October 9, 2024

"In 2020, Joe Biden ran on the promise to reverse Trump’s border policies and expand legal immigration."

"'If I’m elected president, we’re going to immediately end Trump’s assault on the dignity of immigrant communities,' he said during his speech accepting the Democratic nomination. 'We’re going to restore our moral standing in the world and our historic role as a safe haven for refugees and asylum seekers.' That kind of humanitarian language is gone from Democrats’ 2024 messaging. So is any defense of immigration on the merits. When asked about immigration, Vice President Kamala Harris touts her background prosecuting transnational criminal organizations and promises to pass legislation that would 'fortify' the southern border.... Although public opinion is known to ebb and flow, a reversal this big, and this fast, is nearly unheard-of...."

Writes Rogé Karma, in "The Most Dramatic Shift in U.S. Public Opinion/The size and speed of the immigration backlash over the past four years are nearly unheard-of" (The Atlantic).


mccullough said...

In other words, Trump was right. Again.

doctrev said...

If you have to basically steal the opposition's message on all the hot button issues, including:
- the economy
- immigration
- crime

... And all while defending unpopular wars, you are going to get wrecked. Actually, I'm starting to wonder if the Rats are throwing this election, confident that they can use lawfare to take back Congress. They might be very disappointed. Next term, President Trump will treat lawfare as warfare. Example:


Crimso said...

"So is any defense of immigration on the merits."

That's because this has nothing to do with immigration, and everyone to do with illegal immigration. People who conflate the two are dishonest and should be called out for their despicable lies.

tim maguire said...

Public opinion hasn't changed at all. What has changed is the perceived importance of the issue after almost 4 years of Democratic unrestricted illegal border crossings.

Big Mike said...

@mccullough, + 1

Shouting Thomas said...

The 2020 election was sabotaged and rigged right out in the open. The sabotage and rigged was blatant and shameless. It’s even worse in the 2024 election. This election is a total Soviet style fraud.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Before Obama opened the border, immigration used to be a political backwater.

Now, it’s only second to the economy.

gilbar said...

The size and speed of the immigration backlash over the past four years are nearly unheard-of"

MORE than TEN Million in LESS THAN 4 years.. "nearly" unheard of.. okay

gilbar said...

it's Not Even illegal immigration!
immigration (legal or illegal) means the immigrant WANTED to come here..

These criminals are being SENT here
(by their government and/or our own)

gilbar said...

once Kamela is counted into office; ANY American that volunteers for the Armed Forces is both a FOOL and a traitor.

MadisonMan said...

Hard to improve upon mccullough's apt observation.

Mr. Majestyk said...

What does the fox news story have to do with lawfare? It sounds like the judge was involved with the sheriff's daughter. Maybe I missed something.

Aggie said...

""The Most Dramatic Shift in U.S. Public Opinion/The size and speed of the immigration backlash over the past four years are nearly unheard-of" ...

You know what? I think it's been pretty much 'heard of' now, and I suspect in the coming weeks, it's going to become even more 'heard of'.

doctrev said...

It's watching a judge get riddled with bullets by the very system he's supposedly immune to. I'd wonder why I have to spell this out for anyone, but I don't wonder at all.

Lazarus said...

"Fortify." Where have we heard that before?

Voters were always opposed to illegal immigration. "Public opinion" hasn't really changed, just Democrat voters' tolerance for pseudo-humanitarian bllsht. They'll still vote Democrat, and if Harris wins, the flow will continue. It may be held under 10,000 known illegal entries per day -- or perhaps not.

Leland said...

What has Biden done for legal immigration especially compared to illegal immigration?

Original Mike said...

"The Most Dramatic Shift in U.S. Public Opinion/The size and speed of the immigration backlash over the past four years are nearly unheard-of"

Is it any surprise? Any surprise at all?

Trump should be hammering this incessantly. Not the "criminals" aspect of it, but the millions and millions entering this country with no reasonable way to care for them.

This so very selfish. The democrats have created a catastrophe, all to enhance their election chances; now, and especially in the future. It's vile.

Yancey Ward said...


Dogma and Pony Show said...

'We’re going to restore our moral standing in the world and our historic role as a safe haven for refugees and asylum seekers.'

A fairly small percentage of asylum petitions are ultimately granted. Letting in 10 million purported asylum-seekers, MOST of whom don't qualify, in order to prove to the "world" our "moral standing," is beyond stupid.

ga6 said...

Well you must remember the concept of "legal or illegal" has a unique meaning in the Biden family.

Christopher B said...

Immigration has been an issue the Uniparty has kicked down the road since Reagan authorized that amnesty in 1986. The Uniparty has always hoped they could engineer another bigger amnesty but were thwarted by a few die-hard anti-illegal Democrats and Republicans who felt hoodwinked by the plan. They thought they would be able to finally do it in 2016 but Trump happened.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Ever since getting annointed/nominated the vice president has acted as if she were merely an outside observer of her administration, and although she wants America to "turn the page," when she was asked what policies she thought better of, she couldn't come up with any.

Original Mike said...

The democrats have no intention of sending them home. They're already talking of granting them all citizenship. "Asylum" was only the method used to get them in the door.

Jupiter said...

What the fuck kind of Commie foreigner name is "Rogé Karma"?

Iman said...

Democrats know the damage has been done, and, arguably, in what may prove to be a fatal blow.

Fuck these treasonous people!

rehajm said...

They want to count them in next year's census- that's why so many and so much moving around. Happy to take them off your hands, Texas...

Rusty said...

That's why there is going to be conscription.

Rusty said...

That's why there is going to be conscription.

who-knew said...

"The size and speed of the immigration backlash over the past four years are nearly unheard-of"
Just spitballin' here, but maybe it's because the size and speed of illegal immigration is unheard of in American history

The Godfather said...

I think the whole system went off the rails when we started talking about "migrants", not "immigrants". I don't know where that usage came from. The idea seemed to be that they were "coming here" so "migrating" was a valid description, and you didn't have to worry about "legal" or "illegal".

RMc said...

Motion carried!

Two-eyed Jack said...

You know who hasn't changed his mind?
Jim Lankford