June 24, 2020

"Handwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok show that Obama himself directed key aspects of the campaign to target Flynn during a Jan. 5, 2017 meeting in the Oval Office."

The Federalist reports.
The new notes, which record Comey’s accounting to Strzok of the meeting’s substance, constitute definitive evidence that Obama himself was personally directing significant aspects of a criminal investigation into his political enemy’s top foreign policy adviser.
NSA-D-DAG = [illegible] Other countries
D-DAG: lean forward on [illegible]
VP: “Logan Act”
P: These are unusual times
VP: I’ve been on the intel cmte for ten years and I never
P: Make sure you look at things — have the right people on it
P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling transition team?
D: Flynn –> Kislyak calls but appear legit
[illegible] Happy New Year. Yeah right
“Make sure you look at things and have the right people on it,” Obama is quoted as saying.

Comey’s description that the Flynn-Kislyak phone calls appear “legit,” shorthand for “legitimate,” is also in the notes. Until this week, this exculpatory information was withheld from Flynn and his defense team, multiple congressional committees, and the American public. A lengthy campaign to illegally leak selectively edited defamatory information through media accessories damaged the Trump administration and spurred the appointment of a special counsel to investigate anyone associated with the Trump campaign.

According to Strzok’s notes, Biden explicitly referenced the Logan Act, an 18th-century law that forbids certain political speech from private citizens. The law, even if it were constitutional, would not apply to a national security adviser for the newly elected president of the United States. Biden had previously denied that he knew anything about the investigation into Flynn.

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” when George Stephanopoulos asked what he knew of the FBI’s operations in early 2017. He later admitted that statement was false....


GatorNavy said...

Yeah, we knew that, but it doesn’t matter because America is experiencing the summer of love all over again.

AllenS said...

Barack Hussein Obama's affirmative action education really paid off for him.

Dave Begley said...


Gilbert Pinfold said...

"Not even a smidgen of corruption..." The hounds of hell are about to be unleashed.

Michael K said...

Oh yes. This was not some rogue agents in Cleveland.

Bilwick said...

Let's get Inga in on this. She's our resident expert on the Trump/Russian Collaboration Conspiracy, and obviously a woman of high intelligence and learning.

Original Mike said...

"Until this week, this exculpatory information was withheld from Flynn and his defense team, multiple congressional committees, and the American public."

Who's responsible for this? Wray?

Lucid-Ideas said...


- Sicilian Pirate known for expressing disbelief in widely known facts or phenomena

Wince said...

"We're gonna need a bigger riot."

Browndog said...

So much for today being a slow news day.

MadisonMan said...

Wow. Lucky we can all focus on COVID deaths instead, says the Mainstream Media.

Drago said...

I'm afraid adSs and Inga and ARM and victoria are going to need some "time off" to process this latest dagger into their 4+ years of lies and delusions.

Best part?

I'm glad you asked. The FACT that it was Biden himself who pushed using the ridiculous Logan Act to frame Flynn with the "magnificent" "sort of a god" "lightbringer" obambi ordering Comey to "use the right people".

This now explains the "leaked" (wink wink) obama phone call with dem donors where obama insisted, privately (wink wink), that Flynn was guilty of violating the Logan Act and other things whereupon, immediately AFTER that leaked phone call, Judge Sullivan began acting in most peculiar ways in the Flynn case.

Corrupt ways of course, as in deciding he, Judge Sullivan, would bring in his own private prosecutor to begin proceedings against Flynn.........which would have kept Flynn quiet due to the gag orders.

Well, those gag orders are about to disappear and it will be fun to hear, finally, after 4 years of Inga lies, what Flynn has to say about all this.

And also about how obama used the intelligence agencies and spies against Iran deal opponents.

Should be fun. Can't wait to see Biden questioned about it. (yes I know, they will keep him hidden as long as possible).

And remember lefties, you told us Strzok is an absolute all-American hero. No taking that back now that we have his handwritten notes implicating Biden and obambi directly in the biggest scandal in American history: the sabotaging of an incoming administration and attempted framing of a President-Elect and then President.

Tomcc said...

I'm sure that we'll find out that this conversation was about a different Michael Flynn.

Kevin said...

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” when George Stephanopoulos asked what he knew of the FBI’s operations in early 2017.

That's right up there with, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski".

And let's be clear, Joe was likely tipped off that the question was coming.

He just didn't think there would be the equivalent of the blue, stained dress to come out of the closet.

narciso said...

rhymes with this,


chuck said...

No drama Obama.

Kevin said...

He should have said he was in the meeting but he didn't inhale.

Although that might invite questions about whether O ever smoked dope in the Oval...

Todd said...

Original Mike said...

"Until this week, this exculpatory information was withheld from Flynn and his defense team, multiple congressional committees, and the American public."

Who's responsible for this? Wray?

6/24/20, 11:57 AM

I know the answer is very likely "never" but when the hell is ANYBODY getting fired and/or going to jail over this shit?

Readering said...

I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.
How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?

Kevin said...

D: Flynn –> Kislyak calls but appear legit

Oh well, let's have the FBI use them as a pretext anyway.

You know, given the arc of the moral universe and our evolving, nuanced view of the definition of justice...

Jaq said...

Comey had already interviewed Flynn. Original interview and transcrips of call exonerate Flynn.

Obama/Biden: “Wrong answer.”

Original notes to interview promptly lost, never to be found.

Had this been Trump and Pence.... Ha ha ha! To ask it is to answer it.

Francisco D said...

The craziness was already dialed up to 11.

Now it will ratchet up higher because distraction is needed.

Kevin said...

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn

-- Vice President Schultz

Tommy Duncan said...

Wince said...

"We're gonna need a bigger riot."

Comment of the day...

Jaq said...

“The hounds of hell are about to be unleashed.”

No they won’t, The Democrats own the media. This is like winning a minor skirmish when the other side has complete air superiority. Nothing will come of this. The New York Times will report it as somehow incriminating Trump, because Bezos, Carlos Slim, and Xi, among others, want Trump gone.

Greg Hlatky said...

Until this week, this exculpatory information was withheld from Flynn and his defense team, multiple congressional committees, and the American public.

The passive voice. Again.

Wince said...

Gee, do you think the Barr resignation campaign started in a vacuum?

Drago said...

OM: "Who's responsible for this? Wray?"


And Dana Boente.

And Twitter's newest Deputy General Counsel, Jim Baker.

And ALL of them.

Just think of this: Since January of 2017, the entire leadership of the FBI/NSA/CIA/DOJ knew all of this was a lie (as their hidden under oath testimony proved), and there were at least 40 to 100 active FBI agents involved directly in this BS, and lots of republicans in the Senate (I'm looking at you Lindsay, Ben Sasse, Marco Rubio, etc) who knew this was all a lie as well.

And not a single person became a "whistleblower" on these serial hoaxes.

Not a single one.

Mike said...

Huh. Obama wanted a thorough investigation of the man who sold his country out to the Turks, the Saudis and the Russians. How odd.

