October 11, 2024

"Kamala was just caught using a teleprompter at her Univision town hall!"

"Producers panic and turn off the prompter midway through her answer. Why did Univision allow this?! This is egregious journalistic malpractice."

Writes Charlie Kirk, at X, with this video:

If it's a town hall, you're not supposed to have the questions in advance. It's supposed to test the candidates. If the answers are pre-written, the candidate is cheating on the test, posing as capable of spontaneity, when she is actively protecting herself from the risk of spontaneity, and hiding that self-protection from us. She's asking us to see her as our protector.

Further evidence of scripting and self-protection:


Big Mike said...

This is a surprise because why? A fake candidate for something that used to be a political party.

R C Belaire said...

She will still garner 50.01% of the vote come November.

Big Mike said...

And why is a Spanish language network doing a town hall in English?

gadfly said...

Former President Donald Trump faced backlash after a new clip went viral of the GOP nominee saying he doesn't need a teleprompter.

During a recent rally, the 78-year-old condemned the usage of the device to his audience, despite clearly having two of them right in front of him throughout his speech.

"Isn't it nice, by the way, to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter?" he asked his crowd of supporters.

Several critics took to social media to ridicule the Republican leader for blatantly "denying reality" in front of everyone and repeating whatever gets his supporters to cheer for him.

Todd said...

"caught" like it is a rare occurrence, a deviation from the norm. Please, Kamala is not allowed out of the closet without handlers/teleprompters/scripted audiences/scripted interviewers due to being an absolute train-wreck when left on her own. For someone that has risen so high and to be so absolutely unable to do anything even remotely related to the jobs she had, has, and wants is astounding and amazing, in a slow train wreck sort of way.

As much as Biden always was a dick, he could [when needed] present a veneer of rationality and understanding. How in the "wide, wide, world of sports" did Kamala EVER accomplish anything on her own during her prior jobs (and she has been in some serious positions)? She talks like a first gen chat AI, gyrates like a broken Disney animatronic, and any time anything goes the least little bit off the script, kackles like a lunatic. Least anyone forget, she did not even rank in the one primary she ran in and dropped out early due to performing so badly. The Biden team saw this and decided she was perfect as a Biden insurance policy just as Biden was Obama's. Now after 4 years of publicly f*cking up [only] every single thing she was put in charge of, the (D) were shamed into making her the nominee due to all their DIE policies/promotions. The rest of the democrats and the media all jumped in line and now we are less than 30 days away from possibly having this idiot as the leader (figurehead?) of the free world. This Jew hating, gun hating, free speech hating, illegal immigrant loving, lazy, tax and spend socialist/communist as POTUS. She can't even be bothered to try and memorize the crap the folks behind the curtain write for her to say. She just walks out there and reads the teleprompter [badly]. A second rate porn star takes more pride in their work than she does. On top of her vast ineptitude she is mean and nasty and takes out her frustrations at being completely out of her depth on her staff and those around her.

On the other hand, all the self-righteous lefties and the hard-core feminists will be able to get a POC woman as President.

At least in old England when a child was crowned, everyone knew who the advisers were that were really running things until the child became of age. We don't have that advantage today.

Dave Begley said...

And some people think the Dems don’t cheat in elections. They cheat at every chance they get.

rehajm said...

Yes a fake candidate for a fake Presidency. She won’t be in charge of anything but pretending. Enough people will probably be okay with that…

tim maguire said...

What’s the complaint? He doesn’t need a teleprompter. He speaks without them all the time (as you well know).

donald said...

That’s pretty stupid there buddy. I

Dave Begley said...

Fox just ran a segment on this so-called town hall. In a few shots, you could see the TelePrompter, but no mention of Kamala using it. That’s one of the reasons why I come to the Althouse blog.

Ralph L said...

Those nasty Mexicans, sabotaging a strong black woman!

planetgeo said...

Ooh, ooh...gadfly caught him!

He's talking about interviews and unscripted town halls, genius. He does all of those, and lots of them, without teleprompter, notes, collaborating interviewer, or communicating earrings...unlike Harris.

rehajm said...

