... you can write about anything you want.

The photos were taken at 5:05 a.m. this morning. The pictures I put up here, earlier today, were done at a different vantage point at 5:22.
And let me remind you to use the Althouse Portal to Amazon if you've got some shopping.
I feel worst for Drago.
Next two weeks will be interesting. Deaths lag cases by about two weeks. If the deaths start rising again then we are truly fucked.
“I feel worst for Drago.“
Me too.
Local politics. First in a series.
BCARM: lol!
I was reading anthony doerrs coming of age world war 2 drama 'all the light, we cannot see'
BCARM: Marxist or TV news consumer?
Mars seems to be getting closer and closer. I presume those were taken from Earth.
The Wall Street Journal said ...
He hasn’t been equal to the crises. He never makes anything better. And everyone kind of knows.
Inga said...
Me too.
A small tragedy unfolds in our midst, while a vast one looms on the horizon.
Dan Castellaneta isn't morbidly obese so he shouldn't be voicing Homer, this is ableism.
Nancy Cartwright is not a 10 year old boy so she should not be voicing Bart
Lets go for it
No more acting
Quote Tweet
· 3h
‘The Simpsons’ Will ‘No Longer Have White Actors Voice Non-White Characters,’ Producers Say https://wp.me/p2WgDE-1lyDLE
who's George Kirby?
Missed it by that much
Much prettier than (and just as funny as) Sarah Cooper.
Despite all their ranting and grunting stupidity, ARM and Inga are ultimately quite tedious. Yawn.
A spark of intelligence would help, but there is no fuel in the dry deserts of their brains.
‘The Simpsons’ Will ‘No Longer Have White Actors Voice Non-White Characters,’
The Simpsons are still on? I haven't see one in about fifteen years. I think it was when the original writers left and the post-Henry Blake/Trapper John MASH writers came in to replace them.
Odd that my uber liberal FB folks aren't doing their usual SJW/COVID ranting.
They're only posting about vacations, plants..food.
Trump wants to invite Russia to the upcoming G7 summit.
Russia paid the Taliban BOUNTIES for killing American troops in Afghanistan in plot orchestrated by shadowy intelligence unit - and the White House has known about it for MONTHS.
Nothing to see here, folks.
And the times should stop representing scripts from killing eve as news
“A small tragedy unfolds in our midst, while a vast one looms on the horizon.”
Sadly, yes.
the colors are so beautiful
Next two weeks will be interesting. Deaths lag cases by about two weeks. If the deaths start rising again then we are truly fucked.
You do know the experts never claimed the quarantines and social distancing were going to lessen infection level or deaths? Right? You remember that? Delay, not lessen.
Taking up some old business
Latest documents released by Secret Service show Hunter Biden traveled to 29 countries, including 5 visits to China. In the first 5 years of the Obama administration. Ukraine was one country Biden did not visit, strange yes?
I think I remember someone here trying to infer President Trump was under the spell of foreign governments. But just like that, now it doesn't matter
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
If the deaths start rising again then we are truly fucked.
Only by the amount healthcare needs exceed healthcare capacity. Or have you forgotten what flattening the curve was about?
They might have gone too far. They might need to lock down again. Or the cases might be relatively mild, and combined with dexamethasone reducing the need for ventilators, maybe they are hitting it just right, maximizing future herd immunity while letting the economy breath a little.
Thank God for federalism. We are getting the kind of experiment that would be both unethical and logistically impossible to run via top-down command.
And, worst-case, you might be truly fucked, but I won't be. I'm locked down.
The taliban which have been fighting us for 19 years, they need bounties of course its the key stone cops that rarely hit the right target, that supposedly did this
Hold me--those skies are pretty triggery to someone of my sensibilities!
How about a little Friday booktalk? Pulled down Robert Baldick's The Siege of Paris (1870/71), which I had started decades ago and lost track of. Having been to the city and region, it is a clearer story now . . . if you like European history. The Commune hasn't happened yet, and it's not the focus anyway--some well-received fairly recent histories of that episode around the interweb somewhere I'm sure.
