... we're electrified at the prospect of all-night conversation.
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Sean Illing —Would you call any of this plagiarism?
Jill Abramson — No, I wouldn’t. This was completely unintentional. I mean, I have 70 pages of footnotes and I tried to credit everyone’s work as best I can. What we’re talking about here are sets of facts that I borrowed; obviously, the language is too close in some cases, but I’m not lifting original ideas. Again, I wish I had got the citation right, but it’s not an intentional theft or taking someone’s original ideas — it’s just the facts. But I’m owning it and I’m disappointed in myself for these mistakes.
Sean Illing — I grant that plagiarism is a fluid concept and it’s not always clear where the lines are.... [T]hose facts had to be collected and corroborated by the people you borrow from, so in that sense, you are stealing their labor, no?
Jill Abramson — I’m not going to get into a semantic argument about whether this fits some definition or not. I really think I’ve talked about this in full, and really would love to move on.
But behind the doors of her Washington, DC, office, the Minnesota Democrat ran a workplace controlled by fear, anger, and shame, according to interviews with eight former staffers, one that many employees found intolerably cruel. She demeaned and berated her staff almost daily, subjecting them to bouts of explosive rage and regular humiliation within the office, according to interviews and dozens of emails reviewed by BuzzFeed News.This reminds me of the way the media talk about Trump. He's always raging behind closed doors. He's so angry! What a loose cannon! I have never bought into that tale-telling.
That anger regularly left employees in tears, four former staffers said. She yelled, threw papers, and sometimes even hurled objects; one aide was accidentally hit with a flying binder, according to someone who saw it happen, though the staffer said the senator did not intend to hit anyone with the binder when she threw it.I've heard of binders full of women. She's a woman full of binders. Notice: "accidentally hit." Remember when Hillary Clinton threw a lamp at Bill? Yeah, Snopes calls that a "legend."
The New York Times summed up the then-prevalent view of Hillary as “a lamp-throwing Delilah, emasculating her weak husband.” This aptly presented why, once the rumor was up and running, it continued to be repeated — it confirmed an image of the First Lady that was already widely suspected.Back to the legend of Angry Amy:
“I cried. I cried, like, all the time,” said one former staffer.Email sent in the middle of the night isn't like a phone call in the middle of the night. The recipient gets it the next time they check their email. If your boss tells you your written work is full of little errors, you should get on it and proofread much, much more and strive for the level she's set. Yeah, maybe you would cry over falling short of her standard, but move on and get better. How did she act when you did a good job?
In the emails seen by BuzzFeed, often sent between 1 and 4 in the morning, Klobuchar regularly berated employees, often in all capital letters, over minor mistakes, misunderstandings, and misplaced commas....
As Klobuchar prepares to potentially announce a presidential campaign Sunday, four of those former staffers said they were sharing emails and anecdotes with BuzzFeed News because they believe that insight into her office reflects on the senator’s ability to run the country.Sounds like she should have fired them. They deserved to be fired, were given more of a chance, and they turned on their boss, and are getting revenge now. If it "reflects on the senator’s ability to run the country," how does it reflect? I don't think the President should be about coddling insiders who don't perform up to standard. The President works for us, and we are on the outside, not close to him/her where we can cry for leniency. Find the best people and make them do a great job or — as they say in Trumpspeak — "You're fired." Maybe the problem with Amy is that she didn't fire these people. She had incompetent snakes in the office and she hoped against hope that they'd get better.
Some former staffers have gone on the record to defend Klobuchar. “Amy was one of the best bosses I’ve had,” said Asal Sayas, who was referred to BuzzFeed by Klobuchar’s office and worked as her director of scheduling for three years. “I found her to be incredibly fair and extremely effective.”You know what I like about Sayas and Cruz? I can see their names. Meanwhile:
The senator “cared deeply for me as her staffer," said Kali Cruz, who worked for her during her first term in the Senate. "When I was pregnant with my first baby, she threw me a baby shower, opening up her home and cooking a meal for my family and friends. We worked hard, but we always had some fun, too.”
The employees [with bad things to say] all asked not to be named, most because of fear of retribution from Klobuchar.... They were hesitant to describe specific incidents on the record, or publish the text of emails, because they feared it would make them identifiable to the senator.Convenient.
“Women shouldn’t be expected to nurture their employees or colleagues more than men, and they should be no less entitled to challenge them,” Sayas said. “As a strong woman, it was inspiring to work for another strong woman that was direct, incredibly smart, and a leader.”That's a good theory, but awful women can use that as a cover. If you criticize me, I'll call you a sexist. And I'm afraid of having a woman President, because we will get called sexist when we criticize her. Sayas says "Women shouldn’t be expected to nurture their employees or colleagues," but by the same token, we the people shouldn't be expected to nurture a female office-holder.
Anything could set her temper off, they said... minor grammar mistakes, the use of the word “community” in press releases, forgetting to pack the proper coat in her suitcase, failing to charge her iPad, and using staples. “Two months later, that changes, and she’s really pissed about paper clips,” said the second former staffer...."Community" — ha ha. I agree. Come on. Once you know the person you're writing for hates a word, you don't use that word. If that's too hard to get right, she shouldn't have you ghostwriting for her. I don't use ghostwriters myself, but if you were my ghostwriter and you studded the text with "garner," I would know you were either incompetent or out to get me. You're fired.
This Court is ordinarily reluctant to interfere with the substantial discretion Courts of Appeals have to issue stays when needed.... Here, Ray has put forward a powerful claim that his religious rights will be violated at the moment the State puts him to death. The Eleventh Circuit wanted to hear that claim in full. Instead, this Court short-circuits that ordinary process—and itself rejects the claim with little briefing and no argument—just so the State can meet its preferred execution date.The crime — murder of a 15-year-old girl — took place 20 years ago. But, as Kagan put it...
[T]here is no reason Ray should have known, prior to January 23, that his imam would be granted less access than the Christian chaplain to the execution chamber.
Kirby Jenner, the "Fraternal Twin of Kendall Jenner" is a brilliant parody Instagram account where he pastes himself into photos of Kendall. I couldn't care less about the Kardashians but I am fascinated by the fashion and Photoshop skills on display.Ha ha. Great! So much more fun than Celine Liu. I enjoyed them all — here — but let me pick out one.
The court’s brief order gave no reasons, and its action — a temporary stay — did not end the case. The court is likely to hear a challenge to the law on the merits in its next term, which starts in October....The Louisiana law is about requiring doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges in nearby hospitals, and the constitutional question is whether that puts an "undue burden" on the right to have an abortion. Kavanaugh's idea is that if the law is allowed to go into effect it will create evidence of how difficult it really is for doctors to get the admitting privileges, which would put the Court in a better position to assess whether there's an "undue burden."
Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh said they would have denied the stay. Only Justice Kavanaugh published a dissent, taking a middle position that acknowledged the key precedent and said he would have preferred more information on the precise effect of the law....
[E]ven without a stay, the status quo will be effectively preserved for all parties during the State’s 45-day regulatory transition period. I would deny the stay without prejudice to the plaintiffs’ ability to bring a later as-applied complaint and motion for preliminary injunction at the conclusion of the 45-day regulatory transition period if the Fifth Circuit’s factual prediction about the doctors’ ability to obtain admitting privileges proves to be inaccurate....Most of the news reports concentrate on John Roberts. I don't find his vote surprising at all. I've observed throughout my years as a law professor that the Court has a center, a powerful position to occupy, and it won't stay empty. Someone (or 2) will always move into it. There will be a lot of talk about whether the new centrist moved into the center or whether the other Justices in his/her wing of the Court got more extreme, creating the appearance that sticking to the same place caused the new centrist to be in the center. It's the mystery of centrism. Contemplate it or take my word for it, but John Roberts is obviously destined to be the man in the middle.
The law has not yet taken effect, so the case comes to us in the context of a pre-enforcement facial challenge. That means that the parties have offered, in essence, competing predictions about whether those three doctors can obtain admitting privileges....
Before us, the case largely turns on the intensely factual question whether the three doctors—Doe 2, Doe 5, and Doe 6—can obtain admitting privileges. If we denied the stay, that question could be readily and quickly answered without disturbing the status quo or causing harm to the parties or the affected women, and without this Court’s further involvement at this time.... [D]uring the 45-day transition period, both the doctors and the relevant hospitals could act expeditiously and in good faith to reach a definitive conclusion about whether those three doctors can obtain admitting privileges....
The tensions with the town have been exacerbated by the fact that federal authorities have shut out local officials from the process, Garino said.... He shared his concerns during a sit down with three agents from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Wednesday, but said they had a ready made response, speaking about “rapists, murderers and drug dealers,” and telling him that they had had a lot of incidents with people jumping the fence, he said.
“But that was strange, because the police chief, assistant chief and deputy city manager were there, and we don’t know of those things happening,” Garino said. “I don’t know where they’re getting their stats.... They can’t say they’re putting something up to protect us.... .They’re putting up something that’s lethal all the way to the ground.”....
The city’s fate is closely connected to Nogales, Mexico — a bustling city of a few hundred thousand on the other side of the fence with which it exchanges millions of dollars of goods and other commerce every year, Garino said. This symbiosis has given rise to a name that marries the two cities, despite the boundary between them: Ambos Nogales, or Both Nogales in Spanish.
Falling in love on an airplane is the kind of story you only ever hear in a bar or see in a Lifetime movie. But for a brief time this winter, Delta Air Lines wanted to help passengers make it a reality — by gently nudging them to hit on other passengers. With cocktail napkins.
“Be a little old school,” said the small print on the napkin, advertising Diet Coke. “Write down your number & give it to your plane crush. You never know ...” There was a little space on the napkin where flirtatious passengers could write down their name and another space for their number. The larger print said, “because you’re on a plane full of interesting people and hey,” again, “... you never know.”...
So now Congressman Adam Schiff announces, after having found zero Russian Collusion, that he is going to be looking at every aspect of my life, both financial and personal, even though there is no reason to be doing so. Never happened before! Unlimited Presidential Harassment....
....The Dems and their committees are going “nuts.” The Republicans never did this to President Obama, there would be no time left to run government. I hear other committee heads will do the same thing. Even stealing people who work at White House! A continuation of Witch Hunt!
Democrats at the top are killing the Great State of Virginia. If the three failing pols were Republicans, far stronger action would be taken. Virginia will come back HOME Republican) in 2020!
PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! It should never be allowed to happen again!
The lasting visual image from Tuesday night’s State of the Union address was captured by photographer Doug Mills. It featured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) applauding President Trump in a way that can only be described as . . . withering? Pitying? Lucille Bluth-like in its contemptuousness?Only? I can think of some other descriptions: Rude. Out-and-proud assholean.
At his lectern, the president mentioned bipartisanship and turned to acknowledge Speaker Pelosi; she rewarded him by cocking her head, arching an eyebrow, and inventing, as comedian Patton Oswalt would put it online, a clap that somehow managed to be a profanity.And it wasn't just that clap, it was the entire performance in her perch over his left shoulder
Its power was in its restraint. Pelosi was not booing the president. She was acknowledging his words. She was providing him, in the technical sense, with exactly what he was hoping for: approval. But this was a derogatory clap, make no mistake. This was mockery wearing a half-baked costume of politeness.
Her lips mostly remained either pursed or puckered, as if the entire speech was a bit of gristle that must be endured before it could be discreetly spit into a napkin.Gross. But somehow, because she's on your team, you're praising what would be appallingly disgusting if it were done by an old Republican.
She shuffled papers in front of her... as if marking time for when it would all be over. Her applause was sparing, weary... Often, she was... bordering on rude.Bordering on rude. Yeah. No. It was rude. Just plain rude. But it's funny to see that the border with rude is a border you care about it. But it's a metaphorical border, and you will draw and redraw it so that all your people are on the not rude side and all your opponents are on the other side. It's a weird, twisty-turny wall, and built out of bullshit.
It’s reasonable to guess that other revelations elsewhere, about other public figures with their own histories or photos of offensive, insensitive or racist conduct, may surface in coming days. Each should be judged on its own set of circumstances. In the case of Mr. Northam, the circumstances are decisive; what’s done cannot be undone. He must go.Judge each person as an individual. Good idea. But you're also going to have to treat like cases alike. So if you don't want to throw out everyone who did nothing worse that darken his face to go to a costume party in the guise of a pop star he loved, then you have to stop yourself as you make that individual judgment against Northam, or you're setting up all the future cases to hinge on the argument that what this individual did was at least as bad as what Northam did. And I think the real reason the WaPo editors are against Northam is not that they want the wearing of a Michael Jackson costume to deserve the new political death penalty. It's that so many prominent Democrats put their reputations on the line demanding that Northam resign, and the editors don't want to leave them exposed.
"Substitutionary" is an odd word for me. But it is a word. The OED finds its earliest use in 1772, in "Clerical Subscription No Grievance": "The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his Life,..a substitutionary Ransom for many."
Substitutionary atonement is the name given to a number of Christian models of the atonement that regard Jesus as dying as a substitute for others, 'instead of' them.... There is also a less technical use of the term "substitution" in discussion about atonement when it is used in "the sense that [Jesus, through his death,] did for us that which we can never do for ourselves"....Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suffers for us?
Atonement is a theological term for the act of paying for and thereby redeeming sin... A distinction is often made between substitutionary atonement (Christ suffers for us), and penal substitution (Christ punished instead of us)....
Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence - not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.ALSO: After Trump says, "We are born free, and we will stay free," the camera closes in on Bernie Sanders, visibly suffering:
“Before I declared for president, I’m dating someone that’s really special to me,” he said, not revealing her name. Booker was asked whether being a “bachelor in a basement apartment” could impact his chances of winning the 2020 presidential race.But this need to tell us that he has "a boo" is not the most embarrassing thing that happened to Cory Booker today. That would be this Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the woman Trump has nominated to replace Brett Kavanaugh on the Court of Appeals:
“First of all, there’s two more years until I might fulfill this duty, so give me some time,” he responded. “My girlfriend might listen to this. I think that if Donald Trump can get elected president at this point with the personal life that he has, then anybody can.”
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) embarrasses himself while questioning D.C. Circuit— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 5, 2019
Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Neomi Rao during her confirmation hearing
Booker: "Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?"
Rao: "Senator, I've yet to be a judge. I don't have law clerks." pic.twitter.com/x48SZ3W6ig
The victim was running on West Ridge Trail [west of Fort Collins] when he heard something behind him... As he turned, he saw the mountain lion pounce for his head and neck...The mountain lion bit him on the face and wrist. The victim managed to partially block the attack with his forearms, Ferrell said. He managed to fight and break free from the mountain lion. Once he fended the mountain lion off, he counter-attacked the cat by getting on top of it, she said. There are still a few mysteries, though, including exactly how he suffocated the animal....I'm picturing something like this:
Your time would be better spent learning to act like an adult. https://t.co/3tybkAjm8k— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 5, 2019
The show was created by Ed Friendly and George Schlatter, the producers of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. Bristol-Myers contracted with them to develop the show, and provided it to ABC for a projected 13-week run after NBC and CBS rejected it. A CBS official confessed, "It was so fast with the cuts and chops that some of our people actually got physically disturbed by it." Production executive Digby Wolfe described it as a "visual, comedic, sensory assault involving animation, videotape, stop-action film, electronic distortion, computer graphics—even people."
Turn-On's premise was that it was produced by a computer. Distinguishing characteristics of the show were its use of the Moog synthesizer and lack of sets, except for a white backdrop. Unlike Laugh-In the show "focused almost exclusively on sex as a comedic subject," using various rapid-fire jokes and risqué skits, but no laugh track. The program was also filmed instead of presented live or on videotape. Several of the jokes were presented with the screen divided into four squares resembling comic strip panels....
