"Let's see if Trump tweets about Crowley burying and abandoning a WHITE BABY in the mountains. Then again, babies don't rank high on Trump's list of important people, even American babies. By the way, neither do non-rich white American males. Vote November 2018. Gird [
sic] the Trump tree."
That's the second-highest-rated comment on
"‘This is what we call a miracle’: A faint cry reveals a baby abandoned in the cold Montana mountains," a WaPo column about a man who seems to have left a baby under a pile of sticks and leaves, where it lay for 9 nine hours in 46° weather.
Also in WaPo right now,
"Woman beats a 91-year-old Mexican man with a brick, tells him to ‘go back to your country,'" which is a story based on the testimony of one witness who presented video of the old man
after whatever had happened to bloody his face.
The witness has told the Post that the man "accidentally bumped into a young girl while walking on the sidewalk," and that the mother pushed the man down and "repeatedly bash[ed] him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, 'Go back to your country.'" There is no description of this woman, but, we are told, by this one witness, that after what the woman did, "A group of young men bounded down the street, accusing Rodriguez of trying to snatch the young girl. They kicked Rodriguez, who was already crumpled on the ground, and stomped on his head."
Police were called, there's an ongoing investigation, but no one was caught, and there is no description of the woman or the group of men. I hope I'm not being cynical to assume that since the attackers are not described as white, that they were black. The Post talked to the eyewitness and presents the attack as racist, with this paragraph tossed in:
[The] attack comes after the Department of Justice released its recent hate crime statistics, reported by KCRA. The 2017 California report, which was the first published since President Trump took office, evinced an uptick of more than 17 percent, with anti-Hispanic and anti-Latino crimes soaring over 50 percent last year, according to the Saramento Bee.
At the base of the article are links to 3 recent articles: "A man confronted a teenage neighbor over early morning fireworks — then shot him to death, police say," "#IDAdam, the white man who called police on a woman at their neighborhood pool, loses his job," "A black lawmaker was canvassing door to door in her district. A constituent called 911." All of those stories present black individuals who seem to have been treated as though they were intruders in their own neighborhood.
I look at the comments on the article about the concrete brick attack, beginning with the oldest. The third one begins:
The Daily Mail has a screen cap of the woman that did this...
The link goes to a
clear image of a black woman. And here's
the whole story in The Daily Mail.
The attack is terrible, but The Washington Post also deserves condemnation for deceptively jamming this story into its racial template and scamming its readers. At least it leaves the comments on, allowing the blatant gap in the story to be instantly filled.
UPDATE: The "Woman beats a 91-year-old Mexican man" article now says "Borjas, a 35-year-old Los Angeles resident, watched the child’s mother — a black woman — push the elderly man to the ground and repeatedly bash him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, 'go back to your country.'" I wish I'd quoted the sentence verbatim instead of paraphrasing some of it. I wrote: "The witness has told the Post that the man 'the mother pushed the man down and 'repeatedly bash[ed] him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, "Go back to your country."'" So that's the part of the article where the reference to race now appears. I am sure if "a black woman" had been there when I quoted that part, I would have seen it, and I also used a search-the-page function to check for racial words. I'm trying to find a cached version of the original article, but the usual techniques don't seem to work for me on this one.
ADDED: The part that I quoted is enough to prove that a change was made! I have "the mother pushed the man down," and what's there is now "the child’s mother — a black woman — push the elderly man to the ground." It's the same sentence, rewritten, with "a black woman" added.