A funny subheadline at the NYT — funny because if she's just going on Howard Stern, Stephen Colbert and "The View," Harris is still avoiding interviews. That those are the 3 interviews the NYT names makes it obvious.
The headline is "Harris Will Appear in a Whirlwind of Interviews, Most of Them Friendly."
Most of them? Who's the unfriendly interviewer she dares to face? I am really appalled by the timidity. She needs to prove she's strong and can stand up for us.
I noticed that article because I went looking for Kamala Harris articles on the front page of the New York Times. You'd think she'd make more news!
There's also this Susan Faludi thing at the top of the right hand column, sitting atop a musing about celibacy:
So let's stare slack-jawed and cross-eyed at a rose. Mmmm. America's protector, eh?
Yeah, that kind of was my question about Kamala Harris when I saw that she dared to speak to Howard Stern, Stephen Colbert and the hosts of "The View."
So let's see if Susan Faludi makes the case for KH as a protector. Much of that column is generic: Women have not, traditionally, been regarded as the protector. Some of it is an attack on Trump. Let's skip to something specific about Harris:
Strikingly, Ms. Harris is, in fact, a formidable protector.
This makes me think I'm about to hear the case for Kamala Harris as a protector. But I'm seeing wrong, because this is what follows. It's ludicrously abstract and windy:
Protection comes in two forms: symbolic and practical. The symbolic is performative. Those who crave it don’t actually want effective measures to alleviate a threat. They wish to rage against the threat, and they seek a protector in chief who validates their wrath. For them, war’s the point, not victory — outrage, not outcomes, as victim cultures on both the right and the left amply demonstrate.
Symbolic and practical protection aren’t two means to the same end but rather are at cross-purposes, antithetical. The first nurtures a cause for grievance that the second would instead remedy. A failure to remedy the grievance only fuels the fury that symbolic protection thrives on....
Faludi proceeds to talk, not about Harris, but "recent Republican administrations," notably George W. Bush. I finally get to something about Harris:
Ms. Harris isn’t looking to compete on the symbolic field. She’s not playacting a guardian stereotype of either gender.
That's what she's not doing. This must be followed by what she is doing:
If Mr. Trump embodies the make-believe rescuer, the bombastic redeemer who speaks loudly while carrying a tiny stick, Ms. Harris is his levelheaded, no-nonsense opposite. Her record of public service and her utilitarian policy plans attest to workable fixes to actual dangers instead of the amplification of invented ones. She offers herself up as the calmly common-sensical civic warden....
I get it. Faludi set up the notion that "protection" can be "symbolic" or "practical," conceded that Harris does not operate in the symbolically protective mode, and asserted that she's practical. She's a common-sense, no-nonsense, levelheaded, utilitarian pragmatist.
Is she?
Maybe she'll demonstrate that to us on on Howard Stern's show or Stephen Colbert or “The View." I doubt it, but I will concede that hiding as much as possible might be evidence of pragmatism.
UPDATE: The headline on the Susan Faludi piece is now "Kamala Harris Is Turning a Trump Tactic on Its Head." I'm not going to reread the column in an effort to understand what "Trump Tactic" is supposedly getting flipped. But I am noticing that the blurry photograph under the headline had registered as an image of Kamala Harris interacting with birds:

I was looking for the Bullshit tag. Would be appropriate, no?
She could not possibly choose a more lightweight group of "interviewers".
No ‘How are you holding up?’ tongue bath from Jon Stewart? Is he gone again?
“ Her record of public service and her utilitarian policy plans attest to workable fixes to actual dangers instead of the amplification of invented ones. She offers herself up as the calmly common-sensical civic warden....”
Harris has a record of failure. Miserable failure. Any cruelly neutral person can see that. Look at the border. Look at the response to Hurricane Helene. Look at Ukraine. Look at prices.
Susan is giving us 2 + 2 = 5.
KH is trying to make herself into a laughing cipher to which anyone can ascribe any content. The only executive decisions she ever made were as prosecutor in California: running against Communists and Greens, appearing to be tough on crime, making her staff carry out plea bargains to get: a lot of convictions; for offenses much less serious than the original top charge; relatively heavy sentences for the actual conviction--still less than the top charge would have brought. If defendants were clever or well-funded enough to skip all this and go to trial, KH actually had a poor record of success at trial. Clever, but still bullshit. Perhaps the heavy thinking was all done by Willie Brown in those days; it may be Obama today.
