From a Washington Post article with a convoluted (and misleading) headline: "Claim that sex ed ‘grooms’ kids jolted Nebraska politics a year before it swept the nation/The unsubstantiated claim led to a backlash against sex ed that helped topple local Republican Party leaders and propelled a wave of far-right candidates for local and statewide school board."
Notice that the headline just says "sex ed" — twice — and not "comprehensive sex education." I think what's upsetting people isn't "sex ed" per se but a particular kind of sex ed. But you have to wade through the most tangled prose to figure out what kind of sex ed is producing this accusation that the state's education professionals intended to sexualize children and to undermine their defenses to sexual abuse. Even if the accusations are overblown, Nebraskans were not "jolted" over nothing, were they? Does The Washington Post expect us readers to look down on Nebraskans — those ignorant, hysterical, flyoever?
Looking for a more detailed description than the misleading "sex ed," I see: "modern sex education — including lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity" and "a comprehensive approach to sex ed that includes discussions of sexual orientation, contraception and consent." And, about Nebraska’s new "grade-by-grade guidelines for sex education":
Kindergartners would learn medically accurate terms for body parts, including genitalia, and about interracial and same-sex families. They would also learn about “consent” and “how to clearly say no.” First-graders would learn the definitions of gender identity and gender-role stereotypes. The meaning of sexual orientation would be explained in third grade.
It's just way too much sex for little kids. You're asking them to visualize sexual situations so that they can say "no." And you're demanding that children who are nowhere near the age of consent to contemplate the complexities of consent (a topic that confuses adults). Most people are inclined to create and defend a zone of innocence for children. Nebraskans, confronted with the state's different plan, sprang into action. Of course, there was backlash!
"particular kind of sex ed."
Yeah, the kind that has graphic depictions of homosexuals having oral sex and encourages little boys to cut their penises off and little girls to cut their breasts off.
Bingo. That kind.
'In an interview, Shakeshaft told The Post that she is 'distraught' that her research has been used to justify claims that sex education amounts to grooming.'
It's grooming when you teach 5-year-olds about pronouns, homosexual anal sex, and the wonders of puberty blockers and drag queens.
It's also fucking sick.
What should it be called?
Have you seen some of the illustrated books available to children in some school libraries?
I have. If those were in my home I'd be worried about a visit from the feds...
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Note the ambiguous term “chatter”. This wasn’t people looking to groom but rather calling out progressive groomers.
(Also, Beavis and Butthead laugh - Shakeshaft)
"I think what's upsetting people isn't 'sex ed' per se but a particular kind of sex ed."
And journalists sympathetic to the activist educators will elide this distinction as much and as long as they can. It'll be like their characterization of pushback against 1619 Project-inspired curricula: Obviously these people don't want kids to learn about slavery and Jim Crow.
Never ever forget that this really got going after LibsOfTikTok started showing (not revealing...the groomers put this out publicly) these people LITERALLY saying they were grooming kids in schools or elsewhere on purpose. These people were LITERALLAY saying they were working with other people's kids to hide sexual discussions or choices from parents.
And who could forget the San Francisco Gay men's chorus, on youtube, in song, literally saying that they're "coming for your kids".
These people are making a lot of lists, if you know what I mean, and they're stupid enough to put their biometrics online while doing for all to see.
Gender identity indoctrination is almost unrelated to actual sex ed. It’s certainly not the same thing.
And in any case, you don’t teach sex ed to kindergartners beyond “good touch, bad touch”.
Small children, especially girls, desperately want to please their teachers. And these pervert teachers are using this to, at the very least, fill the gaping emotional holes in their sad selves.
Sex Education in how to have all forms of sex that do not repopulate the USA. The Depopulators are after our grandchildren. They could care less about the children they are out to destroy.
81 million people voted for this.
This is happening everywhere. Our local school district is doing something similar. When the parents found out, they flooded the school board meeting. It has been tabled - for now. No one objects to basic biology and how babies are made, in the right setting with older kids. My daughter attends Catholic school, they even have a talk about changing bodies in 5th grade - girls and boys separated. Lots of explaining hygiene (you need to shower and wear deoderant), hair that grows, and what is going to happen to them in the next few years. In 8th grade health they deal with the rest of babies and reproduction. Clinical and nothing about genders, non-conforming, etc. This is what most parents want. They also teach everyone to love each other despite our differences.
