From "Trump Names Susie Wiles as His White House Chief of Staff/The president-elect turned to his top political aide to fill a key post managing the White House when he returns to office" (NYT).
"Ms. Wiles, the daughter of the football legend Pat Summerall... kept [Trump's] world functioning as he was charged criminally four times in four courthouses, and steered him through primary victories, the aftermath of a criminal conviction, two assassination attempts and a change in his opponent just after the Republican National Convention. Ms. Wiles championed the former president’s effort to expand his coalition in the general election beyond the party’s older white base to appeal to Black and Latino voters who typically had not supported Republicans.... ...Mr. Trump’s previous picks for chiefs of staff... were chosen either because they were recommended by top Republicans in Washington, in Mr. Priebus’s case, or because they seemed likely to bring order to chaos, in Mr. Kelly’s case.... [On Election Night, Trump] tried, twice, to get Ms. Wiles to come to the microphone to speak. She declined. Mr. Trump praised her as an 'ice queen'...."
By the way, Trump gained ONLY with Hispanic voters according to NBC exit polling. He pulled fewer whites, blacks, women, men and others.
He's President today because 13 million fake Harris ballots didn't get delivered.
"Trump has a problem with strong, independent women in leadership positions."
- Mark "Non-toxic Male Billionaire" Cuban
In my 40+ years serving with non-profits, there were two "types" that I watched carefully: 1) Those who take a position to build their resume, and 2) Those who have a passion and want to see that passion fulfilled regardless of who gets the credit.
I'm really hoping Trump can successfully build a team of the second type.
I watched the moment live when Trump tried to convince Wiles to come forward. (I didn't know who she was at the time.) The way she accepted his invitation and then subtly disappeared made me love her. I'm happy with this pick.
First woman as Chief of Staff.
Kellyanne Conway was the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign.
That I couldn't think of or find a Pat Summerall catch-phrase may help explain her low profile reticence.
The people that support Harris do not believe she is a woman.
From what I've read, Wiles is a moderate Republican. Jeb praised her appointment (talk about the kiss of death). Supposedly, Trump likes her because she competent, and doesn't have her own agenda. She tries to carry his orders.
Assuming she's not another deep state plant, who will covertly sabotage Trump and turn on him, it could be a good appointment. Trump knows her, unlike Rinse P, and she's not going to try to undercut his wishes in Foreign policy or finance.
The main trouble will come on social issues and immigration where she'll be telling him to "reach out to blacks/Hispanics" and not do anything conservative. But that could be what Trump really wants.
I’m sure the totalitarian leftist media hacks will begin lying about her in 3,2,1….
Great start in building a great team. I'm looking forward to all of these people garnering positions in the next Trump term. JD Vance is already on board. But let's add: Vivek, Pompeo, Tulsi, RFK, Jr., Kevin McCarthy, Nikki and Kyle Bass.
What will be the name of the book on the second Trump term? Team of Rivals wouldn't work. Trump's Dream Team? Team of Greats? Team of Greatness?
She's my age and single. I want to date her. Oval Office access and all that for DDB.
Two of Trump's chiefs of staff were chosen because they could liasion with Capital HIll Republicans. Both were former House members. Hopefully, Trump has learned his lesson from his first term. What a Personnel disaster!
Rinse P, an establishment R, who didn't know what he was doing. Kelly - a backstabber and egomaniac. An interim guy (Mulkahey ?) who resigned his Ambassadorship over J6, and Meadows who seems to have been OK.
Surely no - she's a woman! Trump is going to harm all the women. I heard it on D-MSNBC and read about it in the NYT.
Certainly she will be made to wear a handmaidens tale outfit and force all American women to line up and serve up their babies. (well - except the million of aborted ones)
DJT has learned not to trust any of the Bush creatures. They are all the Snake in DJT’s much repeated story.
Every Republican on the Hill knows that they owe their position in the majority to Donald John Trump. He doesn't need insider help to get their cooperation.
I wish I could send a message to Trump: "No more moderate Republicans. No more never-trumpers. No more backstabbers, Please!"
