October 12, 2024

"Then the vice president enters amid a rain-like patter of footfalls, and the energy in the room changes. 'Hi! How are you? Good to see you again!' Harris says, grabbing my hand and folding down into the opposite seat."

Let's fold down into Vogue Magazine.

I'm reading Nathan Heller's "Vice President Kamala Harris on Her Race to the Finish."

Distinctive photos... by Annie Leibovitz.


mikee said...

In Fear and Loathing on the Camaign Trail, gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson wrote about George McGovern entering a room, and nobody noticing. Somehow I suspect that tiny episode is taught in journalism schools even now, with activist journalists told to avoid having that appear in print about modern politicians.

rhhardin said...

Great quality photographs, composed to show what a serious woman looks like, like a man roughly, except for the photograph with the little girl showing her caring side. There's no clue that she's a complete moron.

It's kind of like clothing works.

Cacimbo said...

The photo of Liz Cheney sitting next to Kamala Harris shocked me. I was under the impression Cheney was quite plump. I googled Liz Cheney weight loss and nothing comes up. Then I looked back at old photos of Liz and she does appear much larger -even her face looks much plumper. I guess this is just part of the media just going out of their way to make Republicans look bad. Now that she is on team blue nice photos of her are allowed to be shown.

ChrisC said...

Being on the Vogue cover is the kiss of death, ask Asma al-Assad.

Iman said...

Tell us about the pre-adolescent QueMala’s brave leadership in the “Fight fo’ Fweedumb!”

Sally327 said...

Anyone who reads Vogue (other than for blog posting purposes) is going to vote for Kamala Harris anyway so I'm not sure why it was worth her time to do this interview. Other than the cachet being on the cover provides within that incredibly narrow sliver of the population that actually gives a shit about this sort of thing. But it is, I don't know what exactly, hilarious? that Jill Biden was enjoying this singular honor just a couple of months ago and is now pushed to the side by her younger, more photogenic rival.

Yancey Ward said...

Wow, Kamalamadingbat either visited a tanning salon for a couple of weeks or that photo was altered to make her darker.

Aggie said...

Too dumb; Didn't read.

Immanuel Rant said...

Operation: "Drag Her Across the Finish Line" is well underway.

Joe Smith said...

She was doing the photo shoot and hobnobbing with Annie Liebovitz on the one year anniversary of the October 7 Israel massacre.

Also the same day she spent berating DeSantis for not taking her calls.

People were drowning in floodwaters and she was having her hair and makeup done for a photo for the cover of a leftwing rag. So presidential...

Political Junkie said...

Can't wait till my wife's copy arrives and I get to check it out in the reading room.

Lazarus said...
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Lazarus said...

"Race to the bottom" is more like it.

Before heading out to join her, the vice president will meet me in the basement of the student union. Two chairs have been set up, angled toward each other, with flags between them. I’m shown to one, then the other. I am fussed over by aides, who readjust the draping of the flags. The process authority of American power, the way it calmly drives on like a swimmer down a clear lane, has rarely been so palpable to me; in the space of a few minutes I am greeted by more friendly and laconic people—coming in to check something, nodding, and vanishing again—than I can count. Photographers file in and take their positions, training their lenses on the chairs. I feel I’m entering bilateral talks on behalf of a small, wayward nation.

Then the vice president enters amid a rain-like patter of footfalls, and the energy in the room changes. “Hi! How are you? Good to see you again!” Harris says, grabbing my hand and folding down into the opposite seat.

She is dressed in an easygoing black suit with a plain white blouse, a few pearls on a double necklace, and black patent leather heels.

Is this why nobody bothers to read anymore or just why everybody hates journalists?

Leland said...

Democrats certainly made it about Her Race because she is finished.

Harun said...


Dogma and Pony Show said...

Her entire career is based on her looks. If AI teamed up with Central Casting to come up with the ideal image of a mature, modern, mixed-race female professional, they'd probably spit out something pretty close to Kamala Harris. But there is no talent or authentic character backing up her physical looks. When people realize that -- and it takes some people longer than others -- they stop supporting her. This seems to be an actual pattern with her: She grabs a lot of supporters early, then they fall away from her. It's obviously happening again right now.

David53 said...

Easygoing black suit

What the heck is that? Has a man ever been described as wearing an easygoing black suit? Or is that something men don't usually wear, like a dress?

Big Mike said...

You knew that the photographer was good — Harris actually looks dark-skinned. Most photographs and video clips cause her to look light-skinned, as indeed she is. Still, I was surprised Annie Liebowitz is still going strong in her mid-70s. I don’t much care for her politics but good for her anyway.

Joe Smith said...

"An empty taxi arrived at 10 Downing Street and Clement Attlee got out of it."

-- Maybe apocryphal but attributed to Churchill

Big Mike said...

The hurricanes that barreled into Florida in recent days and brought heavy destruction as far as inland North Carolina have required rescue and recovery from officials and ordinary Americans, and Harris has moved quickly on the ground to show them her support. [My emphasis]

It takes a Dumbocrat to not be able to tell the difference between a handful of photo-ops and serious work.

who-knew said...

"a rain-like patter of footfalls" So ...she's a tap dancer?

Kirk Parker said...

Joe Smith,


"Clement Atlee is a modest man, with so very much to be modest about."

--also Churchill. I wonder what he would have made of Kamala?

Joe Bar said...

I also noticed. I had to read the caption to determine who that was. Amazing what they can do with lighting and angles.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Her heels are HUGE.

Louie the Looper said...

“ The vice president enters amid a rain-like patter of footsteps.”

Better: “The Fog comes in on little cat feet.”

Static Ping said...

Also, her response was anything but quick. Unusually slow would probably be the best description.

Static Ping said...

I have no doubt that Kamala brings energy. The problem is it is energy with no substance. If she was plain looking, no one would care.

Joe Smith said...

Energy AND Chardonnay...