June 24, 2020

Anything about a noose... I stand back and wait for more details.


DanTheMan said...

Notice the absence of pictures?

mccullough said...

“Fashioned like a noose.”

PR bullshit based upon the FBI giving NASCAR an off ramp.

It’s a bowline, not a noose. A noose tightens. A bowline doesn’t.

The FBI knows this.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“Fashioned like a noose”, AKA “not a noose”.

Maybe The Special People Club will petition Merrimam-Webster to expand the definition to their liking.

Drago said...

It is my understanding that Christopher Wray's crack "Race crime investigation" FBI Team has submitted a report to Judge Sullivan that implicates General Michael Flynn in the placement of this non-noose "noose".

Judge Sullivan has already directed the Department of Justice In Abstentia, headed up by Eric Holder and Sally Yates, to bring charges against Flynn immediately for this heinous non-crime "crime".

Meanwhile, Conservative Inc., represented by National Review and Reason Magazine, are willing to take a wait and see approach regarding these latest charges against a Trump supporter due to Conservative Inc's longstanding relationships with many insiders whom the Conservative Inc-ers assure us are "honorable people".

lgv said...

Please be aware that Bubba Wallace was not the person to "discover" the noose. Please don't use the Smollett analogy.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Ace at Ace of Spades said it best:


I also like the Al Yankovic take:

"In America oppressors racist you!"

Mary Martha said...

Why does the media keep taking these stories at face value and promoting them?

Why do people keep doing this same thing again and again?

At this point I can't think of a news story about a 'noose' in the last decade that wasn't a willful misunderstanding (Exercise swings in a park) or a deception (Jessie Smollet).

This can't be accomplishing anything other than destroying people's trust in the media to accurately and fairly present factual news.

RMc said...

"Leaving nooses around" is the type of thing that lefties imagine right-wing racists do as a matter of course. (Kinda like how righties think that all lefties spend every evening rioting and looting.)

Rory said...

Still waiting for the security camera footage from the African American Museum.

wild chicken said...

Well apparently one of the incidents panned out. At Ole Miss 2014 I believe.

So there's that.

Krumhorn said...

Easily, within 10 seconds of hearing the word "noose", I told my wife that this would either be a hoax or first degree stupid. I admit that I presumed that this guy was using the current hysteria to get that loving spotlight of victimhood beamed upon his melanin-enhanced features. I'm glad to know that was wrong.

- Krumhorn

Bob Boyd said...

When Wallace was talking about what his mother told him and posing for pics with all those NASCAR people behind him and so forth, he knew the whole time it was just a garage door pull rope.

Outside of NASCAR fans, who ever heard of Bubba Wallace before the "noose" was discovered? The guy tried to cash in on it. Might even still work.

Yancey Ward said...

Good grief, if it took you more than 1 second, you are an idiot.

Nonapod said...

I admit that I'm thankfully not familiar with the intimidation tactics that the true old school racists used back in the day. As such I can honestly say that I never heard of a noose being used in such a way, but I don't doubt that it was at one time. But these days the second I hear of a noose being found, or some accusation of racist intimidation is leveled involving a noose, the first thing I assume is that its either faked or that there's a perfectly innocent explanation.

Owen said...

When will Bubba apologize for being at best a hot-headed dope?

Skipper said...

I look forward to the apology tour. Right.

BarrySanders20 said...

15 agents to investigate a rope handle. It is not a noose unless and until someone shows the photo. Until then it is an alleged noose.

Why haven't we seen the alleged noose yet? Like Adams said, Fake Noose.

But woke driver got the rest to affirm his wokeness. Hope he enjoyed his 5 minutes. He's now Jussie Smollet.

Meanwhile, cities burn and mobs rule. But we got nice paintings on the plywood covering the destruction. Until someone torches the plywood because they don't like the public art.

J. D. Canals said...

When you're consumed with racism, and you can't find it...…. you make it up.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

A moral panic pandemic.

Replete with "super spreaders".

Lucien said...

Reference to a noose raises a rebuttable presumption of a hoax-crime.

rcocean said...