Drago said...

Seen on Twitter regarding the Lefties All-American "Hero" Strzok:

"You stooopid corrupt glorious bastard

You left written notes fully implicating Obama and Biden"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

who would have suspected this?
Visions of smidgens danced in our heads.

This is just the tip of the iceberg

Obama/Holder/Jarrett?Lynch/Rice... untouchable now because BLM?


Paul said...

So, are we shocked? No?

We knew from day one it was undoubtedly a government smear campaign on a new President.

And now the proof. Question is, will they prosecute, or like Hillary, they just, you know, do nothing.

Let's hope Trump wins another 4 years. Then they WILL be some prosecutions since the DAs won't fear for their jobs.

Unknown said...

I look forward to comments on this from Pat Buchanan, Kissinger, and George Shultz who I think are last living senior members of the Nixon administration. And Woodward and Bernstein, too.

Jaq said...

"I'm afraid adSs and Inga and ARM and victoria are going to need some "time off" to process this latest dagger into their 4+ years of lies and delusions.”

I don’t think you understand how defense mechanisms work. They are instantaneous because the brain does not want to experience the pain of knowing that one has been fooled for that long.

Readering said...

There is no scandal except the scandal of everyone just looking the other way while inceasingly unhinged POTUS accuses his predecessor of treason. Who fired Flynn and who recommended he be fired? They should have listened to the person who simply recommended he not be hired.

mccullough said...

This is pretty much the same version of events as Susan Rice’s CYA email she sent herself on Jan. 20, 2017.

Her version recounted that Obama said “by the book.” Comey’s version relayed by Strzok is “right people on it.”

Nothing in Rice email or Strzok notes about Pientka memo saying investigation into Flynn ties to Russia should be closed because nothing there.

Obama is in the clear then.

Comey is in trouble.

traditionalguy said...

High as it gets Treason. No wonder the Obama media is all excited about nooses.

Jaq said...

It’s false because the New York Times isn’t reporting it, they are reporting on the “politicization of the Justice Dept” by the victim for even releasing this kind of information about Obama’s politicization of the Justice Dept.

My cancelled subscription runs through July, so it was nice to see my decision to cancel confirmed.

Curious George said...

Nothing will happen to Obama. No matter how guilty he is bulletproof. Expose him for the POS he is? Sure. Biden is probably OK too, other than his last hope as POTUS going down the drain.

The rest, fuck 'em. Prison.

MayBee said...

Perhaps Joe should just stay in his basement until this blows over.

daskol said...

Wince said...
"We're gonna need a bigger riot."

On fucking point. If you can't draw the connection between these "protests," the extended COVID-19 lockdown and the great big distraction the Dems need, you are insufficiently cynical about the way our elites operate. Statues can be replaced, storefronts and other buildings rebuilt, but power is fucking power. You don't let anything stand in your way when that's your game. Also survival, at this point.

doctrev said...

Drago said...

And remember lefties, you told us Strzok is an absolute all-American hero. No taking that back now that we have his handwritten notes implicating Biden and obambi directly in the biggest scandal in American history: the sabotaging of an incoming administration and attempted framing of a President-Elect and then President.

6/24/20, 11:59 AM

Remember that synagogue shooting a while back? When I heard the people inside were barring the doors against the people trapped outside, that stuck with me. I don't think mosques or even churches would seal the building off against their own people rather than fight back against the attacker. But these people will throw each other over the side rather than face being locked in jail where they belong. And if smug Petey Strzok is rolling over: you're going to see a lot more prominent names do the same.

Barack Hussein Obama has to be shitting bricks right now. Never mind Joe Biden, but that's why he wears adult diapers.

Nonapod said...

These are things that the vast majority of people on the Right have assumed were true for quite some time. It's good that it's now fairly irrefutable. But I wonder how much of a difference it makes? Many people seem very wedded to their perceptions of Obama and seem impervious to new information.

ga6 said...

Ann, please check on how many years ago I began telling you "Never trust a Fed"

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I wonder if Michelle I still proud of America.

rehajm said...

Greatest President ever, we're told.

Does he have to turn in his halo?

Mike Sylwester said...

The FBI's leadership tried to develop evidence that Russian Intelligence worked through Michael Flynn, Jill Stein and other witting agents to cause the defeat of Hillary Clinton in the USA's 2016 Presidential election.

In December 2015, Flynn and Stein attended a celebration in Moscow of an anniversary of Russia's RT cable-television network. The FBI's leadership thought that Russian Intelligence was using RT as a secret means to fund and communicate with Trump's and Stein's campaign staffs.

To develop this idea, the US Intelligence Community spent much manpower and money to study RT. When the US Intelligence Community issued its joint assessment of Russian attempts to affect the USA's 2016 election, most of the pages were about RT.

At the end of December 2016, President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats. It's likely that the particular Russian diplomats were selected on the basis of their involvement with RT.

The FBI's leadership thought that Flynn was the key person on Trump's campaign staff who communicated with Russian Intelligence and distributed Russian secret funding. For these functions, Flynn used his contacts with RT.

After Donald Trump won the Presidential election -- the FBI's leadership thought he won only because of his secret collusion with Russian Intelligence -- Trump appointed Flynn to become his National Security Advisor. The FBI's leadership proceeded to develop evidence that any contacts between any Trump officials and any Russian officials in the past or present were evidence of Trump's collusion with Russian Intelligence. In particular, any contacts or communications between NSA Flynn and any Russian officials were such evidence.

Although the FBI's leadership was not able to develop convincing evidence that Flynn was a witting agent of Russian Intelligence, the FBI's leadership quickly used devious methods to remove Flynn -- a witting agent of Russian Intelligence -- from his appointed position.

Iman said...

Big Zer0 and Delaware Punchy appear to have screwed teh canine...

DavidUW said...

exactly what a corrupt chicago politician always does.

PubliusFlavius said...

Ahh the Deep State lynchpin case.

I hope Gen Flynn gives it to the worms in DC good and fucking hard.

Leland said...

I'm not seeing anything exciting about the note. Alone, these notes are not much different than Susan Rice's note to self. To understand the issue, you have to understand the timeline, which is covered at the link provided. It shows that Obama lied to the American people.

The question is if the investigation was legitimate, then why did Obama decide to lie?

Gusty Winds said...

Good to see everyone is catching up on what Trump meant when he tweeted Obama wiretapped his campaign. Once again, Trump was right. He just had the guts to call it out. Biden is a crooked coward.

stevew said...

Soon to be tossed into the memory hole. FB won't allow it to be referenced, and Twitter will be adding a clarifying comment, if they don't scrub it.

Big Mike said...

This is not just as bad as Watergate. This is worse. This is not a President trying to cover up for rogue subordinates. This is a President at the very center of a criminal conspiracy to deprive honest and honorable citizens of their liberty and their rights as citizens.

bagoh20 said...

