August 8, 2024

"Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low, when we use those same tactics of degrading and dehumanizing others, we just become part of the ugly noise that’s drowning out everything else. We degrade ourselves. We degrade the very causes for which we fight."

Said Michelle Obama, at the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

It gets my "civility bullshit" tag, because civility has been advocated in the past, and Democrats are in a phase where they see an entitlement to reject it.

This also gets my "masturbation" tag. Who would have predicted that Democrats would lean heavily into masturbation shaming? It's 30 years since Bill Clinton fired Jocelyn Elders!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump makes up silly names for people.

The left lie about Russia, the border, spending massive amounts of our tax dollars ON Illegal entrants.
The mob left just tried to kill Trump - and killed one of his supporters. The hack-D press DO NOT CARE. As they are very sad the patsy missed his mark.

narciso said...

thats amusing to say the least, they make up carp out of whole cloth, about JD Vance, with Obama's notorious behavior, well thats not surprising,

Achilles said...

There is a Seinfeld episode about this.

This will not work out well for Democrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump makes up silly names for people.

The left lie about Russia, the border, spending massive amounts of our tax dollars ON Illegal entrants.
The mob left just tried to kill Trump - and killed one of his supporters. The hack-D press DO NOT CARE. As they are very sad the patsy missed his mark.
8/8/24, 9:52 AM

RideSpaceMountain said...

The leftist/progressive coalition has never gone high. Ever. Well maybe except in their desire to legalize recreational marijuana...

Michael K said...

These two cannot "go high." They have never been there.

narciso said...

they have been yanking our chain consistently, remember 'deep fakes'

Ice Nine said...

Conservative Tweeters: "We'll see your couch pillow masturbating and raise you one horse semen drinking."

Sebastian said...

"Who would have predicted that Democrats would lean heavily into masturbation shaming?"

I would have. Just as they use gay shaming when it suits them. They don't do foolish consistency.

Anyway, what are phony insults compared to the hoaxes and the racist/fascist trope?

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Moochie's statement back in 2020 was utter codswallop anyway.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Raise your hand if you've ever lived in a "bad neighborhood" or have lived in an area that wasn't quite as safe as you'd like it. If you have you'll have noticed that there is nothing "high" about the way many in the community you lived in resolved their problems. Their war of words is a war of insults and screaming that usually devolves into a physical altercation and ends with someone getting stabbed, shot, arrested or D) all of the above.

That's where these people come from psychologically. There isn't a way to coercively talk them down, just ask any police officer. Just because they have a college education and law degrees doesn't mean they're attitude towards conflict resolution is any different. It always goes low, they just don't expect that you're willing to follow them down and face off with them at whichever level they're headed.

They're not used to that. They're not used to people fighting back verbally or physically. They're wrong.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"We degrade the very causes for which we fight."
Causes like unlimited baby killing, sexually mutilating children, normalizing pedophilia, "Death To America!/Kill The Jews!", defunding police and bailing out rioters, arsonists, and murderers, blocking highways and mob takeovers of public spaces, no accountability for public corruption and crime, taking payola from enemies of America, supporting the terrorists and enemies of Western Civilization, etc

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump would do himself a favor by ditching the immature name calling. Why give the left ammunition to lie?

Sally327 said...

The person who first posted this joke on Twitter/X said that Vance wrote about this in "Hillbilly Elegy" (he didn't). He meant to ridicule the book and used the stereotype of people from Appalachia, so dumb and ill-bred they fuck the furniture. I find it odd that the Democrats want to keep bringing it up, but then maybe they figure all the poor white trash isn't going to be voting for them anyway.

n.n said...

Democrats overwhelmingly subscribe to the Pro-Choice religion, selective, opportunistic, ethical. Throw another baby, flambe another fetus, on the barbie, it's over, maybe.

Lucien said...

The couch smear just diverts attention from Kamala’s repetition of the “Dictator on Day One” lie.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's amazing how many "fake internet stories" end up being repeated here ad infinitum by certain commenters. Would be really neat if the Big Media would debunk all the "fake internet stories" our current POTUS and his off-the-shelf replacement keep repeating about Trump.

Think there's a chance?

John Althouse Cohen said...

If the shoe were on the other foot — if Donald Trump or JD Vance gave a campaign speech in which they made a crude reference to a baseless/hoax story of a sexual nature about Kamala Harris or Tim Walz — there’d be an outcry in the media. Trump/Vance would be denounced for coarsening the culture and just plain lying.

Dismissing Walz’s “couch” line as a “joke” doesn’t explain why it was a good idea: a joke made by a candidate in a presidential campaign should serve a real purpose. It shouldn’t be just random, juvenile grossness, especially when they’re trying to depict the Republican ticket as “creepy and weird.”

Shouting Thomas said...

The DNC/Intel cartel tried to murder Trump a few weeks ago. Their aim was a little wide.

Lazarus said...

How high was Obama going against his opponents in Illinois elections? How low did McCain and Romney go against Obama? How high did Democrats and the Deep State go against Trump? Of course it's self-congratulatory bullshit.

Achilles said...

The alternative is to talk about policy preferences.

They obviously can't talk about policy because their policies are so repulsive and evil.

Achilles said...

