November 8, 2024

"What happens on this show is so much more intelligent and thoughtful and deep than anything that's going on at CNN."

"You just can't... tell me that you sitting down with Elon Musk for 3 hours and then compare that to like Wolf Blitzer with all his graphics behind him talking for 30 seconds before he goes to a pharmaceutical commercial and then coming back and having the dumbest left winger yell at the dumbest right winger. Really? And you guys are going to act like you're the grownups in the room? It's just, it's too ridiculous.... So the entire young generation has, they've all turned that off.... None of them are getting their news from from CNN anymore. And look man, that's I think the most beautiful part of this election is that mainstream media's dead.... I don't think [CNN has] a show that regularly cracks a million views....."

Said Dave Smith to Joe Rogan (actually the words "mainstream media's dead" are inserted by Joe):

Compare this bit from the NYT "Daily" podcast this morning. The episode is "Inside Trump World as the Next Chapter Begins." Jonathan Swan says:
"The news media in the eyes of many Americans is discredited. More than half the country have tuned out the mainstream media. We are now in little information silos, so it's almost impossible to overstate how much Donald Trump has defeated the system and how favorable the current composition of the system is for Donald Trump."

Did Swan even consider that mainstream media could be the "little information silos" and people are breaking out?


Peachy said...

The MSNBC cretins and losers are still blaming all American's who do not obey them, as "Extremist"
MSNBC has no idea - they are the extremists.

Arashi said...

None of these people are capable of introspection. They know that the bad circumstances they find themselves in are never their fault. It is never due to anything they have done. It is always outside forces, from the Kulaks to the wreckers and hoarders. All of whom must be destroyed to save 'our democracy'. It is the same rhetoric used by Lenin and Stalin. It is just as dangerous.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Dinosaurs went extinct. So will the MSM. The deep-state-to-collaborative-corporate-propagandist-pipeline is going bye-bye. These people will be tending bar, if God's kind.

Peachy said...

Behold the absolute toxic insanity of the Modern American Left.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Did Swan even consider that mainstream media could be the "little information silos" and people are breaking out?

No, because much like the Democrat party the news media has a narcissism problem and can't get their minds around the fact that they are responsible for destroying their credibility with the public at large.

Skeptical Voter said...

While I stream a lot of music on Spotify, I haven't listened to podcasts or TED talks in the past. But in the last weeks I've listened to Joe Rogan interviewing J.D. Vance and also John Fetterman. The format is interesting. Just two pretty smart guys sitting down and shooting the bull for a couple of hours. As Yogi Berra probably said, you can learn a lot by listening. You get an idea about how these people think, how they respond to open ended questions, and form an impression. It could be good, it could be bad. But you are more informed than you could possibly be by some talking head (of any persuasion) on the television. And as for the print media? Whoo hoo--how bad can it get? The answer is worse every day.

FormerLawClerk said...

NYTimes: "The news media in the eyes of many Americans is discredited. More than half the country have tuned out the mainstream media."

We didn't tune you out. We turned you off.

Rat bastards talked about Russia Collusion for 3.5 years and then tried to tell us Hunter Biden's laptop was Russia disinformation, and now they're going to complain that nobody has a use for them?

Fuck them.

Nobody needs to pay to have the NY Times tell them its raining while they're pissing down our backs.

Peachy said...

The View - is unwatchable leftist trash. It's a pack of radical leftist females screaming at each other- and the two major fascists - Joy and Sunny - won't ever let anyone get a word in edgewise.
ugh - No wonder the left lost. They are horrible horrible people, they are deluded, and they must keep losing.

Iman said...

”We are now in little information silos,”

Perhaps Swan is considering that?

Lilly, a dog said...

I thought the old joke was that CNN was only watched in airports, gyms and hotel lobbies.

doctrev said...

The people who have successfully broken away from the corporate media are well ahead of the game. If conservatives listened to TownHall Media and The Bulwark, Ron DeSantis would have been the candidate. Liberals have a much harder road ahead, mostly because without the oligarchs they are going to collapse for lack of funds.

