November 9, 2024

"This week, the notion of Trump as the leader of a distinctively white movement became harder to defend...."

"Although exit-poll data can be unreliable... [his coalition is] unusually nonwhite.... For instance, Trump became the first Republican in more than a century to win Starr County, along the Mexican border in Texas, which is almost entirely Hispanic; he did similarly well throughout the state’s majority-Hispanic border counties.... Late in the campaign, during a Trump rally at Madison Square Garden, one of his opening acts, the antagonistic comedian Tony Hinchcliffe... made a joke about Puerto Rico being a 'floating island of garbage,' which for a time became the campaign’s top story.... But... Osceola, a majority-Hispanic county in Florida with a large Puerto Rican population, swung from a fourteen-point Biden victory in 2020 to a narrow Trump victory this year.... [P]erhaps Trump’s coalition will help Americans rethink the assumption that 'white' and 'Hispanic' are mutually exclusive categories, and will boost a new version of the old white identity. But, as far as we can tell, Trump’s America is a place that is more polarized by education than it used to be and less polarized by whiteness and non-whiteness—by race, broadly understood...."

I'm reading "How Donald Trump, the Leader of White Grievance, Gained Among Hispanic Voters/In 2016, the idea that Trump was a cloaked white supremacist made him seem like a fringe character. What does it mean that his popularity has increased?" by Kelefa Sanneh, in The New Yorker.

I don't know how much postmortem I'm willing to read. If your perception and analysis are so good, why didn't you see this before the election? I guess that's another way of saying hindsight is 20/20. But I chose this little essay to quote because it's not purporting to understand what happened and it is pretty modestly conceding confusion. That's appropriate. I would like to see much stronger criticism of Democrats. They were boosted by mainstream media, which either pretended not to notice how awful they were or just didn't see.

By the way, is "antagonistic comedian" a standard term? I've heard "insult comedian."

Anyway, to escape from elite media for a moment — I mean for 3 hours — I listened to Joe Rogan and Dave Smith talking about Tony Hinchcliffe (go to 00:04:00):
SMITH: I was rooting for Trump last night as much as anybody in this country was —
ROGAN: Not as much as Tony Hinchcliffe.

SMITH: Okay, second, second most —

ROGAN [imitating Hinchcliffe performing at Rogan's comedy club, The Mothership]: More Puerto Ricans voted for Trump than ever, ever. By up 26%.....

SMITH: There's obviously a huge series of these things where the Democrat establishment and the corporate media — but I repeat myself — it's death by a thousand self-inflicted wounds. It is almost as if it's like their whole thing relies on lies.... They have their eyes shut and their fingers in their ears, and they're going, no, no, no, no, no. Nope. We're just pretending reality is the thing we want it to be. They don't want to get slowed down by this, this force that is objective reality. And so all of it, you know, whether it's Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, Kamala Harris's joy, you know, Donald Trump is Hitler. Tony Hinchcliffe was a man at an event who made some comments.... A comedian who was ribbing everybody.

ROGAN: Not only that, but an insult comedian.

SMITH: Right. A comedian who's famous for insulting people. And we're supposed to act like... we didn't all grow up on Don Rickles, and we all know exactly what Tony Hinchcliffe is doing.

ROGAN: Did you see the clip that The Mothership posted? It's on my Instagram. No. So they're talking about the, the comedian who made jokes about Puerto Rico while Tony's on stage on the other screen. So Tony's on stage at The Mothership while this guy's talking about what Tony did on CNN, and they're going over like the Puerto Rican population and how they voted.... Oh, dude, that's so great....
Here's Rogan's Instagram showing the split screen in the club's green room, with CNN on one side, talking about Hinchcliffe, and Hinchcliffe on stage, talkign about himself, at the same time.

ON SECOND THOUGHT: "If your perception and analysis is so good, why didn't you see it before the election?" is NOT another way of saying "hindsight is 20/20." It's the opposite! It's saying I don't trust your observations. It's not saying your observations are good now because you're looking back at things that have already happened.


FormerLawClerk said...

I'll translate:

"We tried to make Trump look like a White Supremacist, but it didn't work. We need to figure out why so we can win next time." - Mainstream Media

Christopher B said...

Another look at how Hispanics in Texas changed votes from 2016 to 2024, from Nate Moore at The Liberal Patriot (Ruy Teixeira)

boatbuilder said...

A. The Puerto Ricans got the joke.
B. These New Yorker buffoons really believe their own bullshit.

rehajm said...

Will someone direct me to the exit polling that analyzes the important issues for these ‘hispanic’ voters? I see generic important issues rankings but none seem to pose the question to ‘hispanics’ who voted for Trump. I’m suspecting they don’t want to learn and/or don’t want us to learn they oppose the Democrats on abortion and illegal immigration…

PB said...
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FormerLawClerk said...

Donald Trump has WON a MANDATE: Democrats accused him of being Hitler, wanting to end Democracy, to appoint himself Dictator, to kill his political opponents, inter the low-level ones in concentration camps and deport the remainder.

So Americans elected him. By an enormous margin. Not even close. Landslide.

Get busy, Don. We're waiting.

narciso said...

Can we haz more clowning

Randomizer said...

Reading any postmortem analysis is a waste of time. Democrats don't or can't identify where it all went wrong.

In 2019, Biden implied that he'd be a one-term candidate, but wouldn't commit to it. After the 2022 congressional election, he should have announced that he wasn't running for a second term, and would not endorse or encourage anyone in the primary. Biden could have said it was time for the next generation of leaders to take over.

Dems would have gone through the whole primary process, and had a better candidate.

