; and to explain the unexplained. The phrase appears 106 times.
Is Breyer's "And there we are" like Kurt Vonnegut's "So it goes"? "And there we are" feels lighter, more like "It is what it is" or "Whaddayagonnado."
"If I am simultaneously bankrupting and killing myself to make karate happen for one child, uptown, at 4pm, and French, downtown, for the other..."
"This is the last dying breath of the system as it collapses, the final death throes. It’s trying to show that it’s still in control, but this is an illusion...."
Said Egor, a 38-year-old protester, quoted in "Everyone will get snatched off the street’: mobilisation brings Ukraine war home to Russians/Reservists who face being sent to fight are desperately seeking a way out over the border" (Financial Times).
"The equating of sex nonconformity with transgenderism arose incrementally, through a complicated regulatory process involving court decisions and bureaucratic guidelines..."
From "Every Tomboy Is Tagged ‘Transgender’/The terminological change behind the push to ‘treat’ sex-role nonconformity with surgery or hormones" by Colin Wright (Wall Street Journal).
"Traditionalists argue that the feminist revolution has gone too far, and we need to get more women back into the home. But I think..."
"Just swap your husband for your granny."
"Just swap your husband for your granny"
— Polina Ivanova (@polinaivanovva) September 23, 2022
Lovely little light-hearted headline from Russian state news agency Ria, in an article about whether families who've had a man conscripted can get their money back for any holidays they'd planned, since he can't leave the country anymore pic.twitter.com/yNpH445KDV
September 22, 2022
I have 7 TikToks selected for you tonight, and I think they kind of go together. In any event, some people love them!
2. Elizabeth Taylor on "What's My Line?"
3. The child is perhaps outraged not to be asked to join in.
4. When you, an audiobook user, order a used David Sedaris book so you'll have something for him to sign, and the book that's sent is one that David Sedaris has already signed.
5. The videos David Wain doesn't remember making but obviously did make, in the middle of a sleeping-pill-induced night's sleep.
6. It's Moby's birthday, and he's playing "Happy Birthday" in 5 genres.
7. Copying runway fashion with materials you find around the house.
"[Jia] Tolentino, a millennial essayist and New Yorker staff writer, said that she had not read Ms. Didion until her 20s, but immediately realized..."
"Actually, Sandy [Sandra Bullock] and I did once try to develop a whole idea of a husband and wife team, who were QVC’s most successful salespeople..."
Said Brad Pitt, quoted in "'I Love What Gwyneth Has Done With Goop': Brad Pitt Unveils His Genderless Skincare Line Exclusively To Vogue" (Vogue UK).
"I know this sounds idiotic, but I’m from New Jersey. I feel like an idiot, it sounds idiotic, and it is."
"It would be so humiliating for Biden if these idiots don’t pass it in Congress."
Said South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, into a hot mic, WaPo reports.
Yoon had just met with Biden at the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference in New York City. There, Biden had pledged $6 billion from the United States to the public health campaign, which fights AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria worldwide....
Park Hong-keun, the leader of the opposition Democratic Party in South Korea, criticized Yoon’s “foul language tarnishing the US Congress” as “a major diplomatic mishap,” Agence France-Presse reported.
I wonder how that plays in South Korea, but I don't think anyone cares in America. Don't we say "these idiots in Congress" — or worse — completely casually? Please, I expect you to say "these idiots in Congress." Anything less feels insincere.
Voting for members of Congress, don't we systematically pick the greater idiot? Really. Examine the results of the elections over the last 50 years, and I think you might find that's the key to outcomes. Nobody likes a smartypants.
"When they looked at the step rate, per minute, of the highest 30 minutes of activity a day, they found that participants whose average highest pace was... between 80 and 100 steps per minute...
The advice columnist is asked about a neighbor's flag with "a message representing ideals that are abhorrent to us... divisive with hurtful implications...."
"I have a time sensitive request/plea.... We need volunteers to help make this night Spooktacular for Alexandros..."
A Facebook post, quoted in "A boy with cancer hoped to see monsters. Hundreds of strangers showed up in costume" (WaPo). The 5-year-old "had only a few weeks, or perhaps even days, to live."
As it became clear that plenty of people planned to show up.... On the day of the event — Sept. 14 — Tzouanakis Anderson expected 300 people to attend, at most. But as the evening progressed, “probably close to 1,000 people showed up,” she said. His son watched in awe as a swarm of strangers (many with their pets) paraded through the streets....
This happened in Hamilton, Ontario.
"The protests started small, outside the Tehran hospital where a 22-year old Iranian woman named Mahsa Amini died last week after being detained by the 'morality police'..."
"The Daddy Day Care actor was accused of making inappropriate comments to crew members, including an alleged incident in which he repeated 'vagina'..."
Team Josh Hawley is getting over-aggressive about restricting the number of genders.
One gender to rule them all. https://t.co/NtPzq0hR9I
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) September 22, 2022
"Mr. Walker, I believe you when you say that you’re not smart.... You are the personification of a game being played by Georgia Republicans..."
Writes Charles M. Blow in "Herschel Walker Says He’s ‘Not That Smart.’ I Believe Him" (NYT).
"In reality, feminist science offers a powerful set of tools for examining the history, context, and power structures in which scientific questions are asked."
Guess she realized how absurd she was being, because she edited it… pic.twitter.com/2n4Zqgqs5e
— IrishStephen (@NDIrishFan_72) September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022
Sunrise over Lake Superior.

We didn't see the Northern Lights...

