June 27, 2020

"Here is a newsflash for CNN — I have a name and it's Tim Scott... News outlets like CNN time and time again refuse to use my name when referring to me in article headlines."

"The double standard with CNN is stunning. In fact, check out these headlines for Democrat Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. Why is it that when I give a floor speech on the same topic, I am simply referred to as a black senator?"

Writes Senator Tim Scott in in fundraising email I received at 7:54 this morning (full text below, after the jump).

He quotes 2 CNN headlines — "Sen. Booker: This nation is greater than this" and "See Sen. Harris speech on anti-lynching legislation" — and and then the CNN headline about him: “See black senator’s emotional response to senator’s ‘token’ remark."

I had to use the Wayback Machine to get a look at that headline...

... because the relevant URL now takes you to a CNN page that has the headline Scott says he wants:

Using the Wayback Machine, I was able to figure out that the original headline went up on June 18th, and the new headline appeared on June 20th. So for 2 days, he was "a black senator" having an "emotional response." Notice that the photo changed too. In the emotional-black-senator picture, he's crying and covering his face with his hands. In the replacement picture, he's standing tall and speaking forthrightly and using his hands with speech-augmenting expressiveness.

I don't know exactly why the changes were made, but they do hide the evidence of what CNN did when the story was fresh. Presumably, CNN heard the criticism and reacted. It didn't stop Scott from using this in a fund-raising letter 7 days later.

Read the full text of the email below. Scott contends that "CNN and others in the media... don’t want to hear" that he owes his success in life to "a mentor who taught me about conservative values" and wants to deliver the message that "conservative values can unleash opportunity for all Americans."

Scott is a strong voice for a message conservatives very much would like to forefront in response to the George Floyd protests: The answer is conservative values.

“See black senator’s emotional response to senator’s ‘token’ remark”

-CNN Headline

Here is a newsflash for CNN— I have a name and it's Tim Scott, and I also happen to represent over 5 million South Carolinians in the United States Senate.

I have dealt with this my entire life and especially during my time in politics. News outlets like CNN time and time again refuse to use my name when referring to me in article headlines.

The double standard with CNN is stunning. In fact, check out these headlines for Democrat Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker.

Why is it that when I give a floor speech on the same topic, I am simply referred to as a black senator?

Help me fight back by making a donation of $5, $15, $25, or even $50 to send a strong message to CNN and others in the media who refuse to use my name.

Could it be that CNN does not want to acknowledge that I am a conservative Republican Senator that is working on reforming our criminal justice system?

My friend, sadly we have come to expect this type of treatment from CNN and others in the media.

They don’t want to hear my story or acknowledge my voice because it does not fit into the narratives they are trying to create.

They don’t want to hear how I was raised in a single parent household in North Charleston by a mother who worked 16-hour days as a nurse to put food on the table and put a roof over our heads.

They don’t want to hear that after almost failing out of high school as a freshman, I found a mentor who taught me about conservative values.

They don’t want to hear my voice which offers a fresh perspective as to how conservative values can unleash opportunity for all Americans.

I know I can count on you to help amplify my voice, even up against the constant attacks from CNN. Will you help me fight back by making a donation of $5, $15, $25, or even $50?

Senator Tim Scott


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Because CNN IS the Corrupt Clinton Newz Network. They are racist democratics.
The Cuomo family Hapsburg inbred press.

Owned by Soros and China.

Sebastian said...

"The answer is conservative values."

Weird values like, don't point guns at pregnant women, don't use fentanyl, don't use fake money, don't fight with police, don't party with women not your wife, don't drive drunk, don't violate the terms of your probation, don't point a weapon at a police officer, don't have kids you can't care for.

Weird stuff like that.

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, remember how they treated Condoleezza Rice? The simple fact is is that the media is incredibly, incredibly paternalistic and racist because they can't fathom minorities not doing what the white, liberal elite tell them to do. Hell, they only see a problem with blackface when certain people do it, but when, say, Governor Northam does it, it's just dark makeup.

Jaq said...

I guess CNN never got the memo that this kind of headline was at least as racist as any “noose” on a garage door.

Don’t call me boy.

RMc said...

"Because you're not our kind of black senator, dear."

TJM said...

No surprise, look what is going on at libtard central, the University of Wisconsin campus:

“Just because he was anti-slavery doesn’t mean he was pro-Black” — UW-Madison students demanding the beloved Lincoln statue be extracted from its place of honor in the center of campus.

Remember how in 2017 people mocked Trump for predicting this?

Inga fits right in at libtard central

rcocean said...

Say my name.

Heisenberg, I mean..Senator Scott

You're goddamn right.

wendybar said...

At least Senator Scott knows George Lloyds name, unlike Speaker Pelosi, (who did not vote for Scotts reform because she is playing politics again) or Senator Schumer.

Ken B said...

