June 24, 2020

"This is liberal governance for you: Miss Forward, the seven-foot statue of a strong and proud woman standing at the prow of a boat as if to direct Wisconsin into the bright future, toppled...."

"Here are your civil rights: A liberal state senator, Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee, pummeled for trying to record the carnage. All because a petty criminal with a lengthy rap sheet resists arrest — an arrest for harassing and threatening with bullhorn and a baseball bat) at point-blank range innocent restaurant-goers? Accusing random diners of unproven racism? This is your hero? This is your George Floyd?... If Tony Evers does not call in the National Guard today he should be removed from office. It is too late for Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway, the mayor of Madison who apologized for sympathizing with Madison’s tormented police. Who has directed the police innumerable times to stand down. She must, herself, stand down.... Where is Dane County Executive Joe Parisi? The City-County Building was firebombed Wednesday night? Why hasn’t Sheriff Dave Mahoney deployed his deputies? Madison is burning. Where were the Capitol Police? The police union must declare a vote of No Confidence in the mayor.... It is the Broken Windows theory of crime; give an inch and they take a mile. There is no way to satisfy the anarchists’ demands. Madison is doing its best to re-elect Donald Trump. How long before The Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois, et cetera show up in town?"

Says David Blaska in "Resign, Mayor Satya. Declare martial law, Gov. Evers!"

That last question is chilling, and isn't that what the protesters want? No one who opposes the chaos should hope for the right-wing crowd to add to this discord. Our own government should protect us, but it is displaying its unwillingness to do so. This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving.

UPDATE: "Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers says his administration is prepared to activate the Wisconsin National Guard to protect state buildings after statues were toppled in Madison and buildings were damaged" (WBAY). Prepared... after.

"We are prepared to activate the Wisconsin National Guard to protect state buildings and infrastructure and are continuing to work with local law enforcement to understand their response to last night’s events and their plan to respond to similar events in the future," says Evers....

Wisconsin Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke (R-Kaukauna) overnight called on the governor to deploy the Wisconsin National Guard to "protect the State Capitol" and those who have business there Wednesday....

Steineke tweeted, "The problem is, you [Evers] have tolerated it. You haven’t acted to protect state property. You say 'we are prepared to activate the National Guard.' Pardon me Gov, but what are you waiting for? A state Senator was attacked last night. Does someone need to die before you’ll act?"...


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wendybar said...

You don't need the right wing crowd when you have your very own Antifas, and BLM to do what some blame the Right wing of doing. Just think of all the pretty murals you will have instead of businesses!!! Congratulations!

Psota said...

"Proud Boys" and "Boogaloos" are fake news, just like the dread "alt-right in Hawaiian shirts".

If peaceful people want peace, they are going to have stand up to the Left's destructive behavior.

iowan2 said...

Exactly why cant citizens with the view that property should be protected, show up to protect property and citizens? Because only Democrats can intimidate through violence?

Vote Democrat in November. If your vote carries the day, you will get exactly the governance you deserve. Good and hard.

Unknown said...

The whole idea is to have the "right wing extremists " show up and the killing to begin. It will all be blamed on Teump, of course.

Ann, why aren't you organizing to demand that the governor bring in the NG? Are you waiting for the demonstrators to show up at your door? They know where you live (I do not). By then it will be too late.

chuck said...

The Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois

The boogieman cometh. If you believe your own BS you are in trouble.

MayBee said...

So do we think the right wing crowd will make it worse? I mean, it's interesting that that is the idea that has to be used to get the left going. Your buildings are boarded up and your common areas are vandalized. Your congressman has been beaten. But boy oh boy, at least the righties aren't here.

buwaya said...

Peace is over.
It was over long ago, really.

It does not matter what anyone does. Declaring Martial Law will, as you say, add to the hatred, on one side, but probably, very quickly, both. But so also will doing nothing, as it will encourage the one to greater outrages, and further alienate the other from your institutions. There is no magical in-between.

You all have a degree of mutual alienation, between your castes, that cannot be resolved without a crisis (or probably a long series of them) that causes great personal pain to all.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“...pummeled for trying to record the carnage”

But they weren’t Anti1A unless they self-identified as such.

TrespassersW said...

Our own government should protect us, but it is displaying its unwillingness to do so. This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving.

"Those who “abjure” violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

n.n said...

The protestors, diversitists, Antifa, BlacklivesMatters etc. are already there.

Farmer said...

Martial law seems slightly excessive.

MayBee said...

Maybe people on the left could start daring to criticize what the rioters on the left are doing, then something would be done. But it's too scary to do that. I understand that. In all sincerity, I do. (and I don't mean you, Althouse. You have been braver than I)

rcocean said...

I agree. But I LOL'd at two things. "Miss Forward"? Is that "Her" official name? Hello, you're being now being rather backward, miss forward. The other was the last sentence. The ultimate threat to the liberal/left is never death and destruction of property or innocent people - no its the idea that somehow those Goddamn Right-wingers might show up or somehow gain an advantage. And the idea that there are any significant number of "Proud Boys" or "KKK" or extreme right-wingers with the money or the energy to come to Madison, is laughable too.

There is no KKK. There is no Right-wing threat. There are no significant numbers of white Men in Hawaiian shirts with high powered rifles. Stop living in a fantasy land. All this violence is coming from the Left. And the D's need to stop it.

Wa St Blogger said...

This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving.

It is my contention that the radical left is not looking for peace, in the sense that you understand it. They are looking for peace on very specific terms: Destroy all opposition. What is left will live in peace (so long as they never oppose the regime.)

Your desire for peace makes you complicit with the opponents of the leftist movement. Your desire for peace is a form of silence and acquiescence to the racist, misogynistic hegemony of the oppressive state.

If you are lucky you will not be required to choose a side.

Unknown said...

"This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving"

"You may not be interested in war but war is interested in you" -Trotsky.

Ann - they are at war with you. You better figure this out.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Blaska is right about many things, but still Igna-rant enough to fall for that Proud Boogy bullshit.

Automatic_Wing said...

That last question is chilling, and isn't that what the protesters want?

Yeah, it is, and it also happens to be what "our own government" wants. Surprising that you haven't figured that out by now.

Yancey Ward said...

I promise you this- the right wing isn't going to show up to defend Madison. If the left wants a confrontation, they will need to move their protests into the Republican controlled suburbs and exurbs, and I have already predicted they won't do that for the simple reason that they don't want to get their asses shot off. We already know this is true because there were residents and business owners in Minneapolis and other locations who actually did stake out their properties with heavy firepower that deterred the looters and rioters- there just aren't all that many such people in the core urban areas- this won't apply once you get outside the city proper- there are far more such people there.

Renee said...

President Trump is getting the brunt of disapproval from their actions though.

What gives?

The Democrats will not stop it, if helps them get re-elected.

Dave Begley said...

Mostly agree, but those people will never resign. Why should they? They have no shame.

The good people of Wisconsin should recall Evers from office.

I think my first comment of the day was asking where the police, deputy sheriffs and state troopers were last night in Madison.

Last night never should have happened in any American city.

Craig Howard said...

That last question is chilling

I should think the least of your worries would be the Proud Boys showing up.

They couldn't add much to the chaos the left is already causing.

At most, they would only give the rioters [and the media] a fig leaf for their behavior.

JAORE said...

Oh heavens we don't want the Proud Boys.


Then F'ing demand the people you have elected time after time after time either leave or do something about it.

And that does NOT mean concessions or networking or commissions.

The barbarians are IN the gate. You invited them in.

Don't tell them you are nervous now. Don't tell ME you are nervous now. You've been warned about, and should have seen, the direction the left was leading.

