... you can talk about anything, including Night 2 of the GOP convention. I'll be watching some of it perhaps but probably won't blog anything until morning. We'll be moderating comments for at least another hour tonight. Otherwise, I'll be seeing you Wednesday.
Go Bs!
We'll be moderating comments for at least another hour tonight. Otherwise, I'll seeing you Wednesday.
This head's up is greatly appreciated.
Would have like to post links and what not, but don't want to get stuck in the last batch of moderated comments that no one will see until morning...making it pointless.
"We'll be moderating comments for at least another hour tonight."
Though some of us prefer the back-and-forth of conversation, many of us also appreciate the work you put into moderation. So thanks.
Re the question of whether surviving a bout of Coronavirus-2019 provides lasting immunity to the disease. (Brought forward from last night's thread where the topic was being discussed.) Here we have an interesting blog post from a week ago concerning three recent studies in this regard, to wit: “COVID19 mini-update, August 18, 2020: good news about lasting immunity in humans.”
One study referred to is particularly interesting, I think. “In brief: the 122 crew of a commercial fishing vessel were tested pre-departure, both RT-PCR and antibody. Three of them had clear evidence of past recovery from COVID19-infection. Clearly, one of the crew was a false negative for RT-PCR, for in the subsequent weeks, the vessel had to return to port because a crew member needed hospitalization. At that point, 104 crew (i.e., 85%!) tested positive either for virus or for antibodies. (Interestingly, the percentage of asymptomatic infections is not given in the paper.) Significantly, the three crew members with pre-existing immunity did not get infected again, despite being aboard what amounted to an unintentional viral incubator.”
Today's MSM was hilarious. The exact same talking points. The RNC convention is "dark", Just a coincidence I'm sure. 50 people using the exact same word.
Website crashed under the crush of people inspired by the story. How's that for TV ratings?
A lot of Wisconsinites speaking tonight. I don't think I've heard that many Wisconsinites talking since I went to a Lions game in Detroit and the stadium had more Cheeseheads than Lions fans. Not that I blame the Lions fans. Cheeseheads will pay a lot to see their Packers.
I think Trump is going for the Cheesehead vote. I hope he gets it.
iowan2: It is amazing, isn't it? Tucker has a great compilation of all the MSM heads squeezing the word "dark" into every single discussion of the RNC. They did the exact same thing with the exact same word for the RNC 4 years ago. Guess they think if they turn it up to 11 it'll surely work this time.
Past the hour-or-so commitment, but what the heck.
Thanks for the space, Prof.
Appreciate the Lights Out, too
China literally murdering babies.
And not just the unborn kind.
Seems like this should be a bigger story than it is.
"Dark" was the msm buzzword re: RNC convention
Hennepin County Attorney's Office released this document. Dr. Andrew Baker, the Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner who reviewed #GeorgeFloyd's blood test, says the substances found lead him to conclude it was an overdose death.
per Andy Ngo
Clinesmith's Plea Agreement
Loyalist or competitor? It reads like the Deep State effort to influence the election and the trials and prosecutons held in America. A repeat of the Kiev model, they hoped to force Putin to react, overreact, justifying civil insurrection and a violent coup in their nation.
China literally murdering babies.
And not just the unborn kind.
Progress. Their ideological counterparts try to socially justify late-term elective abortions and post-birth negligence in our nation to reduce the "burden".
China literally murdering babies.
And not just the unborn kind.
Seems like this should be a bigger story than it is.
Not until we decouple from their governance. Trump is the best, only bet for that to ever happen.
"Re the question of whether surviving a bout of Coronavirus-2019 provides lasting immunity to the disease."
Well, I just had it, so if I get it again I'll let you know.
Where does Trump find these courageous Americans one after another.Day two is even better. Great leadership job, Mr Trump.
If you have a chance to listen to the woman who used to work for planned parenthood - that was a very powerful speech.
Also, the man from Wisconsin (I think) who runs his own business. He didn't have good things to say about Obama-Biden and the horror show of their wretched policies.
I don't have cable, and was watching the network news out of curiosity to see how they were covering the convention. (Otherwise I can just watch it online.) I can't believe the superficiality of their commentary. They are so smug and insufferable. The worst moment so far is when they started covering a naturalization ceremony. The President began to speak, congratulating the new citizens, and the commentators literally cut off the live feed, to then argue over whether Pompeo would be violating the Hatch Act. They couldn't let the President speak just one time, because they couldn't let a positive moment exist at the Republican convention. It was ridiculous.
