August 18, 2020

How could Don Jr. not have anticipated this? Or is this some kind of genius that I'm failing to grasp?


rehajm said...

The picture is supposed to stand on its own as the rebuttal but being photographed with Epstein is not equivalent to flying on Epstein's plane to an island to have sex with teenage girls...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Well, it depends what you know. What you can prove. Other than some rote pablum, the Clinton’s have kept a pretty low profile the last couple of years.

Sebastian said...

OK, let's go there.

How many times did Trump visit Epstein's island, compared to top Dems? How many girls did Epstein provide for Trump, compared to top Dems? How do Trump and Dems' comments on Epstein compare?

Temujin said...

There must be a photo of Jeffrey Epstein with every man in the world. He must have spent his entire adult life with a photographer around to make sure as many people as possible were shown with him. Even with all that protection, he ended up alone with a noose around his neck in a jail cell. Nobody escapes the Clintons.

But...being shown with him is not the same as parading around with a 15 year old on the island. Did DJT do that? I'm not sure. Anyway- Bill and Hillary have the bonus of being bestest buddies with both Harvey Weinstein AND Jeffrey Epstein. That's a lot of scum in one room.

Narayanan said...

let us say the picture was taken during Clinton years or even earlier.

being in picture together = being on island together?
(deniably? secret? or under rocks needing to be turned over?)

AlbertAnonymous said...

Oh the whataboutism the lefties hate so much but use all the time...

The Epstein picture doesn’t hurt Trump. Those who it’s intended to inflame already have their hair on fire over this President.

The Clinton “narrative” is Orwellian to the core. He’s was a creep, is a creep and will forever be a creep, and...

Hillary is STILL not President !

JAORE said...

Trump knew Epstein. Most of the shakers and movers in NY did.

So did Clinton (Bill, that is).

One of these two kicked Epstein out of his club.

One of them flew to "Pedophile Island" 20 or more times.

One is blasted in the media for a picture taken.

The other is ignored by the media despite....

LuAnn Zieman said...

Donald Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago years ago (2005) after Epstein either hit on or assaulted, depending on the news source, the teenage daughter of a club member. He also informed the police, which is what launched the criminal investigation.

Ryan said...

So was Trump out at the island too?

Mark O said...

The facts are on Don, Jr.'s side. As if facts mattered.
The only defense to Bill's tawdry behavior is to claim someone else did it as well.
That Bill remains beloved by so many amazes us all.

PatHMV said...

This politics by unthinking meme has gotten beyond stupid at this point. "Accused by Epstein victim of being present at pedophile island" is NOT equal to "once had a photo taken with Epstein."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well there certainly is a contrast between Trump who kicked Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago for perming on other members’ daughters while Bill Clinton was such a frequent visitor to pedo island (where Trump never went) via Lolita Express that he is memorialized at Epstein’s lair with a striking portrait of Bill wearing Lewinsky’s stained blue dress. So yeah the more the subject comes up the better for Trump. It shows a BUG difference in how the two parties viewed Epstein. There is no credible report from anyone that Trump was even ON that island or hung out with Epstein other that one old picture from Mar-a-Lago that shows just how far back they have to reach in Trump’s past Democrat life to indict his character today. Sad.

bleh said...

Is that a picture of Donald on Pedophile Island? Nothing “genius” about that important distinction. Bill Clinton flew dozens of times on the Lolita Express (and lied about it after Epstein’s death), and he was seen on Pedophile Island.

Trump was once friendly with Epstein as both were part of the Palm Beach social set. Epstein was a member of Mar-a-Lago. Reportedly, the relationship deteriorated and Trump banned him from the club when Epstein got fresh with a staffer. Giuffre’s lawyer has said Trump was unusually helpful in his investigation when he called him years ago.

Do you think Clinton and Trump are comparable?

LuAnn Zieman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

from the comments on that twitthread

.... And Biden’s brother use to own the neighboring Island.

how rich do you have to be to own island? and of course to maintain access and infrastructure and accommodations!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Oh the ratio it burnsssssss!

So I cone down on yep it be genius.

traditionalguy said...

!Sweet Old Bill. He just kept eps chasing women of all ages. Maybe the Dems can give him a lifetime seduction of women award.

bleh said...

FYI re Trump helping Giuffre’s lawyer

wild chicken said...