Eight years as VP and eight years as POTUS, is too much. Elder Bush should have done the same thing.

rehajm said...

…somewhere along the line a newfangled ‘roast’ became a big platform for comics. Problem is it’s supposed to be your best friends giving you the needle but it has evolved into a meeting of strangers looking to boost their Q scores-an insult Love Boat kind of thing. Aside from Nikki Glaser killing it the other day most of it is kind of ugly…

Jaq said...

They rule by means of befuddlement, meaning that they constantly tell us the most absurd lies, and try to force us to repeat them, and by dividing us. Nothing makes them more angry than the idea that we won't stay in the little boxes they designed for us in order to make us powerless and "governable."

Jaq said...

Wow, everybody is throwing that Chuck Schumer quote about getting two affluent Republicans for every working class vote they lose back in his face. He might be a bigger loser in this election than anybody. I think Kamala might actually be happy that she lost, and did you notice the spring in Joe Biden's step when he came out to make his little speech?

Shouting Thomas said...

Whites, particularly white men, are the only group that cannot even voice their demands and grievances. Any attempt is always denounced by just about everybody as evidence of some sort of bigotry.

FormerLawClerk said...

If they can get you to say out loud that men can have periods - and they'll always do that in a room full of people to maximize the peer pressure - then they OWN you.

rehajm said...

[P]erhaps Trump’s coalition will help Americans rethink the assumption that 'white' and 'Hispanic' are mutually exclusive categories,

I get the feeling this sets the groundwork to punish ‘hispanics’ by taking away their privilege category and lumping them together with whites…

FormerLawClerk said...

He's married to a man. Nobody is listening to Chuck Schoomer.

FormerLawClerk said...

You must not remember the White Hispanic that the New York Times created out of whole cloth one day - an entirely new race of people - who killed Treyvon Martin.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m fine, by the way, with white men being the only group that isn’t allowed bitching and whining. It forces us to be dignified and stoic (and most of us are already that way) instead of behaving like a spoiled child.

rehajm said...

I recalled that before I wrote it. It looks like they are now extending that pejorative to an entire class of Trump voter…

jaydub said...

What I particularly enjoyed about election week was how on Monday Joe Biden was about to pop a vein over the possibility that Trump, AKA "Hitler, had to be stopped because our democracy and our lives literally depended on keeping the Nazis out of the WH, then after the election called his WH staff together in the Rose Garden to direct them to make the transition to Hitler as smooth as possible. Talk about cognitive dissonance! It's almost as if Joe, the dems and the media knew all along that they were lying about Trump. Naw, that couldn't be it because that would require for us to believe Gadfly, Cookie, Freder and Inga and Rich were either liars, too, or gullible idiots or both. Personally, I'm going with both.

Dave Begley said...

The divide in America isn’t along racial, gender or geography. It’s all about values and ideas.

DavidD said...

“ ‘ which for a time became the campaign’s top story’ “

Sloppy. It was never the *campaign’s* top story.

The opposition press tried to make it the top story *about* the campaign, but then Biden came out and called Republicans garbage, which blew that away.

Michael said...

Very rarely do I listen to the full three hours of Rogan, but Dave Smith's insights were excellent and held my attention for 180 minutes.

rehajm said...

Mandate? This ain’t The Bachelor…

FormerLawClerk said...

The post-mortems that I'm NOT seeing in the press have to do with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden's reactions AFTER the election was called for Trump.

Both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden wished Adolph Hitler well and, although there will be no more elections in a Trump Caliphate, they told their staffs "We'll get 'em next election."

That had to be quite an eye-opener for the young people convinced to campaign for Kamala because they were told Democracy ITSELF was on the line and that if Trump was elected, then the country was finished and they'd likely be put in camps.

The media is strangely silent on what this sudden awakening will mean in FUTURE elections. Where young people were played for such suckers by the Democrats. They are going to remember their blind naiveté and it will sting for the rest of their lives creating huge resentment.

mindnumbrobot said...

I don't know how much postmortem I'm willing to read.

I don't blame her, but you have to admit some of it is very entertaining. I think my favorite is the wailing about how the legacy media can no longer control the narrative.

Christopher B said...

They'll be come Schrodinger's minorities, just like Asians.

narciso said...

Who cares about the new yawker they have abused the truth countless times

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...
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Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

The entire concept of "hispanic" as some sort of ethnic identity, let alone somehow a racial one, is absurd. Look at my profile pic [age 65] ... do I **look** "hispanic"? Yet officially I am. Or could be, if I wished, but I refuse to play that intentionally manipulative and divisive game.

My grandfather came from Argentina when I was 1 yo, and I was already stumbling around in both Spanish and English. No memory of a time when I did NOT speak Spanish, and I learnt to read in Spanish at 3 yo, fully a year and a half before I could figure out English spelling systems.

I've worked extensively in Ecuador for decades [ag development] and the "hispanics" in the NW [former sugar slaves] are as black as the letters in this comment. Farther south, around Guayaquil, most people look like Cherokee. Up in the high Andes you find the Quechua [Inca descendants], and at the central elevations, like Quito, it's a total dog's breakfast, including lots of folks who look pretty much like me.

Nobody cares, so why the hell should we? One of the hilarious things in Uganda is when "african-americans" finally figure out that the locals all consider them just as "white" as I am.

Pride in, and some connection to, or celebration of, one's heritage(s) is a good and enjoyable thing. Making it -- or being **pushed** into making it -- the source of one's identity, especially for manipulative political purposes, ... is both reprehensible and (ultimately) futile, as Democrats are beginning to discover. If they persist, they risk becoming modern Whigs.

