November 6, 2024

"That little thing called special."

I liked that locution in Trump's victory speech last night.

"We're gonna turn our country around. Make it something very special. It lost that, lost that little, it lost that little, that little thing called special. We have to make it, so we're gonna make this so great. It's gonna. It's the greatest country, and potentially the greatest country in the world by far and right now we're gonna just work very hard to get all of that back. We're gonna make it the best it's ever been. We can do that. We just, if we had to wait longer. I don't know. It was going bad and it was going bad fast...."


RCOCEAN II said...

Good ol' Trump. Now, I hope to God he goes to Margo lago, hires 100 security guards, and waits till January 2025.

Jaq said...

"You have committed great sins. If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the punishment of God.

If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." -Genghis Khan

bagoh20 said...

I like the nonspecific nature of that. We are by design and habit a nation of individuals with our own focus and ideas of what's important and special. When millions of such individuals and groups live, work, play and create freely in the same country, we end up with a nation that's truly special as a whole. That's the American dream.

Peachy said...

wow - such a Nazi. I'm sold, D-MSNBC. /////////

Iman said...

Oh Happy Day!

The Vault Dweller said...

So are all Trump posts from here on out now going to get the "Trump 47" tag?

Iman said...

Michigan called for Trump!!!

Hassayamper said...

Speaking a bit clumsily, but you could tell he was understandably dog-tired. I'll allow it. It made perfect sense to me.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Quite the polar opposite of "America is a bad, awful, racist, xenophobic, sexist, fascist, nazi, evil country that is beyond redemption". You know....the one more than half the rest of the World's people would like to get into.

Hassayamper said...

I hope to God he goes to Margo lago, hires 100 security guards, and waits till January 2025.

Me too. Not a single representative of the Deep State scum should be allowed in his presence until he is sworn in. No briefings, no transition office, even the Secret Service should be kept outside his inner ring of private security.

Peachy said...

From X:
"I get tired of Democrats claiming to be on the “right side of history” when both their past and their present are so utterly sordid and destructive. So, if you are a Democrat, let me tell you about MY side of history and YOUR side of history.

My side of history is Cato the Elder, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Irving Babbitt and William F. Buckley. Your side of history is Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx, Josef Stalin, Mao’s Little Red Book and Noam Chomsky."

Peachy said...

herre's some more...
"My side of history is George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Your side of history is Tories who fled to Canada, Jefferson Davis, Woodrow Wilson, Bull Connor, George Wallace and Nancy Pelosi.

My side of history is freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and spirited debate. Your side of history is ThoughtCrime, Speech Codes, religious persecution and Cancel Culture.

My side of history is Brown v. Board of Ed., Loving v. VA, Gitlow v. NY, and Heller v. DC. Your side of history is Dred Scott, Korematsu and Roe v. Wade.

My side of history is Jackie Robinson. Your side of history is Colin Kaepernick.

My side of history is head held high, standing straight, hand over heart. Your side of history is sullen glances at the ground, kneeling.

My side of history is the family as the foundation of society. Your side of history is mutilating confused children.

My side of history is the rockets’ red glare. Your side of history is imagine no religion.

My side of history is firefighters going up the stairs into the Twin Towers. Your side of history is 28-year-old men playing Call of Duty in their mothers’ basements."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The Great Communicator II.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

By whom?

Peachy said...


John Althouse Cohen said...

Unfortunately he’s so detached from reality that his statements can’t possibly be heartening. He says crime in America is skyrocketing when it’s falling. And I see no reason to think he’ll get better. We rightly criticized President Biden when he was noticeably declining, but President-elect Trump has also been noticeably declining. It won’t be surprising if he can’t manage to last a full term. But I hope he has a successful term, and I hope Democrats do some real introspection about how they lost this election so badly.

Rory said...

Try reading it like he's restoring a piece of high-end real estate.

Curious George said...

Crime is falling? No JAC, it is not falling. Democratic cities just have decriminalized much of it, or don't respond to crime reports in regard to violent crime.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"When it's falling"

"There are lies, damn lies, and statistics...and then there's the statistics from the Biden/Harris administration" - Mark Twain (allegedly)

RCOCEAN II said...

Do people know that the FBI is deliberately under reporting crime with their "New" reporting system that is only used by parts of the USA and not all the big cities?

In any case, a decline from 15000 murders to 14500 is irrelevant.

Dan from Madison said...

