August 8, 2024

"We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests."


Dave Begley said...

All governments hate Free Speech. Thanks Founding Fathers for the First Amendment!

Question for the Althouse community. Does any other country have a First Amendment like ours?

wendybar said...

Coming soon under a Harris administration.

planetgeo said...

Yes. The truth is dangerous to leftists.

Todd said...

Saw a video the other day on utube where the UK authorities arrested an elderly man in his home due to a FB post he made that someone did not like. The arresting officers said so and told him they would share the details with him after he was at the station.

Oso Negro said...

For reasons that surpass understanding, it is important for the elite of the UK to suppress nativist sentiments among the common people. Not wanting your country overrun by foreigners does not make you a racist

Shouting Thomas said...

What the U.K. Government is trying to suppress is knowledge of the prolific trafficking, rape, prostitution and murder of young white girls by immigrants, primarily Muslim.

Rusty said...

Careful, Dave. That might be considered hate speech.

Leland said...

Certainly not happening in Minnesota or Walz’s daughter would have been arrested in 2020.

doctrev said...

You'd think the police are going to be more popular than brick-throwing yobs, but this kind of "crackdown" is likely to make the British think All Bobbies Are
. you know. Just another day at the office for Two-Tier Keir.

rhhardin said...

Perhaps it is not likely to start racial hatred but to move a minority off of looking out for its protected status and onto something that's likely to advance it. Free speech transmits warning signs to government when they're producing perverse consequences.

Lucien said...

Video showing actual riots is “malinformation”, just like video showing the behavior of a certain subset of the population. In the US video of looters & shoplifters might give the impression that 95% of those involved are black, thus inciting wrongthink.

Humperdink said...

When the left introduced the term “hate speech”, you knew what was coming next …. It would soon be labeled a crime. You could see it coming from a mile away.

FormerLawClerk said...

Dave Begley said: "Thanks Founding Fathers for the First Amendment!"

Except, Tim Walz said: "There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy."

He said this live, unedited, on MSNBC.

Here is a link to his comment on YouTube.

So in fact, the First Amendment is under immediate threat right here in the United States. Tim Walz intends to take that away from us if we don't do to them what our Founding Fathers did to their oppressors. We must remove these people from our polity.

Temujin said...

It's a good thing there's no actual crime going on in England that they could be spending their time on. And yes, it's wild to watch a previously free nation turn into a totalitarian state slowly, then all at once, and with such self-righteous posturing from the so-called leaders. And it's always in the name of saving the nation and doing what's best 'for the people'. Yikes.

Coming to a country you know and love very soon, with a Harris/Walz administration backed by a Democratic House and/or Senate. And this is not hyperbole. You can bank on it.

FormerLawClerk said...

It's comforting that before they did that, Colt introduced the term "AR-15." This term describes a tool which can be used to eliminate threats to Free Speech in the United States.

FormerLawClerk said...

An adult male black immigrant knifed to death 3 young girls and injured another 8 at a Taylor Swift dance party. So there are in fact crimes that they could be focusing on, but it's a lot easier to sit on their fat, lazy assess and scroll through Facebook searching for "criminals."

Sally327 said...

Or they want in on the action. I think there's been reporting that in some situations the local police were actively complicit, even participating in the abuse, not just ignoring it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Walz said "there is no free speech" when we think "it's hate speech." An oft-voiced erroneous online Leftist formulation that really shouldn't be entertained by a person who wants to be one heartbeat away from CIC. That's even poorer judgement than lying about serving in Afghanistan.

FormerLawClerk said...

The people in the UK need to start eliminating those who show up to enforce Facebook laws. To make them FEAR to tread. Until that happens, the UK is lost.

narciso said...

Actual murderers they dint care about

Scott M said...

So they're going full INGSOC?

Ann Althouse said...

It's getting at root causes: Arrest the people who make other people want to kill them.

narciso said...

Well theres a lot of clockwork orange with droogs

gilbar said...

yet Another Day, of Being Glad; that we kicked the brits OUT!

gilbar said...

of course, with our modern Democrat Party, the brits seem to still be here

Freder Frederson said...