Dr. King's "content of [your] character" resonated in 1963, and it seems, for now at least, that after a tragically-long hiatus the Republicans are once again working to help make Dr. King's dream ... a reality.

Hassayamper said...

You must not remember the White Hispanic that the New York Times created out of whole cloth one day - an entirely new race of people - who killed Treyvon Martin.

And then it turned out that the “white Hispanic”guy defending his neighborhood from burglars in fact had a black grandfather. I think he was something like half Peruvian castizo, one quarter white American, and one quarter black. The media and the Democrat racial scab-pickers sure had a hard time figuring out how to portray him as the blond Aryan face of white supremacy, but damned if they didn’t give it their best shot.

Hassayamper said...

I’m fine, by the way, with white men being the only group that isn’t allowed bitching and whining. It forces us to be dignified and stoic (and most of us are already that way) instead of behaving like a spoiled child.

* Does not apply to gays and trannies

Leland said...

How about “the claim that Trump was a leader of white supremacist was made without evidence”? “Fine people on both sides” was disinformation.

narciso said...

Native americans are sexist now

mikee said...

"which for a time became the campaign’s top story"
Ahem. Which, for a time, became the MEDIA'S top story.

Ascribing to others that which one does oneself is a psychological condition.

mikee said...

Dr. Jill is the one shoulda been pushed out of office, not dementia Joe.

mikee said...

Well, going from an ethnicity to essentially being considered White worked for every other group of voluntary immigrants, from the Irish and Italians, the Germans and the Swedes, to the Vietnamese, Japanese and Chinese, why not the Hispanics, too? Then all we gotta do is get the Blacks to accept being White and racism is over.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Harder to defend" huh? Bullshit. Get back to me when they finally arrive at "no evidence Trump is a racist and that ridiculous charge should have been laughed out of the newsroom the first thousand times it was said." The newsertainment barking seals like Late Nite and Colbert and the View and the bulk of MSNBC's programming should all be shunned by polite society.

Never thought I'd write this but they would benefit from following the examples of Maher and Stewart. Just honestly criticize both sides and if you are giving your opinion make clear that's what you are doing.

Bob Boyd said...

If they were honest:

Late in the campaign, during a Trump rally at Madison Square Garden, one of his opening acts, some insult comic nobody had ever heard of before, Tony Hinchcliffe... made a joke about Puerto Rico being a 'floating island of garbage.' PR is famous for its litter problems and the joke was an old trope, but of course, we in the media seized on it and made it into the top campaign story for several days to promote our long-standing narrative that Trump and his supporters are racist white-supremacists and thereby help the Democratic Party's candidates which we can always be counted on to do.

Gusty Winds said...

We need to redefine what is means to be "educated." College degrees now represent credentialed indoctrination.

America needs to adopt Mrs. Gump's definition. "Stupid is, as stupid does."

Just an old country lawyer said...

A wise old lady client of mine once told me that mental health required that you be able to tell yourself the truth. It doesn't look like the Democrats are there yet.

Bob Boyd said...

What does it mean that his popularity has increased?
It means people aren't buying your bullshit, that's what it means and fuck you for spreading your vile slander you contemptible hate mongers. I hope you all have to get real jobs someday. That would be the best revenge. I'd love to watch you try to keep up with the average plumber's apprentice for one day. Half of you would probably go home kill yourselves.

Jersey Fled said...

I can never figure out if Filipinos are Hispanic or Asian.

Or why Filipinos are people from The Philippines.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Bart Hall has it.
It must become socially unacceptable for an American to take notice of another person's race, ethnicity, or origin, just as it has become unacceptable to take note of a facial scar, limp, sexual preference, or other immutable quality. Sex is ok to ask about for identification only, on driver licenses and passports, but male or female will be the only choices.
Trump can get this ball rolling by putting out an Executive Order that no federal department may ask about ethnicity, etc., at any time for any reason. The government should have no interest in your intersectionality. It will also apply to educational institutions as a criterion for receiving federal grants or aid of any kind. This all started when they wanted to know how to "target" government resources, but it's now obvious how this targeting has worked out.
We're all Americans now. It's a good thing, and will get better when we stop all this hyphenating and dividing nonsense.
E Pluribus Unum, y'all.

Gusty Winds said...

Puerto Rico has a legitimate garbage/trash problem. As usual liberals ignore the problem (like the way Madison ignores Milwaukee’s deterioration) and then pretend to care about the suffering population. The joke was a reference to a real problem on the island.

The Puerto Rico trash problem has been growing for decades. With a population of around 3.2 million, the island generates about 3.7 million tons of waste yearly. Despite being small, the island’s landfills are full and there’s no proper recycling infrastructure. This trash crisis affects everything from health to the economy so solutions are crucial for Puerto Rico’s future.

Sally327 said...

Jen Psaki, of all people, had the most cogent analysis I've read or heard so far, which was to the effect that the Harris campaign gave far more weight to what former Republicans (Liz Cheney, Jeff Flake, et al) had to say and didn't try to find out what former Democrats who'd left the party thought.

Anyone surprised that Puerto Ricans didn't vote for Harris/Walz must not know any actual Puerto Ricans.

Peachy said...

The Democrat party press is a complete failure. All Lies - all propaganda. All gaslighting, all brainwashing. All lies.

Everyone on the left should watch this Gutfeld ep, and try to figure out what went wrong.

320Busdriver said...