No Nikki Haley. No Christie. No Pence. No Generals unless its Flynn and you're 1000 percent sure they're for Trump 100 percent. Pick outsiders. Look past the Ivy league. Avoid Bushies unless you're 1000 percent sure they're MAGA.
Hire Chris Kobach. Hire Vivick. Hire lake from Arz - if she loses. Consider Palin for DoE.
Sadly, I think Trump is still hung up on "resumes" and "Competence". Anyone with an Ivy League degree gives him a rush. I hope he now understands the Presidency isnt a corporation. Loyalty is the No 1 priority along with supporting the Trump agenda. Having a super-smart, agressive, backstabber is worse then an incompetent.
Last time he was POTUS, the ex presidents would not pose for pictures with him, this time *he* won't be seen with *them*.
"The Ex Presidents," wasn't that a criminal gang?
Her father was a kicker. What’s more low profile than that.
A white woman?? What a misogynist asshole. Next thing you know, he may pick Richard Grenell as head of the CIA. A GAY MAN. How could he be so homophobic. This is a disgrace. We didn't vote for this. We wanted all white men and white men only. You know. Like Joe Biden and Chucky Schumer. Now those two really know how to run us into the ground.
Why trust anything from haberman and swann
Good one!
"Palin for DOE"
Let's not please. Get someone competent that knows the industry instead. As an Alaskan I got a firsthand view of her as governor. This is not a good idea.
Re: Dixcus:
If the exit polls say he pulled both fewer women and fewer men, that suggests the exit polls undersampled Trump voters seeing as he won. That's not retrospective evidence for vote fraud -- it's evidence for a bad poll.
I'm not sure whether it was the NBC poll, but I checked the math on one age table from an exit poll, and it clearly undersampled Trump voters because it implied a majority vote for Harris.
They didnt know the strategy and they didnt care to know it
I wouldn't trust the exit poll data, except as a rough indication.
She's not going to be doing equations in MatLab, she would be there to ensure that policy was carried out.
Sadly, I think Trump is still hung up on "resumes" and "Competence".
So what you are suggesting is that Trump is too hung up on resumes and competence (btw, love the scare quotes)? Are you hoping for inexperience and incompetence? Seems a strange way to get things done.
I think he learned not to trust any of the permanent DC “elites”. So we need more picks like her and then he needs to DTFS already…
Oh, and dismantle to Dept of Ed. Or at least move its headquarters to Bismarck ND.
You know, in spite of claiming that Gay people were not and are not now discriminated against, it wasn't too long ago (1995) that being gay would have disqualify you for a security clearance.
Here comes the Trump Administration 2.0, filled with Establishment Republicans and Democrats.
Collin Rugg
Donald Trump’s plan to dismantle the Deep State.
1. “Immediately reissue my 2020 executive order, restoring the President's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats.”
2. “Clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.”
3. “Totally reform FISA courts which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they're lied to in warrant applications.”
4. “Expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart.”
5. “Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately we false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy.”
6. “Make every Inspector General's office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.”
7. “Ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone's campaign like they spied on my campaign.”
8. “Continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington Swamp.”
9. “Work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate.”
10. “Push a constitutional amendment to oppose term limits on members of Congress.”
Wahhhhhh.....cry a little more that your Deep State assholes are going down.
"Mark "Non-toxic Male Billionaire" Cuban"
So we imported all these illegal immigrants and registered them to vote, and the ingrates went and voted for Donald Trump. Soros really fucked up, didn't he.
Or maybe, just maybe, all the lies about stolen elections (including 2016 where Trump claimed he also won the popular vote but for cheating), turned out to be lies after all.
Number five requires throwing out the first amendment. I don't know how you can suggest nine with a straight face when you consider that Trump refused to relinquish control of his businesses and turned to government into a profit center for him and his family. And of course many of the people floated for important government positions (e.g., especially Elon Musk) have undeniable conflicts of interest.
DOE is also in charge of building nuclear weapons. It would be nice to have a DOE Secretary who is at least familiar with MatLab, even if the job doesn't actually require using it.