Don't look at me. I never voted for either Obama or Biden for anything, and I never will. I always assumed this was how they acted, as I also assumed based on ample evidence that they illegally used other agencies against the American people such as the IRS, FBI, EPA, etc.

Biden has a long history of abusing people for politics, and Obama's short career depended on it. Being Democrats they have always enjoyed a relatively free pass from the press, knowing that only the Republicans will give them any push back, which they can simply discount as partisanship. It's a huge advantage politically, and encourages all kinds of bad behavior.

You could pretty much take any issue over the last 12 years, follow what you were told by Fox News or people in here on that side of things, and you would have been right over 90% of the time and 100% on issues of Democrat abuse of power. Listening to the Press or the Dems on those issues would have left you wrong almost every single time. If you still stagger back and forth then you are just irredeemably biased.

Sitting on the fence when there is a brush fire on one side is not cruel neutrality or fairness, it's just stubborn foolishness.

rhhardin said...

That Obama was a piece of shit was obvious in 2008 and nothing changed.

Real American said...

I look forward to no media seriously asking Biden, Obama, Comey or Rice about any of this and then the Republicans Pounce and Seize headlines when the media can no longer ignore the story.

Michael K said...

I wonder if Trump will appoint Grennell as FBI Director now or wait until after the election? He is becoming swamp cleaner in chief.

Yancey Ward said...

"I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.
How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?"

They are exculpatory because of the Comey comment, dumbass. It completely undercuts the story about why the FBI interviewed Flynn- even the head of the FBI knew and admitted there was no reason to "go and interview some people". It also shows that Flynn's plea was, indeed, improper- without the Logan Act invocation, any statements Flynn made about the phone calls are immaterial in a criminal investigation.

Finally, you show yourself to be a complete fool in trying the "Trump DOJ" finesse- Flynn was prosecuted by the special counsel's office, not the Trump DoJ.

Drago said...

doctrev: "And if smug Petey Strzok is rolling over: you're going to see a lot more prominent names do the same."

I don't think Strzok will ever roll over. He sees the payoffs provided to all the other key players.

And if Trump doesn't win reelection, every one of these people know they are in the clear.

Drago said...

Readering: "I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.
How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?"


You know, I don't think you are even playing dumb. Its possible you truly are simply that dumb.

Krumhorn said...

I know it's the peak of idiocy, but I never really thought that the FBI and Dept of Justice and the CIA could be corrupted like, say, the IRS, to get involved in political hit jobs.

I think that the pus-bubble of DC has been exposed, and there's probably no fixing it so long as lefties have any power.

- Krumhorn

Pookie Number 2 said...

Huh. Obama wanted a thorough investigation of the man who sold his country out to the Turks, the Saudis and the Russians. How odd.

a/k/a the “George Floyd had it coming” defense.

le Douanier said...


you cons must really be angry at Flynn.

Why did Flynn lie to the DJT administration and to the FBI? Is the argument that he lied about what he did because he likes to lie. For fun. Not to hide what he did. Just fibbin’ fun. To the DJT administration. And the FBI.

Quite a story ya got there.

And Don-kid loving the Veselnitskaya meeting re political dirt, but DJT saying nothing political, just looking out for kids.

And Sessions never having communications w/ Russians.

So many lies re hiding coordination/cooperation w/ Russians who hacked and attacked our election to help DJT. Can’t we get to a place where DJT administration folks don’t need to lie about their hidden coordination/cooperation w/ Russia that worked (still works?) to help DJT win? Don’t hide and lie about it, there’s nothing wrong w/ this coordination/cooperation w/ the Russians who helped (help?) DJT.

Birches said...

Lefties saying in three minutes: legit means legitimately illegal!!1!!

MayBee said...

If the investigation was legitimate, why did Obama decide not to tell the Trump team about it?

Readering said...

I don't think people know what inculpatory and exculpatory mean.
I don't think people know what the ex in ex-president means.
I don't think people know what is involved in having a meeting.
I think Trump cultists exhibit the tendencies of cult members.

Original Mike said...

This is why we have Drago. This is why we need Drago.

le Douanier said...



TickTock said...

May they burn in hell for what they have done.

Readering said...

AG Barr thinks Flynn should not be prosecuted. That is not exculpatory information.

MD Greene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

adSs: "So many lies re hiding coordination/cooperation w/ Russians who hacked and attacked our election to help DJT."

The lefties have no choice but to double down on the lies.

Shawn Henry, CrowdStrike CEO testified under oath to the Mueller hack team of partisan democratics that his firm was called in to investigate the alleged Russian hack of DNC servers in 2016, had no proof that any emails from the system had been exfiltrated despite public assertions that this had occurred, according to the transcript of an interview released by the US Government a few days ago.


And guess what moron? We also have the testimony of the translator and every participant in the Veselnitskaya meeting and, guess what? Nothing there. Nada. Zippo.

Interestingly, Veselnitskaya had previously worked for FusionGPS, was given a special travel waiver by the obama State Dept to enter the US for meetings with Trump personnel, and personally met with FusionGPS founder Glenn Simpson immediately prior to and immediately after the meeting at Trump tower where nothing occurred.

Its amazing. Readering and adSs and Inga and the rest of the idiots are simply going to pretend nothing has been learned since January of 2017 and all of the democrats lies are still operative.

It is certainly something to watch in real time as the remaining elements of the hoaxes and frame up collapse.

Drago said...

adSs: "Why did Flynn lie to the DJT administration and to the FBI? Is the argument that he lied about what he did because he likes to lie. For fun. Not to hide what he did. Just fibbin’ fun. To the DJT administration. And the FBI."

We now know that Flynn didn't lie.

And we know it from the notes of the very agents who interviewed him and from the fact that Flynn's statement matched the actual transcript of the call with Kislyak that the FBI already had in their possession.....and we also now have the very comments of James Comey to obama/Biden that Flynn's call was "legit".

Again, this is no longer 2017 and we now have the documentation to debunk every lie you guys have been vomiting up for 4 years.

The fun part of all this now is for every lie launched by the lefties we have the very records and comments and testimony of the lefties heroes to blow the lies out of the water.

Think of it as Lefties vs Lefties and sit back and enjoy.

n.n said...

a/k/a the “George Floyd had it coming” defense.

Adverse reaction to fentanyl, Covid-19, and environmental stressors?

Darrell said...

Do you suppose this means they will have to take Obama's face of the $3 bill?

n.n said...

Obama thought he chose a burden, found a witch, who turned out to be a warlock. Sixteen trimesters later the cover-up is still in progress in diverse mainstream and off-broadway venues.

Rusty said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
AAAaaaaand just when ya think we have seen max stupid. Bingo! We have a winnah!
Play the lottery, man. You've lived this long because somebody is looking out for you.

Rusty said...

Readering. Is it hard to become a lawyer? I'm thinkin' it maybe ain't too difficult. What do you think?

Jim at said...

I don't think (Period. Strike the remainder.) - readering

Anonymous said...

If Biden wins, we'll need a special counsel to investigate the appointment of a special counsel to investigate anyone associated with the Trump campaign... This guarantees at least 3 more years of chaos.

