... you can write about whatever you like.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
It’s been ruined. https://t.co/zHGsR0ognR
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) August 22, 2020
The worst attraction in every state (according to my IG followers) pic.twitter.com/qQFrztEyTs
— Matt Shirley (@mattsurely) August 20, 2020
Trump + Laugh Track is pretty surreal pic.twitter.com/5DTkXWA2wn
— David Reaboi (@davereaboi) August 21, 2020
— Joel Semel (@joelsemel) August 21, 2020
What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherfuckers.
— Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) August 21, 2020
Good evening, Ella Baker, a giant of the civil rights movement left us with this wisdom: give people light and they will find the way. Give people light.I give this post my "light and shade" tag (one of my favorites). I don't remember ever hearing about Ella Baker, but it's a good quote, and it sets up a theme, and gives us something we can use to test the success of this speech. He must give light. He cannot simply claim to be the light. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world," but Biden is not Jesus.
Those are words for our time. The current president has cloaked American darkness for much too long, too much anger, too much fear, too much division here.I don't yet know if Biden is going to claim to be the light, but he has asserted that Trump is the dark. The dark is defined as anger, fear, and division, but I don't know how the Democrats can say they are not part of that darkness. The speech is already marked with divisiveness: The other side is the darkness and we bring the light.
And now I give you my word. If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us. Not the worst. I’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness.So he's not the light, but an ally of the light.
It’s time for us, for We, the People to come together and make no mistake. United, we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America."We can... overcome." Not: We shall overcome. He didn't Lyndon Johnson it! If he'd said "We shall overcome" it would have tied to the Civil Rights Movement, and he did begin the speech with a quote from "a giant of the civil rights movement," but he's not talking about racial justice specifically here. He's talking in the most generic way about light and darkness. There's nothing about any specific people, just all the people, the ethereal entity "We, the People," which needs to "come together."
We’ll choose hope over fear, facts, over fiction, fairness, over privilege....Pretty much everyone chooses those things in the abstract, but he's telling us what we will do. What's the evidence of that? It seems to me that We, the People have been, in reality, choosing the negative side of each of those binaries, but if Donald Trump can be made to embody fear, fiction, and privilege, then it's correct to say we'll choose hope, facts, and fairness if only we vote him out of office.
This is not a partisan moment. This must be an American moment. Someone with a cause for hope and light and love — hope for our future, light to see our way forward, and love for one another.I've been wondering where's the love. He's offering love — love and hope and light. That's all very abstract, of course.
No, nearly a century ago, Franklin Roosevelt pledged a new deal in a time of massive unemployment, uncertainty, and fear. Stricken by a disease — stricken by a virus — FDR insisted that he would recover and prevail, and he believed America could as well. And he did. And we can as well. This campaign isn’t just about winning votes. It’s about winning the heart and yes, the soul of America — winning it for the generous among us, not the selfish when needed for workers who keep this country going, not just the privileged few at the top, winning for those communities who have known the injustice of a knee on the neck, for all the young people [who] have known only America being rising inequity and shrinking opportunity....The metaphorical "knee on the neck" has affected whole communities... but weren't these communities in cities run by the Democratic Party?
And now history has delivered us to one of the most difficult moments America has ever faced: four historic crises.The 4 crises are: the pandemic, the economy, the "call for racial justice," and climate change.
As many have said America is at an inflection point...Inflection point! (I blogged about the term "inflection point" twice yesterday — 1, 2 — after Kamala Harris used it in her speech.)
We can choose a path to becoming angrier, less hopeful, more divided, a path of shadow and suspicion or, or we can choose a different path and together take this chance to heal, to reform, to unite, a path of hope and light.As if the idea of light could meet 4 crises. By the way — only 4? Why not 6?
Feminism has come a long way...