Celibacy enhancing erotic life. If part of the joy of sex is the feeling of forbidden fruit, then it has to be forbidden at least some of the time in order to be joyful. I was once at a Thanksgiving dinner at an academic home, the smell of roasting turkey filling the house. One youngish female academic said: I don't mind eating turkey occasionally, even though I'm normally a vegetarian. When I go without meat for a while, it tastes all the sweeter. I bit my tongue to keep from saying: that's not vegetarianism, it's Epicureanism.
Since SNL is still relevant here on the blog I’m reminded of the Meet Your Second Wife skit where the future is told and the contestant’s wife is to die in a kayak accident. She knows her fate but admits ‘I shouldn’t but they’re just so fun!’. Here the lady targeted propaganda is released, they all see it coming, it is lambasted, yet…it’s just so fun!!
…our fate is sealed
LOL - hiding is pragmatic if you’re hiding your ineptitude.
Great way to reach across the aisle going on shows that will actually lick your feet.(SNARK) What a joke. Like any NORMAL human listens or watches those crap fests.
There’s no greater invented danger than climate change, which she amplifies all the time, touting elements of the Green New Deal. This article is pure bunk.
"her utilitarian policy plans attest to workable fixes to actual dangers"
And what might those be? The policy plans and workable fixes, that is. In fact, what, in her view are the actual dangers we face as a nation?
All we've gotten from the very first is what my Pa called "wind pudding," airy confections with no substance.
That was my immediate thought also when reading the subheadline: those are interviews? They’re sit-down chats and giggles with the most sympathetic hosts and audiences one could imagine. So brave!
And Faludi mimics Harris by giving us a word salad on the subject of ‘protection’ which she seems to have made up on the spot after her teleprompter died.
Faludi's column is full of glittering generalities and no actual practical examples.
Mayhaps Howard will have her demonstrate her skills with Kielbasa. He used that one before IIRC.
Susan Faludi has the special gift of making any topic she chooses more dull, dishonest, and impenetrable than before she addressed it.
She would fit right in as a Harris communications specialist.
Colbert was propping Joe up with fundraisers when he was clearly out of it. Good luck getting him to admit, let alone apologize.
Susan Faludi makes a good case for letting AI take over the job of writing opinion columns.
Protection comes in two forms: symbolic and practical.
Faludi must be making the distinction between feeling safe, and being safe. Then she says that those are antithetical. She needs that to be so, because Harris doesn't make people feel safe, therefore, people must actually be safe. Faludi mixes up protection with grievance for some reason.
Trump symbolically protects us by building a border wall, then practically protects us by removing illegal immigrants.
Harris is weak candidate who can only be coaxed to show up to supportive interviews. We saw the same behavior from Biden.
I'll stick with Judge Joe Brown's evaluation. Seems based.
"Sep 20, 2024 — 'I don't hate the guy. I hate the people who vote for him,' Howard Stern said about Donald Trump.
What’s the over/under on any of these “interviews” being broadcast live vs. heavily annd flatteringly edited??
In her years as a prosecutor, did she ever actually try a case to a jury, start to finish?
When i checked the Times headlines this morning, I wondered whether you would blog one of the warm and fuzzy Kamala stories, or Peter Baker's attempt to gin up a conversation about Trump's mental aging (from a correspondent that aggressively ignored Biden's incapacity, and continues to do so to this day).
I guessed wrong.
Faludi probably would have written much the same about Neville Chamberlain and. depending on "their" choice of pronouns, perhaps the very same thing..." Her record of public service and her utilitarian policy plans attest to workable fixes to actual dangers instead of the amplification of invented ones."
"She's a common-sense, no-nonsense, levelheaded, utilitarian pragmatist" -- because when you're trying to avoid being struck, you learn to tamp down emotion or anything that draws attention.
I would go for “things not believed.”
@Dave Begley, more like 2 + 2 = 27
Ever wonder where we be if Biden had not agreed to that single debate with Trump? It would be Joe and Jill doing these tongue baths.
It’s GOTV time. Turn out the base, get those ballots mailed in.
Times editors have no shame. People are still struggling to survive after the worst storm in a century for Appalachia and they allow the phrase “whirlwind of interviews” to describe three softball love fests that Harris will deign to do. We don’t despise the DNC Media enough obviously.
