December 5, 2020
At the Sunrise Café...

"The fashion pendulum inevitably swung away from giant sunglasses into almost comically tiny territory, which means it's just about time for that bug-eyed look to return."
James Corden denounced for doing "gayface" in the Netflix movie of the Broadway show "The Prom."
Gone are the days when a nongay actor won praise for playing a gay person. I guess this is like the way they don't stage "Othello" with a white actor in dark makeup and that old-time performance would be called "blackface." A nongay actor playing gay is doing "gayface."
But what's the gay equivalent of dark makeup? Arguably, it's worse than a white actor putting on dark makeup to play a black person, which is mimicking an objective, outward trait. It's an affectation of stereotypical gestures and speech patterns and so forth.
What do you need to do to read as gay? Has the answer become just don't do it?
I'm reading "James Corden Under Fire For ‘The Prom’ Performance: 'The Worst Gayface in a Long, Long Time'" (Decider). Here's the trailer. Corden is the actor playing a fat gay man. I don't think he's in what might be called "fatface" (that is, he's actually fat and not wearing a fat suit, I believe).
Here's the Vanity Fair review by Richard Lawson: "James Corden Should Have Been Banned from The Prom/Meryl Streep and Nicole Kidman are merely wasted in Netflix’s Broadway musical adaptation—but Corden's performance is insulting."
Corden, who is straight, is so bad in The Prom—somehow both appalling and terminally bland—that it had me thinking maybe the hardliners were right along. Forget the whole case-by-case thing: No more straight actors playing gay men until the sins of The Prom are properly atoned for. [The director, Ryan] Murphy, a gay man, has led some straight actors into fertile gay territory before.... But Corden, flitting and lisping around in the most uninspired of caricatures, misses all potential for nuance, and thus never finds even a hint of truth in the role. And this is in a movie that’s supposed to be about empowering queer people!
It's hard to believe that the era of straight actors playing gay people is over. Look at all the actors who have in very recent years won awards for doing just that. Maybe the problem is the stereotypical gay character. It's one thing for Rami Malek, a straight man, to play Freddie Mercury, a gay man — a grand narrative about a specific person — but quite something else to have a generic gay guy clowning for cheap laughs.
"California certified its presidential election Friday and appointed 55 electors pledged to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, officially handing him the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House...."
Why is ice hockey the one youth sport producing outbreaks of coronavirus?
December 4, 2020
At the Sunrise Café...

... you can talk about whatever you like.
And please think of supporting this blog by doing your shopping through the Althouse portal to Amazon."The old Southern Democrats maintained the allegiance of poor whites by making sure those poor whites felt they could look down on blacks."
"This might have been a holy-shit speech, but it came in the 'yeah, whatever' phase of Trump’s lame-duck Presidency...."
With Kamala Harris looking on and imperiously smiling, Biden reveals a plan to suddenly "develop some disease and say I have to resign."
I don't want to criticize a bona fide speech impediment, but it is valuable to notice what triggers an intense bout of stammering. It's right when he's about to reveal too much.Joe Biden is asked about his disagreements with Kamala Harris on certain issues:
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 4, 2020
"Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign." pic.twitter.com/SLcvrwaPCA
The elegance of Edward Snowden.
Mr. President, if you grant only one act of clemency during your time in office, please: free Julian Assange. You alone can save his life. @realDonaldTrump
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) December 3, 2020
"START THE DAY HERE: Hackers are targeting the vaccine supply chain. Iran eyes boosting uranium enrichment. Purple coffee goes viral."
"The little pup dropped the ball in front of me for me to grab the ball ... and I grabbed the ball like this, and he ran, and I was joking running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on. That's what happened," Biden said with a smile. "Not a very exciting story."
Don't grab a dog's tail! Isn't that one of the first this you teach children about how to behave around a dog? Yes:
It’s probably one of the first things you learn when you are introduced to a dog: don’t pull his tail! A dog’s tail is an appendage, not just a bunch of hair shaking from side to side like a cheerleader’s ponytail....
Oh! And I was just thinking about Biden going after the hair of young women!
"Christ is king in this country. We don’t want illegal aliens from Mexico or outer space. So let’s tear this bitch down."
Says the man in the video that I found through Vice, which says "Mysterious Monolith Update: Racists Destroy California Monolith, Proclaim Christ Superior to Space Aliens/A group of men shouting 'Christ is King' and 'America First' destroyed a new monolith and replaced it with a wooden cross."
