... you can write about whatever you like.
This photo was taken at 5:21 this morning.
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Born October 3, 1969, No Doubt singer Gwen Stefani is 18,530 days old today, making her the same age as Wilford Brimley on the day 'Cocoon' was released. Congrats, @gwenstefani! You've reached the Brimley/Cocoon Line. pic.twitter.com/ZIV02DeDdA
— Brimley/Cocoon Line (@BrimleyLine) June 27, 2020
“Why are you protecting it?!”
— Sagnik Basu (@_sagnikbasu) June 27, 2020
BLM activist gets into a verbal exchange with an older black guy who was speaking up against tearing the statue down.#emancipationstatue pic.twitter.com/4crUOJhDFP
Please don't keep asking me to explain everything I tweet. I don't have to!
— Boy George (Boomer) (@BoyGeorge) June 27, 2020
How to second term pic.twitter.com/WTuH277sUA
— Sarah Cooper (@sarahcpr) June 26, 2020
Jason Compson III – father of the Compson family, a lawyer who attended the University of the South: a pessimist and alcoholic, with cynical opinions that torment his son, Quentin. He also narrates several chapters of Absalom, Absalom!.Which one is Trump? Obviously, none, but WaPo is likening these characters to the Trump family, as if Mary Trump's book is a literary work like something by William Faulkner. There's even a long quote from the professor in that long-ago college seminar. He remembers here — 40 years later — as "smart and accomplished." She wrote "absolutely stunning papers, long, deep and elegant."
Caroline Bascomb Compson – wife of Jason Compson III: a self-absorbed neurotic who has never shown affection for any of her children except Jason, whom she seems to like only because he takes after her side of the family. In her old age she has become an abusive hypochondriac.
Quentin Compson III – the oldest Compson child: passionate and neurotic, he commits suicide as the tragic culmination of the damaging influence of his father's pessimistic philosophy and his inability to cope with his sister's sexual promiscuity....
Candace "Caddy" Compson – the second Compson child, strong-willed yet caring. Benjy's only real caregiver and Quentin's best friend. According to Faulkner, the true hero of the novel. Caddy never develops a voice; rather, her brothers' emotions towards her provide the development of her character.
Jason Compson IV – the bitter, openly racist third child who is troubled by monetary debt and sexual frustration. He works at a farming goods store owned by a man named Earl and becomes head of the household in 1912. Has been embezzling Miss Quentin's support payments for years.
Benjamin (nicknamed Benjy, born Maury) Compson – the mentally disabled fourth child, who is a constant source of shame and grief for his family...
Art. Window plus. Reframe. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the unmade bed. 2 point deduction. 6/10 @mattyglesias pic.twitter.com/xOfY90Cckj
— Room Rater (@ratemyskyperoom) June 26, 2020
“He was also very publicly anti-Black. Just because he was anti-slavery doesn’t mean he was pro-Black. He said a lot in his presidential campaigns. His fourth presidential campaign speech, he said that he believes there should be an inferior and superior, and he believes white people should be the superior race.”UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank responded, saying that "Lincoln’s legacy is complex and contains actions which, 150 years later, appear flawed," but that "Lincoln is widely acknowledged as one of our greatest presidents," because he issued the "Emancipation Proclamation, persuaded Congress to adopt the 13th Amendment ending slavery and preserved the Union during the Civil War."
Where is #K9Fuzz?#FindTheFuzzFriday #PrideMonth pic.twitter.com/zDn0siegEX
— Madison Police (@madisonpolice) June 26, 2020
“In a customer-focused environment, all Team Members must comply with our longstanding company dress code, which prohibits clothing with visible slogans, messages, logos or advertising that are not company-related,” the company said in a statement. “Team Members who do not comply with dress code are always given the opportunity to comply. If a Team Member is wearing a face mask that is outside of dress code, they are offered a new face mask. Team Members are not able to work until they comply with the policy.”The message at Whole Foods is: Whole Foods. But the company does support the cause. It's given "$10 million to organizations fighting for racial justice." And the company's website says: "Racism and discrimination of any kind have no place at Whole Foods Market. We support the Black community and meaningful change in the world."