The Times is beyond satire
KH is not practically protecting the people in North Carolina. Symbolically, she led a FEMA meeting, but they seem to be in the way of protecting those citizens.
They groveled to stalin fidel and hitler yes they have no shame
She'll get the same 2500 voters watching and listening to each of those shows. Profiles in Courage is not her forte.
She is a commodity being marketed to the lowest intellectual base in America. Yes, I'm including academia and our prestigious press, who seem to think that Party Uber Alles is more important than the reality on the ground.
Kamala should appear in North Carolina this week. Not 'The View'.
Could someone explain to me how Howard Stern earned a pass from feminists and Democrats for his sexually deviant on-air behavior during his shock jock years?
As Wilbur noted above, Stern became virulently anti-Trump, and also a COV-idiot, and for liberals history always begins yesterday.
It's almost as if the NYT thinks its readers--and perhaps those undecided voters among them--are stupid. I wonder how that makes them feel?
A "KH" is a "key holder" for people who are involved in chastity play -- for people who wear chastity belts.
The serious blogger feelings pose is wearing thin. Feelings need a pilot, Lautreamont said somewhere. aha
Youth intends sentimental lucubrations. Maturity begins to reason without confusion. He was only feeling, he thinks. He used to let his sensations wander: now he gives them a pilot. If I liken humanity to a woman, I shall not expatiate upon her youth's being on the wane and the approach of her middle-age. Her mind changes for the better. Her ideal of poetry will change. Tragedies, poems, elegies will no longer take precedence. The coolness of the maxim shall prevail!
"I was looking for the Bullshit tag. Would be appropriate, no?"
There's no "bullshit" tag. The tag is "civility bullshit," and it's for bullshitting about civility, specifically, calling for civility when, I believe, you wouldn't if the purportedly uncivil speech was working for your side.
So I could accuse Faludi of doing civility bullshit by criticizing Trump's style of speech if I wanted to say that if KH were bringing that kind of speech to the debate she'd love it.
NYT editorial staff: Kamala is our unBurdened candidate of Choice... uh, choice.
The Case for Kamala Harris as America's Protector
Okay, Donald Trump is a wife beater. Got it.
In other words, Tim Walz is locked in a chastity belt, and Kamala Harris holds his key so that he cannot get out of it.
And Willie's Ottoman, which explains her peculiar Diversitism, and attraction to toxic masculinity. Off with their heads!
"Susan Faludi makes a good case for letting AI take over the job of writing opinion columns."
This rang true to me.
I asked Grok: "How can it be argued that a U.S. President needs to offer the people protection but protection can be symbolic or practical and practical protection is what matters?"
In 1 second, it gave me something that felt more substantive and was more readable than what Faludi published.
Susan is taking a knee to political congruence ("=") with benefits, which is a revelation made by Trump about his observation of the feminine gender in social liberal club. This explains their rapture with feminism and other class-disordered ideologies, subscription to the Pro-Choice ethical religion, and empathetic embrace of the wicked solution.
Somebody should ask Faludi if she felt protected when Harris was cheering the Antifa rioters and asking for donations to bail them out of jail so they could get back out there and do some more looting and burning. Some "prosecutor".
I did a Google search for "KH chastity", and this was my first find:
These aren't interviews, more like dear-leader sycophancy.
AI for President, Wind Raptors as a running mate, Machete for Surgeon General, Scalpel for Secretary of Offense, and Kamala for spokesgendered... Biden committed to Planned Presidenthood through Democratic electioneering. #Diversity, Equivocation, Incompetence (DEI) #BlocLivesMatter
All politics are "performative" (in that perhaps mistaken sense of the word). All politics rely on "symbolic" displays. From Joe Biden's "pay your fair share" to the Harris campaign's accusations that Trump wants to impose a national abortion ban, politicians are putting on a show -- and while the show distracts us from the fact that politicians aren't protecting us or alleviating our grievances, the symbolic isn't the opposite of the real or the practical. It's how you get the power to do (or not do) what you say you are going to do.
Harris is Biden 2.0. Original Joe created problems. Trump rages against Joe's problems and those left from earlier administrations. Harris proposes her band-aid measures that won't undo Joe's policies, won't solve the problems, won't work as planned, and may not even pass Congress, and Falludi hails her "utilitarian policy plans" and "workable fixes." What about Trump? The party out of power always complains about how things are. Trump is out of office, so he complains. What Falludi ignores is that Trump actually was in office before, and until COVID happened, the country was in better shape than it is now. So practical achievements, rather than "performative" ranting?
