November 7, 2024

Sunrise — 6:39, 6:42, 6:43.





Leland said...

Must have been a nice day.

rehajm said...

Looks like Hell fire…

FormerLawClerk said...

How Harris Lost Americans:

* Lying about working at McDonald's. And lying poorly. Easily disproved lies. Just shoving it in our faces, then refusing to comment.
* Trading sex to get ahead in California political circles is not a winning strategy once people have to VOTE on you.
* Telling Americans she wants to confiscate their earnings to give prisoners and illegal Mexicans sex change operations. That is BAT. SHIT. CRAZY.
* Refusing to state her policy ... or even discuss issues ON THE BALLOT in California. You cannot run for President of the United States while telling people you're not going to discuss the issues.
* Executing a coup in the United States with co-conspirator's Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and George Clooney.
* Letting Hillary and Bill Clinton sabotage her campaign by acting as "surrogates." Hillary can't let another woman win when she couldn't win. How would that look?
* Letting a sniper get off 8 shots at Donald Trump.

Go back to California and find a new man to leach success off of.

The Real Andrew said...

Ever since Election Day, I have had a permanent smile on my face. I’ve been walking on clouds. Just like 2016. A Trump victory is better than an antidepressant.

Peachy said...

Hillary wanted Kamala to win. Insider money trumps everything on the left.

Captain BillieBob said...

Dawn of a new day.

tommyesq said...

I know the question has been raised about the "missing" 15 million votes. Has anyone seen data regarding the number of votes over the last four elections in the suspect cities - Philly, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Detroit and Las Vegas? That might be quite telling, if the non-suspect places lodged roughly the same amount of votes but they experienced a significant drop.

Maynard said...


I have to say that your posted topics during this intense election season have been excellent. Your work is greatly appreciated.

I hope that this is a labor of love for you and will continue for the foreseeable future.

JaimeRoberto said...

Not being able to explain her flip flops beyond saying "My values haven't changed".

MOfarmer said...


tastid212 said...

I especially like the middle photo; its contrast of white wisps and dark hard shapes is pleasing.

The Financial Times had a chart the other day of the extremely high Democrat vote in 2020 compared with 2012, 2016, and 2024. An enterprising data cruncher interested in 2020 vote fraud could look for counties where Biden way outperformed compared to Harris.

tcrosse said...

Also of interest are counties where Biden way outperformed Obama.

rehajm said...

I enjoyed the CNN meltdown montage from some mountie in Canada. That was the highlight of the day until I overheard some reporter on Fox asking someone in the Trump camp about sending all the illegal immigrants back. The response was glorious- We. Have. No. Choice…

FormerLawClerk said...

Yes. Over the last 4 elections ONLY Joe Biden had 81 million "votes."

Every other Democrat had only about the same as Kamala had.

You can see an excelllent illustration of how Democrats fraudulently stole the 2020 election in this one chart, provided by zerohedge. It shows the depth of the fraud ... it was MASSIVE. And it explains why Democrats spent 3 years trying to keep this story under control.

Democrats know they CANNOT WIN unless they produce (today) about 15 million FAKE BALLOTS. Which they cannot do unless every person in America is locked in their homes.

FormerLawClerk said...

How to have a great blog: Read NYTimes. Post their abject idiocy and then dunk on them.

MadisonMan said...

I will point out that the sunrise would have looked remarkably similar had Harris won. The Earth and the Universe do not care who is President. (Maybe I do though).

wendybar said...

Greg Price
Donald Trump has been the President-Elect for not even two days:

- Steve Madden is halting manufacturing in China by half in a yr
- Hamas calls for an end to the war in the Middle East
- The Iran backed Houthis announced a ceasefire.
- Putin said he’s ready to work toward peace

FormerLawClerk said...

Dear President Trump: Don't send them to Mexico. Send them to Massachusetts and Hawaii ... on the lawns of Barack Obama's residences.

FormerLawClerk said...

I can assure you, we would have blotted out the sun if Kamala Harris "won."

FormerLawClerk said...

He has ALREADY threatened the Jew who somehow runs Mexico: Stop the illegals, or pay up.

