August 20, 2020

At the Thursday Night Café...


... you can write about anything you like.

That's this morning's sunrise, at 6:13.


Jon Ericson said...

Day 83 of Portland Antifa riots - Another grim milestone

Portland Antifa Rioters Turn ICE Office Entrance Into a War Zone, Hurling Softball-Sized Rocks at Cops

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

a disintegrating griffon races across the face of Mendota

Big Mike said...

I understand that Donald Trump is raising money by the truckload off of the Democrats’ convention. Perhaps he will request that they keep it going another night.

madAsHell said...

Four legs good. Two legs better.

Black Lives Matter.


roesch/voltaire said...

The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country, a son who actually serviced in the armed forces, a wife who actually works, that I don’t think the Trump cult can tolerate the contrast and will close down even further into the pit of denial. (Meanwhile more Republicans will chose Biden over Trump.)

steve uhr said...

The convention makes me hopeful that normalcy may return to this country soon.

Big Mike said...

So on the last night of the convention, has anyone gotten around to condemning the violence in Portland and Seattle? How about the looting in Chicago? How about a moment of silence for Secoriea Turner?

No, I am not kidding. I don’t see how they win if they continue to frighten suburban moms.

bleh said...

Althouse, your thoughts on Biden (or his handlers) deploying his grandchildren for political purposes at the convention?

bleh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Satire is deader than the norwegian blue.

Original Mike said...

Biden's opening: 'Give them a light, and they'll follow it anywhere.'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No talk of the stripper fucking son who lives off our washed clean tax dollars?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blogger madAsHell said...
Four legs good. Two legs better.

Black Lives Matter.


Is that referring to the mob beating that raccoon to death,

...or the human being?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest

Hahahaha. This is too funny. The Bidens are more trashy than the Clinton and Palin crews combined.

Finger raping dad. Exposing himself to the female secret service agents. Plagiarized another man's life story. I kid you not!

His worthless spawn is a cokehead who married his dead brother's wife and then knocked up a stripper. All while running around the world collecting billions (yes billions) from companies and country's his father can help or hurt.

bagoh20 said...

Imagine if all the fish in that lake suddenly all jumped out of the water and started doing this:

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

you know when a stripper-schtupping coke addict and a testicle-crushing
murderess are showcased...

...that happy days are here again!

FullMoon said...

Friend in Idaho mentioned Trump signs everywhere. Made me realize I have not seen a single Biden sign yet. In Santa Clara County California where Clinton beat Trump 512,000 to 144,00.

Probably due to Trump virus.

Amusing anecdote: Our Gov Newsome took S.F. off the "watchlist" this morning. Put it back on this evening.

Silver lining in virus cloud around here, traffic during commute time almost as light as during Obama presidency.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country, a son who actually serviced in the armed forces, a wife who actually works, “

Not brilliant satire, but certainly good for a guffaw.

FullMoon said...

@Howard: THIS is the way a pro does it.Slightly more effort and way funnier..kinda like you usta do before moderation.

Blogger roesch/voltaire said...

The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country, a son who actually serviced in the armed forces, a wife who actually works, that I don’t think the Trump cult can tolerate the contrast and will close down even further into the pit of denial. (Meanwhile more Republicans will chose Biden over Trump.)

8/20/20, 9:18 PM

I'm Full of Soup said...

RV: no Biden son served honorably in the service. Hunter joined Navy at age 40 I some cushy political program and was discharged not. Long after because he failed a damn drug test. So wtf kind of bs were they peddling tonight? Or are you just dumb?

Jaq said...

I just watched “Last Kiss” filmed in Madison and partly on campus. It was kind of interesting to see Madison. One of my favorite lines: “I *like* ice fishing on Lake Mendota!”

"The convention makes me hopeful that normalcy may return to this country soon.”

You mean you are hoping that the Democrats are gonna get control of the graft again so they will quit whining, I guess. I wonder what you really mean by normalcy? Prosecuting looters, arsonists, rapists, and people who assault police officers? Because that ain’t gonna happen with the Democrats in control, as we have clearly seen in this past. few months. Do you think the virus is going to go away? It isn’t. It’s not the flu, a virus that at least has the decency to confer permanent immunity once it’s collected its butchers bill.

Normalcy is flooding the low skill labor market with immigrants to depress wages, oh yeah, and doing the same thing to American programmers. Normalcy is depending on China to make everything for us, so that we have even fewer low skill jobs for all of thes immigrants to do, all of which makes income inequality worse.

Normalcy is burning American flags freely, and getting thrown in jail for splashing blue paint on a DNC ad painted on the road in NYC.

