"The 2024 election will come to be viewed as one of the biggest political and cultural shifts in our history. It was the mainstream-media-versus-new media election; the Rogan-versus-Oprah election; the establishment-versus-a-disassociated-electorate election. It was also a thorough rejection of lawfare. One of the things most frustrating for Trump’s opponents was that every trial or hearing seemed to give Trump a boost in the polls.... In the end, Trump read the jury correctly. Once the lawfare was unleashed, he focused on putting his case to the public and walked away with a clear majority decision...."
Writes Jonathan Turley, in "Donald Trump just won the greatest jury verdict in American history" (The Hill).
Amen. 100%.
I, The Jury
Of pundits whose stature rose significantly the last 4 years, Turley stands at the top.
The jury finds the defendant innocent on all charges
How about an award of Attys Fees with interest.
After all it was a non crime show trial only for TV coverage.
It’s too late to say oops.
More. If I were to hazard a guess as to how Althouse voted (and I already said I don't want her to reveal how she voted), I feel she ended up voting for Trump precisely for this reason. Seriously, how can anyone have spent a lifetime studying, teaching, and/or practicing law in the United States of America and not be so revolted by the hideous lawfare excesses we've seen and NOT act to first nullify it and eventually defeat it by voting for Trump?
I was surprised Turley was the only law professor/expert on TV saying this. But then he was always skeptical of the Biden-Harris lawfare strategy when most others were not.
The next community theater presentation of "12 Angry Men" has an opportunity for some very interesting and timely rewrites.
What Trump's DoJ head should do next year is to start setting the stage for the civil lawsuits against the various apparatchiks who arrested, tried, and imprisoned the January 6th political prisoners by not fighting discovery- let the victims of Biden's DoJ sue their persecutors personally without the federal government backing those persecutors at all, in any way.
I knew Trump would win when there was no antifa at the democrat convention, that was when i went long on barbed wire and maroon handmaiden dye.
The only time I contributed to a political campaign was the day after DJT was convicted in NY. I don’t care for the guy, but I am against a police state. Before the internet I would go to the local library to read sections of the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) to try to keep my business and my clients in compliance. The CFR is something like 150,000 pages. It’s almost impossible for a business to keep every regulation in just the 60 pages I was interested in. We are all criminals to the State. I finally said F.U., I’m voting Trump.
A phenomenal take by Turley. Tour de force.
The public is also unlikely to be interested in relitigating the past. Trump's best bet might well be to expose the previous administration's chicanery and announce reforms, but to resist the temptation to find some basis to frog-march Garland out of his house.
The jury heard the argument - the case presented - that (1) Jan 6 was an insurrection, and (2) Trump was behind it and incited it.
The jury rejected the case.
Donald Trump won the minute the US Secret Service let their sniper take 8 shots at him.
Trump better line us up some women Jan. 21. After all, he should just DO what they're going to accuse him of anyway.
The press would have us all believe that in an election where Literally Hitler was on the ballot and he is going to END DEMOCRACY .... that 13 million of THEIR voters decided to sit this election out.
The Democrats CANNOT WIN unless they CHEAT. In 2020, we know exactly how many fake ballots they mailed in: 13 million. They couldn't do it this time because we were WATCHING and not TRAPPED in our homes unwillingly.
The amazing thing is that today, still, the brain trust of the Progressive Left is filling the airwaves with their post-game analysis. Nobody has told them to stop digging, yet, so they carry on. They're still trying to argue their case, from their point of view, that Trump is a racist Hitler and so on, even while they discuss the painful facts of the huge Hispanic turnout for Trump, the black turnout or Trump, the women's turnout for Trump, the gains in districts lost or won by Kamala or Joe.
It's not quite even 'blame the voter', but it's a public airing of cognitive dissonance that they are still, as yet, unaware of. It's gob-smacking in a way, but unsurprising in other ways. They'll keep at it until the air runs out all the way, I guess.
Case never made it to the jury- standinglachesmooot they said...
This *alert*
Did Ray Epps ever see the inside of a prison? He should. He's an FBI plant.
The democrat media is not salvageable. They are poison.
Unfortunately, I believe that the left hasn't learned a thing from the election results. Hopefully, I am wrong, but I think that once they get over the stunning shock from the size of Americas rebuke they'll be back to their usual shenanigans.