It does when you beat them up and burn down their homes

Clyde said...

So the DPP is the Ministry of Truth and going after Thoughtcrime. Orwell just shakes his head.

Gusty Winds said...

Such a same we wasted so many American lives in WWII to ensure Britain's freedom, when they were going to turn into Nazis in less than ninety years anyway.

Quaestor said...

Armalite, a subsidiary of Fairchild Aircraft, introduced the term AR-15. A for Armalite, R for rifle -- The AR does not stand for assault rifle.

Leland said...

Arrest the people who make other people want to kill them.
Do you mean the girls not following Sharia Law, or the 17 year old that took it upon himself to punish the girls with death? Oh wait, in the UK, you can’t mention either of those things about the murderer.

Esteban said...

It's starts with something like this. It doesn't end here though, which is the whole point of the freedom of speech.

Howard said...

gilbar saying "we kicked the Brits out" is stolen valor.

walk don't run said...

As someone who lives in a Westminister style democracy without a constitution (not the UK), over-reach by government and law enforcement is a feature of this system. Take a look at what happened during Covid in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Without exception dragonian measures were instituted in these locations far in excess of the US. In our relatively small community we had the military setting up random roadblocks!! One day I was on a walk and walked through such a roadblock and they stopped me and asked for identification. I questioned them whether I was required under law and regulations to carry ID on a walk and they said, "No." but then advised me it would be a good idea to carry ID when I walk in the future. It was all very intimidating. I am no longer a fan of the British Westminster style of democracy. In fact I would say it is not a democracy, its a plutocracy. The system is too dependant on social norms and not enough on laws protecting human rights. The next few months will be an interesting time in the UK to see who prevails, the plutocracy or the people.

Quaestor said...

Althouse writes, "It's getting at root causes..."

Ah, yes... those nasty root causes. Tyrannies always work best when the proles just shut up and obey.

Howard said...

Likewise stolen valor Gusty Winds "we wasted" who is this we you speak of kemosabe?

Drago said...

"It does when you beat them up and burn down their homes"

The Met police actively allowed hundreds of muslim rape/grooming gangs to operate over several decades resulting in at least 1400 English girls to be abused and murdered.

One of the most egregious recent incidents is the Met police being called to an apartment where a 13 year old girl was almost totally naked and appeared intoxicated...with 7 muslim men inside the apartment with her.

The police arrested the girl.

This is what the New Soviet Democraticals and their islamic supremacist allies have in store across the West.

Quaestor said...

The Walz "no free speech" clip

Drago said...

No. YOU saying it would be Stolen Valor, as when you wrote antifa should qualify for military retirement.

Gusty Winds said...

Dixcus said...

Except, Tim Walz said: "There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy."

We are not far away from this in America. We saw it during COVID, and the 2020 Election. Now we have a totalitarian in "midwestern dad" sheep's clothing as a VP nominee. As an added bonus he is in favor of child mutilation and jumped ship on his fellow soldiers.

Peachy said...

Collective leftists think: "What's the problem?"

RideSpaceMountain said...

Great Britain is no longer Britain.
Great Britain is no longer great.

dbp said...

It's up to the people of the UK to protect free speech, if they value it. Vote out this "director of public prosecutions of England and Wales" if he was elected. If he was appointed, vote out whoever appointed him.

Here in the US, Walz is on record as being of the same ilk as this UK fellow. We need to vote against this. The first amendment will become meaningless, if it's administered by officials who either don't understand it or actively disagree with it.

narciso said...

Perfidious Albion

RideSpaceMountain said...

I like that Freder conveniently skips the part about 3 girls being stabbed, just one in a long line of direct assaults on actual UK citizens by refugees.

Jersey Fled said...

I took Ann to mean the rapists, not the rapees.

Chest Rockwell said...

A Labour council member calls for cutting the throats of protesters while an Amnesty Internation worker( and crowd) cheer on.

Will he be arrested?

