... you can write about anything you like.

blogging every day since January 14, 2004
This was so weird. #RNC2020 pic.twitter.com/YHReTl0bfT
— Dana Goldberg (@DGComedy) August 28, 2020
I notice that she is just video taping a lot, so I am like Kate can you check on your friend like whats going on? Turns out.. she thought that the UK flag we have hanging in our living room was a confederate flag. And she was getting "Evidence against us." When she found out that it wasn't everyone just acted like it was a huge joke....Typos in the original.
Blake, 29, was forbidden from going to the Kenosha home of his alleged victim from the May 3 incident, and police were dispatched Sunday following a 911 call saying he was there.I can't tell whether the woman is black. Does it matter?
The responding officers were aware he had an open warrant for felony sexual assault, according to dispatch records and the Kenosha Professional Police Association, which released a statement on the incident on Friday.
That police union statement also claimed that Blake was armed with a knife at the time of the shooting — and had put one cop in a headlock and shrugged off two Taser attempts while resisting arrest....
Until Belushi’s death, Smith was known in rock music circles for singing back-up for Levon Helm, Rick Danko and Richard Manuel, later founding members of The Band, and in the early 1970s becoming Lightfoot’s girlfriend and muse. Lightfoot wrote the #1 1974 hit “Sundown” about his tumultuous, extramarital and occasionally violent relationship with Smith, the dark lyrics masked by a lilting, bluesy melody: “[I can see her lyin' back in her satin dress/In a room where ya do what ya don't confess/]Sundown you better take care/If I find you been creepin’ ’round my back stairs.”
FLASHBACK: As violent rioting continues across Democrat controlled cities, Kamala Harris' comments from June are striking: Protesters "should not" let up.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 27, 2020
Does Harris believe the rioting and rampant vandalism in Kenosha should let up? pic.twitter.com/hqkLmC5nRu
If you’ve never have food poisoning, it’s roughly like this... pic.twitter.com/KEUZpvQmk9
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 14, 2020
Some protesters who stayed in the District after the March on Washington ended Friday afternoon continued to spread their message, and elements of mayhem, around the city by temporarily shutting down major roads and tussling with police, even while rain deluged the area at nightfall.I had a hard time reading that sentence. Why is there a comma after "message"? It caused me to read "elements of mayhem" as the subject of an independent clause, and I had to backtrack to see that "protesters" is the subject and "message" and "elements of mayhem" are what the protesters "continued to spread." The "mayhem" seems to consist only of road blockage and "tussling with police." Tussling with police?
[A] trope that's very common is that looters and rioters are not part of the protest, and they're not part of the movement. That has to do with the history of protesters trying to appear respectable and politically legible as a movement, and not wanting to be too frightening or threatening. Another one is that looters are just acting as consumers: Why are they taking flat screen TVs instead of rice and beans?... All these tropes come down to claiming that the rioters and the looters don't know what they're doing. They're acting, you know, in a disorganized way, maybe an 'animalistic' way. But the history of the movement for liberation in America is full of looters and rioters. They've always been a part of our movement....I don't know if other people in "the movement" are happy to see that idea spoken aloud. I've been hearing that there are 2 groups of people — the peaceful protesters and these mysterious other people, who, I've noted, the journalists don't seem to care to identify and investigate. Osterweil is saying these are not 2 different groups. It's one movement, and it's been going on for a long time.