My serious comment is this. When (since 2010) have ANY of these "noose stories" been true? I can't remember a single one that wasn't fake.

Why would any WHITE racist go through the trouble - and possible jail time - of causing a black person problems by leaving a noose in their office or whatever? Isn't that a lot of trouble for nothing? Wouldn't make more sense to send an anonymous email or note?

BTW, its sad that Wallace, instead of simply saying "Hey, glad that's turned out to be fake" has doubled-down on his charge of racism at NooseCar. He's the new embattled BLACK MAN, Jackie Robinson in a racing helmet. This despite the incredible outpouring of white support he received over the weekend based on the filmiest of evidence..

Rick said...

It's interesting both the driver and others are still referring to it as a noose to maintain the pretense this was a reasonable interpretation. The correct term is "loop". A noose allows the rope to slip to foster strangulation. A loop does not constrict.

If people used the correct terms they'd be less likely to fall for this nonsense.

Also revealing, the FBI had 15 agents assigned to the case. All this because people at the track were too afraid to tell him it was a loop for pulling the door closed and not a noose knowing they would be branded racists for telling this simple truth.

etbass said...

I saw one report that 17 FBI agents were deployed on this most important case.

How totally ridiculous. It just shows how few truly racist incidents are really going on that such a nonsensical thing as this deserves the kind of attention it has gotten. And I predict the Democrats are going to assert that the FBI whitewashed the matter showing how the Trump administration is racist.

Francisco D said...

I was working out in the garage per my usual routine. The door was open to get some air. That is when I noticed the noose hanging from the garage door.

I frantically called my wife to the garage. She thought I was pointing out the mountain fires that we can see from the front of our house. "We need to call the FBI", she stated.

My wife is a life long registered Democrat who is struggling with all this bullshit. She will never vote for Trump or any other Republican POTUS candidate, but I wonder if she will vote for any Democrats this fall.

Bob Smith said...

Helpful hint. The whole thing was a publicity stunt. And it worked. Check the ratings for the rain delayed Monday race.

rcocean said...

BTW, the key to knowing its a Fake Hat crime is the absence of pictures. Whenever its a fake noose crime, they take FOREVER to release a photo. That's because if people saw the "Noose" in context, they'd know it wasn't a lynching noose with a hangman's knot, but something else or a laughable attempt to create a lynching noose.

The hate crime fakers do that with swastika too. They either write the symbol backwards or screw it up completely.

Big Mike said...

If the guy is terrified of a little loop of cord for a garage door pull, how is he going to suck it up to put the side of his car inches from the wall at 200 mph at Talladega?

Unknown said...

Google Bubba Wallace mental illness

He has suffered from depression for "many years." He refused to stay in therapy, quitting after two sessions. He had a physical 'altercation' with his father late last year. He got into a shouting match with another driver, cursed him, and threw Gatorade on him.

70 NASCAR races in three years. Zero wins.

rcocean said...

"Helpful hint. The whole thing was a publicity stunt. And it worked. Check the ratings for the rain delayed Monday race."

It WAS a stunt. But it wasn't for ratings. It was to show everyone that NASCAR will not tolerate RACISM and is "Down for the Struggle". Even now the NASCAR Leader is saying that while the noose was fake, it was a wake up call. And that NASCAR will not stand for racism and supports diversity 100 percent and will not tolerate any bias, etc. So even thought it was fake noose and wasted 15 FBI agents time, it was useful in the war against white supremacy.

Temujin said...

Yep. Who didn't see that coming? I mean, beside the entirety of the sports media world (except for a couple of people) and the entirety of our mainstream media. Hell...even after hearing about what happened they're still pulling the Dan Rather defense: Fake, but accurate."

As one guy rationalized, 'It brought the most segregated of all sports, together.' And you know, that may be true. But it's a helluva thing when hanging hand pulls are freaking out a nation. A helluva thing. We're way over the top on everything today. Shut off Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok- just for 2 days. See if you can get your sanity back, people.

Michael K said...

Does anyone know of a hate crime in the past decade that was NOT a hoax?

MayBee said...

we must make it illegal to tie ropes in loops, lest they be mistaken for a noose. It's just so hurtful.