Gusty Winds said...

Prepare yourself emotionally. If Trump loses by whatever means in November, we are headed in this direction; quickly. Look at the crowd in Eau Claire, WI yesterday that showed up for Kamala. They want it this way. Half of Britain wants this.

Cheryl said...

What languages are they monitoring? Wouldn’t want to be unequal.

hombre said...

On the rare occasions when I am asked I answer that I am not voting for Trump, I am voting for the Constitution, particularly the First and Second Amendments.

RideSpaceMountain said...

What they want is safety. They're willing to give up substantial freedom for it.

They'll get neither.

Drago said...

Tim Walz, yesterday: “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy”

This is who Freder supports. This is what our New Soviet Democraticals have planned for us and are executing this plan across the West.

Ficta said...

"a previously free nation" Well. Kind of. Orwell didn't call the 1984 government "Ingsoc" for nothing.

gspencer said...

How the MSM was born: Circa 1906-1908, Morgan and his cronies realize they only have to get control (financial, editorial) of 25 large newspapers, and voila, public opinion is theirs.

Behind the Big News: Propaganda and the CFR,

Drago said...

The Columbia University chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine has just announced that they are “fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization”

Howard, what time is your next pro-Hamas islamic supremacist rally?

No Name said...

Progressive politicians: "if you can't praise me, then shut up".

Or to quote Cori Bush: "I'm gonna get you, me and my folks".

Robert Cook said...

I've always deplored and objected to "hate speech" laws, as they manifestly violate our free speech rights. On TicTic earlier a couple of months ago, there was a content provider fulminating about American Nazis and their hateful public pronouncements, (including video examples). I posted that--notwithstanding the objectionable content of their speech--the American Nazis do have the same free speech rights as everyone else. One of the few public figures who wrote about the dangers of "hate speech" legislation in the early days of their development decades ago was Nat Hentoff, a music critic and dedicated leftist journalist. I was a regular reader of his commentary, and I'm pretty sure I first learned about "hate speech" laws as a concept and coming thing from reading his columns. His objection to and warnings against "hate speech" laws immediately struck me as logical and indisputable. Tim Walz's assertion that "There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy" is stupid and wrong. I point out Hentoff's early writings on this matter to point out that enemies of free speech abide across the political spectrum, and those who defend free speech also exist across the political spectrum.

Robert Cook said...

BTW, I HATE the new formatting of the commentary area.

Dave Begley said...

Agree! Can Althouse do anything? My screen goes back and forth between old and new.

fairmarketvalue said...

My God!! For the first time since reading this blog, I wholeheartedly endorse Cookie's comment. Stopped clock being right twice a day, or finally red-pilled?

RideSpaceMountain said...

As in so many cases with online forums, the new formatting from Blogger might be an attempt to drive away long-time commenters in favor of a new matrix that is more favorable to bots and shills. It is a very contentious election year after all.

I don't think you all have any idea how much of the Hairy/Balz 2024 campaign is dumping into paid physical and online astroturfing. The shilling is off the charts. This is happening elsewhere, not just here.

It is a well-known way of commandeering forums.

Todd said...

It's getting at root causes: Arrest the people who make other people want to kill them.

Interesting and being the UK that could be it, though for anyone with the ability to think this through, this is just another form of "she should not have worn such a short skirt.

Though based on how the "bobbies" allowed the "migrant" gangs to assault and enslave the local girls for sex that it could be right on the nose...

Freder Frederson said...

I like that Freder conveniently skips the part about 3 girls being stabbed, just one in a long line of direct assaults on actual UK citizens by refugees.

Except the man who stabbed the three girls was not a refugee or Muslim. He is of Rwandan descent, born in the UK (Cardiff, Wales). This is just the kind of misinformation that gets people killed (and doesn't advance the cause of free speech in any way).

Rusty said...