As we enter the late imperial stage (these things often take a long time, but not always) I intend to spend as much of my time as possible in comfortable cynicism, gorging on the supremely rich intellectual, cultural, historical, and (why the Hell not?) spiritual legacy of Western civilization. Just from the last few centuries-- Handel and Sibelius; Newton and Humboldt; Wordsworth and Nabokov; Lincoln and Churchill . . . urban design and lesbian porn, delicious liqueurs and g.m. cannabis.
It really has been something!
Beginning to understand what Talleyrand meant by the sweetness of life (for the well-off) under the Old Regime
Ignorance is Bliss said...
And, worst-case, you might be truly fucked, but I won't be. I'm locked down.
We all function in the same country, the same economy.
Today the Federalist published an article about Nikole Hannah-Jones:
In Racist Screed, NYT’s 1619 Project Founder Calls ‘White Race’ ‘Barbaric Devils,’ ‘Bloodsuckers,’ Columbus ‘No Different Than Hitler’
"...Hannah-Jones claimed that the actions of European settlers and explorers such as Christopher Columbus were “acts of devils” and likens them to Hitler.
“[The whites] lasting monument was the destruction and enslavement of two races of people,” Hannah-Jones wrote.
Hannah-Jones claims Africans arrived in North America long before Europeans, but that unlike Europeans, Africans befriended and traded with the indigenous people. She claims pyramids in Mexico are a symbol of said friendship.
She then moves to the present and argues that white people today still take advantage of other people.
“The descendants of these savage people pump drugs and guns into the Black community, pack Black people into the squalor of segregated urban ghettos and continue to be bloodsuckers in our community,” she writes.
She ends her letter by pitying the author she was responding to and claiming that white people still struggle with a supremacy complex.
“But after everything that those barbaric devils did, I do not hate them,” she wrote. “I understand that because of some lacking, they needed to [sic] constantly prove their superiority.”
The Times did not respond to a request for comment on whether their employee maintained these beliefs.'
The "screed" was a letter to the editor published in the Notre Dame student newspaper (The Observer) in 1995, when the author was a sophomore. It also included her opinion that “the white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world.”
The author has a Wikipedia entry which includes the information that: "Hannah-Jones lives in the Bedford–Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn with her husband, Faraji Hannah-Jones..."
Faraji Hannah-Jones has a twitter account. On June 3, 202 he tweeted: The Reckoning!!!
followed by this image with the words "FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET" and "PUBLIC ENEMY" followed by the image of a police officer in the crosshairs of a gun sight. Followed by the words "COUNTERATTACK ON WORLD SUPREMACY"
Fear of a Black Planet is a famous rap song by the group Public Enemy. Background:
The bigwigs at the NYT are probably now considering their options. They probably won't do the right thing.
Today’s photos besides being absolutely beautiful, make me want to say “No need to burn it all down’”
“And, worst-case, you might be truly fucked, but I won't be. I'm locked down.“
Some here might say you’re being a “panicker”. I recall that term being thrown around here during the first lockdown.
Inga, did you participate in the storm the mall for justice there in Toe-Saw?
A reminder, so that the destruction does not memory hole it. This blog is filled with Covidiot denialists and moral cretins who say let the old and ill die.
Trump wants to invite Russia to the upcoming G7 summit.
Yes or no, is Russia an important player in the international economy? If no, then Trump may be wrong to invite them in. If yes, then there is no excuse on anyone’s part for keeping them out.
Next two weeks will be interesting. Deaths lag cases by about two weeks. If the deaths start rising again then we are truly fucked.
Well, perhaps you’re fucked. In my rural county we’ve had no new cases for several days now, and no new deaths for much longer than that. Places that have had riots and looting are seeing spikes in coronavirus cases. I fresh out of sympathy for looters and rioters.
Things are so bad, Ken, that we had a new scarf reveal!
You could frame these and sell them. They're beautiful.