Here's a casualty of the riots (no it ain't a protest any more) most of us don't give a damn about the anxiety of the cruelly neutral.

This will take real arrests and real jail time. This will take FORCE. More now that a week ago. Less now than next week.

Nut up and take a stand.

Nonapod said...

Yet somehow after all this chaos being perpetrated daily by the far left and being defended and/or excused daily by Democrats pols and media figures, we're supposed to believe that Biden has a "commanding lead". It makes no sense.

Big Mike said...

This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving.

@Althouse, if you really were peace-loving then why did you ever vote Democrat?

Kevin said...

That last question is chilling

Oh that was where this got to much for you?

The point where the fictitious spooky people showed up?

Aggie said...

The tiger doesn't care if you're peaceful. He's just hungry and you're just standing there.

cacimbo said...

A quick internet search(not using google) will reveal plenty of Antifa websites, twitter accounts, facebook accounts, youtube..... all offering information about what the Antifa movement is, how to learn more and how to get involved. You will find almost no news article on Antifa, except those explaining how it doesn't exist and is a right wing fantasy.

An internet search for Boogaloo or boogaloo bois finds hundreds of news articles on this alleged menace.No actual websites for boogaloos. Facebook and twitter - again no boogaloos, just lots of media stories about alleged boogaloos.

How are media finding these boogaloos? Funny how they can't find any Antifa.

RK said...

How long before The Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois, et cetera show up in town?

We all know the joke about how half the KKK membership are undercover FBI agents. But I can now see how armed white groups can grow in membership and sympathy. Good job, Dems.

Kevin said...

Vote Trump for jobs.

Vote Biden and Democrat for mobs.

mikee said...


Who ever, ever, ever told you life was supposed to be fair? They lied, you poor sweet child.

Life is fair only when uniform norms of behavior are used throughout society.

What is happening now is a grab for money and power by small groups of the Democrat Party. These groups have realized that decades of their party's leadership and control of urban centers has come to a tipping point, where most cities are running out of other people's money to distribute for votes. The rats are fighting over the last crumbs as the ship starts sinking. Fighting rats are not fair fighters. But they do fight.

Fight back or be overwhelmed by the internecine struggle you see before you.

Jaq said...

As far as I can tell, the “proud boys” are either agent provocateurs or archetypes from lefty fever dreams. But it won’t be that long before regular old God fearing Wisconsinites start asking themselves whether the powers that be have decided that violence is democracy. It’s not the right that calls mob violence “democracy in action” but one has to wonder whether the lesson Democrats are teaching will eventually sink in. I am not sure I would look for direct confrontations so much as other more worrisome stuff. After all, we have been taught by our betters what the proper response is to an election outcome one doesn’t like. Blue cities are incredibly vulnerable to all kinds of retaliation. This is why we all agreed at one time that democracy and peaceful acceptance of its results were the best approach.

Laslo Spatula said...

"This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

It is also unfair to those who vehemently oppose the mobs and the tearing apart of civilized society, but are standing down, waiting in vain for the Government to do its job.

It isn't about peace: it is about the future we will live in.

The government is allowed to ignore the lawbreakers by trusting that the law-abiders will continue to obey the law.

We have become a nation ruled by those who have never been punched in the face.

Go ahead: keep your receipts.

I am Laslo.

Birkel said...

I take this to mean you favor one side having the kinetic playing field all to themselves?
What makes you think that is likely?

Jaq said...

"Proud Boys" and "Boogaloos" are fake noose”


Gusty Winds said...

No right wing crowd is going to show up to save Madison. I wouldn't worry. They don't care. They're watching, drinking beer and eating popcorn.

Ann Althouse said...

"Exactly why cant citizens with the view that property should be protected, show up to protect property and citizens? Because only Democrats can intimidate through violence?"

You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!

That was a very clear point I heard from the long-time police officer who trained me when I went to shoot a gun at the gun range. If they're only coming for your PROPERTY, you are committing a crime if you defend with violence. They have to be coming for you or another person before you can use self-defense.

In any case, we're talking about STATE property. The STATE should defend it.

They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction.

Mark said...

That last question is chilling

That comment is disgusting.

Deal with the evil thuggery in front of you. It is not any less chilling than your boogeymen. Yet you effectively with this one comment give it a pass.

You are complicit.

Sebastian said...

"Our own government should protect us"

It is protecting you from your own racism.

"it is displaying its unwillingness to do so."

Not at all: it is willing to lead you exactly where progs want to go.

"This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

As you know: no justice, no peace. Fairness has nothing to do with it: such a petty bourgeois notion.

So, can you see what you are observing? Better take another shooting lesson.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Is Satya Baron-Conway a put-on?

Wince said...

"Now, let me see if I got the facts straight here..."

The Proud Boys come to the rescue of Proud Woman standing at the Prow of a boat?

rhhardin said...

Vita longa ars brevis.

Unknown said...

"Trust in God, but keep your gunpowder dry." - Cromwell

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." - Geo. Washington

"Speak softly and carry a big stick." - T.R.

"I've never seen anyone insult Jack Dempsey." - Will Rogers

Your local leaders are cowards, Professor.

Kevin said...

There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction.

Police on the scene incite violence.

It will have been a "mostly peaceful protest" unit the police showed up.

Even if the police were there first.

Dave Begley said...

AA wrote, "They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction."

Exactly. The fact that LEO weren't on the scene is directly the fault of the government. By not ordering at least the State Patrol to stop it, that's implicit agreement.

You have a breakdown of civil order on Wisconsin.

Evers MUST be recalled. Malfeasance and nonfeasance in office. He had a duty to protect to protect the monuments. A duty!

rehajm said...

That last question is chilling

A big art of the problem is it took you that far down the paragraph for the chills to start...

Kevin said...

Those imaginary right-wing rioters will be showing up any day now...

rhhardin said...

The society that ensures peace lovers' rules does not itself depend on peace.

DanTheMan said...

>>How long before The Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois, et cetera show up in town?" says David Blaska

The mental gymnastics required to think that way are amazing. The threat is NOT the riots and vandalism and looting that's right here, right now. No, threat is some potentially right wing extremist boogeyman.

There are even those saying the statue of Col. Heg was torn down by white supremacists, angry that he fought against the south.

RNB said...

"No one who opposes the chaos should hope for the right-wing crowd to add to this discord." Where did Blaski hope for that? He made a prediction that it would happen, If This Goes On.

Jaq said...

"They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction.”

"If only the Tsar knew!"

Drago said...

Althouse: "This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

Akin to "If only Comrade Stalin knew what was happening!" in its naivete.

"Fairness" is an alien and bourgeois concept that the left has ALWAYS rejected in its clamor for power and blood going back to the National Razor.

The rioters/looters/black shirts/storm troopers laugh at you and your failure to recognize that what they are attempting to create is their own "Year Zero".

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

What's that? Hawaiian Shirts?
They're bangin' on the boogaloos
like a chim pan zeeee!

...oh, that aint workin'

ga6 said...

Your government Ann, not mine. List the house yet?

zipity said...

Yeah. Look out. It will be like those violent Tea Party folks, and how they rioted.

Um. Wait. They were peaceful, and left the area they protested in cleaner than when they got there.

I find it hilarious that all these deep blue Liberal/Democrat states/cities are tearing themselves apart because of "systemic racism" in them.

ALL of them have been ruled top to bottom by Democrats for decades if not generations.

Trump is right. Let them burn their cities down. Just don't expect the rest of us to pick up the tab for rebuilding them. *KMAG YOYO

*kiss my ass goodbye you're on your own

I'm Not Sure said...

