June 24, 2020

"[Madison Police Department] command telling cops to STAND DOWN.... Police KNEW the [City-County Building] would be firebombed... They did NOTHING."


tim maguire said...

Will anything be done about it?
By anyone?
At any level?

Tommy Duncan said...

This puts Tony Evers threat to call in the National Guard in context. Tony covers his kiester.

Matt Sablan said...

Space to destroy taking to its natural conclusion.

Owen said...

Your town. What are you going to do, Prof A?

Stephen Taylor said...

This will go too far. The protesters/rioters, emboldened by the feckless and incometent lack of response by the governments in assorted liberal shitholes like Madison, are going to head into the suburbs and the small places and the rural areas. There it will end.

chickelit said...

Bears repeating: Madisonians voted for this. Madisonians do not know how to confront BLM. They just keep bending over and giving them money. You get what you deserve and desired. Stop pretending.

Michael K said...

Antifa is just the kinetic wing of the DNC. Democrats call off the cops and don't tell the feds. It's a script. I just wonder who is writing it.

Schumer and Pelosi told the GOP that they would "have blood on their hands" if they did not have a police reform bill by July 4. The bill was introduced this week and the Dims filibustered it so no debate was possible.

Just more lies.

The Bergall said...

Not sure which side is more nut's.......

Any adults in your capitol?

Siduri said...

"Collateral damage."

Gk1 said...

You lefties won't be happy until there are more dead bodies like in the CHAZ squatting camp in Seattle. Imagine if all of those kids had burned to death because of your support for anarchy just to get back at Trump. For shame.

Matthew Heintz said...

The time for live ammunition against these terrorists is long past due. Kill a few hundred or a few thousand, whatever is required to stop the enemies of the USA.

Francisco D said...


You will reap what you sow.

You pray that the Marxists will destroy you last, but you have once again miscalculated, horribly miscalculated.

rhhardin said...

It's the new rules. If you burn up a few people, it's part of the narrative. As the ALL CAPS shrieking itself takes advantage of.

Everybody's choosing what narrative they prefer to live in.

When actual systems shut down, tastes in fiction will evolve, possibly to gallows humor as in the USSR or to sexist mockery, more likely.

Leland said...

How would the police know? She calls them protestors. Does she think the police can arrest for pre-crime?

Fredrick said...

So what is the legal liability of MDP leadership colluding with the criminal conduct of the rioters?

Lincolntf said...

At the risk of pre-emptively piling-on, Professor Althouse, how could you not foresee this, erven decades ago? You seemingly know nothing about your own ideological side. You're not a Karen, you're Gidget with a Law Degree. Grow up before it's too late.

Tommy Duncan said...

The mask is off and the ugly reality of left wing politics is exposed for all to see. They no longer hide the cooperative relationship between the rioters and the Democrat politicians and their lackeys. The riots exist because the Democrats want them to exist. We're seeing Democrat policy at work.

mccullough said...

Get the BATF on it then.

Madison is a sanctuary city for criminals.

Richard Dolan said...

Well, the good citizens of Madison elected the clowns making these calls. Now they get to enjoy the results. Democracy at work, it's a wonderful thing.

Wince said...

Deadly force would have been justified at that moment.

Bob Boyd said...

What is the source of that information? Is it true?

Dave Begley said...

This is a shocking scandal. And the Governor was no better because he didn't send in State Troopers.

The government of Madison won't protect people and property if they are of the wrong type. Selective law non-enforcement.

Narr said...

I will be astonished if police-- and soon other first responders-- don't start striking or quitting en masse.

The news reports a 3000% (3k!) increase in fireworks complaints here, and something like six times that in NYC.

The last few nights (and sometimes in daylight) there's a fairly steady racket . . . prepping for the 4th no doubt.

Bonfires, not so much, yet

Original Mike said...

"Bears repeating: Madisonians voted for this."

Oh for fuck's sake. SOME Madisonians voted for this.

Narr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...


Stuff happens that is not controlled.
Which is why this &#@#& is playing with fire. Every situation like this falls into chaos when some mastermind inevitably miscalculates.

Imagine the fallout and fallout of fallout if what easily could have happened, did. I can see the cops being blamed here, BTW, as those are almost certainly a bunch of black kids.