You seem to imply that CNN acted in pure good faith, corrected a poor choice, and that this pure goodness wasn't enough to stop Tim Scott abusing them. I don't think that is the case. CNN pulled a CNNism, and got caught.

MountainMan said...

I think Democrats still can't grasp why South Carolina - racist old South Carolina, "the seat of secession" - would elect a black Republican to the Senate. With their minds firmly set in identity politics they seem never to understand it is about shared values, not about identity. I don't think there is, right now, a more popular political figure in all of SC than Tim Scott.

Dave Begley said...

Cue Jim Croce, "I've got a name. I've got a name."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Maybe because he has a generic name and isn’t famous. Or maybe he isn’t famous because CNN won’t say his name. I don’t know enough about him to say.

Butkus51 said...

Pelosi went to a Stones concert. I saw the Stones in 1978. Only time I wish I was a little older is regarding bands. But I digress. Imagine going to see the Stones for the first time and Nancy Pelosi is next to you. No way.

No F'n way.

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

He certainly is a stronger voice than any of those voices in the swing states, mainstream America or the country at large. Who needs them! Who cares if his views do not reflect those of the black community as a whole? Why should America care about that or any of the problems voiced by it?

White Wisconsinites like us admire and respect his strong desire to make sure that chokeholds and qualified immunity continue, and are at least glad to have one black man who isn't afraid to stand with us on that! That's where the media should be. And if those aren't American values, they certainly should be. Strength, above all else - that is our message.

iowan2 said...

Yes I must now treat black people different than white people.
As someone noted yesterday here, MLK has to be canceled. Judging people by the content of their character, instead of their skin color, is racist.

Openidname said...

It still says plain "Tim Scott," as opposed to "Sen. Booker" and "Sen. Harris."

Maybe they hope you wont know who "Tim Scott" is.

William50 said...

Like the pine trees linin' the windin' road
I've got a name, I've got a name
Like the singin' bird and the croakin' toad
I've got a name, I've got a name

iowan2 said...

Weird values like, don't point guns at pregnant women, don't use fentanyl, don't use fake money, don't fight with police, don't party with women not your wife, don't drive drunk, don't violate the terms of your probation, don't point a weapon at a police officer, don't have kids you can't care for.

As a farm kid in the whitest of rural America, my dad had "the talk" with me. Well a bunch of statements. "Always respect your elders". That was before I started school at 5. Then it became "always respect authority" A rebuttal from me, like, what if authority is wrong, was answered by, "do as your told, tell us (parents) what facts authority got wrong, and parents will decide. We(parents) will ALWAYS support you, if you are truthful. Then the talk was, "Obey the police" follow all their orders, do or say nothing that is disrespectful, if you are wrongly accused we(parents) support you no matter what.

That is the direction I recieved, and the behavior I saw modeled.

Needless to say, I'm a little peeved when blacks say they are burdened by their skin color, to have "the talk".

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

Am I wrong for worrying whether his strong conservative message is undercut by his request for handout -- I mean, political donations?

South Carolina always gets bad-mouthed as promoting political belligerence but that does not mean it cannot lead. It just takes domination. Either way, Senator Scott is way more confident in his identity and who he is than Lindsey Graham. Just because the civil war didn't end well for the south that doesn't mean Fort Sumter wasn't a bold and gutsy move.

Honor, duty, respect!

NoMook said...

Ms Althouse, I can't decide if you're trolling us or being very obtuse. Who reads the news story, or your blog, two days after it comes out. The original headline was completely intentional and the redo was just ass covering for later. Am I wrong?

Aggie said...

CNN and other media outlets are correctly recognizing that there are two distinct functions to the modern internet of things. The first is shock value. This can be exploited for maximum media exposure by being outrageous, defamatory, incorrect, stimulating, salacious.

But the second function is rife with hazard: Posterity. This is the one that will jump up and trash a reputation a year, two years, a decade from now - with people utilizing precisely the Wayback machine you mention to call wrongdoers to account. This one must be carefully managed. Hence, today's news is broadcast for the benefit of the clicks, but yesterday's news is cleaned up and managed for protection from the hicks. There is no historical record anymore. And remember what they say about who writes history.

Howard said...

Blogger Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

He certainly is a stronger voice than any of those voices in the swing states, mainstream America or the country at large. Who needs them! Who cares if his views do not reflect those of the black community as a whole? Why should America care about that or any of the problems voiced by it?

White Wisconsinites like us admire and respect his strong desire to make sure that chokeholds and qualified immunity continue, and are at least glad to have one black man who isn't afraid to stand with us on that! That's where the media should be. And if those aren't American values, they certainly should be. Strength, above all else - that is our message.

Exactly. If more Blacks were like Tim Scott, George Floyd would be alive today. Trayvon would still be dead, you can only cure a 17-yo thug with 130 grains of lead.