Iman said...


Iman said...

Some of us tuned them out several years ago.

Ice Nine said...

>So the entire young generation has, they've all turned that off.... None of them are getting their news from from CNN anymore.<

Yeah, they're getting it from Tik-Tok, Instagram, and YouTube. Pan/Fire.

Jaq said...

The last place to get the truth is the mainstream media. Even the weather maps are doctored to make it look like places experience weather in the 60s in summertime are depicted in a brilliant orange, you know, like the burner on an electric stove.

John Webster said...

Almost all political journalists deliberately withheld important information about Biden’s cognitive decline. That’s journalistic corruption – they were protecting him. Then when his cognitive state was obvious to all rational people – after the debate – most of those same journalists said either that it was just a bad night for him or the Democrats couldn’t push Biden out because the only feasible alternative – Harris – was too politically weak to beat Trump. Then when Harris became the default nominee because of Biden’s endorsement, those same journalists tried to persuade everyone that she was actually a great candidate: brilliant, “brat”, great on “vibes”, etc.

No way would Harris have been nominated in an open primary or if the Democratic convention delegates had debated on the nominee at the convention and then voted. In all likelihood, a stronger Democratic nominee would have beaten Trump. The MSM’s corruption was an in-kind campaign contribution to Trump.

Jaq said...

Youtube is a great place to get information, if you have the discernment required. Trashing YouTube as a source of information is like, as Mark Twain put it, "trashing steak, because a baby can't chew it."

rehajm said...

…but they’re just like those little worms with the long telomeres that just won’t die. I had no idea CNN was still around until they cranked up the election propaganda machine a year ago…

Daddy Binx said...

"The call is coming from inside the house!"

Narr said...

Tune in for the politics, stay for the prison rape . . .

Hassayamper said...

I won't be satisfied until I see Jake Tapper working a hot dog cart to feed his family.

Freder Frederson said...

Wasn't Rogan mainly responsible for the hysteria and spreading the lies surrounding schools allowing kids who identify as cats to use litterboxes?

And see Althouse, I used "hysteria" to something a man does, and I doubt anyone will claim (except maybe you) that the use of the term is inappropriate because Rogan is a man.

Freder Frederson said...

Yeah, I remember when Trump took a sharpie to extend the NHC cone into Alabama.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder, He Of The Far Left Disinformation Silo, posts claim feebly disguised as a question while presenting without evidence.

Gee, cant believe Team Left lost....

Lilly, a dog said...

I'm not convinced that the rise of Rogan's network of shitty comedians is a good thing.

Drago said...

There actually was an initial weather service forecast schematic produced prior to landfall of that storm that showed the head of the storm crossing into Alabama, which Trump was shown and mentioned.

I linked to that schematic here at Althouse blog during the raging argument at the time (with LLR-democratical Chuck no less) after the bureaucrats went in to change it to make Trump look bad, amplified by the loathsome and lying and dying legacy media, and Trump, irritated, drew a larger cone on a picture of the expected area to be hit to make a point.

What Freder is doing here is a variation of the Drink Bleach Lie/Hoax which has also been pushed non-stop by the lying Althouse lefties for years along with all the other debunked hoaxes...

...which the American people have formally and decisively rejected.

Leland said...

I avoid all television news. I even tell YouTube to not recommend any of their videos, because I want credible news sources. And there is so much available now that sometimes I see the content providers with videos of them being interviewed as sources on some of the television news channels. I'm not just skipping the middleman, I'm getting information before their viewers.
I spent election night just updating RCP's website, because I didn't have to wait for them to talk about the data that I could see being updated live at RCP. My wife did turn on Fox News, and I remember John Roberts kept talking about Nebraska's 2nd district and how that could get Kamala to 270. I realize he is doing that to keep the suspense and keep viewers tuned in, but it is bullshit when one electoral vote isn't important when you lose the other 43 votes necessary for that one to matter. It was wasted filler, which is what television news seems to be, well that and pharma ads which is just more filler.