“We can’t just put a label on this and say we care and not let our own workers wear stuff in support of the movement,” Savannah Kinzer, a white employee who walked out of the Cambridge store, told the Globe. “Until we see it as a white person’s problem and not a Black issue that white people have to empathize with, racism will persist.”I have empathy for businesses that are trying to operate as businesses. Keep the workplace politically neutral. That's supportive of diversity.
But I'll tell you, he was good for one thing. Everyone thought he was crazy. Because all he wants to do is bomb people. He'll fight Russia. Let's fight Russia. Let's fight China. Let's take them on at the same time. He's crazy. When I walked into a room with him, I knew that. When they saw Bolton, they always gave me what I wanted, because they said, Trump's going to drop bombs on me. He's got this maniac with him. So, in a way, he helped me in terms of a negotiation.That's where I clicked off, but I turned it back on this morning to do the transcription and here's how it continues:
But seriously...But seriously! So he was kidding??
But seriously, he didn't do a good job. He wasn't smart. He wasn't sharp. And he's the only man I think I ever met -- I knew him for a year -- I don’t think I ever saw him smile once. I said to him, ‘John, do you ever smile?’ And it tells you something about somebody."
Statues were toppled, a state senator assaulted, windows broken and the state Capitol vandalized over several hours after the arrest of Devonere Johnson, 28, a Black activist.Passive voice.
[S]everal business owners... said Johnson and others entered multiple businesses on State Street on Monday and Tuesday, played loud music, called business owners racists, threatened to burn buildings, demanded free food and drinks and knocked over patio chairs and tables.
I would like to spend the rest of 2020 on whatever Rosanne is on... pic.twitter.com/0aYRtt8AUU— Evan DeSimone (@Smorgasboredom) June 25, 2020
[A]s I've said a few times and have thought all along — there's something womanly about Trump. And I'm not saying that as an insult. He often displays machismo or seems to do the voice of a mob boss, but not all the time. He has this softer lilt that comes through some of the time....I had to put this post up, so you've got to go down to get to tonight's café.
Madison police officers desperately trying to keep the peace during Tuesday night’s Capitol Square riots were told by command to stand down — even as credible reports of radical activists were preparing to firebomb the City-County Building.And the blame for chaos was remaining squarely on the protesters. The mainstream-media ultimately realized — I would say — that celebrating and encouraging that sort of thing was not going to get them where they wanted to go.
On May 28, progressive election data analyst David Shor tweeted about a new paper by Princeton professor Omar Wasow, showing that peaceful civil-rights protests moved public opinion toward protesters while violent protests had the opposite effect. The tweet violated a taboo in some left-wing quarters against criticizing violent protest and led within days to his firing. What happened after that was even more bizarre. On June 11, I wrote an article briefly describing Shor’s tweet and firing. Four days later, “Progressphiles,” a LISTSERV for left-of-center data analysts, kicked Shor off....Horrible. And totally ridiculous.
[T]he debate offers a case study in the norms of discussing race and gender within the progressive universe. Many progressives have sidestepped the problem presented by the illiberalism of these norms, dismissing them as goofy campus pratfalls. Over the past few years, and especially the past few weeks, these norms are gaining a foothold in elite professional settings, codified by tomes like White Fragility into tightly circumscribed scripts of accusation and confession....
The premise that “allyship” prohibits the questioning of any charge of racism is a common one. Not only is the rigor of Wasow’s research no defense, neither is the fact that he is also Black, which is dismissed as a “my best friend is Black” form of tokenism....
The MPD is investigating an assault on an 18-year-old bi-racial woman as a hate crime after she was burned with lighter fluid early Wednesday morning. The victim believes she was driving on W. Gorham St. when she stopped for a red light at State St. Her driver's side window was down and she heard someone yell out a racial epithet. She looked and saw four men, all white. She says one used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, and then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite.
She drove forward, patted out the flames, and eventually drove home....
Democrats who were once alarmed that Biden needed to do more are suddenly perfectly happy with a schedule that keeps him as close as possible to his Wilmington, Delaware, home most days....Nothing is better than Trump!
Biden’s advisers, operating on the principle of not fixing things that aren’t broken, say they have little intention of trying to match Trump in the volume of events he holds or news he produces. They contend that an exhausted electorate wants a return to normalcy and competent governance....Aside from the political campaigning, he could bring that theory into the government — don't fix things that aren’t broken. Ah, but who could hear a message like that over the din of media telling us everything is horribly broken?