Nationalization ceremony: great idea.
Clearly, somebody's thinking. Kellyanne before she left? Regardless: GOP exceeding (my) low expectations.
Tiffany, Erik Trump: not really needed. But then you remember: Dems wouldn't dare put on Hunter. Quite a contrast.
Ivanka yet to come.
Melania speaking now, and closing the deal for DJT.
Thank you, FLOTUS. I look forward to 4 more years of your grace, class and elegance.
Read Melania's speech. If the word "Trump" wasn't stamped on it you would say this is the epitome of American idealism, this is the promise of the American revolution. From COVID to race to religion to riots to opioids -- it hit everything, and it was right. But Trump is stamped on it, so the media will denigrate it, mischaracterize it, and mock it.
Melania wows them with her poise and grace and reminds people of what's important.
I'm watching on C-Span. No comments, just the speeches. Day 2 is interesting to watch. Usually you'd have politicians talking about "the farmers", "the immigrants", "the Cubans." Instead at this RNC they mostly have different people making the political points by talking about their own lives - the Wisconsin dairy farmer, the former bank robber, the steel worker, the Governor of Iowa talking about the derecho. There's political people but they're OK when scattered in with other people. Today seems to be about the internal condition of the US. You get a broad picture of the issues and how Trump is going to approach them.
I haven’t been watching, but I gather I missed a great speech by Pam Bondi.
Thank you, FLOTUS. I look forward to 4 more years of your grace, class and elegance.
8/25/20, 9:46 PM
Compare her to that mopey blue-haired teenage pop singer and Michele ("I'm so oppressed!!!") Obama.
Original Mike at 9:02 PM:
I just got covid. I'm interested in your experience of it. How long did it last before you got over it? What sort of treatment, if any, did you receive?
I'm very sick. Worst I've ever felt.
I remember the 2008 election pretty vividly. The country was sck of Bush, sick of the Iraq War, and struggling with the collapse of financial markets due to widespread crappy lending practices.
Obama was smooth. McCain, the old war monger, was not.
Obama lead the whole way. He acted like a winner. He cruised to victory. Was it ever in doubt?
And there were no riots, looting, arson and the cities did not burn.
Contrast with today: Are the Dems acting like winners? Is Basement Biden inspiring anybody?
@Andrew, apparently the media’s talking heads are unaware that the Hatch Act specifically exempts “an employee appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, whose position is located within the United States, who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in the nationwide administration of Federal laws.” Kind of describes the cabinet officers, don’t you think?
Did you know 666 fits inside BBB?
While surfing the big waves of the web, I come across those videos montages of people saying Trump will never be President pretty often, and every once in awhile I watch it again. It's amazing how many people on both sides of the spectrum did that. How sure they all were, how respected the opinion was of some of them, and how they completely made fools of themselves, and how out of touch they were with the country.
A few of them eventually became Trump supporters, and I'm kinda in that group. I thought he was a long shot but could win. Most of the giggling Trump-will-never-be-Pres clowns just doubled and tripled down for the last four years. The only ones who got it right, and did so with conviction were Hannity and Anne Coulter, who were viciously mocked for it at the time. We should keep that record of the talking heads in mind. At this time in 2016 Hillary was leading Trump by 10+ points in most polls. It was a sure thing, and Hillary was going to be the first woman President, because it was time.
Isn't it a little embarrassing to women that the Democrats only put up women who would be nowhere if they hadn't slept with the right man. Yuck! They have smart capable women, but the ones they nominate for the top offices, well, they are not there for the right reasons, especially if you are a feminist.
Hey all you "snot-nosed kids"! Can you even "speak English"?
...or are you "one of the good ones, Boss!" ??
oh-- and nice touch-- pardoning the White Supremacist felon
and giving special immigration status to those Scandinavians!
Burn it all down.
If Americans can work their whole lives and never know financial security - and nobody cares - burn it all down.
If generations can know their skin color played them a bad hand - and nobody cares - burn it all down.
If burning it all down is the only thing that makes whites fro more than shrug at the plight of other people - burn it all down.
Nobody has to care if a NewAge Nazi state survives - burn it all down.
