October 12, 2024

"She makes me happy. ... She'll probably lose, but she makes me happy. I like seeing her. It's the joy you have when your best friend, who doesn't have their homework, gets called on...."

"It is the face — your friend confides in you: They did nothing. They go, bro... I didn't open the book. 'Cause this was me in school. Like I didn't open a book. And then they'd call me, and they'd be like: Mr. Dillon, what do you think? And I'd go: I'm trying to create an opportunity economy. Like, I'd say shit kind of like her. She still won't study. Like, she's running for president. She's still won't really even — which is what I like about it! If she was like really trying, I'd find it disturbing. The fact that she's kind of half-assing it on the biggest stage — there is no bigger stage.... She's kind of half-assing it on the largest stage. And... I wanna hang out with her. I wanna have drinks with her. I think she'd be a fun person. 'Cause a few years from now, she's just gonna be somebody fun in California.... She's gonna be like: Remember what I was? They tried to make me President. And we're all gonna laugh about it.... There's so, so much hot-under-the-collar anger at her... but we can't forget that this is essentially just a person who had no idea any of this was going to happen.... She never thought that it was going to happen the way that it happened.... And, she refuses to study. She will not open the book."

Says Tim Dillon, in the new episode of his podcast (audio and transcript at Podscribe).

ADDED: I listened to that as I was out on a walk, but the post I had meant to write — just before I gave in to the whim to do a walk — was based on Maureen Dowd's new column, "Where Is the Fierce Urgency of Beating Trump?" (NYT). And now that I'm getting back to it, it feels like the same idea as Dillon's, just way more polite. Dowd says:
[Kamala Harris] needs to make the case for herself more assertively.It’s hard to understand why she didn’t sit down with a yellow pad or laptop long ago and decide why she wanted to be president, what her top priorities would be and how she would get that stuff done. The Vision Thing. Even when getting softballs from supportive TV hosts, Harris at times seemed unsure of how to answer.


Joe Smith said...

We live in a world of idiots who become famous for nothing.

JAORE said...

Our youngest, just turned 34, tells me us old folk are WAY underestimating podcasts and other methods of reaching out to younger voters. He credits podcasts with WAY more power in voting than so-called "influencers". He also told me the Trump sneakers that were laughed at were a brilliant move. Apparently there are many thousand "sneaker heads" out there. And while many can not afford the top vintage Nikes OR Trumps golden kicks, they want them. He swears they will be valuable collectors items very soon.
Laugh away old timers (like me).
Trump was just on the "Flagrant" podcast. They are comedians by trade. Trump had them rolling.

Original Mike said...

democrats …

Michael K said...

We are no longer a serious country. Hard times are coming, no matter who wins the election.

Ampersand said...

There must be something that Tim Dillon actually cares about. Money, status, power, and pleasure, I suppose. Odd that he sees no connection between a potential Harris victory and significant problems with satisying his hungers for those things. I guess I'm just one of those "hot under the collar" types who harsh Timmy's vibe.
We might just elect as President the laziest dumbest rock in the class.

Clyde said...

Why would anybody be happy that someone they see as a total slacker is one of the candidates for the most important executive job in the country? He characterizes her as someone who refuses to do the studying needed to get the job, essentially a DEI hire who has never been required to do anything except show up as a woman of color. Maybe his perspective is, "Hey, I'm a screwed-up slacker, but I'm not as much of a screwed-up slacker as she is, and it will be entertaining to watch her screw up." Sadly, as we've seen over the past four years, having someone like Biden in the Oval Office has come at a dreadful cost, both to our country and the world, both in blood and treasure. Harris would be even worse, even if she was just another puppet for the Deep State.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Thanks for this tidbit -- its an interesting perspective I haven't heard before.

This blog is really extraordinary. Uniformly interesting bits and pieces presented with little or no rancor and steely honesty. There is almost nothing like it on the rest of the internet.

Eva Marie said...

Young people have been told for far too long that the sky is falling. They’ve been fed a steady diet of ecological disaster doom and gloom since they were kids. Well if we’re headed for extinction, why not have some fun along the way?

Patentlee said...

It reads like Dillon thinks that Harris is self-sabotaging, and Dillon is perfect fine with that. My sense is that Harris is a nervous wreck and deep down she knows she isn’t up to the job of President and is just going through the motions.

tim maguire said...

Tim Dillon wants the most important, powerful, and consequential job in the world to go to someone who wants it desperately and yet won’t work for it…

He sounds like the perfect Harris voter.

phantommut said...

Harris is the person everyone with Imposter Syndrome thinks they are, but for reals.

phantommut said...

Second this observation. Thanks for being interesting all these years.

Inga said...

Trump is known to eschew preparation for things like debates, intel and security briefings. He wouldn’t even read his daily intelligence briefs when he was president. Talk about not doing one’s homework. He’s claimed that all it takes for him to expound intelligently on any subject is just a few minutes of being exposed to the subject matter.

