July 30, 2022
Everybody wants to rule the... Dane County Farmers Market.
That's live marimba being played as the crowd parades with its usual and unavoidable slowness. I make a mental note to arrive much earlier if I'm ever going to try to do this again.
Speaking of notes, here's my "Overheard at the Farmers Market" collection:
"It was important that the design honored the legacy of all First Ladies and the strength of American women."
Said Betty Monkman, who worked with First Lady Melania Trump, quoted in "A first look at how Melania Trump decorated White House’s private rooms" (WaPo).
Just 5 TikToks for you today. Let me know what you like.
1. How to take a picture of your potato.
2. Lonely and depressed, he thinks of what Winston Churchill once said.
3. She bought more clothes at the thrift store that turned out to be unwearable.
4. It's not enough to just tell this boy he's not going to like unsweetened cocoa straight from the container.
5. The girl who survives on 3 iced lattes a day.
"My bodily autonomy is not up for debate."

Today, at the Dane County Farmers Market, a very crowded place on a Saturday at 10:49 a.m.
It's seemingly a great place for attracting attention, but it's also a place where virtually everybody can and will avert their eyes.
"I have many kind friends with wonderful attributes, but one horrible thing they all have in common is a compulsion to come up and talk to me when they see me arrive on my bike."
From "Never Look at Someone While They’re Locking Their Bike" by Clio Chang (NY Magazine).
"Bronze statues of mythical methamphetamine cookers Walter White and Jesse Pinkman were installed at a convention center in Albuquerque on Friday..."
"For most of the 21st century, the feminism that has been in fashion has leaned heavily on the idea of women’s empowerment."
From "Women, the Game Is Rigged. It’s Time We Stop Playing by the Rules" by Lux Alptraum (NYT).
"The Dutch like to say, 'Acting normal is crazy enough.' And we think that rich people are not acting normal."
Said Ellen Verkoelen, "a City Council member and Rotterdam leader of the 50Plus Party, which works on behalf of pensioners," quoted in "The Country That Wants to ‘Be Average’ vs. Jeff Bezos and His $500 Million Yacht/Why did Rotterdam stand between one of the world’s richest men and his boat? The furious response is rooted in Dutch values" (NYT).
“When I was about 11 years old, we had an American boy stay with us for a week, an exchange student,” she recalled. “And my mother told him, just make your own sandwich like you do in America. Instead of putting one sausage on his bread, he put on five. My mother was too polite to say anything to him, but to me she said in Dutch, ‘We will never eat like that in this house.’”
At school, Ms. Verkoelen learned from friends that the American children in their homes all ate the same way. They were stunned and a little jealous. At the time, it was said in the Netherlands that putting both butter and cheese on your bread was “the devil’s sandwich.”...
July 29, 2022
Here are 8 TikToks to amuse you for a few minutes. Let me know what you like.
2. Can't you understand Gen-Z?
3. What do emo people do for a living?
4. Her mind is a vast chaotic wilderness.
5. Looks from the 1971 Sears catalog.
6. Noises that you can please choose not to make.
7. Cool geography facts about Montana.
"The effectiveness of the TikTok experience is found in what it doesn’t require. Unlike Twitter..."
From "TikTok and the Fall of the Social-Media Giants Facebook is trying to copy TikTok, but this strategy may well signal the end of these legacy platforms" (The New Yorker).
Are drag queens not dangerous?
Drag is about self-expression without shame, and free thinking about others — about showing respect and care for everyone and for all the ways we present ourselves. It’s at once illuminating and not particularly serious; in drag, we playfully reject our assumptions about how a man or a woman “should” act so we can find our own ways of being. And drag, certainly, is nothing dangerous....
"If you can’t understand or name what the battle is that you’re in, then it’s hard to show up to do battle."
"After a year of high-profile scandals, Yale Law School is retiring an all-student listserv that became a breeding ground for progressive activism and online pile-ons..."
From "Yale Law School Axes Student Listserv That Energized Protests and Scandals/Ivy League law school will force students to write physical messages on a bulletin board after the listserv turned toxic" (Washington Free Beacon).
In the days before email, students and faculty would post their views on a bulletin board, nicknamed the "Wall," in the law school’s main hallway. That system, which Yale Law School is bringing back, "provided a healthy reminder that human beings are on the receiving end of the messages people send," Gerken said. "Indeed, sometimes students would run into the very people with whom they were debating and speak face-to-face."
