November 6, 2024

Waiting for Kamala Harris to come out and give her concession speech.

Here's a link to the YouTube live feed. 

It was scheduled for 4 PM ET, and it's running more than 20 minutes late.


mikee said...

I, for one, expect nothing from VP Harris inher concession other than her normal grace andcharm, and expressions of unity and warm wishes for Trump's success, for the good of the nation.

Oh, God, I shouldn't drink this much during the day, it makes me type crazy stuff.

Real American said...

They're still trying to sober her up...

NT Dave said...

Waited 20 something minutes, could only watch a couple.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Word Salad Kammie intentionally unburdened by what might have been

FormerLawClerk said...

She is now burdened by the things she has done.

Original Mike said...

I wonder if she can finagle in the very fine people hoax one more time.

JAORE said...

Kam-kam giving a stump speech. No grace involved. But, hey, it didn't work, the first 325 times, to win the election, but one more time might just do it.

Dan from Madison said...

Super uninspiring just like everything else she does.

Dan from Madison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FormerLawClerk said...

The good takeaway from her losing is that she now has the opportunity to divorce herself from that wife beater and nanny V-card thief that she married.

Peachy said...

She doing her best. I'll give her that. but yesh - yuck.

YoungHegelian said...

From the Naval Observatory to Howard University is 4 miles. She has a police escort to get her through traffic. She can't be on time to a location 4 miles away?

Gosh, I wonder why she lost the election?

Quaestor said...

About two leaves of iceberg lettuce covered with half a bottle of Kraft French dressing.

Joe Bar said...

She looks tired. I did not listen. Good bye, Officer Harris.

FullMoon said...

. Oh, well. Looking forward to hearing from Joe Biden supporters. Too bad Pelosi and Joe's friends stabbed him in the back, He coulda been a contender, 'cause he's smart, not dumb like everyone says.

Paul said...

Gonna be a word salad ..

Rabel said...

Might have missed it but I didn't hear Biden mentioned.

Peachy said...

Horrible Leftist Democrats from Colorado want her job. They are worse! #advanced warning.

No Name said...

Very tardy, more word salad. Not particularly gracious concession speech, and given prompt election results late last night, also very tardy call to Trump.

Sore loser. Hopefully we've seen the last of ersatz Doug and Kamala show.

Gravel said...

"And I want respect!"

Skeptical Voter said...

Shorten the salad course. "I tried. I did my best. I lost. Good luck to Donald Trump and may God bless the United States of America." I could write the speech--and she could be gracious. Neither happened, nor in Kamala's case is it likely that it ever will happen.

YoungHegelian said...

From the Naval Observatory to Howard University is 4 miles. Even with a police escort, she can't be on time to a place 4 miles away?

Gosh, I wonder why she lost the election?

(This is my second attempt at posting this, since the first attempt seems to have been eaten).

doctrev said...

The delay was longer than the actual speech, even if it should have been given last night. Good riddance, you stupid Jez. Not even Democrats will want to hear from you again.

Quaestor said...

What a perfect opportunity for Inga to barge in with a few stale 2nd-string benchwarmer talking points lifted from a Joy Reid infantile philippic... but no Inga. What's up? Has she checked into rehab somewhere?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Wonder who from her staff she fired today.

doctrev said...

He was- briefly. Then again, given the length nothing could be mentioned for long.

mccullough said...

When you win, don’t say much. When you lose, say less

tcrosse said...

This concession speech does not foreclose the possibility that the Democrats will try some sort of fuckery to keep Trump out of the White House. It's not over 'til it's over, and even then it's not over.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I would almost feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a steaming pile of totalitarian kalakala (nothing to do with Kamala-it's a Native American-Washington State word for a steaming pile).

It's funny. I thought Obama was an awful president, but I also feel like I understood him better than any president of my lifetime. Why wouldn't you grab the brass ring when there's a mass of rubes clamoring to give it to you?
Harris is just creepy. The margin of victory can be labeled a thousand different ways but, when it comes down to it, I think that's what denied her the office.

Rabel said...

Not a "word salad." That's a misuse of the term. She read a prepared speech someone else wrote.

The salads are served when she speaks extemporaneously.

FormerLawClerk said...

I'm still waiting for all the votes to be counted to see if the Iowa poll was correct, after all.

Ann Seltzer, of Seltzer and Company really screwed over the Des Moines Register ... making that newspaper the laughing stock of the country, when she predicted Monday a Harris win 47-44 over Trump.