Drago said...

adSs: "So many lies re hiding coordination/cooperation w/ Russians who hacked and attacked our election to help DJT."

adSs really doesn't know we now have the evidence that Brennan and his little CIA rump group violated all existing analysis procedures to come up with the lie that Putin wanted Trump to win. There is, as we now know, ZERO evidence of that. But only ZERO.

It is fun watching the lefties have to come to terms with all the exposed truth in under oath testimony and documentation that has been released over the last year and accelerating in the last few months that was hidden for years and lied about by all the lefty sources in the media.

Some lefties see the truth and have adapted but adSs and readering are still in 2017/Denial Mode while Inga, the Russia Collusion/Mueller-Mindreader simply ignores it all and pretends she never cared one way or the other.

Well, that's certainly one way of dealing with inconvenient truths....

Anonymous said...

If Biden wins, we're going to need a special counsel to investigate the appointment of a special counsel to investigate anyone associated with the Trump campaign. This guarantees 3+ more years of chaos.

Johnathan Birks said...

I DO know what hand-waving means.

Inga said...

“I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.
How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?”

And it was the Trump administration that fired Flynn.

Drago said...

It appears adSs and readering are suggesting we need some sort of investigation into all those Trump campaign contacts with russians.

Perhaps a Special Counsel is needed. We could staff it with lots and lots of partisan democrats who are out to get Trump. We could give them an unlimited budget with unlimited access to all government records on all Trump team players and Trump associates going back decades, including tax records. We could also make all electronic communications going back years for all Trump team players and Trump associates available to this investigative team. We could give them carte blanche to work with allies and allied intelligence agencies to gather further evidence, including foreign banking records. We could have input from former British intelligence agents working with Putin's Kremlin pals to give this team even more information.

We could give this team several years of complete autonomy to complete their work and see what they come up.

Golly, I think that kind of effort might just be able to expose all the nefarious "coordination" between Trump and the russians.

But who should run this team of democrat hacks who are out to get Trump?

Oooooh, I know! Let's appoint a "republican" who is closely associated with Clinton dealings and is a favorite of obama and will allow the democrat hacks on his staff do whatever they want!

You know, upon reflection, perhaps adSs is correct. Maybe that sort of effort is just what is needed to get to the bottom of all this................

TJM said...


Any deep thoughts on this?

Browndog said...

It's going to be quite remarkable when Senate republicans, none of which have anything to say about this, pipe up and express their "concern" when Trump pardons Roger Stone.

mandrewa said...

Well this does surprise me. I thought the odds were that Obama wasn't directly involved in the details.

But it sounds like to a rather significant degree he was actively making low-level decisions.

It's amazing.

Well, beyond the corruption and crimes of individuals, such Obama and Biden and a great many people working at the FBI and the DOJ, this is also a test of the public. If the individuals who make up the left are decent and ethical human beings they will condemn and disavow all of this.

Let's see just how many do.

Drago said...

Inga: "And it was the Trump administration that fired Flynn."

So Inga, Carter Page and Michael Flynn: Russian spies and assets or no?


Howard said...

Lock him up! Give him the Floyd George treatment.

Sebastian said...

Enjoying the confirmation of my confirmation bias.

Once again, the right is right: they did try to sabotage Trump.

I confess to one error: I thought Brennan was the real the driving force. Looks like O played a more active role. The Rice memo was a tip-off. Wonder if O told her to write it.

Original Mike said...

"Sadly, the facts that have been released to date stink to high heaven. If there is another side to this story, it's time to hear it."

We've been hearing it for four years. It doesn't wash.

Drago said...

Biden and obama.

At the heart of the frame up from the very beginning.

With documents from the perpetrators in the possession of not "the right people" (according to obama) which proves it.

Well, I guess all thats left for our lefties to do is simply regurgitate every previous lie over and over again in the hopes that everyone will lose interest.

I guess that's as good a move as any others for our marxist lefties at Althouse blog.

stevew said...

"And it was the Trump administration that fired Flynn."

At that point in time, he wasn't even sworn in yet, he had no other choice. IIRC you were calling for his firing, and worse.

Readering said...

Rusty, it is easy to be a commenter on this site, moderation notwithstanding. Lucky you.

rehajm said...

This is not just as bad as Watergate. This is worse. This is not a President trying to cover up for rogue subordinates. This is a President at the very center of a criminal conspiracy to deprive honest and honorable citizens of their liberty and their rights as citizens.

This is worth a repost.

MayBee said...

anti-De Sitter Space:
Obama and his staff felt Flynn was problematic and prone to what they thought of as crazy ideas, and had fired him from his job as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Obama relayed that to Trump during the 90 minutes they spent togethe

Yeah, this isn't what we're talking about. Flynn's "crazy ideas" were that Obama was doing a terrible job with Iran, and that Obama had been downplaying the threat of ISIS during the 2012 election. Flynn's "crazy ideas" were that he thought Obama had a bad foreign policy.

If you are Trump and you, too, think Obama had terrible foreign policy, then you really don't care that Obama didn't like Flynn.

Obama didn't warn Trump he had the FBI listening in on his phone calls with Russia and other countries because they thought he was....what? a spy? A traitor? The incoming NSC? Obama didn't tell Trump they were thinking of hitting Flynn with the ridiculous Logan act violation.

And he did this supposedly a few days after the election. Not back when Operation Crossfire Hurricane started up. Because they didn't want Trump to change anything he was doing or anyone he associated with. Because they wanted to keep spying on Trump.

rehajm said...

Yes, release the hounds!...which will run straight for the front porch and lie down for a nap, not to be heard from again...

Mike Sylwester said...

Readering at 12:12 PM
I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.

Flynn was prosecuted by Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller. the Special Counsel -- who was appointed because "the Trump DOJ" could not be trusted.

MD Greene said...

Big Mike seems to have it right: "This is not just as bad as Watergate. This is worse."

Sadly, the facts that have been released to date stink to high heaven. If there is another side to this story, it's time to hear it.

News agencies that value their credibility do not report only facts that support their "narratives." They follow the facts to establish what happened and THEN they report the story. I've done this work, and I am very uncomfortable with what passes for journalism today.

Plus this: If only one party's actors ever are held to account for their behavior, it's a good reason to vote for that party's candidates in every single election.

Mike Sylwester said...

Readering at 2:01 PM
AG Barr thinks Flynn should not be prosecuted.

Flynn wanted to withdraw his guilty plea and was willing to stand trial.

Barr said essentially that if DOJ did try Flynn, then DOJ would not be able to convict Flynn, because of information that now is available.

Therefore, Flynn no longer should be prosecuted.

bagoh20 said...

"How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?"

Don't act dumb. People might believe you.

Why do you think they were hidden from the defense?