LOL, 10s of Millions of Angry Men.
"Donald Trump won the minute the US Secret Service let their sniper take 8 shots at him."
Hahaha! If the assassination attempt was staged--which I think is possible--those who staged it were working for Trump, to ensure he wasn't harmed--anyone else, e.g., innocent bystanders, who cares?--while providing him the opportunity to raise up his arm in a stance of a "survivor's" defiance. Typically, the SS agents would have leaped on him and held him down underneath them until he could be hustled out.
"The Democrats CANNOT WIN unless they CHEAT. In 2020, we know exactly how many fake ballots they mailed in: 13 million."
I always thought the political savvy move for Biden would have been to pardon Trump last spring under the auspices of "healing America" and then run on the notion that "I was the only one that kept you out of prison."
From felon to Mcdonalds worker and now president. America truly is the land of dreams! 😂
When has a bare majority of the jury ever been sufficient to exonerate someone (yes, some jurisdictions allow non-unanimous verdicts in civil cases, but even then a bare majority is not enough)?
At best the jury was hung even if the election hinged entirely on people's perception of the charges, which of course is nonsense.
That would have been the politically savvy move. But no one ever accused the Biden administration of being politically astute.
"Possible" is doing an incredible amount of work to cover your ass, Robert. Such a scenario you outlined is so implausible as to be ridiculous and anyone offering it up as "possible" is not to be taken seriously by anyone.
Someone, think it was Glenn Reynolds, said that the cases were only brought to keep him out of the presidency and since they failed, of course they were dropped. That is called stating the obvious.
Freder back to picking nits.
Refuse reveal.
I wonder what will become of their emails and texts on personal devices. These became extremely embarrassing to the Mueller investigation team. If they disband now, will all their devices and records get wiped by the current DOJ?
Sounds conspiratorial, but I think the Horowitz inspector general report noted difficulties retrieving DOJ texts. And around the Capitoline Riot, I think there were secret service devices that were wiped as well. The agencies that do investigations really don't like congressional oversight and supervision, and this would be particularly charged, politically.
According to Freder, Trump would have had to win 142 million to zero for Turley to be able to call it a not guilty verdict.
I'll use smaller words than Yancey so you can understand them, Cookie
You're an idiot.
Cry harder.
Bleachbit and hammers are hard at work across DC right now.
Do explain in detail what those felonies are. Must contain facts and dates.
And waste management, refuse removal, a pivotal role for his reelection.
Bich - cry harder. LOL. Your corrupt team lost.
Normals everywhere - Saw right thru your Soviet Witch Trials.
Biden: 81 million "votes"
Harris: 66 million votes
Missing: 15 million Democrat votes
So Bob, what happened to 15 million Democrats? They suddenly die and nobody noticed? Did they not hear that Hitler was on the ballot and that he's going to end Democracy? Pretty sure that message got out. No other message did.
Not conspiratorial at all. The corrupt left is a corrupt shit show from top to bottom. And MSNBC on air talent get paid mightily to help cover it up.
FF, you're mixing forums.
If you want to talk legal forums, we have this little thing called presumption of innocence. Or did you forget.
In the legal forum: "When has a bare majority of the jury ever been sufficient to exonerate someone?" Answer (and it is a very easy answer): when the jury can't reach a unanimous verdict, the criminally accused is exonerated under the standing presumption of innocence.
But in the political forum, which is where this is playing out: The Dems made an assertion that Jan 6 was an insurrection and Trump incited it. The political jury didn't buy the argument. You made it. They didn't buy it.
Take your phony pardon and shove it.
seems pretty clear, if you think about it:
Did God Rapture Some 15 Million Democrat Voters? If Not, Where'd They Go?
Maybe one of his allies can sit him down and give him the Oskar Schindler speech about what a boss move it is pardon someone.
Robert is not the first wounded soul in the past couple of days to suggest that Donald Trump posed for a shot by a high powered rifle that came within a quarter of an inch of killing him.
But if you ask Robert if it is possible that J6 was as staged as the Reichstag Fire, and for the same reasons, he will say that it's impossible. Nobody does a background check before you buy MAGA gear, Robert.
Hey Rich, why don't you explain how those felonies worked. I mean, a quick explanation of the specific laws broken. You can also answer how a New York State judge found Trump guilty of a Federal misdemeanor that the Federal Government examined and declined to prosecute, then bootstrapped it into a felony. Here is your opportunity to really shine as a font of enlightenment.