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) August 20, 2020
1918 - Female suffrage
1967 - Foundation of Women’s Liberation Movement
1975 - Equal Pay Act
2020 - 11-year-old girls *finally* allowed to twerk on mainstream TV
✊♀️ pic.twitter.com/QU0MjZ4tj3
Omg Kathy! I found your Halloween costume!! Would love ❤️ To see your impression of her!! Hahah pic.twitter.com/rXP6l7q4na
— TuckLuck (@LuckTuck) August 20, 2020
I'd like to see person-in-the-street interviews testing whether people even understand what it means to say we're at an "inflection point." I don't think I've ever used the phrase "inflection point" on this blog... The literal meaning of "inflection" is bending. America is at the point where we are bending? But what is a bending "point"? I've heard of the breaking point. And one often speaks of bending as something that is done to avoid breaking. If we're bendable — and perhaps therefore not breakable — aren't we always bending? Is there some particular place for bending, and why is it now? Why are we at "an inflection point"? I have to infer that it means that we're at a point where if we stand rigid, we risk breaking. The next phrase is "The constant chaos leaves us adrift." We're "adrift" and "afraid" and "alone." And therefore it is time to bend....Silver heard a "call-out" to himself as a highly trained statistics analyst — with a strong background in math and economics. I heard it in an emotional and literary way — with empathy for the less-well educated. I feel sympatico with this Matt Yglesias tweet (from yesterday morning, before Kamala said "inflection point"):
"Inflection point" has a specific meaning in math, and that has led to its use in the business context... Politicians who believe that ordinary people hear "inflection point" as plain English are perhaps betraying an excessive alliance with business and finance.
People go to college (good!) where they read books (good!) and learn things (good!) and as a result they start to use new words and phrases (good!) in new ways (good!) but when politicians are giving speeches they should remember most voters haven’t graduated from college.— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) August 19, 2020
"As alleged, the defendants defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in funding a border wall to raise millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction. While repeatedly assuring donors that Brian Kolfage, the founder and public face of We Build the Wall, would not be paid a cent, the defendants secretly schemed to pass hundreds of thousands of dollars to Kolfage, which he used to fund his lavish lifestyle," acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said.
Based on mathematical charting models, the inflection point is where the direction of a curve changes in response to an event. To qualify, the shift must be noticeable or decisive and attributed to a particular cause. This principle can be applied to a variety of economic, business, and financial information, such as shifts in the gross domestic product (GDP) or changes in security prices, but it is not used in reference to normal market fluctuations that are not the result of an event.Politicians who believe that ordinary people hear "inflection point" as plain English are perhaps betraying an excessive alliance with business and finance.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2020
No, she did not. https://t.co/tgl9LvCFqL https://t.co/URSa4vzQJD
— Philip Bump (@pbump) August 20, 2020
& No she actually didn’t...at all...but I know facts never matter to the qult..at all...ya know who is a racist though?: pic.twitter.com/iYXq88wwo2
— Boo (@Boo64558345) August 20, 2020
My great honor!!! https://t.co/kh2a5yumef
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2020
Welcome, Barack and Crooked Hillary. See you on the field of battle! pic.twitter.com/ZrTKXcc6aU
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 19, 2020
The "Calamari comeback state" of Rhode Island caught viewers' attention during its turn on the #DemConvention roll call across America 🐙🇺🇸 https://t.co/6tjma19Dq4 pic.twitter.com/4jp0thiAir— Bloomberg (@business) August 19, 2020
The leech's kiss, the squid's embrace,There's also this insight from Marlon Brando: "The most repulsive thing you could ever imagine is the inside of a camel's mouth. That and watching a girl eat octopus or squid."
The prurient ape's defiling touch:
And do you like the human race?
No, not much.
On Tuesday night, Jacquelyn Brittany, a 31-year-old African American security guard... became the first person to put his name into nomination for president....
Jacquelyn epitomized for the Biden campaign the dynamics of the primaries: The hopes of Biden, who was spurned by others, rested on Black women and working-class voters, who would eventually resurrect his campaign....Here's the nomination — the elevator operator elevating Joe Biden, "resurrecting" him with her female working-class blackness:
Jacquelyn said she has bristled at online commentary suggesting that she was merely star-struck by Biden [when she encountered him in her elevator and subsequently made a video that was considered "viral"]. A week earlier, she said, she had escorted Oprah Winfrey into the building and had not made a big show of that. She said that she has never escorted President Trump and does not want to. “I keep telling them, ‘If he comes, I’m taking off that day.’ ”
Twitter is suspending satirical accounts that make fun of wokeness. All this has done is prove the satirists’ point -- that wokeness is an authoritarian, humourless ideology. Silicon Valley nerds need to lighten up.https://t.co/akywxEMuFr
— spiked (@spikedonline) August 18, 2020
I think it's time we stop... because the question "what's that sound?" is so familiar from that old song.
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's going down
Thanks @theebillyporter + Steven Stills for helping us close night one of the #DemConvention! 🎵— 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 18, 2020
So much more to come! Come back tomorrow ⬇️https://t.co/NEJtNqxFPV pic.twitter.com/vqXfLCUVfk
A thousand people in the streetWell, that's a convention, isn't it? Hooray for our side.