Normalcy is criminalizing expression unless it is state approved. The new American normalcy that steve uhr pines for is the old Soviet one. Whatever is not expressly allowed, is expressly forbidden. Where in the US before this “normalcy” that steve uhr, who believes in prosecuting political differences, in the old US, whatever was not expressly forbidden, was expressly allowed. Like the allowed slogans on the backs of NBA jerseys.

You can have your American dream, as long as you select from this list of approved dreams. Freedom is for the tech bazillionaires and your political masters.

What a great world you work towards, steve.

Dave Begley said...

Ann! Biden went with the “very fine people on both sides” lie again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


MountainMan said...

“The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country, a son who actually serviced in the armed forces,”

Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Kicked Out of Navy for Cocaine

Jaq said...

"The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country,”

Son collects millions selling inflluence and access to his father to kleptocrats in Ukraine.

Son rides to China on Air Force Two with dad, and ends up with a multibillion dollar investment in his “investment fund” that had zero track record, and only his dad’s influence to recommend it.

Brother gets multi billion dollar contract to build housing in Iraq despite having zero experience.

What the fuck does the word “honest” mean to you?

You should read the New York Times piece on how Hunter’s company bilked millions from an Indian tribe, among other things. Including the Ukraine stuff. Oh thats right, you are “readering” and you don’t read the New York Times if it’s the truth about the Bidens.

Jeezum fucking crow.

bagoh20 said...

"The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country, a son who actually serviced in the armed forces, a wife who actually works,..."

I think that's a very selective bullshit description, but let's assume that's all true.

What does that have to do with picking someone to run this country? Would you hire a surgeon, or even a plumber based on something like that? Now imagine that surgeon or plumber can't complete a thought, forgets what job he's there to do, and can't tell you what state he's in. Does it help that he has an assistant who slept her way into the business and is only there because of her skin color?

Let's throw in that part of the contract with him is that he gets to move some illegal aliens into your house, and you pay for their health care.

Or you could pick the other guy who managed the best surgery and plumbing ever seen until your guy's friends started pulling stitches and clogging drains because they hated the competition he represents to them.

narciso said...

Not to mention the same hunter partner rented to a chinese operative who was trading in nuclear secrets

bagoh20 said...

Can you get me some of that stuff you smoke? Sometimes I just want to escape from reality and float on cloud of pure bullshit myself. It seems to be addictive though, but the high is obviously worth it.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country, ..."

The best part is how Joe and the fake Doctor STILL deny the grandchild their cokehead/crackhead sister-in-law doinking son had with a stripper....after corruptly puggy-backing off Dementia Joes VP role to land millions from Putin connected ukrainian energy oligarchs and $1.5 Billion from ChiComs while Dementia Joe sold out US policy...

...all the while Dementia funnels hundreds of millions in govt contracts to other family members!

R/V calls this normal....which makes sense since R/V thinks Bill and Hill are a sweet loving incorruptible couple.


steve uhr said...

That’s right Tim. I long for a Soviet style communist dictatorshipt. That is what I meant by normal. Dipshit.

Jaq said...

"No talk of the stripper fucking son who lives off our washed clean tax dollars?”

readering was just telling us about him.

Readering said...

Biden/Harris entered Convention in lead and will depart in lead. Don't know what Trump/Pence have been planning for next week, but for sure POTUS is tearing up playbook and calling audibles.

rcocean said...

Great Shot of sunrise. and thank god the Democrat convention is over. As someone else said, it was like a convention of Batman super-villains. I've never felt so alienated from the Democrat Party. Its too bad they can't have their own separate country.

steve uhr said...

Trump is not a normal person. Does anyone here have a friend like Trump? Doubt it. Narcissistic people with a God complex and a personality disorder don’t make the best of friends.

Birkel said...

TL:DR version
Lockdowns do not work to prevent viral spread and associated deaths.

Certain commenters should review the source materials at the links.

rcocean said...

Trump pointed out the problem with Biden's speech. It was all nice talk, but why didn't Biden and Obama do any of those promised great things from 2009-2016? When was the Biden-obama administration full of light and love for the tea party or ALL Americans? Why didn't Good Ol' Joe do anything about "Systemic Racism"? Why didn't they have the economy booming? Etc.

Good Ol' Joe's been full of Empathy in DC for 47 years. What did he accomplish?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Biden's" speech seemed dark.
Dark and Ominous.
Dark, Ominous, ...and Divisive

steve uhr said...

Trump mocking the kid who stutters. Cat scratch fever. The Bonnie and Clyde imposters. Can’t wait for next week.

le Douanier said...

“Sometimes I just want to escape from reality”

“We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning, you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore.’ You’ve heard this one. You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore. It’s too much.”