If we accept the jury analogy, it would only be an acquittal if Trump had won in a landslide (Yancey, you misread Frederick). It’s a hung jury and not an acquittal, which I always thought was the most likely outcome of taking those cases to trial.
The People's Court writ large has ruled against the government, for the government. The people aren't so green.
It's pretty clear that Cook has morphed from an arrogant phony "intellectual" into a lunatic lefty.
Show us how Trump could have staged it. How about you stage an assassination attempt where you get hit in the ear from 150 yards with a kid firing a rifle with iron sights?
I was disappointed too. I came to this same conclusion a few weeks ago when he was promoting sending American weapons into the Ukrainian civil war.
^^^ [insert GIF of Bugs Bunny tap dancing].
I did the same exact thing. I haven't given any money to a candidate since Gary Johnson in 2016, but I coughed up a thousand bucks for Trump on the day the Manhattan jury convicted him of aggravated mopery.
That's literally true if you are referring to the Senate, sitting as jury in the second impeachment case. They acquitted him.
I'm willing to wait until all the votes are counted. I'm not sure why fancy states with Big-Time Governors can't get the job done in 24 h. WI was done a long long time ago.
I don't think that's unfortunate and I don't think or hope you're wrong. I want them to go on spouting the Hitler and Nazi and Fascist stuff in a foaming-mouthed rage from now until Kingdom Come. You saw how much it did for them.
The real problem is the gutless, and traitorous, Republican Establishment. That not only includes Roberts on the SCOTUS and Mumbles McConnell and his gang of Republican losers, but the Republican pooh-bahs and the Bush Family. They should have been screaming bloody about the use of "Lawfare" against an ex-POTUS, and starting last year, the presumptive Nominee for 2024.
But they said nothing. This biased clown in DC, Chunking or whatever, is allowed to show open bias and practically work in tandem with Smith. Any appeal will be turned down by the Democrat dominated DC Court of appeals.
Globalist, fake Republican, Bush has shown his true colors. While POTUS, he jabbered constantly about "executive privilage" and "The need to protect the institution of the Presidency". But when Biden and the Democrats went after an Ex-POTUS in an unheard of, never before seen, manner. Bush kept quiet. Another fake and phony, like his buddy Dick Cheney, who ended up supporting the most leftwing POTUS candidate in history.
Trump should pardon himself on Jan 22, and lets see what happens.
The Turley column made me quesey (sic). So, the US Public had to save Trump from being thrown in jail on bogus charges? What about some law professors and judges showing some outrage over that? Or demanding the DoJ and State and DC judges respect equal treatment under the law and historical tradition and norms?
I'm sure the Trump team is counting on that. They're not going to just accept that the dog at the hard drives, they're going to work on the people who think they're above the law. At best no more pensions: at worst they're going to jail. Buckle up.
I asked AI to tell me about the demographics of those that sat out the election. It basically ghosted me by saying "I'm sorry I don't have information on something that important, maybe your local election board has information. Sorry."
if chicanery is egregious on whom does burden fall to fix it- separation of powers + checks and balances + power of the purse etc?
Not a chance. On January 21st (or earlier) every prosecutor who worked against Trump should be greeted with no-knock raids. They're coming along quietly, one way or the other.
What constitutes a landslide, Charles? This looks like a landslide to me- the first Republican candidate to win the popular vote in 20 years and 312 electoral votes. No prosecutor would even bring a second trial with such a hung jury.
It is an exoneration by the American people.
In a real sense, Turley misidentifies the voters- the voters are judge in the case, not the jury. Call them the appeals court.
I must say I love hearing the lamentations of the Democrats' women- Cook, Freder, and Bich crying about it all is enjoyable.
In the legal forum: "When has a bare majority of the jury ever been sufficient to exonerate someone?" Answer (and it is a very easy answer): when the jury can't reach a unanimous verdict, the criminally accused is exonerated under the standing presumption of innocence.
You are just wrong about this. A non-unanimous (criminal) jury, results in a hung jury, the prosecution can either dismiss the charges in or get a new trial.