Moving my son into UW Madison today. This is the only book in his welcome bag. The attempt at indoctrination begins. Who paid for this anti 2nd Amendment book?Tax dollars? Tuition? A social justice organization? pic.twitter.com/rluUII52VQ
— Sean Duffy (@SeanDuffyWI) August 28, 2020
A lot of these videos have been shocking. I audibly gasped at this one. https://t.co/xiS5ppOV79
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 28, 2020
I can’t get past the fact that Barron Trump is like 6’6” at 14 years old. he doesn’t even fit in the picture when he stands up pic.twitter.com/ysBXmKrGh0— Matt Sullivan (@msully_94) August 28, 2020
Why does Barron Trump look like he was sent back in time to kill his father pic.twitter.com/xq85JaqUg3— 𝚆𝚎𝚜𝚝 🏜 (@southheastt) August 28, 2020
Scott Walker, whose 2016 campaign autobiography was titled Unintimidated, gets a tough question from @CNN’s Anderson Cooper and... appears to turn off the video link.pic.twitter.com/Q2KQKV64Ic
— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) August 28, 2020
Maxine Waters: “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” pic.twitter.com/1efIW8VI3e
— Kelb Hull (@CalebJHull) August 28, 2020
So Ivankas story about her son building a lego model of the WH model is most likely a lie. She used the same story herself about Trump Towers.https://t.co/fISo2Gy45k— Call Me Prez🌊🗽🔥🆘🍑❄️💪 (@lunaticopresid1) August 28, 2020
... here's the video of ivanka telling the story about her building a lego trump tower from an old episode of late night with @conanobrien.https://t.co/fQ7zD1gP09 https://t.co/zKFIO9OYLG— fake nick ramsey @ 🏡 (@nick_ramsey) August 28, 2020
Seeing a lot of people say Jacob Blake was "armed," and thus his shooting was justified. According to DOJ, there was a knife on the floorboard of the car he was trying to enter, but he had no other weapons on him. https://t.co/oH6432izaW
— Christian Schneider (@Schneider_CM) August 27, 2020
...Notably, CNN did not add that the protests were all “looty” or “assaulty” or “shooty” as well as “fiery.” This is why polls show the majority of citizens believe that the media actively misrepresents facts. Then again, I do not want to get all “polly” in speaking of the press.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) August 27, 2020
NEW: @JoeBiden campaign debuting a 2-minute long ad tonight as President Trump is set to accept the GOP presidential nomination— Johnny Verhovek (@JTHVerhovek) August 27, 2020
"Some people are always in a hurry. They run when they could walk, race up steps when others take it slow," ad says w/ footage of Trump at West Point pic.twitter.com/nxAZ9iepfr
In Kenosha County, where the president won by fewer than 250 votes in 2016, those who already supported Mr. Trump said in interviews that the events of the past few days have simply reinforced their conviction that he is the man for the job. But some voters who were less sure of their choice said the chaos in their city and the inability of elected leaders to stop it were currently nudging them toward the Republicans.Are they "nervous about condemning the looting because... they understood the rage behind it" or are they nervous about condemning the looting because they're afraid of the social and economic consequences of speaking out against the looting? The NYT includes the words "they said" — "nervous because... they said they understood" — but was that because we don't know whether they really do understand the rage or is it because we don't whether they're giving an accurate account about why they are holding back from "condemning the looting"? I suspect it's the former, because the NYT is otherwise downplaying the disorder: Why is it just saying "the looting"? How about the arson and other violence? Is the NYT nervous about mentioning the arson because it understands the rage?
And some Democrats, nervous about condemning the looting because they said they understood the rage behind it, worried that what was happening in their town might backfire and aid the president’s re-election prospects.
Ellen Ferwerda, who owns an antique furniture store downtown just blocks from the worst of the destruction that is now closed, said that she was desperate for Mr. Trump to lose in November but that she had “huge concern” the unrest in her town could help him win. She added that local Democratic leaders seemed hesitant to condemn the mayhem.Maybe stop referring to them as "Democratic leaders." Maybe try something like "Democratic shrinkers" or — if you're nervous about condemning them because you understand their reticence — "Democratic nice people."
“I think they just don’t know what to say,” she said. “People are afraid to take a stance either way, but I do think it’s strange they’re all being so quiet. Our mayor has disappeared. It’s like, ‘Where is he?’”
Windows of businesses and residential buildings being smashed on University Avenue — which were not preemptively boarded up. This Papa John’s employee asks protesters, “Do you want Trump to be elected?” pic.twitter.com/IbSubGfGs6
— Dylan Brogan (@telldylan) August 26, 2020
1) In a scene that played out several times Monday, a Black Lives Matter protest that began in Columbia Heights confronted White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting “White silence is violence!” and demanding White diners show their solidarity. #DCProtests pic.twitter.com/fJbPM76vb0— Fredrick Kunkle WaPo (@KunkleFredrick) August 25, 2020
"We have a National Guard standing by that if the general for the National Guard needs additional help, we're there to do it," Meadows said. "But today, that request was denied by the governor."Also at the Journal Sentinel this morning:
The Democratic governor deployed the National Guard to Kenosha on Monday and doubled the size of the deployment to 250 on Tuesday. On Tuesday, Evers did speak with both Meadows and Trump but Meadows was offering help from the Department of Homeland Security, not the National Guard, according to the Evers administration. Evers declined because more Guard members were already been sent there....