That’d be some mega maga spin zone if DJT loses: The people voted him out cause of too much winning. It was either vote for less winning or take drugs to mentally escape from so much winning.

Elect a clown, expect a circus. IMHO.

Drago said...

"There’s Never Been Anything We’ve Been Able to Accomplish When We’ve Done it Together"--Joe Biden

Joe Biden at the "top of his game" so to speak.

My favorite remains: "I'm Joe Biden's husband, Joe Biden", which he has blurted out about 3 or 4 times now over the past months.

The most interesting part of Joe saying that is Jill looking at him with a frozen smile and pretending its all so very normal and nothing is wrong at all and why would you ask?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Sir at the time, I believed that the information I was providing in the email was accurate. but I, am agreeing that the information I entered into the email was not originally there" -- Kevin Clownsmith

Judge: In other words, you agree that you intentionally altered the email to include information that was not originally in the email.

Clinesmith: Yes your honor.

More "Fake but accurate" ??

narciso said...

Oleander what the delphi oracle consumed.

madAsHell said...

Is that referring to the mob beating that raccoon to death,
...or the human being?

I was re-reading "Animal Farm". I think beating the raccoon is more like "Lord of the Flies". Kill the beast!

le Douanier said...

BTW, I didn’t watch the big show tonight.

But, the con reaction on Twitter (at least my feed) seems to indicate Biden didn’t do too bad.

I see stuff re darkness like IngaChuck has here. Not too much. I see more attacks re Biden had a lot of time to practice. And he didn’t write the words. Those sorta complaints make it seem like he wasn’t terrible.

Also a fair amount of attacks on BHO or other Ds. Stuff like:

And, folks are passing around DJT ads (like Althouse does).

I’m assuming Slow and Sleepy Joe did better than expected.

Probably best for Rs to keep the debate expectations re Joe’s capacity at least a bit higher than mucus. That makes it easier to score a knockout re expectations. Already some ground is forever lost today if Biden seemed less braindead than expected by some viewers tonight. Folks remember that sorta thing. So it’s double trouble, i.e. Biden ain’t so mentally deranged (which reverses a liability), DJT is full of shit (something that reinforces a weakness).


Drago said...

Hunter Biden vouches for Joe Biden's character.




Important Note: Not The Onion.

Narayanan said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
who is the hotlips then? - sear my anyglida

bagoh20 said...

I don't know any regular Americans personally who made millions off of their "service", nor do I know any older men who regularly sniff young women's hair, touch them inappropriately, digitally penetrate employees, spent 40 years supposedly fixing something, and now suddenly blame someone else new to the picture for all the systemic mess he made all those years.

I do know older men experiencing mental decline, and that is pretty normal, but they don't expect me to give them the most important job in the world for the next 4 to 8 years, and other normal people don't expect me to be that stupid either.

Other things that normal people do:
1)Understand the role and importance of police
2)Expect the same from and reward people the same regardless of skin color, sex, sexual preference, or political beliefs.
3)Respect the property and rights of people regardless of their political opinions, or skin color
4) Expect us all to be held to the same laws, period.
5) Find value and wisdom in things with a proven track record.
6) Respect the value of the truth of history, and science, and understand that those things can easily be corrupted by people who do not value them, even if they pretend they do.

bagoh20 said...

What has Biden done in four decades of substantial political power that we need done more, harder, and with extra power?

And don't you dare say "penetration".

Wandering Badger said...

How's it going in Madison (aka Mad City) cleaning up from the riots and replacing all the plywood "murals" with normal windows ?
It would be just like Madison to designate all the plywood "murals" for preservation as historic landmarks and even registered as national historic places.

"The Historic Preservation Section works to protect the historic resources that represent the City's unique and diverse heritage. The City of Madison contains buildings, structures, signs, features, improvements, sites, and areas that have significant architectural, archaeological, anthropological, historical, and cultural value. Local historic designation ensures that the City's growth sensitively incorporates the City's historic resources."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Adam Haner was drunk at a bar before he drove to the riot, according to the bartender. Then he spent over half an hour at the scene while smoking and drinking a beer after buying an “energy drink” at the 7-11. A reporter from the Daily Caller at the scene said he seemed intoxicated after crashing his car when “the power steering gave out”.

Mary Beth and shitbitch owe me an apology.

walter said...

Doc Jill wants Joe to do for the country what he did for his family....

Ty said...

"Just a week ago yesterday was the third anniversary of the events in Charlottesville.

Remember seeing those neo-Nazis and Klansmen and white supremacists coming out of the fields with lighted torches? Veins bulging? Spewing the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the '30s?

