November 1, 2024

"The media is doing its best to play down Joe Biden’s casual insult of half of America as 'garbage'.... Why on earth would anyone assume Mr. Biden would..."

"... again show derision for voters he’s labeled 'semi-fascists,' 'MAGA extremists' and proponents of 'Jim Crow 2.0'? Of course it wasn’t a gaffe. It’s the latest injection of toxic Democratic arrogance—and it explains the party’s electoral struggles. It’s of a piece with the open dismissal by the media and elites of critics as idiots, yokels, deplorables. The men accused of 'toxic masculinity.' The women written off as 'handmaids.' The religious 'fanatics.' The millions the left scorn with a long list of 'ist' and 'phobe' words. If you don’t bow to progressive dogma, you are a fascist. Sexist. Racist. Nationalist. Insurrectionist. Domestic terrorist. Extremist. 'Far' rightist. And a homophobe. And a Nazi. Who is bitter. And clinging to a gun and a religion...."

Writes Kimberley A. Strassel, in "Democrats Trash-Talk the Voters/From ‘deplorables’ to ‘garbage,’ contempt doesn’t seem to be a winning message" (Wall Street Journal)(no subscription needed).

And thanks to Strassel for giving me the push I needed to actually watch the ad they got Julia Roberts to do the voice-over for. I laughed a lot:

You can really see how stupid they think the ordinary men and women of America are. I guess it's possible that they meant to exaggerate their low opinion in an ironic way that could make everybody laugh. 

Maybe somewhere in America women have been under men's thumb. I think of P. Diddy parties, things like that.

But also, why would you insult the people you want to influence?

And another thing: I don't believe many men are bullying their wives about voting the "right" way. I think it's a lot more likely that a woman might see how important the election is to her husband and simply choose not to cast a vote that effectively cancels his vote.


DINKY DAU 45 said...

Hey knuckleheads! You dont like Bidens statement about the foul comedian and his followers DONT VOTE FOR HIM! Lord the mental decline of the right is mind numbing!

rehajm said...

Who are these women cowed into voting like their husbands? Are they as big a voting block as guys what tuck?

rehajm said...

…by most accounts that seems to be happening…

Captain BillieBob said...

"It’s hard to like a party that views you as trash."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Fortunately dink is exempt - lacking in numbing material.

Political Junkie said...

Ann - Your last paragraph caused me to tear up a bit. Sweet. I wish my wife felt that way. Alas, she does not.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Professor, you deserve a better class of troll.

rehajm said...

Think of it as cancelling someone else’s vote…

BUMBLE BEE said...

Has-Beens for Harris. Hollywood on it's knees.

John henry said...

What happens in the booth stays in the booth


What I saw there were not booths. they were tables with a little bit of a cardboard position.

Ccertainly not private in Puerto Rico. We have booths they're cardboard they're three-sided about the size of telephone boothst lookand have a top over them and have a paper curtain on the front so when you go in you're completely enclosed

Looks like bullshit to me.

Secret ballot? Yeah, right.

John Henry

Rory said...

Wow. That's a purely distilled Marxist message - that people of some demographic have more in common with and more commitment to each other than they have to their own families.

Randomizer said...

Early in the ad, when the guy said, "Your turn, honey", it seemed like he was a poll worker. I thought that was going to be the issue. At the end, she touches the guy's shoulder in a familiar manner, and says "sure did honey". She doesn't leave with him, but with the woman in the red and white sweater. I don't get it.

The line, "In the one place in America where women still have the right to choose", is nonsense. Does Harris think we have sharia law or are living in Handmaid's Tale? That's the part that stuck with me.

This ad was supposed to be about men forcing women to vote a certain way? In a country with 350 million people, many people are under many people's thumbs, but women generally aren't weak and passive.

I don't understand most of the Harris ads I see.

Dave Begley said...

“ Maybe somewhere in America women have been under men's thumb. I think of P. Diddy parties, things like that.” Althouse pounces!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Don't overlook the overrated Mark Cuban's contribution top the scolding of America. Turns iout he's not even majority owner of the Mavericks team anymore and the lady who is majority owner just wrote $100-million check to the Trump PAC.

"Strong Republican women" indeed!

boatbuilder said...

Imagine the converse: An ad in which a submissive husband says "yes, dear" while his overbearing wife, confident that he will vote for Harris, hovers over him. He exchanges a wink with another submissive guy who's voting for Trump but not telling his wife.

Would that ad change one vote? Other than away from Trump?