CNN's senior legal analyst (I forget his name) was also dismissive of most of the charges, as was Andy McCarthy. All three felt the Classified Document case might be the most troublesome - until all of those boxes in Biden's garage (not to mention comments by biden's biographer) kinda threw a wrench in that one.
Hahaha! If the assassination attempt was staged--which I think is possible--those who staged it were working for Trump, to ensure he wasn't harmed--anyone else, e.g., innocent bystanders, who cares?--while providing him the opportunity to raise up his arm in a stance of a "survivor's" defiance. Typically, the SS agents would have leaped on him and held him down underneath them until he could be hustled out.
We have make allowances for Cook while he grieves over the election results. While others are given hot chocolate to sip while they play with legos and clutch My Little Pony dolls during these dark days with Fascists at the door, we'll give Cook some space and wonder quietly how it would be remotely possible for Trump staff to entrust a 20 year old shitbird (whose name alarmingly rhymes with Cook) to fire off rounds at Trump with no sniper scope intending to simply nick an ear.
Keep in mind that this is the same Cook who recently posted on this blog:
I have little doubt he could set up concentration camps, etc., and his followers would support him.
and then described himself as the "rational" one in contrast to the rest of us.
Cook, I have occasionally thought you were not cray cray, but it turns out that you are comfortably among the most bug-eyed lefties (such as Joy Reid) who are nasty, hateful, little shits.
- Krumhorn
Polymarket Vindicated After Trump Landslide As France Moves To Ban Betting Platform.
Collective Soviet left: If they cannot control it - they move to ban it, destroy it, or censor it.
But we haven't yet heard the lamentations of Inga-the-Prophet. I suspect she is curled up on the floor in the fetal position sucking her thumb.
- Krumhorn
I don't believe Trump got a significant increase from 2020 because of the prosecutions. AA maybe, who did not vote for him in 2020 and has hated the prosecutions. I believe he persuaded sufficient people he did a better job as president than the current administration.
NYAG James will continue. She's all in.
Lawfare will continue and may increase, targeting those around Trump. Civil suits are very expensive to defend, and that's the whole point. At some point, the legal profession needs to police it's own against these unethical uses of the legal system.
Turley is an interesting iconoclast.
Just re-elected Atlanta/Fulton DA Fani Willis must really be regretting hiring and overpaying her dumpster fire boyfriend, as that investigation has in all likelihood made it impossible for her to take action here before Trump’s inauguration, at which point, as his brilliant lawyer Steve Sadow observed, any action would traditionally have to await the end of his presidency. I think Willis is busy with a December appeal regarding her abuse of public money to buy her some love. I hope those taxpayer-funded margaritas were worth every penny, Fani.
Cook - Staged? The paid patsy was in a blackrock ad-- and the paid patsy killed a Trump supporter.
YOU are delusional. Similar to the fake FBI Whitmer kidnapping case - the paid patsy has all the hallmarks of FBI.
I don't think the prosecutions did much to shift voters from anti to pro-Trump (or neutral to pro-Trump), although I think they helped him more than they hurt him on the persuasion side. But I wouldn't be surprised if they had the effect of energising his supporters to ensure they donated, tried to convince others around them, and actually showed up to vote.
You keep telling yourself whatever it is that you need to explain away the loss, Readering. Trump's poll numbers only went up each time he suffered a legal setback in the lawfare- polls up after his arrest and arraignment in Georgia- polls up when E. Jean Carrol got her lying verdict- polls up when James won her civil trial- polls up when Bragg got his conviction- polls up every time Jack Smith filed an indictment.
Trump should reject any pardon. All of it is manufactured BS.
Poor Inga might well have deleted herself. If she hasn't taken the big dirt nap, she will probably show up in a few weeks under an entirely new moniker and Google account. It won't take too long to identify her, if she does that.
Not in civil cases. New York does not require unanimous verdicts in civil cases.
Josephbleu: hilariously, the Palestinian wing of the March on the DNC took over the entire coalition, threw out ANTIFA, and then hijacked the pro-choice and LGBTQ protest, making all the protests about themselves. ANTIFA pitched an online hissy fit, but they weren’t about to stand up to actual minority and actually much more seasoned actual terrorists. Nor were the pickled ladies of Code Pink, who fell submissively in line behind Palestinians doing their genocide the Jews thing and justifying the mass rapes and murders of October 7. So gang rape and mass murder of women, children and men is now officially OK with the ladies of the Left.