She was wrong by 16 entire percentage points. Possibly the MOST WRONG poll of all time that has been publicly released.

And of course, the newspaper hasn't apologized to its readers for BADLY MISLEADING them and spreading ELECTION DISINFORMATION that was used to try to RIG the 2024 election for Kamala Harris.

RCOCEAN II said...

Good speech. Very positive compared to other losing candiates, (you know what woman I'm talking about). She looked better in defeat then she did on the campaign stump. It reminds me of MacBeth:

Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it.

FormerLawClerk said...

She is incapable of writing a speech because she has an IQ below 80. She is functionally retarded. She gets ahead by blowing people.

mikee said...

Soooo, a longer version of "Resist we much!" all over again.

FormerLawClerk said...

She just needs to pick up the $200 off the dresser and leave.

jpg said...

Harris, Biden, Obama. Always late to EVERYTHING. Total disrespect because people don't matter to them. People are just to be used and then discarded.

Peachy said...

Breaking: Bill Maher and Robert DeNiro are being rounded up by Trump officials. As predicted!

/Silly silly insane leftist men.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Scott Jennings' full speech which stunned CNN panel into silence

'This is a mandate. He's won the national popular vote for the Republicans for the first time since 2004. This is a big deal.

'This isn't backing into the office. This is a mandate to do what you said you were going to do: get the economy working again for regular working-class Americans, fix immigration, try to get crime under control, try to reduce the chaos in the world.

'This is a mandate from the American people to do that. I'm interpreting the results tonight as revenge of just the regular old working-class American, the anonymous American who has been crushed, insulted, condescended to.

'They're not garbage, they're not Nazis. They're just regular people who get up and go to work every day and are trying to make a better life for their kids, and they feel like they have been told to just shut up when they have complained about the things that are hurting them in their own lives.

'I also feel like this electoin is something of an indictment on the political information complex. The story that was portrayed was not true.

'We were told Puerto Rico was going to change the elections; Liz Cheney; Nikki Haley voters; women lying to their husbands. Before that, it was Tim Walz and the camo hats.

'Night after night after night, we were told all these things and gimmicks were going to somehow push Harris over the line.

'And we were just ignoring the fundamentals: inflation, people feeling like they were barely able to tread water at best. That was the fundamentals of the election.

'I think both parties should always look at the results of an election and figure out what went right and what went wrong.

'But for all of us who cover elections, we have to figure out how to understand, talk to and listen to the half of the country that rose up tonight and said: We've had enough.'

Quaestor said...

Jeez... Her concession speech sounds like something composed by small town Midwestern high school salutatorian: "So let us go forward, fellow graduates, with respect for the past and hope for the future..."

mikee said...

I thought "fight" was a doubleplus ungood word, but she is proposing not policy oppositions but continuous fighting, i.e., violence. She is using the Obama technique of strawmanning the opposition, to somehow support the excesses of her party's political methods and political violence. If there aren't Antifa riots this weekend I'll be very surprised.

RCOCEAN II said...

Unlike others, I have nothing against Kamala. She's just a lightweight that almost ended up as POTUS due to the stupidity of the Democrat party elite. They don't want a white man at the head of their ticket anymore, and Kamala is what they served up.

When Biden was elected, I assumed that he would resign in 2023 or 2022 and let Kamala take the reins. Thank God he didn't, and hung on to power till almost the last moment. This gave Kamala almost no time to make an impression, other than the one she already had.

tommyesq said...

Coming out, she looks relieved. Haven't listened to the speech yet, just an initial impression.

traditionalguy said...

She served up another strange word salad and then she claimed that she would virtue signal that she would give Trump a peaceful transition of power … but that’s not her role. That’s Crooked Joe’s role. She is not the President.

One more total lie for sound bytes.

Peachy said...

Why our media do not get it. Inga -this is for you, too. wholesale swallower of said Media disconnect.

OldManRick said...

You know what I would like to see as a concession.

Joe Biden pardon, drop pending charges, and release the J6er's. We are 90% sure that Trump will do that on the first day but the Dems seem to want them for spend another thanksgiving and Christmas in jail - some after 4 years without even a trial.

If Joe wants to atone for the garbage, nazi, and threat to democracy bile that he's been spewing for the last couple of years, he could do that. It would, at least end his presidency, with some dignity and a bit of respect from the other side. Holding on to them when it's really a foregone conclusion what's going to happen when Trump is inaugurated is just sadistic to the people involved.