TJM said...


Is this your girlfriend? The University of Wisconsin must be scraping the bottom of the barrel these days:

As rioters in Madison, Wisc., pulled down a statue of a noted abolitionist and a monument to women’s suffrage on Tuesday night, they had a supporter in a University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies.

Professor Sami Schalk, who describes herself on Twitter as a “Sarcastic fat Black disabled queer femme,” tweeted in support of the rioters throughout the night, even as a gay Democratic state senator was attacked for filming the unrest.

walter said...

Nice work, Althouse.
Clearly that wayback machine is raaaaaaacist and must be cancelled.
Hey hey! Ho Ho! Wayback Machine has got to go!
To be fair, it's not as bad as that general calling Barbara Boxer the M word.

Temujin said...

Nothing pisses me off more than how the mainstream media refused to even report on how the Democrats in the Senate voted down a proposed Police Reform package that was loaded with compromises that those very Democrats demanded. Nothing. Not one national media outlet aside from Fox News even mentioned it.

And in any passing mentions by the Senators themselves, such as Sen. Schumer, the Disgusting One, refused to even mention Sen. Scott, or the work he put in on the bill. They all talked around Sen. Scott as if he were not even present and was not even a human being worthy of consideration.

The Dems are completely racist, have been for years, and play under the guise of being 'saviors' when they are actually the ones who have held the noose for 200 years. I am so thoroughly disgusted with both the Dems and our media (by I repeat myself).

How can Black Americans not see this????

JAORE said...

Presumably, CNN heard the criticism and reacted. It didn't stop Scott from using this in a fund-raising letter 7 days later.

Of course he did. And he should. CNN's change is like those so frequent corrections. Thousands see the original. Dozens see the correction.

Ann Althouse said...

"Am I wrong?"

Why not read the whole post and find out if I've already discussed that?

mikee said...

CNN has now officially entered the territory of the movie "Brazil."
Let's hope their next misprint from Tuttle to Buttle won't have dire consequences.
And let's recognize that they are rewriting stories after the fact to cover their malfeasance.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Usually the liberal networks refer to him as the only black Repub senator as if the Dems have many.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

iowan2 said...

"Obey the police" follow all their orders, do or say nothing that is disrespectful, if you are wrongly accused we(parents) support you no matter what.

Did that get followed up with; "However, if they're not wrong and you did what they say you did, you're on your own!" That's what my father told me the day I turned 18.

n.n said...

Well, to be fair, it's "color" first, and name second. We know your name, so name it is, Senator Scott.

MayBee said...

Michigan has a black man running for senate against the invisible Gary Peters. Do you think he is being treated in the press like Stacy Abrams, Beto O'Rourke, or Wendy Davis? Reader, he is not.

Yancey Ward said...

WayBackMachine is clearly structurally racist and needs to go.

You think I am joking, right?

Original Mike said...

"Blogger Openidname said...
"It still says plain "Tim Scott," as opposed to "Sen. Booker" and "Sen. Harris."
Maybe they hope you wont know who "Tim Scott" is."

Yeah, how about that.

Mark said...

And . . . silence about the overt racism of CNN.

Silence = complicity.

Mark said...

Ms Althouse, I can't decide if you're trolling us or being very obtuse.

Dude, you've had about 10 years or more to figure that out.

Iman said...

Fuck CNN. That is all.

Not Sure said...

Fun fact about Scott: When he first ran for the House of Representatives in SoCar, his opponent in the Republican primary runoff election was the son of Strom Thurmond. Scott got 68% of the vote.

How does that coincide your Systemic Racism Conspiracy, Mandrake?

hstad said...

Just proves what most informed people know. CNN and the MSM are fictional 'narrative' hustlers and left the craft of journalism in the 'rear view mirror' decades ago.

cubanbob said...

CNN's intentional act was helpful to Senator Scott. I caused me to donate to Senator Scott $100 and sign up for a monthly $100. My preference would be to eliminate qualified immunity all and not just for the police. A prosecutor with a political agenda or running for office can far more dangerous to society than a rogue cop.

FullMoon said...

"See Sen. Harris speech on anti-lynching legislation"

Juicy Smollett's downfall. Trying to help Kamala redefine lynching with legislation.

Kamala and the gang milked the shoestring caper for a week or so and then dropped it like a hot potato . They all still support Jussie version, though. And, Nigerians have been scared off from testifying.

Iman said...

Exactly. If more Blacks were like Tim Scott, George Floyd would be alive today. Trayvon would still be dead, you can only cure a 17-yo thug with 130 grains of lead.

Howard... some unsolicited advice: ask the attendant to increase the Thorazine dosage, it will calm your nerves and anti-social tendencies.

David Foster said...

It should always be noted that CNN is not a self-standing entity; it is owned by AT&T.