I'm struck by the fact that there are the symbolic, "performative" gimmick proposals that may look good in a party platform, like giving people money to buy a house or start a business, and actual practical policies, like lowering interest rates or easing regulations, that could actually do the job better.
Faludi-frutti says, without evidence, ..."“ Her record of public service and her utilitarian policy plans attest to workable fixes to actual dangers instead of the amplification of invented ones...".
Which is not to say, 'no evidence was offered', rather to say, 'no evidence can be found'.
That is the ugliest, most half-assed bit of AI art I have ever seen.
In 2020 Joe Biden could hide from the public because he had entered the US Senate in 1973, so he had had 47 years to craft and polish his “Joe from Scranton with working class roots” schtick. By contrast Kamala Harris hadn’t even finished one full term as a back bencher in the Senate, so the first impression the public had of her was when Lester Holt — not exactly a hard-nosed conservative — asked her why, if she was assigned by her boss as “point person” on border issues, she had not visited the Border and she flippantly responded that she hadn’t been to Europe either. She topped that up with her famous word salad responses.
So the first impression the public formed was of someone lazy, stupid, and by no means up to the job. She had options back in the day — she could have made a big show of repeatedly traveling to different parts of the Border, chair meetings with stakeholders, chair town halls with (carefully vetted) border-area residents, be better prepared for friendly interviews, etc. The Party elders could have tried harder to force Joe to hold to his “one term” pledge from 2020. But no one did any of that do now the Democrats are reduced to pretending that Howard Stern and Stephen Colbert and the hosts of “The View” will be tough, hard-hitting interviewers.
I’m not even gonna wish them luck.
Excuse me sir. How would you describe the ideal woman?
"Slack-jawed and cross-eyed."
I’ve suggested “things not believed.” Or perhaps “I’m skeptical.”
war’s the point, not victory — outrage, not outcomes
That summarizes Dem policy quite nicely.
Her record of public service and her utilitarian policy plans attest to workable fixes to actual dangers
She said, without evidence,, that Harris has utilitarian policy plans. Maybe let us the public know what these alleged policy plans are?
Why not Jimmy Kimmel? He wore blackface too.
No respect. No respect at all.
I find that very plausible. Just remember, though, that AI lies, and lies smoothly.
If it was the Howard Stern of 25 years ago the focus of the interview topic would be a comparison of the sexual prowess of Douglas Emhoff and Willie Brown followed by a ride on the symbian.
Maybe these interviewers will toss up a bunch of softballs and let Kamala's amateurish responses speak for themselves? (Sarcasm.) But I doubt it. None of it will be live and Harris' team is going to aggressively edit the final video. And you can bet the farm that these vile, caustic and racist jerks are going to be on their best behavior with Kamala.
But it wasn't comforting to the dwindling number of Readers at the NYTs.
Grok isn't there to reinforce the biases of Kamala Toe voters.
There is ALWAYS cause for the Left to feel embarrassment and/or shame.
But they don’t “embarrass easy”.
The Stern of the 90's would be a formidable test for Harris, albeit not on policy grounds. The current, sad husk of Stern, not so much.
Protection has its characteristic place in life. Lautreamont
As soon as dawn breaks, young girls go gathering roses. A gust of innocence sweeps through the valleys, the capitals, assists the intelligence of the most enthusiastic poets, showering down protection for cradles, wreathes for youth, belief in immortality for the aged.
…but if your goal is influencing women to vote for Democrats, making sense is a low priority. You need to by pass logic and reason and pluck the neurons of emotion. Can AI do that?
so it’s the American people what get fucked?
Right? These aren't "interviews." They're hand jobs.
She knows that she doesn't even need to PRETEND to be campaigning. That's how rigged our elections are.
He puts protection under innocence.
If only we could have the 1990's Howard Stern interview Harris- that would be an actual interview even if the topics would likely not be policy related.
I wonder if any of them will ask her what happened to the $42.5 billion dollars she was in charge of to hook people up to broad band internet and the fact that exactly zero people have been hooked up. At least Pete got 8 chargers built.
Try online porn.
No need for 1990's Howard Stern to beat yer meat unless you're big into his chapped hairy ass, hun? nttawwt... own that kink, yance.