Keep messing with people’s children and see what happens. There will be no forgiveness for groomers, or the people who enable or excuse this disgusting behavior. The consequences will be unprecedented.
Once you notice how kid-friendly most gender-bender propaganda is you won't be able to unsee it. The people creating it may not be thinking pedophile grooming but they are definitely targeting age groups that most people would not be comfortable exposing to explicitly sexual material.
"I think what's upsetting people isn't "sex ed" per se but a particular kind of sex ed."
Well, of course. This is how the Left works. Take a bit of info out of context, shorten what was actually being done or said to fit a one-liner that can easily spread fear and loathing in those hungering to fear and loathe the right.
"Does The Washington Post expect us readers to look down on Nebraskans — those ignorant, hysterical, flyover?"
Yes. As they do for all conservatives that live between the coasts or in the South.
This is simply another case of the Left jumping on board a train of whose destination they haven't a clue. And they do so with religious fervor and anyone not willing to jump aboard that train is to be viewed as an apostate and cast out. No- destroyed. But first, shamed and insulted.
And in the end, the Left still does not get it. They don't understand why so many are turning away from them. Instead they just keep piling on. Life is like that when you have blinders on your eyes, your hands clasped to your ears, and your voice shouting "Lalalalalala" so loudly that you cannot possibly hear an answer from anyone who might disagree.
What do children learn in years of sex ed that I didn't learn from the guys on the street corner in 10 minutes? Why is this a feature of so-called developed societies? Undeveloped societies get along without it just fine.
Shakeshaft. Made me chuckle.
The right wing needs to learn to use left wing ideological advances against itself. This involves a reducto ad absurdum and forces the left to change its positions.
Example 1: Promote abortion for "undesirables" -- suddenly abortion will be racist and anti-black-and-brown eugenics.
Example 2: Promote sex ed and p*rn for everyone, and prostitution careers for teenagers -- "It's high time that Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Prince Andrew have direct access to all the women they want." Then the left will shift toward protecting children against the creepy "white male oligarchs."
But, the left knows the right doesn't do it. No how now way. No bending, no compromises. A lot of people these days need to read Jonathan Swift's notorious story A Modest Proposal."
It's totally reactionary fascist running doggery ginning up moral panic about 7 year olds being taught get consent before gou put a butt plug in someone
Thank you Washington Post for telling us left wing sex education is just "mostly peaceful" grooming.
We are so relieved!
I'm quite confident that, in terms of sexual abuse of minors, public schools make the Catholic Church look like a bunch of pikers.
And it seems to be something of an open secret.
They tried this aggressive sex Ed in Virginia. Same backlash from parents happened. Check Matt Taibbi’s excellent coverage of the story.
"Even if the accusations are overblown, Nebraskans were not "jolted" over nothing, were they? Does The Washington Post expect us readers to look down on Nebraskans — those ignorant, hysterical, fly over?"
Ann knew that would get my attention.
I broke down and did a free subscription to the WaPo to read that article. I can tell you that nothing about this appeared in the Omaha World-Herald other than the fact that the GOP Chairman was sacked and there was an arrest of a delegate.
This is a hit piece of the worst sort. I talked to Gov. Ricketts for about ten minutes earlier this year and he is very smart and thoughtful. He wouldn't have attacked that new state sex ed plan unless he had very good reasons.
I would very much tend to believe the 64-year-old female doctor from Kearney.
At the same event where I talked to Gov. Ricketts, I heard Kirk Penner. He's a Lincoln candidate for the State School Board. He spoke on this topic and I found him credible. And I'm a cynical lawyer.
WaPo rolled out the line that school board seats in Nebraska are non-partisan. The facts are they are controlled by the Dems and the teacher-educational bureaucracy establishment. Omaha Public Schools and Lincoln Public Schools have horrible performance numbers. Those two school systems are run for the benefit of the adults. Two suburban systems are good.
Today, it's a fair assumption that everything - and I do mean everything - published by the WaPo is either biased, slanted, propaganda, spin, twisted or just a plain lie.
