In the frantic last days of an election when candidates are scrabbling for any edge, the death of P’Nut (who also went by Peanut) has been pounced on by some Republicans as something of a fur-covered November surprise....
P’Nut’s demise has been mourned by conservative talking heads on television.... “RIP Peanut,” read a post on a Trump campaign’s official TikTok account on Sunday. “Needlessly murdered by Democrat bureaucrats in New York.” The accompanying slide show included an image of Mr. Trump with what presumably is P’Nut’s ghost resting a paw on his shoulder. “We will avenge you on Tuesday at the ballot box.”...
Trump takes whatever material comes his way and uses it, often with surprising creativity — think of all the play around "garbage."
In contrast, Democrats have seemed to stay out of the P’Nut fray. New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul, declined a request to comment, as did Vice President Kamala Harris, the presidential candidate.
Just one of many opportunities squandered by Democrats, I'll say. And by the way, we are down to the last few hours for making statements in the category I've been calling pre-postmortem.
The owner of Peanut, Mark Longo, is, we're told "apolitical." He's never voted, he said.
“I am not knowledgeable on everybody’s agenda, I don’t know their policies, and there is a minor bit of me that is concerned,” Mr. Longo said on Monday, his voice growing emotional.... "I don't care if it was the blue side or the red side.... Somebody on this planet is fighting for my animals.”
What was the opportunity? The we’re the real fucking nazis, so fuck you we’ll kill who and whatever we want coalition?
New York Democrats won't do anything about violent crazy people attacking women and children on the subways. They aggressively go after any citizen who steps in to protect people. And they can spare 16 armed agents to assassinate an improperly registered squirrel. The squirrel owner's wife is the only person in NY whose immigration status has gotten any scrutiny in years.
The important phrase is "anarcho-tyranny". Make sure you pre-plan which parts of Madison you want to loot if Trump wins.
It is truly amazing how the Ds position themselves on the wrong side of every common sense issue.
They could have attempted to display normal human emotion and expressed sympathy. But apparently they are unable to fake that. I'm starting to think maybe that shape changing lizard people theory isn't so far fetched after all.
You can't tell if you own someone if they agree with you on the common sense stuff.
It's nice to see Conservatives finally stand up against law enforcement.
Telling that it was for a squirrel and not a human.
You betcha! We have secret training sites in the Colorado Rockies where we Republicans get trained in pouncing. We watch videos of tigers stalking their prey and … POUNCE! Also cougars pouncing on deer and even house cats pouncing on mice. Of course we can’t really pounce unless the Democrats do something stupid, but if they weren’t stupid they wouldn’t be Democrats.
How does someone at the NYT not know about the “Republicans pounce” cliche and walks right into it? Is this intentional or unintentional self-parody?
How does someone at the NYT not know about the “Republicans pounce” cliche and walks right into it? Is this intentional or unintentional self-parody?
Gutfeld asks why there's no "Peanuts' Law" or "Peanut Alerts" in NY now
I went to the facility in Jordan. Special forces pouncing taught there…
Pnut and Fred were just some good old boys and they didn’t mean any harm. They were making their way through life the only way they knew how. Unfortunately, this ended up being just a little bit more than the tight-assed, two-faced New York leftwing ruling cabal would allow.
I’m surprised Ann doesn’t have a “Republicans Pounce” tag.
The NYT went with the "P'Nut" spelling and is sticking to it. It's the second most questionable apostrophe of the week.
If this were the golden age of blogging, I'd start a blog about apostrophes.
There's a million rats (not counting the Progressives ) in NYC, and they go after the trained squirrel and raccoon??
"Euthanized" is what you do to beings who are suffering, The perfectly healthy P'Nut was killed by Hochul's death squad.
I saw someone in my MMO gaming zone chat write, somewhat ironically, "Justice for Peanut" in regards to an upcoming PvP battle.
It's not Republicans pouncing, it's everyone. A beloved pet was killed when the state invaded a man's castle. It's a universal rallying cry.
You obviously haven't been paying attention. It's conservatives who have been leading the fight against no knock middle of the night swat raids. Which in DemoncRAT run cities often enter the wrong house.
Peanut & Fred Forever. Fight Fight Fight.
Apostrophe means missing letters; and sometimes aids in parsing, e.g. I saw yesterday "Levi's" as in acronyms.
It means good death.
Asked ChatGPT to create a picture of a squirrel in a red MAGA hat and got a cute critter in a red hat but no MAGA. Specially asked for “Trump” on the hat but it refused due to “content restriction policies”. At least it was consistent and refused to write “Harris” for the same reason…. Vote for the sake of all of the Peanuts (P’Nut) out there
"Iconochasm said...
New York Democrats won't do anything about violent crazy people attacking women and children on the subways. They aggressively go after any citizen who steps in to protect people. And they can spare 16 armed agents to assassinate an improperly registered squirrel. The squirrel owner's wife is the only person in NY whose immigration status has gotten any scrutiny in years.