London Times, August 26
Cambridge tests jab with potential to end all Covid pandemics
Cambridge University has joined the race to develop a Covid-19 vaccine with human trials of a jab that would be delivered through the skin via a jet of air due to start in the autumn.
“Making a coronavirus vaccine that will protect us not only from this pandemic but the next one — that’s our goal,” Jonathan Heeney, head of the laboratory of viral zoonotics at the university, said.
The vaccine is being developed by DIOSynVax, a company founded by Professor Heeney, together with the University of Cambridge and the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. It will receive £1.9 million in government funding for the first human trial.
Most Covid vaccines in advanced clinical trials work by exposing people to the entire “spike protein”, which the virus uses to latch on to human cells. The Cambridge team is taking a different approach. They first analysed the genetic code of hundreds of coronaviruses related to the Covid pathogen, including those found in bats.
This data was used to build a library of computer-designed proteins, known as antigens, which essentially are mimics of molecules found in or on the coronaviruses. When introduced into human cells, they should train the immune system to fend off a real infection. The aim is to find antigens shared by many different types of coronaviruses — this could allow one jab to protect against several coronavirus diseases, such as Sars, Mers and Covid.
The vaccine uses a device already tested for some cancer treatments, which will push it into skin cells using air. Researchers believe that their approach can induce more finely tuned immune responses than most other vaccines. This may avoid potentially dangerous side-effects, where the immune system reacts too fiercely.
Professor Heeney said: “We’re looking for crucial pieces of the virus that we can use to . . . direct the immune response in the right direction. Ultimately we aim to make a vaccine that will not only protect from Sars-CoV-2, but other related coronaviruses that may spill over from animals to humans.” The DNA vaccine could be freezedried as a powder that does not need to be refrigerated, making it suitable for poorer countries. Manufacturing should be relatively cheap.
“Our strategy [targets] those domains of the virus’s structure critical for docking with a cell. What we end up with is a mimic, a synthetic part of the virus minus those non-essential elements that could trigger a bad immune response,” Professor Heeney said.
The first human trial will take place at the National Institute for Health Research Southampton Clinical Research Facility at University Hospital Southampton.
In 2016, Obama’s last year, the number of black-on-black homicides was, per capita, 4.5 times as high as the number of white-on-white homicides (2570, 2854; 13% black, 65% white). BLM addresses the wrong people if they really think black lives matter. Setting Kenosha ablaze won’t change these numbers.
In 2016, the number of black-on-white homicides (533) was 2.2 times as high as the number of white-on-black homicides (243), when the expectation is that these numbers would be equal.
These FBI statistics deserve more attention.
I did not watch the convention. I'm up here in the UP. That's the upper peninsula of Michigan to you non mid westerners. Briefly. The poor mans Alaska. I've been coming up here to fish and hunt since I was in my twenties. For the last three decades the area has been run down and poverty stricken. Young people were encouraged to leave. The mines closed and you couldn't get a permit to mine anyway. Logging was dead the EPA and endangered species act saw to that. Tourism was dead too.
This trip I have seen more logging trucks than I've ever seen up here. There are mining operations going. There is more than copper and iron up here. The people are more enthusiastic. There's a future here for their children.
And the trout fishing is just as good as it has always been.
Thank you Mr. President.
Kassaar. It isn't about black lives. It never was. It is a temper tantrum over the failure of socialism. They-the protesters are seeing every day that capitalism is working very well. That people, if left to themselves, will solve their own problems in ways that suit them. Not Washington or Madison. They don't care about black people. If they did they'd be on the south side of Chicago risking their lives to save real black lives.
The weeping SJW on this site are just a bunch simpleton posers. Unserious people.
It's culture, not race. Prove me wrong.
"If burning it all down is the only thing that makes whites fro more than shrug at the plight of other people - burn it all down. "
If the US of all places deserves burning down because it has not immanentized the eschaton - then the world entire should burn and humanity end. We are all condemned to death for being imperfect I suppose.
Truly, this drunken rage is both stupid and evil.
I am afraid for you because you have a powerful caste that is indeed stupid and evil, that is acting in a drunken rage by this point, and wants to bring down a holocaust on you. It is because they are so powerful, unlike Crack, that I fear for you.
You know what else was DARK, the hours overnight between 8pm and 5:30am. Here in southern ME, anyway.