And you know what the Jews are going to do. They are not going to pay up.

wendybar said...

If you read my comment about Scott Presler, who helped win Pennsylvania, notice....CNN is attacking him and calling HIM a cult-like figure. Scott worked his ASS off, working to get people registered. He worked his ass off...something Progressives have no idea what that means.

320Busdriver said...

Seen over on conservativetreehousedotcom in the comments

“Can you overdose on schadenfreude”

320Busdriver said...

I believe I have located Inag

FormerLawClerk said...

That's definitely the Inga vibe.

FormerLawClerk said...

How large can a weiner get before you should seek medical attention?

rehajm said...

Funny part is she probably is a political analyst paid big money to tell Democrats what they want to hear…

Dave Begley said...

Trump’s chief of staff is a woman. She ran his campaign. Susie Wiles; daughter of Pat Summeral.

FormerLawClerk said...

The Democrats are definitely using social media to track people, identify "influencers" both left and right and using that information as a hit list to destroy people on the right.

Did Facebook in 2020 not make that clear?

If you register Republicans to vote, the Democrats are going to try to burn you out. You need to be ready for that and you need to have not only good defenses, but an offensive plan to burn them out first.

Go watch Red Dawn again. Watch how the gang were caught unawares. Watch what they had to do to just survive. Then watch how they grew into fierce warriors and saved a country.

We are IN A CIVIL WAR. Never forget that. It's ALREADY happening.

Christopher B said...

Highly unlikely to have any "missing" votes. California still has millions of ballots to count, also Washington and Oregon are only about 80% complete with counting but since they are reliably Democrat the races have already been called. According to the Election Lab from U of FL only about 1 million fewer ballots were voted in 2024 than 2020. Turnout went down but the number of eligible voters went up. After a week or so the total number of votes will be much closer to 2020 totals.

Rabel said...

Mute your sound and just look at them.

This is not "Who we are."

rehajm said...

Oh man, I’m gonna hear The Masters music in my head every time she appears…

gilbar said...

WSJ: Abortion Was a Bust for Democrats
From Kamala Harris down through the House races, Democrats who bet that abortion would save them came up empty on Tuesday. They saw the issue as a political lifeline in a cycle dominated by inflation and the border. But even voters who oppose restrictions looked past their overheated rhetoric.
Yet millions of Americans voted for abortion access while choosing Republicans on the same ballot. Voters more worried about the economy and immigration voted for change in Washington while preserving or expanding abortion access through state ballot measures. Among the 11% who said abortion was their top issue, 29% of them voted for Mr. Trump, according to the AP-Fox VoteCast.

i'll let rhhardin explain this one.. he's the expert on this

FormerLawClerk said...

Not sure grandmothers are where we should be, but willing to trust his judgement.

Let's see what kind of pipe-hittin' ni .... he appoints as Attorney General.

That will tell us whether Trump is going to save America or not.

FormerLawClerk said...

Those people need to just go ahead and drink from their sippie cups and not have to witness what is about to happen.

FormerLawClerk said...

People don't remember how easy it was for Jim Jones to gather progressive liberals in San Francisco together to create a harem for himself and then get almost a thousand of them to murder their own children and kill themselves.

It was trivially easy and that video Rabel linked shows why.

JaimeRoberto said...

What kind of person records these kinds of videos? What a smug, condescending twit. That said, I'd love to see a follow up.

FormerLawClerk said...

Progressives should remember that when it was time for Kamala Harris to address the people who worked so hard to get her elected but failed ...

... she sent a black guy out to disappoint them.

Kamala Harris isn't black. She's of course Indian. Her mother is from India and there are photographs of her with her Indian family. Her father was born in Jamaica, so he's not African-American. Not African. Or American. He's from another country.

But when she lost ... she sent a black man out to admit to the defeat.


Lilly, a dog said...

Congratulations to Scott Perry (R-PA-10th district), who managed to hold on to his congressional seat again, this time by about 6,400 votes. He was affected in 2018 by being redistricted by the PA Supreme Court, who added all of Dauphin County to try to get rid of him. Dauphin County includes the state capital Harrisburg, where there are a large number of Democrats--state government & union votes.