The important phrase is "anarcho-tyranny". "
The concept of anarcho-tyranny is exactly why this story resonated, whether people consciously knew it or not.
I watched TMZ last night. Their report of the incident was more thorough than the NYT. The squirrel caretaker and his wife are porn performers on Only Fans. They also babysit for some of the local kids. One of the neighbors was concerned that porn performers were babysitting and dropped a dime. The covert purpose of the raid was to check the house to see if there were any kiddie porn videos. The squirrel and the raccoon were unintended casualties of the raid......On TMZ it was reported that the couple involved took care of other wounded animals besides the ill fated Peanut and Fred. There was a brief interview with Longo. He seemed like a decent person, but I'm of the opinion that porn performers should not take care of children. That opinion might be unfair, but there's definitely a red flag.
If that's your idea of good "Law Enforcement" Mark then it explains a lot about your other subliterate musings on here. Did you ever apologize for lying about me? In September you slandered me saying I "regularly argue that assassination jokes are funny" on this blog. Then you disappeared like a typical leftist flamethrower.
I'm starting to believe you actually might be an attorney, giving your penchant for being a lying weasel. Meanwhile my attorney just made the cover of a magazine this month for being a top litigator. You should meet him!
One of the great things about Florida is all the free gun ranges and pouncing training!
Where the hell is PETA?
It's the second most questionable apostrophe of the week.
Our droll host. I really did LOL at that!
I've seen dozens in the last week. You must not be on X or reading Twitchy.
We get a huge discount renting out ski lodges in July and August. I hear the Florida facilities are great because they use alligators to show how to pounce from unexpected directions.
"We've got no deal squirrels" - George costanza
John Henry
PROGRESSIVES POUNCE.....on white men.
Mark Hemingway
This is insane. Imagine a controversial murder trial in the south where the prosecutor merely refers to the alleged killer as "the black man."
Byron York
Thread from Daniel Penny trial. Prosecutor refers to Penny throughout as ‘the white man.’
10:20 PM · Nov 4, 2024
Mark has had his chipmunk grabbed on a few too many occasions.
Reptiles are good for practicing political pounces.
“I don’t care if it was the blue side or the red side.... Somebody on this planet is fighting for my animals.”
BOOM. The guy who doesn’t know anything about politics understands the Trump voter more than all the talking heads in Washington.
THe "Peanut" thing was a funny meme. That's all it was.
So what you're saying is that prosecutors lied to the court to get a search warrant. NYDEC cops aren't trained for that. Totally the wrong law enforcement agency to use.
But it's already been established that Democrats lying to a court to obtain a search warrant will go unpunished. Even if it's to a FISA court to spy on a presidential candidate or the president himself.
Professors get their red ink in 55 gallon drums.
Loudon Wainwright III would have immortalized that little squirrel.
Peanut ain't no Harambe. But letting a pet squirrel bite you should cause death by embarrassment to the person who seized that Critter and got bit by it.
The larger point here is that if the Harris people are too dull and rigid to respond to campaign opportunities (McDonald's, Rogan, Peanut), then they wouldn't be able to respond well to unexpected world events if they're in power.
"Euthanized" is what you do to beings who are suffering, The perfectly healthy P'Nut was killed by Hochul's death squad.
Deplatformed with extreme prejudice?
The Washington zoo put down Kamala the elephant to end her misery. The only more potent omen would have been if Kamala were a donkey.
To the Democrats, it is common sense that anyone who opposes you must be punished.
Longo would be smart to not say anything political- were he to take a political stance on this the state of New York would definitely come down hard on him and send him to prison for the two animals that once lived in his home. I imagine he was warned by state authorities to keep his yap shut.
Ah, now it makes more sense. It did seem odd to me that it was a full ransack 5-hour search of the home for a couple of animals.
NYT prefers to pretend it's about the squirrel. It's the same evil affliction that results in their support for Kamala Harris.
Who is next in line for Sainthood? Peter the Squirrel or Greta Thunberg? Your mileage will vary.
I didn't anticipate an OnlyFans pornographer becoming a Cause célèbre for MAGA, but then again, some of you are nuttier than squirrel shit.
A miscarriage of justice is a miscarriage of justice. It's the issue, not the person or perception. For demoncRATs, it's the person and perception. George Floyd died of a self inflicted overdose and innocent people are in jail for his murder.... and demoncRATs celebrate it. And now their trying to jail Daniel Penny for a murder that wasn't a murder. While simultaneously decrying the fact that men won't come to the aid of women being accosted in subways... And they're totally unable to connect the two.
I didn’t think anything could make the government look worse. If this report is correct, then this does.
But he broke a rule! If he just would have followed the rules none of this would have happened. We should just abolish the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. We don't need them if everyone just does what they are told and follows the rules and helps only those animals that the government grants you permission to help.