What should happen is places open up and tighten up as the case load calls for it. of. Our we people are going to get sick. The goal should still be to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed in any given location
I don't understand the people who are mad at states for reopening. That should be the goal! Have zero cases isn't the goal having a nationwide lockdown isn't the goal
Keeping track of where it's deadly and mitigating that is the goal. Right?
Will Portland have America's first Antifa mayor (or at least the first admitted one)?
The sitting Dem mayor has not been generating much excitement. His challenger is giving him a run for his money. Sarah Iannarone has declared herself "the antifa candidate" for mayor. She said last year "I am Antifa" and openly embraced the "Antifa mayor" label... "I stand proudly beside the good people of this city organizing in countless ways every day to oppose hate in its myriad forms."
So she could be the first mayor in America to oppose hate by personally throwing a brick through the window of a minority-owned business before setting her own office on fire.
Finally, a solution to the lack of affordable housing in Portland.
I just wonder how sick you'd have to be to seek testing after you were at a huge protest
Don't you think protesters will just suck it up and keep their heads down rather than tell someone they got sick while protesting?
They seem to have weakened their comparative advantage
Remember he put the rosneft deal through three seperate parties.
Books, books and more books...
I finally finished Elia Kazan's "A Life". I really enjoyed the book, found it interesting throughout, except for the next to last chapter.
On the other hand, what a world class shit this guy was. His testimony before HUAC was far from the worst of it. I can't understand why a person would write a book like this. It seems very disrespectful to his wives and children.
A book about his movies, work and life in general sure. We kind of expect that from someone like this. But to detail all his shitty behavior seems designed to humiliate his children.
I do not like the guy AT ALL. But I did really like the book.
About the next to the last chapter. Probably best to skip or skim. It goes into excruciating detail about his long time mistress and second wife's death from cancer. Way too much information.
John Henry
“Inga, did you participate in the storm the mall for justice there in Toe-Saw?”
I don’t live in Wauwatosa, Walter. I live in Waukesha County, Lake Country region.
You have to be completely disengaged from reality to think people who thought the lockdown was/is an overreaction are responsible for old people dying.
The public officials who put co vid patients back in nursing homes killed more old people than anyone who complained about those same governors
I had heard about Budd Schulberg's "What Makes Sammy Run" forever but had never gotten around to reading it. Elia Kazan talked about it in A Life so I downloaded the sample.
Read the sample and bought the book and am now about halfway through. It is about a kid who was a $12/week office boy at a NY newspaper, sort of steals a radio script from a co-worker, promotes it into a screenplay and becomes a bigshot Hollywood writer, mostly using others to do the writing for him. Kind of a shit but not too bad. Certainly an interesting character and interesting book.
Schulberg also wrote "A Face in the Crowd" in 1956 that starred Andy Griffiths, Patricia O'Neal and Walter Matthau. I've seen it a couple time but not recently. It used to be on YouTube but no longer. Should have downloaded it when I had a chance.
So what's everyone else reading?
John Henry
I live in a strange new world that I don't understand. I suppose it's my fault for living this long. Anyway I don't understand the rules, the presuppositions, the music, the jokes, the fashions. The food is still okay, but everything else is alien......George Floyd is a purer, more moral martyr than Lincoln. That's hard for someone born before 1990 to get their head around, but that's the way it is.
“Places that have had riots and looting are seeing spikes in coronavirus cases. I fresh out of sympathy for looters and rioters.”
Like states like Alabama and Arkansas? New York and DC are having no spike in cases. Go figure.
1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election
wow, down to only 20% fraud
A change of pace
"Next two weeks will be interesting. Deaths lag cases by about two weeks. If the deaths start rising again then we are truly fucked."
Then deaths should have started rising again a week ago, ARM.
New cases as measured by the 7-day moving average peaked at 31,035 on April 10th- new deaths as measured by the 7-day moving average peaked on April 21st at 2070- an 11 day lag in peaks.
New cases as measured by the 7-day moving average bottomed at 20,559 on May 29th. 11 days later on June 9th, the 7-day moving average of new deaths was at 826. Both values today were 35,098 and 569. In short, if you were going to see a spike in deaths, you should have seen June 9th as the bottom in new deaths, but instead they have continued downwards by over 25%.