Gospace said...

Telling Americans she wants to confiscate their earnings to give prisoners and illegal Mexicans sex change operations. That is BAT. SHIT. CRAZY.

And while 100% true- Republican operatives on the ground widely reported that people refused to believe that because- it's bat shit crazy, and no one could actually be that far gone.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks, Maynard.

I’ve always done this for the intrinsic reward. And I like to keep calm but to figure out what is interesting.

Gospace said...

NY women voted for the odious Proposition 1 because it protected abortion. It actually doesn't. What it protects is discrimination against someone who has had one. Or hasn't. The word "abortion" isn't in there. Unless the legislature establishes that abortion is a civil right it can still be regulated "pursuant to law.". What it does do is allow mentally ill men into changing rooms with females, and on to female sports teams, because they have to be seen as "female" and to do otherwise is discrimination. There's no way around that one.

§ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, pursuant to law.

b. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section, nor shall any characteristic listed in this section be interpreted to interfere with, limit, or deny the civil rights of any person based upon any other characteristic identified in this section.

Original Mike said...

"The Earth and the Universe do not care who is President."

If the Universe is spatially infinite, logic dictates that somewhere there is an "Earth" where Kamala Harris just won the election.

I prefer this one.

FormerLawClerk said...

Why would they bother, Chris. When their votes don't count for squat?

Original Mike said...

I wouldn't be surprised one bit if that really is our Inga.

FormerLawClerk said...

Chris ... the United States is NOT. A. DEMOCRACY. We do not elect Presidents based on how many fake California ballots are mailed in. We don't care how many do, because their votes DO. NOT. COUNT.

California gets 54 votes. That's it. Not millions of as yet uncounted votes.

FormerLawClerk said...

There is a universe where Kamala Harris just lost the election to Hillary Clinton. And it's this one.

FormerLawClerk said...

I've been reading your blog for 20 years, Ann (I think almost from the beginning). You do an excellent job. You've banned me several times for my outrageous commentary, but I've always felt like I could sit down and have a beer with Meade.

JK. Relax, Francis.

Big Mike said...

Holy sheeeee-it! The universities were not kidding about that milk and cookies and playing with legos for college students who cannot cope with the results of last Tuesday’s election. Sixty years ago we male college students had the loss of our 2-S deferments and a letter that began “Greetings” as the first step in a process that would end up with us toting a rifle (prone to jam) while walking through rice paddies. I do not wish conscription on anyone, least of all being conscripted to fight a war micromanaged by a World War II REMF named Johnson. But damn, people.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Reddit: Battleground Trump Polling Averages vs Final Results. You could say the polls were a tad off.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Melania is going to get another crack at the Rose Garden.

No! you silly man. Melania is not going to find Kamala's crack in the Rose Garden.

Original Mike said...

Again. And yet, two years from now, the polls will again discussed as if they conveyed real information.

Jaq said...

Speaking of Hillary and Kamala

Caption This

FormerLawClerk said...

Iowa's most accurate pollster ... J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co. ... produced a late election poll showing Kamala Harris would beat Donald Trump in Iowa by 3 percentage points 47-44.

The Des Moines Register paid for that poll.

Trump beat the poll by 16 percentage points. That is way beyond the margin of fraud in an Iowa poll and you know what ... the Des Moines Register hasn't sued Selzer for STEALING THEIR MONEY.

Because we all know what that poll was about and we all know what the Des Moines Register is all about: FAKE. NEWS.

FormerLawClerk said...

I hope Melania Trump is advising her husband on what to do with the FBI that riffled through her underwear drawer.

I've been on the wrong side of a woman and the 7th Floor should consider moving to France, where there is no extradition treaty.

A woman scorned by a bunch of incels at the FBI is going to be a sight to behold.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Trump's title right now is Former President Elect. Is rather ambiguous, isn't it?

It's going to take the algorithms some time to get used to the idea Trump is back. If you google "president elect", right now you get a picture of Kamala next to an AP story, and a picture of Trump next to an Al Jazzera story.