This the mentality that makes me hate the left. Thanks for the reminder. Justice does not depend upon what you look like, what your job is, how you pray, who you vote for. Traditional conservatives *and liberals* used to agree on this point. The New Left is downright evil. They will kill your pet to get their way. Who cares? You are just a pornstar.
Why does New York state Department of Environmental Conservation even have a SWAT team? A 12-person team at that!
They care about an innocent life. Seems to be in line with what they say they care about.
"The covert purpose of the raid..."
I'm not on the left, D.D. I just came back from voting...for Trump, and a straight Republican ballot.
We all have the ability to be cruel, but psychopaths can't resist it.
What amazes me is how automatic is was for everyone to accept that it was naturally Leftist to be psychopathic in power. We all just know it.
Great googly-moogly!
The USA left very quickly morphed into a fat, happy, lazy, and cruel establishment that seemingly parallels the rise of Germany's political troubles in the 20th century (pre-WW1 and before the Nazi-era).
See The White Ribbon (2009) for lots of creepy cruelty-for-fun sadism. Note that the Nazis arose a generation or two after the time period of this film.
I have 4 adults in my house 30yr - 66yrs. I spent a couple hours researching every candidate and every proposition including judges and minor issues. We all agreed on the Presidential pick, but everybody else just copied my ballot on the rest. It was worth the work to get 4 votes. I'm drunk with power!
The porn angle was not anticipated, although I did notice that he seemed to have pants that were weirdly tight in ways designed to draw attention. But now that it's pointed out, I can see the 'Only Fans' angle, both him and the wife. I guess this is why the storm troopers kept asking if they had cameras in the house - maybe they were hoping to score something juicy and titillating, for their efforts. It's hard work, getting warrants for squirrels.
P ' ' nut
Squirrel wasn't innocent. The damnable creature bit a photographer. She got medical treatment and the healthcare service was obliged to notify legal authorities just as if a dog had bitten her. Rabies is known to exist in the area and the only way to determine its presence is by necropsy. Rabies has an incubation period of three days to forever. It may present at any time. The photog's was life at stake as well as the timing of the two week course of very painful rabies vaccine injected everyday in the abdomen. Possessing exotic animals is illegal without a permit. The owners also had brought the squirrel and raccoon across state lines from Connecticut without license. Now people are learning about their OnlyFans porn page and their babysitting gig with neighborhood children. There is nothing these people did that was kosher. This whole "Justice for P'Nut" is a big scam to garner hundreds of thousands of dollars from gullible fools who just want to shout "SQUIRELL!" before the election.
“And now their trying to jail Daniel Penny for a murder that wasn't a murder. While simultaneously decrying the fact that men won't come to the aid of women being accosted in subways... And they're totally unable to connect the two.”
Oh, they know the connection, they’re just not about to say it and get drummed out of the club. Their entire lives would disintegrate if they did. Every connection, every advantage would be gone in a heartbeat, and they’d be relegated to peon status – like us.
Someday Mark you're just going to have to accept that Laken Reilly is not going to date you.
You know, because she's dead.
Murdered by one of your side.
We don't euthanize every dog that bites someone, even if they are not vaccinated.
Bureaucracy Über Alles. A scene straight out of Terry Gilliam's Brazil.
Babylon Bee (the real paper of record) had a headline that NY claims P’nut died of COVID…
Saw this meme today:
Owned Slaves DEMOCRATS
Killed PEANUT the Squirrel 🐿️ DEMOCRATS
Perpetrated Lynchings DEMOCRATS
Enforced Segregation DEMOCRATS
Enacted Jim Crow Laws DEMOCRATS
Filibustered Civil Rights Legislation DEMOCRATS
Opposed the 13th, 14th, and
Fifteenth Amendments DEMOCRATS
The Indian Removal Act DEMOCRATS
Trail of Tears DEMOCRATS
Japanese Internment DEMOCRATS
The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Greg Gutfeld ERUPTS on NY Authorities for Murdering Peanut the Squirrel
“You want to red-pill America? Raid their homes and murder their pets.”
“Think about it. Did anyone during this raid just stop at any point and say, ‘Hey, wait a minute, this is f*cking stupid, this is crazy, this is nuts?’ Or was the whole thing just on automatic? As the old saying goes, they were just following orders.”
“Fact is, most people are not political until politics enters their lives. You could be completely disinterested in the whole thing. And then the government shows up to tell you that your kid’s gender is fungible and your pets are expendable.”
“Now, I’m not saying Peanut’s death just flipped New York, but you want to red-pill America? Raid their homes and murder their pets.”
"The owners also had brought the squirrel and raccoon across state lines from Connecticut without license."
I'm betting you're a city boy.
It was a fucking squirrel.
It didn't require a swat team. A letter would have done it.
I'm not on the left, D.D.
Then maybe you should refrain from talking like one.
@Bumble Bee, I used red ball point pens, and I bought ‘em by the gross.
Are you saying their pets had to die?
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