Wilbur said...

I caught the last few minutes. Ay dios mio.

What a mess of gibberish, pure Leftist treacle, made worse by her stilted, insincere delivery.

You would think that someone, somewhere, somehow could write her a serious speech. Sorta like a grownup would deliver.

tommyesq said...

"to my volunteers, who gave so much of themselves..."

Notice that Kamala did not give much of herself, in terms of time, ideas, principles, etc.

Wilbur said...

The Clintons too, maybe the worst in this regard. Remember when he kept an airport closed while he got a haircut on the tarmac?

Disparity of Cult said...

Harris mentioned Walz, but she didn't thank him.

tommyesq said...

12 minutes, suggests she believes that she still has a future in Dem politics. Good luck with that!

DanTheMan said...

Well, they, like her, will be unemployed in January.

doctrev said...

I'd certainly consider reviewing pardons if I'd need one myself and for my family. But it would only call attention to him not doing it before. Let President Trump do it, and let the chips fall where they may. I don't even bear a huge grudge against President Biden himself, let him eat the pudding for his remaining years.

But it would be nice to see Yellen, Garland, Blinken, Nuland, and Mayorkas get the gas chamber.

tommyesq said...

So much overtalk from the crowd - just a weird feature of the audio (seems unlikely, mike is right in front of her face) or has the dem crowd already immediately written her off?

bagoh20 said...

Getting as close as she got to the Presidency is a miracle for her life and abilities, and a mistake for our system. It should be a warning to us about not taking elections seriously. She was uniquely unqualified and dangerous.

rehajm said...

I received a text they were gathering tomorrow for 'next steps'....sounds like asshat opposition no mood...

Mr. T. said...

Not all bad news for Democrats:

Buttigieg was able to violate the Hatch Act yet again yesterday before being kicked out the door on his butt in January.

tommyesq said...

Just saw Doug Emhoff join her for the walk-off. I didn't recognize him - boy did they keep him in the background!

No Beyonce concert (despite multiple promises), but I think it was a Beyonce tune Kamala walked off to. Good enough for you, rubes? Shoulda voted harder.

Quaestor said...

"Harris mentioned Walz, but she didn't thank him."

And that is perhaps for the best. Such thanks could hardly be sincere, and Kamala isn't sufficiently adroit to disguise her enmity toward the least helpful Veep pick since... well since Kamala was tapped by the desperate moron called Joseph Robinette Biden. What did Harris do for Walz other than indirectly expose him for the valor thief he is? And how did he repay her? By living down to expectations.

Drago said...

Shorter kamala-la-la-la nothngness
speech: Trump is Hitler and will kill Americans....but hey everybody you are all going to be just fine!

Drago said...

"Just saw Doug Emhoff join her for the walk-off. I didn't recognize him - boy did they keep him in the background!"

Gotta stay out of arms reach..if you know what I mean.

Captain BillieBob said...

Sounded to me like she is gearing up for another run in 2028. She's going to keep fighting!

Peachy said...

Kamala got 14 million less votes than Biden in 2020. How strange. 2020- that is.

MOfarmer said...

Tried to watch. Couldn't do it. What a crock.

loudogblog said...

And she's still unable to see why her campaigned failed and take responsibility for it. If you don't admit your mistakes, you'll never improve. I suspect that's her life story.

gilbar said...

serious question..
Is there a person on earth, that doesn't see that she is an alcoholic?

The Godfather said...

Yes, that's possible, but finding all those overlooked Harris votes in - what? - 5 States, is going to be tricky.

Jamie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. T. said...

It will be no concession speech, so we'll probably be waiting for a really long time.

traditionalguy said...

LOL. Just read in the Newspaper of Record that Kamala has urged a peaceful transition of power to Adolph Hitler. That got me.

Jamie said...

I also have no animus against her*. I thought she was a terrible candidate, and what we could divine of her policies were nothing I would ever vote for, but I thought the most important thing about this election was that the American people had been lied to continuously for the entire Biden-Harris administration (and before, since it was the media doing a lot of the lying and we actually saw and heard the lies they told about Trump in his first term) and the liars needed to be held to account.

*Except insofar as she was one of the liars, of course.

Eva Marie said...