Althouse said…Notice that the headline just says "sex ed" — twice — and not "comprehensive sex education." I think what's upsetting people isn't "sex ed" per se but a particular kind of sex ed….It's just way too much sex for little kids.
Althouse is 100% correct in what is upsetting people and why they believe current sex ed in public schools amounts to “grooming”.
For Generation Z “sex ed” was somewhere between 4th and 6th grade. It was strictly about reproductive systems of men and women, and how babies were made. The big reveal wasn’t until the end when they told you about sexual intercourse. Most already knew.
But now they want to teach kids about oral sex, masturbation, anal sex, homosexual sex etc… And if you catch these crazy millennial green haired teachers on Tik-Toc, they share with these young kids the type of relationship / sex they have in their lives. They also send the kids the message…”If you feel think you want to be like me…we’ll keep it a secret from your parents”.
That is GROOMING. If it wasn’t, the public schools, teachers, and school boards wouldn’t be so offended by parental backlash. The grooming goes all the way up to Merrick Garland who labeled these rightfully concerned parents as “domestic terrorists”.
We’re in a lot of trouble here, especially the young children of the Millennials.
From Fox News regarding teachers in NC: "At least 135 teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested so far this year on child sex-related crimes in the U.S., ranging from child pornography to raping students."
Maybe the reason the WaPo found "an increase in grooming chatter....on platforms favored by right-wing activists" is because all the groomers are on left-wing platforms favored by teachers.
I saw "grooming" and "right-wing" in the title and assumed this was going to be about the Lincoln Project.
WaPoo is, once again, taking the anthropology approach to those mysterious inhabitants of the country west of the Hudson River.
When Catholic Priests engaged in child molestation of young boys and girls on a large scale, it wasn’t for reproductive or religious education. They groomed those children to trust them. And the main reason they got away with it for so long…is they convinced the children not to tell anybody. Especially their parents.
Public school teachers and administrators telling young kids that “well keep you new gender identity a secret from your narrow minded parents” is much the same thing.
The sad fact of the matter is that people who turn their children over to government schools for 8 hours a day, so they can go work their barely-over-minimum-wage jobs are abandoning their children.
Those children don't matter to those parents. If you're sending your kid to a public school, YOU are the problem, not the school. Show me ANY other aspect of our government that's run properly. I'll wait.
And don't gripe that you "pay" for it. You get what you pay for. In this case, your kid pays the bill, and right from the start they're being groomed. Start demanding school vouchers in your state and get your kids as far away from the government's "so-called" education as you can get them. Don't whine to me when your kid gets raped by the low-rent teachers they hire.
This is happening everywhere. Our local school district is doing something similar. When the parents found out, they flooded the school board meeting. It has been tabled - for now. No one objects to basic biology and how babies are made, in the right setting with older kids. My daughter attends Catholic school, they even have a talk about changing bodies in 5th grade - girls and boys separated. Lots of explaining hygiene (you need to shower and wear deoderant), hair that grows, and what is going to happen to them in the next few years. In 8th grade health they deal with the rest of babies and reproduction. Clinical and nothing about genders, non-conforming, etc. This is what most parents want. They also teach everyone to love each other despite our differences.
The Washington Post assumes that you agree that this curriculum is good for children. That tells you everything you need to know about the Washington Post. Nothing about this wave of transgender indoctrination is organic. How in the hell did such evil people take over K-12 education so quickly and completely?
This story is of the genre those-Midwestern-hicks-don't-know-anything. The liberal and rich coastal elites know best because they are, ipso facto, the best and the brightest. We Deplorables must obey our betters.
Dr. Greenwald is exactly my age and is a UNMC graduate. I have a number of friends and acquaintances in her class. She practiced her entire life in Kearney and I would trust her judgement.
And my sense is that the revolt at the GOP convention was really over the primary race for Governor. The Trump-backed guy lost. He spent $12m of his own money. My candidate, Jim Pilen, out worked him.
I have written this before- if the parents won't guide their children in their physical and emotional development, someone else will. This idea going around that parents should just let their children "discover" their own gender and sexual identity is just surrendering this responsibility, not to their children, but to third parties everywhere else.