Jaq said...

So the German governing coalition just collapsed over a refusal of the finance minister to jigger the books and cough up money for Ukraine at a time when the Ukraine war has led to the collapse of their economy. I think that the next German P.M. is gonna be Fred Mertz.

FormerLawClerk said...

They look like two fat chicks at a church Spaghetti Night who've just been told the deacons have ran out of sauce.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump didn’t win the election. He lost. Voter fraud on a massive scale. The greatest electoral fraud in history. Harris won. Trump lost. Leon bussed in tens of thousands of illegals from Canada and registered them as voters. The ghost of Hugo Chávez hacked the Dominion voting machines.
Trump lost. Greatest fraud in history. 🤔

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Trump never promised Melania a Rose Garden. Trump is said to be superstitious.

Jaq said...

"CNN's Harry Enten reports that Donald Trump is the first Republican presidential candidate to win a majority of male Latino voters since the advent of exit polls.

"Donald Trump won among Latino men by 10 points."

They have a strategy of divide and rule. When they say "unity" they mean that the want all of the little pigeon holes that they put people in unified, so Latinos should be unified as Democrats. They don't mean unified across racial and ethnic groups! How will divide and rule work in that case?

Kakistocracy said...

Since when does anyone need evidence to claim the election was fraudulent?

Evidence is not required. It's every American’s First Amendment right to spread baseless voter fraud conspiracies to try and subvert the results of a legitimate election.

Jaq said...

Nah, the polls were accurate at the time, then the deep state killed Peanut.

Jaq said...

"which the first Trump administration negotiated"

Maybe, but the Taliban hadn't met the terms Trump had set, but Joe Biden simply ordered them out of there pell mell. Blinken told Congress that they did it to clear the deck for the war with Russia that they were planning to start, as US troops in Afghanistan would have been too vulnerable as Russia could arm up the Taliban with all kinds of weapons.

Jaq said...

I think that Joe Biden had a speech coming up and he wanted to announce the withdrawal, and he didn't give a crap how disorderly the retreat was, as long as it happened before his speech.

Capitulation to Russia has been inevitable for some time, well, that or nuclear war. The Ukraine military is collapsing. We put sanctions on China, so China stopped selling Ukraine drones, and also stopped selling us the parts to manufacture drones here. Russian tanks are rolling almost without resistance in a lot of places, no artillery, no drones. Joe Biden is a master strategist.

Drago said...

Did Stolen Valor Tim Walz just add "Vice President of the United States" to his resume?

Dr Weevil said...

Since he wasn't listening the last several times I wrote it, I guess I have to point out one more time that Germany's economy is collapsing primarily because the stupid Greens convinced them to shut down all their nuclear power plants, and even to blow up some of the cooling towers so they can't change their minds and turn them back on again.

FormerLawClerk said...

Donald Trump hasn't put Hillary Clinton in jail yet.

I will continue to judge him on that campaign promise. He is either a man, or a coward. I am withholding judgement to see what happens.

Eva Marie said...

Polling is just too difficult now. I’m wondering if the campaigns are using text messaging as another way to judge the opinions of the electorate. I got text messages from both parties. Is it possible that the campaign pollsters can get some idea of where people stand by the interaction with text messages and emails? Receivers of text messages can click on the links or they can text back STOP, they can open emails, or trash them without opening them. All those interactions reveal something about the receiver.

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kakistocracy said...

Excellent choice, formidable woman, gets things done, no drama just quality work.

Go on Susie, make him presidential. Make him prove me wrong. Now that he's made it, can he discover magnanimity? Israel and Russia have played America the fool for a long time. He should put Bibi under his thumb and squeeze some juice out of him. He should flick Putin off his shoulder, across the room, and inform him he will need to leave Ukraine now. Go on. Make America great again.

FormerLawClerk said...

^ That's right Enemy. It's called Free Speech. We still have it. And if you try to take it, we're going to kill you.

Dr Weevil said...

I'm assuming from the icon and general quality and details of his arguments that 'Just Asking Questions Tech Bro' is a new name for 'tim in vermont'.