1. Shorter Kamala: Fight! Fight! Fight! (Where have I heard that before?)
2. Read through the comments. Uniformly negative. Not one supportive comment. Zero.
3. Justice for P’nut. Someone in the comments noticed that at 29:26 a squirrel pops up. Yup.
Unfortunately, that’s the tape of the audience waiting for Kamala. When you click on the Althouse link now, you just get the speech and not the little tribute to P’nut. RIP

gilbar said...

a fundamental principal is that when we lose an election, we accept the result.
that principal is what separates us from a monarchy

REALLY? THAT is what separates us from a monarchy?
i thought it was: monarchies don't HAVE elections

Is she really saying,
that Charles.. Didn't accept the results?
that his son James the second.. didn't accept the results?
I'm not really SURE, that not "accepting the results" of elections is what monarchies DO

Kevin said...

Haley Dunphy: It's very simple, Kamala. In order to give a good speech, all you have to do is take a song and say it. Like 'Don't Stop Believing', or 'Get This Party Started'.

Kamala: That means nothing.

Haley Dunphy: Who cares? Nobody wants to think, it's a concession speech! A celebration of being done with thinking!

donald said...

She was impaired. The guy I was meeting with, who had never met me before said it after her first sentence.

Peachy said...

Exactly. Was not a word salad. She had to be conciliatory and also give her base something to hand onto. It was a fine speech. Not my cup of tea - but whatevah. I didn't like her use of the word "fight".
That is a signal to the left to go Antifa. Stop that.

Big Mike said...

I thought so too. At first I thought she was dealing with a stuck teleprompter again.

Leland said...

Video of the P'nut follower streaking across the stage.

The Godfather said...

So wait a minute. Trump is Hitler, and Kamala is going to assist Hitler's transition to the Chancellorship? Doesn't that mean that she never really thought Trump was Hitler and just lied about it for political gain?
Good to know.

Eva Marie said...

Thank you Leland. That’s fabulous. They’ve radicalized our squirrels.

Rabel said...

That was my take. High school graduation speech.

Eva Marie said...

But no worries, Trump will fix it.

Jim at said...

If I never have to hear that woman's voice again, it'll still be too soon.

rhhardin said...

She doesn't know the first thing about making concession speeches. Should be filled only with praise for others, in particular the opponent.

Nice said...

Where was this Kamala before she lost? She was actually articulate and confident in this speech. I don't think she ever really wanted to win anyway. If only she had assumed this demeanor while she was running. Not a bad speech---other than the part where she says she wants a peaceful transition, but then a couple of sentences later talks about continuing to fight.

Arashi said...

Well she could have done a 'face it Flounder, you effed up, you trusted us' speech, but that would require self-awareness and she has none. I think she was very hung over or still soused.

Yancey Ward said...

"Yes, that's possible, but finding all those overlooked Harris votes in - what? - 5 States, is going to be tricky."

If I were working on the Dem team, I would focus on the closest state first, Wisconsin where Trump's lead stands at 29 thousand as I write this. Get the ballots coming in by hook or by crook and get that 29K overcome by tomorrow evening even if the GOP starts asking where all these ballots come from- just get them into the count so that the media can report that Harris won Wisconsin. Then you get some leverage for delaying certification in Michigan and Pennsylvania giving you time to create some fraud ballots there, too.

Rory said...

I think this is when "Is she drunk?" became an unavoidable question

robother said...

Maybe she hasn't given up on her dream of being the First Woman President so easily. 26th Amendment, baby! Probably saving her inspiring words for the cabinet meeting tomorrow.

Narayanan said...

if she believes what she said and had said it during the campaign she coud have won. did she get better writers or is she unburdened now?

Eva Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AndrewV said...

So it was a typical Harris speech.

AndrewV said...

That seems to be happening to some of my posts today as well.

AndrewV said...

Let's see what happens to his career now that he's been out of the protective cocoon of the Twin Cities media bubble.

bulldognorth said...

"God bless America"? You're at the wrong rally.

typingtalker said...

According to YouTube, the speech has attracted 16,535 comments -- most with replies. These people are clearly underemployed -- wrote the guy making the one hundredth or so comment on this thread.

Prof. M. Drout said...

My weird and possibly untrustworthy source* told me "the Bidens absolutely back-stabbed her" by not "activating" something (it was a weird, and possibly drunk, text last night around midnight). "The dr hates her."
Make of it what you will.
This is the same source that said that she got addicted to THC gummies after having to go on TV too soon after her plastic surgery due to the George Floyd stuff, and that one of "Biden's fixers" was enabling that addiction throughout her term as VP.