... a distinctive two-note glissando whistled sound made to show high interest in or approval of something or someone, especially a woman viewed as physically or sexually attractive. Today, a wolf whistle directed at a woman is sometimes considered a precursor to sexual harassment, or a form of sexual harassment in itself.Not everything is about racism and Trump.
According to Adam Edwards of Daily Express, the wolf whistle originates from the navy General Call made with a boatswain's pipe. The General Call is made on a ship to get the attention of all hands for an announcement. Sailors in harbour would whistle the General Call upon seeing an attractive woman to draw fellow sailors' attention to her. It was eventually picked up by passers-by, not knowing the real meaning of the whistle, and passed on. During a 2015 broadcast of A Way with Words, doubt was cast upon this explanation by lexicographer Grant Barrett, who noted that it was very thinly supported. The Turn To Call is far closer to the wolf whistle than the General Call.
The standard sound for a coin insertion for the Bally Manufacturing pinball machine "Playboy" (featuring iconography from Playboy magazine) is the wolf whistle.
“Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously,” tweeted writer Resita Cox in June. “When we say blur ppl faces we mean, you bout to get folks killed for Instagram views and retweets.”
I urge ppl, especially white folks bc that’s primarily who I’ve seen w cameras at protests, to avoid publishing pics/videos where a protestor’s face/body/distinguishable features are visible. I can barely see Edward Crawford’s face in this pic yet he suspiciously died yrs later https://t.co/xmrskliu2P— Brain Bae (@brian_bahe) June 2, 2020
Each publication must determine what they feel is ethical. Pictures can help inspire, strengthen, and grow a movement. They can galvanize people into action. Some people want to be photographed, to be seen so that their stories will be heard. At the same time, identifiable pictures of protesters, on social media and in publications, can potentially be used as evidence against them should they be arrested. Perhaps, when possible, ask the people in your photos if they would mind being identified, and if that’s not an option, ask yourself if posting might cause undue harm....The rule I follow photographing people in public is: Are they making a spectacle of themselves? Protesters are making a spectacle of themselves, so I regard that as their intentional relinquishment of privacy. But obviously, the question changes when the people who are making a spectacle of themselves are committing crimes. You can assume they don't want to be identifiable in photographs.
The city of Madison KNEW the CCB would be firebombed. The rioters blocked access to the building. There were juvenile inmates in this building. A fire investigator examining the scene remarked it was only by fast action by deputies that the entire building didn’t go up in flames pic.twitter.com/CDtsrNnweu
— Vicki McKenna (@VickiMcKenna) June 24, 2020
No one is covering this! MPD command telling cops to STAND DOWN. THIS WAS PLANNED--access to CCB was CLOSED OFF by the rioters around 5pm. Police KNEW the CCB would be firebombed. That's a FEDERAL CRIME. They did NOTHING. Cops were prohibited from using gas. READ THIS. SHOCKING. pic.twitter.com/TWMPlRzjT0
— Vicki McKenna (@VickiMcKenna) June 24, 2020
WATCH: Two statues pulled down in Madison in Wisconsin during overnight protests. https://t.co/yY9Xp7PRwL pic.twitter.com/3b3bvasAmh
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 24, 2020
Oh nothing, just the Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin implying that it is far more acceptable for those on the improper side (i.e. Republicans) to be "reduced to collateral damage." https://t.co/vuTn8Z5oFf
— Dan O'Donnell (@DanODonnellShow) June 24, 2020
If you didn't predict this outcome in the first ten second of hearing the story, you haven't been paying attention for the past four years. https://t.co/bfcl1CmZZc
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) June 23, 2020
The insane jargon. The fanaticism. The lack of decency. The absolute certainty. https://t.co/YwO9MKpc5n— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) June 23, 2020
In order to defeat white supremacy, it’s important to rebuke black people who won’t do what they’re told.pic.twitter.com/7m7chVobIg— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) June 23, 2020
The new notes, which record Comey’s accounting to Strzok of the meeting’s substance, constitute definitive evidence that Obama himself was personally directing significant aspects of a criminal investigation into his political enemy’s top foreign policy adviser.
NSA-D-DAG = [illegible] Other countries“Make sure you look at things and have the right people on it,” Obama is quoted as saying.