Still....Junior needs to pipe down a little. He's all over Facebook begging for money and he and his ugly straggly mellenial beard are getting pretty old.

MikeR said...

Not even close.

Narayanan said...

Q - hypothetical : Epstein life expectancy 2 years ago - would be longer

a) house-arrested in one of Trump properties

b) in a D controlled facility

traditionalguy said...

Maybe the old guy will receive a Lifetime Award for screwing the most females of all ages. Trump will be jealous.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

What year is that photo? Is it from before or after Epstein was convicted of molesting girls?

Before? Gee, now explain why we should care about the photo.

Clinton's actions with Epstein continued AFTER he was convicted. THAT makes them relevant

Joe Smith said...

I think Don Jr. knows exactly what he's doing. The job the MSM won't do.

Did Epstein have a painting of Trump in a blue dress and heels? Didn't think so.

Sure, Donny two-scoops likes the ladies. But they are ladies, not girls.

steven bailey said...

Althouse failing to grasp genius is an ongoing losing battle.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Could be that there was a deal: Epstein would kill himself and Trump would pardon Maxwell. The son is always the last to know.

Ken B said...

Trump barred Epstein from Mar a lago; Clinton flew to the island many, many times and lied about it. The Trump picture is at a meeting in public; the Clinton visits were secret and at the scene of many of the crimes. Making an equivalence seems awfully close to dismissing the seriousness of Epstein's crimes.

Geoff Matthews said...

Isn’t there a claim that Epstein attacked Trump (physically) because Trump took a girl’s virginity before Epstein could?

AllenS said...

The difference being is that Trump never went to the porn island with The Epsteiner. BJ Clinton did, and with cigar in hand.

wendybar said...

This is why we laugh at the left.

mikee said...

I was told in 1996 and 1997 that the private sexual activities of consenting adults was none of my business, even if one was a President and the other was a White House intern. I was told this by people who previously defined "rape" as sex where the disparity of power between individuals was large, such as employer/employee.

Then I was told to believe all women. Even when they were obviously making shit up for political purposes, such as the accusers of Supreme Court nominees Thomas and Kavanaugh. To have Ted Kennedy sit in judgement on someone else's sexual harassment accusations is so far beyond the foxguarding the henhouse as to be unbelievable fiction, except that it really happened.

Then I was told that Trump, who has been famously divorced and remarried in public spectacles of accusations of misbehavior, should be judged for his private sexual behavior with consenting adults. And that we should believe all the accusations against him, despite their complete irrelevance to his political policies. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I, for one, would be unsurprised to learn that Hillary made the reservations on Epstein's plane for Bill's flights to pedophile island, just to get the creep out from underfoot for a few days.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Good comments so far, but since when do facts trump perception in politics?

Lucid-Ideas said...

Being photographed with and by a notorious photo bomber = being on photobombers peodphile island.

This is what they believe. Let that sink in.

Nonapod said...

As a bunch of people upthread have already pointed out, this is well-trodden ground. The connections between Epstein and Trump are fairly tenuous despite all the fervent wishing by those who want to bring Trump down. Them being pictured together in and of itself is fairly meaningless. There's a photo of Barrack Obama with Louis Farrakhan for example.

Of course people can and will infer whatever they want, but absent evidence it's just wishing. And at this point the fact that there hasn't been anything truly damning unearthed about the relationship between Trump and Epstein despite what are almost certainly Herculean efforts by an enormously powerful and determined anti-Trump contingent suggests that there isn't any such evidence to be found.

Todd said...

Mr Wibble said...

Trump kicked Epstein out of his resort and banned him. Clinton traveled to Epstein's island. Let's have a discussion about the two, because Trump will come out clean and Clinton won't, and Don Jr. knows it.

8/18/20, 8:21 AM


Amadeus 48 said...

JAORE said it all, right down to the...

Trump kicked Epstein out of his club. Slick Willy went along for a ride.

I can't believe Kellum Dander went there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Except- did Bill Clinton fly with Epstein? He did.

did Trump?

I do not know. don't think so.

rcocean said...

Why didn't Don Junior mention Clinton went to Pedo-island 26 Times! This isn't a number pulled out of the air, its from the flight manifests.