Gays have made great strides with cultural acceptance, and most of us - me included - are happy about it. I had gays friends back in my younger days in the 1980's and 90's - I and remember the unfair ridicule they received.. Gays were forced into the closet.
That said - fast forward to now - Many gays are not on board with child abuse - and trans-madness.
btw- Freder - Tell us about Bill and Hillary's Clinton's stance on gays.. in the 1990's.
Every news story I have read concerning Trump's triumph states Trump garnered (I had to use that word) a greater percentage of votes from women, blacks, and Hispanics, a much greater percentage., than in 2016 or 2020. That is why hysterical lefties are denouncing women, blacks, and Hispanics as traitors to there race and/or sex.
Freder Frederson commented:
“Or maybe, just maybe, all the lies about stolen elections (including 2016 where Trump claimed he also won the popular vote but for cheating), turned out to be lies after all.”
It is up to our election bureaucracy to make elections transparent and auditable. It is their job to prove to us that our elections are above board. When they conduct operations that are not transparent, that can’t be audited, then our assumption must be that they have been compromised.
Yeah, uh no. Palin's sole accomplishment was getting oil companies to pay higher royalties to the state coffers. It's the only reason she had a brief 80% approval rating. Other than that fighting with just about everybody was what she did. Policy is not her forte.
Good looking and firery doesn't make her competent. Let's not do Omarosa again. Someone like Perry that knows how to work WITH oil companies would be much better suited.
Freder - are you denying that Biden and Myorkas opened the southern border - and let in 10+ million illegal entrants? Flown in on purpose to all areas of the nation, Many illegals stuffed in hotels - and we tax payers forced to pay without our permission. Are you denying that Chuck Schumer recently stated very clearly that he wants to give them all immediate amnesty?
That the left were unable to get illegals on the voter rolls in time ... well. Too bad.
Hopefully Trump will keep his promise to de-fund and deport.
I remember Susie Wiles being in Jeb World. And that seems a kiss of death. But Jeb World has never been more irrelevant, and Wiles has unmatched qualities of reading the room — and bringing discipline to anyone, even Trump. Legal Hispanics in Florida don’t even agree with Jeb anymore. It’s mind-blowing that Trump flipped Miami-Dade and smashed the dem machine in Hillsborough/Tampa Bay. Trump is a populist, not a conservative, and we need to start rehabilitating the word populist. I think Wiles may be the woman for the job. Give her a chance.
And I want to give a shout-out to the great TEA Parties in and around Tampa Bay. They didn’t fall for all the grifters who destroyed the national movement, though they were polite to them (Freedomworks, AFP, Bannon, Jenny Beth Grifter). They chose some really decent leaders, and they did solid work on local, educational, economic, and national issues. In fact, Florida TEA Parties were so pressured by the Koch/Rubio/Jeb cabal so early that they learned before anyone else to just trust each other, and they are still active as a result.
I think a similarly savvy schoolmarm like Wiles is just what Trump needs, especially if he brings in some wild zoo creatures like Musk. Strong men respect strong women.
Which would be the headline if it weren't in a Republican administration.
The current head of the DOE, Jennifer Granholm, is a lawyer with undergrad degrees in French and political science.
The left do not want transparency. We must demand it.
2020 - 12 million more votes for Biden - that vanished in 2024. How odd! But we are not to question any of it.
Send her flowers. Women love flowers. She seems modest, so don’t overdo it.
You're wrong, or at least obtuse on both counts.
The government has as much control over the speech of its employees as a private company does, or the Hatch Act would be unconstitutional. (As is, it's just ignored by Democrats.)
Trump's business interests, and Elon's, have nothing whatsoever to do with the practice of delayed bribery of regulators by employing them *after* their government positions.
The scare quotes there precisely because the people selling their competence aren't competent.
Trump's problem in his first term is he hired a bunch of Freder-like intellects.
Hopefully -this time - Trump will purge the corrupt left.
Toxic Rachel Maddow is promising to be a thorn in Trump's side. You OK with that?
I think Rachel Maddow should be destroyed. She is a toxic lunatic - who harms all of America with her lies.