Extra delicious Maher show with John Heilemann on last night. Heilemann screeching FaSciSm, DeMoCracY, !!TRUMP!, and appearing to lose it on more than one occasion. Maher, with his own special brand of TDS, had to keep John from melting down and insisted he look in the mirror to help explain what had gone wrong. Providing balance and maximum common sense was DOJ attorney Sarah Isgur who provided several mic-drops on the lefts clown show.
Highly recommend

320Busdriver said...

Saw that…really good too

Peachy said...

American's largest enemy - is the mainstream corporate Democrat Party State Run Media.
And Fauci. This election and going forward - that is everything. And the majority of Americans and growing - understand it.

Peachy said...

What is shrinking? The pool of hivemind idiots who buy the corrupt media's lies.

Christopher B said...

The Woke will never willingly allow Descendants of Enslaved African-Americans to be consider white adjacent. They are too valuable as a club to beat on their political opponents.

Jamie said...

the Harris campaign gave far more weight to what former Republicans (Liz Cheney, Jeff Flake, et al) had to say and didn't try to find out what former Democrats who'd left the party thought.

"Former Democrats" like Gabbard, Kennedy, Musk... Trump. And they didn't have to "try to find out" what these very high profile Democrats thought - these former Democrats, and loads more ordinary people who have switched horses over the past decade or more, have stated their reasons straight out.

Enigma said...

Correction: "We were clueless and so trapped inside the party-academia-big donor bubble that we sincerely thought Trump was a racist. We now look like fools because our open-border policy drove millions of Hispanics and Blacks and women into Trump's party. We should all resign in disgrace, but will instead demand an equity promotion because our feelings were hurt and we don't like that."

john mosby said...

320, that was a great Maher show. One of the best things about it was how often the audience applauded clearly MAGA sentiments. His audience often has in the past, but last night it seems they felt finally liberated to express common sense no matter the source.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Philadelphia is a major U.S. city and The Philadelphia Inquirer has been around a long, long time and it's been number one ever since The Bulletin died in the early 1980s. The Philadelphia Inquirer is a major civic institution. It is prestigious.

Okay, that was background. THIS is clickbait at the Inquirer's website right now: "Latinos may not be to blame for Trump’s win, but they will surely bear the brunt of his bad policies." Byline gives Luis F. Carrasco, Helen Ubiñas, and Sabrina Vourvoulias.

What the hell does that say to the Latinos who voted for Trump?

Unfucking believable. It's bad enough to think it because they don't know jack shit. But it's worse to say it and it's even worse to publish it, especially right now. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Enigma said...

This isn't the first time Chucky has made that mistake. With the passage of the 1994 Crime Bill he was ecstatic -- saying it was the "camel's nose under the tent" for more anti-gun, anti-conservative laws in the making. Then the lefty-angel-of-death election came in November 1994, and the Republicans won every single competitive race and a bunch of races that were never considered competitive.

Pray that you have Chucky Schumer as an enemy, for he'll guarantee that you win.

Peachy said...

Kamala over-performed Hollywood and whiny late-nite talk show hosts with small testicles.

Peachy said...

The corrupt leftist Democrat Hack money whore press called anyone not in line with their bullshit - a Nazi and a radical extremist.

MadTownGuy said...

"For instance, Trump became the first Republican in more than a century to win Starr County, along the Mexican border in Texas, which is almost entirely Hispanic; he did similarly well throughout the state’s majority-Hispanic border counties...."

Short response: Texicans don't like invaders.

Peachy said...

but wait - lets all Q into the a-holes at the Bulwark and the whiny turds at the NYT.

Enigma said...

"Hispanic" is indeed a broken concept. It kind-of-sort-of made sense back in 1965 when civil rights was the hot new government thing. At the time the USA was 85% to 90% western Europeans who mostly came from the UK/Ireland, France, Germany, and Italy and they all spoke English. The USA German speakers went away with WW1 and WW2, but were fairly common before that.

Blacks were the major non-western European culture, with Spanish speakers (aka roughly "Hispanic") a smaller second group and Asians a tiny blip on the west coast. IMO it makes a lot more sense to talk about native English speakers, bilinguals, and native Spanish speakers instead of the weird "Hispanic" logic blob.

Peachy said...

Biden's open bored? - Defund and Deport.

Or send all illegals to Massachusetts. The governor of MA just insisted.
&/or -- We are all waiting for the wealthy White left progressives to take in illegal families.
Why won't they?

WAITING. WAITING. waiting... waiting.

tim maguire said...

That’s the Irony—Hinchcliffe was referencing a significant scandal in Puerto Rico and the media was so clueless about it that they thought he was insulting Puerto Ricans.

If you’re a Puerto Rican, what message do you get from that—who do you side with? The guy who’s paying attention to your island or your “defenders” who don’t care enough to find out?

Enigma said...

Sadly, Maher is akin to a religious fundamentalist who cannot let go of his childhood teaching regardless of the evidence or what his brain tells him. His emotional ties to the old-school 1960s to 1980s leftism of his youth are too strong. If he could let go he'd be similar to Musk and Tulsi Gabbard, and given his background with comedy, a dead ringer for Trump and Rogan.

Peachy said...

It's not a joke that the corrupot Soviet democrat elite want to censor everything and everyone and destroy Elon Musk.

JK Brown said...

Thinking about the Democrat media call for a Leftist "Joe Rogan", I was reminded of how the media fawned over Bill Clinton going on Arsenio Hall. He was the first presidential candidate to use the "new" media to campaign.

Well, this year Trump used the very new media of longform podcast to overcome all the media lies about him. And I don't think most politicians could do a 3 hour unscripted conversation. Maybe 1990s Bill Clinton. But all the others would show their inner robot.

RCOCEAN II said...