"It won’t be surprising if he can’t manage to last a full term." - I'm guessing this wasn't uttered during the last administration. Just a guess.

paminwi said...


n.n said...

Special is in the principles held by the principals in action.

paminwi said...

You fail at understanding 2 items. The most recent crime report that was put out by the Biden administration had to be revised from showing crime was down to crime is up. Another item is that many large cities no longer submit their crime data to the Feds. Most are Dem run cities. Imagine that! Why would you want to tell the country that your defunding the police was a horrible mistake.
See a pattern here? Dems CAN NOT tell the truth about rime rates OR jobs created!

Skeptical Voter said...

Always bombastic. Sometimes a buffoon--but his heart is in the right place where the United States is concerned. He does not see us as a blight on the world, and for that I am thankful.

traditionalguy said...

The Enemy forces are already aiming at Target Trump. On CNN the word was narrating out how bad the Ukrainian War was going and it is all Trump’s responsibility to defeat Russia… or he must be condemned.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Look at the bright side John, at least you can rest easy knowing that Trump will never be protected and shielded from the public by our truth-telling heroic media should he ever match the precipitous decline of Joe Biden.

Peachy said...

uh oh - the leftist were correct. Post violence happening.. rioting!

Drago said...

You, apparently, are no better than all the other lefties that post here with their lies, and I use "lies" intentionally in this case because there is simply no possibility you don't know how the crime stats were cooked by the DOJ/FBI ever since cities/municipalities were not required to report their crimes while simultaneously democrat DA's refused to charge and prosecute thousands of criminals, even violent criminals.

However, as with the cooked numbers on inflation, job creation, woke school policiex, etc, our fellow American citizens that have been forced to live with the astonishingly purposefully destructive policies of the democrats "voted with their feet" so to speak last night and decided to throw the dems out along with their faux "reality" they tried to Jedi-mind-trick everyone into.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

For a Trump speech, I thought it was pretty good. I was a little disappointed that he didn't lay out a timeline for the upcoming firing squads.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Aiming at target Trump"

I don't put it past these people to take a 4th shot at him before the inauguration. I definitely don't put it past them to take a shot at him while he's President. Not only do they have a notable history of success, they've shown they're the types of people that would've given Machiavelli nightmares.

Drago said...

Yes, but we all know the jig is up on that as well as quite a few other things that Trump will not be forced into by threat of "Investigations" and impeachments.

There are also reports of an emergency meeting of a handful of pharmaceutical CEO's this morning as panic sets in regarding the potential future requirements around full testing disclosure, operations with foreign governments, etc.

I'll be looking for confirmation of that later today after I complete other higher priority work!

Jerry said...

Especially if there's 1500 murders in the areas that aren't being reported...

Jerry said...

And the internment camps. When will those be open again?

mikee said...

I hope he establishes an Office of the President Elect in Blair House today and begins the transition, setting up his Cabinet, his Executive Orders, his legislation, and keeps a stern eye on dementia Joe's people until January 2025.

Drago said...

I anticipate many many pictures of AOC crying outside of fencelines.....which wider angle shots will show have nothing behind them...

Drago said...

Whatever you do, please do not "burden" John Althouse Cohen with "what has been".

No Name said...

Show me where it says "crime is falling", and I'll point out the typo and glaring Big City data omissions recently corrected by FBI.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Declining? Harris didn’t have the energy for a single press conference yet Trump’s “decline” is a concern for you?
It’s the kind of absurdly unserious statement that has brought us to today so….

Thank you!

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I routinely fry leftie brains -- because I live near Lawrence, KS -- with 'this one weird trick' ... A simple declarative statement that: "The USA has been and remains the greatest single force for good in the world in all human existence. If you disagree, propose another."

Rather "special", no ?

bagoh20 said...

"noticeably declining"? How many people could have done his schedule of 60 straight days of campaigning with no days off, vising multiple cities per day, talking for hours, including the the last day when he did four different rallies in four different cities, the last one starting after midnight. He does all this at 78 years old, never has a Biden episode, and convinces a nation to elect him over a much younger candidate. I wish I was declining like that.

Butkus51 said...

someones on a bender

Iman said...

“My offith ith ready for their recriminathianth and…”

—— Letithia Jameth

Peachy said...

hahaha - Scott Baio has picked some fresh raspberries from his garden,...

n.n said...

Trump has an extraordinary constitution representative of our Constitution. And that is special.

Drago said...