Yes, these people in the schools are groomers- full stop. Rufo is correct.
I read that Reddit has banned the word “groomer.” The Washington Post understands its role in introducing new language and stigmatizing language the movement deems bad.
I just read this in another paper, on trans activists angry over the use of “women’s rights” in covering abortion:
Use of inclusive language in activism and journalism directly correlates to inclusivity in legislation, Ashleigh Strange, board secretary of Planned Parenthood PA, said. “As a nonbinary person with a uterus”…
A reporter champions activists in trying to lobby other reporters to change the way they write, while acknowledging that such advocacy influences legislation. They're not hiding it.
Just a few weeks ago Eric Rohman a resident and public school employee of Mount Pleasant, MI was arrested in a Pedophilia sting.
This was not long after the openly mocked concerned parents in front of a school board meeting. You can watch his condescending and mocking speech here on twitter.
If you don’t want to watch here is what he said in his speech, below are quotes from the article linked above.
“My name is Eric Rohman. I am a resident, townie, taxpayer, vaccinated and functioning graduate of this high school, class of 1999, proud member of the LGBTQIA community, and an employee of Mt. Pleasant Public Schools,” Rohman said, before telling the board and townspeople that their children are “hungry” for “knowledge” on homosexuality and transgenderism.
“I can tell you this – they are hungry for knowledge,” Rohman said of the children of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, before directly taunting the parents in the crowd, some of whom appeared to get up and leave as Rohman spoke. “They are so hungry for knowledge that despite your words, your wishes, your values, they will learn on their own.”
“They’re gonna do it anyway, no matter what you say or do,” Rohman went on to say of the children and his apparent hopes that they will join him in the “LGBTQIA community,” saying that they will do so “no matter how many candles you light, no matter how many rallies you hold.”
Parents' fears of public school grooming are justified. Same as the concerns with priests. The influence and scars last a lifetime.
"Groomers" want the kids to agree that their taste in sexuality is fun before the kids have experienced what normal sexuality offers. It's an easier play then. The kids are closer to polymorphous perverse still.
I saw a report that there are over 180 cases of sexual crimes by public school workers against students K-12 in the first half of 2022 alone. That may not sound like a lot but if your child is one of the victims it rocks his/her world forever. We are supposed to be hypersensitive if one gender confused child can’t use the bathroom of his/her choice but we’re told that we are backward awful people if we object to the rise of sexual exploitation of children in schools.
The left does not care about children. Period.
Related: more than 10 registered pedophiles traveled from the UK to Poland to assist with child refugees from Ukraine. Fortunately authorities found out and shipped them back to the UK before they could abuse any children. Which side do you think the left would be on in this case?
Kindergartners would learn medically accurate terms for body parts, including genitalia, and about interracial and same-sex families. They would also learn about “consent” and “how to clearly say no.” First-graders would learn the definitions of gender identity and gender-role stereotypes. The meaning of sexual orientation would be explained in third grade.
Cornhusking is more complicated than it used to be.
Explain to me again why it's government's job to teach kids about sex.
Teachers are resigning because of student behavior problems and left wing politics.
Kinnett asked 615 K-12 teachers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin the main reason they were leaving their current position and whether they would return if it was dealt with. Respondents were also asked whether they were union members, of which over half (356) said they were.
Student behavior, left-wing politics
An overwhelming majority of respondents (319 out of 615) listed student behavior as their number one reason for resigning, followed by 138 selecting “progressive political activity” (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, CRT, gender identity) and 134 basing their decision on “insufficient” salaries.
The "student behavior" problem is a direct result of Obama policies that reduced discipline in schools. I wonder how many who resigned because of "student behavior" worked in black majority schools?
"It's just way too much sex for little kids. You're asking them to visualize sexual situations so that they can say "no.""
Actually, this is the point of the prog campaign. Not too much. Just what kids need. Grooming by any other name.
"Explain to me again why it's government's job to teach kids about sex."
Who else will? Parents too often aren't doing the job.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
When Catholic Priests engaged in child molestation of young boys and girls on a large scale,
O/T but what percent of the victims were girls? My understanding is that most, high 90%s were boys. And that most of them were post-pubescent boys.
But don't say gay!