What a bizzaro world we live in. Trannies, Gays, jews, and blacks are protected classes and even breathing an insult against them, may get you "canceled" or if you do it public - arrested. Leaving a sticker saying "Its Ok to be white" is considered a "Hate crime" in some blue states.

Meanwhile, the powerful MSM stirs up hatred against white people. How dare those icky "white men" have grievances". You can be sure, those awful, racist, bastards have nothing to complain about. Why, they deserve to get oppressed!

And I'm glad Rogan and his Guest get it. Good grief, how can you have comedy when the comedians have walk on egg shells all the time? They probably feel like a Russian comedian doing a standup for Stalin and cronies. You'd better be careful - or else!

wild chicken said...

Silly me, I grew up in California thinking Mexicans were white. I married I guy whose father was Mexican. Now come to find out he's as out a quarter slave descendent too. As a White Supremacist, am I supposed to dump his ass?

RCOCEAN II said...

whats really ironic is that Trump is - personally - the least pro-white POTUS ever ever. He LOVES black people. He LOVES hispanics and Jews. Ever chance he's gotten he's tried to nominate black candidates for jobs in his white house or for political office. He grew up and lived almost his whole life in NYC, he was part of "Show-biz".

On a personal level, I would bet his private behavior and beliefs are no different from Mike Bloomberg. At least on race and social issues. But the MSM can't help themselves. They got one play in their playbook - call EVERY Conservative/Republican a raciss/bigot/homophobe.

RCOCEAN II said...

IRC, under segregated Texas Law, Hispanics were "white". And Cubans/Mexicans were allowed to play in Major League Baseball prior to Jackie Robinson. I've met native Californians who boast that they have some mexican ancestor. Its sorta like the way every Southerner boasts of being part Indian.

FormerLawClerk said...

The only post-mortem you need:

Gasoline: $5.16/gallon
Bread: $4.50/loaf
Eggs: $6/dozen
Hamburger Beef: $14.99/pound

If you are President, and these things occur on your watch, you will NOT get re-elected. Period.

Here endeth the lesson.

planetgeo said...

It's not just Trump they've been lying about. The whole "America is racist" theme that they relentlessly project is complete bullshit anymore. As my "nom de blog" suggests, I travel the world (business and various interests) a great deal and interact among ordinary people of all races and economic levels. And Americans in general are as friendly, accepting, and genuinely helpful to one another regardless of race, as any place I've been (every continent except Antarctica). It's shameful that it continues to be used as a social and political weapon, and it should be challenged every time it is used.

Third Coast said...

How ironic that the MSM may have been the Dems worst enemy. Folks on the right knew the constant gas lighting was BS, but the Lefties gobbled it up. In the end, the MSM only helped keep the Dems safe in their bubble, isolated from reality. For example, if there had been honest reporting about FJB's mental state starting in 2020, maybe there would have been a competent Dem running in 2024. Keep it up NYT, Washington Compost, etc. We appreciate your contributions.

Aggie said...

"This week, the notion of Trump as the leader of a distinctively white movement became harder to defend...."

Principally because, no Progressive Democrat has has ever had to defend or explain any derogatory Trump accusation, ever. What a revoltin' development !

n.n said...

Diversity politics: racism, sexism, etc. Is a Pro-Choice religious dogma that denies individual dignity, value and normalizes hate a la #HateLovesAbortion.

J L Oliver said...

I read it as the STOP story. Yes, the stop, STOP, please STOP! story.

n.n said...

Democrazi is a left-wing philosophy and ambition.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"Trump is racist against Lationos!"

Latinos voted for Trump

"Latinos are misogynistic!"

Video from The View: ’Some women see things as they are… others only see what they want to see’ - rewrite of a famous quote.

Tina Trent said...

Kelefa Sanneh, the New Yorker, and everyone else who uses this scurrilous white supremacist slur should be subjected to the very consequences they created for so-called hate speech. We should be demanding the DOJ investigate them, upend their lives and livelihoods, render them unemployable and hound them to the edge of civilization.

The other option would be to eliminate the entire hate crimes industry and all its laws. If we’re not going to enforce social and legal mores equally, we have neither. But nobody has the balls to do that. Can’t anger the special ones.

Freder Frederson said...

Sheesh, do you even read the comments of this blog, or listen to all the nonsense Tucker Carlson and numerous other conservative commenters, spew.

White men are so put upon!

Drago said...

"Trump is racist against Lationos!"

"Latinos voted for Trump

"Latinos are misogynistic!"'

Video from The View: ’Some women see things as they are… others only see what they want to see’ - rewrite of a famous quote."

Its already worse than that. As with Asians, the New Soviet Democraticals are preparing to Double Down on "Latinos are Just Conservative Caucasians!

Which should do wonders for the dems electorally...

wildswan said...

I'm commenting as Sister Toldja So today.
The Hispanic immigrants in this country have their lives organized to get out of poverty. A family saves a large portion of its members' incomes from whatever jobs or social security each family member has. This sum accumulates until finally it is invested in a small business such as a restaurant or a landscaping firm or a delivery business. That business income is then saved towards a house. So Biden rules on raising the minimum wage hurt the Hispanics as small business owners and Biden regulatory taxes hit them also and so did price increases on diesel fuel and so did attempts to force everyone into an EV and so did all the others crippling regulations and reporting requirments. We see them hitting Elon Musk but they were hitting the Hispanics, too. And Sister Tolja So said so often and was often told she was wrong and that the Hispanics, (Catholics like herself, with whom she attends church) were grateful to the Supremacy Dems. Sister Tolja So knew that the Socialist Supremacy Dems want to see Hispanic migrants as pitiful poor at the border but that the Hispanics see themselves as trying to get across the border so that they can work and not have the results of their work stolen. So when the Hispanics got up here and saw the Socialist Supremacy Dems trying to set up North American encomiendas filled with peons whose profits are taken from them in taxes and fees as happened in Central and South America, it was inevitable that they'd vote against the Socialist Supremacy Dems in the end. And I, Sister Tolja So, said so often. But enough.
The point is that the Dems think we're back in 1930 and they aren't really coming to grips with the problems of the middle class in the 21st century and in the digital age. But the Hispanics and really everyone else in the world is aspiring to the middle class - the leafy green suburb, the healthy children, the house, the job, the education that enables a job supporting all that, the fun, the travel. And what is in the way for most people? The Grabbers who are pretending to implement social justice but who are actually awarding themselves a "job" regulating and interfering with real people. Inevitably, we the people would see through their blather and get rid of them.

