November 9, 2024

Sunrise — 6:31, 6:33, 6:55.





FormerLawClerk said...

Trump must now do the nasty wet work: The Biden Crime Family have been committing felony money laundering (we'll get into ActBlue later) ... hiding proceeds of their bribery network in order to avoid the IRS taxing that money. They have committed felony tax evasion - including President Biden. They MUST be prosecuted so that Americans know that nobody - not even a President - is above the law.

I doubt he will do it: Trump is a sucker and he's easily played (see Hillary Clinton). He is not a gangster and that is what is required. It will cost him his life.

Trump needs to surround himself with people who not only know where the bodies are buried, but who are willing to put more in the ground.

Maynard said...

I am starting to wonder if Dixcus is a Democrat plant to make the rest of us look extreme.

Wet work? Are you freaking insane?

Narr said...

Prof has outdone herself with these. Extraordinary!

Peachy said...

Powerful color. Love it.

FormerLawClerk said...

Joe Biden and his family represent a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America. In the Obama Administration, these sorts of people were ordered killed by the United States military.

FormerLawClerk said...

By the way, when is Trump handing out the hot chicks in red cloaks and white hats?

tim maguire said...

Trump is more likely to pardon than to prosecute.

Just like “lock her up,” which he dropped as soon as elections were over, he will drop investigations of the Bidens in the name of national unity.

FormerLawClerk said...

It will be interesting to watch. Trump did relax his position on Hillary. But then the FBI started riffling through his wife's panty drawer. They almost got him into Epstein's murder cell. They almost took half a billion dollars from him.

Then they shot him in the head.

I wonder if he's butched up any?

Eva Marie said...

Top photo reminds me of Donald Trump hair.
Let's all celebrate and have a good time
We gon' celebrate and have a good time

FullMoon said...

Look, it seems many here are concerned that Rich has been absent. Not to worry, Rich has been extremely happy since Trump was elected:

iRich said...

Althouse wrote: “I cried. I think it's a path to return to normal.”

My wife once asked me when did I feel happiest? Upon consideration, I responded when I wept. An admittedly strange answer, I explained that it was not grief, but the overwhelming surfeit of emotion that I experienced with certain triggers of emotional, perhaps sentimental, love. It was when I felt much alive.

One time while I was at work, my wife phoned me as she was at home watching An Affair to Remember (a film we had often viewed together).. She put the phone next to the TV as the scene played of Cary Grant discovering the painting of Deborah Kerr. She knew precisely how I would respond…and I did.
5/6/24, 9:07 PM

Peachy said...

4 minutes of Trump condemning White Supremacy and racism Yet the lying liar left continue to lie.

gilbar said...

so.. It looks like about 10 million or so Democrat Votes disappeared.
SOME people are saying that GOD called the voters up, in a Rapture..

I'm NOT saying that.. But, i AM saying: Where's Inga?

Scott Patton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott Patton said...

Any tea drinkers out there find that over the last month, black tea has started tasting bad? I tried my usual, regular old Lipton, generic from Dollar General, and Red Rose. Lipton and RR would have tasted great to me any time before about mid Oct.
I know it's not me or the water because I have 2 year old decaf Lipton in the pantry, and other than tasting like it's 2 years old, it tastes great.
Global warming broke the tea!

Eva Marie said...

Maynard, I agree.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Harris campaign owed her for all her posting on Althouse and stiffed her?

Richard Dillman said...

First two pictures suggest the paintings of Frederic Church, cf . “Twilight in the

Peachy said...

Got nothing on black tea. Perhaps try Twinings? anyone Notice there are hardly any oranges in the store? Probably hurricane related.
and CA can't grow anything useful anymore.

Dan from Madison said...

Treat yourself and buy some Bigelow tea bags from Amazon or wherever. It isn't the greatest, but is a very good brew for the buck. Way better than Lipton.

Iman said...

Unbelievably beautiful pics!!!

FormerLawClerk said...

You women need to leave the running of the country to the men. We know what has to be done and we know it's ugly. The world is a nasty place. Everybody knows the likes of you aren't "extreme." That's why we didn't elect ya'll to protect the Free World. Go back to your knitting.

Iman said...

Dixcus, Dixie or whatever showed his hand a few weeks back.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Instagram via Reddit: Stop scolding working class people because they didn't prioritize your dilutions over their ability to put food on the table.

Well put.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


Quaestor said...