What was on them? Did they have canned answers to most topics or did they know what Olivia from Minneapolis was going to ask?

rehajm said...

Stop faking the surprise Charlie. They aren’t journalists…

rehajm said...

I golf I sometimes have to give opponents with all their original limbs intact a stroke a hole. It’s like that.

Leland said...

I remember during his first presidency when Trump would head out of the White House for some trip. He would stop on his way to Marine One and talk to the journalists there to report on his leaving and upcoming trip. Wouldn’t matter the weather and particularly the temperature, Trump was wearing his common blue suit and tie. He would stand there for 20 to 30 minutes taking questions and giving answers.
After Trump left, the press would whine about how hot it was and how Trump made them sit out there in the hot sun, many of them wearing short sleeve shirts and again provided seats. It was hard on them to do there job of sitting, listening, and asking questions.
Trump did that, often, without a teleprompter, and the left still whined about it.

Amadeus 48 said...

Remember when Obama used a teleprompter on the fly--all the time? There was even a satirical blog about the hard life of Obama's teleprompter --TOTUS. Here is a Politico story about the mockery--even from Joe Biden and Jon Stewart:

Note that Obama even set up TOTUS in a sixth grade classroom. The Really Good Talker was a Really Good Reader.

Kevin said...

It’s like that equity cartoon. Kamala needs to stand on a teleprompter to see over the fence.

Ann Althouse said...

@gadfly Please redo your comment without the big space at the end and delete your first attempt (or I will delete).

Amadeus 48 said...

I bet Obama uses TOTUS today. That media event Obama did yesterday sounded pretty scripted. TOTUS lives!

Jersey Fled said...

She also has her magic earrings on again.

RMc said...

Delete, delete!

typingtalker said...

When I was In High School my father told me that I should take a Public Speaking class. It has served me well out here in the real world.

gspencer said...

"Why did Univision allow this?! This is egregious journalistic malpractice."

Yes, we can't allow the people to know that Kamala is phony."

Jersey Fled said...

I just went back and looked at 3 or 4 recent Kamala events. All with the same magic earrings, including the 60 Minutes interview. What woman does that?

gilbar said...

The questioners were "preselected "

rehajm said...

I ran the video- is that the public feed? If so they don’t make any attempts to hide the teleprompters. Either the cabal don’t care because they already know the outcome of the ‘election’ or like some have been speculating there are actors trying to sink her candidacy. I suspect the former but…

Dixcus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dixcus said...

Univision is refusing to allow journalists access to the audience members who have been pre-selected to ask Kamala questions

A real journalist would have done two things when presented with this problem:

1) Never asked for permission to speak with those people.

2) Informed Univision that the story you're going to write is how they are FAKING a "town hall" for the benefit of one candidate, then ask for comment on that story.

3) Write the story not about the questions or answers ... but straight news as the Kamala Harris campaign and Univision faking a town hall for Kamala Harris.

The fact that no journalist did either of those things shows you how structurally deep the problem with journalism is in today's America.

Real journalism no longer exists.

TrespassersW said...

Channeling Charlie Cowell, "She's a fake and she doesn't know the territory!"

Butkus51 said...

She repeats about 8 things every time and needs notes.

The smart people nod.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Hey, at least we didn't get a weird accent this time!

AMDG said...

And that is entirely the fault of the Republicans who nominated a candidate despised by 52% of the electorate.

hawkeyedjb said...

Kamala tried acting earlier in life, but couldn't make it when she was unable to remember her lines. She found another line of work where she didn't have to memorize dialogue - they spoon feed it to you. It used to be said that politics is show-biz for ugly people; it's more like cosplaying for stupid people.

offended by everything said...

Can anyone confirm that the teleprompter is syncing with what she is saying? It fits my bias that she's cheating but I'd like to be sure.

Linda said...

I saw a comment on X suggesting that it was for question translation, which I doubt since the clip I saw had the host interpreting the question asked in Spanish. I am sure that with the correct computer, the teleprompter screen can be enlarged so we can clearly see what it says.