“In other words, Tim Walz is locked in a chastity belt, and Kamala Harris holds his key so that he cannot get out of it.”
So… it’s the American people what get fucked?
This is who Trump supporters want to see elected, an incoherent, lying, rambling man.
Trump’s Speeches, Increasingly Angry and Rambling, Reignite the Question of Age ~ NYT
(gift link)
It is trivially easy to pluck women in such a way as to trick them into voting Democrat.
The media only cover Trump's speeches when they've been tipped off by Democrats that a murder is about to happen.
Is Harris going to protect us from Howard Stern? After running the gauntlet of tough interviews this week, she'll be ready for Putin and Xi.
The trolls are up early.
The strategy is to get her “out there” so as to defend against the “hiding like Biden” charge.
Dealing with the fallout can be left to a complicit media.
Seems like the threats Faludi wants practical protection from are her fellow Americans exercising their rights. No wonder she keeps it abstract. It's not going to help Kamala if Faludi comes right out and says we can count on her not to be sentimental and squeamish about the Constitution.
Faludi is right though. We can count on a Kamala Administration to push censorship, speech policing and lawfare on a bigger scale than we've seen so far. To build a much more powerful and intrusive regulatory state with a mandate to build strict political and ideological guardrails into their policy making and enforcement. To open the borders. To expand the surveillance state.
You've got to register and vote for Trump, people. No choice. It might be a very hard pill to swallow for some, but you have to do it. You can't stand there like a deer in the headlights. Recognize the danger. Act.
Ouch. That's harsher than it has to be, but then Middle East wars are NOT popular, and aren't going to be. If Tucker Carlson is openly wondering why America should help fight Iran, the apex of support for foreign wars has long since been passed.
"I am really appalled by the timidity. She needs to prove she's strong and can stand up for us." But not so appalled that you reject the Dems out of hand. As long as Trump hatred trumps everything else, she doesn't need to do anything. And what, to progs, does it mean to stand up for "us"? Who dat us?
their material is still terrible, not enough coffee
Harris makes news all the time. It's just not news The News wants to report.
Her record of "protecting" women and other Americans is setting up a bail fund to get rapists and murderers out of jail so they can kill and rape again.
Howard has become an old woman, he could replace Behar on the View,
If she appears in close proximity with Joy Behar, there's possibility that Kamala will appear to be comparatively reasonable and articulate. Howard Stern will flatter and lick her every crevice, but the interview is not without risk. She will be given the opportunity to speak at length on her greatness, and she will answer with a bunch of words. I don't think people warm to Kamala when she grows expansive. The more common response is WTF.
Hmm. Takes 5 minutes to explain "How Celibacy Enhanced My Erotic Life" but 8 minutes to make a "Case for Kamala Harris as America's Protector."
The Faludi piece on Harris-as-Protector also raises the Althousian question: do progs believe their own BS?
"She needs to prove she's strong and can stand up for us."
She's a woman. Women can do anything they want. On top of that, she's black(ish) or Asian or something. What more does anybody need from her?
As for "stand up for us", have you listened to her? She can't even stand up for herself without a pre-written speech to keep her from drifting off into a truckload of gibberish.
I guess you would be one to advise on that, Dervish.
Are you kidding ? You don't suppose they believe their lying eyes, do you ?
She cannot engage one on one with any interviewer more challenging than Howard Stern or Stephen Colbert, but she wants a job where she might have to negotiate one on one with Vlad Putin or even Giorgia Meloni.
Nonsense comes in two forms: abstract and specific. Faludi and Kamala have mastered both.
She's still avoiding interviews. What a joke candidacy.
Thanks Bumble Bee, that Judge Joe Brown monolog was really interesting. Up until now, I only knew the name. And his word salad imitation is perfectl.
Like Maureen Dowd, Susan Faludi is a product of the modern academy. They were taught that writing consists in performing certain sterile analytic maneuvers along the road to a predetermined conclusion. I'm sure they both got lots of A's.
That fuzzy phallic photo is awesome
Is this where we apply the “she said without evidence” to all her ridiculous BS?
Presumably the only hostility will be if Stern asks to see her tits. Isn't that his schtick?
Will Stern be wearing a mask?
In a world with a real sense of humor, Stern would invite the Israeli ambassador to ask her questions.
The panic is showing even in the NYT. The trolls are copying it.
"Howard Stern, Stephen Colbert and the hosts of "The View."