I think it likely that we have just gotten better at treating the vulnerable and keeping them from being infected. One of notable things has been the near freezing of nursing home deaths across the country outside the northeast, even during the recent uptick in new cases, 1/2 of which, I will note again, is due to increased testing.
When you look at the individual states, only Arizona is seeing a significant increase in new deaths/day, and their daily rate is just 20% higher than the previous peak (went from 26/day then to 32/day today), and on May 11th, when they had 1/6th of the active cases they have today.
I know you are desperately hoping for a big spike in the dying from Covid-19, ARM, but it might not happen. Get ready to be disappointed.
a very interesting take by Ambedkar considered father of India's Constitution
- What God is to other religions morality is to Buddhism.
from comparing 4 religions
Out of the many founders of Religion, there are four whose religions have not only moved the world in the past, but are still having a sway over the vast masses of people. They are Buddha, Jesus, Mahommed and Krishna. A comparison of the personalities of these four and the poses they assumed in propagating their religions reveals certain points of contrast between the Buddha on the one hand and the rest on the other, which are not without significance.
We are in the economic predicament we are in because we listened to the shutdown morons. Nothing in the data suggest the shutdowns were successful. The so-called covidiots warned you, Ken, that all you were doing was putting 30 million people out of work to end up in the exact same spot you were going to end up in regardless of how deadly or not the virus turned out to be. My fear is that we are starting to get stampeded back into another shutdown. If we do, then we deserve the millions of premature deaths across the globe this economic calamity is going to cause.
If the deaths start rising again then we are truly fucked.
Immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises), illegal alien migration (e.g. DREAMERs), globalism, "protestors", Planned Parent (e.g. New York, Seattle) are progressive risks, and, of course, unknown spreaders like George Floyd. Then there are the excess deaths ("Wicked Solution") normalized by the Twilight Fringe faithful of the Progressive Church with a Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religion under Planned Parenthood (e.g. selective-child, cannibalized-child). We're past the point of fucked return.
That said, everyone else needs to adopt good hygienic habits including washing hands and avoiding fecal matter, limit exposure in closed spaces ("greenhouse effect"), and avoid symptomatic people, physically distance, or wear a proper fitting mask (for a limited duration) and goggles. This virus is not supernatural ("big bang" or spontaneous conception) and follows the common transmission paths. People at elevated risk should take precautions commensurate to their circumstances. Also, mitigate the progress of social contagion and disinformation which were proximate causes of panic and excess deaths in the first wave.
Trump wants to invite Russia to the upcoming G7 summit.
could explain why this story now
"In my rural county we’ve had no new cases for several days now, and no new deaths for much longer than that."
My county is the second largest in the state by population, and there have been a total of *6* covid deaths altogether since this whole thing started. This includes probable and confirmed cases.
A reminder, so that the destruction does not memory hole it. This blog is filled with Covidiot denialists and moral cretins who say let the old and ill die.
Santa Cruz Ca already has 50 % increase in deaths.
Many more elderly country club Republicans are like Peggy Noonan. They feel Trump isn't a real Republican and the GOP will go back to normal soon. Wacky liberal young people can be compared to the president to make a choice between parties and presidential candidates.
White people have excellent reasons to have a supremacy complex. And this is a global thing, not just parochial US silliness. So far anyway.
Conquest is its own justification, a persistent fact, and the European conquests and global domination of the last 500 years cannot be wished away, or reversed by whining.
Or fantasized away, as this poor woman also tries to do. Other fantasies involve some sort of magic spell that drained mathematics and technology from African minds and stuck them in Europeans. It is pathetic.
It was Europeans that showed up on the West African coast to buy slaves, not West Africans on European shores, because the Europeans could, and the Africans couldn't. There's no getting away from that.
I have some sympathy for these people as they are desperate to have something to justify their amour-propre, but they cannot find much that is legitimatly glorious.