Anyway, good night, see you next month, er, tomorrow. That's how fast these things can go when approaching the crisis.

RK said...

I might take advantage of the lower rents downtown. Something higher up with a good fire escape.

Inga said...

Trumpists/Bannonites have no moral authority when it comes to rioters and arsons.

Bannon and Trump were all for “Burning it all down”, Trump’s closest advisor. Think of that. Bannon, the guy the right wing practically worshipped until Trump got jealous.

“Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist.

Having reminded you folks about that, I’ll say that the National Guard should be patrolling the streets until the anarchists who also want to tear it all down are stopped. Progressives are pro government, we are not anarchists.

Original Mike said...

Has the mayor said anything today?

Are there actual cops on the Square tonight?

rehajm said...

Oh for fuck's sake. SOME Madisonians voted for this

Oh for fuck's sake. Settle for MOST and move on...

richlb said...

I'm sensing a theme this evening.

n.n said...

Stand down. Kneel. Lick their boots, pumps, whatever.

bagoh20 said...

It could have very easily been hundreds of murdered people right there today. Mass murder is now not a concern for your government. You life is worthless to the people you voted for and to whom you pay a salary and pension. That must be very unsatisfying.

I think you people need to do something drastic, and now.

Birkel said...

You voted for this, Althouse.
Now what?

n.n said...

see you next month, er, tomorrow

There has been significant progress to normalize a dysfunctional convergence.

Selective law non-enforcement.

The established Church is Progressive with the conventional Pro-Choice religion.

Phil 314 said...

Well, no need to defund the Madison Police as they no longer function as police.

Birkel said...

Original Mike,
Just because you didn't vote for this shit doesn't mean it will be better or worse.
The majority gave you this and you have few choices.

Now what?

chickelit said...

Before Inga weighs in here to muddy things up let me stipulate that the vandals are not progressives but rather ancharchists. However, legally and duly elected Democratic leaders backed down and continue to aid and abet these criminal activities. The rioters and the local government could be from different parties but they share a common interest and that is to let the coddled BLMers continue their temper tantrum. Grow up and do some parenting/policing, Madison!

Kyzer SoSay said...

I'm happy you are now at least somewhat familiar with how to load, charge, and fire a handgun.

The likelihood of that skill becoming handy increases the longer this goes on.

PS - I don't know about the "defense of property laws" in Illinois. I could not care less. I see someone light a Molotov in my town, I'm taking the shot if I'm able. And then I'm taking down the person behind them with the spare bottles and rags.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Brothers and sisters , I wanna see a sea of hands out there... I want everybody to kick up some noise , I wanna hear some revolution... Brothers and sisters , the time has come for each and every one of you to decide whether you are going to be the problem or you are going to be the solution! You must choose , brothers , you must choose. It takes five seconds , five seconds of decision , five seconds to realize your purpose here on the planet. It takes five seconds to realize that its time to move , it's time to get down with it. Brothers , it's time to testify. And I want to know - are you ready to testify ? Are you ready !! I give you a testimonial...

Kevin said...

Vote Trump for jobs.

Vote Democrats for mobs.

GingerBeer said...

On the bright side, the city can now put up more particle board to highlight female artists of color. This would seem an ideal location for a "monument " to Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Fr. Gregory Jensen said...

Is there any evidence to support the allegation that someone (who exactly) knew about the firebombing?

chickelit said...

@OM: Apparently, a majority of Madisonians voted for this. Maybe they're prentending to be surprised at their leader's inactions, but they are still pretending. I grew up in Middleton and went to college in Madison. I went to high school with a couple of present day civic "leaders." I think I know them better than you do.

Todd Roberson said...

Madison: 'lil Indianapolis

GingerBeer said...

Keep in mind that "Bastille Day" is coming up soon. Under the current national circumstances, it's likely that history buffs amongst the "mostly peaceful" protestors will enjoy reenacting the historical event commemorated. Though I'd imagine there could be some improvisation. The NYT can be counted on to provide its own brand of cheerleading.


Sebastian said...

"MPD command telling cops to STAND DOWN. THIS WAS PLANNED--access to CCB was CLOSED OFF by the rioters around 5pm. Police KNEW the CCB would be firebombed. That's a FEDERAL CRIME. They did NOTHING. Cops were prohibited from using gas. READ THIS. SHOCKI"

Shock, why? Assuming details are correct: which prog official is opposed? They are revealing their preferences.