FormerLawClerk said...

But Google isn't playin' yo.

If Donald Trump doesn't nationalize Google and hand the profits back to Americans in a one-time payment, then what is he even doing? Is he a man, or not?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

After making up an aggrieved Puerto Rican community, Roberto Clemente Jr goes and endorses Trump in PA the night before the election. Democrat machine don't know Puerto Ricans.

Quaestor said...

RE: the Inga spotting
What happened to that champagne bottle (certainly not méthode traditionnelle, obviously Inga has the taste of a starving goat)? I'll wager it got thrown through her TV's screen when CNN called PA for Trump.

Jamie said...

@Enemy - I guess, per your comments, it's within your rights to equate the now-documented giant and dispositive thumb on the social media scales and the numerous and puzzling statistical anomalies around the 2020 election results with actually, factually baseless claims (that I've heard no one make - of course I know you're doing it only for effect) that Harris won this election because, after all, Biden won in that same anomalous 2020 election.

It's within your rights. But it doesn't hold up. Nor does your evidence-free claim that objections to the security of the 2020 election and the accuracy and propriety of its results aren't backed by evidence. I don't recall which commenter here does the standinglachesmoot thing, but you might consider it.

Quaestor said...

"I have to point out one more time that Germany's economy is collapsing primarily because the stupid Greens convinced them to shut down all their nuclear power plants..."

And because of that, Porsche A.G. has idled tens of thousands of its workforce because there isn't enough juice to keep the lights on in the corporation's factories.

Peachy said...

Hillary to Kamala - 'you can always write a book. The publishing houses are our financial friends *wink*' Thanks anyway regarding that job for Chelsea. ho hum'

Rusty said...

You know what the best part is? I'll tell you what the best part is. Trump won! And all the Roberts and Readering and Riches and Ingas and Gadflys and Freders are all losing their shit. I mean you can hear their molars collectively grinding together from here. I hope none of them owns a dog.

Original Mike said...

Don't waste your time, Jamie.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

What Maynard said.

Iman said...

↖️ Good question…

Iman said...

A shout out to Michael K. Hope all is well.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Like any President ever, Rich? No shit.

I don’t expect Trump to deport every illegal. I do expect him to secure the border and reverse the flow.

In the Ukraine, they make minor territorial concessions to Russia in exchange for billions of dollars of rebuilding aid from the US and Europe. Peace reigns. Until the next Democrat weakling inhabits the Oval Office.

Trump has no intention of withdrawing from NATO. He will expect them to honor their commitments though. Which they will inevitably try to weasel out of . Canada turning Red (or is it Blue for the children of the Mother of Parliaments?) next year is going to make that a bit more difficult.

EAB said...

Most interesting thing I read detailed the new media strategy of the Trump campaign. While most of us above a certain age were looking at what the MSM did and didn’t cover, Trump was doing podcasts and using new/social media resources that targeted young men and overall younger demographics. That, and he was convinced to target voters to urge early voting - something he hadn’t liked in the past. It paid off. The media strategy tells me the potential biggest losers in this campaign and going forward are traditional media. They’ve become irrelevant to a very large swath of voters.

Jim at said...

The greatest electoral fraud in history. Harris won. Trump lost.

Did I go to bed with Harris in the lead, multiple states shut down the count, sent poll watchers home, resumed counting and then ended up with Trump in the lead when I woke up?

No. Then shut the fuck up already.

TickTock said...


FullMoon said...

Seems blogger has been deleting Inga's comments......or something.

TickTock said...


Peachy said...

Speaking of dying hack media? Why do the view ladies cut everyone off all the time? Because they are fascists.

Josephbleau said...

Johnson got a silver star for flying as a passenger in an airplane during ww2

Eva Marie said...

So it appears Kamala made a little speech after Biden made his:

Josephbleau said...

Everyone is rightfully putting down the polls, but there are other ways to gain information. Bezos certainly was able to figure out what was going on a few weeks in advance.

wendybar said...