There is such a thing as a right of conquest.
Trump San Jose rally where Trump supporters got beat up ended in a settlement, no money, some training and an apology.
Government claimed immunity.
This is so wrong.
My anecdotal mind ran wild a few minutes ago. I started to think about how many people I know, and my conversations with them about coronavirus, and how many people that they know, etc. I imagine that my "contact tree" covers 500 people, many who have been tested. Guess what? I have yet to know someone or even know someone who knows someone who has contracted coronavirus. Helluva pandemic we have going here.
Time for the evening Coronavirus update.
Here is the WorldofMeters page for the US:
Scroll down until you see the Daily Deaths graph, and click on the little box so you can see the 7-day moving average. You can clearly see there that deaths are trending down substantially.
Here in the great southwest, everyone is freaking out about Arizona's data. WorldofMeters has an Arizona page:
Now this graph is displaying cases and data on the day they are reported. So again, it's important to click the 7-day moving average button to get an idea of what's happening. And what do you see, if you scroll down to the Daily Deaths graph? (Just keep scrolling past the cases...) In Daily Deaths, you see a mostly flat graph, with perhaps a slight uptick at the end. But that uptick represents the difference between 24 and 32, neither of which are huge numbers.
So you're thinking, "What, it increased by 33% and you're brushing it off!" Well, the devil is in the details, because WorldofMeters is showing data *when it is reported*, not the day the cases were actually diagnosed, or the day the deaths actually occurred. The AZ Dept of Health COVID page reports data by date of *testing* (for cases) and by date of *death*, NOT the date the death was reported, and there's always a lag. Looking at the graphs on the ADH COVID data dashboard page
You can see that COVID cases started spiking way, way up right at the beginning of June, which was more than 3 weeks ago. Two weeks ago, we were recording more than 2,000 cases each day. There were over 3,000 cases on June 19, which was a whole week ago. So over the month of June, a HUGE number of new cases has been diagnosed, but overall the number of people in hospitals has barely changed, and the death rate is just about flat as well, and the case increase started long enough ago that we'd expect to see similar huge spikes in hospitalizations and death rates if the virus was really as deadly as we're still being led to believe it is.
But it's not, at least not for the majority of people who contract it. If you look at the new case data, you'll see that the vast majority of new cases are occurring in younger cohorts who don't usually get sick enough to need hospitalization or die.
And yet the media continues to scream about the number of new cases and freak people out. There's so much manipulation of data and outright dishonesty that I am honestly at a loss for words to describe it.
Spikes in cases, but not deaths.
This thing is burning itself out.
From the beginning, we should have done what our ancestors, much smarter than our elites, did: take precautions, quarantine the sick, and protect vulnerable populations.
We now know that the modern apurratus of the state, with its near infinite command of resources, ad its ability to direct a population-wide response to a pandemic, does not have the native intelligence of a village idiot.
Inga said...
Some here might say you’re being a “panicker”. I recall that term being thrown around here during the first lockdown.
Another failed attempt at slander.* The general consensus around here, amongst those talking of panicers, was that the immune-compromised should lock themselves down. I've got cancer. (Back to BCARM's point, actually, I am truly fucked, but not because of COVID)
*Yeah, I know, it was libel, not slander. Give me a little poetic license here.
@Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I feel worst for Drago.
"Worst" is a superlative adjective or an adverb that means something is as bad as it can get: there is nothing that can get worse.
An unspeakable calamity has obviously occurred.
buwaya said...
There is such a thing as a right of conquest.
The British should have crushed Spain back in the 1580s. Salted its earth, raped its women and burnt every city to the ground. A genuine missed opportunity.
The Washington Post, among others, seems to think that people who favored reopening believed that the reopening would not result in any uptick in cases. That certainly is not what I believed (did anybody?). My belief was the cost of the upturn in covid cases would be outweighed by the benefit of increased economic activity.