I'd offer a truth and reconciliation policy -- Come clean, pay the delinquent taxes, and get immunity. But they gotta come clean on everything. EVERYTHING.

Iman said...

He raises some very valid point… but talk of guns and blood are quite low brow.

IOW, he ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.

Peachy said...

Yeah - crossed my mind.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

How likely the 10 million missing democratic voters were ... wait for it... vaxxed. 🙂‍↔️

Iman said...

That comment was almost heartbreaking. If I would’ve had Rich’s address, there would’ve been a My Pillow from Lindell on its way for his biting pleasure.

Peachy said...

"The Democratic Party is one of the shittiest cults ever. It encourages you to cut off all people who aren’t part of your cult, and see everyone outside your cult as basically evil monsters. It’s basically excommunication without all the traditional benefits cults claim to offer."

See here for the next installment of Soviet Insanity from the Democrat Media.

Peachy said...

Ballots from beyond.

Scott Patton said...

These images would be fantastic for steganography, I'm guessing.

rhhardin said...

JCF Bach Concerto for Viola Piano and Orchestra 2nd movement, is sort of nice. A channel I subscribe to that occasionally posts stuff he's played.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Via Reddit: Apparent Fema Instructions to disaster workers: Avoid Homes Advertising Trump

I don't know how true this is for sure. But if it is, this is probably the tip of the iceberg.

FormerLawClerk said...

"talk of guns and blood are quite low brow"

I think you guys forgot about the part where the Secret Service let Crooks get off 8 shots at Donald Trump, hitting him once, killing an innocent firefighter in the crowd, and wounding two others.

We're not "talking" about guns and blood. We watched it happen on live television. We are not forgetting about all that.

Blood and guns have been trained on us and we intend to fire back.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Trader Joe’s Irish Breakfast. Mother’s milk. This time of year I always put in a splash of eggnog.

Peachy said...

Fema fired one person for it.

FormerLawClerk said...

Seems they died suddenly, with onions tied to their belts, as was the style at the time.

FormerLawClerk said...

Inga is in the Lego room with her coloring books, cookies and chocolate milk.

FormerLawClerk said...

After first trying to just transfer her to another county. But then Ron DeSantis announced a State investigation of FEMA.

Spiros Pappas said...

The Daily Wire reported on the outrageous behavior a FEMA supervisor. A whistlebower stated that FEMA inspectors were ordered to avoid houses with Trump signs in their front yards. I think it is obvious that the whistleblower approached legacy media first and that legacy media tried to kill the story in the run up to the election. It is also possible that legacy media tried to destroy the whistleblower's life.

rehajm said...

Identify FED

rehajm said...

MEM Rooibos or Crimson Berry

Clyde said...

The cloud looks almost like an AI hand with too many fingers.

rhhardin said...

He wouldn't get any support from the adults in his base, who prefer conventions like no lawfare against political opponents.

FormerLawClerk said...

Is it not obvious to people that the legacy media is working WITH the government to cover up these stories and then throttle and shadow-ban and demonetize if the story ever even leaks?

IF you are in the government, and you want to leak, DO NOT GO TO LEGACY MEDIA.

Clyde said...

They were Democrat votes, so probably not a Rapture; wrong rally. Now, the Devil calling his own, maybe.

Iman said...

Inga has decided not to linga… last seen with a bottle of cold duck and glasses in a see-through nightie.

Eva Marie said...

Just looked it up. Yes.

Aggie said...

FEMA Did not fire the person responsible for the 'No Attention to Trump sign houses' direction to staff. They removed her from that theater of operation, and placed her in another. There ought to be an active persecution of this person until she is fired for gross malpractice of duty.

MadTownGuy said...

Escaped monkeys update: They're ‘having an adventure’

"Authorities in South Carolina gave an update Friday after 43 monkeys escaped from a primate research facility earlier this week.

Officials said the monkeys, who were bred for medical research, have been spotted in the woods near the site and workers are using food to try to recapture them.

"They are very social monkeys, and they travel in groups, so when the first couple go out the door, the others tend to just follow right along," Alpha Genesis CEO Greg Westergaard told CBS News.

Westergaard said his main goal is to have the monkeys returned safely with no other problems.

"I think they are having an adventure," he said.

The Rhesus macaques made a break for it Wednesday after an employee at the Alpha Genesis facility in Yemassee didn't fully lock a door as she fed and checked on them, officials said.