Singing songs and a-carryin’ signs
Mostly say, "Hooray for our side"
Hard to believe you went there but sure let's go pic.twitter.com/zoRQR6mKuy
— Kellum Dander (@kellumdander) August 18, 2020
This was gorgeous, in case you missed it. pic.twitter.com/XABIUDa0oP— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) August 18, 2020
Why weren't they shown taking a knee?Simultaneously, Bob Boyd:
Were they all kneeling?Which was exactly what Meade said here in real space.
Now, I understand that my message won't be heard by some people. We live in a nation that is deeply divided, and I am a Black woman speaking at the Democratic Convention. But enough of you know me by now. You know that I tell you exactly what I'm feeling. You know I hate politics. But you also know that I care about this nation. You know how much I care about all of our children....You know I hate politics too!
the absolute highlight of Cardi B talking to Joe Biden pic.twitter.com/80mA0kD990— keyvan (کیوان) (@shafieikeyvan) August 17, 2020
Cardi B: (00:05)
Oh, snap. Is [inaudible 00:00:07] real?
Joe Biden: (00:08)
How are you doing?
Cardi B: (00:09)
Hi Biden, how are you?
Joe Biden: (00:10)
How are you? The name’s Joe.
Cardi B: (00:14)
Well hello there Joe.
Joe Biden: (00:16)
Hi, [crosstalk 00:00:16] as a matter of fact, watch me and my daughter. The love of my life, the life of my love. She’s a fan of yours.
Ashley Biden: (00:22)
Hi, how are you?
Cardi B: (00:23)
Hi, how are you?
That felt like the first big “moment” of this event – 30 seconds of silence on TV backed by a montage of Americans with their eyes closed. I can’t remember anything like that on television before.
She went in for the Days of Heaven casting call and ended up with the plum role of Richard Gere’s kid sister in the gorgeously-lensed Texas panhandle period piece.... ... Malick struggled to find cohesiveness while editing, and struck upon the idea to have Manz record a freestyle narration. “No script, nothing,” Manz recalled to the Voice. “I just watched the movie and rambled on . . . I dunno, they took whatever dialogue they liked.” The humorous incongruity of a city kid offering commentary about Texas farmers in 1916 (and also weighing in on Bible tales and whatever else was buzzing in Manz’s mind) is the first and most hummable melody in this cinematic symphony.Here's the opening sequence Variety is talking about:
[O]n Aug. 7... WarnerMedia abruptly eliminated the jobs of hundreds of employees, emptying the executive suite at the once-great studio that built Hollywood.... In a series of brisk video calls, executives who imagined they were studio eminences were reminded that they work — or used to work — at the video division of a phone company. The chairman of WarnerMedia Entertainment, Bob Greenblatt, learned that he’d been fired the morning of the day the news broke.... Jeffrey Schlesinger, a 37-year company veteran who ran the lucrative international licensing business, complained to friends that he had less than an hour’s notice....WarnerMedia includes HBO, which has its new streaming service, HBO Max. The executive in charge of it is Casey Bloys, who is, we're told, "a great programmer, not a power player or politician of the old model. "
The new WarnerMedia chief executive, Jason Kilar, spent the formative years of his career as the senior vice president of worldwide application software at Amazon, known for its grim corporate culture.... Many of the new leaders are admirers of the culture at Netflix, which is hardheaded and unsentimental....
He has, he said in a telephone interview, told his new team that he wants programming on the streaming service that will complement the buzzy, complex adult shows like “Watchmen” and “Succession” that HBO is best known for. He is pointed [sic] to straightforwardly fun titles that appeal to younger audiences like “Green Lantern” and “Gossip Girl" as models for broadening out the service....
“Right now, I think women have just had it up to their eyeballs,” [Elizabeth] Warren said in an interview. “They no longer feel isolated and one-off in how they couldn’t figure out how to make the system work, and recognize the system is broken, and nobody’s making it work.... They’re fired up. And I love it.”...There's a lot in that article about the need for government support for those who are engaged in childcare. There should be rational policymaking in that area. Closing the schools because of coronavirus has highlighted our reliance on schools as childcare (as opposed to simply education). There's nothing more important that bringing up the next generation, yet it's something that's handled quite haphazardly. I'd like to see much more rationality. But somehow the discussion is about "rage moms" and Democratic Party power. That's so disgusting.
[T]he backlash against Mr. Trump has been burning since the day after his inauguration, when millions of women joined protests across the country. Their fire has endured through #MeToo, waves of teachers’ strikes led by predominantly female unions, the outcry against school shootings, and Black Lives Matter demonstrations, a movement started largely by female racial justice activists. For the second election cycle in a row, a record-breaking number of female candidates are running for federal office. Mr. Biden’s selection of Ms. Harris was widely seen as a nod to the energy women have given the Democratic Party during the Trump era....