The progressive fantasy world is bizarre.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yep. There is strong "deception" theme in these Hollywood attempts by Roberts and Clooney to "help" Kamala.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Dang. I meant "to the scolding of America" above. TGIF

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Trump ending his campaign by enjoying the thought of Liz Cheney being lined up by 9 people with guns and her face shot at.This is a very sick person and his violent rhetoric is a big problem This perp wants to be president! Never gonna happen he is sick!

MartyH said...

I see some foreshadowing. Or did I miss a post?

tim maguire said...

why would you insult the people you want to influence?

It's who they are, it's what they do. They are incapable of understanding that someone might disagree with them in good faith and so they can only insult people who think differently.

My wife and I regularly cancel out each other's votes. I'm mildly amused by it, she's exasperated by it. I am far more likely to avoid talking about it than she is (fortunately, I'm not a very political person and am just fine not talking politics unless forced to).

Shouting Thomas said...

Go ahead. Abort your baby without your husband’s consent or knowledge.

The purpose of feminism is to incite hatred between men and women.

Shouting Thomas said...

I haven’t even read the story, and I know you’re lying.

Leland said...

I’ve been called worse. “Scum of the earth”, “filth of creation”, “gone from bad to worse”, “a dirty son of a bitch”.
Hell, I’ve been made to put that to song and sing it loudly in public places.
“Garbage” is no big deal.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Biden (inadvertently) presented Harris with a golden opportunity to go big and she failed, miserably. I'm not sure whether to attribute that to stupidity or cowardice.

Lilly, a dog said...

I like to imagine that Joe Scarborough secretly cancels Mika's vote.

Christopher B said...


Christopher B said...

Unlike Josh Shapiro who immediately threw Biden under the garbage truck.

Rusty said...

I think married women with children are voting for Trump. They realize what they've lost in the last four years and don't want to go backwards anymore. Most of the women for Harris are single and childless. They don't care if your kids are pressed to go fight in Ukraine. The vast majority of men voting for Harris aren't men.

Quayle said...

Oh yes, the "oppressed women" canard. That is the same attitude shown by 19th century opponents of the Latter-day Saints and the LDS' offensive and immoral polygamy. The opponents said the Latter-day Saint women were all oppressed by the "Mormon" patriarchy - the patriarchy that kept sending polygamists as territorial delegates to Washington DC. (My great-grandfather was one. They refused to seat him because of his immorality. He noted that the only difference between himself and many in Washington DC was that he married the women with whom he slept.)

Brigham Young called the bluff and in 1870 women in the Utah territory were given the vote. The voting in the Utah territory didn't change much. LDS men were still elected.

17 years later, in a typical display of hypocrisy and irony, the Utah women were disenfranchised by the U.S. Congress itself in the Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1887, Washington DC's final crackdown on polygamy, They didn't get the vote back until 1895 when statehood was pending. Utah became the third state with equal sufferage.

So, calling women oppressed is a handy tool of argument, but many times those very women being called oppressed don't consider themselves to be so.

Kate said...



Wince said...

I actually subscribe to a version of the "apostrophe" defense: I believe Biden did not intend to say what he said out loud, but he meant it.

Kate said...

There's so much wrong with that ad, so much skin-crawling creepiness, that I'm speechless.

JMS said...

Ann asked, "why would you insult the people you want to influence?"

The assumption in the question is likely false. This ad seems to be targeting (single?) liberal women . In essence, get out and vote against the Trumpers that would make you subservient if given the chance.

Steve said...

I find this line of attack ironic since a week or two ago they were brow-beating black men to listen to their women when deciding who to vote for.

Quayle said...
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Tank said...

Very interesting last sentence Mrs. Meade, whose husband attends Trump rallies.

Quayle said...

Yeah, with marriage relationships like that, who needs marriage at all. Certainly not a Hollywood star. She only needs the man (Danny Moder) she wants. The fact that the man's then-wife is devastated by the affair and his subsequent abandonment and divorce, is not the Hollywood star's problem. So much real viciousness and devastating pain inflicted on another person, under the guise of gentle kindness and "love."

Wince said...

Why did they choose a couple with what appears to be a post menopausal wife?

I think it's a clear signal that Democrats have already written-off middle aged men as a lost cause, and wanted to avoid any suggestion that younger men might be Trump voters.

Ann Althouse said...

"I see some foreshadowing. Or did I miss a post?"

You may be talking about the post where I said I did the "in-person absentee" voting.

Hassayamper said...

I am registered with the Libertarians and have been since college. While I normally vote a Republican straight ticket, there have been many times over the years when I voted for one of my party’s candidates because I detested the Republican almost as much as the Dem. This gets me in trouble with my wife, who is a loyal Republican.

Jaq said...

If you identify as a "knucklehead," Democrats say that you shouldn't think for yourself and vote for Harris. I don't think that DD's post makes any news.

rehajm said...