Leland said...

Free speech is always a good thing to those that are capable of forming a better argument. It is only a problem to those less competent.

Dave Begley said...

The MSM deserves this result. Richly deserves.

Freder Frederson said...

There actually was an initial weather service forecast schematic produced prior to landfall of that storm that showed the head of the storm crossing into Alabama, which Trump was shown and mentioned.

You are just lying. There was no such graphic. As a former resident of New Orleans, I religiously pay attention to the NHC website. NHC only predicts storm cones five days out (check out their current maps for Rafeal, a week ago the cone showed it heading for Louisiana, now it is just spinning harmlessly in the middle of the Gulf). The cone of that hurricane never included Alabama (some of the "spaghetti" models might have showed paths that brushed Alabama, but nobody has any confidence in tracks that extend past five days). Instead of merely saying "I mispoke", Trump made up a bullshit cone.

Shouting Thomas said...

Note they’re beginning to suggest that shows like Rogan and Scott Adams are inventions of a political faction, not just what a couple of individuals decided to do and achieved.

Freder Frederson said...

Sheesh, here you go.

How often do you provide a link to your bullshit and lies?

JaimeRoberto said...

Yeah, but some people are into that.

Freder Frederson said...

Oh yeah, everything I know about chemtrails and the fact that the earth is flat I learned from YouTube.

JaimeRoberto said...

Does Rogan get some things wrong? Sure. Does he admit it when called on it? Yes. Compare that to the MSM who rarely if ever admits to getting things wrong even when pushing stories that are blatantly BS.

Sebastian said...

"Did Swan even consider that mainstream media could be the "little information silos" and people are breaking out?" LOL. We deplorables are lucky to have such oblivious progs as our opponents.

Tina Trent said...

It would be pure genius to ask Joe Rogan to be press secretary. The daily briefing would be three hours long; the reporters could drink while asking questions, and it would become the most popular show in America.

Joe Bar said...

I'd prefer to see the Scott Jennings guy get the job. He seems to be pretty good at countering the hate.

Steve said...

Trump 45’s first overseas trip was to Japan. He fed goldfish with the prime minister. The media made fun of him for making fish fat by dumping the left over food into the pond. Implying only rube would do such a thing. One network showed a longer clip with the prime minister dumping his food into the pond. That was the point that broke all trust with the major media.

Steve said...

Has CNN made a correction for the Trump Russia scam? Has the NYT returned their Pulitzer? Seems like that might be a bigger gaff than any litter box.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Two of the most ironically named people ever.
Gutfeld has them bracketed.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The GO-TO news source of airport janitors.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Freder's confession. Mark you r calendars.

PM said...

Great idea were Rogan's plain, long format not the best thing going right now.

wsw said...

Contrast Trump's unlimited three-hour sit-down with Rogan to 60 Minutes' editing of a poor response of hers to make it less awful. It's all you need to know about media and where it's headed.

Kathryn51 said...

I don't have time to listen to three hour podcasts several times a week and the best segments usually end up on X within a few days - Rogan's back-and-forth with JD Vance was especially intelligent and insightful. This election cycle, I've tuned into Mark Halperin's 2Way whenever I can and the weekly All-in-one Podcast.

Jaq said...

See what I said about discernment?

Jaq said...

None of that stuff worked, Freder.

Achilles said...

Freder has to have everything spoon fed to him. That is how stupid you have to be to be a democrat now.

He doesn't even understand how stupid he made himself look.

Achilles said...

Freder is just a mean and stupid person.

Wilbur said...

I confess to a guilty pleasure of tuning into MSNBC and CNN twice in the last 8 years. I hungrily devoured their anguish and disappointment (or as my toddler nephew used to to say "pissappointment" - isn't that a perfect neologism?) and shake my head at their rigid thinking and lack of insight.

I haven't watched any legacy network news shows for at least 30-35 years.

Mary Beth said...

I stopped listening when he said "pro-Democracy side".

cfs said...