Drago said...

lgv: "Please be aware that Bubba Wallace was not the person to "discover" the noose. Please don't use the Smollett analogy."

Please be aware that now, after the obvious has been fully explained, Bubba Wallace has decided to double and triple down on the "noose" story.

Bubba Wallace did not start off as Jussie Smollett, but he quickly embraced the idea of it and has now gone all the way.

Drago said...

Bob Smith: "Helpful hint. The whole thing was a publicity stunt. And it worked. Check the ratings for the rain delayed Monday race."

It worked.....for last week, before we received confirmation of what we already expected.

Now watch what happens moving forward.

Jeff Weimer said...

Imagine being the race crew guy who fashioned this years ago (2017 or earlier?) thinking "there, that works better."

And this blows up.

tim maguire said...

If you hear of a racist incident and you don't immediately discount it as probably false, then you aren't paying attention or you want it to be true too badly to think honestly about it.

Anytime I hear about a racist incident where there is not direct evidence, my bullshit meter immediately starts ringing. Almost always, the story is false--sometimes false flag, sometimes nonexistent, sometimes, like the NASCAR event, a hoax (every person in those garages knew why there was a loop in the rope).

The only event in my memory that actually happened (a person throwing feces at people in a university library) was a case of mental illness and had nothing to do with race. The Amy Cooper story appears to be mostly about mental illness as well.

Unclebiffy said...

I would like to add an additional piece of information. All of the garage doors had a similar knot affixed to them. Now white people will be considered racist if they tie a bow knot. I wonder what the black scout master that taught both of my sons how to tie this knot will feel about this... Who am I kidding he's a good and reasonable man, he will think it's nonsense.

DanTheMan said...

Bubba Wallace should stay away from marinas.
I must have at least six “nooses” on my sailboat right this very moment, around cleats and pilings, attaching my sails to the halyards, securing items on deck, etc. Some larger boats have more than a dozen "nooses" plainly visible.

Most of the boats there are white, too.
Marinas are a veritable hotbed of white supremacy!

n.n said...

Diversity is a progressive condition, so his concerns are merited.

The whole thing was a publicity stunt. And it worked.

A black hole... whore? h/t NAACP

The hate crime fakers do that with swastika too.

Swastika... cultural appropriation of a peace symbol.

Now, Rainbow, exclusive of black, brown, and features the rarefied/shredded remains of white.

Paul Zrimsek said...

A nøøse bit mi sister ønce...

n.n said...

the Democrats are going to assert that the FBI whitewashed the matter showing how the Trump administration is [diversitist]

16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, and "protests" in progress.

Gk1 said...

Going all Kaepernick is a lucrative career choice and worth a shot if you don't have the chops to play in the big leagues. Bubba Smollett knows he can't hack it in NASCAR and wants to become a professional hate crimes spokesperson. Eh, it's a livin'. Team Petty is now anxiously trying to figure out how to sideline this nutball while this dumpster fire burns.

Scott M said...

Unfortunately, Bubba's doubling down.

bagoh20 said...

I called it immediately and so did about half the people I know. The other half thought we were racists. Half a brain would tell you that the idea of putting up that noose could not possibly benefit an actual racist cause. The benefit goes all to the victim with such a story, as we all saw happen with this. It was also almost physically impossible to do it without getting caught. This stuff is really making people stupid.

I can't remember a noose story that turned out to be an actual racist threat.

1) The noose found on the activist professor's door,......... put there by her.
2) The Black man recently found lynched in California, but shown on video to have actually committed suicide.
3) There was another just like that back east a few years ago too.
This is a regular thing now, because it works every time on the dummies out there.

That's just noose stories, not including all the other alleged racism that just wasn't.

What Bubba did with this was foolish and insulting to the people he works with. He owes them an apology now. It was a heinous accusation.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

knee-jerk, agenda-driven "reporting"

...giving these race-baiters enough rope to hang themselves

eddie willers said...

My serious comment is this. When (since 2010) have ANY of these "noose stories" been true? I can't remember a single one that wasn't fake.

