blogging every day since January 14, 2004
[Kamala Harris] needs to make the case for herself more assertively.It’s hard to understand why she didn’t sit down with a yellow pad or laptop long ago and decide why she wanted to be president, what her top priorities would be and how she would get that stuff done. The Vision Thing. Even when getting softballs from supportive TV hosts, Harris at times seemed unsure of how to answer.
ALSO: Here's the Tim Dillon monologue in video form:
A number of my good friends and family have been surprised about my decision to support @realDonaldTrump for president. They have been surprised because my political giving history has been mostly to Democrats, my voting registration has typically been Democrat (in NY, you must…
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) October 11, 2024
George W. Bush made me want to be an American. It was a need I had not known before.
... please let me know if this is helping you in any significant way.
I don't like how it looks and plan to turn it off again unless I can understand the benefit.
I believe one "benefit" is the ability to reply to a comment and have your reply appear under that comment. That's something I don't like. I prefer a straight line of chronological comments (and you can simply quote what you are replying to or write @username at the beginning of your comment).
UPDATE: Thanks for all the comments. I'm switching it back. Feel free to keep commenting. This is an option I could turn back on if I saw a good enough reason.
Amish PAC aims to garner more votes for President Trump in 2020 in a state both the president and the Democrats are desperate to win. Amish people tend to align strongly on policy with Republicans.... But making voters out of the Amish, who forgo television and the Internet and believe fiercely in the separation of their religious community from government intrusion, may be a steep goal....
A quote from Ben Walters, who co-founded Amish PAC: “The Amish care about religious liberty, business regulation, abortion and judges. Those are four things that the Amish overwhelmingly support President Trump over whoever the Democratic candidate is. We talk a lot more about issues than we do about candidates."
A quote from an Amish woman: "I think Trump — who’s Trump? He’s the president, right? — he’s doing pretty good. Just from what I hear people say, he’s trying to improve things."
“And you’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, I’ve got a problem with that,” he said. “Because part of it makes me think — and I’m speaking to men directly — part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”...It looked like this:
The “women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time,” Obama said. “When we get in trouble and the system isn’t working for us, they’re the ones out there marching and protesting. And now, you’re thinking about sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you, because you think that’s a sign of strength, because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down? That’s not acceptable.”
This gets my "Obama and manliness" tag.Former President Barack Obama has a “tough talk” at the Black voters for Harris event in East Liberty. He addressed that Black men have not been as enthused about Harris as during his first run, and he sought to encourage them to join Harris’ movement pic.twitter.com/gDFZhsdLxC
— Ryan Deto (@RyanDeto) October 10, 2024
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 11, 2024Meade's comment at 0:45: "Walks like Joe Biden."
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 11, 2024
Kamala was just caught using a teleprompter at her Univision town hall! Producers panic and turn off the prompter midway through her answer.
Why did Univision allow this?! This is egregious journalistic malpractice. pic.twitter.com/tH5Bh2clBx
I’m at the Kamala “town hall” being taped right now in Las Vegas. The corporate PR director of Univision is refusing to allow journalists access to the audience members who have been pre-selected to ask Kamala questions pic.twitter.com/Mb1AjRfMMx
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 10, 2024
From RFK Jr.'s "American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family" (commission earned):Ethel Kennedy, widow of RFK, dead at 96 after suffering stroke https://t.co/30Q0nkr8HJ pic.twitter.com/5s5wAZyQnG
— New York Post (@nypost) October 10, 2024
After my father fell for my mother, they embarked on what Arthur Schlesinger described as “one of the great love stories of all time.” My dad loved Ethel Skakel’s fiery spirit, and was intensely proud of her reckless competitiveness and athleticism, her self-confidence, her humor, and her peculiar blend of deep religious faith and mischievous irreverence. Her fearless, fun-loving, outgoing personality perfectly complemented my father, providing encouragement to a man who was inherently quiet, vulnerable, and shy. Her devotion to him became a platform for his growth as a public leader. Where Jack was detached and deliberative, my father burned with passion. She fueled those flames.