Notice that this was not the Utah monolith that we were talking about recently. It's a different monolith, in California. And I don't know how to tell whether these are real racists or pranksters. To my ear, the words I've quoted in the post title seem like a joke, and who would make such a joke... while tearing down a dumb sculpture in the desert?
Vice calls them "a group of right-wing young men."
"Based on your risk profile, we believe you’re in line behind 118.5 million people across the United States. When it comes to Wisconsin, we think you’re behind 2.1 million others who are at higher risk in your state."
December 3, 2020
"It's getting better all the time."
At the Waning Gibbous Café...
"By appointing Durham as a Special Counsel, Barr contradicted news reports before the election that Durham was frustrated and found nothing of significance...."
Biden (and the NYT) fail to notice ambiguity.
"'What happens to us while we are making other plans,' per Allen Saunders" — what?!
Allen Saunders (April 24, 1899 – January 28, 1986)[2] was an American writer, journalist and cartoonist who wrote the comic strips Steve Roper and Mike Nomad, Mary Worth and Kerry Drake.He is credited with being the originator of the saying, "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans" [published in Reader's Digest] in 1957. The saying was later slightly modified and popularised by John Lennon in the song "Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)".
Mary Worth! Is there anything less John-Lennon-like than Mary Worth?
"Toxic positivity."
Although a positive mind-set can be a valuable coping skill, experts caution against going overboard. Such an approach — known as “toxic positivity” — can be harmful to yourself or others. Research has shown that accepting negative emotions is more beneficial to mental health than avoiding or dismissing them. So, next time you find yourself wanting to tell someone to “look on the bright side,” try instead to acknowledge their pain and ask what would be helpful. This doesn’t mean you can’t be positive, clinical health psychologist Natalie Dattilo told reporter Allyson Chiu. “It’s okay to have a positive and optimistic outlook and feel sad at the same time,” she said. “Both of those are necessary for a healthy outlook and sense of well-being.”
When is positivity "toxic"? "Toxic" is an overused word. I don't like calling other people "toxic." But I understand the various problems when one person in a family takes too much responsibility for injecting positivity into things. It can be silencing and annoying. It can be shallow. It can backfire. But is that person "toxic"?
The Wikipedia article on "Positive psychology" has a section on "Toxic positivity":
Divided government is "a ticket to obstruction and the very sort of partisan brawling that moderate voters can’t stand."
Argues E.J. Dionne in "The destructive myth about divided government."
I am a moderate voter — a voter who abstained this year — and I believe that divided government is a safeguard against extremism. I eagerly clicked on the column because of the title. I'm perfectly ready to have my belief challenged."Barack Obama continues his rather strange mission to confront and correct young liberal activists...."
"Airlines no longer will be required to accommodate travelers who want to fly with emotional support animals such as pigs, rabbits and turkeys..."
The whole bizarre situation [of emotional support animals on airplanes] is a reminder of why trust matters so much to a well-functioning society. The best solution, of course, would be based not on some Transportation Department regulation but on simple trust. People who really needed service animals could then bring on them planes without having to carry documents. Maybe a trust-based system will return at some point. But it won’t return automatically. When trust breaks down and small bits of dishonesty become normal, people need to make a conscious effort to restore basic decency.
The best solution...
Voltaire said: The best is the enemy of the good. ("Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.")
I don't see how we're supposed to get to trust, when in a huge system, like airline transportation, you're always going to get some cheaters and it doesn't take many — 1%? — to create a problem like the one symbolized by Dexter the emotional-support peacock (picture at the NYT link).
And I'm not convinced trust is the answer. People need to be observant and skeptical.
I'll quote John Stuart Mill now: "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."
Sometimes you need rules.
"For the right, the kamikaze are a symbol of traditional virtues and a spirit of self-sacrifice that they believe is woefully absent from modern Japan."
December 2, 2020
At the Sunrise Café...

Trump teases 2024 run: "It's been an amazing four years. We're trying to do another four years, otherwise I'll see you in four years."
The cough is an unnice touch.Trump at the White House Christmas party: "It's been an amazing four years. We're trying to do another four years, otherwise I'll see you in four years."