Trump cut off all relations with Epstein in 2007, never went to Pedo-island, and was no more than a distant friend/acquaintance. Trump doesn't like young girls, he likes tall, intelligent, super-models.

You can throw in the fact, that Trump was private citizen in the 1990s and 2000's. Clinton was POTUS and Ex-POTUS.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Donald Trump pardons female suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony who was convicted of illegally voting to mark 100th anniversary of 19th amendment giving women right to vote

Not desperate. Not desperate at all.

rcocean said...

Can we find a picture of Epstein with the Queen of England or Hillary? Cause that would prove as much.

Anyway, I'm glad Don Jr. tweeted this, because its disgusting that the media and the Democrats are letting this pedophile speak at their convention, and not one word of condemnation. When the D's are not lying about Trump, or calling him a Racist, or hypocritically talking about the need to "bring the country together", they're listening to Hillary or Bill Clinton.

LilyBart said...

Trump parted company with Epstein a long time ago. Clinton hung in with him for quite some time.

Craig Howard said...

If this is an attempt to keep Epstein in the news, then, given the comments above, it may well be ingenious.

LA_Bob said...

My god Epstein had a big jaw.

No, I wouldn't have done the Don Jr tweet. It wasn't genius Althouse can't grasp. Everyone knows Bill has cooties and fleas. Let dead dogs lie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton has a known history of abuse of women.

Metoo = democrat Bullshit.

Readering said...

Genius because D Jr has scared off Clinton from wishing well G Maxwell during his remarks.

Michael K said...

ARM is always on top of the news that nobody is interested in.

Symbolic pardon on anniversary of 19th amendment.

wendybar said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Donald Trump pardons female suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony who was convicted of illegally voting to mark 100th anniversary of 19th amendment giving women right to vote

Not desperate. Not desperate at all.

8/18/20, 9:34 AM

Why didn't Saint Obama or Saint Clinton do this before, or didn't they think about it?

stevew said...

Sounds good Kellum, let us do a detailed comparison of the DJT and WJC times and engagements with Jeffrey Epstein.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

ARM desperately tries to change the subject.

You're so laughably transparent, commie.

Leland said...

Like so many above; let's go there.

We know Epstein gave rides on his private jet to Bill Clinton. Why did Epstein give these favors to Bill Clinton? Did Trump get the same favors? These are simple questions for the media to ask, so why aren't they asking them? Asking on both sides is fine, because if they can show Trump was there and have one of Epstein's victims say he was there, then I would want to know. Didn't one of Epstein's victims claim she was with Clinton on the island?

Tom said...

So Joe Biden and his brother bought property six feet (not miles) from Epstein’s pedo island. Six feed. You can wade those six feet and barely get your feet wet.

How many times did Joe go over to get lotion rubbed on his hairy legs (his words, not mine)?

Jeff Weimer said...

What I fail to grasp is that you seem to have fallen for it, Ann.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That’s so weak ARM. It must really bug you that Trump keeps doing presidential things while Biden is being kept from cameras and microphones for his own safety. Like Hillary, Joe has yet to realize he will never be president. But you should get it by now shouldn’t you?

Limited blogger said...

What are we talking about?

Birkel said...

The difference being Clinton (both of them) went to Epstein's pedo island.

Trump did not.

SensibleCitizen said...

Trump and Epstein weren't buds. People have this perception of Trump as a hound. He's germaphobic. Random sex with bimbos was never his thing. I think it would gross him out.

tim maguire said...

Trump and Epstein were in the same New York party circuit (as were all the glitterati). Only a dedicated left-wing partisan could think that is in any way equivalent to Bill Clinton flying on Epstein's jet to Epstein's island to diddle little girls who Epstein brought there for the occasion.

Red Feather said...

I have seen a few pics of Trump with Epstein and the first thing that always jumps out at me is how young Trump looks. Which then reminds me of how many near current pictures I have seen with Epstein and everybody else. The fact that they show nothing more recent reinforces the argument that Trump distanced himself from Epstein ages ago, so I'm not sure this is as effective as they are hoping.

Drago said...

wendybar: "This is why we laugh at the left."

Did you see this one from Beijing Boy ARM in this very thread re: Trump's hilarious and brilliant pardoning of Susan B Anthony?

Beijing Boy ARM: "Not desperate. Not desperate at all."