"This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

My parents told us kids dozens (hundreds?) of times that "Life's not fair". It's really unfortunate more people don't seem to learn that lesson.

Mr. Forward said...

“Miss Forward, the seven foot statue...” also known as “Shorty” at the family reunions. Don’t mess with the family.

Drago said...

Althouse: "You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!"


You are not allowed to use violence to protect property the left is destroying.

In marxist/lefty/dem world violence used by the left to protect property from the kulaks and cossacks and wreckers is COMPLETELY justified according to their Calvinball rules. See the armed guards (whack jobs with guns really, or as Howard might term them: The Greatest America Has Ever Offered) at CHOP/CHAZ-istan.

Didn't you see the video of the MI rioters who were walking around and pointing long guns at drivers and their passengers....and the Detroit police were right there and did......nothing.

Wake. The. Hell. Up.

Gusty Winds said...

"This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

Who didn’t see this coming for years? I’d think it’s safe to assume it’s only the woke liberals that work for UW. Are there any Administrators or Professors expressing regret for what they created? Or are they afraid of being attacked too. I’m not sure this fits the definition of “unfair”.

Dude1394 said...

So you will defame and accuse those that DO stand up against the mob. Kinda pathetic.

Michael said...

BTW the people pulling down statues and looting stores are not Biden voters. LOL.

Gusty Winds said...

The gun toting bogymen Madison loves to vilify, won’t ride into Madison. But…if the Stoner Justice Warriors and the AWFLs pull this same stuff in Waukesha County, it might be a different story. They won’t even try it.

rehajm said...

How long before The Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois, et cetera show up in town

Invoking these names and implying some sort of equivalence is deceptive and stupid.

Kai Akker said...

Completely unfair!

Yes. But you sound surprised. D governance, unable to bring themselves to say a bad word to anybody who might conceivably have a "victim" grievance to nurse and publicize.

n.n said...

Libertarians? Probably not. The left-right, totalitarian-anarchist nexus is leftist.

hawkeyedjb said...

"In any case, we're talking about STATE property. The STATE should defend it.

They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction."

Yes, the state "should" defend it. But there isn't evidence that the state, or any level of government, cares. At least not the state as represented by its office holders. Perhaps some of the People, in whose name the state exists, care but they are ignored. The mayor doesn't care, the governor doesn't care - they just want to wait it out until the destroyers are sated. None of them has any idea how long that will take.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

A law professor learned the law from a long-time LEO, and incorrectly.

Some property can be defended with deadly force. Exactly which property that is depends on the situation, and the jurisdiction. An occupied dwelling, including a vehicle, can always be defended with deadly force, throughout the USA, if under a deadly force attack.

Drago said...

Althouse: "In any case, we're talking about STATE property. The STATE should defend it."

I find your attempt to draw all these quaint distinctions in the face of the marxist/insane lefty mob adorable.

Sorry Althouse. Whereever the dems hold office, the rioters/looters/antifa-types know they have carte blanche to run wild....with the FULL support of the dems in power.

This has only happened every single time anywhere in the world the left has reached what they believe is critical mass to seize power.


DanTheMan said...

>>You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!

In general, you can't use deadly force to protect property.
But you most certainly are allowed to resist the theft of your property, at least in most states.
Are you saying that, under Wisconsin law, you are not allowed to violently fight off a purse snatcher or fight someone smashing the windows of your home?

Wince said...

If they're only coming for your PROPERTY, you are committing a crime if you defend with violence. They have to be coming for you or another person before you can use self-defense.

Doesn't the rule pertains to "deadly force"? In Mass, "reasonable force" can be used to protect property.

rehajm said...

We are prepared to activate the Wisconsin National Guard...

It's public signaling to their allies in the mob: the overnight ratings are in and...time to tone it down.

Drago said...

When it comes to the destruction of State/public property in areas controlled by the dems, Althouse has not yet come to terms with this simple fact: "The calls are coming from inside the house!"

Dude1394 said...

Those poor peoples whose businesses now have such "pretty" murals aren't public property. That police officer who trained you is just touting the democrat mandated rules to keep YOU from defending your own property when they come for you.

I suggest you ignore him, because part of your property is you and if you allow a bunch of thugs to break into your home, steal your stuff, they will steal your life as well.

Chris N said...

Boogaloo boys, racist elite oppressors, Patriarchs, Nazis, the 1%, conservatives, the rich, the religious, the traditional, white people, Europeans, old school liberals, diseenting Leftist, old school Marxists, the Police (band and the real thing)....

They had this coming. Freedom is next. Equality is nigh!

Anonymous said...

"not allowed to use violence to protect property?"

The entire idea is to draw the line at property so it doesn't advance to the personal, as if you'll have the time to ask the difference when it counts...

MayBee said...


loudogblog said...

"Statues of Wisconsin’s motto "Forward" and of Col. Hans Christian Heg were dragged away from the statehouse. The statue of Heg, an anti-slavery activist who fought and died for the Union during the U.S. Civil War, was decapitated and thrown into a Madison lake by protesters, the newspaper said."

TrespassersW said...

They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction.

And that they were not on the scene speaks volumes.

Original Mike said...

"give an inch and they take a mile."

I understood this as a ten year old. The dems, not so much.

Looks like we picked a good summer to be out of town.

Wince said...

"Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee, pummeled for trying to record the carnage."

The interesting legal self-defense question is whether the state representative could have used deadly force in that situation.

thesixthmoon said...

You can't use deadly force to protect property. You can certainly use force (AKA violence) to protect property.

rhhardin said...

The statue of Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring so far is okay. It's surprising since she was the one on the set with round heels.

Todd said...

The new order requires that the only statues left standing are of Mao, Lennon, and Chi. Everything else must go!

Malcolm may be allowed a small one for his commitment to antisemitism.

n.n said...

You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!

Stand your ground to remain compliant, or kneel and let them walk over you. This is when they destroy churches, loot businesses, turnover vehicles, topple statues and other monuments in memoriam, break glass, burn crosses on your front lawn.

jpg said...

Good to know state buildings get the protection. The rest of you, not so much. Enjoy leftwing governance.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Buwaya is right. A lot of us are really just hanging tight till we can start shooting. There isn't going to be reasonableness with these people. If they want this kind of trouble they can have it.

Drago said...

But, since Althouse asked about protecting State monuments and sites:

"Interior Secretary Bernhardt: We’ve Requested National Guard Be Available to Protect Monuments"

"On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Interior Secretary David Bernhardt stated that he has requested that the Department of Defense make the National Guard available to the Interior Department to protect monuments and said that the protection of monuments will be done “with dispatch and severity.”

If you want to protect State property and allow everyone the right to protect their own property and if you want to make the minimal effort necessary to hold off the American Khmer Rouge, I'm afraid your only choice will be to vote Trump.

But a warning: If you do end up supporting Trump instead of Turnip Head, at some point it will become clear that you have, and you already see what is happening on social media and in terms of physical violence to those who don't toe the marxist line.

Get more gun range target practice in........

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

is the STATE allowed to use violence to defend property?

if so, what is the distinction vs individual?
Is the use of pepper spray violence?
Do groups of armed police pose a threat of violence?
Can an individual threaten violence to protect property?

SoLastMillennium said...

"You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!"

You are a Law Professor. Please explain how this became law and the legal definition of violence. I can understand a limit on lethal force but this seems to legalize crime if it turns out you can't strong-arm someone to get your phone back.

The violence done by theft is often ignored by our social betters. I live among people who if a car is stolen or destroyed by a criminal act risk losing their job, and then their apartment, and possibly then child custody as they try to recover from the loss.

Wince said...