The trump assassination was staged by the Republicans but at the end the FBI infiltrated the staging team and replaced the shooter with a real assassin. The real assassin actually killed Trump, but when the USSS pushed the body to the ground a substitute Trump hired by Polosi stood up and yelled fight fight fight, and the word was passed for all Democrats to vote for the republican ticket. The rest was history.
I mean, who ever heard of Lefties coming up with show trials? When has that ever happened? /sarc
Delightful coincidence that the shooter (paid FBI patsy) was taken out so quickly. Interesting that the media are not interested in the shooter. No interviews with his family. Nothing. Where are the in-depth curiosity of this kid's backgound.
We were told immediately - too immediately - that the shooter "was a republican" - uh - why would a Trump supporter want to kill Trump?
Good news for Cook - is the war machine evil Cheney family is now forgiven in camp Cook. LOL.
Yes he did. We’re all better off for it.
"I don't believe Trump got a significant increase from 2020 because of the prosecutions."
The transparently corrupt prosecutions, layered all on top of each other, all during an election cycle when all could have been brought years earlier by other corrupto-crats, demonstrated conclusively that the entire system is most certainly rigged and most certainly rigged the most against the outsider Trump. It proved it all.
It moved votes...particularly when the voting population that dared to notice the chaos and havoc and declining conditions of the nation spoke out and were told to shut up and stop being deplorable and they were wrong about it all. That they simply were too dumb to understand the joy and progress the democraticals had delivered...and that men can become women and wokesters ought to have access to your children in school to discuss sex without your knowledge, that immigration into their towns was no biggee, that inflation was temporary, and on and on and on.
Oh yeah, it moved votes alright. Maybe not where readerin lives, but in many, many, many places. Huge 4 to 8 point shifts to the "right" across the nation in just about every burg and city and town. Just look at the NYT interactive map with the red/blue arrows showing intensity of the vote shift from left to right. It's all right there.
What Krumhorn said.
"In the legal forum: "When has a bare majority of the jury ever been sufficient to exonerate someone?" Answer (and it is a very easy answer): when the jury can't reach a unanimous verdict, the criminally accused is exonerated under the standing presumption of innocence."
Exactly. Freder apparently is unaware of the "standing presumption of innocence" and how it is bedrock to our concept of criminal justice. To Freder, the simple charge is enough to make one guilty until they prove their innocence.
Further, a hung jury is not even a bare majority. It is simply one vote on the jury that disagrees with the majority. Freder gets that concept wrong as well.
I found Inga yesterday. She's in the hood' - inconsolable mood, screeching at the neighbors.
Yancey you are the guy convinced election fraud would deliver to Kamala. Whereas Arizona Senate race still nail biter. Drago writing Trump fan fiction as usual.
Correct. Cookie has exposed himself as just another in a long line of democrat party hacks following the directives of his "betters" while sometimes pretending to be the parisian dimestore commie radical opposed to "the man" and "standing up to the system"!
It's all so amusing. I can just picture him there wearing his little Che beret while he sucks up to Hillary and Liz Cheney.
"Drago writing Trump fan fiction as usual."
Note to self: New York Times interactive map showing nationwide movement across the board of 4 to 8 points in every region from left to right (to Trump) now = "Trump fan fiction".
Thanks readering for another of your substance free posts! How I got the NYT to do it I'll never know.
Careful, making historical references to indisputable historical facts could very well end up being described by readering as "Trump fan fiction"!
@Tom Absolutely. Trump realistically is only going to have 2 years to accomplish anything. I hope that energy isn't wasted by pursuing avenues which will most certainly be tied up in court forever. Stick to legislation.
Disagree strongly.
This opinion disregards the personal animus they have developed for Trump, or rather, the StrawTrump they have created in their heads.
They hate the man, viciously, and want to see him suffer. Their actions are not entirely motivated by political concerns and it's naive and dangerous to believe that they are.
As President and Ehief Executive, Trump will have enormous power and control of resources to exert influence within the state of NY.
My making note of the power of Presidency could very well end up being described by readering as "Trump fan fiction"!
They haven't. They're doubling down. My guess is they'll get violent at some point, particularly when ICE tries to remove illegals from progressive cities. Trump will law and order them, they'll cry Fascist! etc.