My parents were so affectionate with each other that they often appeared pasted together, arms draped over each other’s shoulders, kissing and calling each other “sweetheart,” “darling,” and “honey.” I had an early allergy to corniness, and these antics would have put me in anaphylactic shock had they not been so casual and adorable. They held hands when they ice-skated or walked on the beach. On river trips they lay against each other beside the campfire. He proudly introduced her at his speeches, and she always took the front row and hung on every word, even after hearing the same stump speech a hundred times. Her disciplined attention to his talks always impressed me. I thought, “She must have learned that in Catholic school, where they rapped your knuckles for wavering attention.” She sat behind him in the motorcades, and he would look around whenever he lost track of her. He told reporters that his greatest achievement was “marrying Ethel.”
The phrase "Dark Brandon" was initially a meme created by online progressives to parody supporters of "Dark MAGA", a belief promoted by former U.S. representative Madison Cawthorn that former president Trump would return to power "with a vengeance." It copies the "fashwave" aesthetic used initially by online supporters of figures like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis....
So Dark MAGA preceded Dark Brandon.
Remember Madison Cawthorn?
With that background, why would Elon Musk choose to horse around with the phrase "Dark MAGA"? Could he be seriously connecting to the Cawthorn meaning?Railing against "the cowardly and weak members of our own party," Cawthorn wrote [in May 2022]: "It's time for the rise of the new right, it's time for Dark MAGA to truly take command." "Dark MAGA" references a fringe movement advocating a vengeful return of Trumpism.
... and Ron DeSantis:Here is Joe Biden throwing Kamala under the bus when he’s asked directly today if DeSantis should take her call. He hates her. This is two days in a row of insulting her. He never takes questions. He was waiting for this one. Again. pic.twitter.com/skCx8HASH8
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) October 9, 2024
Attempt humor at your own risk:🚨JUST IN: Ron DeSantis shut down CNBC host that accused him of politicizing Hurricane Milton!
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) October 10, 2024
THIS is how you handle the Fake News!
DeSantis: “I didn't even know she was trying to reach me, but she has no role in this process… and I've been dealing with these storms in… pic.twitter.com/uHoaJYnmIN
I don't say happy birthday to John Lennon every year, but just by chance it happened that the first post of the day — "Both VP nominees are now participating in the old tradition of responding to questions written on an orange..."— contained the sentence:
"I struggle to resist re-telling the story of My Dinner With Bruce Springsteen."
The internal link goes back to a post from the first year of this blog:
Go back to the first post of today to see how that connected up. But rereading that old post — which has a Sean Lennon Ono tag (because I sat near Yoko Ono when she was pregnant with Sean) — made me want to check to see what Sean was writing on X today. I see:
What nice synchronicity! It was only by chance that John and Sean were born on the same day and only by chance that on this October 9th, the story of an orange rolled up the aisle of an airplane took me back to the story of My Dinner in the Vicinity of John and Yoko.
Walz did it first, responding to the question "Dream dinner guest?" His answer (written on the orange and rolled back (more than a day later)): Bruce Springsteen.
(I struggle to resist re-telling the story of My Dinner With Bruce Springsteen.)
Vance's reporters wanted in on this orange action and rolled him the question "Fave Song." Under the circumstances, I would have chosen "Let Me Roll It"...
But Vance rolled back — immediately — "10 Years Gone":
Harris repeated the popular slogan “The champagne of beers”, while Colbert noted that it comes from Milwaukee, in the swing state of Wisconsin. He said: “So that covers Wisconsin. Let’s talk Michigan. Let’s appeal to the Michigan voters, OK? What are your favourite Bob Seger songs?”
Walz could have said Bob Seger! What're his politics?
Vance answered quickly, and his choice is a bit idiosyncratic, but that doesn't free him of any suspicion of answering what he thought was politically advantageous. He's a quick thinker, and he knows the assignment. But he's chosen British pop stars, and "Ten Years Gone" is not near the top of obvious Led Zeppelin songs. It's #40 on Vulture's "All 74 Led Zeppelin Songs, Ranked." So there's a good chance it really is his favorite Led Zeppelin song.
Is Led Zeppelin his favorite band? The name appears 4 times in "Hillbilly Elegy." Here are 2::
"Shackleton is still considered a hero today because, although he lost Endurance to the pack ice, he never gave up, and through his incredible grit, courage and inspirational leadership saved all his men."
[T]he true test of someone's character is how they behave under fire....
So, one answer is that Musk was impressed by the way Trump behaved during and immediately after the assassination attempt.