939.49  Defense of property and protection against retail theft.

(1)  A person is privileged to threaten or intentionally use force against another for the purpose of preventing or terminating what the person reasonably believes to be an unlawful interference with the person's property. Only such degree of force or threat thereof may intentionally be used as the actor reasonably believes is necessary to prevent or terminate the interference. It is not reasonable to intentionally use force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm for the sole purpose of defense of one's property.

(2) A person is privileged to defend a 3rd person's property from real or apparent unlawful interference by another under the same conditions and by the same means as those under and by which the person is privileged to defend his or her own property from real or apparent unlawful interference, provided that the person reasonably believes that the facts are such as would give the 3rd person the privilege to defend his or her own property, that his or her intervention is necessary for the protection of the 3rd person's property, and that the 3rd person whose property the person is protecting is a member of his or her immediate family or household or a person whose property the person has a legal duty to protect, or is a merchant and the actor is the merchant's employee or agent. An official or adult employee or agent of a library is privileged to defend the property of the library in the manner specified in this subsection...

Dude1394 said...

This sounds a lot like Andrea Mitchell going down to do a de fund the Police puff peace on BLM/Antifa/Democrats getting attacked by one and then calling for mommy (the police) while she dispatched her burly security guards to deal with it.

Clayton Hennesey said...

"You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!"

No doubt that is the case in Wisconsin, where every space is a yet to be utilized Autonomous Zone, and all property is ultimately the People's Property.

But it's different elsewhere:


Lucien said...

Peace loving or not, the voters of Madison are getting what they wanted, and getting it good and hard. If peace loving citizens went down and whitewashed all the murals as a peaceful statement against looting and vandalism, do you think anyone would use force to protect that property?

jpg said...

Your last reply comment is ridiculous. Bet you feel different when you stand meekly aside while these evil crazies burn your house down. It will happen.

Paul Zrimsek said...

"Postpared" should be a word.

Carol said...

Blaska lost me there at the end. Boogaloo? Is that a thing? I'm a winger and it's not a thing that I know of.

What I do hear is a lot of wishcasting by the Civilized Right that those hale and hearty rednecks in flyover will make short work of antifa. Because guns and stuff.

I'm not sure.

Curious George said...

"In any case, we're talking about STATE property. The STATE should defend it.

They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction."

Where were you when all the looting and arson was happening. Because the police are supposed to protect citizens property too.

Big Mike said...

Does someone need to die before you’ll act?

To ask the question is to answer it.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Violence, the Liberal's pit bull, is off the leash
and terrorizing the neighborhood.
It has become a liability to them,
and they know it has to be put down

...but they cant bring themselves to do it.

MartyH said...

At some point the police exist to protect the criminals from the citizens.

wildswan said...

The Madison police could stop the riots without the National Guard but the mayor has been intimidated. We saw the video. As for the right coming out - why should they? The left is defeating itself - first, by rioting; second, by showing that Dem Mayors and Governors will not stop the riots. This a big country with a long history. Statues come down in Madison and Dem politicians come down in November.

Howard said...

Blogger Farmer said...

Martial law seems slightly excessive.


Blogger Psota said...

"Proud Boys" and "Boogaloos" are fake

The threats posed by them are as real as Barney Fife

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann, why aren't you organizing..."

I love order, but the last thing I am is an organizer.

I only do what I can do from this blog. There's something of an organizing effect, but I learned when I was 6 years old that I didn't want to be a leader. I had a gift for leadership. I saw it and what I saw was I don't like being around followers. I am embarrassed for them. I don't like being the source of embarrassment. I encourage others to be leaders and to stand up for themselves as individuals, but I myself chose not to take on the role of leader.

What happened when you were 6, you might ask. It was something quite specific in which I said something and did something and I had everyone else doing it too and using my slogan. I had some other things like that when I was young, and I can tell you I just didn't like people following me.

You'll notice that most of my readers here don't agree with me too much. And when I was a law professor, I think students — some students — were disappointed that I wouldn't just tell them what opinions to have. This is very basic to who I am. No one who knows me should EVER be asking "Ann, why aren't you organizing?"

Sebastian said...

"They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction.

They . . . hmm. They just revealed their preferences.

Ken B said...

“This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving.”

I don’t want to question whether you personally are peace loving, but I do want to question if many you think are, really are. Who made excuses for the earlier statue toppling mobs? They are NOT peace-loving. Who excused rioters smashing windows? They are not peace loving. That woman who called the boarded up downtown beautiful is not peace loving.

gspencer said...

The problem with Miss Forward is that her breasts weren't exposed.

Now French women, they know how to lead,


Ken B said...

I think some here are underestimating Althouse's courage. She is not anonymous. She is risking her home and her safety making even mild criticisms of the swirling hate-mobs in her town.

Sebastian said...

"You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!"

Right. And it's nice of you to remember that.

But of course, the left doesn't care. So whacha gonna do (I ask in general, not just of Althouse): follow the law and let leftist law-breakers continue their destruction, or break the law to try and stop it? At what point do the peace-living law-abiders get pissed off enough and fight back -- and then, what can and will they do?

This is what Dem officials should be asking themselves.

Jim Gust said...

" This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

That sentence jumped out at me, as is did to other commenters.

If you are peace loving, why have you ever voted for a Democrat? You know that they endorse looking the other way for crimes from certain groups. Has any Democrat denounced the rioting yet?

Blaska is the voice in the wilderness. It's too late now for Madison. Nothing will be done, because nothing can be done. It is no longer possible to do anything but abandon the burning urban centers. Move to a gated community. Personal security will be privatized, the process is well underway. The rich will have it, the poor will be at the mercy of gangs.

David53 said...

Interesting how different protection of property laws are in Texas as opposed to Wisconsin.

jeremyabrams said...

The last question is not chilling. It's an attempt to drag right-wing extremists into the fray to deflect attention from the leftists who are systematically destroying Madison. And our hostess in focusing on the theoretical possibility that some right wingers may join in is fully endorsing that view.

The choice is between ideology and saving Madison, professor. As Donald says, let's see what happens.

Jaq said...

"Mostly peaceful”


Freeman Hunt said...

Prepared to activate? Activate!

If the state won't maintain law and order, citizens will get tired of it and stand in the gap. This is a total failure of Democratic governance. It's appalling.

Skeptical Voter said...

I'm certain that the Washington Post and the New York Times could run a headline with absolute factual accuracy, "So Far Three Has Been No Confirmed Instance of A Self Identifying Boogaloo Boi Leading One Of These "Peaceful Protests" ".

I mean they've written such a headline for Anti-Fa. Why not show journalistic neutrality?

Nero said...

“You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!”

This is wrong on a few levels: (1) why do you immediately assume that there will be volence, and further that it’s the right-wingers’ fault? What if they just show up as solidarity to protect the monuments?

(2) It takes two to have violence – and I believe you are assuming the leftist mob will be violent against the right-wingers. So whose fault is that?

(3) So it’s okay to use violence to destroy property? That’s your corollary. By doing nothing you are saying just that.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"it's unfair"

It's at the least unfair.
They scoff at the genteel Liberals notion of fairness
The genteel Liberals are dismayed that their subjects are getting out of hand.

Like with Dr. Moreau, his subjects have a habit of reverting to their animal form and behaviour

Mary Beth said...

The Left has been predicting the arrival of the Far Right at the protest sites since the beginning. I don't think they're coming.

It's strange how there were some rallies/riots in so many cities originally, but only a few are still having problems. What do these cities lack that the ones where protests ended have? Besides better leadership.

Biotrekker said...

To Madison Leftists: "for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Original Mike said...

"All this violence is coming from the Left. And the D's need to stop it."