That’s a bingo

Amadeus 48 said...

Disliking Trump is not a reason to cast a vote for Harris. We are talking bad and worse here.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Omaha. Omaha."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The stink of desperation is so obvious.

FormerLawClerk said...

Althouse wrote: "... A woman might see how important the election is to her husband and simply choose not to cast a vote that effectively cancels his vote."

And now we know who Althouse voted for.


So as not to cancel out Meade's vote.

FormerLawClerk said...

why would you insult the people you want to influence?

Althouse doesn't get how fixed elections work. They don't need to "influence" us. They know they're going to win irrespective of how we all vote. Our elections are fake.

Insulting us is their way of rubbing it in our faces.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Harris's response was very strange, telling a reporter who asked if she spoke with Biden since his "garbage" statement, "He called me but that subject didn't come up."

As with many DNC operatives cosplaying "reporter" the obvious follow-up ("You didn't bring it up either?") went unasked by the ninny on the tarmac.

FormerLawClerk said...

Funny, isn't it? How it's the woman's baby. She can choose to abort it. It's not the man's baby.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He doesn't even get to see what she puts on his mail-in ballot once he signs it and hands it over to her. Not that it will matter this year in Florida.

jim said...

Will there be poll watchers enforcing right-voting? We wouldn't a bunch of frivolous women messing things up because of their hormones.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We know your mind is numb, we just don't believe the root cause you cite.

EAB said...

I don’t know any woman who has a husband who bullies her on voting. If anything, the haranguing comes from women toward their husbands. (I have a sneaking suspicion my BIL quietly votes the opposite of my sister.) I’m so very, very tired of women and their petulant tantrums. I came of age in the 1970s. Feminism. What was once an honorable cause has become whining.. Maybe, just maybe, we should look inward instead of pushing men to change or step aside. I was disgusted by Gloria Steinem’s defense of Bill Clinton. And I’m disgusted today by AOC claiming Emhoff is a model of masculinity. And I’m deeply, deeply offended they think so little of women to presume, assume that because my vote is different from theirs, I’m somehow bullied. Cate Blanchett once said her moral compass is in her vagina. I’m supposed to listen to a woman who says that?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The most oppressed women in America are the sex slaves imported under Border Czar Harris's nose, followed closely by the many young women who worked their asses off all their formative years to play sports in HS and college yet are now losing matches to dudes with a dress-up fetish. Not one Democrat at any level has defended these two sorely oppressed groups of women.

Aggie said...

I wondered about this, too. There's no other place in America where a woman still has the right to choose? Really? That's kind of a .... dark message, isn't it, pretty dystopian?

If it's a sly dig about abortion, don't women also vote in state elections, to choose their legislators, or *gasp* even choose to run as one? Does a woman have a right to choose to be anti-abortion, even? Just wondering at this scene that's being set by the Democrat Party.

Iman said...

“On its knees” seems to be a theme for the campaign.

wendybar said...

Just look at the extreme left wing commenters on this blog (if they think we are extreme, then they are extremely extreme!!) You don't have to wonder who the stupid ones that fall for the Hollywood hype are.

MadisonMan said...

Going for the White Woman vote, I see.

wendybar said...

Can say that about the ladies in Hollywood who got where they are on the casting couch.....

Lazarus said...

In today's America more men will be bullied into voting for Harris by their wives than women will be bullied -- or fear being bullied -- into voting for Trump by their husbands. The ad suffers from self-congratulatory smugness, as well as distortion of reality.

Aggie said...

But but but.... the lady we presume to be a Democrat voter is wearing red, while the lady wearing the American Flag hat, the dog-whistle for Trump voters, is wearing blue. And we only see one ballot being filled out. 'Democrats can't meme' tag should apply.

who-knew said...

Biden wasn't talking about "the foul comedian and his followers", he was talking about all of Trump's supporters and voters. He said it clear as day, completely unmistakably and no amount of doctoring the transcript can change that.

Joe Bar said...

Mrs. Bar and I vote differently. We have known this for the last 10 years or so. In 2020 she was mad as hell about it, and screamed at me a bit. This year it's "OK fine, lets get this over with." The abortion issue has really made some people lose their minds. No reasoning will penetrate that diamond hard veneer of belief.

Wilbur said...

My wife - an immigrant from Brazil - gladly lets me fill out her mail-in ballot. She signs it and into the mailbox it goes.
I have a friend - an immigrant from China in his 40s - who asked me to fill out his ballot and mail it in, with a cautionary interjection "Just make sure you vote for Trump". He regards the Left contemptuously, not surprisingly for someone who legally immigrated here.

Bob B said...