"I think a similarly savvy schoolmarm like Wiles is just what Trump needs, especially if he brings in some wild zoo creatures like Musk. Strong men respect strong women."
Perfect paragraph, Trent. Love your descriptors.
I want him to get Dan Bongino to clean house at secret service.
Bibi under his thumb? What is wrong with you? You really are a loser.
Putin might shut down the war with a negotiations. Funny - That's not OK with you. Not OK with the War machine corrupt left. Not OK with those who want war and disorder - so they can line their pockets. The war machine Cheney left demand American Tax payers pony up.
"Trump has a problem with strong, independent women"
Which if funny, because one of the first things I noticed about Trump back in 2016 was his dependence on strong, competent women to run things. It was a secret super power, lots of smart women out there, all Trump had to do was pick them up.
I never said that the current DOE Secretary was a good choice, so what is your point?
Can anyone name incumbent chief of staff? I had to look him up. In course of doing so I learned Carter left position vacant at start of his presidency before finally picking his campaign manager. Reagan also picked his campaign manager. One of the best chiefs of staff.
Granholm - professor and former governor.
Trump's problem in his first term is he hired a bunch of Freder-like intellects.
Simply not true. He appointed Mrs. Amway to the Department of Education.
And the corrupt "right."
BoodyJudge too, Freder?
"You know, in spite of claiming that Gay people were not and are not now discriminated against, it wasn't too long ago (1995) that being gay would have disqualify you for a security clearance."
Thats is very long ago. 30 years long ago. This administration has never (referring to fist term)and will never do crap like that
I would hate to be a Lithuanian, Estonian or Latvian right now. If Trump yanks all aid from Ukraine, Russia will consolidate their gains and there will be a guerilla war (much worse than the low level one Russia was funding before the invasion), and He will focus on putting the rest of the old Soviet Union back together starting with the Baltic States.
So gay marriage and transgender rights is not a target? Good to know.
What Balfegor wrote- +1000. Bad exit polling.
Trump may avoid his first terms "rookie" mistakes in staffing. His choice of Vance is a heck of a lot better than his choice of Pence.
One of Trump's early mistakes was in not naming Conway Chief of Staff in 2016. An excellent campaign manager is exactly the kind of person you want as chief of staff. It is essentially the same job.
Freder, which of these people supported gay marriage first, by a couple of decades? Both Clintons, Barack, Biden, or Trump?
Trump did. Giuliani lived with two gay men and participated in Gilbert and Sullivan with them.
Everything Tina Trent has said above!
- Krumhorn
Freder cannot explain where 13 MILLION Democrats disappeared to. They up and vanished like a fart in the wind in the exact moment that America was poised to elect Adolph Hitler, Jr. and in the last election that will ever be held here because Hitler is going to run a Dictatorship.
That didn't get 13 million "voters" to fill out and mail in a ballot for some reason.
Clean house!?! Tear down the house. Raze the foundation. Repour. Rebuild. Renovate. Newest Mod-Cons.
Also FBI
Also CIA
Also NSA
Also DOJ
Also DOD
Also, also, also etc. everyone over 50yo needs to go.
Between Cuban dissing women, Bill Clinton saying Laken Riley would still be alive except that Kamala didn't vet illegals crossing our Southern border, and Joe Biden calling Americans "garbage" ... it's hard to say which man in the Democrat Party motivated more Republican voters to cast that "Fuck You" vote.
I would hate to be a European right now shivering with the knowledge that I might actually have to be responsible for my own fucking defense for the first time since the USA showed everyone (including Russia) how it's done and allowed my countries and my people to coast on the bow wave of the largest consumer economy across the pond while simultaneously skimping on the amount I allocated in my budgets for defense vs. my gay little marxist social programs while importing every 3rd world idiot I could put on a raft to Marseilles.
Europeans can start getting their own shit together right fucking now. Daddy warbucks is finished supporting these elitist little ingrates through their 79th year of remedial war college.
You've been proved wrong since before Trump's first term. Please stop pretending you have any credibility.
Now they are terrible people consigned to the political wilderness.