Yale law students can't keep track of the humanity of the people on the receiving end of the email they write? What a concession!
"The Taliban’s brutality toward women in Afghanistan is a 'suffocating crackdown' that goes beyond the widely condemned bans on work and school to include..."
"But what really wounded me — what really wounded me — was when the Duke of Sussex addressed the United Nations and seemed to compare the decision whose name may not be spoken with the Russian attack on Ukraine."
In Prince Harry's July 18 speech, he spoke of 2022 as "a painful year in a painful decade" before citing the war in Ukraine and "the rolling back of constitutional rights here in the United States," which appeared to reference the abortion ruling.
Did Prince Harry "compare" the 2 things in any way other than listing them as painful things that happened in the past decade? It was a "rolling back" of a constitutional right. What's the point of Alito's sarcasm? It's close to saying, ha, ha, I have power and you don't.
Why the comedy? Women have lost an important right that we'd thought for decades was guaranteed by constitutional law. Now, Alito snarks that the opinion he wrote is "the decision whose name may not be spoken." Is that funny?
If people don't want to say the case name — Dobbs — it's because: 1. They don't remember it, 2. Roe is much more familiar and it's easier to say the case that overruled Roe, or 3. They intend to express anger and antagonism toward Dobbs by refusing to acknowledge its existence and envisioning its quick demise.
To jokingly call Dobbs "the decision whose name may not be spoken" is to seem to exult in your power. And that's ironic, considering that the best justification for what the Court did is judicial restraint.
"It is hard to convince people that religious liberty is worth defending if they don’t think that religion is a good thing that deserves protection."
July 28, 2022
I've got 10 TikToks for you this evening. Quite a lot, but won't you tell me what you like best?
1. Sharpening depicted in fuzziness.
2. Is this Mexican outfit offensive?
5. Lonely lass was Kate Dalrymple.
6. The word ladder exercise for how to write a song.
7. Can any song become a sad song?
8. Will you tell your male friend — seriously — that you love him?
"It’s been a long process... Then the Roe thing happened. That cemented it. That was the stars aligning. This needs to be done."
Said Iain Little, "a 40-year-old banker living in Philadelphia," quoted in "Snipped in solidarity: the American men getting vasectomies after Roe – while they can/Following the supreme court’s abortion decision, urologists say more men are taking charge of their reproductive health, to permanent ends" (The Guardian).
Little had always been fairly certain that children weren’t part of his life plan. For years, his wife agreed. Now, recently divorced and dipping his toe back into the dating pool, he felt it was an appropriate time to seriously consider a vasectomy.
His toe, indeed.
"Mark Zuckerberg failed to conceal his annoyance with an employee who asked about vacation days during a meeting in which the Meta CEO revealed plans to cut underperforming workers..."
"For all its posturing as a rule-of-law pillar, the Biden Justice Department, like the Biden administration broadly, is cowed by the Democrats’ hard-left base..."
Quiet quitting.
A comment on the video: "I quiet quit 6 months ago and guess what, same pay. same recognition, same everything but less stress."
And: "Then when you do it you realize nothing at work matters and suddenly all the stress vanishes."
This reminds me of an old song I was listening to yesterday:
"Loss or change of sense of smell or taste can lead to 'severe distress'... people... often feel 'isolated' when dismissed by clinicians."
From "Covid study finds millions have long-term smell or taste problems/Researchers say about 5% of infected adults may develop long-lasting changes to sense of smell or taste" (The Guardian).
When is your body image the government's business? The answer — in Spain — is, apparently, when you are female.
Spain’s equality ministry has launched a creative summer campaign encouraging women of all shapes and sizes to hit the beach, with the slogan: “Summer is ours too.”
The colourful campaign’s promotional image features five women of different body types, ages and ethnicities enjoying a day in the sun. “Summer is ours too,” it says. “Enjoy it how, where and with whomever you want.” The campaign also features a woman who has had a mastectomy topless.
“All bodies are beach bodies,” Ione Belarra, the leader of Podemos who serves as social rights minister in Spain’s Socialist-led coalition government, said. “All bodies are valid and we have the right to enjoy life as we are, without guilt or shame. Summer is for everyone!”