*Said source tipped me off to the John Edwards affair more than a month before it hit the news, but also said that Obama was going to boot Biden as VP in 2012, which obviously didn't happen.

Danno said...

I saw that antifa was doing shit in Seattle today.

Jersey Fled said...

She had a walkoff tune?

Jersey Fled said...

She’s way too lazy to run again. A professorship where she doesn’t have to actually teach anything seems like a better fit.

Goldenpause said...

Ungracious to the end. There is no way she can get the nomination in 2028 after her dismal performance this year. She now is officially an obscure footnote in the history of Biden’s failed Presidency.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"Unlike others, I have nothing against Kamala." I do, She's a fucking piece of shit Democrat Party member who was constantly slandering Trump and inciting violence against a man who had two assassination attempts on his life, so far. She's a garbage human like most Party members. If after all that has gone on in the past 10-20 years anyone is still a Democrat Party member, then they are a scumbag who supports criminals, traitors, terrorists, pedophiles, murderers, arsonists, assassins, thieves, thugs, and illegals.

Jerry said...

Well, that wasn't what she saw as her job. Everyone else was supposed to harness up and drag her across the finish line, with no effort from her.

Funny thing, though - you scream at the people who're your staff, after a while you're not going to get the best effort out of them. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were too busy looking for new jobs to really care about her campaign.

Blair said...

My impression was that she looked genuinely happy, and, dare I say it, unburdened by what has been.

She is simply not capable of keeping up the facade of competency for another four years. And she knows it. I think deep down she was dreading doing this job, and now she doesn't have to do it. She's delighted!

stlcdr said...

Nothing special, and nothing bad. Nothing to really rile them up.

I notice she didn’t dwell on the congratulating trump, to not give the audience time to get nasty, and did get a dig in at trump about accepting the results of an election, though.

Didn’t think I’d sit through it all, but I did.

Tina Trent said...

We have come full circle. “Black” (lunch bag tone) AKA Anne falsely accuses the white man of violence, and the false accusation is amplified across the media.

And the President-to-be’s children need to be escorted by federal agents to go through the schoolhouse gates.

If she had the power to do so, this vacuous hag would exhume Marilyn Monroe’s corpse and give it to her wife-beating husband to punch or screw. On a similar note, if RFK is going to be in the administration, please give him only ugly, male aides.

This is the product of 60 years of “ righting racial wrongs.” The mean minority girl’s elite political and celebrity leaders will hopefully try to adjust to being treated like everyone else, and we will all be better for it. I, for one, welcome that Overton window. Their leadership sucks, but they’re mostly hard-working, admirable, decent, empathetic, and lovely women. And like everyone else in history, they were dealt some bad hands. It’s time for them to stop weaponizing and racializing them.

They just need to lose the Harris types.

Tina Trent said...

There will be litigation. But it looks pretty clean to me. I’ll defer to the election lawyers. They don’t seem worried. I think the dems are just going to focus on being victims and trying to demonize Trump on The View and in the NYT.

At this point, in normal times, nobody is listening to the loser anymore. Let’s encourage cheerful normalcy. Maybe Elon Musk can help with that. Maybe I’m crazy, but besides that Grimes thing and believing he can solve personal problems by building a luxury compound for all his ex-wives (has he never heard that country song?), he seems refreshingly normal.

Tina Trent said...

If there ever was a time for beer goggles, it’s that speech.

Tina Trent said...

Good quote, Anne. All the Puerto Ricans I know are proud people who live here because they wouldn’t live on that corrupt floating pile of garbage. Nobody works. Corruption is as bad as it gets. You can’t earn an honest living. The county with the highest percentage of PR residents, just southwest of Orlando, voted overwhelmingly for Trump. Maybe they hope he will make their home island livable again.

Tina Trent said...

Michael Fitzgerald is right. She’s a vicious racist.

Tina Trent said...

Like every nasty public employee wielding power over the people she hates, because she knows deep down she’s below incompetent.


Tina Trent said...

Yeah, my comments are disappearing too. Why didn’t she do it at the Naval Conservatory anyway? We didn’t elect her to play racial politics at Howard: we elected her to be everyone’s Vice President.

Old rules, meet the new rules.

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