According to police, the primates are all very young females weighing 6-7 pounds. They’ve never been used for testing because of their age, and they’re too young to carry disease.


Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center is "one of the largest and most comprehensive nonhuman primate facilities, designed specifically for monkeys, in the United States," according to its website. It also oversees a colony of more than 3,000 monkeys on Morgan Island, known as Monkey Island, off the South Carolina coast.

In 2018, the U.S. Department of Agriculture fined Alpha Genesis $12,600 in part after officials said 26 primates escaped from the Yemassee facility in 2014 and an additional 19 got out in 2016.

The company's fine was also issued because of individual monkey escapes as well as the killing of one monkey by others when it was placed in the wrong social group, according to a report from the USDA.

A companion article:

What we know after 43 monkeys escaped a South Carolina research facility (CBS News)

BG said...

The second one: Wow.

Gospace said...

They're primates- that can carry disease at any age, so that's a lie. What they mean is- or what I hope they mean is- we haven't given them any to carry...

Readering said...

So AP estimating that the 2024 vote total will be only about 700000 below 2020. Unfortunate that some states take so long to finish counting, including California and Arizona. But a lot of idiotic statements by folks compensated to know better, starting with Tucker Carlson who is from California.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Cold Duck? Nah, box of Franzia, maybe...

gilbar said...

so.. WHY would ANY Human believe ANY THING the AP says?
I can understand why a bot like Readering would.. But us Humans?

Maynard said...

I am guessing that Dixcus is a Media Matters plant. His posts will be used to identify this blog as a hate site.

Readering said...

Patience, Gilbar. So not shown up as an idiot yourself when final count published.

RCOCEAN II said...

You women need to leave the running of the country to the men. We know what has to be done and we know it's ugly. The world is a nasty place. Everybody knows the likes of you aren't "extreme." That's why we didn't elect ya'll to protect the Free World. Go back to your knitting.

Hello, moby on line 2.

RCOCEAN II said...

Free world = boomer or some over 50. Liz cheney is that you?

RCOCEAN II said...

Listening to Chet Baker before going to bed. Funny valentine. almost blue. Great stuff. Adios.

Rocco said...

MadTownGuy said…
Escaped monkeys update: They're ‘having an adventure’

"Authorities in South Carolina gave an update Friday after 43 monkeys escaped from a primate research facility earlier this week.

Isn’t this how Planet of the Apes started?

Dr Weevil said...

It's really difficult to tell whether 'Dixcus' is a paid Moby, just a Dick, or has gone full Melville as an out and out Moby Dick.

TickTock said...

Remarkable colors

Iman said...


TickTock said...

Remarkable colors

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Trump announces; Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo will not be a part the new administration.

Ampersand said...

Dixcus should change his blog name to rayepps2.0. So many of his posts would be featured on any site that was the leftie equivalent of libs of tiktok

Jamie said...

Without reading any comments - holy smokes! These pictures!

Jamie said...

I suspect the intent was "delusions."

Jamie said...

I know this is short-sighted, but in light of the anti-establishment tone this week has had, I'm kind of rooting for the monkeys.

Jupiter said...

Well, it's hard to argue with you, Dixcus. It's evident that you have a better grasp on these matters than DJT does, and it's just a shame he was elected President instead of you. On the bright side, you've made it clear that he can't last long, so you'll probably get your chance soon. What's your plan?

Gospace said...

Well, Jamie, since they're all females- they'll die out like the Shakers.... So that isn't really short sighted.

Narayanan said...

just abundance of caution! to avoid confrontation!!!

Ampersand said...

Is there some unusual atmospheric condition in Madison, WI.? My sunrise photos are pallid stuff by comparison.

Kate said...

His tone is very dark. In case the FBI is reading this, let me just state that I'll be stepping away from the comments for a while.

wendybar said...

Peter Schweizer

Harvard cancelled classes after Trump won. They did not cancel classes after the October 7th Hamas massacre. What does that tell you?

wendybar said...

We can't deport these criminal ALIENS fast enough. We do NOT need more hate, division and Progressivism in America.
America FIRST!!!
Pete Lambert

Replying to @rawsalerts
So, just exactly how do these illegals get so organized, and have professionally made signs, to be able to do this “suddenly” en masse? No one questions this? Follow the money.
3:07 PM · Nov 9, 2024

🚨#BREAKING: Thousands protesters and Immigrants are marching and protesting of Donald Trump’s election to 47th President of the United States of America

📌#Manhattan | #NewYork

At this time, New York City law enforcement is actively monitoring as thousands of immigrants, protesters, and supporters march through the streets of Midtown Manhattan. Rallying against fascism, mass deportation, anti-trans hate, and systemic oppression, the demonstrators express serious concerns about the recent election of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States. Holding signs and chanting slogans like, 'Racist, sexist, anti-gay,' they emphasize solidarity in the fight against perceived threats to marginalized communities.

wendybar said...