WaPo, "Opposition was led by Greenwald and other residents of Kearney, a college town in an agricultural community. It is the seat of government for Buffalo County, where three out of five voters are Republicans. Donald Trump twice carried the predominantly White county of about 50,000 people."
Translation: These White Trump voters are the enemies of enlightened WaPo readers. They are the Deplorables.
"and about interracial and same-sex families"
So do they play "Brown Sugar" by the Rolling Stones or Lou Reed's "Walk on the Wild Side"?
The sex ed the Left wants is to talk sex with children less than 13. Like 5 or 6. Little kids have no idea about sex and should be left alone. The Woke keep obfuscating this. They want to teach little kids about gay sex, transgenders, masturbation, prostitution. It is nuts and sick. But they call it "sex ed" when it is not. Traditionally, basic biology is taught in 5th grade or later. Not first grade. That is grooming and abuse.
"She supports teaching comprehensive sex education. 'It gives the child a set of tools to help keep themselves safe,' she said....""
She lied. There is no reliable evidence - but there is a lot of reliable counter-evidence - that "comprehensive sex education" as taught in public schools in the US has helped keep kids safe OR reduced teen age pregnancy OR any of the other end goals with which it is tasked.
It's BS through and through. Adding "gender" ideology to it is simply layer shit on a turd.
Danielle Helzer is running for an elected position on the Nebraska State School Board. She supports the new sex-ed curriculum that has Nebraskans up in arms. The WaPoo article states: “Helzer, 36, is a former teacher who has screened volunteers for the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program.”.
I was a Big Bother 35 years ago in the Big Brother / Big Sister program in Wisconsin. When I applied to be a “Big”, I had to go through a thorough screening process by the organization as they needed to catch any sex abusers or potential sex abusers. They even asked me my attitudes about pornography, homosexuality and masturbation - topics I hadn’t expected when I was interviewed. Being a conservative straight male who had what would be considered a “sheltered life”, these questions shocked me. Reflecting afterwards, I understood why they asked these questions and I had my eyes opened to how evil pedophiles can be with destroying children's lives.
With Danielle Helzer supporting this new sex-ed curriculum, I shudder to think who she has allowed to pass the screening to be a Big Brother / Big Sister, especially when the BB/BS standards of 3 1/2 decades ago for screening out people are at odds with the proposed sex-ed topics to the general school population of kids that she supports.
Without reading the other commenters first-
Why did the terms groomer and grooming take off so quickly? Easy - because they’re accurate.
Why are all the social media companies and liberal groups trying so hard to censor the terms? Easy- because they’re accurate.
I confess I am suspicious of any adult man who really, really likes working with kids. The more dedicated, the more activities they sponsor, esp overnight field trips, the more sus.
My old high school just busted a popular teacher for having sex with students. It took years to come to light.
Maybe it's because the men in my family were so uninterested in children, that any guy who is seems unnatural.
Remember when athletic coaches taught sex ed, and the girls and boys were separated when the girls watched some corny film about menstruation? The entire time spent doing all of this took about three class sessions in eighth grade, and it included child development and no explicit discussion about actually having sex and only vague references to contraception and vd.
Did I just go to a reasonable school, or were those just more reasonable times?
In Belmont, MA outside Boston, a "secret" website our town school system uses for sex ed has a
"scram" system: hit a certain key three times quickly, and it closes up.
Can't have parents seeing any of that!!!
Sex is penis penetration of the vagina in a male by Nature and female by Nature, respectively, with the [mysterious] potential to produce "our Posterity". All other forms of penetration, whether oral, rectal, or some other receptacle or hole, is sexual, at best.
Grooming involves Hollywood directors, Church priests, Boy Scouts leaders, school teachers, social justice advocates, pornographers, etc. who violate human dignity and agency, and reduce human life to negotiable... pleasurable commodities.
Abortion is a human rites, a wicked solution, performed for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes, to keep women, and ten-year old girls, affordable, available, and taxable.
Women, men, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.
Straight people have had it pretty good for a long time. When they grew up, they knew, with practical certainty, that there was some opposite-sex person out there for them, and if they just kept looking, they'd enjoy opportunities for sexual experimentation and eventual compatibility.