Mrs stevew and I have moved from MA to ME. Due to the quarantine restrictions in ME we attempted to be tested for Covid prior to the move, as much for our peace of mind as anything as we would still need to quarantine for 14 days upon arriving in ME. We were refused because, "we did not have any Covid symptoms". This would seem to confirm that testing is not telling us anything about the spread and prevalence of the virus. And testing is being exploited for political purposes, not scientific ones.
On Batman: The Joker vandalizes art, and the art world laps up the vandalism as an improvement.
If you like British police dramas you can do no better than Line of Duty on Amazon Prime. One of the best I've seen in a while.
@h - reopening advocates fail to grasp that people who die of COVID are deader than people who die of causes related to economic factors, so you can’t just do a cost-benefit analysis as though all the deaths are equal. It’s similar to deaths from “gun violence,” except I bet that when the science is settled it will turn out that victims of gun violence are even deader than victims of COVID.
Fullmoon "Santa Cruz Ca already has 50 % increase in deaths."
According to Worldometers the total death count to date in Santa Cruz County CA is...3. Yes--THREE.
So if one of those 3 is someone who passed away within the last week or so--50% increase!!!!.
Stop it.
Well, "George Kerby" was a character in the "Topper" TV series, IIRC. He WAS the dead man who came back, along with his wife, as ghost to haunt Topper.
Schulberg also wrote "A Face in the Crowd" in 1956 that starred Andy Griffiths, Patricia O'Neal and Walter Matthau. I've seen it a couple time but not recently. It used to be on YouTube but no longer. Should have downloaded it when I had a chance.
I have a DVD of it. At the time, it was supposed to be a sort of parable about Arthur Godfrey. Nobody remembers who he was anymore but it is still good.
Little known fact, at least in Anglosphere history, is that the the English tried to counter-invade the year after the Armada (1588). Look up the Anglo-Dutch Drake expedition to Corunna of 1589. It ended quite as disastrously, or more so, than the Spanish attack of 1588.
This is a big weak spot of traditional Anglo history. It tends to skip over some inconvenient episodes.
The outcome is typical of European wars of the modern era. Few European states managed a lasting conquest of another European nation, and very few unambiguous victories. The sides were all too well matched and any over-powerful state found a coalition of the others raised against them.
Bad news for ARM who is truly fucked but not the way he thought.
What virtually every fear-mongering story on America’s allegedly precarious situation leaves out, however, is the steadily dropping daily death numbers — from a high of 2,693 on April 21 to 808 on June 24. That April high was driven by New York City and its environs; those New York death numbers have declined, but they have not been replaced by deaths in the rest of the country. This should be good news. Instead, it is no news.
The Left has been counting on a death wave. It isn't coming.
“Another failed attempt at slander.* The general consensus around here, amongst those talking of panicers, was that the immune-compromised should lock themselves down. I've got cancer. (Back to BCARM's point, actually, I am truly fucked, but not because of COVID)”
Actually the general consensus was that anyone who thought the first lockdown was a good idea was a “panicker”. Social isolation was a good idea in that it flattened the curve in a lot of places that could’ve seen as severe a spike as in New York and overwhelmed the healthcare system in the same way it did it New York. Also people who believed this virus was more than “just the flu” were labeled panickers.
So now that we see what unabated reopening has done in the southern states and a death toll of over 127,000 in the US so far since March, most rational people can agree it’s not “panicking” to take Covid seriously.
I’m sorry to hear you have cancer and I wish for you the best outcome, but you were one of the few here who took this seriously.
@PJ: THanks for the insight -- I think you're right. More generally deaths (or illnesses) attributable to Republican actions are horrific, while deaths (illnesses) attributable to Democratic actions are just minor unavoidable distractions.
@Yancey Ward:
We are in the economic predicament we are in because we listened to the shutdown morons. Nothing in the data suggest the shutdowns were successful. The so-called covidiots warned you, Ken, that all you were doing was putting 30 million people out of work to end up in the exact same spot
Compare CA to TX.
It is astonishing how hard it is for some people to grasp the difference between rate and extent.