“Trump worshiper: The American people, I think, a lot of them want to know, how do you come by your decisions, and how do you manage in the Oval Office?

Donald: Well, I think that I learned, like I talked about the truckers, I learned about trucks and by talking to them, in five minutes I knew as much as I'm going to have to know to make decisions that are going to be earth-shattering for transportation, for moving cargo and moving a lot of other things.“

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

She’s just waiting to finally be positioned for success

Inga said...

Is Trump too lazy to be president again, considering the four years he was president?

cubanbob said...

Eva Marie said...
Young people have been told for far too long that the sky is falling. They’ve been fed a steady diet of ecological disaster doom and gloom since they were kids. Well if we’re headed for extinction, why not have some fun along the way?

Are young people being told something we weren't? It has always been doom and gloom. Sometimes in the past it really was. But on balance, things are better now than say in the last hundred years nevermind further past. In the meantime all of us individually headed for extinction so now and, lets have some fun on the way.

M Jordan said...

Agree. Credit to Althouse for creating a unique space on the Internet.

Wince said...

"Where Is the Fierce Urgency of Beating Trump?" (NYT)

Crunch time, and it's sinking-in widely that Trump is the better choice, even if he isn't the perfect choice.

Quaestor said...

She's already done the yellow legal pad thing. Her Item No. 1 -- Riches and Power.

The rest of the page is blank.

Inga said...

“Sinking in widely”? I don’t think so. Sounds like wishful thinking, but we shall see.

cubanbob said...

Inga I lived through eight years of Obama, four years of Trump and four years of Biden. Of the sixteen years, the Trump years were the best. The economy was far better, foreign issues weren't so acute, my taxes were lowered and by any objective economic scale my country as a whole was doing better. Tell me exactly why voting for Harris and Democrats is a winning move for the country as a whole when we have an immediate contrast between the two parties.

Quaestor said...

Wince writes, "Crunch time, and it's sinking-in widely that Trump is the better choice, even if he isn't the perfect choice."

I'd listen closely and respectfully to Wince's idea of the perfect choice.

Joe Smith said...

Harris is known in DC, even by Democrats, as being lazy and not putting in the work. It's why she can't even speak of her own policies without a teleprompter. And as I recall, Trump's foreign policy worked out fairly well.

Breezy said...

Dillon is a slacker apparently relishing the look on the another slacker’s face when they’ve been called out. If you’re a slacker, it’s ok for you to embrace that joy, no matter the circumstances. Why would anyone want to graduate from middle school?

cubanbob said...

When was the last time we had a choice between good and perfect? I only hope my grandchildren actually get to have such a choice.

cubanbob said...

Count me in as well

cubanbob said...

Apparently she has a lock on the grifter vote.Yay!

Inga said...


“One of the most closely guarded and worst-kept secrets of Donald Trump’s presidency is his extraordinary laziness. Despite efforts to project a manly ardor, the current leader of the free world spends most of his free time tweeting, calling friends, and watching Fox News. Of his 745 days in office, Trump has spent 222 days unwinding at Trump-branded properties and 168 days golfing. According to the testimony of numerous West Wing staffers, he struggles to focus in meetings, largely ignores intelligence briefings, and tunes out policy minutiae. Once, according to former White House aide Cliff Sims, Trump literally got up and wandered away while Paul Ryan was in the Oval Office attempting to explain the Republican health-care bill. While Ryan was still talking, Trump walked down the hall to his private dining room and turned on the TV.“

tim maguire said...

The problem, Inga, is that Trump has been president and he did a good job of it. So these kinds of criticism are off the table--they're meaningless.

Harris has not been president and she hasn't succeeded in any notable way at anything she's done. So, for her, the laziness critique carries some weight.

Big Mike said...

It’s hard to understand why she didn’t sit down with a yellow pad or laptop long ago and decide why she wanted to be president, what her top priorities would be and how she would get that stuff done. The Vision Thing.

No, it’s not hard. Maybe it’s just that she doesn’t have a “Vision Thing.” Maybe she got where she’s at by being a loyal foot soldier with the right skin color.

hawkeyedjb said...

"She'll probably lose but she makes me happy." That will make me happy too.

cubanbob said...

Marvelous! Simply marvelous! A Peter Principle candidate who is a nervous wreck and possibly a boozer, might well become president while being a puppet to other DEI hires and incompetents.

Flat Tire said...

Yes, I'd be a bit lost without this blog.

Inga said...

“The problem, Inga, is that Trump has been president and he did a good job of it.”

81 million Americans disagreed with this.

mccullough said...

Harris is lazy and of average intelligence. It’s why she flunked the bar. She can’t wing it. Trump can wing it.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

[Kamala Harris] needs to make the case for herself more assertively.It’s hard to understand why she didn’t sit down with a yellow pad or laptop long ago and decide why she wanted to be president, what her top priorities would be and how she would get that stuff done.

