blogging every day since January 14, 2004
There is now a "nonbinary" category in running, and Calamia argued that it didn't make sense to create this division to be inclusive and then to regard "gender-affirming medical care" as "doping."
Despite this victory, Calamia still has a problem with the system. He had to submit a "complete medical history, including psychological records and medical notes, establishing a diagnosis of gender dysphoria." This was, in his view "unnecessarily invasive," because "athletes who use medically prescribed testosterone to treat hypogonadism, a condition where the body does not produce enough of the hormone, are not required to submit psychological records when seeking an exemption."
The president's dog analogy comes the same week it was revealed that first dog Commander was removed from White House grounds after a series of biting incidents. On Thursday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to reveal the dog's whereabouts.
So he has dog on his mind. He needs to think of an example, and he thinks of a dog example.
Hillary Clinton calls for Trump Supporters to be reeducated: "At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members." pic.twitter.com/ao3foysSL4
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) October 6, 2023
Said Banana Yoshimoto, responding to the question "What moves you most in a work of literature?"
Writes Donald Trump at Truth Social.
In case you were getting excited about the wafted possibility that Trump himself would become Speaker of the House. Why he could bring his storied deal-making powers to the woeful institution!
Full text of the "truth," which I'm inclined to quote because it has a reference to the University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Over the past 30 years, Iran’s government has penalized her over and over for her activism and her writing.... The last time Ms. Mohammadi heard the voices of her 16-year-old twins, Ali and Kiana, was over a year ago. The last time she held her son and daughter in her arms was eight years ago. Her husband, Taghi Rahmani, 63, also a writer and prominent activist who was jailed for 14 years in Iran, lives in exile in France with the twins....
“I sit in front of the window every day, stare at the greenery and dream of a free Iran,” Ms. Mohammadi said in a rare and unauthorized telephone interview from inside Evin in April. “The more they punish me, the more they take away from me, the more determined I become to fight until we achieve democracy and freedom and nothing less.”
His biggest ideas have all blown up in his face: An $8 monthly subscription fee... the meaningless “X”... hav[ing] headlines stripped from article links... the rancid vibes Musk has cultivated by reinstating right-wing extremists and peddlers of misinformation previously banned from the platform.... Although it has shed millions of daily active users since Musk started tinkering with it, the endgame is more likely to come down to money. Seven banks led by Morgan Stanley hold some $13 billion in debt.... If X can’t keep making its $300 million quarterly interest payments, the financial firms may repossess it in order to recoup a fraction of their losses....
Why would the banks be able to do any better than Musk?
I'm watching the Nobel Prize "twitter" feed and the live-blogging at The Guardian.
I don't know why I'm so interested this year — perhaps because the other news is boring me or the non-boring news isn't being reported — because I expect the name to be virtually unknown to me.
I see Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o is in the running. "His short fable, The Upright Revolution: Or Why Humans Walk Upright, was originally written in Gikuyu and became the most translated story in the history of African literature."
And then there's Can Xue, Mircea Cărtărescu, Gerald Murnane, and László Krasznahorkai.Louise Glück, an American poet whose searing, deeply personal work, often filtered through themes of classical mythology, religion and the natural world, won her practically every honor available, including the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award and, in 2020, the Nobel Prize for Literature, died on Friday at her home in Cambridge, Mass. She was 80.
Said David Ryan Harris, quoted in, "Man Says Airline Stopped Him on Suspicion He Was Trafficking His Children/American Airlines has apologized to David Ryan Harris, a Black musician who said he and his biracial children were confronted by an airline employee and police officers after a flight last month" (NYT).
Now, prosecutors in the federal election case against Mr. Trump have shown an interest in the drinking habits of Mr. Giuliani — and whether the former president ignored what his aides described as the plain inebriation of the former mayor referred to in court documents as 'Co-Conspirator 1.'...
I haven't said "Jamaal Bowman" yet. Everyone else has said "Jamaal Bowman" before I did, so I feel listless and unhelpful. And yet the pressure of not saying "Jamaal Bowman" is too much to bear.
When it was time to touch each other’s “heart space,” some laid their hands directly on the left side of their partner’s chest while others made contact with just the tips of their fingers. Somatic practices like meditation and eye gazing have long been incorporated in relationships.... The innovation here is attaching this mindfulness style to first-time romantic meet-ups....
I can't imagine volunteering (let alone paying) for this kind of thing. Here are the first 2 associations that sprang into my head.
1. In the James Whale movie "The Old Dark House" — which I watched on October 1st, the first day it became available on the Criterion Channel, part of a collection called "Pre-Code Horror" — the owner of the house suddenly lays her hand on her hand on the bare upper chest of the young Gloria Stuart:
Mary Katharine Ham tries to cure Bill Maher and Sam Harris from their Trump derangement syndrome. pic.twitter.com/J51lcATOxO
— Turncoat Don (@TurncoatD) October 1, 2023
Early in her career, Katalin Kariko, 68, a Hungarian-born scientist, saw mRNA’s medical potential and pursued it with ferocious and single-minded tenacity that exiled her to the outskirts of science. After a chance meeting over the photocopier at the University of Pennsylvania 25 years ago, she worked closely with Drew Weissman, 64, an immunologist who saw the potential for the technology to create a new kind of vaccine.... Together, Kariko and Weissman’s complementary knowledge helped to unravel a way to chemically tweak messenger RNA, turning basic biology into a useful medical technology ready to change the world when the pandemic struck.
In an interview that aired on CNN on Sunday, Mr. Gaetz, Mr. McCarthy’s main tormentor, said he would do just that. By bringing up a measure called a “motion to vacate,” he can call a snap vote on whether to keep Mr. McCarthy in his post.
I like the phrase "main tormentor." Seems like the writer wanted to say "arch nemesis" and knew she needed to tone it down for NYT standards.