The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech, they want to take away your right to bear arms... they want to take away your right to vote effectively.... California... just just passed a law banning voter ID....
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) October 7, 2024
A CNN legal analyst just DESTROYED Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan for what appears to be political motivation in releasing the 165-page brief.
A legal analyst, who has handled thousands of cases, stated that he has NEVER witnessed such an occurrence before. He also… pic.twitter.com/7a5ZHa3hmJ
Vice President Kamala Harris: It's an election, Bill. And I take-- it seriously that I have to earn everyone's vote. This is an election for president of the United States. No one should be able to take for granted that they can just declare themselves a candidate and automatically receive support. You have to earn it. And that's what I intend to do.
Bill Whitaker: Lemme tell you what your critics and the columnists say.
Vice President Kamala Harris: OK.
Bill Whitaker: They say that the reason so many voters don't know you is that you have changed your position on so many things. You were against fracking, now you're for it. You supported looser immigration policies, now you're tightening them up. You were for Medicare for all, now you're not. So many that people don't truly know what you believe or what you stand for. And I know you've heard that.
Here's her big chance to dispel these doubts. But she gives us absolutely nothing but a determination not to answer:
Vice President Kamala Harris: In the last four years I have been vice president of the United States. And I have been traveling our country. And I have been listening to folks and seeking what is possible in terms of common ground. I believe in building consensus. We are a diverse people. Geographically, regionally, in terms of where we are in our backgrounds. And what the American people do want is that we have leaders who can build consensus. Where we can figure out compromise and understand it's not a bad thing, as long as you don't compromise your values, to find common-sense solutions. And that has been my approach.
We are a diverse people? Is she suggesting that if her own mind can hold so many diverse opinions, then she somehow represents the consensus this country needs?! She doesn't have to believe any one thing. She just can entertain various ideas, and then, once she has power, she'll use "common sense" to work out the answer?
I can’t believe I’m saying this.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 8, 2024
60 Minutes just ended Kamala Harris’ campaign
This is excruciating
Said Alex Cooper in the intro to her podcast with Kamala Harris, which you can stream in many places. I like Podscribe — here — because you can listen or read (and search) the transcript.
Cooper got a lot of criticism from regular listeners, because the show has not been political. It's a podcast, for women, about sex and relationships, and some listeners felt betrayed when she seemed to shed her political neutrality. But now she says Trump is welcome too. Maybe he'll take up that offer!
I listened to the entire show, by the way. Of course, it's a softball interview, a complete safe space for Harris, so we don't get to see her tested under pressure. We never do.
Harris was able to display her concern about sexual violence. I wanted to quote this part:
Atkins said FEMA called her to arrange an inspection of her house on the Broad River rendered uninhabitable by the storm, but that they never showed up because the road was closed — the very same road The Post successfully traversed on its way to Bat Cave.
The road is treacherous, but navigable. It’s littered with downed power lines, and whole sections have collapsed. One portion of Highway 9 is entirely washed away, forcing traffic to navigate a huge chasm through someone’s front yard....
Well, then, it wasn't just misplaced rectitude about a "road closed" sign. It's more important to avoid new accidents that require emergency services than to move forward with the inspection of damage that has already occurred. The Post headline is needlessly inflammatory.
A funny subheadline at the NYT — funny because if she's just going on Howard Stern, Stephen Colbert and "The View," Harris is still avoiding interviews. That those are the 3 interviews the NYT names makes it obvious.
The headline is "Harris Will Appear in a Whirlwind of Interviews, Most of Them Friendly."
Most of them? Who's the unfriendly interviewer she dares to face? I am really appalled by the timidity. She needs to prove she's strong and can stand up for us.
I noticed that article because I went looking for Kamala Harris articles on the front page of the New York Times. You'd think she'd make more news!
There's also this Susan Faludi thing at the top of the right hand column, sitting atop a musing about celibacy:
So let's stare slack-jawed and cross-eyed at a rose. Mmmm. America's protector, eh?
Yeah, that kind of was my question about Kamala Harris when I saw that she dared to speak to Howard Stern, Stephen Colbert and the hosts of "The View."
So let's see if Susan Faludi makes the case for KH as a protector. Much of that column is generic: Women have not, traditionally, been regarded as the protector. Some of it is an attack on Trump. Let's skip to something specific about Harris: