December 2, 2023
Sunrise — 7:00.

"I used to always hear Democrats saying, 'The election was all just Trump’s racist appeals,' but I actually went to the rallies in 2015."
We were kicking him, and he moved his ass.
“This is not a casual vote for us. It’s something you take very seriously and and he should have taken it seriously,” Pelosi told reporters following the vote, adding that he “should have been man about it.”Be a man — I hadn't heard that in a while.
"Is it embarrassing that Santos was elected in the first place? Yes. But that’s democracy. Sometimes voters make mistakes."
Writes Adam Serwer, in "Expelling George Santos Was a Mistake/Forcing the New York representative out of the House after a conviction would have been justified; pushing him out beforehand is not" (The Atlantic).
December 1, 2023
View of the Wisconsin Capitol — with coots — at 7:04 a.m.

"We are on Day Five of journalistic insistence on canceling an elementary school student by any means necessary."
We are on Day Five of journalistic insistence on canceling an elementary school student by any means necessary. https://t.co/Z3hvTe8UrT
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) December 1, 2023
"The man’s personality was cyclonic, in that he tended to become unstable in times of low pressure."
I'm reading "The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt" by Edmund Morris (Amazon Associates link/commission earned).
That passage jumped out at me, because I'd just heard Elon Musk say about himself "My mind often feels like a very wild storm."
"Music, I regret to say, affects me merely as an arbitrary succession of more or less irritating sounds."
Musical anhedonics are thought to account for up to 5 percent of the world’s population.... The syndrome is often discussed in the same articles that ponder the mysteries of autism.
"House Expels George Santos From Congress... 'To hell with this place,' he said after his colleagues ousted him."
Representative George Santos, the New York Republican... the subject of a 23-count federal indictment, was expelled from Congress on Friday after a bipartisan vote by his peers. The move consigned Mr. Santos, who over the course of his short political career invented ties to the Holocaust, Sept. 11 and the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, to a genuine place in history: He is the first person to be expelled from the House without first being convicted of a federal crime or supporting the Confederacy....
Who's next? Or is this a one-of-a-kind thing?
[H]e became a Republican Party liability....
"Since college, I have had an 'obese' to 'morbidly obese' body mass index — a measure that is at best inaccurate and at worst racist."
Writes Courtenay Hameister, in "Were We the ‘Fat Couple’? If that’s how our friends saw us, I couldn’t bear it" (NYT).
Sandra Day O'Connor has died.
"Sandra Day O’Connor, First Woman on the Supreme Court, Is Dead at 93/During a crucial period in American law — when abortion, affirmative action, sex discrimination and voting rights were on the docket — she was the most powerful woman in the country" (NYT).
Fifty-one years old at the time of her nomination, she served for 24 years, retiring in January 2006 to care for her ailing husband. As the court moved to the right during that period, her moderate conservatism made her look in the end like a relative liberal.From the WaPo obituary, by Fred Barbash:
She never went far enough in any area of the law to fully satisfy either conservatives or liberals of the day, Republicans or Democrats....
"A city cannot do 'good works' if it is financially challenged and if property taxes make housing unaffordable for homeowners and renters alike. Sadly, we are already there."
Did Elon Musk use the word "blackmail" incorrectly? Jonathan Chait thinks so...
Blackmail is a specific crime in which the perpetrator threatens to release public information unless the victim pays them or performs some service.
November 30, 2023
Sunrise — 7:07, 7:16.

"If somebody's going to try to blackmail me with advertising — blackmail me with money? Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Is that clear? I hope it is. Hey, Bob, if you're in the audience."
"[U]nlike everyone else, [Melania] was not wearing black...."
Writes Vanessa Friedman, in "Rare Gathering of Former First Ladies Shows Style, and Subtle/Differences United (mostly) in black, their differences were in the details" (NYT).
Notice that Friedman's description is not a criticism of Melania. It's respectful.
"How Did San Francisco Become the City in a ‘Doom Loop’?"
Karlamangla asks Barron:
You write about the “doom loop” idea — that San Francisco will spiral downward because all its problems are interwoven. But downtowns across the country have struggled after pandemic lockdowns. Why do you think that narrative has persisted so strongly in San Francisco?
The narrative? Barron answers:
The most obvious answer is that things are actually going wrong.
"In a matchup for the White House, President Joe Biden is virtually tied with former President Donald Trump among Minnesota voters...."
There's a big gender gap: "Fifty-six percent of women polled, and just 35% of men, said they favor Biden. Meanwhile, just 32% of Minnesota women polled, and 53% of men, said they support Trump."
You have to go back to 1972 to find the last presidential election where Minnesota voted for the Republican:

"He advised 12 presidents — more than a quarter of those who have held the office — from John F. Kennedy to Joseph R. Biden Jr."
Writes David Sanger, in "Henry Kissinger Is Dead at 100; Shaped Nation’s Cold War History/The most powerful secretary of state of the postwar era, he was both celebrated and reviled. His complicated legacy still resonates in relations with China, Russia and the Middle East" (NYT).
With an eye fixed on the great power rivalry, he was often willing to be crudely Machiavellian, especially when dealing with smaller nations that he often regarded as pawns in the greater battle.
November 29, 2023
Sunrise — 7:05, 7:14.

"The contradictions of a gay man falling in genuine love with a woman — while retaining his attraction to men — are captured..."
Writes Ann Hornaday in "Bravo, Bradley Cooper: ‘Maestro’ is a grand, messy symphony of moments/The director and star of the Leonard Bernstein biopic tells the conductor’s story, and that of his wife (Carey Mulligan), with electric, sometimes scattershot verve" (WaPo).
Trump's op-ed in Newsweek: "I Will Make America Great Again for Young People."
Under Joe Biden, we are a nation in decline and rapidly losing the American Dream. But Biden's destruction of the American economy is just the beginning of his war on young people. The Radical Left has also unleashed shocking waves of violent crime and bloodshed...
If I needed to follow John McWhorter's new rule, I would think of "they" as a nickname for the person, rather than a pronoun.
"Elon Musk voiced support Tuesday for Pizzagate, the long-debunked conspiracy theory that... the Clintons and Democratic Party leaders ran a secret satanic child sex ring..."
Writes Drew Harwell, in "Elon Musk boosts Pizzagate conspiracy theory that led to D.C. gunfire/The far-right theory motivated a gunman to fire multiple rounds inside the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Northwest Washington in 2016. Musk boosted the theory to his 164 million followers anyway" (WaPo).
"Zappa prods at a ludicrous cast of early-’70s hipsters, suggesting that their sense of authenticity is based on thin visions of consumerism."
Writes Daniel Felsenthal, in "Hipsters Were Always Hypocrites. Ask Frank Zappa. Of the late musician's many records, Over-Nite Sensation best crystallized his cutting satire of our country’s blank-eyed habits" (The Atlantic).
November 28, 2023
At the Tuesday Night Café...
... please talk about whatever you want.
And, please, support this blog by entering Amazon through the Althouse Portal when you're doing any shopping. Here are some nice Carhartt mittens for women, which I bought for myself. Consider this excellent binocular pack. And this is my favorite hand soap. Using those links will send me a commission. Thanks!
"Might it make the new 'they' a little easier to handle if it were used with singular tense marking?"
I have often been asked by people over 35 or so, “Are we supposed to say ‘they want’ or ‘they wants’?” I always answer that the proper form is “they want,” but must it be?...
Under the current dispensation, “they want to trim the cat’s claws” can refer to an individual or more than one person. Context usually makes the meaning known, but surely it would make things a little clearer if we could use “they wants to trim the cat’s claws” when referring to just one person....
"Why are they debating? Presidential candidates typically do not debate people who are not themselves running for president."
The best etiquette would be to refrain from questioning the etiquette of Melania Trump's attending the funeral for Rosalynn Carter.
Some argued that in light of the disrespect Trump has repeatedly shown the Carters, the Trumps had no business attending Rosalynn’s funeral. Others felt Melania was gracious for showing up. And sending Melania alone may have been the least offensive option.... There’s no clear answer here; it seems we’re going to debate whether the Trumps should be included every time there’s a high-profile political event.... Unfortunately, Emily Post doesn’t cover what to do when the former president is a boorish insurrectionist.
You say "it seems we’re going to debate" as if you're some idle onlooker. You're choosing to debate. You could have skipped the debate when the "high-profile political event" is a funeral for a First Lady.
Melania Trump joins Michelle Obama, Vice President Harris, Second Gentleman Emhoff, Laura Bush, the Clintons, President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at Rosalynn Carter's tribute service. pic.twitter.com/044xifAtZY
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) November 28, 2023
"I have that disorder where when people make noises it hurts me. Like at the movies? That loud popcorn chewing..."
"With political sexual fetishes, Republicans and Democrats are reduced to caricatured sexual imagery: the macho posturing of Republican politicians..."
I'm trying to read this Washington Post article: "Does a forced ‘vote’ for Trump sound kinky? There’s a dominatrix for that. Being ordered to cross the political aisle is fueling fantasies in the world of sexual fetishes."
"So, if you want to be real, tell us what privileges you have received being Jewish?"
Stuart Rojstaczer gives a brilliant answer (TikTok video):
"I was quite sheltered culturally. My parents listened to almost only classical music, there was no TV, we almost never went to see movies."
"The detour took Easler and her family onto a gravel road that eventually disappeared into a bumpy dirt trail."
"The antagonisms between red states and blue cities are all the more notable because the urban areas in the crosshairs are mostly majority-minority..."
"I love that they became friends because they both played Vegas and neither wanted to cheat on their wives."
“What’s so different about them is Bob was a real writer. He wrote those routines, which were, like, one-man sketches. . . . Don came from working really hard playing lounges and strip clubs, figuring out how to do crowd work, doing multiple shows a night into the wee hours in Vegas. Bob just got huge immediately..... [Don] came from a time when his theory was, It’s O.K. to make fun of people as long as you make fun of all of them,” Apatow explained....
The New Yorker writer, Bruce Handy, quips: "Think of it as a very old-school version of D.E.I."
"Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year for 2023 is authentic.... A high-volume lookup most years, authentic saw a substantial increase in 2023..."
They call attention to a headline I hadn't noticed and don't feel I even need to understand: "Three Ways To Tap Into Taylor Swift’s Authenticity And Build An Eras-Like Workplace."
Take Hannah Shirley, a 23-year-old tech worker who recently went viral for pointing out that her job was “like a full-time acting gig.” She tik-toked one consequence of this: feeling “drained — especially mentally, sometimes even physically — from the character that …we play at work.”...
A Taylor Swift lyric is quoted: “Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism? Like some kind of congressman?”
November 27, 2023
At the Monday Night Café...
"TikTok Live is an especially chaotic section of the app, where people work nonstop to keep the audience’s attention."
"This is the uncomfortable equilibrium the market finds itself in today. Nobody’s selling because nobody’s buying."
From "It Will Never Be a Good Time to Buy a House/Maybe in 2030?" (The Atlantic).
Where is the courage? Where is the leadership?
"Could President Biden and Donald J. Trump really be locked in a close race among young voters — a group Democrats typically carry by double digits...?"
"Try 'racial justice.'"
"For some strange reason, I always feel incredibly sleepy when I'm dreaming."
An ambiguous "ought" in The New Yorker's "Why Trump’s Trials Should Be on TV."
I agree that the trials should be televised, as I wrote in "The ACLU sides with Trump: The gag order is unconstitutional" (October 26, 2023) and — quoting Trump's lawyers — "The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness. President Trump calls for sunlight" (November 11, 2023).
There is apprehension about what [Trump] might say, and what his supporters might then do if they heed him.... Yet to believe that allowing the country to watch as Trump takes the stand would be more of a threat to the Republic than it would be to his defense is to accept his own myths about himself. The evidence against Trump ought to stand up to scrutiny far better than he will. Everybody should see that. Trump isn’t camera-shy; prosecutors have no reason to be, either.
Now, I know very well which of 2 possible meanings of "ought" Sorkin intended.
November 26, 2023
Sunrise — 7:03.

"We love what we take care of, and we take care of what we love. Instead of groaning at the task of treating my cast-iron skillet..."
"What would life beyond Earth mean for Christians?"
There are 5 subquestions, but let me focus on one: "Would meeting aliens change our understanding of the cross?" ("At the core of Christianity is the death of the incarnate Christ on a Roman cross, bringing redemption for humans. Is redemption unique to Earth?")
Haarsma identifies 4 theories:
"For SETI experts, two arguments grounded in science bolster the conjecture that aliens are surely out there somewhere: Big Numbers and the Copernican principle."
Writes Joel Achenbach, in "What we actually know about aliens, according to science" (WaPo).
"Going to watch that movie 'The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming' in 1966 diverted my entire life in a wrong direction."
"The world is in a permacrisis currently with the COVID-19 aftermath, the war in Ukraine, climate change issues, political instability, the energy crisis in Europe, recession and the cost-of-living crisis."
The definition is obvious: "A situation characterized by constant and significant turmoil or instability; (now) spec. one that is widespread across a society and caused by an ongoing series of events such as war, economic recession, a pandemic disease, etc."