Cohen is probably one of those White Dudes For Harris that is heavily into those Ruth Bader Ginsburg "workout" regimes.

bleh said...

In typical Trump fashion, the word "special" is both evocative and memorable. It echoes his overall economic nationalist theme which underlies everything he does. America should be more than just a marketplace of taxpaying consooooomers. It should be a powerhouse of innovation and manufacturing, it should be the country that lands a man on mars, its communities should be safe, its buildings should be beautiful (not brutalist) ... in short it should be "special."

Make America Special Again

n.n said...

The raspberry award. Ha!! Ha! Ha. Ha!

ALP said...

There is a subreddit called r/AmerExit on Reddit. For people who wish to 'flee' the US and live elsewhere. Yes, 'flee' is the word often used, as if people were being gunned down in the streets. Many truly believe that the only way to preserve their very lives is to leave the US.

The really interesting thing about this subreddit, is that it is FULL of people who think you can simply waltz into any country they please, get a job, and take up residence. The American Arrogance is astounding - the assumption that any and all countries welcome you with open arms simply because they are a US citizen.

That sub is ON FIRE today and the hysteria is, well, I can't decide if I should be entertained and laughing at these poor deluded souls or not.

Maynard said...


I am disappointed with your detachment from reality.

I am sure that you are a good person, but drinking the Democrat Kool-Aid will eventually destroy your ability to understand reason.

Peachy said...

I found Inga. Turn on/up the sound - a bit.

Leland said...

Breaking news, Merrick Garland and Jack Smith have ended their federal waste of taxpayer dollars in politically prosecuting Trump.

I hope they are made to account for the waste.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

America is special in principles, and diverse with over 300 million men and women over a continuous, sustainable generational spectrum.

Iman said...

Despite your misinterpretation of the reality visited upon Democrats, your sincere well-wishes and hopes for our country are appreciated.

Peachy said...

Merrick Garland should be prosecuted.

n.n said...

They can be held after the Biden/Harris administration, to clean chalkboards, write what they did wrong, and what they have learned.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Merrick Garland should be prosecuted."

Without question. To think that snake came within a hair's breadth of a SCOTUS nomination...

pacwest said...

He set up his transition team months ago. Paying for it out of his own pocket. He won't make the same mistake as last time.

Iman said...

Better not be Yoko Ohnoes!

Original Mike said...

Turn the sound up? She could be heard all the way to Iowa.

bleh said...

"He says crime in America is skyrocketing when it’s falling."

JAC, with all due respect, crime is way up now compared to 2019. Has it come down from its early Biden-era peak ... maybe. But maybe not -- it's obvious that some large cities actively cook the books or just don't accurately report their stats to the FBI, if at all.

Surely you didn't miss the recent story about the FBI stealth-editing its September 2023 violent crime stats -- revising what had been a 2.1% decline into a 4.5% increase. Did you miss it? Unfortunately this story didn't come out until after the Trump-Harris debate in September, where Trump got fact-checked and countless news outlets blared headlines about falling crime. So you and many others had already fallen for the hoax of falling crime rates.

rehajm said...

This will not age well. You do know we keep this shit because we are constantly accused of making claim without evidence, right?

Example: JAC is, for an 'adult', inappropriately emotionally distraught over the outcome of Tuesday's election....

Original Mike said...

"Merrick Garland should be prosecuted."

It would be best for the country to move on, but Garland is a special case. Something needs to be done to see that these political prosecutions never happen again.

rehajm said...

We were headed to special bus special. Now, the term most appropriate for where we're going is not special but EXCEPTIONAL...

pacwest said...

Garbage in - garbage out. Ditto above. But it does point out that until the Dem PR firm called the MSM is straightened out you are going to have brainwashed people out there.

Iman said...


Peachy said...

Konstantin Kisin - On why the left - THE International Left - do not understand Americans

Peachy said...

Original Mike - Indeed.. Also Butler PA paid patsy - that needs a reckoning.

rehajm said... answer the crime part of this false statement A) there are fewer crimes being reported because people know police will do nothing about them and 2) the corrupt Democrats you support are fudging the numbers in their favor. Stop being like your mom and get more skeptical of the government and the media...

Jimmy said...

JFC! Detached from reality indeed. You mean not knowing what a woman is, importing millions of illegals, revising every single printout on employment, crime, inflation et al. The bubble you live in is cute, but stupid. You demonize people and expect us to vote for someone whose entire platform is killing babies.
you idiots learned nothing from the last 8 years, and you got your ass handed to you by the American people. never change. Orwell wrote a book describing you, and you never disappoint

Peachy said...