Mainstream media mainly reports PR pieces from various governmental agencies and Democrat groups. There is no consideration of facts and no investigative reporting. Just straight up propaganda.

For instance, the Daily Wire has an investigative piece this afternoon on a FEMA supervisor instructing workers to skip houses that had visible signs of supporting Trump. Would CNN report on that issue? Of course not. Even if someone delivered copies of the texts on a silver platter.

Why go to CNN or WaPo for propaganda when you can go to other places for real news.

Joe Rogan interviews interesting people in an interesting format. Why listen to Jake Tapper and his 90 second interview with Brian Stelter on the election results. Are you going to learn anything new? Of course not. Therefore, it is a waste of time.

boatbuilder said...

Ha! Pissappointment. Wonderful.

Begonia said...

I've never listened or watched Joe Rogan, other than the clips Althouse shared. I've never really been into this particular style of radio formatting.

But here's what I want to know. who has 3 hours a day to listen (or watch) the Joe Rogan show? I listen to the news while I make school lunches and breakfast in the morning. Then I listen to the news while I make dinner in the evening. That's about a total of 1.5 hours of listening.

I assumed that a lot of the folks listening to Rogan's podcast are people who are retired, or people who work in the trades and can listen to talk radio while they work. But apparently a lot of young, college-age guys listen to Joe Rogan. Even if you listen to Rogan while you work out at the gym (which i would hate, if I listen to anything while I work out, it's just music), you're only probably listening for an hour. So are they just listening to one hour of Rogan and then turning it off?

I'm curious--if you listen to Joe rogan regularly and AREN'T retired, how do you fit it into your day?

Narr said...

I'm retired, and I would have a hard time fitting three hours of JRE into my day. Especially on top of the three hours I spend at Althouse.

That's a joke. It's probably more like 1.5 - 2 hours at Althouse, and a like amount roaming Youtube.

Mary Beth said...

If you work from home, where you don't have to be in calls or video conferencing, you can have it on as background. You only really listen to parts of it that catch your attention, otherwise it's just background noise. It's also something good to put on if you're doing gig work like Instacart.

Some of the guys I work with have said they listen to JRE. I wouldn't be surprised if they listen at work. They're accountants, in their own offices, and usually have ear buds in.

mikee said...

I avoided media about the election for the past six months at least, probably getting more info from visits to this site than I got from mainstream media. If you stay away from "the news" a little while, when you watch it again the obvious, clumsy, incessant, overwrought media effort to make everything an outrage, a spectacle, is so clear. I plan to keep avoiding media at least until the inauguration, and will watch then only because riot coverage can be amazing live news.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The Bluetooth earbud is a wondrous invention.

Joe Bar said...

I am retired, and listen to Rogan selectively. He has many people that I don't really want to hear from, like MMA fighters. However, when someone I want to hear from comes on, I tune in. The JD Vance episode was great. Any time Jordan Peterson, or any other "controversial" individual comes on, I listen. I have long drives, at times. These are prime listening hours.

Drago said...

Has Freder made a correction to all the hoaxes he's pushed at Althouse?

There ain't enough hours in the day...

Rusty said...

Well, Achilles, he's a dumbass.

Rusty said...

Freder. Why didn't you link the site in the first place? But I think I know.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Big media is the primary topic here at Althouse blog. What's to become of the blog if corporate news is dying?
Maybe they will both fade away together.

Rusty said...

No. People in power will always do stupid shit to the delight of our hostess and her husband. And we will jape and buck and wing to her delight.

Tina Trent said...

Exercising, manual labor, cleaning and cooking, and, when I briefly had a farm, 8+ hours a day in the hot sun, interspersed with every In Our Time and Peterson and Hardcore History podcasts. It passes the time.

Long-haul truckers and manual laborers listen to this stuff all the time. I even grew to like the MMA fighters. The extreme athletics and nutrition shows are great. Doctors like Rhonda Patrick on women’s health — on Rogan — are fascinating. Wasn’t there once an NPR show about classical music loved by long-haul truckers?

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