Get F'd warmongering scum.
Freder, you misogynistic little pig, her name is Betsy DeVos, and she has decades of executive political and private sector leadership.
Please try to refer to women by their own titles and careers. Minorities trapped in failing schools strongly supported her agenda of school choice. It has succeeded radically well in Detroit, Atlanta, and other blighted cities.
Obama appointed Arne Duncan, a tool of the Chicago Teachers’ Union, a group that has produced the worst educational outcome of any school system in any major city, and he spent his tenure shoveling more money into that gaping maw of graft while making those schools even worse. He also appointed Anita Dunn, an open and avowed Maoist.
Try to learn something. Other than just showing your ass and sheer ignorance of facts.
"No Generals unless it's Flynn and you're 1000 percent sure they're for Trump 100 percent."
Both retired generals Keith Kellogg and Jack Keane have been supporters. It was rumored at the beginning of Trump's first term that he wanted Keane for Defense Secretary but I believe Keane's wife had just died and he declined for personal reasons.
During Obama's tenure he forced out nearly 200 generals and admirals that were not aligned with his agenda. I hope whoever is the new DoD Secretary will look at trying to bring back some of them to help rebuild our military but it may be that most are now too old or too far removed that they can help.
Re Granholm. Thats a pretty low bar. Buttigeig low. Speaking of which Trump better get a good DOT head in pretty quickly.
Reaching out to blacks is probably a fool's errand, except for African immigrants.
Reaching out to Hispanics is EXACTLY what is needed. He needs to show them he's not going to be ordering door-to-door searches for someone's illegal grandma living in the upstairs bedroom, but concentrating on the criminals and gangsters who prey on law-abiding Hispanics more than anyone else.
Thank you Tina. Indeed.
DeVos cares about quality and access to good education. The left care about the horrible Power-mongering selfish a-hole Teacher's Union. The D-Teacher's union cares about itself - not education and certainly not our children.
The left only want a craven Soviet-Democrat educational system filled with their crap.
Isn't it odd - Freder - that the left are obsessed with making sure Charter Schools are chopped.
Even when parents and their children are very happy. nah - we must all be forced to obey the corrupt left.
And what are Granholm’s positions and prior actions on charter schools? Do you even know them? She is quite aligned with DeVos, with some implementation differences.
You type of people need to get past political identity politics and learn something about issues before speaking.
Bingo! There is zero presumption of innocence where state actors are concerned. It is their responsibility to demonstrate integrity to the people that employ. Extremely telling that the Left doesn't think so.
The democrat party assume we work for them. They are the kings and queens. They can F themselves.
J. Ann Selzer is the same age, she probably needs some loving worse. Looks like you've got your work cut out for you Begley.
Freder, you should take this time to maybe understand the voters your side failed to win over in this past election. "Points" that you imagine that you score here, two years from the next election, mean nothing but an opportunity lost.
She got the pipeline built. Remember that one?
I would hate to be a Lithuanian, Estonia, or Latvian myself, since I hate Nazis.
These are countries who still honor the Waffen SS for their heroic fight against our wartime ally, the one which defeated Hitler, the Red Army.
The one *that* defeated Hilter.. damn it. I hate getting "which" and "that" wrong.
I know, right Freder?? What kind of an asshole can't define what a woman is because "it" (can't say she) isn't a biologist??
Don't confuse Freder with facts Tina. He may get violent on us.
Trump doesn't need to "reach out" to any groups. He needs to do the things he promised and for those things to succeed in making people's lives better. The country will judge his second administration by the results, as they ultimately did the first.
RSM: "everyone over 50yo needs to go."
You sure about that? They're the only ones that possibly remember how things were before the double whammy of Patriot Act/DEI.
And the young'uns were "educated" by the Gramscian academic mafia. Lot of sorting needed to find the ones who kept any kind of common sense.
"Trump has a problem with strong, independent women in leadership positions."
- Mark "Non-toxic Male Billionaire" Cuban"
He doesn't as others have pointed out. But Mark Cuban's Mavericks have a long history of sexual misconduct.