I have kept an anecdotal list in my head ever since the Tawana Brawley incident.

100%, not 95, not 99, but 100% have been false.

bagoh20 said...

The letter Q should be banned. That goes for you Kueers too.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Two nights ago some nobodies on Twitter posted a bunch of screenshots of the garage from various years, screencapped from different broadcasts. They pointed out the door pulls with loops and jokingly wondered whether that was what NASCAR was talking about. I laughed--no way it was that stupid. I laughed so very much harder when it turned out, yup, those Twitter nobodies cracked the case before the 15 FBI agents assigned to the very serious case could! Clown world.

How easy would it have been for Bubba to say "hey, I'm glad it was a misunderstanding and it was great that we could all come together in a loving way?" That dumb motherfucker decided instead to double or triple down, go on Don Lemon's CNN show and still treat a loop in a garage door pull like a noose. Fuck that guy, fuck anyone still defending him, and fuck the absolute morons out there who see any loop as a noose and blame the rest of us for their moral panic and idiocy.

Anthony said...

I actually kinda liked Bubba and have been rooting for him to win one. Not anymore. Not sure I'm even interested in Watching NASCAR anymore. I only started about 4-5 years ago. They all knew it was a "hoax" but they went with it anyway. Very disappointing.

Rick said...

There's a picture here:

Bubba's Loop

The loop at the end of the pull is fist-sized.

victoria said...

Scott Adams, what a lying tool

Vicki from Pasadena

Bob Smith said...

Bubba didn’t engineer this. NASCAR did. It was a publicity stunt and it worked. Great ratings.

victoria said...

Please, Bubba Wallace had absolutely nothing to do with this. Only those who wear the tin foil hats believe that load.

Vicki from Pasadena

n.n said...

at least six “nooses” on my sailboat right this very moment

I retain a personal preference for the taut-line hitch from my Boy Scouts days. Its remarkable versatility, reliability, and simplicity are a winning combination for any project or task.

bagoh20 said...

Some of the ugliest episodes in the history of racism, especially against Blacks in America was a direct result of people assuming the worst of intentions about others based on skin color, and then for a bunch of kneejerks to jump on it immediately and accept that lazy logic.

That's exactly what Bubba and millions of others did here.

In our modern culture, introspection and empathy may be the most claimed and least practiced virtues.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

does NOOSCAR have any gays or trans? (no tranny/Trans-Am jokes please)

the Danica Patrick thing seems almost palatable by comparison

Do they have a "Shut Up & Drive" rule,
or are they willing to put up with the circus to appease the Woke Mob?

MayBee said...

Bubba made a good comment today, finally, after being ridiculous on Don Lemon last night.

n.n said...

The national attention this hoax has purchased can only mean one thing: polling favors Trump's prudent, yet bold, moderate, really, response to the left-right nexus of special and peculiar interests running amuck.

rcocean said...

The "Old Miss 2014" Noose crime did not involve a person. Two young men - as a stupid prank - tied a Confederate flag around the head of the James Meredith statue on Old miss Campus. Neither was going Old Miss at the time. How you would tie a confederate flag around a statue's head WITHOUT forming a Loop is unclear.

They were arrested and convicted of a "federal Hate Crime". Why this wasn't a free speech issue, like burning the US Flag, or just "fun and games" like tearing down US Grant's statue is also unclear. Of course, they easily caught, because the statue was under video tape surveillance.

So, not a noose crime, but a Confederate flag issue. Not a real life person but a statue. Verdict: Not applicable.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@eddie willers
see our links from last nite's cafe

n.n said...

Why does the media keep taking these stories at face value and promoting them?

Leverage, projection, distraction, "ambulence chasers", sustainable narratives, and other purposes.

Rusty said...

Michael K said...
"Does anyone know of a hate crime in the past decade that was NOT a hoax?
Twin towers?

Jim at said...

Please be aware that Bubba Wallace was not the person to "discover" the noose. Please don't use the Smollett analogy.

He's been out there running his mouth about the lie and then continued to double down on it today. It's exactly like Smollett. A lie ... of which he refuses to admit is a lie.