They think it's going to give them even more power. It's a strategy. And as such it's disgusting.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the "Summer of Love" has come to Madistan

Peace, Love and BLM

gilbar said...

radical left is not looking for peace, in the sense that you understand it. They are looking for peace on very specific terms

a fun Question:
What do YOU mean by 'peace' ??

To a Muslim, 'peace' means 'submission'
To a Russian, 'peace' mean 'order'

What do YOU mean by 'peace' ?

the state prevailing during the absence of war?
harmonious relations; freedom from disputes?
the absence of mental stress or anxiety?
the general security of public places?

This does lead to a related question: What do YOU mean by, Justice?

wildswan said...

The Madison police could stop the riots without the National Guard but the mayor has been intimidated. We saw the video. As for the right coming out - why should they? The left is defeating itself - first, by rioting; second, by showing that Dem Mayors and Governors will not stop the riots. This a big country with a long history. Statues come down in Madison and Dem politicians come down in November.

The Tangerine Tornado said...

Chilling? Seriously Althouse, the little secret that the media and our politicians don't want the general public to understand, though it's repeatedly shoved in our faces is this: The violent left fringe outnumbers the violent right fringe by an order of magnitude.

When was the last time you saw thousands of right wing rioters outnumbering and overpowering entire police departments, trashing leftist symbols, setting fire to cherished progressive buildings, and institutions for weeks on end?

They could never match the numbers and organization of the violent left fringe. Maybe the chilling part would be having to watch them all get their clocks cleaned and end up in the hospital.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction.”

would it be ok to change "monuments" to "businesses/livelihoods"?

Roy Lofquist said...

OK, time for Godwin's Law. Let's get it over with.

There is no discernible difference between BLM/Antifa and Hitler's Brownshirts. There is no discernible difference between the left wing of the Democratic Party and Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Hitler was elected.

Howard said...

Republicans in Kentucky working tirelessly to suppress Black vote is way worst than statuarycide.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's very simple:

1. The Dems used the FBI and Special Counsel Mueller to sink Trump. It failed.

2. The Dems next used a CIA whistleblower and fat Jerry Nadler and lying Adam Schiff to sink Trump. It failed.

3. Now, the Dems have unleashed their BLM & Antifa mobs to destroy property, loot, throw Molotov Cocktails and tear down statues. It too will fail. But only if good men & women, stay strong, think clearly and stay alert and engaged.

Howard said...

Blogger Lucid-Ideas said...

Buwaya is right. A lot of us are really just hanging tight till we can start shooting. There isn't going to be reasonableness with these people. If they want this kind of trouble they can have it.

You'll lose this war too.

Original Mike said...

"This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

Our governor says the protests are peaceful.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

When was the last time a right wing protest caused physical damage in your town, Professor?
Hilarious that the real threat would be some right wingers showing up! I mean the left wingers are destroying the town and beating people, but if those nasty right wingers showed up things might get *ugly*.

Left wingers by themselves = violence & destruction
Right wingers + left wingers = violence (attacking one another/left attacking right)
Right wingers by themselves = ...?

But yeah, the real fear is if those awful right wingers show up. Gotta love the nice centrist perspective!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

When was the last time a right wing protest caused physical damage in your town, Professor?
Hilarious that the real threat would be some right wingers showing up! I mean the left wingers are destroying the town and beating people, but if those nasty right wingers showed up things might get *ugly*.

Left wingers by themselves = violence & destruction
Right wingers + left wingers = violence (attacking one another/left attacking right)
Right wingers by themselves = ...?

But yeah, the real fear is if those awful right wingers show up. Gotta love the nice centrist perspective!

cacimbo said...

Those who gave the election to Evers are getting exactly what they voted for.Some may not have enough common sense to realize this is what they were voting for, they are the same voters who believe voting for someone further left than Evers is the answer.

Original Mike said...

"They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction."

As I understand it, this is a direct result of a decision by the mayor.

wendybar said...

In any case, we're talking about STATE property. The STATE should defend it.

They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction.
6/24/20, 10:26 AM

Then somebody had better inform your Democrat Mayors and Governors, because they obviously are blind, or deaf.....THEY told the police to stand down, you have to wonder why, but then, you're still waiting for the Right Wing to show up.

Clark said...

I'm confused. It's a crime to use violence to defend property. What are you suggesting the state should have used to defend the statues? Ice cream?

TreeJoe said...

Ann, I've read you for IDK how long. A decade? More? This is literally the most nonsensical position I've ever read you take,

"You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!

That was a very clear point I heard from the long-time police officer who trained me when I went to shoot a gun at the gun range. If they're only coming for your PROPERTY, you are committing a crime if you defend with violence. They have to be coming for you or another person before you can use self-defense.

In any case, we're talking about STATE property. The STATE should defend it.

They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction."

You want people to "protect" property without using "violence"?

What exactly do you think the police do when deterrence doesn't work? They use state mandated violence - physical restraint and the loss of liberty and yes, violence, in the event of resistance.

And they do this in protection of PROPERTY.

And if someone breaks into your home and threatens your property - let's say they tell you they are going to set your home on fire and start the process - should you call the police and exit the premises?

Only if you are physically incapable of stopping them - i.e. violence.

The position of "never use violence to protect property" does not hold up to basic scrutiny. It is a broad thought applied to teaching initial students in firearms as a general rule of thumb for staying on the right side of the law in the event of a shooting. That's it - it doesn't actually hold up in real world situations.


Put another way: When someone insists on destroying your world despite your vociferous objection, either they are met with acceptance/appeasement or they are met with violence.

PubliusFlavius said...


"Meh, she was a cracka"-NYT,WaPo,HoPo

MadisonMan said...

Who is in charge here? It's not the Governor.

Nichevo said...

I didn't want to be a leader. I had a gift for leadership. I saw it and what I saw was I don't like being around followers.

I doubt you have the aptitude, anyway, but with you it's always about what YOU want, what YOU like. Very incompatible, inconsistent with your professed politics, one would think. Except when you realize that you have good confused with evil, it all makes sense.

Anyhow, if it's "organize" or "get the bullet/watch Heg toppled/watch Madison burn/watch Western Civilization fall,"

...well, as Rooster Cogburn asked Lucky Ned Pepper...

Which will you have?

P.S. By what code, right, standard can you not defend property with violence? Who made it so? What needs to be changed to allow it? SCOTUS reversal? Some law or laws? An Amendment? Senators, Reps, Governors? Because that just seems stupid.

chuck said...

This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving.

Curious George said...

"They knew those monuments were threatened. There should have been police on the scene preventing the destruction."

They knew it was actually happening. They just didn't do anything.

iowan2 said...

You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!

I said show up. I never mentioned violence. Several hundred prepared men show up to protect property, the only violence would be that started by the thugs. Then it would be self defense. Unless you claim the streets belong to the leftist thugs, and not all of the public.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Before the war, Heg was a member of the Wide Awakes, an anti-slavery militia, but that’s not woke enough now. There’s also a triangular monument for him on the battlefield where he died — DASS RAYCISS!

KJE said...

As a nation, we have largely outsourced responsibility for safety and order to the professional police (and in a larger sense) the military since the Civil War.

We’ve gotten used to not having to take responsibility for ourselves in terms of our own personal security and the occasional need to have violence done on our behalf (individually or collectively).

I don’t fault the professor for not wanting that responsibility; she likely has not known an existence otherwise. Perhaps taking a firearms course is a step back towards at least recognizing that we as individuals have that responsibility to ourselves and our loved ones.

Mark Jones said...

The "Proud Boys", the "boogaloo boys" et cetera aren't going to be showing up to fight Antifa and their fellow travelers.