"These aren't superheroes; they're even better—they're New York Times opinion columnists who've shot a video to warn us of what's coming under the second Donald Trump term. We didn't heed their warnings before the election, and now they're here to scold us. Not that even "conservative" columnists like Bret Stephens and David French make appearances."

Tom Elliott
If Jonestown had recorded a final video

wendybar said...

"This is a seismic shift in the American political landscape, and it's not clear where Democrats go from here. They can scream "Nazi!" or "fascist!" until their lungs give out, but the reality is that their policies on a host of issues -- from race to gender to immigration to crime to the economy -- have alienated large swaths of modern America. Democrats seem inclined to scapegoat the senile president of the United States -- as if Uncle Joe is somehow to blame for not bowing out of the race weeks, or even months, sooner. This is pure cope. The problem, Democrats, is not that Biden stayed in too long. Nor is the problem, as the insufferable Sunny Hostin laughably suggested on "The View," rampant sexism or misogyny among the American electorate. The problem is that the Democratic Party is no longer a mainstream political organization."

wendybar said...

GFY's Progressives. You are a bunch of losers, and YOU will obey the laws of the land, or you can get the hell out of here.

Maybe raiding their homes will do the trick. They seem to like it on the left. Let's see how much.

"Well, all those Democrat calls for unity and a peaceful transfer of power didn’t last very long. As we’ve reported, California’s extremist governor Gavin Newsom quickly called for a special legislative session to prepare for future combat against President-elect Trump’s priorities, while the governor of Massachusetts promised not to cooperate with the new president’s directives on immigration."

wendybar said...

Brennen Hankins
The thing about people saying Trump is going to send people to gulags and curtail civil rights across the board:

I can't think of a single instance of Trump himself has done so. Yet, I can think of lots of people Kamala Harris has unjustly jailed and/or curtailed their rights:

-Cherie Peoples

-Kevin Cooper

-The 1,000+ men (mostly People of Color) in San Francisco whom were charged with drug crimes using evidence she knew was tainted and failed to disclose to the court

-Numerous Nonviolent and/or Minimum Security Prison Inmates in the California Penal System who were eligible for, and whom Kamala Harris' office (during her tenure as CA's DA) was court-ordered to grant early release after her office got sued over prison overcrowding and inhumane living conditions, that were kept in prison by her office anyway, with the justification being "We don't want to lose the cheap prison labor!"

And that's just people she's imprisoned. She also has:

-Denied a practicing Sikh employment as a California prison guard, on religious grounds

-Illegally attempted to force non-profit charities to publicly disclose who their donors are

-Vowed to take executive action on gun control [if] she got into office if Congress failed to act, Constitutional Rights be damned

This is -before- you get into her campaign platform, her stance on domestic & foreign policy, and overall pure ineptitude at public speaking.

And y'all wanted me to -vote- for that?!

It is ironic that the candidate with the worst record of civil rights abuses was propped up by the press as a "Champion of Civil Rights", but fortunately for -everyone- in America, liberty won out in the end, and in four years, those of you that supported Kamala Harris are going to look back and feel really silly.
11:04 PM · Nov 6, 2024

wendybar said...

Progressives like Jen Rubin are sick in the head and they think THEY are the normal ones?? She NEEDS to be institutionalized. She is having a mental breakdown. She sees Hitler behind every bush that the white supremacists she used to see are hiding behind.

John Podhoretz
There's a pogrom going on in Amsterdam right now. Hitler is in Amsterdam, not here. Hitler is in Iran, not here. I am sickened by you, Jen. Rachel would despise what you have become, and the fact I had anything to do with your having a career is one of the shames of my life.
Jen Rubin
Replying to @JRubinBlogger
It is 1933. Hitler is in power. No time for a fucking seminar on Democrats messaging errors
11:35 PM · Nov 7, 2024

wendybar said...

The Progressives ALMOST make you embarrassed to be a woman today.

"I’m old enough to remember pre-third-wave feminism, when women demanded full civil rights and equal pay and opportunities for their skills and abilities. They argued that, just like men, they were strong and rational creatures. Heck, they weren’t just strong and rational; they were strong and invincible. These women didn’t cry. They burned their bras and demanded their rights. Today’s feminists...not so much:"

wendybar said...

