August 10, 2024

"Minimal interference — that's my goal."


JZ said...

Only humans would act that way. Couldn’t you have passed without staring?

Narr said...


But you know they're always there . . . watching . . . waiting . . .

Original Mike said...


Joe Smith said...

I saw a turkey family last week leaving my least 10 babies.

William50 said...

Minimal Interference --That's My Goal

That should be every ones goal when encountering wildlife, with possibly one exception.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Poor birds were terrified by Althouse's MAGA wear.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm treating this post like an Open Thread, kudos if I'm wrong.

Gutfeld gives a "precise definition of Trump"

john mosby said...

Yes, Lem, Gutfeld frequently riffs on the concept of Trump as America’s a-hole attorney. The version in your clip is great. This time Gutfeld added a meditiation on how Trump doesnt think or act like a politician. The bit about “politicians are trained to say nothing” is very insightful.

Trump is just ine of many leaders worldwide answering their countries’ call of “no you pompous pricks, we arent hiring you to change us, we’re hiring you to give us what we want!”


Rusty said...

Minimal Interference --That's My Goal.
Mine too!
Until I get a craving for Turkey.
Then it's maximum interference.

Indigo Red said...

Poults. Not babies.

SoLastMillennium said...

Now try that with the Geese at Horicon They,,, can have an attitude.

Leland said...

Althouse Vlog