First--why should they? The leftist mob is destroying their own cities, cities owned and operated entirely by Democrats for decades. Cities where gun owners have been vilified and hated for decades. The voters in those cities are getting what they voted for, good and hard. Let. Them. Burn.

Second--everyone knows that the leftist mob (in these leftist cities) has carte blanche to riot, loot, burn, rape, rob, and murder. The police will mostly stand down (on orders from cowardly leftist politicians). But the MOMENT someone shows up to fight back, we all know the cops will be all over them. Leftist prosecutors will do their damnedest to ruin them legally, financially, emotionally. Leftist politicians will rail against violent, racist, hate-filled "far right" monsters. Why on earth would anyone endure that to stop leftist rioters from destroying leftist-run cities? Let. Them. Burn.

Finally, and I repeat myself: Let. Them. Burn. The "far right" boogey men are content to remain armed and ready to defend their own businesses and homes and communities when and if Antifa mans up and tries to pull their shit somewhere other than leftist cities. Which is in keeping with the idea of self-defense. We're not going to go out looking for trouble, but if it comes looking for us, the rioters will learn than incoherent rage and bricks are no match for armed men who have no intention of becoming victims.

Casey said...

Professor Althouse, You are defining what a teacher should be, and unfortunately is seldom followed today. You were trying to teach your students to think for themselves. I had that argument with a young colleague one time. He told me I was wrong. A teacher’s job to him was to Teach “what to think” not “how”

JB71-AZ said...

"This is completely unfair to those of us who are peace-loving."

So? Do you think they CARE about your feelings? What makes you think they CARE about whether you think it's FAIR or not?

They're doing it to puff their own egos by being 'fearsome warrior activists' - at least in their own minds.

That it's counterproductive as anything doesn't matter. They're after results, which include the local, state and federal governments behaving as if they're frightened of these 'fearsome warrior activists'.

The local authorities seem to be somewhat complicit, and that doesn't bode well for any sort of 'fairness', I'm sorry to say. They're fighting 'The Man', after all, and the FWA's simply one of their means. If you get trampled in that fight... well, that's a pity but you're just collateral damage to the Cause.

Doug said...

There is none so blind as he who will not see.

Smart woman, huh? And you can't see what your support for corrupt democrats has done for your fair city? You deserve everything you get ... in spades.

Michael K said...

I agree with Mark Jones above.

Michael K said...

Howard said...
Republicans in Kentucky working tirelessly to suppress Black vote is way worst than statuarycide.

You meant DEAD vote, didn't you Howard ? If not you are a liar.

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Basil Duke said...

These orc rampages will continue through early November, and possibly after that, depending on the Dems' success in ballot "harvesting," whether through door-to-door farming operations or mailed in vote theft.

It's beyond clear that Democrat politicians at all levels endorse this mayhem, and, indeed, encourage and celebrate it. As per, words mean nothing. A pack of human hyenas breaking windows and skulls and lighting buildings on fire? Peaceful protestors. The desecration of a monument to an African American infantry regiment from the Civil War? A glorious blow against systemic racism. Somali-style warlords and their deranged militia seizing six blocks of an American city? A summer of love. Defund the police? Heavens, no! We're just talking about eliminating police department budgets, you right wing loon!

Democrats and their ground troops are moving this national shit show forward with an obvious goal: Boot the bad orange man and place a permanent cloven hoof on the throats of any who support him. As such, tools like Evers won't do jack squat to actually corral the animals they've turned loose on us. Someone else will have to tend to that long overdue chore.

Original Mike said...

"The problem with Miss Forward is that her breasts weren't exposed."

Jeez, I just remembered my favorite capitol statue. It's a woman with an eagle on her shoulder and her boob hanging out. She's inside (King St entrance?) I hope she's OK.

walter said...

He's feeling the heat in a different form:
Tim Carpenter
Jun 23
Hotter than average temperatures have been occurring in Siberia since December. One town saw a temp of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. LtG Barnes has announced listening sessions so Wisconsin can protect our environment and be a part of the solution.
Hey, have beer pong kids had those windows repaired?

Butkus51 said...

Isnt that what the PROTESTORS want? So now tearing down statues and dumping them in lakes is just "protesting". Wait til the poo hits the fan.

Butkus51 said...

Howard, the soft bigotry of low expectations screams out loud.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

if not an organizer, but as a voice against the madness,

what manner of scorn would Althouse garner from her peers
by expressing full-throated repudiation?

Lucid-Ideas said...



The Republicans won the Civil War. I know you have those days where neurons aren't exactly firing in unison, but even this is beneath your omission.

Republicans - the party that abolished slavery - defeated secessionist Democrats who wanted to keep (and in many ways still do politically) their slaves.

See you in the streets Howie.

Original Mike said...

"I think some here are underestimating Althouse's courage. She is not anonymous. She is risking her home and her safety making even mild criticisms of the swirling hate-mobs in her town."

Yeah, I'm worried about her.

Jaq said...

I guess their strategy is to burn their own cities until we finally break down and vote for them.

This all started with "Dutch angles” in all of the pictures of Trump in the medial.

"You'll lose this war too.”

You’re pretty deluded if you think these types are the ones who won the Civil War. These types were in places like NYC protesting at recruiting stations because what went on in the South was "none of our business."

Rory said...

"No one who opposes the chaos should hope for the right-wing crowd to add to this discord."

The lack of a right-wing crowd is what's causing the violence.


Use of this word is now a tell of a lack of seriousness on the part of the writer.

Drago said...

Howard: "You'll lose this war too."

Look, I haven't read any of the new lefty approved history textbooks, but I'm quite certain the republicans have not lost any wars in the US.

Fernandinande said...

Althouse: "You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!"

If you use violence to protect your property, as is your natural right, make sure the guy's dead so he can't contradict your story.

Drago said...

Howard: "Republicans in Kentucky working tirelessly to suppress Black vote is way worst than statuarycide."

Did you happen to catch the report out of New Jersey where thousands of republican voters received ballots with only democrat names on them?

I'm sure it was a simple oversight.

Now, tell me more about your mythical "republicans are suppressing the Black vote" tales of woe.

Are they using helicopter rotor wash to keep people away from the polls? Chemical weapons?

Come on now Howard. Your recent lies have become quite pathetic so I'm hoping you can come up with a better class of BS to support your current slate of lies.

I'm Not Sure said...

"The violent left fringe outnumbers the violent right fringe by an order of magnitude."

The elephant in the room.

The Pacific northwest has been described (and derided) as the home to alt-right white supremacist extremists for years. And who takes over several city blocks in a major Pacific northwest city?

The left.

n.n said...

I think some here are underestimating Althouse's courage. She is not anonymous.

Criticism is fair, but perspective is imperative.

Freeman Hunt said...

At least the debate over gun ownership is effectively ended.

Ann Althouse said...

"A teacher’s job to him was to Teach “what to think” not “how”..."

Yeah, tell that to the law students who were writing the anonymous "evaluations" the school has them do for every class. I can tell you from 30+ years of reading those things that demanding that the students think for themselves is considered a problem. The teacher is confusing.

Ann Althouse said...

"A teacher’s job to him was to Teach “what to think” not “how”..."

Yeah, tell that to the law students who were writing the anonymous "evaluations" the school has them do for every class. I can tell you from 30+ years of reading those things that demanding that the students think for themselves is considered a problem. The teacher is confusing.

n.n said...

"You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!

I think this is a Christian perspective, a Pro-Life perspective, but is the threshold violence or viability?

rcocean said...

"I had some other things like that when I was young, and I can tell you I just didn't like people following me."