Remember the violent clash that ensued between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it?
Remember what the president said?

There were quote, "very fine people on both sides."

It was a wake-up call for us as a country."

chickelit said...

R/V manages to to discredit both Roesche and Voltaire with his/her? 9:18 comment.

Well played for an Althouse troll.

gadfly said...

Steve Bannon was indicted by SDNY with the help of the US Postal Inspector Service! Sadly they can't also keep up with dead chicks and other undelivered mail including prescription drugs.

But the law has now caught up to all of the 2016 Trump Campaign managers - Corey Lewandowski was charged with battery for grabbing reporter Michelle Fields, Paul Manafort went to prison for involvement in the Russian interference in the 2016 election, tax and bank fraud, and conspiracy against the United States and now Steve Bannon stupidly goes down for a few hundred thousand dollars in money laundering and fraud.

Yep, those government agencies really hate Trump who never personally took a nickle that wasn't his - except in a record 6 bankruptcies, ripping off Trump University students, using Trump Charity funds for personal benefit, and operating an illegal company called All County Maintenance as verified by Mary Trump and some casino money laundering convictions. More crimes will come out in 2021 when he is gone from office.

chickelit said...

Biden strikes a chord with those seeking to transpose "E Pluribus Unum" (from many one) into "from one, many"; that was Obama's divisive mantra as well.

Crazy World said...

Go Joe Blow! Love the National mask mandate so much fn clown.

Mr. Forward said...

Dim bulb in basement promises light over darkness.

Rusty said...

Biden? Seriously? That's the best you got?

iowan2 said...

The Biden story and family seems so normal, honest and full of service to the country, a son who actually serviced in the armed forces, a wife who actually works,

"Better than nothing is a high bar"

So this is the lies Democrats are forced to deliver. (honest juxtaposed, with the Thomas hearings, son forced out of the military, he entered using privilege) 40 years in politics, and this is the very best biography supporters can put up. 40. Years. 4 decades of history, now down the leftist memory hole. An inconvenient truth.

stevew said...

He will lead us out of darkness (of his basement) and to the light. Not THAT light, some other light.

This sums it up pretty well for me:

Tears of Joy, So not Misty then?

rehajm said...

Another sign of Trump victory:

Sarah Cooper gets her own show on Netflix!

Birkel said...

Just die at home, peasants.
Lockdowns are required to make some people feel safer, despite not being safer.

Avoidance of life saving medical intervention was one of the costs about which we "covidiots" warned.

How's that melanoma?

Paco Wové said...

"so normal, honest and full of service"

r/V shows steve uhr how it's done. If you're going to spew bullshit partisan fantasy, go big or go home!

narciso said...

Jaq said...

"hat’s right Tim. I long for a Soviet style communist dictatorshipt. That is what I meant by normal. Dipshit.”

Then why did you support an attempt to remove Trump from office by the FBI and CIA using what we now know was faked up evidence? Clinesmith pled guilty, remember? That’s Soviet tactics. Or will “normalcy” being when the Democrats are returned to their rightful place in power and the Democrats won’t have to stoop to such sordid tactics anymore?

If there is a dipshit here steve uhr, it’s you for swallowing the whole collusion thing and supporting an impeachment that was nothing more than a coverup for Democrat graft in Ukraine. Use of impeachment to cover for bribes that Biden took is “normal” everybody.

Jaq said...

It’s kind of funny how the number of daily deaths dropped as we locked down, and as the lockdowns have been eased, the number of daily deaths began climbing but the lockdowns didn’t do anything. Then in places like Florida, when things got scary as deaths rose quickly around them, people suddenly realized it was real and started being careful and deaths are beginning to fall again. It’s almost like it’s exactly what some people were predicting would happen, that as we eased lockdowns, which we have to do, deaths would climb.

I wonder if when stuff like that just whizzes over your head, it’s like being high all the time. I don’t know, I don’t have the time to shout across the IQ gulf at somebody who can’t see simple realities. Much less get into explaining the fallacies I constantly see over at Insty.

Jaq said...

Incidentally, part of the reason for the shutdowns was to learn about the disease while holding the number of cases to a minimum, if possible, but I guess there are people here who have some kind of delusion that we could skip the step of experimentation and discovery and just know the right answers right at the beginning.

I seem to recall some poster making that point repeatedly, now we seem to have somebody crying out like a small child that we really already knew how to treat a new virus cooked up in a CRISPR machine and unleashed on the world last October, but just didn’t do it because the real agenda was to shut down the economy.

This is what I mean about fallacies and the IQ gulf. Some things you just can’t explain to children. Their brains aren’t fully developed.

Big Mike said...