FormerLawClerk said...

Every time I see a clip of Rachel Maddow, I smile. We are soooooo lucky they've kept that unhinged nutbag on the air for so long.

Jaq said...

"Education" is a proxy for income status. The Democrats are the party of the affluent now, and have a strong implied belief that the poor are poor because it's their own fault.

Just look at Freder "Ayn Rand" Frederson, or Robert "Adam Smith" Cook talk about how it's necessary for working class voters to take the brunt of the Democrats "anti-inflation" policy for the good of the economy. Or listen to somebody whine about how they wouldn't be able to afford cooks, housekeepers, landscapers, or even grooms for their polo ponies, if they had to pay wages and shudder... 'benefits" or even, God forbid! overtime, that would attract American citizens.

Basically affluent Americans hire these low wage scabs, and put the cost of their health care, etc, off on the government, all the while crushing the wages of blue collar workers with endless immigration.

The reason "educated" voters vote for Democrats is because it is in their personal economic interests as affluent Americans, full stop.

FormerLawClerk said...

Dude is from the UK. He's a "diversity" quota hire.

Jaq said...

BTW, Latino citizens are very much included in those suffering from Biden's immigration policies.

Big Mike said...

Do we need exit polling? It’s been known for years that Hispanic voters are not in favor of open borders. And, it may seem to economic illiterates like Democrats, poor people are hit harder by inflation and the Democrats made sure everyone knew precisely who was responsible for the inflation we’ve been experiencing ever since Joe Biden famously asked who died and left Milton Friedman in charge. Turns out that Monetary Theory works and unrestrained printing of money doesn’t.

Asian-Americans have been de facto whites for years now, and if Trump and the new generation of Republican leaders can swing it, they’ll be joined by Hispanic voters. Are Jews next? Unlikely, yet they can they continue to support politicians who turn around and support people that scream “Death to the News!” It’s not the College Republicans or the YAF who make the wearing of a kippah on campus into an act of amazing bravery.

Jaq said...

Imagine how, for example, dentists would feel if there were some endless supply of dentists in some foreign country, let's make it a white country, for purposes of illustration. Let's say that the government decided to lower the cost of dentistry by importing millions of these dentists who would work for far lower fees. Do you think that the dentists here in the US would stand for it? You think that they would say, "It's no problem, they are white!"

The Democrats just try to keep us baffled by spouting nonsense endlessly, and divided against each other, to make us "governable."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So anti- white anti- man racist misandry isn't the problem. Us noticing your side does it enthusiastically is the problem. Genius, Freder! You don't even realize how you are validating Thomas's point.

This is one reason I love this blog. Lefties never miss an opportunity to self-own.

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Peachy said...


Original Mike said...

They asked a white, male prison guard in Pennsylvania why he was voting for Trump and he said, "The democrats just make me feel bad about who I am."

Peachy said...

People should listen to Chuck Schumer. He promoted violence thru violent rhetoric against the Supreme Court.
Chuck just recently - promised amnesty for the millions of illegals The corrupt left shuttled and allowed in. Criminals and all. The very illegal millions that were allowed in over the last four years - while the media lied to us about it.

Know your enemy.

Big Mike said...

@Jaq, the gangs like Tren de Araqua and MS-13 that we’ve allowed into the country through our open southern border preferentially prey on a Hispanic-Americans. They’re the ones who suffer so that liberal white women can virtue signal.

Peachy said...

Freder - keep swilling the leftist koolaid.

Peachy said...

THIS! They destroy lives - it's time for leftist Soviet liars to feel some pain.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Where are the immigrants gonna live after their hotel status is revoked? With a large Chicano population hereabout, they sure aren't keen on the crime in their tidy, upwardly mobile neighborhoods. Dems are playing NIMBY. See also Martha's Vineyard.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The place where the idea that I know better than what someone else knows what’s good for them is the same place where the King of England once stood.

Peachy said...

We allow way too many legal immigrants. 2 million per year is too many.
10+ illegal? Your corrupt party did that.
Get the illegals out - or send them to Massachusetts - to live with rich white leftists.

Peachy said...

A Landslide Against the Media

Nichevo said...

Hey gang! Haven't been around for a while. Just wondering, who did Althouse endorse?

Jerry said...

They couldn't push out Biden until the people could see how bad he was. You recall just how sharp he was up until the debate - at which point his handlers decided it was time for Plan B. And they needed a candidate which was 'controllable'. So multiple choice was right out, because there would be way too many variables and the proper choice wasn't guaranteed. (You might end up with another Fetterman, who has his own ideas about what's best for his constituents.)

The real problem is that what the party was pushing the people did not want.