@Tina, in this case DOE is Department of Energy, I'm pretty sure.
I probably should have made clear I was responding to Freder's request for somebody familiar with math, under his assumption Sarah Palin is not, by indicating the person selected by Biden to run the agency doesn't have a STEM degree either.
The most important thing to do, IMO, would be nationwide voter ID and proof of citizenship for all federal elections. If that happens, the opportunity for widescale election fraud pretty much goes away. If THAT happens, then both parties will understand that they need to be accountable for the success or failure of their policies; the dems can't support deranged, woke measures and expect to win elections anyway on account of unconstrained mail-in balloting.
Don't confuse Freder with facts Tina. He may get violent on us.
What "facts" would those be, that Trump predated supported of gay marriage by a couple decades? That is not a fact, it is an outright lie. Up until he was president in 2017, when he basically washed his hands of objecting to gay marriage, he as was, as Kerry would say, against it before he was (grudgingly) for it.
As for Guiliani's living arrangement, how is that the least bit relevant.
At some point you ankle biters need to shut the fuck up and let the man do his job.
You're not helping.
Freder, you misogynistic little pig, her name is Betsy DeVos, and she has decades of executive political and private sector leadership.
What utter bullshit, prior to becoming Education Secretary, her "political and private sector leadership", were just the typical things you would expect from an ultra-rich matriarch.
And calling her "Mrs. Amway" is not meant to be misogynistic, but rather to express my disgust at people who run pyramid schemes.
I had to do some errands so I am sure I am late in advocating the BS tag for Dixcus' first comment Even CNN can't hide that Harris did worse with Black men and women as well as Latino/a men and women than Clinton. Yes there was a huge move of Latinos to Trump. Who can blame them since Biden has been doing his best to ruin their economic future with his uncontrolled border. Latinos and Latinas voted their pocket book. Black men did the same and to a lesser extent did black women. The young joined the stampede and voted their pocketbooks as well. Can't you imagine why Blacks, Latinos and those under 35 would vote more strongly for Trump when under Biden they can't afford a house, a car or even food?
And I thought Betsy DeVos was persona non grata since she resigned in protest of Trumps shenanigans on Jan 6.
I agree with Dogma and Pony above. We sorely need to remove the element of doubt currently surrounding our national elections.
And when have wished violence on any one (unlike some of the commenters on this blog who fantasize about shooting BLM protestors and advocate genocide)?
I thought we were talking about energy, not education. Granholm was a disaster for energy. Green to the core. Look at her record while in MI (batteries) as well as nationally (EVs). Failure after failure. As for partisanship take a look at my comments about Palin.
BTW, school choice (DeVos and Granholm commonality) isn't the fixall for education imo. You recommend DeVos for education again?
I see Freder is suffering from a post-election hangover and lashing out in all directions. Please commenters be kind, Think how you would feel if you just had your electoral ass handed to you. ( I am not serious. Kick him while he is down for all I care.)
You sound like a smart, hard-working, cheerful person. She’s going to need a house husband. So the question is, can you cook?
Freder, she and Trump never got along. It was his thanks to so-con education reformers to appoint her, and even that “thanks” was controversial, as the so-cons mostly didn’t want her. But she was a good choice to push charters.
I don’t care about personalities: I care about policies and being effective. I also care a lot about improving education for poor urban kids. We all worked together well, though we wanted someone like Peter Wood. But cabinets are often full of party favors.
Christopher, thanks for correcting me. See, I wandered away from my areas of expertise and immediately fell into a hole. Granholm did work with the GOP on charters in her state, though, with some interesting STEM outcomes by partnering charters with universities. And that’s about all I know about energy policy, so I’ll shut up.
@peterbernegger has the receipts on the USPS. Here’s a link to his post and the 10 page USPS directive to have mail ballots circumvent the normal flow of mail so that it never reaches the sort centers where a digital record is created. Normally in both directions. One of Bidens first treasonous actions was to nominate Zuckerberg National Vote at Home head Amber McReynolds for USPS board of governors. With no way to verify USPS records of mail ballots it will be impossible to track mail ballots and will allow for unfettered cheating. This can not stand.