Maybe it's the government's business to promote the tourism industry and they have evidence that many women are avoiding the exposure. That might explain encouraging women and not men. Maybe men — however they look — just go to the beach when they want to go to the beach... or when they want to get a look at women's bodies. And that may be why we're seeing this ad, so men can gawk at it:
I think it's quite weird for the government to be instructing people about when to feel shame. And "All bodies are valid" is a strange concept. Valid? Are bodies making an argument? Are bodies seeking some legal goal?El @InstMujeres lanza #ElVeranoEsNuestro. Cuerpos diversos, libres de estereotipos de género, ocupando todos los espacios. El verano también nos pertenece. Libres, iguales y diversas. pic.twitter.com/BjS3YDaEYR
— Toni Morillas (@antoniamorillas) July 27, 2022
"I abandon books all the time. I won’t name them because that feels like tacitly implying it’s the fault of the book..."
"As Wally, Dow managed to pull off a performance that made him the kind of teenage boy that girls wanted to date and guys wanted to emulate."
On the occasion of the death of Tony Dow, Decider sums up the appeal of Wally, in "'Leave It To Beaver's Tony Dow Was The Big Brother Every Baby Boomer And Gen Xer Looked Up To."
The Cleavers were the best of the TV families. I remember fantasizing at the time: If you could pick one TV family to be yours, mine would be the Cleavers. It was the first one that sprang to mind and it was, after thinking of all the other possibilities, the final choice. Ward and June were the best parents, and who wouldn't want Wally for an older brother? We were all Beaver, making mistakes, getting into trouble, and loved and appreciated all the more for our ridiculousness.
A nice collection of Wally clips here.
Last line: "You know something, Dad, I don't think I'll ever be a cool guy.... Good night."
July 27, 2022
"[T]elevision — the medium for which I am most well-known — did not even exist when I was born, in 1922."
"When my predecessor got COVID, he had to get helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center. He was severely ill."
President Biden: "When my predecessor got COVID, he had to get helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center. He was severely ill. Thankfully, he recovered. When I got COVID, I worked from upstairs in the White House...the difference is vaccinations, of course." pic.twitter.com/VF80NZUELv
— CSPAN (@cspan) July 27, 2022
Here are 18 beautiful photographs of the beautiful house Brad Pitt just bought for $40 million.
Well spent money! I approve!
The crap some rich people buy. Nice discernment by Brad. I'm reading "Brad Pitt buys $40m ‘DL James House’ in California" (London Times).
The DL James House, also known as Seaward, was designed by Charles Sumner Greene, a 20th-century architect... Built on a rocky crag overlooking the coast, the luxury home — built with local sandstone and granite — is steps from the beach....
It's on a crag, but not "Over the brink of the crag of sense." It's quite sensible, for Brad. In Carmel.
"Early in the pandemic, renters flocked to what became known as Zoom towns — midsize cities, like Boise, Spokane, and Bozeman, Mont."
Let them eat ketchup.
For some, it feels dire — a personal consequence of extreme weather that decimated mustard seed supply in and outside France....
Come on. It's not like a bread shortage. It's a condiment! It's not a staple....
Mustard is a staple of most French diets....
Or, okay, what makes a food a staple? I thought it needed to be something nourishing and foundational, like bread or rice or potatoes. But maybe if you buy it and use it all the time, it's a staple, and it's hard to understand that degree of attachment to mustard:
“This is a sauce that’s loved all over the world — and it’s ours,” Dinhut told The Post.
Dinhut — Claire Dinhut — is one of the TikTok people that seem to have motivated WaPo to cover this "panic." You can check out these videos at #mustardshortage. This post gets my "MSM reports what's in social media" tag.
"Many signs are metaphorical, linking visual objects or gestures to concepts. So when cultural shifts change the very concept of a word..."
"I'll madly live the poems I shall never write."
Complaint of a Poet ManquéWe judge by appearance merely:If I can't think strangely, I can at least look queerly.So I grew the hair so long on my headThat my mother wouldn't know me,Till a woman in a night-club said,As I was passing by,"Hullo, here comes Salome ..."I looked in the dirty gilt-edged glass,And, oh Salome; there I was—Positively jewelled, half a vampire,With the soul in my eyes hanging dizzilyLike the gatherer of proverbial samphireOver the brink of the crag of sense,Looking down from perilous eminenceInto a gulf of windy night.And there's straw in my tempestuous hair,And I'm not a poet: but never despair!I'll madly live the poems I shall never write.
Delightful exuberant charming art or endless mindless straining for attention?