My only hope is if that happens it will lead to an even bigger voting backlash in the next election cycle.
"You keep telling yourself whatever it is that you need to explain away the loss, Readering. Trump's poll numbers only went up each time he suffered a legal setback in the lawfare- polls up after his arrest and arraignment in Georgia- polls up when E. Jean Carrol got her lying verdict- polls up when James won her civil trial- polls up when Bragg got his conviction- polls up every time Jack Smith filed an indictment."
This was especially true in the increase in younger black male support for Trump and was noted by just about every news agency in existence.
But not readering!!!
It's too early for updated voter rolls. They're still counting ffs. Then you have to buy the data. But it would be interesting to see an AI comparison of 2016, 2020 and 2024
At least in the swing states.
she was re-elected? Geez. How pathetic.
Cookie, this is just plain stupid, but more importantly, it's entirely ignorant of ballistics.
The rifle the shooter used has about a 4 MOA level of accuracy. That means that the closest you can hope to come to your intended target is somewhere within 4 minutes of angle - which at that distance translates into a circle about 5" in radius. Choosing to stand in front of that, even with a world class marksman behind the trigger, would be the equivalent of playing russian roulette with two rounds in the cylinder. Trump is many things, but suicidal is not one of them.
I've attempted to educate you, but I hold out no hope of succeeding.
The people controlling the AI in the United States prohibit it from answering questions about our faked elections. Go to Bing and ask it's AI.
Guilty until proven innocent is a foundational tenet in progressive sects that adopt the Pro-Choice religion. Off with her head! Exercised with liberal license in Democratic districts, which is yet another reason that Walz 'N Karma-la are unfit to serve as squirrel catchers, let alone to represent people. #HateLovesAbortion
Typically, the SS agents would have leaped on him and held him down underneath them until he could be hustled out.
That's because the people assigned to him that day weren't 'typical' SS agents. They were Homeland Security goons.
Maybe you ought to sit this one out. And the next one, too.
This just in... Kamala really won! dang. aka - Drudge's BF speaks.
An exploding earring?
Exactly. Why hasn't the legal profession and judicial hierarchy cleaned up its mess on aisles 3, 7, 8, and 11 yet (multiple venues and cases)? Supine Court, why haven't you stepped in and squashed the over-reaching cases and judicial miscreants involved? The entire judicial system is a complete disgrace. If this election hadn't gone as it has, the American public would have been totally justified in taking care of the two-tiered corrupt "justice system" by the means provided by the founders of this country.
Do your effing jobs!
It’s Atlanta, Jack.
From felon to Mcdonalds worker and now president. America truly is the land of dreams!
One would think after you got your ass handed to you on Tuesday - and how you were wrong about everything - you'd use this opportunity to finally shut up.
I know I would.
James isn't smart enough to recognize that the landscape has changed. If she continues with her lawfare against Trump she will find herself on the receiving end of federal prosecution.
Biden was remarkable cheerful (and more articulate than Harris yesterday) at today's press statement. Seem he and the Missus had a quiet Tues night, and a celebratory Wed night. I think he's quite happy with Trump's election, proves him right, and Pelosi, Obama, and Clooney wrong.
And note how both Harris and Biden promise a peaceful and cooperative transition. Biden wants a pardon for Hunter, and a promise of no investigations into Biden Crime Family, hunter laptop, 2020 election, et al. He's hoping for the Hillary option, a short scolding, a no more invites to White House thereon.
And Clintons are probably quite elated as well, not so much that Trump was elected, but rather that Kamala got beat badly, missed winning the popular vote by about 10 million votes. Ouch.
And Harris? Seems there's at least $20 million missing from campaign coffers, a BIG campaign finance scandal erupting. $1 billion vaporized in three months. Perhaps Kamala needs to find her Jamaican passport, stat. Doug is off to LA, to file for divorce; he certainly picked wrong 2nd wife.
According to Mike Davis, Trumps lawyer, conspiracy against rights.
All these lawfare actors need to be put down and put down hard. This kind of persecution should never happen to another person, on the left or the right.
I think Hillary has mixed feelings.
Kamala loss gives her comfort company, sure... BUT.. Hillary was a strong and early Kamala supporter - because Hillary likely wanted her daughter Chelsea to get a high paying nothing job in a Kamala administration.
This is delicious.