Imagine Flynn is someone you care about, your father, or your brother, or just a human being with a family. Now think about this case against him, why it was launched, why it was continued after the FBI had cleared him, how his family was threatened, he was bankrupted, and how in the end, nothing he did was illegal. Do you still want him pursued, or should he be exonerated. Should your dad go to jail or come home after all that?

bagoh20 said...

"“I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.
How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?”

And it was the Trump administration that fired Flynn."

Under Trump the same liars were still there and trying to cash in their "insurance policy" if you'll remember. Trump being the fascist dictator let Obama's people stay on. Trump is just lousy at fascism. Maybe that's why you hate him.

bagoh20 said...

I assume all you people who did and will vote against Trump are fine with all this corruption and sedition we are finding, and will be happy to have it hurried under Biden, my good American patriot friends.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Here’s the part I love:

“ VP: “Logan Act”
P: These are unusual times
VP: I’ve been on the intel cmte for ten years and I never”

This is what we’re gonna hear:

The punctuation is messed up. It should say “Logan Act ?” (As in Biden couldn’t believe someone proposed that it could possibly be a Logan Act violation). Totally absurd. And when Obama says “these are unusual times” Biden follows up with “ive been on the intel committee for 10 years and I never... heard anyone propose a Logan act investigation with a straight face. Totally absurd

See Biden’s the good guy. In disbelief at the suggestion. It’ll never work.

Drago said...

We also know now that it was assumed by US intelligence agency personnel that the hoax dossier, acquired by the dems paying and working with foreign nationals to coordinate with Putin Kremlin pals to create a fictitious oppo research document to inject into the US campaign, was itself a russian disinformation operation.

Of course, what the russians never dreamed of was just how willing the democrats would be to work with them to undermine American democracy directly.

The russians, as the Soviets before them, knew the majority of democrats and leftists were quite Useful Idiots, but not even they believed the democrats/lefties/LLR-lefties in the US despised their own nation that much.

Well, now the russians know better.....and they will look very closely for their next opportunity to work with the dems to destroy our nation.

Big Mike said...

After Donald Trump won the Presidential election -- the FBI's leadership thought he won only because of his secret collusion with Russian Intelligence -- Trump appointed Flynn to become his National Security Advisor.

@Mike Sylwester, no one believes any of that.

MAJMike said...

Add this to Obama's war on U.S. citizens.

effinayright said...

Inga said...
“I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.
How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?”

And it was the Trump administration that fired Flynn.

Yeah, because Mueller's people had convinced them that Flynn had "lied" abut what he said to Kyslak.

TickTock said...

You guys (and gals) are all more experienced at commenting on this. I applaud the wisecracks that are made here. But it will take me a long time for me to get over my moral outrage sufficiently to be funny about this.

While I draw a direct line between the fact, decades ago, that many university's dropped Western Civilization courses as a Freshman requirement and what we see around us today, the FBI's actions have contributed significantly as well.

I was born in 1948. Everything the generation before me fought and died for a few years before my birth is disappearing before our eyes. And I bear some responsibility for this, as I voted for Obama in the belief that having a black president would help heal our nation. How fucking naive in retrospect. Never again will I give the benefit of doubt to a Democrat.

There must be many of us who don't know what to do with the pain we feel. But if Trump can tap into that again ...

Matt Sablan said...

I am shocked that the thing Republicans predicted again came true.

readering said...

"Why do you think they [the Strozk notes] were hidden from the defense?"

They weren't hidden. Criminal prosecutions are an adversary process in which discovery is very limited. The prosecutors don't have to turn over everything that has Flynn's name on it. They do have to turn over "Brady" material. The deliberations of the President and his team in the Oval office do not have to be turned over in a subsequent criminal prosecution under a later administration. Do you think if someone gets prosecuted for demonstrating in DC and they demand the notes from Trump's meetings on the subject of the demonstration, the notes have to be turned over if one of his hapless advisers is recorded saying, looks like the demonstrations fit within First Amendment Freedom of Assembly? Of course not.

I have not studied the Flynn case closely enough to know if there are other materials that have been revealed that should have qualified as Brady materials. But on the filed charges against Flynn, that he made false statements (1) about his request to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions, (2) his request to foreign governments about a UN Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements, and (3) regarding his personal dealings with Turkey, there is nothing in those notes that tends to exculpate Flynn on those charges.

I earlier commented that I thought former USDJ Gleeson would recommend to USDJ Sullivan that he go ahead and grant the government's motion to dismiss. I was surprised he went the other way. Now it looks like Sullivan and Gleeson are hoping the full Court of Appeals reviews today's divided Order, since Gleeson has asked for guidance on his reply brief due today, and in response Sullivan has stayed all the deadlines and dates in the case, but not actually filed a dismissal order.

readering said...

"I wonder if Trump will appoint Grennell as FBI Director now or wait until after the election?"

Grenell is not an attorney. No one has ever been nominated and confirmed to the position of FBI director who was not an attorney. Maybe an acting director to fill in for a few months.

Still predicting that Flynn is going to get his old job back as NSA? Trump is on record saying the lying business was a convenient excuse for a guy the President was already tired of.

Matt Sablan said...

Also: Seriously. American presidents are THE WORST when it comes to commiting conspiracies like this. Nixon kept the tapes, and I bet, Obama or Biden told Comey "oh, don't forget to file the memo."

Matt Sablan said...

"They should have listened to the person who simply recommended he not be hired."

-- Wait. You are following the story, right? Per the facts we now know, Obama KNEW that Flynn was innocent. He then ordered "the right people" to change that analysis because "these were strange times." He then LIED TO TRUMP about the fact that Flynn might be doing something wrong. If they had listened to Obama, then we'd NEVER HAVE LEARNED that Obama pulled this stunt. Trump, like McCain and Romney, made the mistake of assuming that some Democrats were able to put the country ahead of politics.

Matt Sablan said...

"How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?"

-- Imagine a murder case, they bring charges against a guy. Then, you find a note from the lead investigator that says, "His alibi checks out and fingerprints don't match the weapon."

That's basically what this note is.

Matt Sablan said...

"Criminal prosecutions are an adversary process in which discovery is very limited. The prosecutors don't have to turn over everything that has Flynn's name on it. They do have to turn over "Brady" material. The deliberations of the President and his team in the Oval office do not have to be turned over in a subsequent criminal prosecution under a later administration."

-- What? The ABA describes discovery here in part: (iii) permit thorough preparation for trial and minimize surprise at trial;. Note: "These standards should be applied in all criminal cases." You completely screwed up *the very notion of discovery.* The deliberations of the people investigating that state "This guy is innocent"

The ABA's Prosecutorial Disclosure section even says they must turn over: "(ii) The names and addresses of all persons known to the prosecution to have information concerning the offense charged, together with all written statements of any such person that are within the possession or control of the prosecution and that relate to the subject matter of the offense charged. The prosecution should also identify the persons it intends to call as witnesses at trial."

The ABA's own definition of Discovery states that this information needed to be turned over, without any question, to the defense, immediately. Here's the kicker, if you think I'm reading that overly broad: "(viii) Any material or information within the prosecutor’s possession or control which tends to negate the guilt of the defendant as to the offense charged or which would tend to reduce the punishment of the defendant."