Fuck him and fuck NASCAR for backing him.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

lgv said...Please be aware that Bubba Wallace was not the person to "discover" the noose. Please don't use the Smollett analogy.

If this was yesterday morning I'd agree with you. But Bubba went on the View and on Don Lemon's CNN show AFTER the investigation showed it wasn't, in fact, a noose and still spoke of it as a noose and claimed we should all treat it that way (and be concerned about how it shows extreme racism, etc).
So I agree it didn't start out as a Bubba-led Smollett incident, but he's doing his best to make it one now, so those comparisons are apt.

Jim said...

What sort of dumb-ass "mistakes" a knot designed to *not* slip with a knot designed *to* slip (i.e., a hangman's noose)?

A search for a perfection knot used on garage doors yields images that look nothing like a noose. I'm sorry to say (I'm an ex-racer) that Bubba looks like just another Black mutt that's playing for the publicity, cash, and for his peeps. There will a price to pay for his mendacity at the next race and all his races in the future. Does he think earning the enmity of White NASCAR fans and his sponsors was a good career move?

Doug said...

70 NASCAR races in three years. Zero wins.
NASCAR's affirmative action hire.

bagoh20 said...

Bubba could have done something incredibly positive with this mistake. He could have actually accomplished something huge for the country and himself, but he blew it.

An apology would shown him to be an exceptional person of character. The original mistake and even the overreaction from it is understandable, but once you know the facts, there is no excuse to keep up the hateful dishonest accusations. He could have brought attention to a real part of our collective problem: mistaken motives, and what can only be described as racist assumptions by a lot of people who see themselves above it by default. He would have been lauded by people of good will, and attacked by those invested in the hatred, but it would have been worth it.

There is a lot of racism out there now, but only a small part of it is being acknowledged.

Doug said...

When it comes to white racists, the demand always exceeds the supply. Can you blame them for making stuff up? If they don't have racism, they got nothin'.

tcrosse said...

I saw the noose today oh boy.

Fernandinande said...

Notice the absence of pictures?

Pictures Also a link about how Bubba "Big Baby" Wallace's rich white father got him started in racing when he was 9 years old.

Drivers, crew members stand with Bubba Wallace in pre-race show of support
By Staff Report NASCAR.com June 23, 2020

"NASCAR drivers and crew members offered a unified show of support for Bubba Wallace at Talladega when they pushed his car to the front of the grid."

"Wallace was inside the car. A face mask and sunglasses covered his face. When he got out, though, Wallace’s emotions were on full display as he rested his head atop his hands on the hood, body shaking with tears."

Big baby.

Mary Beth said...

lgv said...

Please be aware that Bubba Wallace was not the person to "discover" the noose. Please don't use the Smollett analogy.

6/24/20, 12:36 PM

And yet he continues to insist that it's a noose, even if it wasn't meant for him.

bbkingfish said...

Was that airplane flying the Stars and Bars above the racetrack real? Or was that fake, too?

I would think that's exactly the kind of thing Scott Adams should be right on top of.

Fernandinande said...

1) The noose found on the activist professor's door,......... put there by her.

My favorite hate crime was the black woman who lightly scratched KKK on her own chest but it was reversed because she did it using a mirror.

YoungHegelian said...


That dumb motherfucker decided instead to double or triple down, go on Don Lemon's CNN show

Yes, to say that Bubba Wallace has come out of this looking like a major league petulant & entitled asshole is an understatement.

Jay Vogt said...

The whole "noose" thing is a bit complicated. I did see the photo that's been out. It seems to be taken from about 50 feet away. From that pic of 2019, it does kinda, maybe look like a noose, but it's hard to tell and it's clearly not the reason for the photo.

I Don't know the particulars of a NASCAR garage. I did go to one race once and did have a cold pit or garage "pass", but I never focused once on how garage doors wend up or down.

Although a noose would seem to be an off choice for a garage door of any kind, I don't think it would be obviously insane. You might want it for example to hook in a pole or a handle. Who knows? For me a classic Bowman's knot would be the obvious choice in that you could grab it with your hand and not scratch your fingers while you pulled. It might look like a noose from a distance. I'd like to see the better photo. Don't know a lot about knots, but I do know how to tie both of those.