I don't blame ARM for being so discombobulated. Beijing Boy did not receive direction from Beijing on this subject (too far down the totem pole, with apologies to Li'l Tomahawk Warren) so ARM had to "wing it".......with predictable results!

Amadeus 48 said...

If Kellum Dander (or Althouse for that matter) thinks that was a "Gotcha!" on Trump, we are definitely watching two different movies in this country.

Every time I see Epstein, I think of the following in the following order:
1. Epstein and Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express;
2. Prince Andrew continuing his role as a lost soul and outcast wanderer; and
3. Trump kicking Epstein out of his Florida club.

Drago said...

Worth repeating:

"The Senator made a very moving and eloquent speech as a son of the Confederacy acknowledging that is was time to change and yield to a position that Senator Carol Mosely Braun raised on the floor of the Senate not granting a federal charter to a [sic] organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag as a symbol and the charter was to give them the right..the " impriratur" [sic] (imprimatur?) of the federal government to do that."
--Joe Biden

Yes, Joe "Confederate flag wavers are very fine people" Biden.


No wonder Dementia Joe picked someone from a slave holding family as his running mate!

Gee, I wonder if this video will make it into a campaign ad or two?

PubliusFlavius said...

"That Island was really a cesspool, there's no question about it,
just ask Prince Andrew"

....or Bill Clinton

Donald J Trump 2015 Bloomberg News

Achilles said...

Only a stupid person thinks that picture is a good rebuttal.

There is a difference between taking a picture with a person you later find out is a pedophile and repeated participation in pedophilia.

Only a person who is stupid enough to vote for Democrats could miss that difference.

n.n said...

Did Trump partake of pedophile island? Picture frames can be so exclusive, selective.

Here's one that features Oprah and Weinstein with a prospective "client".

British Actress Says Weinstein Used Oprah As Bait For Sex
#MeToo #HerToo #UnsafeSpaces

Big Mike said...

There must be a photo of Jeffrey Epstein with every man in the world.

Not me! I didn’t have nearly enough money.

There must be a photo of Jeffrey Epstein with every wealthy man in the world.

There, FIFY.

Joe Smith said...

"Not desperate. Not desperate at all."

And yet the Kenyan never did it...

Darrell said...

Comrade Althouse knows there is no equivalence. She is just keeping Casa Althouse safe. Until they turn on her again.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump is not a pedophile. Clinton is. So is Prince Andrew. Big difference.

Michael K said...

"Streisand Effect."

Gusty Winds said...

How ironic that ARM, on a post about Epstein, puts up the Susan B. Anthony mini nonsense and calls it desperate. I'm sure with that type of defection he know Clinton is a pedo and Trump is not.

Francisco D said...

We need to retroactively impeach Jimmy Carter because there is a well known photo of John Wayne Gacy and Roselyn Carter at a Dem fund raising event.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hmmm. Isn't there a big distinction between taking a picture with an ogre and flying to a pedo island with him and doing things you won't talk about?

n.n said...

If this is an attempt to keep Epstein in the news... it may well be ingenious.

Even Epstein deserved due process. Planned Pedophile was a denial of his civil rights.

walter said...

Tell me about the time Clinton kicked Epstein off his property for bad behavior.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daskol said...

And here I thought Trump benefits from the comparison to Clinton with respect to their relationships to Epstein. I don't think it takes a special kind of genius to recognize it, rather it takes an unfortunately common sort of ignorance to miss that fact.

Nichevo said...

Geoff Matthews said...
Isn’t there a claim that Epstein attacked Trump (physically) because Trump took a girl’s virginity before Epstein could?

8/18/20, 8:49 AM

Not by any human being.

Left Bank of the Charles said...
Could be that there was a deal: Epstein would kill himself and Trump would pardon Maxwell. The son is always the last to know.

8/18/20, 8:46 AM

You just wanted it so, so badly. Suck on that taste in your mouth, like a greasy coin.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Donald Trump pardons female suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony who was convicted of illegally voting to mark 100th anniversary of 19th amendment giving women right to vote

Not desperate. Not desperate at all.

Because that bitch belongs in jail where you put her? Can't wait till Gov. Nipplering McGrandpakiller in NY pardons Sacco and Vanzetti for the 2022 election.

Nichevo said...