Jimmy McJimmyFace
You thought January 6 was an attempted coup? Looks like we may see an ACTUAL coup happen pretty soon.
Natasha Bertrand
New: Pentagon officials are holding informal discussions about how the Department of Defense would respond if Donald Trump issues orders to deploy active-duty troops domestically and fire large swaths of apolitical staffers, defense officials told CNN.
12:06 PM · Nov 9, 2024

rhhardin said...

They didn't take into account that the Trump sign might have blown into a yard from some neighbor's house.

rhhardin said...

Herringbone clouds result from a wind shear across a jump in density. A certain wavelength disturbance grows fastest, takes over and saturates, and you see that wavelength. Hence the regularity.

planetgeo said...

Incredible images. Nice going, God. Awesome assist, Althouse

Fandor said...

President Trump should issue Pardons for President Biden et al only on the condition of his/their public CONFESSION, CONTRITION (apology to the American people for their abuse of power) and RESTITUTION (whatever that may be). Then, we can begin the HEALING PROCESS and PARDONS can be issued. Could that happen? Miracles still happen. We all just witnessed one. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Big Mike said...

@Cracker Emcee, at a Clancy Brothers concert some sixty years ago they explained to us college students how to make good Irish coffee:

(1) Get a quart of boiling water
(2) Get a half pound of sugar
(3) Get a cup of coffee beans, finely ground
(4) Get a gallon of good Irish whiskey
(5) Throw away the water, the auger, the coffee
(6) Drink the rest

Saint Croix said...

Biden's internal polls showed Trump winning 400 electoral votes against Biden.

Anonymous Biden insider says, "internal polling never showed him down 400.”

Aside from the anonymity, that's a non-denial denial. If Trump got 400 electoral votes, Biden would have 138. So he was only down 262.

Reagan in 1984 got the record: 525.
FDR 1936: 523
Nixon 1972: 520
Reagan 1980: 489
LBJ 1964: 486
FDR 1932: 472
Eisenhower 1956: 457
Roosevelt 1940: 449
Hoover 1928: 444
Eisenhower 1952: 442

So if Trump got 400, he wouldn't even crack the top 10. Still, the polling was bad enough that it (finally) chased Biden out of the race.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Indeed. Color capture of a lifetime!

Rusty said...

A good set of pictures. I like the framing in the last one.
Ya know what's fun? I'll tell ya what's fun. Trump is president. All is right in the world.
I think I'll go and shoot some clays this morning.

Big Mike said...

Originally FEMA merely reassigned the FEMA supervisor, Marn’i Washington, to a different Florida county, presumably until the heat died down. But the heat only got worse so they finally fired her.

Saint Croix said...

This Politico article is kind of on point to why the "manosphere" won the election.

Only one male journalist in the room, apparently, and he talks like this...

As a white man based in the Midwest, I’m not exactly sure certain readers are clamoring to hear my take, nor am I sure I have one that is all that original.

Does he believe the self-hatred? Or is it a facade to keep his job? Embarrassing.

Big Mike said...

Originally FEMA merely reassigned the FEMA supervisor, Marn’i Washington, to a different Florida county, presumably until the heat died down. But the heat only got worse so they finally fired her

William50 said...

Liz Wheeler ---
" Trump is President-elect for two days:

- Stock market hits record high
- Migrant caravan at our border dissolves
- Hamas calls for end to war
- Bitcoin hits record high
- Putin ready to end Ukraine war
- Qatar kicks out Hamas leaders
- EU will buy U.S. gas not Russian gas
- Putin will sell oil in U.S. dollars
- Zelenskyy phones Trump & Elon
- NYC Mayor ends vouchers for illegals
- Mexico to stop migrants at U.S. border
- China wants to work peacefully with us
- Big U.S. company to move out of China "

Leland said...

Heat ain't hot enough yet.

wsw said...

Cheatin'-ass Michigan goes down. IU 20, UM 15. Ohio State, you're next

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