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) December 2, 2020
h/t @ZekeJMiller, @colvinj pic.twitter.com/72Q3bVY3jP
There's a point in this Lou Dobbs rant where — if you been paying attention — you'll cry out loud "He" — Barr — "didn't say that!"
Lou Dobbs absolutely loses it over Bill Barr saying there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud, accusing Barr of joining "the Deep State and the Resistance" before saying this:
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 1, 2020
"He is either a liar or a fool or both. He may be – perhaps compromised." pic.twitter.com/x9kU5xkctV
The expressive bridge.
Listen with the sound on and this bridge sounds like some foreboding alien spacecraft in a sci-fi movie. https://t.co/biqCJKCXih
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) December 2, 2020
"Though [Betsy] DeVos has been mostly stymied... her legacy will still be far-reaching and long-lasting. This is not a result of what she made, but of what she broke..."
"Britain gave emergency authorization on Wednesday to Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, leaping ahead of the United States..."
"How is Face Recognition Surveillance Technology Racist?... How is face surveillance an anti-Black technology?"
First, the technology itself can be racially biased.... Buolamwini and Gebru’s 2018 research concluded that some facial analysis algorithms misclassified Black women nearly 35 percent of the time, while nearly always getting it right for white men.... These error-prone, racially biased algorithms can have devastating impacts for people of color....
Second, police in many jurisdictions in the U.S. use mugshot databases to identify people with face recognition algorithms.... Across the U.S., Black people face arrest for a variety of crimes at far higher rates than white people. Take cannabis arrests, for just one example...
Third... the entire system is racist.... Surveillance of Black people in the U.S. has a pernicious and largely unaddressed history, beginning during the antebellum era.... [There is] spying that targets political speech, too often conflated with “terrorism,” and spying that targets people suspected of drug or gang involvement. In recent years, we learned of an FBI surveillance program targeting so-called “Black Identity Extremists,” which appears to be the bureau’s way of justifying domestic terrorism investigations of Black Lives Matter activists.... Racial disparities in the government’s war on drugs are well documented.
I was reading that because of this vote in my city last night: "Madison City Council bans city agencies from using facial recognition technology" (Wisconsin State Journal).
December 1, 2020
"The male is barricaded inside and not answering the door. Everyone else is outside the house. They are trying to get him to open up."
Recently... nitrous oxide had become his drug of choice, taking it in the form of 'whippets' straight from the cartridge of a whipped cream dispenser. 'He would take dozens of them a day,' the colleague said. 'He lived a crazy, eccentric life. The drugs often made him hallucinate, he became paranoid — that could explain why he barricaded himself in,' he added. 'Tony was very fond of candles. He liked to set the atmosphere.' 'The guess is that he managed to ignite one of the nitrous oxide canisters which caused a small explosion that killed him.'...
"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election" — said Attorney General William Barr.
The issues Trump’s campaign and its allies have pointed to are typical in every election: Problems with signatures, secrecy envelopes and postal marks on mail-in ballots, as well as the potential for a small number of ballots miscast or lost. But they’ve also requested federal probes into the claims....Barr didn’t name [Sidney] Powell specifically but said: “There’s been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results. And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that,” Barr said.
At the Sunrise Café...

The "modal" black person.
I'm reading this because it's being criticized on Twitter by some people I follow (Titania McGrath and James Lindsey). Graham identifies himself as an Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology and Coordinator of Old Dominion University's Cybercrime Program.
That's 1/15, so let me just quote the rest. Boldface added and paragraph breaks changed. "Modal" in sociology — according to the OED — means "representative" or "typical":Here is a list of some black intellectuals who are skeptical of claims of systemic racism:
— Rod Graham (@roderickgraham) November 13, 2020
Wilfred Reilly
Thomas Chatterton Williams
Jason Reilly
Coleman Hughes
John McWhorter
Glenn Loury
For lack of a better term, I will call this the "integrated" group. This group...
Post title explanation:EXCLUSIVE: Los Angeles County Supervisor @SheilaKuehl dined outside at Il Forno in Santa Monica...just hours after voting to ban outdoor dining & calling it "dangerous."
— Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson) December 1, 2020
More: https://t.co/gTVImcjLm5 pic.twitter.com/1fpAIaAyea
Is the new New Yorker cover shockingly depressing?