You're arguing in bad faith; knock it off.

Bruce Hayden said...

“If the Flynn case is formally dismissed all that information can be made public.....and the democrat/marxists wish to avoid that at all costs prior to November.”

The stuff just under seal, maybe, but not the classified stuff, and the perps (Obama and Deep State people) classified the heck out of everything to protect their asses.

Drago said...

The Backpedaling readering: "They weren't hidden. Criminal prosecutions are an adversary process in which discovery is very limited. The prosecutors don't have to turn over everything that has Flynn's name on it. They do have to turn over "Brady" material. The deliberations of the President and his team in the Oval office do not have to be turned over in a subsequent criminal prosecution under a later administration."

Comey quote from the meeting notes:

“Strzok’s notes believed to be of January 4, 2017, reveal that former President Obama, James Comey, Sally Yates, Joe Biden, and apparently Susan Rice discussed the transcripts of Flynn’s calls and how to proceed against him,” Powell wrote. “Mr. Obama himself directed that ‘the right people’ investigate General Flynn.”

She added: “This caused former FBI Director Comey to acknowledge the obvious: General Flynn’s phone calls with Ambassador Kislyak ‘appear legit.’”

Uh, gee, I wonder if that qualifies as Brady material?


What a joke you are readering. But I have to admit it is fun to watch, sort of like listening to a 4 year old explain how they really didn't break that vase with the pieces all around their feet.....

Mike Sylwester said...

readering at 6:03 PM
... on the filed charges against Flynn, that he made false statements (1) about his request to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions, (2) his request to foreign governments about a UN Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements, and (3) regarding his personal dealings with Turkey, there is nothing in those notes that tends to exculpate Flynn on those charges.

The big picture is that the FBI and other government officials used devious methods to remove Michael Flynn from the position to which he had been appointed by President Trump.

Flynn was going about his business as National Security Advisor and was not doing anything deceitful or illegal. Nevertheless, he was set up, framed and manipulated into pleading guilty.

The FBI and its ilk were undermining the elected US President by devious methods.


One reason was that they were directed to do so by President Obama in the final days of Obama's Presidency.

Another reason was that those particular FBI officials hated Trump and acted as key members of "The Resistance" to Trump's Presidency.

Another reason was that those particular FBI officials believed that Trump had won the election only because of his collusion with Russian Intelligence. In that collusion, Flynn had played a key role by receiving communications and money, through the RT cable-television network, from Russian Intelligence. Those officials intended to collect the evidence to prove that suspicion, but Flynn would obstruct their investigation and so had to be removed.

Drago said...

Matt Sablan: "I am shocked that the thing Republicans predicted again came true."

Thus far in the russia collusion/hoax dossier matter, the conservatives are being proven correct approximately 100% of the time.

But in the lefties defense, it's only 100% of the time and not 110% of the time.


Drago said...

readering: "Still predicting that Flynn is going to get his old job back as NSA?"

If Trump wins reelection Flynn will definitely find himself in a role high up in the intelligence community somewhere, with a high probability of that role being NSA.

Readering said...

Matt Sablan fabulist.

Mike Sylwester said...

readering at 6:03 PM
But on the filed charges against Flynn, that he made false statements (1) about his request to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions, (2) his request to foreign governments about a UN Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements, and (3) regarding his personal dealings with Turkey, there is nothing in those notes that tends to exculpate Flynn on those charges.

Flynn was a fool to plead guilty to anything.

I have speculated that one reason he pleaded guilty was that he indeed had been involved in a sexual affair with that Russian woman in London, and he foresaw that the affair would be revealed if he fought against the charges. However, that is pure speculation.

My understanding of Flynn's own explanation is that his lawyers convinced him that he certainly would lose on the charges of lobbying for Turkey without a FARA registration. Furthermore, his lawyers convinced him that a plea bargain where he would plead guilty on the FARA charge and also the other charges would end in essentially just a slap on the wrist.

Eventually, however, Flynn came to his senses and asked to rescind his guilty pleas. He was willing to go to trial on any and all charges. By that point, the DOJ itself recognized that it could not win any such trial.

MayBee said...

There is no scandal except the scandal of everyone just looking the other way while inceasingly unhinged POTUS accuses his predecessor of treason

yes, we all know only the sitting president is allowed to be accused of treason by the former admin officials (Brennan)

Bruce Hayden said...

“They weren't hidden. Criminal prosecutions are an adversary process in which discovery is very limited. The prosecutors don't have to turn over everything that has Flynn's name on it. They do have to turn over "Brady" material. The deliberations of the President and his team in the Oval office do not have to be turned over in a subsequent criminal prosecution under a later administration. Do you think if someone gets prosecuted for demonstrating in DC and they demand the notes from Trump's meetings on the subject of the demonstration, the notes have to be turned over if one of his hapless advisers is recorded saying, looks like the demonstrations fit within First Amendment Freedom of Assembly? Of course not.”

You miss the point. The Strzok notes were exonerating because they show coordination from the very top of the Obama Administration to frame Flynn and get him either fired or prosecuted. This just reinforced the handwritten notes of FBI CD AD Bill Priestap, who brought up just that point, when McCabe, He, Strzok, Pientka, etc we’re planning the operation, and discussing whether or not to show Flynn the transcripts of the call, advise him to have a lawyer present, and warned him of §1001 liability for lying to the two agents, which are all SOP in the FBI. Priestap originally was going along with McCabe, Strzok, etc, but after sleeping on it overnight, had second thoughts, and voted to do it by the book (SOP). He was overridden, for apparently political reasons by DD McCabe, and his boss, D Comey. His notes asked whether the purpose was to get to the truth, or catch Flynn in a §1001 perjury trap in order to get him fired or prosecuted. I think though that you could argue that the Strzok notes released today were merely cumulative, disclosing the same sort of illegality and misbehavior shown in the Priestap notes.

“I have not studied the Flynn case closely enough to know if there are other materials that have been revealed that should have qualified as Brady materials. But on the filed charges against Flynn, that he made false statements (1) about his request to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions, (2) his request to foreign governments about a UN Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements, and (3) regarding his personal dealings with Turkey, there is nothing in those notes that tends to exculpate Flynn on those charges.”

One place where both the Priestap and the Strzok notes are material is in showing that the §1001 charge against Flynn lacked materiality (one of the requirements under §1001). They lacked materiality because, even if Flynn had lied (he very likely did not), they knew (from Obama on down) the contents of Flynn’s call with the Russian Ambassador, even though they knew that Flynn didn’t (and intentionally kept the contents from him, despite FBI SOP, in order to spring the §1001 perjury trap).

It is interesting though that the Logan Act theory seemed to have come down from Obama and Biden, instead of up through DAG Yates, which was long the assumption.