Pacwest: no, I have a list of about ten better choices for the dept. of education. Peter Wood, head of National Association of Scholars, because he has deep academic and administrative skills. Or Victor Davis Hanson, who, among other virtues, spent decades teaching Classical Greek and Latin to relatively poor kids, and proved they could succeed. My dream choice is foreign: Jordan Peterson, who is actually building a vast alternative schooling system and has decades of experience inspiring students.
Dan Bongino is an excellent choice. He has a lot of political experience too, having run for office several times. He served Obama as nobly as he served Bush. Those were elite placements. I had the privilege to do some rotating speeches with him a few times when he was running for office. He was a cop too. Driven guy.
Toxic Rachel Maddow is promising to be a thorn in Trump's side. You OK with that?
Perfectly okay with that. Rush was a thorn in the side of Democratic Presidents. Your belief in free speech apparently only extends to speech that you agree with.
9 should be uncontroversial. You shouldn't be able to leave regulators and get a job with the companies you regulated/supervised, for say 5 years. Businesses try to capture regulators as it is, don't make it easier for them. Here's looking at CDC and pharma, for starters
I am not sure most of you know what a moderate Republican IS. I myself am a moderate Republican. TRUMP is a moderate Republican. Moderate republicans believe in our Constitutional Republic. Small government. Strong defense, and avoiding entanglements. Tariffs as needed to keep trade fair, and critical industries domestic. Civil rights, as defined by equality under the law. I hope she truly is a moderate Republican.
C'mon man. Everybody wants to be an armchair President. Armchair generals are passe. Let us have some fun.
Ok, sure, permission structure approved.
But we just lived through a moment of historical significance and our man won. The alternative was a continued and possibly irreversible descent into redistributionism, globalism, and the eventual loss of our freedom.
Can we just be team players for a few days?
Let me continue:
Yeah, he made mistakes and he'll make more.
But he's all we fucking got.
We should be dancing in the streets and prepping Mount Rushmore.
So we imported all these illegal immigrants and registered them to vote, and the ingrates went and voted for Donald Trump.
Ever cross your mind it was legal immigrants who voted for Trump? Legal immigrants who are fed up with your party importing millions and millions of illegal immigrants?
Ever consider that? No? Try it sometime.
Try to learn something. Other than just showing your ass and sheer ignorance of facts.
Not gonna happen. I've been dealing with that prick since the early aughts when he was showing his ass at John Hawkins' old site.
It's who he is. And he's proud of it.
So gay marriage and transgender rights is not a target? Good to know.
Were they targets during his first term? No. Shut up.
Dave Begley said...
Great start in building a great team. I'm looking forward to all of these people garnering positions in the next Trump term. JD Vance is already on board. But let's add: Vivek, Pompeo, Tulsi, RFK, Jr., Kevin McCarthy, Nikki and Kyle Bass.
Ann can you remove Dave from posting please? I already have an erection that’s been present since the election and him listing the possibility of them in cabinet is not going to let it go down. I’m going to have to go to the emergency department. For G-D’s sake make him stop!!!
"Freder Frederson
I would hate to be a Lithuanian, Estonian or Latvian right now. If Trump yanks all aid from Ukraine, Russia will consolidate their gains and there will be a guerilla war (much worse than the low level one Russia was funding before the invasion), and He will focus on putting the rest of the old Soviet Union back together starting with the Baltic States."
Stop and think for just a moment, Freder. We wouldn't have to do anything except the guy YOU put in the White House created this mess. You fucked up.Democrats fucked this up and now somebody else has to fix it. Ya moron.
Enemy Within
I'd like to know why my comments are disappearing ....
11/8/24, 8:40 PM
So did I when Zucky bowed to guvmint pressures.
"Toxic Rachel Maddow is promising to be a thorn in Trump's side. "
Which would be a threat except nobody takes her seriously except the Freders and ingas of this country. She's a mouse.
Freder, Trump supported gay marriage in the Eighties. He has no problem with gays. Nor Giuliani. Look it up yourself it’s been so wormholes I’m too bored to bother.
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