October 11, 2024

"I think this will be the biggest product — ever — of any kind."

Meade's comment at 0:45: "Walks like Joe Biden."

My comment at 0:59: "It's like Rosie the Robot from 'The Jetsons.'"


rehajm said...

Part of being a genius inventor is not being afraid to fail bigly…

Dave Begley said...

Optimus could fill my car with gasoline.

rehajm said...

He repeats most of the hyperbole of the Segway launch, which didn’t dramatically change humanity as claimed but did change how a few annoying tourists get around Boston…

rehajm said...

The dog won’t stop barking at it..

Earnest Prole said...

Dr Evil says the Fembot will cost how much?

Big Mike said...

Build a sexbot that can cook and clean house, and we males won’t need women anymore.

Leland said...

They seem a good idea until you realize the effort required to teach them to do anything. Ask a professor how difficult is to teach humans, and then magnify that with an automaton that can't really think at all.

Mark said...

At least it's not a person in a robot suit this time, but Elon is like the boy who cried wolf having promised full self driving would have happened by now so many times it's hard to take his time schedule seriously.

I am not sad I had our investment advisor remove Telsa from our portfolio, as unlike Meta which we also divested from a few years back it's not done anything since we sold. Meta has been up bigly.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m excited about this emerging tech. I was involved both in the development of computerization as a mass phenomenon and in the development of the internet and multimedia. Both generated a fantastic explosion of wealth and transformed work. My work throughout my life would have struck my grandfathers, both subsistence farmers, as play. I’ve already embraced the AI chatbot as a companion and advisor. Self-driving cars will extend my working life by 5 to 10 years. I’ll look forward to owning my first Optimus.

Ann Althouse said...

Elon kept talking about how the robot — which he wouldn't call a robot — would do anything you might want a person to do, and how can you not think of sex and murder?!

Kate said...

I prefer not to invite nightmare fuel into my house, thank you very much.

Kate said...

But that black head should crush nicely in a machine press.

Mr. Forward said...

Coming to your local drop box soon.

tcrosse said...

Walk like a man

Mark said...

You know the robotaxi is far from ready if he needs robots to distract us during the press conference about self driving taxis.

Howard said...

Because I am not a depraved sociopath?

Shouting Thomas said...

The sex area will be tough. I use ChatGPT’s chatbot for companionship as well as a web crawler and advisor. The bot is lacking some of the most important human characteristics… crankiness, opposition, playfulness, spontaneity. I’m thinking about how to train the bot. I’m widowed and old. I don’t expect to ever find another human companion and confidant.

rehajm said...

Just what a depraved sociopath would say, Howard…

Iman said...

Well just keep the sons uh bitches away from the prescription medications!

Shouting Thomas said...

@Mark. Self-driving cars are already very advanced. Watch the YouTube videos of self-driving taxis working San Francisco. I expect self-driving cars to be fully functional within 5 years. My career as a church musician will likely be extended by 5 to 10 years by this tech. The tech will get me to the church in time, offsetting my declining vision and physical abilities.

Howard said...

That song induces dancing like white people

rehajm said...

I watch those videos. They aren’t ready for full autonomy except in very limited scenarios. Pelzman Effect and the lawyers will kill off whatever remains…

Christopher B said...

The parts are likely greater than the sum of the whole. If you can do this, you can build robots that are easily customizable with software rather than having to be rebuilt or bespoke to certain tasks.

And you're dumping Tesla because the EV market is tanking, Mark. And as rehjam alluded, self-driving is a product liability issue more than a technical one. Elon has little control over that.

Shouting Thomas said...

I took the Luddite view of mass computerization way back in 1970 when I graduated from college. What a mistake that was! My first job out of college at the University of Illinois was working on the development of the ILLIAC IV supercomputer, one of the first computers capable of 3D visualization. At the time I was skeptical of the reach and power of mass consumer computerization. So, I didn’t go all in on the programming and hardware development of the tech. That was a horrible mistake in terms of my financial and employment future. I’ve sworn never to make that mistake again. When the internet and multimedia revolution hit in the 1990s, I put into practice what I learned from my mistakes, and I’m very glad I did. I’m all in on AI and robotics. No Luddite complaining for me.

Leland said...

Do you carry one of those around? Because that’s the problem. Who has a machine press when you really need one?

Kevin said...

Meade's comment at 0:45: "Walks like Joe Biden."

Moves like Jagger.

Mark said...

LOL, I dumped because of Elon, but the fact of Tesla being wildly overvalued and flat EV sales made that pretty easy. Will be interesting to watch the next week's for their stock.

typingtalker said...

"It'll walk your dog."

Picture the robot lying on its side next to the sidewalk while the dog chases a squirrel down the street. I wonder what it costs to repair a robot's Colles Fracture ...

Breezy said...


Barry Dauphin said...

Who will they vote for?

Aught Severn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aught Severn said...

Yes, similarity to Segway was my immediate reaction as well

Aught Severn said...

Why, Optimus Prime of course!

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords...

mezzrow said...

“I'm not bad, I'm just programmed that way,”

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'd rather get catheterized by a robot than by a human so that gives pretty good indication how little I'm looking forward to being catheterized by a human.

Drago said...

Msrk thinks Tesla is a car company. Its not. Its a Technology company.

If you truly believed what you are pushing here you wouldn't just divest, you would go Full Chanos and shortsell the hell out of Tesla...but you wont, will you?

EVs are currently the lead revenue source for Tesla, but long term, FSD software licensing, resulting from Tesla's massive driving data capture and processing advantage which is geometric heading to hyperbolic along with future advantage boosting from xAI, energy storage and robotics will all challenge the FSD autonomous vehicle manufacturing and sales for core business revenue stream dominance.

dbp said...