Mrs. stevew returns to her one day a week babysitting gig for the youngest of our grandchildren today. She travels to their house and so had to be up at 6am to get ready and get on the road. We both noticed that this feels like the first 'normal' weekday since mid-March when all was shutdown.
Saw a story that because the transmission rate of Covid from asymptomatic infected folks is so very low that certain locales will no longer count those as cases and will cease testing these folks. I wonder how many cases nationally could be tossed from the total to date and how much that changes the health threat profile of this virus.
P.S. My use of the period "." at the end of sentences is meant to indicate the completion of a thought or statement, not a challenge or insult. FWIW.
Some things are culture independent of race, but some cultures themselves, or some of their characteristics, seem predicated on a given race. It helps a lot to evaluate empirically than to try find an explanatory theory.
You can travel the world and find very different cultures among peoples of (more or less) a given race. Some are vastly more pleasant than others.
On the other hand you can do the same and come up with some telling similarities.
1. Burn it all down!
2. ?????
3. Utopia
Two shot dead in Kenosha. BLM honoring the memory of? Who again? If the goal is more peoples lives snuffed out prematurely, the plan is working great.
Two shot dead in Kenosha
Reports are rioters called for police..
Check out the pictures of the shooting going down in Kenosha
Rusty @ 4:19, Good news about Michigan's UP. In my summer travels I've also seen evidence of recovery in towns that had been declared dead. People are moving to small towns in rural locations and reviving their economies. Winning indeed!
Roughcoat: Prayers for you. Do you have any idea how you contracted it?
One trembles to think what sort of comments don't make it through moderation, although I've written a few of them myself.
It's culture, not race. Prove me wrong.
It's a culture obsessed with race and violence.
If Americans can work their whole lives and never know financial security - and nobody cares - burn it all down.
If poor Americans weren't wearing gold chains, $200 sneakers and carrying a $500 smartphone, maybe they would know financial security.
Isn't it a little embarrassing to women that the Democrats only put up women who would be nowhere if they hadn't slept with the right man.
Just as embarrassing, the Left is always rioting after career criminals commit crimes and resist arrest and die in a struggle with police. Not some of the time, every time.
Crack Emcee: "Burn it all down."
Lets start with your home.
Or better yet, you start with your own home.
We'll wait.....
Not that I blame the Lions fans.
I do, and I've been a Lions fan for 40+ years!
Thank you Alan Markus for posting the link to the daily mail. One of the people who was shot (in the arm) was clearly holding a handgun.
Looks like an clue to the missing post DNC polls appearing at noon today...
Roughcoat at 10:38pm: I'm sorry to hear you're so sick. It wasn't bad for me. I got sick for two days, though not nearly as sick as I've been many other times of my life. Then I got significantly better, but I hit a plateau that lasted for weeks. Main symptom was fatigue and an elevated temperature (mid 99s). I'm used to these symptoms because I have leukemia, so I didn't think too much about it, but given the current milieu I decided to get tested and it came back positive.
I talked to my primary physician and my hematologist. No treatment was offered. I was told there would be two endpoints, either I shake this myself or I end up in the emergency room in respiratory distress. Still feel tired almost 4 weeks out, but it appears I will be alright.
Good luck to you, mate. Let us know how it goes. And, from what I was instructed, if you have trouble breathing get to the hospital.
Yeah, Roughcoat, let us know how you do!
Are you quarantined?
Glad to hear Original Mike's story too.
Stay well, guys
Thanks Narr. And I never thanked you for The Map That Changed The World referral (I think it was you). It was an enjoyable read.
@Big Mike,
Thanks for that info. I didn't know that.
I just wish Trump would stop violating so many of our country's mores and traditions. /sarc
It's culture, not race. Prove me wrong.
What is the cultural explanation for black dominance in certain athletic competitions (e.g. American football, basketball, sprinting, long-distance running)?
Crack once more crying out for someone to put him out of his misery.
There is a large black middle class who want good schools and live in peaceful suburbs. Obviously that does not include you.
Fuck off.
Original Mike & Mockturtle & Narr:
Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. I have no idea how I contracted it. None whatsoever -- except, maybe at my job in Chicago, where I had limited (but some) human contact. Thanks, Mike, for the info, it's very useful. I am now quarantined in my own house. Mrs. Roughcoat sleeping upstairs in guest bedroom. Symptoms: vast fatigue, body ache, headache, stomach cramps, fever. Fortunately the fever has been holding at between 99 and 100. Also fortunately: slight lung congestion but no cause for concern, probably due more to hayfever/allergies than the virtus. No trouble breathing. Tylenol has been a lifesaver in this regard. I'm on day 4, feeling a little better today after three days of feeling as bad as I've ever felt in whole damn life. One of the worst aspects of all this are the bizarre hallucinatory fever dreams I've been having. Makes it hard get any rest.