Mr. Smarterthanyou said...

Well Ann, do you feel silly yet for every being lulled into thinking the Democrat Party had good in it? Democrat control of education created this, a citizenry with no appreciation for Western Civilization, little ability to accept being proven wrong about anything.

mandrewa said...

How do I know this was Antifa?

Well I don't know for sure. But I know with 99% certainty. I know it through the actions of others.

I can observe the behavior of people who I know are on the left, and I will assume that they know some things that I don't know.

Now at this point it's utterly obvious that the left, by a week from now, is going to claim that the people fire bombing this building were right-wing terrorists.

But the evidence that this a lie is right in of our face right here right now. All of the left wing groups are supporting the fire bombing as it happens. And I don't for a moment believe they would be supporting it if it were really right-wing terrorists.

They obviously believe that this is the left wing.

Who are all of the obvious parties supporting this as it happens?

The Governor of Wisconsin. The Mayor of Madison. The leadership of the police department in Madison, but not the rank and file. The great majority of the media. And the greater part of what self-identifies as the left on the internet.

This is the violent left, aka Antifa.

I'm probably not going to be able to see close up images of the people actually doing it, because they are brutally assaulting people that film them. And even if we did have those images, well, people don't come with labels.

But we know it from the context. We know it from the behavior of all of the people that should know who these people are.

Original Mike said...

chickelit: I have lived in Madison for 60 years.

Birkel: "Now what?" We are waiting to see what happens. We will leave if we have to. We have the means. We are, in fact, "trying out" Vilas County for the summer. We'll see. Finding a new home is not easy.

Inga said...

“Before Inga weighs in here to muddy things up let me stipulate that the vandals are not progressives but rather ancharchists.“

Ha, exactly what I’ve been saying. Too funny. Muddy things up, huh? I’ve been clearly stating these people are not progressives, but are anarchists.

Tregonsee said...

Karleton Armstrong, Dwight Armstrong, David Fine, and Leo Burt are no doubt smiling.

William said...

Both sides are shopping for martyrs. Remember when Trump cleared out Lafayette Park prior to his walk to church. The Dems considered that a horrible abuse of Federal and military power. Many peaceful protesters succumbed to tear gas. Planned Parenthood said that some of the women present were pregnant and the tactics used caused these women to be at risk for a miscarriage. They're planning to sue....The Dems did not feel comfortable using such tactics. It was better to allow the protesters to carry on with their mostly peaceful arson attack. They had no way of knowing that anyone could die from such an illuminating event. It's important that the police not overreact to such protests. That would be the real crime.

Drago said...

chickelit: "Before Inga weighs in here to muddy things up let me stipulate that the vandals are not progressives but rather ancharchists. However, legally and duly elected Democratic leaders backed down and continue to aid and abet these criminal activities."

The vandals/rioters/anarchists are literally the shock troop/black shirt arm of the democrat party.


The dems control the mob and unleashed them when they had run out of all other ploys with which to roll into the November election. They knew they were going to lose and this is their last massively destructive gambit.

Dude1394 said...

“ Blogger Original Mike said...
"Bears repeating: Madisonians voted for this."

Oh for fuck's sake. SOME Madisonians voted for this.”

Dude.. ENOUGH Madisonians voted for this”. Own it.

Jim Gust said...

I've never been to Madison. I see now that I never will be there.

given the nonsense that scott walker endured, I am not surprised by any of this.

rcocean said...

As shown by the comments, its mostly people on the Center-Right, the kind who do NOT live in Madison, that are upset at this. Most peeps on Madison seem cool with it. Same with Seattle, Portland, and NYC. Lefties just don't care about left-wing violence. And if someone get hurts, well...they're glad to take one for Team Blue.

I was sorta puzzled why Trump wasn't benefiting from all the rioting, then realized I was forgetting that Lefties don't care, Righties are already voting for Trump, and the moderate middle isn't paying attention. The low information voters don't start to care until September.

chickelit said...

Ha, exactly what I’ve been saying. Too funny. Muddy things up, huh? I’ve been clearly stating these people are not progressives, but are anarchists.