Then a lot of people on the left should be in jail. It wasn't the right who demonized Trump to the point where some mentally deficient took a shot at him.
No. I'd even give the left the benefit of free speech if only for my own paraphrase)

narciso said...

its a little clunky, have you tried Haloscan, thats a mess it's all over Daily Caller Politico et al

the authorities have allowed rape murder assault all the time, there is a point at which it's time 'not be nice'

narciso said...

The authorities covered it up, they could have quickly announced who he was, but they don't care, unless they can fetishize it for their own power trips,

Rusty said...

Now do the 2nd Amendment.

narciso said...

a small example when the Pulse shooter, shot 50 and called out AllahuAkbar, the media still has covered that with a pillow, blaming it on hate, self loathing
anything but the strict Islamic mandate that the guest imam in Orlando had made against unbelievers, or the shooters ties to the Blind Sheikh

Freder Frederson said...

The authorities covered it up, they could have quickly announced who he was, but they don't care, unless they can fetishize it for their own power trips

As is the general practice in the U.S., the U.K. does not name minors who are arrested for crimes.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Rwandan, Somali, Muslim, Pakistani, and N. African's with knives are getting people killed. Literally.

I'm thoroughly more concerned with actual deaths - of which this is but one in a long line of maimings and murders - than I am getting terminologies right for someone who likely should never have existed in the UK at all.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Hmm. Maybe they (and we) should start.

Rusty said...

Well. That's different then. Totally justified. His religion has not been disclosed. Whatever the case England has it's own violent nut cases.

Sebastian said...

Not just the content and implications of the threat matter, also the tone of arrogant self-satisfied sanctimony. By the DDR's end, I suspect, the Stasi was run by opportunistic cynics. By contrast, the UK (and our) prog overlords are believers. The oppression is for our own good, you see. For progs, Walz's Covid regime is a model.

Chest Rockwell said...

What's not to like? Replies are threaded and you can comment inline rather than having to go to the bottom of the page. I love it.

Yancey Ward said...

The protesters being targeted in the UK by the application of these laws need to focus their protests at the politicians enforcing them- burn down their homes and, if possible, hang a few of them.

Aggie said...

Oh, it's not just over there, folks - the attack on Free Speech is alive and well and progressing through ranks as well - just ask Dana Nessel.

Rocco said...

RideSpaceMountain said...
"Great Britain is no longer Britain.
Great Britain is no longer great.

Great Britain is now Airstrip One.

Mason G said...

"As in so many cases with online forums, the new formatting from Blogger might be an attempt to drive away long-time commenters..."

CTH had a post about this (a focus on disrupting not a blog, but its comment section in order to control the conversation) a week or so ago.

Rocco said...

I agree with Robert Cook that threats to Free Speech can come from any side of the political landscape.

Nat Henthoff's "Free Speech for Me; But Not for Thee" is somewhat dated after three decades, but still very relevant.

And the new commenting process sucks. It doesn't work on my iPad or Chromebook, and only partially on my Android phone.

I'm 3 for 3 agreeing with Robert today.

Darkisland said...

Something to remember is that in Great Britain, the police, army, politicians, cabinet and pretty much anyone who draws a govt paycheck swears an oath of loyalty. Not to the constitution, as in the US. Not to the country, state, people or anything like that. Not even to the King.

The only oath of loyalty they swear is to Chuck. When Elizabeth died, the oath to her didn't transfer, everyone had to swear a new oath of loyalty to Chuck.

He approves (or doesn't) all laws. He appoints his prime minister, not even a legal office, existing only by tradition. He allows allows parliament to meet and can send them home if he wishes.

Overall King Chuck has power that would make Stalin blush. Yeah, I know, if he openly exercised them, it would create a constitutional crisis. Though how you have a constitutional crisis without a constitution nobody ever explains.

I have always understood how anyone can call this a "democracy" or even democratic. It is even more rigged than the Boaty McBoatface or the HMCS Uganda votes.

It is more reasonable to believe in unicorns and the tooth fairy than a "Bill of Rights" that is not written down and is whatever the govt/king decide it is from day to day.