Biden seemed less braindead than expected by some viewers tonight.

His speech was prerecorded. Who knows how many takes it took? Or how much careful editing?

Howard said...

Finally, a portrait landscape. Brava Maestra

Michael K said...

This is what I mean about fallacies and the IQ gulf. Some things you just can’t explain to children. Their brains aren’t fully developed.

Some children (you) seem unable to remember that the shutdown was to "flatter the curve" so hospitals would not be overwhelmed. That was months ago when the cases, and especially nursing home cases, were still rising and deaths were rising. That was months ago. Try to keep up.

Michael K said...

teve uhr said...
That’s right Tim. I long for a Soviet style communist dictatorshipt. That is what I meant by normal. Dipshit.

You're voting for it, steve. Look at California. Take a good look.

roesch/voltaire said...

I am glad my comment brought out the best in you, sort of like Steve Bannon brings out the best side of the Trump tub ring.

Michael K said...

R/V has shifted into comedy while we weren't looking.

a son who actually serviced in the armed forces, a wife who actually works,

Hunter got a Navy commission at age 35, well beyond the age allowed in the regs. I used to examine applicants to the military. I did see one guy, a former SEAL, who got into OCS (Hunter skipped that step) at age 34 but the only MOS available at that age was EOB. Then Hunter flunked his drug test (cocaine) and was kicked out. As for "Doctor Jill" what has she done that is not a sinecure?

Jaq said...

My favorite part of impeachment, steve uhr, was when the Democrats shut down any and all attempts by Trump to present a defense not pre-approved by them. If that isn’t a Soviet style show trial, maybe you could explain to me the differences?

Jaq said...

Let’s compare the Bannon graft, which didn’t involve misuse of the trust of high office to the Ukraine graft and China graft and Iraq graft that Biden milked out of the Vice Presidency. Of course R/V has no actual response to that. Maybe next time he is emptying wastebaskets in the faculty lounge, he can ask somebody to suggest a way to explain how Biden wasn’t totally corrupt. Until then, it will just be weak taunts based on the doings of a political prosecution Soviet style out of SDNY.

As far as I know, Bannon hasn’t even had a trial though. Clinesmith has pled guilty to abusing the Patriot Act to spy on Republicans.

Jaq said...

"Try to keep up.”

Nothing you say contradicts anything I said. Its the stuff you imagine I say that gets you guys’ panties in a knot.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that the military service that China Joe Biden was talking about was by his deceased son, Beau, not his disgraced son, Hunter.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Big Mike said..."His speech was prerecorded. Who knows how many takes it took? Or how much careful editing?"

Do we know that for sure? Because, as you suggest, that makes a big difference when judging his performance.

Michael K said...

I think that the military service that China Joe Biden was talking about was by his deceased son, Beau,

Beau enlisted in the National Guard and was a JAG officer. He spent one year deployed. He returned for the inauguration in 2009, so less than one year. OK. No drug problems. I guess that qualifies.

Michael K said...

eve uhr said...
The convention makes me hopeful that normalcy may return to this country soon.

Keeping your eyes averted from the riots in Democrat cities.

Nichevo said...

Original Mike said...
Blogger Big Mike said..."His speech was prerecorded. Who knows how many takes it took? Or how much careful editing?"

Do we know that for sure? Because, as you suggest, that makes a big difference when judging his performance.

8/21/20, 11:17 AM

I asked my father, who watched some of it, and he thought it was live, so either it was, or it was well done foolery.

n.n said...

Lockdowns do not work to prevent viral spread and associated deaths.

Despite public mitigation strategies, the viral spread follows the same pattern in every nation. The excess deaths are correlated with delayed treatment, cross-contimination, social contagion (e.g. collateral damage) driving stampedes, and Planned Parent. The masks, for one, may have limited utility for certain transmission modes (e.g. droplet), and may be counterproductive for others. The context, transmission modes, and disease progression are all relevant.

Original Mike said...

"I asked my father, who watched some of it, and he thought it was live, so either it was, or it was well done foolery."

I watched it too and it looked live. But upon reflection, what does that mean? How could I tell?

Birkel said...

I see tim in vermont skipped over the "lockdowns saved no lives" evidence I have posted for three straight days.


Bruce Hayden said...

“ Beau enlisted in the National Guard and was a JAG officer. He spent one year deployed. He returned for the inauguration in 2009, so less than one year. OK. No drug problems. I guess that qualifies.”

I think that Beau was the great white hope of the Bidens. With his death, that left Hunter. Kinda like the youngest Kennedy scion. No, not your family. Joe Senior’s brood. Yeh. The one that killed one of his campaign aides.

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