Jay Vogt said...

Dan the Man,

When I sailed a lot (I miss those days), I tied bowman's all the time, don't think I tied many nooses on a boat. In some instances, it would make sense but I didn't do it.

Althouse lives near the home of Melges boatworks. Those were the boats that I was usually on. They're pretty nice.

Bob Smith said...

We’ll see what the broadcast ratings look like next time. There are three races I stay home to watch and none of them are NASCAR events. If I watch NASCAR it’s the first 10 and last 20 laps. All that said I’ll wager the ratings stay up. Lotta people are going to tune in to see if Bubba can vanquish the rednecks. A lot of people are going to tune in to see if one of the rednecks can vanquish Bubba. Or put him in the wall.

Howard said...

Now that NASCAR is woked, do you people have any friends left?

Bilwick said...

According to a post o Instapundit, Al Sharpton is seconding the noose story; and you can't get more credible than Rev. Al, Mr. Credibility himself.

Not Sure said...

The imagined noose is the BLM version of a witch's mark. It serves to corroborate the spectral evidence that is systemic racism.

gilbar said...

Michael K said...
"Does anyone know of a hate crime in the past decade that was NOT a hoax?
ft hood?

Freder Frederson said...

Does anyone know of a hate crime in the past decade that was NOT a hoax?

Well, I could start with Dylann Roof. The fifth anniversary of him shooting ten (nine fatally) African Americans at a Bible study for the stated purpose of starting a race war was just last week.

And before you ask such an ignorant question, maybe you should check to see if the FBI maybe maintains a database of such things. Do you really think all 7120 incidents (and that is just for 2018) are really hoaxes?

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "Was that airplane flying the Stars and Bars above the racetrack real? Or was that fake, too?"

I'm so sorry that so many of the racial incident hoaxes that have been exposed is happening to you.

Jim at said...

Please, Bubba Wallace had absolutely nothing to do with this.

Bullshit. He accepted the lie without checking. He milked the lie his co-workers and fellow racers. He ran his mouth on any and every television show that would have him. And he's continuing to double- and triple-down on a fucking lie.

Pull your damn head out of your ass for once.

DanTheMan said...

>>Please, Bubba Wallace had absolutely nothing to do with this. Only those who wear the tin foil hats believe that load.

I believe you, Vicki. And not that obvious Bubba Wallace impersonator I keep seeing on my TV.

Quaestor said...

No noose is good noose.

Michael K said...

Rusty said...
Michael K said...
"Does anyone know of a hate crime in the past decade that was NOT a hoax?
Twin towers?

Kind of a stretch, I think. I guess you could call it reverse Islamophobia.

bbking is going to shoot down the next plane he sees towing a "stars and bars" flag. Maybe use one of those communist S 400 missiles you guys have.

MayBee said...

The whole "noose" thing is a bit complicated. I did see the photo that's been out. It seems to be taken from about 50 feet away. From that pic of 2019, it does kinda, maybe look like a noose, but it's hard to tell and it's clearly not the reason for the photo.

It isn't really complicated when you watch this video from 2017:

Scroll through a few minutes and you'll see they walk through the Talladega garage. Some of the rope pulls are tied in knots at the end, and some of the rope pulls are tied in loops at the end. You can see the picture of the stall right next to Bubbas (in the 2019 photo) are exactly the same way.
I mean yes, it kind of looks like a noose, but about half the pulls are tied the same way. I can possibly understand making the mistake. Doubling down on it was outrageous, and I'm really glad to see Bubba back away from that.

Anonymous said...

Wizards first rule (short form) : People are stupid.
Long form: people believe what they want to believe or what they are afraid is true, rarely what is actually true.

Fact: a negligee percentage of ropes with loops at the end are nooses. Nooses are knots meant to tighten under tension. Most loops, like bowlines.are specifically ment NOT to tighten.

Occams razor: a rope Ruth a small loop is a pull.

Gahrie said...