Gay folks haven't had that same privilege; in a small town, they might grow up being the only person they knew, in a very small minority, with no desirable options for fucking among their peers. No wonder so many run off to New York or San Francisco!
If, when they were growing up, these poor gay kids had had their school systems aggressively grooming their peers into accepting and eager attitudes towards same-sex experimentation, they would no doubt have a more entertaining and sexually saturated adolescence.
These teachers are just paying-it forward to the next generation of gay and gay-convincible students. Why should the big cities have all the gay fun?
These are the same people who call Christopher Rufo a radical activist instead of a scholar and writer currently at the right-of-center City Journal.
So when professors sign petitions and testify as leftists and draft bills and lobby for them, which they do all the damn time, they do so as scholars and experts. But Rufo, who has produced stellar intellectual research as an expert in CRT and has written for several elite intellectual publications, is a "right-wing activist."
These journalists can't stop lying. If they think what they are doing is objective, they are mentally ill.
A [Washington] Post "analysis...." You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Buckwheathikes said...
The sad fact of the matter is that people who turn their children over to government schools for 8 hours a day, so they can go work their barely-over-minimum-wage jobs are abandoning their children."
Not being able to feed and house their children is also an abandonment of their children. The better option is for state legislatures crack the whip over this woke nonsense not only from K-1 to K-12 but at state universities as well. Republicans are just as guilty for not taking control of this disaster where they are in control. Implementing follow the child funding would also be a great improvement and abolishing the US Dept. Of Education would definitely help improve matters.
Teaching kids to say no and tell a trusted adult is urgent from a young age -- at school, at church, at scouts, at gymnastics, at soccer, at JROTC (just to go by recent news coverage).
But more broadly, Ann writes:
"It's just way too much sex for little kids. You're asking them to visualize sexual situations so that they can say "no." And you're demanding that children who are nowhere near the age of consent to contemplate the complexities of consent (a topic that confuses adults). Most people are inclined to create and defend a zone of innocence for children."
I mean give me a goddammed break. This is the argument that's been used against every single bit of anything anyone would call "sex ed" including basic anatomy since the very beginning of sex ed. It's not based on what's actually in the curriculum. It ignores that children are sexualized and need protection from an extremely young age -- not because of the sex ed class, because of the adults in their lives and the broader culture and media environment.
It's the same thing as the people who said teaching middle schoolers about condoms in the middle of the AIDS epidemic will make them have sex.
$10 says you (Ann) rolled your eyes at the version of you who made this exact argument 30 years ago.
Most people are NOT inclined to create and defend a zone of innocence for children. That's why you need comprehensive sex ed class.
Hey, it's only upsetting "far-right" people. All you moderate centrists are perfectly OK with having your children raped by perverts.
Blogger Carol said...
I confess I am suspicious of any adult man who really, really likes working with kids. The more dedicated, the more activities they sponsor, esp overnight field trips, the more sus.
I agree but my youngest daughter's favorite 8th grade teacher was a man and his wife taught at the same school, which was private. I have seen a couple of examples of male teachers being falsely accused to sex harassment. One case was two girls who were mad at being scolded for skipping gym. I would not be a male teacher of girls.
Here's an example.
"Gay folks haven't had that same privilege..."
You are buying into the notion that some people are "gay" and the rest are not. If that were true, the damaged would not devote so much effort to damaging other people's children.
I don't understand why someone would choose to have peacocks instead of plastic pink flamingos on their front lawn. It's not your intent, but, if you stock the lawn with peacocks in certain neighborhoods, you're going to draw coyotes....Explicit discussion of human sexuality by strangers with very young children: That's a target rich environment for predators, and it's sure to attract them......I went to Catholic schools. There was a lot of shame and ignorance surrounding sex. Nuns weren't the best guides as you entered puberty. They could have done better, but this isn't better.
It linked to an essay he wrote citing a 2004 study by scholar Charol Shakeshaft, who estimated that 10 percent of K-12 students receive unwanted sexual attention from a school employee. In an interview, Shakeshaft told The Post that she is 'distraught' that her research has been used to justify claims that sex education amounts to grooming. She supports teaching comprehensive sex education. 'It gives the child a set of tools to help keep themselves safe,' she said...."