And you can only get them to accept it so much by calling them various types of 'ist' and yelling at them. There comes a point where even the semi-faithful go "You know, I'm really getting tired as hell of a dysfunctional economic and political culture. I'm not going to vote for this again." (Usually when they go get groceries, and realize they're paying a lot more than 4 years ago.)

FormerLawClerk said...

Mr. Althouse was attending Trump MAGA Rally & Sniper Attack's.

Not quite an endorsement, but there you have it.

Kakistocracy said...

Is there a particular reason I’m being censored?

FormerLawClerk said...

The Democrats removed the Texas bused-in immigrants from Martha's Vinyard in UNDER 24 hours. They sent them to a government-run military prison camp on the Massachusetts mainland.

Peachy said...

Kimberly Strassel nails it:
"Democrats now face a choice. On one side are party grown-ups who are publicly acknowledging this defeat as a sharp voter rebuke of progressive policies. They are admitting that lawfare was a mistake, that the party is culturally out of touch, that lunatic interest groups are running the asylum. They worry about a growing political realignment that threatens the party’s future. That we are hearing these voices is an improvement over the past eight years.

Yet on the other side are the progressive architects of the mess, already rationalizing away the night as a function of racism, sexism and America’s supposed love affair with “fascism.” They mark the loss down to “tactical” errors—the failure to court pro-Palestinian voters, a misallocation of door-knockers, poor timing in ad buys. The party just needs better “messaging” of its “historic achievements.”

No surprise, the media is already running with this latter narrative, again providing the party a soothing alternative to the blunt reality of its ideological fail. Will Democrats be lulled again? If they really want to reconnect with voters, they will at some point have to break with what is proving to be a debilitating feedback loop.

The media itself was put on sharp notice this cycle, pushed aside by podcasters and influencers whom voters now trust more to provide reality. Nearly 50 million people have listened to Joe Rogan’s interview of Mr. Trump, as it provided a more accurate assessment of the GOP nominee’s positions and the concerns of the country than “news” articles about the “authoritarian” intent on destroying the climate, abortion rights, democracy—choose your obsession.

The DNC-MSM are always shocked when the candidate they went all-in on supporting loses, and invariably spend about ten minutes after the election publicly feigning introspection — and then nothing changes, and their bias and hatred of all politicians with an (R) after their names only gets worse. Why should this election be any different?"

Jerry said...

Towards the end I think she was actively trying to throw it. The stupid word salad press conferences, the interviewer with a Muslim influencer where she told him BACON was a spice... She didn't want the job but couldn't actively go "Screw it, find someone else."

hombre said...

The Democrat Elite persist in demonizing Trump and his "garbage". Some of the leftmediaswine seem slightly more analytical.

who-knew said...

"[P]erhaps Trump’s coalition will help Americans rethink the assumption that 'white' and 'Hispanic' are mutually exclusive categories, and will boost a new version of the old white identity." The left is so wedded to the theory of "whiteness" that they can't let go of it. Much like medieval astronomers who kept creating cycles and epicycles to make the geocentric model of the universe work, modern leftists keep creating more and more versions of "whiteness" that allow them to cling to their chosen theory of white villainy and black and brown victimhood. Maybe we should start calling them bitter clingers.

mikee said...

AS an immigrant Texan myself (legal), I explain MadTownGuy's statement as follows: We know that invaders take over, so we try to avoid that by stopping the invasion.

mikee said...

Rush Limbaugh left a very large hole in the media space when he died. Rogan is filling it, although with a somewhat different branding and tilt.

Skeptical Voter said...

Substitute "class" for "race" or "ethnicity" and you might be on your way to understanding what's important, and what happened. Not all "whites" are enjoying white privilege. Nor are all males "toxic".

JAORE said...

There is nothing wrong with having a racial, ethnic or gender identity. Celebrate yourself. But, to the left that identity is ALL you are.

Jerry said...

Those 'former republicans' likely were pissed because they weren't the current brilliant lights of the Republican Party. Cheney got dumped by Wyoming because she basically became a swamp creature once she got to DC, and forgot about her constituents. It seemed like she thought the Cheney name was magic, and guaranteed her a permanent place at the DC trough.

The media would have been better served by talking to the folks in Wyoming who dumped her underperforming ass...

Christopher B said...

I'm a bit more cynical, Dave. The divide used to be largely race and martial status. It is now economic class and sex.

Christopher B said...

As the ultimate former Democrat said, "I didn't leave the Democratic party, it left me."

Christopher B said...

Preach, Sister!

n.n said...

Critical Racists' Theory (CRT) suggests that People of Color (e.g. Orange) can be Diversitist simply by acting Diverse with a wanton bloc identity.

Christopher B said...

That's a major theme with anti-Trumps right now ... I'm pretty sure both Bich and F'n Frederson have espoused it here, and I've seen it on a number of comment boards that get polluted with Lefty screeds. Them dumb 'spics didn't listen to us smart people and got fooled by The Bad Orange Man

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Me, too. That’s the first Rogan podcast I’ve listened to and it was a revelation in terms of political communication. If 50 million people are regularly listening to conversations like that the Democrats are fucked. No wonder they want to censor it.

Rabel said...

Althouse interviewed on Rogan would be epic.

Make it happen.

It would be the first time I listened to him for more than a few minutes.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

No fear. They won’t remember. Are you new here?

Lazarus said...

"Antagonistic comedian" sounds more like Aristophanes than Don Rickles.

Lazarus said...

Nowadays being de facto well-off suburban whites doesn't mean being Republicans. In a lot of places, it means the opposite. For the foreseeable future there will be some affluent Asian-Americans who see the Democratic Party and progressivism as their ticket, though others may defect.