The pressure on women I’ve witnessed is that they HAVE to vote for Harris. This ad may decrease the Harris vote by encouraging women to vote independently.

Bob B said...

The other woman is voting Trump against expectations.

TaeJohnDo said...

Do you know who my wife voted for? I don't either.

hombre said...

People for whom Harris is still in the running are stupid. Professor, you need to give them their due.

planetgeo said...

It may come as a great surprise to feminists, but the reality is that smart, strong men actually admire and respect smart, strong women. In real life, as opposed to progressive feminist fantasy, we men would expect and want such a woman to just vote the way she wants to vote without having to say anything to us, or even just tell us outright. No big deal.

The fact that this ad portrays women as lying,devious bitches who can't be respected tells us more about the progressive feminist mind than it does about normal women.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Didn't work for Hillary either. My sisters can't stand Harris and would never vote for her.

planetgeo said...

And just for the record, my smart, strong woman just happened to mention it's going to be "Omaha, Omaha" for us too, Mike MJB.

Bob Boyd said...

Voting how we want and saying what we think isn't an either-or situation. We'll cheerfully do both. Hope it doesn't ruin your day.

Yancey Ward said...

My mother for years took pleasure in cancelling my father's vote for the Republican candidate but she has voted for Trump twice and will do so again on Tuesday.

Bob Boyd said...

Althouse said: "I think it's a lot more likely that a woman might see how important the election is to her husband and simply choose not to cast a vote that effectively cancels his vote."


Bob Boyd said...

Is Althouse telling us she either voted for Trump or, more likely, abstained?

Mary Beth said...

The husband in that ad looks like a demented imbecile. He had a Tim Walz vibe.

Michael McNeil said...

Why not support him with yours—thus, two votes—instead of just one (his)?

Rabel said...

Here is the flip side of the ad aimed at male voters.

Are they trying to counter the "shy" Trump supporter concept?

I don't know but there must be a reason for the asininity.

JaimeRoberto said...

In 2016 I had convinced my wife to vote Libertarian, but at the last minute she saw another bullshit Russia story on the news so in the privacy of the the voting booth she decided to vote for Trump. Just like in that stupid ad.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'm surprised they didn't dress that woman in one of those handmaid's costumes. "The one place in America where a woman still has the right to choose." Yeah, abortion is totally banned in places like CA, NY, IL...

Kakistocracy said...

MAGA women are disobeying the overly-controlling husbands and voting for Harris in secret. Could anything be more fitting than seeing women put the nail in the coffin for Trump’s political career?

rehajm said...

I thought he looked creepy leftie, too Mary Beth…

Inga said...
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Inga said...
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Inga said...
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Inga said...
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Inga said...
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Inga said...
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Jim at said...

This is a very sick person and his violent rhetoric is a big problem.

Maybe you should try shooting him again.

I swear, you're going to end up in a rubber room with Inga.
Good. You deserve each other.

Shouting Thomas said...

How did you cook the baby parts today, Inga? Do you drink the blood,too?

Kakistocracy said...

If my wife votes for Harris, I will leave her right now. As opposed to leaving her two years from now, when I swap her out for someone younger and hotter ~ Jesse Watters

victoria said...

Exactly why i am not voting for Trump

victoria said...

I actually think it should be "never wases for Trump" Kid Rock, please, never got past the never was stage... never was a has been (he wishes)

victoria said...

you obviously hve never worked in an office.

victoria said...

actually huge.

victoria said...

Your candidate is totally dismissive of women and their rights, or he wouldn't brag about appointing justices to overturn Roe.

victoria said...

Sick and desperate to get votes anyway he can. not mine.

john mosby said...

Am I the only one who got a lesbian vibe from the commercial? Eyes locking over the voting carrels, reassuring their husbands while walking off together, etc?

Would make a good SNL parody if they hadnt suddenly switched back to “nothing against the State.”


Jupiter said...

"You can really see how stupid they think the ordinary men and women of America are."
I think it's more that they want to encourage women to think of their husbands as domineering idiots who must be thwarted. Because that's how they think of us. Of course, what they really want our wives to do is divorce us and mutilate our children.

Kirk Parker said...
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Kirk Parker said...

Victoria sounds like a maenad -- except one whose god is Moloch, not Dionysius.

Tina Trent said...

Victoria, as you are claiming to know so much about other people’s marriages, I wonder why you didn’t choose more wisely if you feel so oppressed. I’ve never had a victim of domestic violence tell me their partners control their voting, and I have dealt with a lot of them.

I don’t believe you, and that ad was stupidly misandrist and misogynist. The message I got was that dishonest, weak women support Harris.

Not a good look.

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