There's two possible answers to that:
1: She's just another Jill Biden. She wants to ride around in the motorcades, flying in Air Force One, and be above everyone else.. She doesn't care about the actual "being President"

2: She knows what she wants to do. And she knows that telling teh truth would cause her to lose.
So she can't answer those questions

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Now do Biden, and Harris

Trump's slowed down compared to 2016, no question about that.

But he's still doing far more campaign appearances than Harris.

So if "any is bad", Harris is the worst

Old and slow said...

And yet, even with Trump's apparent indolence, the country was flourishing and the border was far more secure.

Mr. Forward said...

"Wandering off while Paul Ryan was talking." I already told you I am going to vote for Trump. You don't have to sell me.

Eva Marie said...

Cubanbob on says:
“Are young people being told something we weren't?”
I think yes. It started with the population explosion destroying the planet and it hasn’t let up. Humans are bad for the planet has been the relentless message.

mccullough said...

Kamala can’t blow enough guys to get ahead anymore

mccullough said...

Kamala can’t blow enough guys to get ahead anymore

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...


MadTownGuy said...

Ampersand said...

"There must be something that Tim Dillon actually cares about. Money, status, power, and pleasure, I suppose. Odd that he sees no connection between a potential Harris victory and significant problems with satisying his hungers for those things. I guess I'm just one of those "hot under the collar" types who harsh Timmy's vibe.
We might just elect as President the laziest dumbest rock in the class

It's like a high school student body election. Trump's the jock, and Harris is the "popular" gal.

jaydub said...

Ever notice how when Inga can’t muster a coherent counter argument she reflexively reverts to the “Trump is a poopy-head” form of persuasion? She could easily be a Kamala strategist.

n.n said...

Now, she wants other women to take a knee for progress, and men of black in prison in retributive change for her past kneeling.

Jersey Fled said...

“ It’s hard to understand why she didn’t sit down with a yellow pad or laptop long ago and decide why she wanted to be president, what her top priorities would be and how she would get that stuff done.”

Dowd is laboring under the misconception that Harris is the one who gets to make those decisions.

Amadeus 48 said...

This is a choice between bad and worse. I am going with bad.

Iman said...

Harris is far, far away from her past with Willie and she just doesn’t have it in her anymore.

Iman said...

“She could easily be a Kamala strategist.”

After that steamy rehash the other day of Inga’s hornacious exchange with Ritmo (I think), Inga may be better suited to write shitty porn like Stacey “Tank” Abrams.

Craig Mc said...

"Even when getting softballs from supportive TV hosts, Harris at times seemed unsure of how to answer."


Kate said...

Dillon can't wait to have a drink with her in Cali. Implied is that he knows she won't win. Kamala is basically Travis Birkenstock, someone you like and pity at the same time.

wsw said...

Limbaugh once posited that what she actually wanted was to be AG.

JAORE said...

"It reads like Dillon thinks that Harris is self-sabotaging, and Dillon is perfect fine with that. "
People, people, people.... Dillon is a comedian. Read his words with that in mind.

Rocco said...

[Our youngest] also told me the Trump sneakers that were laughed at were a brilliant move. Apparently there are many thousand ‘sneaker heads’ out there.

So yesterday’s Hummel figurine collectors have morphed into today’s Sneaker Heads.

Mason G said...

When I was a kid, we practiced ducking and covering under our desks in school as a response to a nuclear attack. I don't remember this ruining anybody's life.

Harun said...

I think Kamala is the refinement of the Democrats way to win power. Run on vibes, good media support, don't worry about financial issues, just roll out money. Except this hasn't really worked very well. Run as moderates, but rule as extreme lefties. Infiltrate the institutions, so you don't have to actually do much, as they will run themselves very lefty. (This is great when they lose, because the institutions keep going left...DHS under Trump created the CBP One border app, for example. Do you think Trump or anyone knew about this?)

Trump also is doing some of this, too, throwing out gimme policies.

Because elections are additive. You need to take your base, and then add voters by going to the center. Trump pushes spending. Kamala pushes bullshit that she is pro-gun, or changed her mind on immigration, etc.

When they are elected the smoke and mirrors disappear, more or less.

Harun said...

This is why Kamala wanted to be vague. Because for Obama that worked really well. Each person could decide he was for THEIR policies.

Trump is also doing a little of this.

Its very normal centrist politics.

If you don't like this, its because you realize we're not in normal times, and we're probably entering a period where serious cuts or taxes have to be done. And probably cuts - you can't afford barnacles on your ship when its sinking.

Yancey Ward said...

"Once, according to former White House aide Cliff Sims, Trump literally got up and wandered away while Paul Ryan was in the Oval Office attempting to explain the Republican health-care bill."

Damn, Inga, you don't have to keep selling me on Trump- I and most of the commenters here are already voting or him!