Their aim was good.

They were just up against something more powerful than them.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"It shouldn’t be just random, juvenile grossness"

But what if that's all they really had?

Original Mike said...

The ads I'm seeing in Wisconsin are chock full of all the old lies. It's depressing.

Dixcus said...

"When they bring a knife, we bring a gun." - Michelle Obama's husband

She needs to clean her house first, then worry about our house.

Earnest Prole said...

I’m sure we can all agree we’re the good guys and they’re the bad guys.

William said...

I couldn't read the article. I understand it has something to do with Vance writing about masturbating on a couch in his memoir. As sex scandals go, it's not much, and apparently it isn't even true. I would have hoped for better from an ex-Marine. Well, give them time. Fame and riches await the first woman to come forward. Look at that Christine Blasey Ford, Stormy Daniels, E. Jean Carroll. There's simply no downside in coming forward with a story about a Republican.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
They’re eating the cats 🐈 —They’re eating the dogs 🐕 said...

MAGA — projecting the Big Lie, their favorite tactic.

Fetch me the fainting couch….

Original Mike said...

Even NPR's All Things Considered has reported that the Vance couch story (which I don't know in detail and don't want to) is a complete fabrication. I heard the report myself.

mikee said...

"Growing comfort" with going low? You don't remember much of the past, do you? Obama and his wife were experts at creating vile strawmen in the manner of "Some say we should destroy the environment" and then arguing their horrible policies against the strawmen, rather than against reality. And the strawman policy became somehow, in the press and among the left, the policy of their opposition. Great trick, rhetorically. Horrible from the stance of resolving honest policy differences, horrible slimy low smearing of the opposition.

tim maguire said...

“When they go low, we go high” was bullshit when Michelle Obama said it in 2012, it was bullshit when she said it in 2020, and it’ll be bullshit if she says it again this year.

narciso said...

It was made out of whole cloth, unlike Willie Browns testimonial about Harris, do you understand the difference,

RideSpaceMountain said...

Going high is difficult when the high-minded conversation you're looking to have is intellectually incoherent to the counterparty. You can talk respectfully about laws and precedents and political philosophy all you want but some people who don't have the horsepower to compete with you are going to be antagonized. It doesn't matter how respectfully that conversation takes place.

They'll always think you're talking down to them, and depending on how they respond, sometimes it's unfortunately necessary to do so.

traditionalguy said...

Time to list the 5 famous forbidden words again. Word police IS political correctness that’s gone all the way into pure brainwashing. From where does that come. Either legalistic Church Ladies or the EDU idiocy. Either way it’s pure power grabbing for money.

narciso said...

remember when the Tea Party was formed they went to the gutter, with their degenerate practices, yes there isn't really a bottom for them

PM said...

That's funny. When I think of Michelle Obama, I always see that photo of her scowling at her husband for conversing with a white woman.

narciso said...

or when she scowledged at the wifes of cameron and sarkozy, that was classic,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Achilles said...

She knows Barrack is into men.

She wasn't scowling at her husband.

Bob Boyd said...

Where would the left be without their wankers? Wankers make their world go 'round.

A classic example from a previous post:

It is an exquisite subversion of the capitalist creed into a sense of creativity in the display of the tools of craft. It is a riposte to the real estate snake-oil sales culture in the form of a celebration of making and order.

Drago said...

"Pretending to be above it all can be a facade that hides insecurities and weaknesses. According to Oscar Wilde’s philosophical perspective, this behavior can be a form of self-deception. By projecting an image of superiority, individuals may be attempting to distract from their own shortcomings or vulnerabilities."

Drago said...

Wow. STILL waiting for talking points! You are the gaslighting equivalent to the Boeing Astronauts stuck on the ISS with no way to get back home.....and it appears its not going to be resolved anytime soon either.

Hang in there Rich! Stiff upper lip and all that.

Drago said...

Have you told Rich? He thinks its true, along with the bleach hoax...and all the other ones no doubt.

Steve said...

I am just glad that Joycelyn Elders pardoned Peewee Herman before she left office.

Steve said...

Seems to me that a candidate who got her start as Chief of Willie Brown's Staff and a guy that has been accused of drinking horse cum would stay off of the weird sexual innuendos.

RMc said...

"The mob left just tried to kill Trump - and killed one of his supporters. The hack-D press DO NOT CARE."

My strongly anti-Trump friend asked me yesterday, "Hey, how come you don't hear about Trump getting shot anymore? It's as the media all decided to stop talking about it!"

Yup. Can you even IMAGINE how the media would handle Harris (or any D) getting shot? It would be non-stop coverage for *months*, thick with accusations about the "violent right" and demands for all guns everywhere to be confiscated.

Former Illinois resident said...

Democrats: Kids, you can chop off your genitals and breasts, but don't you coochie the couch!

Will Cate said...

Even alt-pop princess Billie Eilish has declared masturbation to be "wonderful." I consider the matter settled

boatbuilder said...

Yeah, those polite Democrats would never stoop so low as to peddle a fake story about paying Russian hookers to pee on a hotel bed. But because of That Guy, they really have no choice, now.

Mikey NTH said...

Low? The Boring Company has nothing on how low things will get.

Iman said...