I believe that althouse was the inspiration for Cool Hand Luke. "Quit feeding off me!"

Original Mike said...

"I can tell you from 30+ years of reading those things that demanding that the students think for themselves is considered a problem."

My favorite evaluation comment from 25 years was "I would have done better in the class if he had made me do the homework.". This was in Graduate School.

Bob Smith said...

Dear Governor

Before you protect those state buildings you better protect the people and businesses that pay the taxes that support them. You’re the framework not the house.

crescentcityconnection said...

Scott Walker (miss him yet, Sconnies?), committed no crimes yet was subject to two recall elections which he won.Sadly he failed in his campaign for a third term in office, giving us the limp leftist loser Tony Evers. Now comes the mob to the State capitol,proudly demonstrating their ignorance of history by tearing down a statue of a abolitionist Union soldier who died fighting against secession and slavery. Evers , the morning after the riots, bravely (sarc) steps forward to assert NOW he will use the WI National Guard to defend the capitol against the violent leftists.

Hey he, ho ho, Tony Evers has to go !!Professor Althouse, will you draft the recall petition for us?

chuck said...

I can tell you from 30+ years of reading those things

Anyone complain that you "hate men"? I see that a lot in teacher evaluations of people I know don't hate men.

DavidUW said...

" But the MOMENT someone shows up to fight back, we all know the cops will be all over them."
this was amply on display during the trial runs in Berkeley, Portland etc.

Now the default is to say, literally, you citydwellers/liberals/rioters can all die in a fire.

Hey, by the way, what's the riot discount I can apply for with my property assessments on the rentals I own in Madison ?

Todd said...

DanTheMan said...

There are even those saying the statue of Col. Heg was torn down by white supremacists, angry that he fought against the south.

6/24/20, 10:31 AM

It was. Antifa is the modern version of the Democrats old strong-arm organization, the KKK. They have the same goals, keep black Americans on the Democrat plantation and without true equality.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Law enforcement in Madison is only allowed to use force against the families of Republicans when investigating fake political scandals.

Remind me again why I should support efforts to stop leftists from destroying their own safe haven?

Rick said...

Anyone want to bet the two women attacking Carpenter are employed in education?

Left wingers are pretty quick in crowdsourcing to get Karens fired. I wonder how many will be similarly motivated by actual violence?

Video here:

Video - Daily Mail

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Tony is waiting for the governors of Illinois and Michigan to provide him with guidance. He will let us in on the plan just as soon as they tell him what it is.

JMW Turner said...

Five years ago my drug addict daughter left town with friends to live in Pennsylvania. After she was gone, on that warm, late fall, Sunday afternoon, a young man knocked on the door with the pretext that she owed him money. Of course I denied knowing about any of this, but it was clearly a ruse to distract me while his accomplices popped out of hiding and rushed the door. They beat me to the floor of my living room, placed a gun to my head, and threatened to kill me if I didn't open a safe they heard I had on the premises. At that point, I focused on surviving rather than worrying about the things they were taking, things such as three expensive Swiss watches, a set of diamonds used for grading jewelry, personal engraved jewelry, and of course, a big screen TV,laptop, camera, wallet, etc. and my car. While they ransacked my condo, I'm not praying for God to spare my life, but for him to make my death by gunshot to the head clean as not to cause undo suffering. Fortunately, they were on a clock, (apparently wasn't their first rodeo). I wasn't armed at that time. I'm fully armed to the teeth now. I keep my place locked at all times, and I answer the (closed) door with a gun in my hand, a Smith & Wesson black featherweight loaded with hollow points. Also, fortunately, I live in a state that is represented by politicians more interested in passing stand your ground laws for the benefit of law abiding citizens rather than virtue signaling our rights to defend our lives away. If any of these bastards, mostly young, black and white, scrounging for money to procure drugs, try to force their way into my domicile, I won't hesitate to put two in the chest. It may not scare them off, but they'll be too dead to care. Once the criminals are inside, I consider their intent to be homicidal, there's no time for second guessing how far they will go, if I hesitate out of concern of legalities, that could give them the opportunity to kill me first. Ive seen what that scenario looks like, and I won't let it happen again.

Rick said...

Original Mike said...
["give an inch and they take a mile."]

I understood this as a ten year old. The dems, not so much.

Dems understand this just fine, in fact they're absolutely counting on it.

Pugsley the Pug said...

To quote from the Star Trek episode “The Ultimate Computer”, substituting the Democrats who govern nationwide for the Starfleet squadron and Commodore Wesley and AntiFa for the M-5 computer:

KIRK: The main attack force. The war games.
MCCOY: But M-5 doesn't know it's a game.
KIRK: Correction, Bones. Those four ships don't know it's M-5's game. And M-5 is going to destroy them.

The Dems are finally figuring out what the sane people have been saying since the no so peaceful demonstrators started vandalizing/destroying property and assaulting people(originally police, innocent bystanders, and now elected officials. And yet the media keeps insisting that these are peaceful demonstrations and not what our lying eyes are seeing in person & video.

Rick said...

MayBee said...
So do we think the right wing crowd will make it worse?

It will give the left wingers (in their mind) a legitimate target for violence. Why do you suppose Carpenter was attacked? He was videoing while white and in the attackers' mind this made him a suspected opponent and thus a legitimate target for violence. If there was a right winger in open opposition there's no question there would be violence - by the left.

It's interesting to consider that while these left wingers are baiting the police their media allies supporting this baiting and condemn any reaction. This is legitimate protesting no matter what. Even if protesters are violent the media blame others and protect their allies as best they can. But watch how fast the media abandons their professed principles if an opposition group forms. The mere existence of an opposition group will be characterized as intimidation (not a protest) and the opposition group blamed for violence committed by left wingers.

It's not like everyone doesn't know how this is going to play out.

Original Mike said...

"Dems understand this just fine, in fact they're absolutely counting on it."

You're right. Sometimes I unthinkingly ascribe their actions to good faith.

Dad29 said...

isn't that what the protesters want?

They are not "protesters." They are insurrectionists. Since Evers and your Mayor-ette will not deal with them, .........well...........how about if they burn down YOUR neighborhood? Still think going out with tea and crumpets is the solution?

Howard said...

Blogger Lucid-Ideas said...

@ Lucy Ideals


The Democrats won the WWI and WWII. I know you have those days where neurons aren't exactly firing in unison, but even this is beneath your omission.

Democrats - the party that championed civil rights - pushed blue-dog Democrats who wanted to keep (and in many ways still do politically) Jim Crow, into the modern Republican Party.

Not if I see you first, Lucy.

Dave Begley said...

JMW Turner:

So, what happened? Did they steal your stuff?

Velocon said...

The right has shown tremendous restraint nationwide in not reacting violently as cities burn, beloved history is torn down and they and their country are decried as systemic racists, born in sin, unredeemable and needing not reform but to be destroyed.

3john2 said...

Isn't Gov. Evers all about "ownership"? Such as telling the Republicans they "own" the coming plague?

Sounds as if the Governor owns quite a bit of the destruction that is happening in his capitol lately.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mark Jones said...

100% agreement with your comment! Bravo!

First--why should they? The leftist mob is destroying their own cities, cities owned and operated entirely by Democrats for decades. Cities where gun owners have been vilified and hated for decades. The voters in those cities are getting what they voted for, good and hard. Let. Them. Burn.

They will; the DNC is not going to be able to rein Antifa and BLM in. The blowback will be spectacular.

Todd said...

Pugsley the Pug said...