Hey @elonmusk I just doodled my Tesla pic.twitter.com/2IA8obuz34
— Mr Doodle (@itsmrdoodle) July 26, 2022
I'm stuck in a marijuana-addled cycle of doom.
UPDATE: Blogger unpublished this post and told me "Your content has violated our Illegal activities policy." This post is about a news item that appeared in NPR. Reports about crime are not illegal!
UPDATE 2: Blogger reevaluated this post and sent me email that said:
"Airline lounges, bastions of civilization in airport terminals that are now often overstuffed with irritated passengers, thanks to flight delays and cancellations..."
July 26, 2022
"I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."
I do not know the context, but that happened today. I'd just like to say that if she's trying to display respect for the new "pronouns" convention, she's doing a terrible job. To follow "My pronouns are she and her" with "I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit" is like saying "My pronouns are she and her — duh!"
ADDED: Now, I'm remembering the viral Microsoft clip from last year:
The idea there, we were told, was to be inclusive toward the visually impaired.If you’re not announcing your pronouns, race, hairstyle and accessories, you’re on the wrong side of history.pic.twitter.com/cfmynPoFX4
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) November 5, 2021
"Parents have hopes and dreams, right, with their kids, from the time that they’re born and they’re creeping and crawling and walking and falling over and walking again..."
Said Congressman Glenn Thompson at the wedding of his son, quoted in "Listen To The Speech A Republican Lawmaker Gave At His Gay Son’s Wedding/Days After Voting Against Marriage Equality/'We’re just blessed, and we just want to say thank you to everyone here as part of the celebration,' said Rep. Glenn Thompson, three days after voting against codifying marriage equality in federal law" (BuzzFeedNews).
Thompson was "one of 157 House Republicans who voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, which acts as a failsafe in case the Supreme Court reverses itself on marriage equality."
"I was introduced to Jack Powers during his final month of nearly 33 years spent in prison. A former bank robber, Mr. Powers spent over two decades in solitary confinement...."
Writes Pete Quandt, in "After Two Decades in Solitary, This Is His First Day Out After nearly 33 years in prison — and over two decades in solitary confinement — Jack Powers embarks on the first day of his new life" (NYT).
"This was a personal problem and not for public consumption. With the exception of Ivanka, Avi, Cassidy and Mulvaney, I didn’t tell anyone at the White House — including the president."
“The day before the surgery, Trump called me into the Oval Office and motioned for his team to close the door. ‘Are you nervous about the surgery?’ he asked,” Mr. Kushner wrote.
“How do you know about it?” Mr. Kushner responded.
“I’m the president,” Mr. Trump replied, according to Mr. Kushner. “I know everything. I understand that you want to keep these things quiet. I like to keep things like this to myself as well. You’ll be just fine. Don’t worry about anything with work. We have everything covered here.”
I’m the president... I know everything.
"Some people in the US are rushing to get sterilized after the Roe v. Wade ruling."
"Manna walked past a 'trail closed' sign and made his way down the path for about 10 or 15 minutes, looking left and right for any sign of the child."
"For there are mystically in our faces certain Characters that carry in them the motto of our Souls, wherein he that cannot read A.B.C. may read our natures."
Since the Brow speaks often true, since Eyes and Noses have Tongues, and the countenance proclaims the heart and inclinations; let observation so far instruct thee in Physiognomical lines ... we often observe that Men do most act those Creatures, whose constitution, parts, and complexion do most predominate in their mixtures. This is a corner-stone in Physiognomy ... there are therefore Provincial Faces, National Lips and Noses, which testify not only the Natures of those Countries, but of those which have them elsewhere.
For a modern example of physiognomy as a science, Wikipedia points to "Kim Jong-Un: The Face Tells All" (preserved in the Wayback Machine)("So as soon as Kim Jong-un's photo was revealed, South Korean physiognomists got right down to business analyzing every feature to gauge his personality and character").
July 25, 2022
"In all, with these women, [Elon Musk] had eight children: with Wilson his first child died of sudden infant death syndrome, then he had twins, then triplets."
"Morgan: A Suitable Case For Treatment" was a very 60s film.
It's what I think of first when I think about David Warner, so let me put it here to memorialize the actor, who died yesterday at the age of 80. Here's the NYT obituary, "David Warner, Actor Who Played Villains and More, Dies at 80/He seemed destined for a major stage career but by the early 1970s was focused on film and TV. His credits included 'TRON,' 'Titanic' and hundreds more."