But you glossed over my point, Infga, and that Madison's mayor is in cahoots with the rioters. Why does she pay only lip service to the rioter's rage? Why is she so beholden to BLM? She's acting like Jimmy Carter did with the Iranian students. Appease, appease, appease.

GingerBeer said...

Tregonsee: How do we know that Leo Burt wasn't in the crowd?

Drago said...

William: "Both sides are shopping for martyrs. Remember when Trump cleared out Lafayette Park prior to his walk to church. The Dems considered that a horrible abuse of Federal and military power. Many peaceful protesters succumbed to tear gas."


Tear gas was not used.

Original Mike said...

"Dude.. ENOUGH Madisonians voted for this”. Own it."

Sorry, I DON'T own it. My neighbors do.

Narayanan said...

Troops sent to fight abroad by REPUBLICANS to bring DEMOCRACY in those places operate under ROE ; how different are those ROE from the stand down and space to riot practices of BLUE CITIES

Narayanan said...

GingerBeer said...
Keep in mind that "Bastille Day" is coming up soon.
how many prisoners were in "Bastille" on that "Day"

for comparison purposes how many are in US prisons? are they not empty due to COVID releases?

boatbuilder said...

Whether there was a "stand down" order or not, this is the POLICE STATION. Firebombed by vandals with no resistance. Where are the...POLICE?

Why has the police chief not resigned in shame? There is no excuse for this. None.

What the hell?

How can any citizen feel safe in a city where the police either can't or won't protect anything--not even their own headquarters.

I have never owned a gun (thinking about it now). My neighborhood, which is pretty close to downtown Hartford, CT, has had zero violence or vandalism and I do not feel threatened. But if anything even close to this occurred within 10 miles. I and my neighbors would be armed and ready to act, and would be making sure that the vandals know it.

If the police here (who have their own issues, like police everywhere) behaved like the Madison cops I cannot even imagine the outrage--and the fear. Are Madisonians really so devoid of common sense?

cubanbob said...

This is exactly why there should be a federal law stripping state and local governments from qualified immunity. If the Mayor of Madison, the Chief of the MPD and the governor were sued into oblivion for the damages they allowed to happen none of this would have happened. To be sure, the insurance carriers would foot the defense bill but not necessarily the damage awards. And even if, only to the policy limits.They could settle out with the plaintiffs and leave the defendants out on their own risking losing their homes and other assets and possibly getting their incomes garnished. Now that would sober up even the most crazed Marxist official. To sooth the local and state officials, they could ban monetary damages to criminals or their families resulting from the plaintiffs injuries that were incurred while committing a crime. Example: vandals being clubbed while vandalizing, no money.Looters and rioters getting shot while looting and or rioting, no money. Arsonist gets killed while throwing a gas bomb, no money. That will drastically reduce the current insanity.

traditionalguy said...

The police are waking up to theIr having been set up by their Marxist mayors and governors to be killed By mobs , or be arrested for crimes of defending themselves. Staying on a job like that Is suicide. The neighborhoods will have to hire their own armed militias or move.

wildswan said...

The police could restore order with the tools at their disposal but it may be that the Dems are working to declare martial law. Notice Inga is calling for government to restore order - that suggests something.

wildswan said...

The police could restore order with the tools at their disposal but it may be that the Dems are working to declare martial law. Notice Inga is calling for government to restore order - that suggests something.

William said...

Same thing happened in beautiful Charleston, SC. Dem mayor + sissy-boy police chief stood down as rioters and looters violated curfew, destroyed stores and restaurants, and terrorized customers and workers.

Mayor said, “He was sorry.“

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Greg the class traitor said...

Original Mike said...
"Bears repeating: Madisonians voted for this."

Oh for fuck's sake. SOME Madisonians voted for this.

Did you vote for any Democrats in the last 4 years? Then you voted for this. Enjoy you choices!

AustinRoth said...

I take it Althouse’s approves. Continues to show the violence, doesn’t condemn.

Johnathan Birks said...

I have no fs left in the bank for any jurisdiction that elected morons to govern them. In the case of Madison the only mystery is why this took so long.

Nichevo said...

I'm probably not going to be able to see close up images of the people actually doing it, because they are brutally assaulting people that film them. And even if we did have those images, well, people don't come with labels.