Rocketeer said...

Has anyone else noticed that they keep conflating “educated” with “degreed?”

Zavier Onasses said...

Starr County. Except for Rio Grande City and Roma (where I used to service copiers couple of decades ago) mostly sparsely populated with large ranches. One of the towns on the Mexican side (Cd. Miguel Aleman IIRC) was/is a notorious cartel HQ.

Most ranchers not pleased having their fences cut, houses and barns broken into and robbed, armed bands of "coyote" escorts, the occasional body of an abandoned fallout.

Border Patrol leaves barrels of water (marked by pennant on tall wand) every few miles along some of the roads for relief of the passers-through.

Yes. Cameron (Brownsville, Harlingen), Willacy, Hidalgo (McAllen, Edinburg, Hidalgo), Starr, Zapata, Webb (Laredo), Maverick (Eagle Pass), Kinney, Val Verde (Del Rio), Terrell, Brewster (Alpine) all for Trump this year.

loudogblog said...

"If your perception and analysis is so good, why didn't you see it before the election?"

Many of them intentionally put blinders on. It's just that once Harris lost, you can't keep claiming that she's obviously winning. I pointed out many problems with the Harris campaign to my far-left friends and I was ridiculed and accused of spouting extremist propaganda.

Rusty said...

Zip it Freder. The grownups are talking.

loudogblog said...

Apparently, Freder has never gone on facebook and make a comment that is critical of Democrats.

loudogblog said...

I come from a large family of Latinos. We were all good Democrats in the 1970s. Now we're almost all Conservatives. Even Caesar Chavez knew that illegal immigration was one of the worst things that can happen to the legal Latino community in the United States.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

The postmortems are mostly crap. Biden was a bad president, and this is what happens when you have a bad president. He was not a good bet, he possessed many signs of mediocrity before he was elected, and it should have been no surprise that he wasn't up to the job. Also, he was old! And getting older!

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

As far as Harris, she had enough time to rearrange the deck chairs before the ship sank. If she'd had any balls, she would have tried to force Biden out earlier. Instead, she waited until it was too late. One of my friends expressed, back in August, the opinion that she didn't want to win. I think he was right.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Biden was a "C" student at the University of Delaware, and very close to the bottom of his law school class. He won two contested elections ever, to the Senate in 1972 and for President in 2020. Everything else he attained by seniority in the Senate, by being elected in a small, safe state for decades, or by Obama choosing him to be VP for reasons that seem hard to defend now. Add to that multiple accusations, true accusations, of plagiarism and a sensitivity about being dumb. Sorry, Dems, you got what you deserved.

Aggie said...

You want to know why Hispanic Americans are overwhelmingly against open borders, like the ones we've had for the past 4 years, even longer? Because many of them came here to get away from that sh*t, that's why. And now the very people that are oozing their way into the dark corners of the USA are the very types of people that used to prey on these people, back home, without recourse. It's an entire new criminal class, right here in the USA, feeding on an entire new illegal immigrant class.

Craig Mc said...

Well, obviously, Hispanics are the new face of white supremacy.

Rocco said...

Jersey Fled said...
"I can never figure out if Filipinos are Hispanic or Asian."

Some Hispanics see them as Hispanic, but Filipinos don't see themselves as such. Although, about 1 in twenty are descended from Spanish colonists - often mixed with East Asian who came to the islands during the Spanish period.

"Or why Filipinos are people from The Philippines."

The Philippines were named after Philip II of Spain, and was part of the Spanish Empire for nearly half of a millennium. In American English, we anglicized the name of the islands and country, but kept the Spanish form of the names of the inhabitants.

Jim at said...

Sheesh, do you even read the comments of this blog, or listen to all the nonsense Tucker Carlson and numerous other conservative commenters, spew.

Nonsense and spew.
You just made his point, asshole.

Rocco said...

"[P]erhaps Trump’s coalition will help Americans rethink the assumption that 'white' and 'Hispanic' are mutually exclusive categories..."

You know what they say about assuming...

When I was a kid, in the 70s into 80s, Ricardo Montalban, Rita Moreno, Desi Arnaz, the Estevez/Sheen family, etc, were White.

As were Kasey Kasem, Jamie Farr, Ralph Nader, Michael Ansara, Steve Jobs, Wendy Malick, Omar Sharif, Catherine Bell, etc. But for the last quarter century it seems like there's been a movement to kick North Africans, Middle Easterners and central Asians out of the White race, too.

Rocco said...

And the military. There were Hispanics, Native Americans, South Asians, and East Asians who served in the "White" units before Truman desegregated the military. Just not a lot in the US then.

Blacks were segregated since the Civil War, of course. And the Japanese fought in segregated units in WWII, as FDR threw all of the Japanese-Americans on the mainland into internment camps and had separate units for them as well.

Kakistocracy said...

Most evidence indicates that vast majority of legal immigrants (in US and in Europe) are against illegal immigration.

Iman said...

Another occasion to embrace the awesome power of “AND”…

Hassayamper said...

But for the last quarter century it seems like there's been a movement to kick North Africans, Middle Easterners and central Asians out of the White race, too.

Nobody is kicking anyone out. Those ethnicities WANT to be labeled non-white these days, and thus eligible for affirmative action in employment and college admissions, preferences in government contracting, and padding the ESG scores of large corporations. Many billions of dollars are there for the taking if they can convince the government to declare that they are non-white minorities.

walter said...

"Trump’s America is a place that is more polarized by education than it used to be and less polarized by whiteness and non-whiteness—by race"
Perhaps the edumacation is due some scrutiny...

Rusty said...

Then why did you let them in?

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