"But Mr. Trump and his allies are clearly hoping they can deflect whatever political fallout Ms. James’s lawsuit inspires by drawing on past legal battles..."
Gender? Don't they mean sex? How could it possibly depend on gender?
Justin Trudeau is in trouble for singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" 2 days before the Queen's funeral.
I actually love a good piano bar. Haven’t gone to one since before COVID, this reminds me I should check one out near me.
— Brian Lilley (@brianlilley) September 19, 2022
PM at the Savoy in London last night singing a little Queen….for the Queen… pic.twitter.com/yyCxIRAbJl
An argument to Wisconsin: Do we want to "become Florida"?
Let’s show Tim Michels that Wisconsinites do not want Wisconsin to become Florida.
— Sara Rodriguez (@sara4WI) September 20, 2022
Like Ron DeSantis, Tim Michels is dangerous and divisive for our future.https://t.co/M58ZGhG0fa
I'm reading the linked article, and see that DeSantis gave a speech in Green Bay "just an hour before the Packers' home opener against the Chicago Bears, predicting Wisconsin would turn into Sunshine State of the north if Tim Michels is elected governor in November."
""[I]n whipping up his supporters, moving closer to QAnon, and claiming that the American people wouldn’t stand for an indictment, Trump is..."
"His book feels somewhat hasty. Clichés tumble over one another... interwoven with over-the-top claims: that the Proud Boys turned Berkeley, Calif., 'into an almost perpetual war zone' and altogether have organized 'some of the most gruesome acts of political violence in modern American history.'..."
Writes Adam Hochschild in "The Proud Boys and the Long-Lived Anxieties of American Men," a review of the new book "WE ARE PROUD BOYS: How a Right-Wing Street Gang Ushered In a New Era of American Extremism," by Andy Campbell.
September 20, 2022
Is the NY Post just missing the humor?
In a recent TikTok video, Dani Klarić, a young interior decorator/creative director, gleefully shared her workday outfit: a white miniskirt, a short-sleeve shirt worn totally unbuttoned to reveal a lacy yellow bra and a pair of sheer yellow thigh-high socks. "If I had a corporate job this is how I would go dressed to work," the TikToker says confidently in the post, which has garnered more than 200,000 likes. "Like who’s going to stop me?"
Key word: "If." She has a job: It's making TikToks that get likes. And the Post is scampering to show — what? — that it can keep up with what's in social media? But it can't! And it even said the word that exemplifies dull, trudging Jebbishness: "garner."
Now, to be fair, this article does quote somebody at Rent the Runway who has such a cool name that I almost feel like believing her: Suzanne Smallshaw:Are the baristas trying to clear this café?
I love Frank Sinatra, but it's been Frank Sinatra since I sat down — with a brief assist from Nancy Sinatra — and not only are the songs repeating — I'm coming flying with him again and we've already been to Peru — but when "My Way" came on again, they cranked up the volume.
Have we reached the last Queen's-funeral news story?
The ants go marching quadrillion by quadrillion.
September 19, 2022
Why did the NYT send a reporter to some obscure part of France to interview R. Crumb?
"Ememem is a self-described 'pavement surgeon' and 'pothole knight.' He calls his art, flackings..."
From "Ememem, The Mozaic [sic] Street Artist Filling Europe’s Potholes" (Forbes).
Are you watching the Queen's funeral?
It's live. I'm sure you can find it. I'm seeing video embedded at the top of the front page of the NYT.
Is it topping other news that should be more significant, such as whatever our President may have said in his "60 Minutes" interview last night?
I'm going to say no — subject to your laughter — as I see that the top story on the right side of the front page of the NYT is "Life Is Hazardous for City Raptors. These Women Offer Hope. Injured birds of prey have a fighting chance to recover, thanks to the volunteers at Owl Moon Raptor Center in Boyds, Md."
"Boyds" — that's how you say "birds" in New York.
I'm distracted by sudden cheering and raucous applause. It's the Queen's funeral video. The throng alongside the road is jubilant as the hearse drives off. I'm going to assume that means they loved the Queen and not that it's any sort of ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead response. But when did cheering a hearse become appropriate?
"Liz Truss, the new Conservative prime minister, announced her cabinet, and for the first time ever, not a single member of the inner circle... is a white man...."
In his prescient 1991 book, 'Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby,' the law professor Stephen Carter decried many of the assumptions around diversity nascent at that time — including the notion that racial or ethnic minorities are expected to think as a group, not as individuals.
September 18, 2022
"And though sex differences in sports show advantages for men, researchers today still don’t know how much of this to attribute to biological difference..."
"While in Europe to work on his 50th film, Woody Allen told Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia that he intended to retire from making movies..."
To me, the top news is not what Russian troll farms did 5 years ago. It's that the NYT is making that its top news today.

"It’s a marvelous lake. If you aggregate all of its assets, it’s one of the most exciting cruise destinations anywhere."
In late May, 30 m.p.h. south winds forced Viking to cancel shore excursions to Bayfield. The first three stops in Houghton, Mich., on the Keweenaw Peninsula, were also canceled because of inclement weather and winds, much to the chagrin of Marylyn and Randy Sandrik, passengers who live in Frisco, Texas....
So far they are enamored with both the ship and the voyage. “I like that there’s no smoking, no gambling, no casinos, no charge for drinks and no talent shows on board,” said Ms. Sandrik....
I love that string of "no"s with the one about drinking being "no charge."
In Bayfield, Ted Dougherty, the chairman of the Bayfield Harbor Commission, and other local officials, including Lynne Dominy, the superintendent of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, spent a total of three years negotiating with Viking. Ms. Dominy’s concerns about the ship were the safety of park visitors in smaller vessels like sailboats and kayaks, wake damage to park shoreline and infrastructure, and the displacement of local businesses who offer ferry excursions and other boat journeys within the park....