D-DAG: lean forward on [illegible]
VP: “Logan Act”
P: These are unusual times
VP: I’ve been on the intel cmte for ten years and I never
P: Make sure you look at things — have the right people on it
P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling transition team?
D: Flynn –> Kislyak calls but appear legit
[illegible] Happy New Year. Yeah right
Although Rule 48 requires “leave of court” before dismissing charges, “decisions to dismiss pending criminal charges no less than decisions to initiate charges and to identify which charges to bring lie squarely within the ken of prosecutorial discretion."... "To that end, the Supreme Court has declined to construe Rule 48(a)’s ‘leave of court’ requirement to confer any substantial role for courts in the determination whether to dismiss charges."... More specifically, “[t]he principal object of the ‘leave of court' requirement is to protect a defendant against prosecutorial harassment when the Government moves to dismiss an indictment over the defendant’s objection.”... Rule 48 thus “gives no power to a district court to deny a prosecutor’s motion to dismiss charges based on a disagreement with the prosecution's exercise of charging authority."
... a commanding lead... a wide advantage... deep inroad... Mr. Biden is currently... garnering 50 percent of the vote...Garnering!
The dominant picture that emerges from the poll... enormous margins... an even wider margin... Mr. Biden’s towering advantage... The exodus of white voters from the G.O.P....It's Biblical!
... especially pronounced... More voters feel strongly about Mr. Trump than they do about Mr. Biden....That's squirreled away at the bottom. There's nothing about Biden that's "commanding" and "dominant" or even much of anything at all:
The picture of Mr. Biden that emerges from the poll is one of a broadly acceptable candidate who inspires relatively few strong feelings in either direction.... The limited passion for Mr. Biden among other Democratic constituencies does not appear to be affecting his position against Mr. Trump....So, presumably things will continue with maximizing the hatred of Trump and Biden just waiting there, being not-Trump. Why doesn't he DO something?!
Vos also questioned why Gov. Tony Evers hadn't intervened in the destruction of the statues, given it took place on state Capitol property. Protesters also broke windows of a state building near the Capitol which houses the state jobs agency, among other state offices.
Spokeswomen for Evers and Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway did not respond to questions late Tuesday about police force's slow response.
After 1 a.m., a line of about 20 police officers stood in riot gear as a crowd of about 100 remained, breaking into occasional chants; police played a recording stating the gathering was unlawful and telling people to leave.
Protesters pulled down the Forward statue that normally stands outside the State Capitol and left it lying in the middle of the road. Demonstrators had been marching around downtown Madison, frustrated after the arrest of a protester earlier in the day. The same group also tore down the Col. Hans Christian Heg statue a short time later. The group then went on to throw the statue into Lake Monona. Heg fought for the Union during the Civil War and was a stark opponent of slavery during that time.
The Hans Christian Heg statue is lying headless in lake Monona. #wkow pic.twitter.com/0grawivgtf— Michelle Alfini (@MichelleAlf) June 24, 2020
During the melee late Tuesday, Democratic state Sen. Tim Carpenter was assaulted after taking a photo of protesters.ALSO: Here's what the man who got arrested did (warning: the "n-word" is in the man's tirade):
"I don't know what happened ... all I did was stop and take a picture ... and the next thing I'm getting five-six punches, getting kicked in the head," Carpenter told a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter following the assault.
Protesters, chanting for the release of the man who'd been arrested earlier, also broke glass at the Tommy Thompson Center on West Washington Avenue, smashed windows and lights at the state Capitol, and set a small fire at the Dane County jail before police arrived just before 1 a.m.
Found poetry is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them (a literary equivalent of a collage) by making changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning. The resulting poem can be defined as either treated: changed in a profound and systematic manner; or untreated: virtually unchanged from the order, syntax and meaning of the poem.I invite you to reflect on the meaning of the phrase no human mind intended to say, but that I saw and regarded as worth reflecting upon: "Silence Is Made In America." It's not something I am happy about, this American product, Silence. It is not one of the world's most beloved brands.
My love she speaks like silence
Without ideals or violence
just got in my first post-dead mom shouting match with a lady whose mask was around her chin. Gotta admit, it felt good to yell “My mom died four days ago, pull your fucking mask up” in a pet store.
— Laurie Kilmartin (@anylaurie16) June 22, 2020