An ABC executive... compared the show negatively to the comedy of Dean Martin, Laugh-In, and the Smothers Brothers, which the executive described as "absolutely beyond belief ... awfully blue," but were popular and less controversial because unlike Turn-On, "they're funny."... [TV Guide] quoted a source... "(T)here wasn't any sort of identification with the audience -- just a bunch of strangers up there insulting everything you believe in."
"It wasn't that it was a bad show, it was that it was an awkward show," concluded author Harlan Ellison, a fan of counter-cultural comedy and a TV critic for the Los Angeles Free Press in 1969....
Many assumed the show's title was itself an implicit reference to Timothy Leary's pro-drug maxim, "Turn on, tune in, drop out."
Health Feedback approximates that of these 10 [most shared] articles, 2.1 million shares (33%) had very low scientific rating, while 2.6 million shares (41%) ranked neutral. The smallest category belonged to those deemed highly scientific at 1.7 million shares (26%).So... it's shockingly small.
Researchers then went on to examine the top 100 articles, many of which were also shared in the hundreds of thousands.... In terms of overall credibility, slightly less than half achieved a high credibility rating. However, highly rated articles received 11 million shares, while poorly rated articles had roughly 8.5 million shares. Of the latter category, there was a piece that linked ramen noodles to Alzheimer’s, and another that claimed onions can be used to treat ear infections.
The 85-year-old justice attended a production of “Notorious RBG in Song” at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington.But was anybody expecting her to show up at the State of the Union?
Ginsburg has attended past State of the Union addresses — television cameras have caught her napping at several. But Ginsburg, who created controversy when Trump was a candidate by calling him a “faker” and expressing distress about the possibility of his election, has not attended Trump’s events. She skipped his first speech to Congress in January 2017 and was out of town at a speaking appearance last year, an engagement she accepted before the date was announced....That is, even if she had no medical problems at all, she wouldn't go. So who are the "some on the extreme political right" who were saying her nonappearance would be "ominous"? And why mention such dumb and ill-informed commenters in The Washington Post? My guess: To make right-wingers in general seem ghoulish.
Ginsburg, who was chosen for the court by Clinton, appears to have a more partisan attendance record than most justices. She did not show for any State of the Union address given by President George W. Bush.... On the other hand, Ginsburg made all of President Barack Obama’s speeches. She attended only some of those by Clinton....
[W]hile visitors will still be able to count on highlights like Picasso’s “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” and van Gogh’s “The Starry Night,” they are also likely to be exposed to less familiar names, including Okwui Okpokwasili, an Igbo-Nigerian-American artist, performer and choreographer....Still showing the old "Demoiselles"?
Most of all, this is a painting about looking. Picasso looks back at you in the central figure, whose bold gaze out of huge asymmetrical eyes has the authority of a self-portrait. It's interesting that we're trained to see transvestite self-portraits in the art of Leonardo or Marcel Duchamp, but it doesn't often occur to us to understand this painting in that way, misled as we are by the caricatures of Picasso as a patriarchal voyeur. What he painted in 1907 is a work of art that looks back at you with furious contempt.What are you looking at with furious contempt?
Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019...That was yesterday.
Google+ Comments: Support for Google+ comments will be turned down, and all blogs using Google+ comments will be reverted back to using Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted as Google+ comments cannot be migrated to Blogger and will no longer appear on your blog.Who has been using Google+ comments? I wonder how many old comments I'm losing!
After the termination of Google Plus, Blogger users are also becoming apprehensive about their position on the platform. However, Google sets the record straight by stating that they don’t plan to close their free blogging service anytime soon.... Soraya Lambrechts, a spokesperson from Blogger clearly replied that the company has no plans to sunset its blogging platform....Yet!
Although Google has a long history of killing its products, the current statement shows that the tech giant will continue the Blogger site.... Apparently, Google doesn't want to disappoint bloggers yet.