Sorry I forgot to add you three to the list. Left Bank acts human occasionally but the mask always slips sooner or later.

Michael K said...

Inga noticed a moment of non-hate. Can't have that.

Will Cate said...

Yeah, junior didn't play that one well. The Prez himself was much more on-point, saying Hillary might have won in 2016 if she hadn't been married to Bill.

Michael K said...

Inga noticed a moment of non-hate. Can't have that.

Francisco D said...

Inga said...
“I wish her well.” Trump, when asked about Ghislaine Maxwell.

I wish you well too, sweetie, but you 'aint getting a Christmas card from me.

bagoh20 said...

Hey, there is a photo of FDR with Stalin too, but this isn't about photos.

You may want to consider the genius more, as this does force people to talk about something very very bad, which Clinton did do multiple times, and that Trump never did. So yea, lets do this comparison of the provable debauchery of Clinton against the assumed of Trump. Most people wrongly assume that Trump was involved with Epstein like Clinton, but don't know that he didn't like him and kicked him out of Mar a Lago, so bringing it up to be clarified in the public mind may just may be genius. What's the down side? Everybody has seen that photo already, but most don't know the true story that shows Trump's better character.

Amadeus 48 said...

"I wish her well". Amadeus 48, when asked about Inga.

bagoh20 said...

Clinton wishes a photo like that was all there was to his relationship with the guy.

By contrast, what does it say about a man that he would kick a famous well-connected billionaire out of his hotel for merely attempting to hit on the young female help? That would make a hero out of any man who was a Democrat. Yea, let's talk this up a bit. A man who protected young women from a wealthy pedophile versus another pedophile who fucked them.

How many of you voted for the fucker of young girls, but hate the protector?

bagoh20 said...

ARM, I'm very disappointing that you think pardoning Susan B. Anthony is a bad thing. Think about what that says about you. Hating Trump is more important. Bringing it up in the thread means you also think hating Trump is more important the rape of young women by a U.S. President. Is there anything more important than stroking your TDS?

tim maguire said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Donald Trump pardons female suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony who was convicted of illegally voting to mark 100th anniversary of 19th amendment giving women right to vote

Not desperate. Not desperate at all.

Agreed that it's just showmanship with no real significance, but it's the sort of showmanship that every president engages in. What's really galling is how partisans like you continually point to perfect normal things and act like it's a foundations of civilization-shaking event because Trump did it.

Mich McCormick said...

I know the Daily Mail is a super gossipy British rag BUT they just posted picts of Bill Clinton getting a neck massage from one of Epstein's victims.

Which looks a hella worse than Trump posing with Epstein in a standard rope line photo pic.

narciso said... Bill-Clinton-smiles-receiving-neck-massage-Jeffrey-Epstein-victim.html

eddie willers said...

Well it seems Don Jr. knew something we didn't when this post went up.

Front page pix and story at the Daily Mail:

EXCLUSIVE: 'Would you mind giving it a crack?' Bill Clinton leans back and smiles while receiving neck massage from Epstein victim, 22, in never-before-seen photos during trip on pedophile's plane to Africa in 2002 - as he addresses Dem convention TONIGHT

Ken B said...

I see your photo, and raise a photo of Bill Clinton getting a massage from one of Epstein’s victims

Iman said...

Not desperate. Not desperate at all.

viewership of networks’ coverage of 1st day of Democrat Shamvention down 50%.

Prepare yourself for some real desperation as it collapses and hits bottom.

eric said...

Blogger Francisco D said...
Inga said...
“I wish her well.” Trump, when asked about Ghislaine Maxwell.

I wish you well too, sweetie, but you 'aint getting a Christmas card from me.

8/18/20, 11:57 AM

I love how they write this like it's some secret or something. He said that in a televised interview for crying out loud.

And considering Epstein didn't kill himself, I wish her well also. Meaning, I hope she too doesn't not kill herself.

doctrev said...

The point of Trump Jr. attracting attention to Bill Clinton is the recent photograph of Bill Clinton being massaged by Epstein's own masseuse. When I tried looking for the picture this morning, the "debunked" picture of a fake Clinton being massaged in the nude was the main result. Now the Daily Mail's picture is the second result on Google, just after the debunked pic. That won't last long.