And I get ready for my caretaking duties for the is the last of the great articles I have read this morning...It's a humorous read for your morning coffee..

"I’ve been told I’m a bigmouth, a crass know-it-all who enjoys kicking people while they’re down — people like all the imbeciles who voted a demented grifter into the White House in 2020 and then tried to replace the old fart with a brainless, cackling DIE hire.

To that I say, guilty as charged!

So, without further ado, let me offer free life-coaching to all the fey losers on the left, crying into their/zey/zem’s decaf, gluten-free, free-range frappucchino."

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Looks like the information taps are opening. Matt Taibbi posted the so called pandemic of the unvaccinated was a work of fiction.

Big Mike said...

If I recall the story correctly, it was a cargo aircraft. D

Kakistocracy said...

“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud” ~ C.G. Jung

planetgeo said...

I miss Inga, our very own Pompetous of Liberal Love. Inga, come back. We have coloring books, cookies waiting. Even Etch-a-Sketch Iowa polls.

Jaq said...

Oh, I saw your posts, "The guy had a cold, so the knife in his back wasn't what killed him."

Jaq said...

Um, no. The only way Russia agrees to this plan is if Putin has some kind of Joe Biden style brain aneurism and loses 30 or 40 IQ points. If Trump starts WW3 trying to make Putin negotiate on American terms, my guess is Putin says "Bring it on," because a freeze with Ukraine still claiming the territory, and twenty years for the West to arm it up again for another go is just a recipe for disaster.

The US started this war at a time when we were not ready to actually fight it, this is the fault of our brilliant strategist, Joe Biden. Why Russia would stop winning in order to give Ukraine and NATO time to get their feet under them, and re-arm? That's a question.

Biden left Trump with a mess, and he is going to have to man up and make peace, or Odessa is next, and we can't stop it short of firing the starting gun on WW3.

Jaq said...

Another plan Trump has, that I kind of like, but that will probably never happen, is to use the oil weapon, that would be North American oil. Approve Keystone, drill baby drill, etc, etc, to cut the price of oil and damage Putin's economy that way.

Jersey Fled said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jersey Fled said...

Note to Mark Cuban: Trump just named Susan Wile to be first ever female White House Chief of Staff.

Leland said...

Trump hasn’t even made it into office and look at the wins: Luxembourg has suggested the creation of a European army, given the risk that Donald Trump’s return to the White House could weaken NATO and the security of European nations.

See how that works? Now they are wanting to pay for their own defense.

Rusty said...

EW. Spoken without a hint of irony. Little Richie who has lied with every post. Run along little boy the adults are talking.

Rusty said...

I'm knockin' stuff off the table!

Rusty said...


wendybar said...

For those of you still crying about thinking Trump called Veterans suckers and losers...would it have been better if he called them stupid bastards like Joe Biden did??

Jaq said...

If you can't explain what happened in a vote count, then it's plain that whoever set up the system did not want you to be able to explain it for reasons that seem pretty obvious.

Florida shows how it is possible to do it, in a very populous state too, BTW.

MadTownGuy said...

ICE ramps up vaccination of immigrants in U.S. custody, but
thousands have refused

Article is from 2021, but this is the significant part:

"Since the start of the pandemic, ICE has reported over 24,000 COVID-19 infections among immigrants in its custody, as well as 10 coronavirus-related deaths. Earlier this month, Elba Maria Centeno Briones, a 37-year-old asylum-seeker from Nicaragua, died in ICE custody after testing positive for the coronavirus."

10 C-19 related deaths out of 24,000 infections equates to about a 0.042% mortality rate. Consider a younger demographic, but factor in the negative effects of malnourishment and exposure, and maybe the "existential threat" was overblown.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...

Elba Maria Centeno Briones, a 37-year-old asylum-seeker from Nicaragua, died in ICE custody after testing positive for the coronavirus.",

Did they say what he died of? Car crash? Murdered? Fell off a bridge?
Because they did not say he died from covid.

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