“Everyone should be able to exercise their fundamental right — whether a protester or member of the press — peacefully and safely,” [Evers] said in a statement. “We cannot allow the cycle of systemic racism and injustice to continue. We also cannot continue going down this path of damage and destruction.”
Kenosha Police said early Wednesday morning that two people had been shot and killed and a third injured during protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake.... The shooting came on the third night of violent protests that have torn through Kenosha after a police officer shot Blake from behind at close range while he was getting in a vehicle. Since then, buildings have been burned, windows smashed out and stores looted.ADDED: I’d like to see descriptions of what the National Guard were doing in Kenosha last night. There were 250? Why wasn't that effective? Today, I see:
In a letter Wednesday, Kenosha County Board Chairman John O’Day and Vice Chairwoman Monica Yuhas specifically requested 1,500 National Guard members with police powers to be sent to Kenosha County. The members wrote on behalf of the county board, stating that the “county is in a state of emergency” and the extra law enforcement is needed to “preserve and save” the region.
“Our county is under attack,” the board wrote in the letter. “Our businesses are under attack. Our homes are under attack. Our local law enforcement agencies need additional support to help bring civility back to our community.”
I eschewed purse-carrying from the age of about 18 until... when was it? I insisted that clothes have pockets, only carried around a skinny wallet and keys, and considered it a feminist issue. Also a freedom issue. At some point, I decided it was simpler to carry a very small handbag, big enough for a wallet and keys and — ah, yes, the cell phone. It was the cell phone that made me want to get my carry-ables out of my clothing and separately compartmentalized.Even a small phone was too much for the pockets I felt good about. Too bulky! I can't imagine wanting the bulkiness of the large iPhone as part of my clothing.
40 year owned Family Furniture store, B & L Office Furniture in #Kenosha was torched last night by BLM arsonists pic.twitter.com/Kjw5X01SCu
— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) August 25, 2020
Who is the intended audience of this, and what goal does it seek to achieve? https://t.co/p8nJPF9Zy5
— Megan McArdle (@asymmetricinfo) August 25, 2020
All conventions are a mix of reaching out to wavering voters and shoring up your base. The D convention, especially Biden's speech, was perhaps 65/35 in the reaching-out direction. Night 1 of the RNC was about 50/50. From the list of speakers, the rest of the RNC might be 35/65. If I were Trump, I would in theory weight the reaching-out-to-swing-voters part much more heavily. His base is already with him, and will likely turn out no matter what he does. But, it also isn't a very large base, even with its advantages in the Electoral College. But in practice, Trump has an awfully tough sell with swing voters between the pandemic, the economy, and the fact that at least half the country thinks he's racist. Which explains why he's down 9 points in the polls, of course....Well, we will see if he's down 9 points in the polls after the convention is over. Some of the appeal to the base is effective with swing voters. I'm a swing voter — a swing voter in Wisconsin — and I was disappointed in the Democratic convention because there wasn't anything about the rampant disorder in the cities. I want safety and security! I expect the police to show up and protect us when we call them. And learning how to use a gun was something I chose to do this summer.