The fact that it wasn't a noose doesn't matter. Bubba thought it was a noose, and it made him feel bad, so thus NASCAR must give millions to Sharpton.

Narayanan said...

I wonder if they have these pull ropes on all the garages at the racetrack - strange that no one is pointing out the others

is this the first time Bubba has been at this track? in this garage? - he too cut the rope making his evidence unreliable

Quaestor said...

Don't know a lot about knots, but I do know how to tie both of those.

As a former Boy Scout (alas, poor Scouts, the Untermensch of the Culture War) and occasional angler, Quaestor knows a few things about knots (Please don't ban Q, one is not sure Uaestor is even pronounceable.) The first thing he learned after learning the ropes, is the distinct non-utility of most knots. The square knot is useful, but not the clove hitch. The bowline is only useful for distracting lubber police chiefs when hunting for Carcharocles megalodon, which being extinct is likely to be a very long hunt, indeed. (Show me the way to go home...) Two half-hitches is a poor substitute for one complete hitch. And the sheepshank is obviously the product of a deranged ex-USN machinist mate with problems with inherited wealth. The falconer's knot is useful for the one-handed, or those with a temperamental raptor on the left fist.

The second thing he learned is that after mastering these near-useless constructs, the knot you really should learn to tie is the hangman's noose. It was rumored that the proper hangman's noose is defined by law to have thirteen turns around the base. Why thirteen? For the same reason the scaffold is required to be elevated by thirteen steps. Also mandated by law, all Tenderfoot Scouts know for certain, Scouts honor. Young Quaestor discovered that the law must be silly because a noose of thirteen turns will hardly slip. The others condemned his knot heresy, and he was forced to recant, his one and only non-biological commonality with Galileo -- so be careful, Vickie and Inga, in Quaestor you're dealing with a persecuted hero of empiricism.

Of all our knot knowledge only the noose is still relevant. One may no longer use square knots to tie up parcels, it's tape or nothing. But the hangman's noose, with four or five turns, makes a fine connection of fly to line -- and the trout have no objections, even the brown ones.

Bob Boyd said...

I went to an airshow once and a racist pilot flew a noose the noose. I was outraged and saddened.

Sebastian said...

Systemic racism in America is so bad that half-white race car drivers choose to identify as black.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“Blogger Paul Zrimsek said...
A nøøse bit mi sister ønce...“

Literally LOL’d! Thank you.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


sometimes a garage-door pull is just a garage-door pull

Tomcc said...

I must be the whitest person in America. I did not know Bubba Wallace was not pale. In my defense, I'm about as much a fan of NASCAR as Niles Crane.

Lincolntf said...

Do you people not fish, ever? That knot is no more a noose than the laces holding your shoes together. It's a knot, a loop, a handle, but only a psycho would see it as a noose in the context of Lynching (which is the context the media and Bubba are trying to create). Grow the fuck up.

Lincolntf said...

Bonus question, if it was a true "noose", what would have happened the first time someone used the loop grab the rope and lower the door? Think hard.

Tommy Duncan said...

So, does Bubba break into a cold sweat every time he ties his shoe laces? Properly done, there are TWO "nooses" and TWO "whips" on each shoe. It must be terrifying.

Jason said...

I pretty much immediately discount anything anyone says on the subject who doesn't know what "Stars & Bars" means.

Jason said...

In other news, America's dumbest, most hysterical idiots continue to identify 998,967 out of every five actual racists.

Gk1 said...

Let's face it Bubba Wallace is too mentally weak to be a NASCAR driver. He certainly showed no leadership to his team by blubbering like a baby and regurgitating the slur a "noose" had been hung in his garage. It doesn't pass the smell test he had no knowledge of who reported it and it was reported by a team member with out his knowledge. Did he not look for himself before declaring it a hate crime on Don Lemon's show?

Like the openly Gay NFL draftee Michael Sam, who washed out in practice, Bubba will be given every possible advantage and preferential treatment by NASCAR to stay in the race circuit but he won't last because he's a loser. Team Petty is not a charity outfit and will handle a publicity stunt if it produces winning but won't tolerate a LOSER.

Bob Boyd said...