Here's the scene where he takes his mother to visit the grave of Karl Marx:
"'I don’t recall Roe being an issue in any such conversations I had concerning [the] creation of Fed Soc,' [Theodore] Olson wrote to me...."
Joni Mitchell sings at the 2022 Newport Folk Festival.
Just 5 TikToks to amuse you. Let me know what you like.
1. I'll get that overpriced pastry with my long fingers.
2. Underwater photography in the Everglades, complete with inert alligator.
3. Gimme a kiss? Okay!
4. Acting out the personality of various social media platforms.
"I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous peoples... I am sorry... I ask forgiveness, in particular..."
The female black swallowtail.

[T]he black swallowtail [engages] in a lek mating system. These butterflies satisfy the four criteria for lekking behavior... (1) there is no male parental care, (2) males aggregate at specific sites for display, (3) the only resource females find at the lek are the males themselves and (4) females can select their mates.
There were no males around yesterday at 4:26 pm when I caught this lady lolling on a redbud leaf just outside our door.
IN THE COMMENTS: Fritz says, "Alas, this is not an actual Black Swallowtail. It's a swallowtail, and it's black, but it is the black morph of the Tiger Swallowtail....""This isn’t simply about being fair to [Kamala] Harris or elevating her like some other vice presidents have been elevated..."
Writes Jeffrey Frank, author of "Ike and Dick: Portrait of a Strange Political Marriage," in "Kamala Harris Is Stuck" (NYT).
"A [Washington] Post analysis also found an increase in grooming chatter... on platforms favored by right-wing activists..."
"Interviewers have come to me for the inside story because there must be something mysterious or controversial about Harpo."
The New York Times gives you your choice of rabbit hole.

"There is a lot of speculation about what the Justice Department is doing, what’s it not doing, what our theories are and what our theories aren’t, and there will continue to be that speculation. That’s because a central tenet of the way in which the Justice Department investigates and a central tenet of the rule of law is that we do not do our investigations in public."That is, implicitly, a criticism of the January 6th Committee. They're doing their "investigation" in public — straining to make it as public as possible and presenting it to the nation as an ongoing TV show — and pontificating about the rule of law. Garland discreetly prods us to notice his disapproval.
Betcha Dela Cruz-Atabug didn’t want a normal living room.Are they betting me that someone named Dela didn't want a normal living room, or is her first name Betcha? I don't know, but...
Rock Herzog, an interior designer in Los Angeles... said that the conversation pit is the perfect metaphor for the milieu of the times.
“Not only are we physically separated from one another, we are culturally, socially and politically separated from each other, and the end to that separateness is not in sight... So the conversation pit is this fantasy of ‘what would it be like if we were together again and having a good time?’”
July 24, 2022
I've got 6 TikToks to amuse you for 10 minutes this afternoon. Let me know what you like.
1. The baby emu shows you all its tricks.
2. Maybe I'd cook a potato like this.
3. A kid with amazing bike skills.
4. An actress with amazing cupcake-eating skills.
5. The hangry baby consumes mass quantities.
6. What it's like to go hiking with an L.A. man — the scintillating conversation will blow your mind.
"Whether or not to take a spouse’s name is a personal decision. But the personal is political — now more than ever, and especially for celebrities."
Martha Stewart kept peacocks and there were also 6 "large and aggressive" coyotes. "Let's Get It On," indeed.
Rouge droplet?
Astronauts have been warned against masturbating in space over fears female astronauts could get impregnated by stray fluids. There are strict guidelines over “alone-time” onboard in zero gravity.
Scientists have warned even the slightest rouge droplet could cause chaos on board.
Rouge droplet? In space, is semen red? No, it's just the kind of typo spell-checkers don't catch, the funniest ones, the ones that are other words, like "rouge" for "rogue."
Conan O’Brien was interviewing a NASA engineer, who said, “Three female astronauts can be impregnated by the same man on the same session … it finds its way.”
The stunning ignorance of Matt Gaetz — smugly palming off completely sexist bad comedy. Does he think he's Andrew Dice Clay... in the 80s?
At least "look like a thumb" is an original image. But he's using a very old idea about feminists: They're the women who are so unattractive that they can't succeed in the traditional feminine way, which is by partnering with a man. And it's creepy to use the words "Nobody wants to impregnate you" when the format of your humor suggests that you're trying to say "Nobody wants to fuck you."Gaetz: "Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb." pic.twitter.com/0qqvun3Pf8
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 23, 2022