Crime is worse than ever. People know that. They don't need a fake chart from a BS democrat bureaucracy to know it.

Jimmy said...

Seems some are talking about extending an olive branch to the left. Remember, that had Harris won, ol John C above would be howling for him to be put in jail. howling to put Elon in jail and out of business. Yelling to put me and other non vax people in camps.
fuck that. people need to pay for what they did.

FullMoon said...

Oh, let’s not forget that America is now a garbage can, the legal Haitians are eating cats and dogs! Let’s accuse FEMA of depleting FEMA funds to house illegal migrants, who are the human refuse he alludes to. During a natural disaster Trump gleefully stirred the pot of hatred and divisiveness by spreading lies. Now that’s a way to express love Trump style.
10/28/24, 3:51 PM"

planetgeo said...

This list is excellent and a great insight into the true American character. Lots of great international comments follow.

Peachy said...

There are bands of break-ins all around the rural area where I live. this is all NEW. The thieves are using jamming devices. This from my neighbor: below: ((this was just a few nights ago! Break-ins are happening in a wealthy neighborhood adjacent to the small modest hood' where I live. All sorts of diverse income level neighborhoods out here in the county. )))

"I called the sheriff last night. Somebody or something was sending a jamming signal into our neighbor hood at 9:30, at the same frequency as what a wireless alarm systems use on their sensors You can contact me privately if you want more details. I don't think it was intended to jam my house, per se or any house on our street, it could have been operated 1/2 mile away all I know is a frequency of radio signal had disabled my alarm sensors for 15 minutes. I called the sheriff and asked them to go out into the open space, but they instead patrolled our street with lights on and guess what ? The jamming stopped about the time they got here. It went on for 15 minutes prior to their arrival.
[ chopped a few more paragraphs... ]
) In [name of fancy neighborhood] they have gotten away with 100's of thousands of dollars of jewelry so far , plus two cars have been stolen. Not sure if the car thefts are related, but the sheriff was pretty certain there is one group operating around the metro , with 3 to 5 accomplices working together."

In Boulder - Bike theft has run into record breaking territory. Again - all new... with theft in a big clime after "Defund the Police" - which the left have swept under the rug/ in full denial mode.

FullMoon said...

Jeeze guys, calm down, J A C is obviously kidding.

Hassayamper said...

Their files on Trump will be comprehensively purged before he takes the oath. Watch for it.

Jim at said...

He says crime in America is skyrocketing when it’s falling.

Apparently somebody missed the FBI fudging the numbers and quietly updating them hoping nobody would notice.

walter said...

Ah ha. "Special". Obvious dog whistle!!

walter said...

Obviously kidding? I don't think so.

Lazarus said...

Good sentiments. I hope he hires good people and has the sense to listen to them.

john mosby said...

Bart Hall: I'll propose a greater force for good: the British Empire!

Without it, there would be no us.

And none of the other peoples who currently benefit from our beautiful, versatile language and at least some concept of the common law.


Drago said...

Kisin instinctively understands a great deal. A Ukrainian via a russian heritage. His interviews and podcasts with the strange dude are usually pretty good and Kisin is always fantastic at the Oxford debates.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William50 said...

Mayorkas must pay a price for opening the border and allowing terrorist and criminals to flow into the United States.

Aggie said...

I hear there's plenty of room in Haiti these days, and it's a buyer's market.

walter said...

If it's possible to overdose on weed, I suspect Rich is perilously close right about now.

Drago said...

"He set up his transition team months ago. Paying for it out of his own pocket. He won't make the same mistake as last time"

Correct, the Trump team has been spending months in anticipation of victory identifying and vetting individuals that really believe in the mission and have capability to push it forward.

Even better, Trump refused to accept Federal Funds for transition so the corrupted General Services Administration is completely out of the loop and has no insight or say into how things are proceeding like they did in 2016 which helped blow things up.

And if the Trump team is smart, and they are, Trump will immediately appoint the people he wants to the departments as temporary/interim department heads with full authority to carry out policy and actions and not wait for Senate confirmation which would only allow the squishes to slow things down like last time and leave human land mines in place.

Narayanan said...

they will flee out but keep US passport!! for mothership

TaeJohnDo said...

Too little, too late. Burn them.

Curious George said...

Drinking? He lives on it. As a lifelong government worker it's the teet that brings life.

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