MayBee said...

that he made false statements (1) about his request to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions

Is that true, though? Have we seen the original 302 or do we know why it was re-written by Strozk? Comey here appears to be saying that call was legit. So why should he even be getting asked about it by the FBI,let alone have the notes about his interview be rewritten?

Matt Sablan said...

How so? I'm curious how Readering thinks my interpretation of the discovery rules is fabulism.

Birkel said...

I think Ric Grennell could be FBI Director (fuck dumb ass attorneys in their snooty snouts) or CIA Director.

He would be a marked improvement.

Also, readering drew the short straw and was forced to lie many times.
Shim is stupid AF.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Flynn was a fool to plead guilty to anything.”

“I have speculated that one reason he pleaded guilty was that he indeed had been involved in a sexual affair with that Russian woman in London, and he foresaw that the affair would be revealed if he fought against the charges. However, that is pure speculation.”

Nothing so complex. The prosecutors merely threatened to charge his son, with a pregnant wife, with a similar FARA violation.

“My understanding of Flynn's own explanation is that his lawyers convinced him that he certainly would lose on the charges of lobbying for Turkey without a FARA registration. Furthermore, his lawyers convinced him that a plea bargain where he would plead guilty on the FARA charge and also the other charges would end in essentially just a slap on the wrist.”

Of course, the added aspect here is that the prosecutors also threatened to charge his attorneys, who had prepared his FARA application, also with criminal FARA violations. This gave them an incentive to get Flynn to plead out to the §1001 violation in his plea agreement, because by doing so, the prosecutors would drop the FARA charges against his attorneys. . This was, of course, an unwaivable conflict of interest on the part of Flynn’s attorneys. Both Flynn’s attorneys (by not withdrawing) and the prosecutors (by engineering the situation) violated ethical rules with this.

“Eventually, however, Flynn came to his senses and asked to rescind his guilty pleas. He was willing to go to trial on any and all charges. By that point, the DOJ itself recognized that it could not win any such trial.”

I have little doubt that Sydney Powell, Flynn’s new lead attorney, wanted to withdraw his guilty plea from the day that she took over his defense. But that is hard to do. Van Grack and the other prosecutors opened up the window by requesting prison time, which violated his plea agreement. They pretended that their reason was because Flynn quit cooperating (which was a condition of his plea agreement). But I think the reality was that it was a heavy hand at retaliation against Powell’s push against their abject failure to provide all of the required Brady information. And once that window was opened, she could legitimately ask for either dismissal or a new trial.

Someone has been feeding critical information and evidence to Powell from essentially the day that she took over Flynn’s representation. And, I suspect that they also put her and Flynn together. Someone who knew where all of the incriminating and exonerating evidence was hidden. She would ask for something, seemingly out of the blue. The corrupt Mueller prosecutors would reply that it didn’t exist. Then would have to retract that, and supply it, when it was miraculously discovered. Time after time. She has known exactly what evidence to request when it would be most useful. Someone on the inside. It is going to be interesting finding out who they are.

Iman said...

No one has ever been nominated and confirmed to the position of FBI director who was not an attorney.

Given the recent performances by FBI Directors, this may be the perfect time to go in a different direction. Fill that slot with someone who actually gives a rip about honor, ethics and integrity. You’re barking up the wrong tree with the majority of lawyers.

Danno said...

WTF? Our (Lower case r) readering is questioned about his lawyer cred and then (Upper case R) Readering responds with a more lengthy reply.

Gospace said...

Mike Sylwester said...

Another reason was that those particular FBI officials believed that Trump had won the election only because of his collusion with Russian Intelligence.

No one ever believed that. Well, except for people like Inga. But no one in an actual position of power to know ever believed that. That's why they kept trying to set people up, to try and prove something that wasn't true. The FBI and CIA knew from the gitgo the Steele dossier was worth less than the paper it was written on.

cacimbo said...

Most Americans will never learn of this because major media will not report.

Michael K said...

Someone has been feeding critical information and evidence to Powell from essentially the day that she took over Flynn’s representation. And, I suspect that they also put her and Flynn together.

That's a good point. I have read her book and was immediately pleased to see her appear.

Michael K said...

Grenell is not an attorney. No one has ever been nominated and confirmed to the position of FBI director who was not an attorney. Maybe an acting director to fill in for a few months.

I would like to know your source. FBI agents for years had to be accountants or lawyers. Many now are ex-military or police. Most FBI Directors had been agents. I cannot find a rule that requires Directors to be lawyers.

The Gipper Lives said...

FOX News knows better than anyone why Gen. Flynn was targeted, and it wasn’t just because he worked for President Trump. It was because as an Obama insider, Gen. Flynn was talking, as he did in this Fox Op-Ed: "Why Hillary's record on Libya is even worse than you think" by Gen. Mike Flynn, Oct. 6, 2016

Yet FOX has dropped it down the memory hole. General Flynn:

“The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and affiliated jihadis received at least 18 shipments of arms from Qatar with the blessing of the U.S., the Wall Street Journal reports. The arms shipments were funneled through none other than Ali al-Sallabi, the Qatar cleric who brokered their release from prison. The Islamists were able to pay for the weapons because Clinton had convinced Obama to grant full diplomatic recognition to the rebels, against the advice of State Department lawyers and the Secretary of Defense.

As the Washington Post reported, this move “allowed the Libyans access to billions of dollars from Qaddafi’s frozen accounts.” These arms shipments are significant for several reasons. It led to the indictment of American arms dealer Marc Turi who was charged with selling weapons to Islamist militants in Libya through Qatar. The charges were dropped this week after Turi threatened to reveal emails showing Clinton had approved the sales.

Here’s where it gets very sticky for Secretary Clinton. The rebel leaders were on the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organization list. It is a direct violation of the law to provide material support for terrorist organizations under 18 U.S. Code 2339A & 2339B. Penalties for providing or attempting to provide material support to terrorism include imprisonment from 15 years to life.”…….

Obama was building a Muslim Brotherhood Caliphate from Tripoli to Teheran, as a another gift to the Ayatollah like pallets of cash, uranium and permission to build nukes.

This is why corrupt Judge Sullivan won’t let it go. He has his orders to protect the criminal Obama/Clinton Syndicate at all costs.

Drago said...

Readering: "Matt Sablan fabulist."


After 4 straight years of pushing russian disinformation, a completely fictional hoax dossier, accusing everyone on the Trump team of being in cahoots with russians followed by accusing Kavanaugh of being a decades long gang rape leader, readering decides now would be a good time to accuse another of being a fabulist!


Greg the class traitor said...

Readering said...
I thought it was the Trump DOJ that prosecuted Flynn.
How are those notes exculpatory on the charges against Flynn?

There is no scandal except the scandal of everyone just looking the other way while inceasingly unhinged POTUS accuses his predecessor of treason. Who fired Flynn and who recommended he be fired? They should have listened to the person who simply recommended he not be hired.