That's it for now. Thanks for your kind words and good thoughts. I'll keep you posted.
The first day covid hit, it slammed me like a pile driver. We went to an emergency care adjunct of the local hospital here in Chesterton IN. I couldn't walk. Had to use a wheelchair. Body pain was incredible. They scanned my lungs to rule out pneumonia and did a flu test. Nothing. Next day I got the test. Doing much better today, thank God.
OM, I did recommend The Map That Changed the World (and others by Winchester), and even if I didn't I'll take the credit.
My wife and I have been tested for C-19 several times in the last few months, and she has to get another Friday in order to have some cataract surgery next Tuesday.
Getting old and needing surgery is one way to be tested frequently.
Here's to your recovery and immunity!
Roughcoat - FYI, my wife never got it. Hard to imagine how that is because we took no inordinate precautions, but that's my datapoint. Hang in there.
We've been living all summer in northern WI like hermits, wearing masks, wiping everything down. It appears I got it from my clinic when I returned to Madison for a routine checkup. Arrgh.
Thanks again, guys. I'll hang in!
"Here's to your recovery and immunity!"
I want to get a Superman costume with a big "I" on my chest.
Get well soon Roughhian!
Glad you made it, OM!
Michael K said...
"There is a large black middle class who want good schools and live in peaceful suburbs."
Fuck them too.
Michael K: "There is a large black middle class who want good schools and live in peaceful suburbs."
Crack Emcee: "Fuck them too."
Yep. No doubt about it. Crack was one of those brutha's years ago joining the moron mobs beating the crap out of black high academic achieving students for "acting white".
You should write a song about that Crack. You know, about how blacks doing well academically means they are race traitors.
Crack should be out there setting fires instead of bullshitting us that he is literate.
The criminal rioter who was shot in the head? Had a facebook friend mention that there was an entry wound- but no exit wound. A 5.56 at that range would have left little behind of the head.
Will interesting to see how fast they drop that murder charge against the 17 year old hero when the coroner pulls the bullet out.
BUMBLE BEE said...
It's culture, not race. Prove me wrong.
Can't. I mostly agree.
J. Farmer said...
It's culture, not race. Prove me wrong.
What is the cultural explanation for black dominance in certain athletic competitions (e.g. American football, basketball, sprinting, long-distance running)?
That's partially genetics, partially motivation. East Africans excel at long distance events, West Africans at sprints. Has to do with fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers in the legs... Look at swim rankings- a mixture of Asians and Caucasians at the top levels. The entire time I was in the Navy, and the time my kids were in the Army- the assumption in boot camp is that blacks don't know how to swim. Can they learn? Yes. Why don't they? Culture and motivation. Will they enter the top ranks if they get motivated? No clue. Just googled top 10 triathletes, and there was a stream of pics on top. No identifiable blacks. Motivation. Blacks in the US can see people who look just like them making lots of money in football and basketball. They can see barely literate people shepherded through to HS graduation because they can shoot hoops. Triathletes and swimmers- not so much.
If course, that brings up- what about mind sports? No blacks in the top 100 world chess rankings, either men or woman, none in the top 100 Go players. There seems to be a handful in the top 100 poker players, but nowhere there their share of world population. Motivation? Or genetics? Or a combination?
Gospace said...
The criminal rioter who was shot in the head? Had a facebook friend mention that there was an entry wound- but no exit wound. A 5.56 at that range would have left little behind of the head.
Will interesting to see how fast they drop that murder charge against the 17 year old hero when the coroner pulls the bullet out.
8/26/20, 8:52 PM
That's true. I saw the extended video edit by the long-haired YouTube guy and yes, the head wound identified by the rescuers, if that's the word, in the video, didn't look right.
A 5.56mm at close range, if it wasn't at such an angle as to glance off, should have done far, far more damage, and almost surely (head wounds are funny) exited, and there should have been buckets of blood. Scalp wounds, even, cut your head like with a broken bottle, bleed like crazy.
Definitely wait and see.
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