So either:

--AT&T is unable to exercise adult supervision of this brat-network, or
--AT&T considers CNN so minor in the scheme of things that they don't bother with it, or
--AT&T agrees with CNN's behavior.

ThatMikeSmith said...

"Comments are moderated. Always. Too bad, but that's the way it goes. You'll have to wait to see your comments published. There's no viewpoint moderation. We just need to exclude a few trolls."

But you let some asshole who calls himself "Wisconsin Republican Alliance" post that should be named, "Just Another Democratic Asshole" for the irony?

I have lurked a few years here, (has it been since very nearly the beginning? WOW) rarely if ever commenting but it became such a shitshow of trolls that I do not stop by nearly as often these days. Whatever, your house, your rules, but letting the dogs shit in the kitchen and not cleaning it up gets nasty after a while.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, have you seen that the California legislature is trying to repeal a state constitutional amendment that protects people against discrimination on the basis of race, etc.?

Chris said...

This post left me with one overwhelming thought - what would the media’s response be if African-Americans voted for Republicans? I wonder. It would probably be like how they treated farmers and factory workers. They went from being the heart and soul of the Country to being characterized as racist hicks. The cult leaders don’t let followers leave easily.

Big Mike said...

They all talked around Sen. Scott as if he were not even present and was not even a human being worthy of consideration.

@Temujin, as far as Democrats are concerned, Tim Scott should not exist, ergo he doesn’t.

Iman said...

It should always be noted that CNN is not a self-standing entity; it is owned by AT&T.

So either:

--AT&T is unable to exercise adult supervision of this brat-network, or
--AT&T considers CNN so minor in the scheme of things that they don't bother with it, or
--AT&T agrees with CNN's behavior.

They’ve gone SJW, like so many other corporations. Don’t forget, COMCAST owns NBC/MSNBC... now there’s a shitshow!

RuckSackShack said...

"They call me Senator Scott!"

iowan2 said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
iowan2 said...

"Obey the police" follow all their orders, do or say nothing that is disrespectful, if you are wrongly accused we(parents) support you no matter what.

Did that get followed up with; "However, if they're not wrong and you did what they say you did, you're on your own!" That's what my father told me the day I turned 18.

I thought that was implicit in my post. Dad said he would sell the farm to defend me, if I did no wrong, but he wouldn't waste pencil led supporting me if I did "it". He also said if I was in a tough spot at 2:30 in the morning dont bother calling, nothing good happens after midnight, so I take my chances and pay the toll. Also, morning chores start time was inversely tied to time of my arrival home. In the summer, dad would buy hay by the rack, have it delivered to the farm, and I would mow it, early Sunday morning before it got hot. So when I rounded the curve at the top of the lane a 3 AM and saw two racks of hay in the yard, I knew dad was making a point, and it was time for me to pay the toll.

Tommy 'Sterilize 'Em All' Douglas said...

And another Republican learns to fight back.....
The Trump Effect.

Moneyrunner said...

Biden may well have gotten his “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t Black from CNN. “ It’s their message. And it’s echoed by Liberals everywhere.

2020 is turning out to be quite a year. The pandemic was followed by riots, looting and the destruction of statues that no longer has anything to with George Floyd.

On the whole the public should be grateful for it. Recent events have worked like a stress test in a cardiac exam and revealed what lay concealed. It’s laid bare the conflicts and torn off the mask of sanity. Who would have predicted that the Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone,’ dubbed the Summer of Love created a Black-Only segregated area? That statues of Washington, Jefferson, Gandhi and Grant and Churchill are destroyed or defaced. The message is clear. It is not the monuments they hate. It is the people who revere them. Even if the test results are worrisome, better you know than don't.

Anecdotally I have noticed that rather than being dismayed a lot of people are working around the former world, going outside the media, academy and the old town squares.

Liberals think the intimidated public will come back to the town centers, universities and institutions they have trashed. But a lot of that is gone for good, like the giant movie complexes. A billion-dollar investment firm is moving from Seattle to Phoenix. The Smead Capital Management CEO said ” The unrest that has taken place in the city of Seattle … there is really is not a downtown business community today.” No one is more surprised by real change than those who sought to control it.

A professor at NYU just said that thousands of universities are going to go broke. The pandemic ripped the veil. He argues that an education in the U.S. is observably unsatisfactory for the amount that it costs, given that if you “walk into a class, it doesn’t look, smell or feel much different than it did 40 years ago, except tuition’s up 1,400 percent.” I would argue that the education’s much worse than 40 years ago but he’s right about the cost.

No doubt they'll feel it's unfair that fewer will return to their wasteland or patronize their virtue industries. That can only fuel more rage and less attendance. Newspapers will continue to hemorrhage readers. You can catch up on the latest outrages on the internet where it is fresher and doesn’t need to go into the recycle bin. Nobody really likes to visit the Angriest Place on Earth.

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