Readering said a lot of stupid things that Bruce Hayden took apart. So I'll hit these:

1: The Mueller Special Prosecutor team was the one that went after Flynn. Thank you for establishing up from that you're eaither a bald faced liar or utterly ignorant

2: For perjury to be a crime it has to be material to a valid investigation. Since Flynn's actions that were being "investigate" were in fact "legit", there was no valid investigation for the statements to be "material" to

3: Trump's predecessor unhingedly accused Trump of conspiring with the Russians. So Readering is in fine form, demonstrating the projection which the Left is so good at

4: Who fired Flynn? Trump. Why did he fire him? Well, the FBI lied to the President, informing him that Flynn had lied to the VP when he hadn't

Any other lies you'd like to offer up, Readering?

Martin said...

For about 6 years when people said orw rote that Obama was "the worst President, ever," I always demurred--"Not as long as James Buchanana nd Franklin Pierce count," I would say.

No more. Obama was leading his senior people and corrupting the FBI in order to overturn a legitimate election. This is beyond the mere incompetence of a Buchanan.

Obama is the worst, ever.

glacial erratic said...

Considering how incensed the left/media get about Trump exercising legitimate executive power, I'm sure they will be all over this example of Obama's illegitimate actions.


Big Mike said...

Question for Farmer — is this part of the status quo you meant when you called Obama a “status quo president”?

Rusty said...

Readering said, "Rusty, it is easy to be a commenter on this site, moderation notwithstanding. Lucky you."
Lets be fair. You make it easy. Althouse makes it possible. I'm not making wild assed claims, in the guise of being a lawyer, that can be easily shown to be false. I certainly hope, if you are indeed a lawyer, that you serve your clients much better in court.

Rory said...

"The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and affiliated jihadis received at least 18 shipments of arms from Qatar with the blessing of the U.S....The Islamists were able to pay for the weapons because Clinton had convinced Obama to grant full diplomatic recognition to the rebels, against the advice of State Department lawyers and the Secretary of Defense."

And the Clinton Foundation took money from Qatar in violation of Hillary Clinton's conflicts-of-interest agreement with the Obama administration.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Obama was building a Muslim Brotherhood Caliphate from Tripoli to Teheran, as a another gift to the Ayatollah like pallets of cash, uranium and permission to build nukes.”

This has always bothered me. Islam is far from monolithic. The most basic split is Sunni vs Shi’a. But very much compounding this, Iran (Persia) is primarily Shi’a and the rest of Islam primarily Sunni. This is significant because Persia/Iran has essentially been the predominant power between India and the Mediterranean for the last maybe three millennia. If you want to insult a Persian call him a “camel jockey”. He will likely remind you that they have been living in cities for thousands of years while those filthy Arabs were driving their camels around the desert. They aren’t Arab. Aren’t Semitic, But Aryan (which shares its roots with “Iranian”). While their Arab conquerors tried to impose their language over Persia, ultimately it worked the other way, with the much richer Persian culture predominating.

Actually there were, and still are, three different power centers there, the third being Turkey, which was dominant for much of the second half of the Second Millennium. During that time, the center of Islam moved from Arabia ultimately to Turkey, and the Semitic Arabs were mostly poor subject states. Arab power was only really restored with the discovery of massive deposits of oil under the Arabian peninsula.

The point of all this is that there was never going to be a Caliphate stretching from Tripoli to Tehran, because there were three claimants to its control: Arab, Persian, and Turkish (all intersecting in the area occupied by the Kurds).

Here is my theory. Crooked Hillary’s protégée Is Huma Abedin. Her family has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), a primarily Sunni Arab group, essentially based in Egypt, that was the parent organization for many of the Muslim terrorist groups we have fought against in the 21st Century. Her father founded an Egyptian newspaper that supports the MB, and after his death, her mother and brother apparently continue to run it. I think that while Clinton was Secretary of State, American foreign policy was strongly influenced by this, a strong supporter and ally of the MB figuratively, and some have alleged literally, in bed with the American Secretary of State. Abedin at a minimum, controlled access to Clinton during that time. And I think that the idea of an MB caliphate stretching from Tripoli to Tehran had to have been hers. In their Arab Spring, Libya, then Egypt quickly fell into line. Why wouldn’t they? Libya, after Kadaffi was deposed, was, and continues to be, a failed state, with Egypt to the East probably its biggest influence. And Huma’s MB Caliphate would have effectively had Egypt as its center, so, initially, that was an easy sale. But Syria was one bridge too far, because it, like the Kurdish areas, was near the center of the dispute for Muslim leadership among the Arabs, Persians, and Turks. Neither of the latter were going to give up their claims to leading Islam to the filthy Arabs, including the Egyptian based MB. And that is where we stand almost eight years after Clinton left office, with a three (or more) sided fight for dominance in Syria.

But then Clinton left office, and the State Department shifted from supporting the Arab MB to their competitors, the Iranians. Why? Lurch Kerry continues to strongly support the clerical despots in Iran, despite their brutality. Maybe it is money. But my guess is that Obama saw a deal with Iran as potentially the feat that would put him in the history books. Moreover, his protégée is Valerie Jarrett, who partially grew up in Iran, continues to be an Iraniphile, with a large number of Iranian friends. Which suggests to me that Lurch was just along for the ride, with Obama and Jarrett making the calls.

That latter, BTW, is why Obama and his people hate Flynn - who got fired for pointing out how stupid Obama’s Iran deal was.

Bruce Hayden said...

“2: For perjury to be a crime it has to be material to a valid investigation. Since Flynn's actions that were being "investigate" were in fact "legit", there was no valid investigation for the statements to be "material" to”

The primary federal perjury statute is 18 USC §1621. It requires the false statement to be made under oath. Flynn was charged under 18 USC §1001, which merely requires that the false statement be made to a government official. Both though require that the false statement be material. The confusion is that the trap set by McCabe, Strzok, and Pientka for Flynn is colloquially called a “perjury trap”. I try to clarify this by using “§1001 perjury trap” whenever I discuss what they did when the latter two went to the WH to interview newly installed NSA Flynn.

stan said...

Imagine how much different America would be if we could find an honest Democrat, an honest liberal or an honest journalist working for the MSM.

Readering said...

Sure, if you posit a vast government conspiracy, everything becomes relevant!

Courts don't aid fabulists.

Read the Gleeson brief for why all this Flynn exoneration stuff is bs.

Greg the class traitor said...

Readering said...
Read the Gleeson brief for why all this Flynn exoneration stuff is bs.

Oh, man, you're funny.

Gleeson? The lunatic conspiracy theorist?

The only thing the Gleeson brief proves is that TDS is one hell of a mind destroying drug

Greg the class traitor said...

Readering said...
Read the Gleeson brief

so you can watch a TDS destroyed lunatic former judge file a "legal brief" based on tweets, instead of on the facts provided from the Justice Department.

Sure, if you posit a vast government conspiracy, everything becomes relevant! Says Readering. Right before he tells us to read a legal brief that's essentially claiming that the DoJ is dismissing the case because of a vast government conspiracy.

I'd like to accuse him of being a. Chinese bot, but they're not that stupid

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