The Dems are finally figuring out what the sane people have been saying since the no so peaceful demonstrators started vandalizing/destroying property and assaulting people(originally police, innocent bystanders, and now elected officials. And yet the media keeps insisting that these are peaceful demonstrations and not what our lying eyes are seeing in person & video.

6/24/20, 1:30 PM

What makes you think this even, will matter? They will be JUST like the Swedish(?) woman that was raped by a "religion of peace" immigrant and did not report it so as to not "inflame nationalistic passions". The press/DNC will just shut their eyes and think of the Queen while they take it from behind. Any degradations suffered by them will be explained/ignored away.

You can't stop the gaslighting Mel!

n.n said...

The right has shown tremendous restraint nationwide in not reacting violently

It's declared in the national charter.

Curious George said...

This from the FB Group We Stand With The Madison Police Department

According to several Madison Police Officers (and other law enforcement sources) who contacted us:

🔵 Extra police resources were sent home early last night

🔵An officer received a citizen report that individuals were planning to firebomb the CCB

🔵This information was immediately relayed to the off-site command post but no action was taken

🔵Officers were told not just to stand down, but to avoid the area completely.

🔵The mob approached the CCB. Officers requested permission to utilize gas on the crowd to back them up. The command post repeatedly denied their requests.

🔵A firebomb was thrown into the CCB. Officers heard glass break, smelled the smoke and reported it to the command post. Still no action was taken.

🔵The 911 center had to be evacuated. This resulted in a substantial disruption of emergency services to the rest of the county.

🔵DCSO Deputies and a dispatcher responded at great risk to their own lives to put out the fire with fire extinguishers, likely saving the lives of hundreds of people, including juveniles and inmates housed in the JRC and jail.

🔵A fire investigator examining the scene remarked it was only by the “Grace of God” and the fast action by deputies that the entire building didn’t go up in flames

🔵Officers working inside the CCB armed themselves with less lethal shotguns. Had the mob broken through they believed they would have had to begin shooting people to save their own lives. Some officers expressed they believed the mob entering the building would have resulted in deadly force being used.

🔵Officers are furious their commanders are not allowing them to act. They believe their lives are being endangered by their commanders’ inability to make decisions or unwillingness to take action. Many are calling for a formal grievance and investigation of the commanders.

🔵Many officers have stated they have zero confidence in the overall command of the department and are ready to walk off the job. They are standing firm only because of the other officers who stand along side them.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Howie -

Your grasp of American political history is rather flawed. The Dems FILIBUSTERED the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and it has been shown conclusively that the "great switch" where somehow, magically, life-long Dems from the South infiltrated the "modern" GOP is complete fiction, as shown in actual voter registration records from the 60s through the 80s. Those racist Dems from Jim Crow days - inlcuding the Dixiecrats - stayed in or returned to the Dem party in the 1970s, 80s, and beyond. Even more, there was no "racist" 'Southern Strategy' - that is a lie made up out of whole cloth by liberal, academic 'historians'.

Racism is the currency of the Democrat party. Remember, if you hear the whistle, you're the dog. And it's ALWAYS the Dems who hear the whistle.

walter said...

06/23/2020 - 10:30 PM
John Nolen Dr. (near Williamson St.)
A 28-year-old Sun Prairie man was beaten and robbed by protesters after he inadvertently turned into their path as he drove from Williamson St. onto John Nolen Dr. last night.
The victim was on the way to a hospital to pick up his girlfriend at the time he was attacked.
He said it began when a member of the protest group threw a bicycle at his car, causing damage. The victim got out to ask the man why he had done this, and was quickly surrounded by an estimated 50 people.
He was punched by several, and ended up in a fetal position on the ground, trying to protect himself from blows and kicks. While this was happening someone took his wallet.
When the protesters moved on, he returned to his car to find the windows smashed out and his cell phone gone.
The victim ended up in a hospital with painful, but non-life-threatening injuries.
Dude tried to have a "conversation". I hope he wound up at the same hospital as his girlfriend.

Drago said...

Howard: "Democrats - the party that championed civil rights - pushed blue-dog Democrats who wanted to keep (and in many ways still do politically) Jim Crow, into the modern Republican Party."


That never happened.

Just go back and look to see when the southern state houses and governorships began their long slow transition from democrat to republican.

Thats all you need to see to disprove Howard's stupid but oft repeated lie.

If what Howard said was true, why did it take 40 years to complete the shift in parallel with massive population inflow into the southern states from northern and western states as economies began booming and corporations began moving to the better business climate in the south?

The story of GE Power systems is a good example: Schenectady to Atlanta. Toyota North American Motors (very recently), Los Angeles to Dallas.

This is what changed the South from democrat to republican. The old racist democrats died off and lots of new comers came rolling on in while the children of the old racists started coming across to the republicans.

I was in Texas in the early 80's trying to convince older yellow dog democrats to switch to the republican candidate I was working for in a suburban swing district.

No luck. At all. One particularly amusing old timer told me that his daddy would roll over in his grave if he ever voted republican. My only argument at that point was not to vote for the liberal and just go down ballot to the Judges and Constables and sheriffs and County Commissioners.

I was also called a yankee by this guy, even though I was from California.

Todd said...

Howard said... [hush]​[hide comment]
Blogger Lucid-Ideas said...

@ Lucy Ideals


The Democrats won the WWI and WWII. I know you have those days where neurons aren't exactly firing in unison, but even this is beneath your omission.

Democrats - the party that championed civil rights - pushed blue-dog Democrats who wanted to keep (and in many ways still do politically) Jim Crow, into the modern Republican Party.

Not if I see you first, Lucy.

6/24/20, 1:59 PM

Not to worry Lucy, he does this all the time. Unable to accept that his beloved Democrat party is not only the slave party, the fascist party, the USSR apologist party, the Jim crow party, and the party of feelings over facts and law, he lives in an environment of projection.

He believes that Obama was a great POTUS, the medical care is better in Cuba, that Ted Kennedy was a champion of women, that Malcolm is a racial healer, and that "hands up, don't shoot" is a fact.

Most of the folks here have learned to "understand" Howard and generally just look away. At one point he sort of, sometimes made a little sense but since Hillary lost, he has been irreconcilable, on a downward slide, and after signing up for OCare can no longer afford his meds so does not get a chance to "level out" with the proper mood stabilizers.

At this point, all one can do is pray for him and hope he finds the professional help he needs before he winds up as a story on the ID channel.

Drago said...

For Howard: Year when republicans assumed control of state house/senate in the South

Alabama: Senate and House-2010 (2010!!!! Wasn't that RIGHT AFTER LBJ passed the Civil Rights bill? LOL)
Mississippi: Senate-2007, House-2012
Louisiana: Senate and House-2011
Texas: Senate-1997, House-2003
South Carolina: Senate-2001, House-1995
North Carolina: Senate-2012, House-1995
Georgia: Senate-2003, House-2005

So Howard, how is the above possible if all those 1960's racists jumped to the republican party? Did the racists "forget" to switch parties for 30 or 40 years?

Don't bother answering. I don't expect you to say you were wrong. That would require a measure of intellectual integrity and I know that your integrity was obliterated by helo rotor wash and chemical warfare against you by Trump.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger Unknown said...
"Trust in God, but keep your gunpowder dry." - Cromwell”

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“Blogger Ann Althouse said...
‘Exactly why cant citizens with the view that property should be protected, show up to protect property and citizens? Because only Democrats can intimidate through violence?’

You are not allowed to use violence to protect property!“

Maybe, but I think it varies by location. In Florida, my firearms instructor claimed that Florida law allows the use of deadly force if someone is trying to commit arson or carjacking.

Now while carjacking is a stretch (it assumes someone is in the car, so it is more like kidnaping), arson is purely a property crime.

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