Wow. Maybe she'll be interviewed on live TV by her campaign manager after that.
Harris is basically showing herself to be totally spineless when it comes to being interviewed. Everybody knows that those "interviewers" are all cheerleaders for her. And I don't see why she is so afraid of the media. It's not like she has a closet full of skeletons that they can beat her up about. All she has to do is coherently explain her policies. This gives the impression that she actually can't trust herself to be able to do that. These friendly "interviewers" are her safety net. (And, unlike Trump, she can't work without a net.)
In response to this piece by Ms. Faludi doing an excellent job of "fluffing" Harris, I'll go with the JD Vance line of attack, "If Kamala has all these great plans and policies, why hasn't she implemented them?" Of course the high school civics response is--"Because the Vice President has no power to do anything." Well that's true in a way--but Slow Joe gave her some tasks--and she didn't accomplish them. And her record of actually performing the jobs she was elected to in California's one party state is, charitably put "spotty". Still Ms Faludi is entitled to her fantasy life--but that's the problem. It's a fantasy.
The interviewers will trash Trump, Harris will nod her head in agreement, the audience will laugh and cheeer, and Kamala will laugh along with them.
Trump haters will enjoy, normals will avoid.
Howard Stern did a 180 with his program, along with becoming a Trump hater , in a successful effort to avoid the "me too " hysteria.
Staying with the hivemind. If this woman is elected, we are well and truly screwed as is our Constitution. I'm retired. My daughter believes Kamala will win an tells me if I was still in the workplace I wouldn't believe how stupid people are. I'm sure the Democrats will cheat. It would be very disappointing to believe my daughter is right and Harris could win a fair election.
Here's what ChapGPT has to say, in less than 100 words:
A U.S. President's duty to protect the people involves both symbolic and practical forms of protection. Symbolic protection, like unifying speeches during crises, provides emotional reassurance but lacks tangible impact. Practical protection—through policies on security, healthcare, and economic stability—addresses real-world needs and directly affects citizens' safety and well-being. While symbolism can boost morale, practical measures deliver lasting outcomes, such as national security and economic resilience. Therefore, practical protection is what truly matters in fulfilling the President’s responsibility to safeguard the nation."
I, for one, think having a former sidepiece of Willie Brown serve as a puppet US President continuing Obama's weaponization of the federal government against the citizenry is likely still a huge improvement over having the cuckquean wife of Bill Clinton serve her revenge on the nation and world as President. I could be wrong, and deeply regret that I'll probably get to see at least the former sidepiece in the Oval Office. Still, Hillary will never be US President, which is a nice thought to hold onto in these trying times.
Kamala's kitty is likely to be sore after that much lip service from the Democrat press.
Good grief! Is there any outrageous behavior that isn't glorified today?
One would think that at this point she would be trying to win over the undecided voters, rather than putting on a giggle fest with her consorts.
She is going to lose.
Interesting how the lefty trolls ganged up on the post about Meade at the Trump rally. Even to insulting the host.
She won't do interviews with the NYT and the embarrassing ass-lickers of the NYT now say that she is doing "interviews" with other "news media."
Why won't she do interviews with you, NYT? Do you suck that badly? Or does she suck that badly? Tell the truth for once, you stupid fish-wrap!
not anymore
his old audience is gone and he's a celebrity ass-kisser
Biden did a Stern interview. Softballs, nothing but softballs. Actual softball would be a tougher game to play.
"There's no crying in softball!"
Faludi says Harris is "no nonsense." I'm sorry, but she's all nonsense.
The View, Colbert and Howard Stern = The Stepford Wives
NYT = Katharine Ross
She is doing an interview with 60 Minutes.
And it's running on Monday?
Maybe they gave her 24 hours to edit the footage
Strange to avoid the NYT while you'll sit for 60 Minutes.
The View, Stephen Colbert, Howard Stern and 60 Minutes
Maybe its a bias towards TV and away from print media?
"I like TV but you print fools can die"
"I look good on TV but I don't like my words"
Exactly how I imagined a gender studies lefty would write.
Protection comes in two forms: symbolic and practical. The symbolic is performative. Those who crave it don’t actually want effective measures to alleviate a threat. They wish to rage against the threat, and they seek a protector in chief who validates their wrath.
See: Democrats and Abortion
Ms. Harris isn’t looking to compete on the symbolic field.
Bullshit. That's the ONLY place where she "competes"
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