My God. Last night DC protesters intimidated people in a restaurant. Ordered them to raise their fists in protest. Anyone who disobeyed was viciously denounced for supporting “white supremacy.” Distressing video of bullying posing as activism.👇🏻 https://t.co/PUODHoJUJJ
— Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) August 25, 2020
I recently learned of this photo of kim guilfoyle and gavin newsom when they were married and I've just been finding any reason to share it pic.twitter.com/kCvbuGxoL1— Tanya Chen (@tanyachen) August 25, 2020
“Passionate” = Coked out of his frigging gourd https://t.co/iyntSitHxE
— Hal Sparks (@HalSparks) August 25, 2020
Was @DonaldJTrumpJr ‘coked out of his mind’ during RNC speech? #RNC2020
— Raw Story (@RawStory) August 25, 2020
I’m not watching the #RNCConvention2020 but did see part of kimberly guilfoyle speech. All I gotta say is I worked in a chemical dependency office for years. That girl was coked out. pic.twitter.com/zwWPY0I5z8
— I’m The Mary⭐️ (@CMUnimpressed) August 25, 2020
Top 7 Warning Signs In a Man's Bookshelf:
— Jess McHugh (@MchughJess) August 24, 2020
1. A Dog-eared copy of Infinite Jest
2. Too Much Hemingway
3. Any amount of Bukowski
5. Goethe
6. "Lolita is my favorite book."
7. "'Fathers and Sons' Is my favorite book."
MUIR: The president said he's already prepping for the debates. Are you?My guess is that Biden is not prepping yet, but he just gave the most generic positive answer when he said "So am I. I can hardly wait." The followup should not have been difficult, and I don't think Muir was going for a gotcha, since you can see that he readily moved in to give cover once Biden came out with something. But Biden wasn't sharp enough to bullshit something like "Oh, I can't tell you that!" He was a deer in the headlights. Maybe that was some indication of a conscience — he'd lied saying he was already prepping and he had to think about whether he wanted to keep going with lying and he just couldn't decide, perhaps because it seemed as though he needed to come up with a name.
BIDEN: So am I. I can hardly wait.
MUIR: Who is playing Trump?
BIDEN: I'm prepping.
MUIR: You can get back to me on that.
Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher is a such a furious plasma of emotions pic.twitter.com/y6q5ZGsufC
— joe (@mutablejoe) August 20, 2020
Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher in The Crown is seriously freaking me out. I’ve never felt more sexually confused in my life. pic.twitter.com/vW2Y93TKxx
— Gary Whitta (@garywhitta) February 4, 2020
On this day 50 years ago, 4 anti-Vietnam war radicals filled a van with ammonium nitrate and fuel oil to bomb the Army Math Research Center at UW-Madison’s Sterling Hall. The bomb killed student Robert Fassnacht and injured three others.#UWMadison #uwmadarchives #sterlinghall50 pic.twitter.com/X90bxIfrL7
— UW-Madison Archives (@UWMadArchives) August 24, 2020
Today we mark 50 years since the Sterling Hall bombing by lifting up the memory of physics researcher Robert Fassnacht and extending our sympathy to his family.
— UW-Madison (@UWMadison) August 24, 2020
Join us as we recount the emotional ramifications of the bombing through alumni memories. https://t.co/Owu8N6etNQ
Shortly after normal office hours on Friday (08-21-2020) Madison/Dane County Public Health issued an order closing down in-school education for students above second grade at private schools for the upcoming school year — matching the voluntary stance taken by area public schools.
"A Rasmussen Reports poll released Monday found that 51% of likely voters said that they approved of the job Trump is doing and that 47% said they disapproved."
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 24, 2020
POLL: Trump Leads Biden By 10 Points Among Independents https://t.co/i9JrHJ0lkT via @dailycaller
National GE, Among Independents:
— Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) August 23, 2020
Trump 47% (+10)
Biden 37%@YouGovAmerica/@CBSNewsPoll, LV, 8/20-22
Looks a lot like first-degree murder to me. https://t.co/qJJJVTr0yS— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) August 24, 2020
Oh nothing but Kenosha Police shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times for ignoring commands, when they could have used a taser. Maybe he was a serial killer? Deaf? Mentally ill? We'll never know. Nah, just a black man.— Covfefe "Shecky" Jones- King Of Shade👑 FBR 🌊🌊 (@King_Of_Shade) August 24, 2020
Also, FU @KenoshaPolice pic.twitter.com/id1z5c5nBx
BLM arson attacks overnight in Kenosha, Wisc. spread to the Bradford Community Church, a far-left universalist religious organization. The church’s sign in support of #BlackLivesMatter was consumed in flames. pic.twitter.com/u02CIwsnIm— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 24, 2020