The 20th century offers object lessons in why fleeing cities for suburban and exurban settings can backfire — even if it seems like a good idea at first. In the early 1900s, many large cities were suffering from the side-effects of rapid industrialization: they were polluted, full of high-density housing with bad sanitation. Crime flourished.... There were disease outbreaks, too... In response, a new wave of utopian thinkers proposed moving to... “the garden city”... As the craze for these British-style garden cities grew in the States, Frank Lloyd Wright wrote about building a uniquely American version. ... Wright argued that the Usonian city wouldn’t be a flight from modernity.... Brand-new inventions like telephones, radio and automobiles meant everyone’s work could be done remotely....Great! What's the problem? Why isn't this the answer today, when the ability to work remotely is much more well-developed?
Ultimately, the garden city future is a false Utopia. The answer to our current problems isn’t to run away from the metropolis. Instead, we need to build better social support systems for people in cities so that urban life becomes healthier, safer and more sustainable.Some designers expressed Utopian ideas, but that doesn't mean it had to be Utopia to be worth doing at all. You have to live somewhere, and the alternative is also not Utopia. There's a lot that Newitz isn't saying here. Underlying her conclusions is, I think, a recognition that the cities are in decline — perhaps even approaching a death spiral. For the good of the city and all the people who don't have the means to leave, the more well-off people are encouraged to stay. If they go, the place will collapse. So please, city people with the means to relocate, stay here, keep paying taxes and give your wealth to the noble cause of making "urban life... healthier, safer and more sustainable."
“The history of polling relative to election results in Wisconsin suggests that this election will be won or lost by a nose,” said Ben Wikler, who took over the state’s Democratic Party in 2019. “Democrats should run as though we’re three points behind and might be able to win at the very final moment if we do absolutely everything in our power.”He's not taking Wisconsin for granted!
So how is Wisconsin still so close? To understand it, we broke it down into seven political “states.” Democrats win landslides in the two most populous counties, Milwaukee and Dane. Republicans in 2016 won nearly everywhere else — the suburban WOW Counties (Waukesha, Ozaukee, Washington), the rest of Southeast Wisconsin, the old swing counties of Northeast Wisconsin, and formerly Democratic areas in the Southwest and Northwest.
“The idea that people lie, it’s an interesting theory, and it’s not like it’s completely off-the-wall,” said David Winston, a pollster who works with congressional Republicans. “But it’s obviously a very complicated thing to try to prove because what do you do? Ask them, ‘Are you lying?’”...
If voters were indeed afraid of voicing their support for the president, Mr. Winston said [there would be] an uptick in the percentage of undecided voters rather than a rise in support for Mr. Biden....
While the effects of a hidden Trump vote are certainly overstated by the president’s allies, that does not mean that no evidence exists that polls are missing some of his voters. A small percentage of his support is probably being undercounted, and has been in the past, public opinion experts said. And in states like North Carolina, where the margin of victory could be narrow, the undercount could make a difference between a poll being right or wrong.
Marge Simpson has something to say. pic.twitter.com/viux96bAPf— TheSimpsons (@TheSimpsons) August 14, 2020
“So important to wear proper hiking shoes,” the National Book Award winner tweeted, sharing a graphic close-up of her foot. “Never/ever walk in the woods in sandals. the instep of my left foot this morning--poison ivy? poison oak? must’ve stepped in something...”Bonus JCO tweet at that link:
So barbaric that this should still be allowed... No conservation laws in effect wherever this is? https://t.co/hgavm9IBaM
— Joyce Carol Oates (@JoyceCarolOates) June 9, 2015
I mean whatever you think of the case itself this is a fantastic scoop by the Times, that the Asian kids who did get in don't feel discriminated against pic.twitter.com/pzeM8KVNls
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) August 16, 2020
The royal family is a sacrifice at the center of Britain’s national life, fuel for the creation of a national soul because we can’t think of anything better. Sometimes it works. Often — and increasingly — it doesn’t. We dress them up in coronets. We play with them like toys. It has nothing to do with admiration or love. They submit to us, not we to them.
And if they are to survive this monstrous game? They do what is required.... They allow the nation to project what it wants on them. The Sussexes did not understand this. Harry confused sacrifice with service. Meghan confused it with fame.
I always thought Harry chose a woman, however subconsciously, who would free him... “‘Fundamentally, Harry wanted out,’ a source close to the couple said. ‘Deep down, he was always struggling within that world. She’s opened the door for him on that.’”