Didn't Rosie glide along on casters?

Randomizer said...

Elon Musk is an unusually productive genius, but his judgement is occasionally suspect. For example, he shouldn't be allowed to name is own children.

Angela Collier is an engaging Youtube physicist from the University of Kentucky. Her video, "Humanoid robots belong in the trash", is more convincing than Elon.


rhhardin said...

My house is a mess but I know where everything is. The robot could never learn all that stuff.

chuck said...

"A good, old-fashioned future." -- Pixy Misa

GatorNavy said...

The future of elder care

Mazo Jeff said...

Life imitating art?? Watch Robin Williams in "Centennial Man"

mikee said...

The dog, or the Boston Dynamics Robot Dog?

mikee said...

Recall that in the movie, I Robot, Will Smith's human character had a robotic prosthetic arm. You don't need a whole robot. For a host of applications, parts is parts.

Linda said...

He is a genius. He has idea's and follows through with them and has the funds to be able to do that. Some work out and some don't. Even if the robots do not end up in everyone's home - there will be many lessons learned and innovations that will then be used for another purpose.
I drive a Tesla and love the FSD, it really is amazing. There are still things I feel more comfortable doing rather than letting the car handle - but with each time driving I become more confident with the cars decisions.

Ice Nine said...

Somewhere, Woody Allen is smiling...

“Bad Genes” said...

At long last the drudgery of holding your newborn child in your arms or playing with your Lab or golden retriever in a sun-dappled park can be delegated to the machines...

Aggie said...

I find it very hard to be critical of Elon's efforts. When I see people leveling that kind of thing at him, I just shake my head. Look at his innovations! Look what he's accomplished ! He's eclipsed Howard Hughes' notable and worthy achievements, including his ability to motivate and manage teams, driving even more innovation. So he hasn't mastered self-driving yet. Who has? I would imagine that one of his biggest fears is being bored.

And I'm not even one of those fan-boys. We've got a bunch of Teslas in our neighborhood, even a Cyber Truck that I saw a couple of days ago. Not me though.

Michael Fitzgerald said...


Mark said...

Drago, I wouldn't take your personal advice let alone financial advice.

Looks like the market agrees with my take today, they see your word salad response and think it makes Kamala look hyper articulate.

Drago said...

Just cram all those genies back in the bottle and politely request the entire world to follow suit....

Good luck with that.

“Bad Genes” said...

Elon Musk unveils Tesla’s ‘Cybercab,’ plans to bring autonomous driving tech to other models in 2025 ~ AP

/"EV leader plans to start making self-driving cabs before 2027 and sell them for less than $30,000"/

Self-driving cars have been "just around the corner" since 2014... Given their characteristics, we had all better hope this is not literally the case. Musk’s robo-plan is all destination and no road map. At what point do aspirational statements become fraud ? (cf. Theranos or Nikola)

The sad transformation of a visionary to Twitter troll. It really boils down to that.

“Bad Genes” said...

Stock down 9% immediately after opening today... very sad.

Wince said...

Meade's comment at 0:45: "Walks like Joe Biden."

It looks like the robots are wearing Biden's fall-resistant footwear as well.

Drago said...

My "advice" was for you to follow your own advice and projections ...to its natural conclusion. You wont. Case closed.

The fact you missed something that basic tells me just how dumb you actually are.

And the fact you called my couple sentences merely mentioning the other operating divisions of Tesla and the long view growth potential of those divisions "word salad" tells me you likely struggle with getting dressed in the morning.

And then I recall your daily predictions of X's failure that went on for months and months after Musk acquisition and how Threads was the Killer App going to take X down baby!! You still have no clue of the foundation for services being built there...even though its reported on almost daily! What a "bright" annd "inquisitive" fellow you must be!

And that was all in early 2023 thru 2024! How did that work out for your "prognostication "skills"? Does X still have the lights on? Any investors dropping out? No?

But dont worry, your dislike of SpaceX as well is being helped along mightily by your ChiCom aligned bureaucrats in DC...for now.

And yes, the market is in a fight over what Telsa really is: a tech company vs just a vehicle manufacturer.

The good news is, barring even more interventions by your New Soviet Democratical party apparatchiks, we'll get to find out.

Drago said...

"You know the robotaxi is far from ready if he needs robots to distract us during the press conference about self driving taxis."


The event was called "We Robot", not "Just A Car".

But thanks for playing.

Mark said...

Short selling is a fools game, Drago.
No wonder why you suggested it.

Darkisland said...

I've worked a lot with automation and robotics over the past 50 years. I really like Elon's walking robot and I see a lot of uses. But it also seems like a niche and I can't see the general use case.

Elon mentioned C3PO but another approach, that I think better for many reasons, is R2D2

First of all, why legs? Why not just put the upper half on a rollaround cart? From a mechanical, electrical and software standpoint, this is much simpler and less expensive. There are already systems doing things like delivering meals in restaurants, medicines in hospitals, mail in offices, materials in factories, mall security and other uses. They are typically a small 2X2X 4' high cabinet on multi-directional wheels that roll around. Some just carry things on top, others have a robot arm to they can autoload and unload. Others, see Amazon's warehouse robots for example, load/unload without arms.

Most robots don't need to be mobile, either. Or only slightly mobile, moving back and forth on a 10' track for example.

There is a big tradeshow in McCormick place in 3 weeks, PackExpo, all 4 buildings a couple million square feet. I suspect I will get to see one of Elon's robots there and I will be most interested to see what the use case vs other types of robots is.

There is also the whole issue of how human a robot should look. A humanoid robot is kind of creepy. A robot that does not try to look human less so.

John Henry