Cowards, every last one of them. They are even worse than progressive democrats. They can't be voted out fast enough.
We need to see the final tally for 2024. A lot of votes in California.
Joe Rogan experienced a new freedom of expression today. That guy is a truthie.
Maddow promises to be a total psychopath and fascist.
i agree with RC, with the Caveat that Turley has been the one guy with enough integrity to call it out, and deserves commendation. The legal profession and commentariat, not so much.
Enjoy Professor Turley's work but would note that he had to get whacked in the head with a 2x4 several times before he woke up to the truth about Merrick Garland.
If anyone thinks that the lefty trolls here are annoying, check out the Turley site. They are far worse and appear to be activists trying to destroy the blog, sorta like the late lamentable C****.
April Apple, that was hilarious. I have shared it with our Discord group
laughs in Floridian
Well, a significant number of the Brothers certainly identified with Trump's experience. Stick it to the Man!
Here's a link to an X post where a liberal shows how complete the shift to the "right" was in counties across the nation, without exception!
What this means to readering is this liberal is also writing "Trump fan fiction":
Bob doesn't know how firearms work nor would I expect him to.
The Cheney thing is hilarious, though. In Bob's world he's a straight up war criminal and yet Bob's girl was touting his endorsement. Hitler endorses the opponent of Hitler. That's where they're at now.
Merchan did say the jury didn't have to be unanimous. The vote was not unanimous.
The BleachBit and burn-barrels have been running full tilt for a couple of days now.
In all ways, President Triump.
There were plenty of law profs who did exactly that though......
Same here. The moment I heard the verdict, $1,000 to Trump’s campaign.
Freder, almost all arguments from analogy are fallacious. With yours, it is almost always plus one.
A trump DOJ will be able to pursue breaches of civil rights in these matters - i.e. selective prosecution. Its how the Federal Government went after corrupt southern state judges breaching federal civil rights actions. There's plenty of precedent and there needs to be punishment and sanctions.
Cookie arises!
From cumdump to useless VP to nationdumped.
You're being hysterical, Robert. Why don't you take a month or two to decompress.
The Baghdad Bob of Biden era abuses gets ifunhouse mirror glasses to opine on narrowly avoided Trump assassination.
(raises hand), Yep.
When you count those states that declared their electoral votes would go to the candidate that won the popular vote Trump had an unpresidented victory.
Don't care what you believe.
Day ending in Y. Though she flirted with retiring, spending more time with the kids.
1. Trump is the second Grover Cleveland. Barring Biden's resignation or death, he will be (God willing) the 45th and 47th president of the United States.
2. One of my liberal FB friends "unfriended" me the day after the election. She sent me a new Friend request (which I accepted, of course) today with a Messenger that read she needed to "mute" some FB friends until she got over being so angry at the results of the "vile" Trump election. And I did not go overboard on my page at all. TDS.
3. Rich is still here? We all expect everything that Trump does to continue to be bad, Nazi-like, racist, et cetera. I will ignore them. Much winning.
What's funny about many (or possibly all) of those scoffing at me for suggesting that the assassination attempt on Trump--if staged (which I did not and do not assert is the case, though, yes, it is possible), it would have been staged by Trump's people...how else to accomplish it, and to what purpose otherwise?--will insist to this day that the 2020 election was stolen, even though no evidence has ever been produced. Even more ludicrous is the wet dream that Trump was a good president, or will be "again."
Bich is trying to reinstall his LLR credentials the last couple of days- much like Chuck did in November 2016.
"Biden: 81 million "votes"
Harris: 66 million votes
Missing: 15 million Democrat votes
"So Bob, what happened to 15 million Democrats? They suddenly die and nobody noticed? Did they not hear that Hitler was on the ballot and that he's going to end Democracy? Pretty sure that message got out. No other message did."
Most probably voted for Trump, (and some may have voted this time for third party candidates or not at all). Harris (or her managers) ran a poor campaign, failing to give voters any real reason to vote for her. In most years, I wouldn't even have considered voting for her, and I would have voted Green Party, as I have in all prior elections going back to 1996. But, living in a Blue state now, as I do, and considering the awfulness of Trump, I voted--not for Harris--but for NOT TRUMP.
I was sadly correct; you're ineducable. Perhaps you lack the foundation in high school geometry necessary to comprehend what I told you.
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