How is the air not alive with private drone-cams? And why don't people put camera lenses in their boutonnieres (etc) or maybe wear Google Glasses equivalents, instead of making themselves targets by obviously taking pix?

Gk1 said...

The ugly and boring part of this malpractice by the local govt. to stop the rioting, is the skyrocketing insurance rates for all of these businesses that just got trashed. Sure, it's been a positive boon to the glazier's and plywood suppliers but now a lot of new districts will be put in a higher risk area because of the mayor & council man's incompetence. If you are a small business squeaking by because of convid FUCK YOU WHITEY! Wait till they see their new insurance premiums next year.

Original Mike said...

Got our property assessment today. $411,000 for a two bedroom house. City government will get a hefty tax check from us, and yet they can't see their way clear to provide us basic police protection.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Inga said...

Ha, exactly what I’ve been saying. Too funny. Muddy things up, huh? I’ve been clearly stating these people are not progressives, but are anarchists.

And the Nazis in Charlottesville were not conservatives, but Nazis. See how that works? Rationality? Try it sometime.

Ken B said...

The claim that there was a stand down order is underevidenced here. She has a typed sheet of paper. Where is the proof that there was such an order?

chickelit said...

Kevin said
Vote Trump for jobs.

Vote Democrats for mobs.

Pithy, old chap. Let me get pithier:

Trump = Jobs
Biden = Mobs

Original Mike said...

"Whether there was a "stand down" order or not, this is the POLICE STATION. Firebombed by vandals with no resistance. Where are the...POLICE?

Why has the police chief not resigned in shame? There is no excuse for this. None. "

We have an interim chief because the previous chief retired in disgust over non-support from the city government. He obviously had a point.

wendybar said...

Call your Democrat Mayor and Governor. Where are they?? WHY are the police standing down. WHO gave them that order?? Again, you can thank Nancy Pelosi, and the Progressives in Congress who praised Antifa, and BLM. They took a side, and you are seeing the results. Good luck. (hope you have your gun nearby!!)

Nichevo said...

WHY are the police standing down. WHO gave them that order??

Halfway expecting a mutiny, in the opposite of the usual sense; for police to disregard D pols and go on the attack. But that is probably very hard to sustain. Ultimately politicians will act when they are targets of the violence, and not before. The question then is who will get blamed.

Big Mike said...

Charlottesville was the prologue. Would the police obey orders to stand down and watch crimes occurring right in front of them?


Kevin said...

How bad is it going out there?

Inga stands with Tom Cotton.

James Pawlak said...

The use of ball ammo was needed and fully justified to immediately stop this "clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm to others".

Kevin said...

Progressives are pro government, we are not anarchists.

This post isn’t about the mob.

Anarchy is coming from inside the building.

JB71-AZ said...

Isn't this JUST what you wanted?

Passionate activists, unhindered by the police?

Causing social change, for a better world?

Did you believe they'd limit themselves?

Do you believe the violence is somehow transient?

Do you believe the businesses affected by it will stay around (and lose money) due to their feelings of social responsibility? (Or masochism, same diff...)

Yeah. Good luck with that.

Leland said...

She has a typed sheet of paper. Where is the proof that there was such an order?

Yeah. She seems like the type of person doing the mobs work by saying "oh know, I say the man trip himself and fall causing the black eye, nobody touched him." The attention is going on the people victimized and not the activist that did the firebombing.

Farmer said...

Bob Boyd said...
What is the source of that information? Is it true?

Ken B said...
The claim that there was a stand down order is underevidenced here. She has a typed sheet of paper. Where is the proof that there was such an order?

87 comments. 2 of them asking what you'd think would be the obvious and important questions.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Greg the class traitor said..."Did you vote for any Democrats in the last 4 years? Then you voted for this. Enjoy you choices!"

Last four years, absolutely not. I don't remember ever voting for a democrat, though it's hard to remember since I started voting in 1973.

Jim at said...

I’ve been clearly stating these people are not progressives, but are anarchists.

Two sides of the same coin, bint.

Sara Hanley said...

The democrats are the ones who started the pandemic to overthrow Trump so they can get their money and power back. Leaked documents reveal the main players in this
They want to do this to patriots .,.Look at this video ASAP!!!'

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