Going directly to Trump Jr's Twitter showed the actual picture. Of course a soyboy would respond with a picture of Trump and Epstein, which is remarkably weak sauce compared to that. By that logic, my picture with Bill Clinton shows that I'm involved in his conspiracy too.

ccscientist said...

That pic is at least 20 years ago. As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was up to, he banned him from Mar El Largo (his resort in fla). Did any other rich dudes ban Epstein from anything? No.

Drago said...

2 quick observations:

1) Inga has never criticized Bill Clinton or his 25+ trips on Epstein's Pedophilia One aircraft to pedophilia island.

2) Inga spent almost 4 years assuring everyone that the Dems had long ago left Bill and Hillary behind.....only to find Bill and Hillary have the most prestigious non-candidate speaking slots at the DNC Riots and Assaults For Everyone(!) Convention.

You know, maybe its just me, but I'm beginning to think some lefty and LLR posters at Althouse blog are really disingenuous people or something........

Michael said...

Nice photo of Billy Clinto getting a back rub from one of Jeff’s girls. Daily News. Don Jr lured them in on this one.

Joe Smith said...

Clinton's old pickup line as president: "Would you like a position on my presidential staff?"

Clinton's pickup line since leaving office: "Would you like to take a presidential poll?"

Amadeus 48 said...

"Or is this some kind of genius that I am failing to grasp?"

Well, the Daily Mail does it again. Massage-gate on the front page.

I think maybe Don Jr. knew something was in the wind. The Trumps are not brilliant, but they are usually two or three steps ahead of the herd.

A great line from Margin Call: "What have I told you from the first day you walked into my office? There are three ways to make money in this business: be smarter, get there first, or cheat--and I don't cheat."

I think the Trumps just did two out of three.

Rory said...

"...almost 4 years assuring everyone that the Dems had long ago left Bill and Hillary behind....."

Every single leftist in the country has said this.

Leland said...

+1 Ayn Rand reader @2:00pm and Michael @2:46pm

Well played Jr.

Drago said...

I would advise caution for all Althouse commenters who are posting pictures of Bill Clinton getting massaged by an Epstein underage victim.

Once you have criticized a democrat at any level, much less Bill Clinton, that is usually the start of a string of unhinged and spittle flecked LLR-lefty Chuck posts vomited up to protect his beloved dems.

You've been warned.

eddie willers said...

You've been warned.

And he will FIGHT you!

Michael K said...

Mich McCormick said...
I know the Daily Mail is a super gossipy British rag BUT they just posted picts of Bill Clinton getting a neck massage from one of Epstein's victims.

Which looks a hella worse than Trump posing with Epstein in a standard rope line photo pic.

That's why I called this exchange "Streisand Effect." The left operates as a reflex arc. No thought at all. It never occurred to them that brining up Epstein might not be a good idea.

doctrev said...

Amadeus 48 said...

I think maybe Don Jr. knew something was in the wind. The Trumps are not brilliant, but they are usually two or three steps ahead of the herd.

A great line from Margin Call: "What have I told you from the first day you walked into my office? There are three ways to make money in this business: be smarter, get there first, or cheat--and I don't cheat."

I think the Trumps just did two out of three.

8/18/20, 3:36 PM

Yup. It's easier to outpace the herd when you're the one leading it.

ken in tx said...

At one time, The United Daughters of the Confederacy had a federal charter, that among other things, allowed them exclusive use of the Confederate flag as a symbol. They could not prevent anyone from flying one, but they could prevent it's use in political propaganda or commercial advertising. They tried to prevent people like the Klan from displaying it but I don't think they were very successful. Renewing that charter is what Biden was talking about in the quote above. IIRC, it was not renewed.

Readering said...

It's not the Steisand effect when DJT remains connected to Epstein!!

Drago said...

Readering: "It's not the Steisand effect when DJT remains connected to Epstein!!"


Go ahead. Detail the "connected"-ness of DJT to Epstein.

Go ahead.

n.n said...

when DJT remains connected to Epstein

Foot to Ass, while Democrats kneel in solidarity and inclusion.

Rusty said...

"Readering: "It's not the Steisand effect when DJT remains connected to Epstein!!""
President Carters wife had her picture taken with John Wayne Gacey. Does that mean she condones serial killing?
Who did you pay to get your law degree?

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