Britain deserves what they get. We have a lot more protections, constitutional, legal and cultural, but we need to recognize them for what they are. A horrible example of what will happen to us if we let it.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

And before someone tells me that Britain does have a "constitution", I know, I know. Can you tell me where I can download a copy? I suspect that I know more about the hypothetical constitution than 98% of Americans and perhaps half the commenters here.

An unwritten constitution is not a constitution at all, in my view. At best it is tradition and precedent. In England's case, these are not even locked in, they are guidelines at best, subject to daily interpretation according to royal/govt wishes.

John Henry

Freder Frederson said...

I never said it was totally justified. Even if the murders were committed by a Muslim refugee, that does not justify the violence of the last few days.

Rwanda is 93/8% Christian and only 2.2 % Muslim

Marcus Bressler said...

I read that the attacker was a "first generation" of refugee

Jupiter said...

The English swine have threatened to extradite foreigners who comment on their affairs for "terrorism".

Michael McNeil said...

“It's getting at root causes...”

Root? — radix — You radicals are all alike!

(Captain Sir Dominic Flandry of the Imperial Terran Naval Intelligence Corps, a.k.a. Poul Anderson in The Rebel Worlds)

mikee said...

It was for such behavior by authorities that fence rails, hot tar and chicken feathers were kept handy by the populace in days gone by.

The Vault Dweller said...

I hope the ruling class of the UK, and by that I am not referring to the vestigial monarchy, is replaced swiftly. And when it does I hope the sword of Damocles descends upon the former occupants just as swiftly.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Alas, Bob, the enthusiasm for censorship lies almost entirely with the statists. In four years, you're the first Prog I've seen write in favor of free speech.

One Fine Day said...

"Even if the murders were committed by a Muslim refugee, that does not justify the violence of the last few days."

Now do summer of 2020. You didn't seem to have a problem with urban violence then, and probably cheered it on like your heroes Blue Falcon Walz and Kneepads Harris.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Cook is consistent on free speech. He has several sensible ideas. He is not a cookie cutter Leftist.

Achilles said...

It is actually not that bad at all. It took 1 or 2 blog posts to get the hang of it.

I prefer direct replies to copy and bold/intalics

Freder Frederson said...

Now do summer of 2020. You didn't seem to have a problem with urban violence then, and probably cheered it on like your heroes Blue Falcon Walz and Kneepads Harris.

Just great. Another commenter, like Michael K, Drago, and Achilles, who claims I wrote something I never did.

Fuck you.

Gusty Winds said...

You're an idiot. You know damn well I'm not claiming to be a WWII combat vet. "We" as in America, dummy. But you're just being disingenuous. A small step up from Walz's outright lying for personal gain and selfish self preservation. And I'll go on record as a descendant of the Irish, that I do not have much sympathy for the oppressive British. They are doing to themselves what they did to most of the world for centuries.

Gusty Winds said...

Was Great Britain ever that morally "great" with their bullshit "make the world England" policies? The Irish found an opening for independence taking advantage of the British fighting stupid WWI. Good for them. I'm torn. Seems the English are finally getting their comeuppance. But, it is the working class that is suffering for elite ambitions, just like the sailors and soldiers of yesterday.

Paul said...

This jibs with 'hate speech' and 'disinformation' that Walz and the Democrats love so much.... hide everything via state suppression. Do you know the UK has 'The Official Secrets Act'? They can ban any publication that 'harms' the government... like, you know, bad press.

Jim at said...

Just great. Another commenter, like Michael K, Drago, and Achilles, who claims I wrote something I never did.

Then provide us a quote where you condemned it. You know, like you did in this case.

Marc in Eugene said...

What languages are they monitoring?

I suggested to someone (in England) on X this afternoon that she begin writing her posts in Pig Latin. I myself am practicing my (utterly abysmal) prose composition skills because the day's coming when it will be good to have the Latin available.

Part of the contentiousness re the Rwandan assassin at Southport is that inept successive governments in the UK have been fussing over a scheme to send certain Rwandan immigrants back to Rwanda but I haven't followed the business closely enough to write more than that.

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