Bubba must have had a hankering for a nice tall glass of rope milk because he milked the shit out that garage door pull.

Fritz said...

A true noose knot would be a terrible thing to use as a door pull, because it is a slip knot, and would try to close on your hand. But the pictures do show wraps of line around the line above the loop like a noose, so it was probably a Kreh Knot or something similar nonslip loop knot.

Gospace said...

Quaestor said...
Don't know a lot about knots, but I do know how to tie both of those.

As a former Boy Scout (alas, poor Scouts, the Untermensch of the Culture War) and occasional angler, Quaestor knows a few things about knots (Please don't ban Q, one is not sure Uaestor is even pronounceable.) The first thing he learned after learning the ropes, is the distinct non-utility of most knots. The square knot is useful, but not the clove hitch. The bowline is only useful for distracting lubber police chiefs when hunting for Carcharocles megalodon, which being extinct is likely to be a very long hunt, indeed. (Show me the way to go home...) Two half-hitches is a poor substitute for one complete hitch. And the sheepshank is obviously the product of a deranged ex-USN machinist mate with problems with inherited wealth. The falconer's knot is useful for the one-handed, or those with a temperamental raptor on the left fist.

Bowline is one of the most massively useful knots there is. The square know is good- but sheet bend is superior for putting two lines together, particularly if they're different sizes. If you don't find the clove hitch handy, it simply means you don't attach lines to poles very often. Of course, you could just tie a bowline and loop the bitter end through it then pull tight...

For those not knot knowledgeable- a know is used to attach a line to a line. A hitch is used to attach a line to a post or pipe. As a deranged retired MMC, I have never ever had the occasion to tie a sheepshank except for demonstration purposes. MMs don't use ropes all that much. Any boatswain's mates out there who've ever tied one for actual use?

All the knots and hitches have specific uses. For example, the barrel hitch. I've watched them be tied and in use for lifting barrels, but have never tied one myself.

pious agnostic said...

Just as every white person is racist, whether they know it or not, every rope is a noose, whether it knows it or knot.

Birkel said...

Freder Frederson points to a database in which the majority of the victims are White and/or Jewish and the perpetrators are black.

And that proves what, dip shit?

walter said...

Pinned Tweet
Bubba Wallace
Nov 8, 2017
There is only 1 driver from an African American background at the top level of our sport..I am the 1. You're not gonna stop hearing about "the black driver" for years. Embrace it, accept it and enjoy the journey..

Birkel said...

If I had some racists in my inventory I would be selling them.
They are in high demand.

Quaestor said...

Bowline is one of the most massively useful knots there is.

Gospace is culturally deprived, poor chap.

Greg the class traitor said...

Rules to follow:

1: All "hate crimes" are hoaxes until proven otherwise
2: All "noose" complaints are hoaxes unless pictures are provided
3: A noose is a knot that tightens, but does not loosen. Nothing that's been in use for more than a week could possibly be a noose, because the loop would have collapsed by then

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Tie me a sheepshank, Hooper"

... we're gonna need a bigger hoax

eddie willers said...

I must be the whitest person in America. I did not know Bubba Wallace was not pale.

I just learned about Vin Diesel and the Rock. (if they are really separate people)

DeepRunner said...

How long 'til we see the Bubba Wallace Nike ads? He's 2020's Colin Kaepernick.

Rusty said...

What would be really funny would be, at the next race, everybody else slows down to 65mph and lets him win.

stlcdr said...

Blogger mccullough said...

It’s a bowline, not a noose. A noose tightens. A bowline doesn’t.


6/24/20, 12:33 PM

That was my thought when trying to have a detailed look at the blurry photo (possibly a double bow line, with two wraps instead of one).

But then, it seems that we have had quite a few incidents over the years where any old piece of string with a knot in it is a noose, and thus, by definition, a hate crime.

Freder Frederson said...

Freder Frederson points to a database in which the majority of the victims are White and/or Jewish and the perpetrators are black.

You are a liar. Did you even bother to look at the data because it contradicts this statement.

Readering said...

I was not a scout, but this film buff that photo was a noose.

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