Simonson also tweets: "This woman is alone, living in squalor and drinking." Prescription drugs too. (Click on the image to see the full cover. There's lots of stuff on the floor.)Is this cover intentionally dark? Christ pic.twitter.com/2CryDhwTAd
— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) December 1, 2020
"Why can a 12-year-old go to the movies along with two dozen other people, but she can’t watch the Greatest Story Ever Told with a smaller group in Bible class?"
Biden's rhetoric is too bland to pay attention to. It's not meant to be paid attention to. But if you do pay attention...
I guess that's supposed to make us feel good and safe and protected. Coming next January: Sanity and soundness.My administration won’t just build back to the way things were before — we’re going to build back better. We’re going to ensure every single American has a fair shot to get ahead.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) December 1, 2020
"Catturd" is trending on Twitter because the President of the United States is retweeting someone who calls himself Catturd.
There are at least 2 other Catturd retweets in Trump's Twitter feed. I do see that there's a way to claim that this is a deviously clever move.... It does cause his antagonists to retweet his retweeting... It's the first thing I found bloggable this morning, and I've passed on about 50 things at this point.I was thinking those claims of voter fraud looked pretty sketchy but then I read this tweet by Twitter user "Catturd" which was retweeted by the President of the United States and I have to say it made me think pic.twitter.com/qfQleN3rg0
— Patterico (@Patterico) December 1, 2020
November 30, 2020
"If Joe Biden succeeds in empowering someone like Neera Tanden without extreme opposition from supposedly adversarial journalists..."
I know my immediate reaction was I don't believe this had anything to do with a dog.
ADDED: Writing tip: When you're writing about a dog, avoid beginning a sentence with the verb "Spot" as in "Spot details..." Made me think of details about a dog named Spot. The Biden dog in question is "Major." He has another dog named "Champ." They're German Shepherds, by the way.It does follow the perfect liar pattern. https://t.co/w4TzpksapG
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) November 30, 2020
This is the beginning of a modified limited medical hangout"He took a minor fall. The doctor is precautionary measure.""He took a minor fall. There was a small fracture in his foot.""Ok, so there was a minor concussion.""He's going to take a week's rest.""About that head injury..."
You can't travel, but Cher can travel to Pakistan to help an elephant travel to Cambodia.
If you cluster the women in one place, you foster the opinion that this work is women's work.
Communications... you know how women are.President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris today announced new members of the White House staff who will serve in senior communications roles.
— Biden-Harris Presidential Transition (@Transition46) November 29, 2020
For the first time in history, these communications roles will be filled entirely by women.https://t.co/SjWAWJg941
George Clooney has been cutting his own hair for 25 years — with a Flowbee!
He didn't have to adapt for the lockdown. He was pre-adapted. Part of the adaptation, of course, was being devastatingly handsome. And having hair "like straw."Actor/director George Clooney tells @thattracysmith that he's been cutting his own hair for years - by using the Flowbee haircutting machine https://t.co/SWYT8pFC8h pic.twitter.com/bKepm5LQCM
— CBS Sunday Morning 🌞 (@CBSSunday) November 29, 2020
November 29, 2020
"First, there is a monolith, then there is no monolith."
At the Sunrise Café...

"Legs have bristled beneath the embrace of thermal leggings. Chins have sprouted solitary hairs, like lone flags atop the summit of Everest..."
"A Donald Trump supporter who donated $2.5m to help expose and prosecute claims of fraud in the presidential election wants his money back after what he says are 'disappointing results.'"
"They can live anywhere, but tend to reside in modest dwellings and avoid moving around unnecessarily. Nevertheless, a hermit..."
"Why would the internet have corrupted Republicans so much more than Democrats, the global right more than the global left?"
"The multimillionaire former CEO of online shoe store Zappos died on Friday, nine days after he was dragged unconscious by firefighters from a blazing Connecticut house..."
"President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has said he hopes to halt construction of the border wall, but the outgoing administration is rushing to complete as much wall as possible..."
I question whether the monolith has vanished. If you're with me in a room, then you leave and come back a week later, and I am not there, it would be a gross failure to follow Occam's Razor to say that I had "vanished." In all likelihood, I walked out, and I continue to exist. I've gone somewhere else. You just don't know where. The question is who extracted the 10-foot-tall steel slab from its precisely hewn hole in the rock and where have they taken it.The mysterious metal monolith that was found last week in the Utah desert has vanished. https://t.co/tUFYRCfhe0
— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 29, 2020