It is possible that the increase in infections does not result in an increase in deaths but it is unlikely that this is sustainable. As others point out currently the infections are disproportionately affecting young people but this will ultimately spread to their relatives if the current trends continue and then the death rates will go back up.
So now that we see what unabated reopening has done in the southern states and a death toll of over 127,000 in the US so far since March, most rational people can agree it’s not “panicking” to take Covid seriously.
Since you are a fool no one takes you seriously. I really wonder what self satisfaction you get out of posting these ridiculous comments all the time.
A very high percentage of the "deaths" reported are NOT from the virus. What would have made sense, outside of the shithole that is New York City, is to have those at great risk sequester themselves, as we have, and let the young, which are at markedly reduced risk, continue to work. I grant that, early on, this was not known for sure although the cruise ship suggested it.
ARM, the epidemiologist opines. Another fool.
Doc Karen Quack: I thought Trumpian logic requires dismissal of experts like epidemiologists? It's so hard to keep up with you people.
ARM, even if deaths go back up, it doesn't make locking down the answer. Like other have mentioned, the rationale for locking down was flattening the curve, not extinguishing the virus.
Again, for about the millionth time now- the optimal strategy was always obvious- protect those over the age of 70, with either voluntary lockdowns or mandated ones. Let everyone else out into the world so that we can support ourselves and build herd immunity.
It is listening to morons like you, Inga, Howard, and Karen B that have stranded us in this cul de sac of idiocy.
Howard said...
Doc Karen Quack: I thought Trumpian logic requires dismissal of experts like epidemiologists? It's so hard to keep up with you people.
Howard,. I see you have decided to adopt the tactics of that little white girl screaming at the two black men who trying to keep from laughing.
So, ARM is an expert epidemiologist? Good to know. Another fool.
boatbuilder said...
Fullmoon "Santa Cruz Ca already has 50 % increase in deaths."
According to Worldometers the total death count to date in Santa Cruz County CA is...3. Yes--THREE.
So if one of those 3 is someone who passed away within the last week or so--50% increase!!!!.
Stop it.
6/27/20, 7:09 AM
Yeah, I posted that for those hoping for massive deaths to justify their alarmism.
Man who died was 95 years old and dying in hospice care when he got the virus.
Yancey Ward said...
even if deaths go back up, it doesn't make locking down the answer.
Yet that is what Texas and Florida are doing.
“Since you are a fool no one takes you seriously. I really wonder what self satisfaction you get out of posting these ridiculous comments all the time.”
Since you are a senile coot and a disgrace to the medical community, no one should take you seriously.
“It is listening to morons like you, Inga, Howard, and Karen B that have stranded us in this cul de sac of idiocy.”
Yancy Ward was the idiot who said there wouldn’t be more than 7,500 deaths in total in the US.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
buwaya said...
There is such a thing as a right of conquest.
The British should have crushed Spain back in the 1580s. Salted its earth, raped its women and burnt every city to the ground. A genuine missed opportunity.
Now do Ireland.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump wants to invite Russia to the upcoming G7 summit.
Russia paid the Taliban BOUNTIES for killing American troops in Afghanistan in plot orchestrated by shadowy intelligence unit - and the White House has known about it for MONTHS.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Howard mentioned this on another thread – I see you all have got your talking points – and I invited him to engage on this substantively, which, unlike you, he has shown the ability to do when he sets his mind to it. I haven't seen his reply.
If he's not willing or able to talk seriously about it, I won't even bother to ask you. I'll just repeat that President Trump is the only American president, perhaps since Wilson, perhaps ever, who has had the pleasure of deliberately, knowingly, killing Russians, and making them like it. That's what this alleged bounty thing is all about - them licking their wounds and wishing for payback.
So the idea of him being either in their pocket, or paralyzed, is as good a laugh as you usually supply. Almost as good as the idea of Afghans needing to be paid to kill people.
ARM and Inga are too stupid to understand a graph like this.
The riots and demonstrations created what spike has occurred. The positive tests are in young people, many of whom would be small loss to society, but they will survive and will not burden ICUs with saving their sorry asses.
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