All you need to know sex ed:
1: This is a penis. if you have one of these, never put it inside of any human body part unless you have a condom on it
2: This is a vagina: if you have one of these, never let a penis in her without a condom on it
3: This is your asshole: Don't put anything into it, it is "a write only port".
If you can't handle that best practices advice, then never put anything into it that isn't wrapped in a condom, and never put anything inanimate or non-human into it
For the 4th graders:
This is the relevant Anatomy
Before that? STFU about sex
Lem said...
They tried this aggressive sex Ed in Virginia. Same backlash from parents happened.
If by "some backlash" you mean "VA flipped from solid Dem to GOP sweep in response", then your description would be correct
Understated, but correct
"Explain to me again why it's government's job to teach kids about sex."
"Who else will? Parents too often aren't doing the job."
Dear God, Cookie, you don't really believe that, do you?
And notice I said explain, not assert. That usually involves providing some evidence.
gay fun
"full of joy, merry; light-hearted, carefree", less the parade of lions, lionesses, and their unPlanned cubs.
There are two separate issues. First, gender "instruction" of any sort is wholly inappropriate at any age. Second, it's not "grooming" and Rufo doesn't get to invent definitions. Grooming is getting a kid ready for sex with the groomer. What is happening in these cases is closer to indoctrination, but even that is unlikely.
The fact is, the kids who get caught in this net are screwed up kids anyway. So if it wasn't gender, it'd be cutting or suicide attempts. Don't kid yourself that totally normal kids get caught up in this. There's also a great deal of social contagion.
But calling it "grooming" is just playing along with Rufo, who wants to kill all public schools. As for Libs, she'll lie or mislead to her cult whenever she can. A large number of her examples are from private schools or charters, many are from overseas, and many of the ones that are purportedly of public schools are cases where the poster is flatly lying.
Remember, a poll from the Heritage foundation determined that teachers are barely left of center. Also remember that all you hysterics are the equivalent of the leftist nuts on twitter. You think you're a legion,but you're fringe.
"These are the same people who call Christopher Rufo a radical activist instead of a scholar and writer currently at the right-of-center City Journal."
Rufo isn't a scholar and writer. He's a hack with an agenda, and the agenda isn't "stop CRT" but "kill public schools". And even that's just a way to get paid.
""A [Washington] Post analysis also found an increase in grooming chatter... on platforms favored by right-wing activists...""
It's a good thing we start this discussion from the point of view of the WAPO.
Christopher Rufo writes for a publication. But they probably have Toe Nail Fungus adds on his news stories.
Only icky Trump supporters would read those publications. City Journal? Feh!
The articles there might have actual reporting and real information. They might not be constantly purposely dishonest.
But people who read that trashy stuff just don't have the status of a WAPO/NYT's reader.
Interesting, apparently calling the Left groomers is effective. On a side note calling the Left baby killers doesn't seem to be effective. I wonder what it says about the conscience of the Left regarding the two subjects those pejoratives are attached to.
Teaching kids not to talk to strangers goes back to my childhood in the '50s. When my daughter was in preschool in the '80s, they taught about "bad touch, good touch" and the privacy of your "swimsuit area."
Learning that some families are inter-racial should not be part of sex ed. If a child watches TV, even a Nebraska child, he/she/ze/they will know that most couples are biracial. (My father was born and raised in Omaha, and I was raised to venerate Nebraska.)
Rufo isn't a scholar and writer. He's a hack with an agenda, and the agenda isn't "stop CRT" but "kill public schools". And even that's just a way to get paid.
The Teachers' Union has been heard from.
Duke Dan: "Note the ambiguous term “chatter”. This wasn’t people looking to groom but rather calling out progressive groomers."
Correct. The dems/lefties/Lincoln Pedophile Project/Nevertrumpers did not appreciate being called out on their enabling of groomers.
Republican's Pounce!
Unfortunately for the groomers and their many, many co-conspirators on the nevertrump FakeCon side, far too many parents of far too many children got an up close and personal look at just what the lefties/dems/nevertrumpers were "teaching" to the children during the 2 year lefty/dem/nevertrump covid-based lock-down attack on education.
All those zoom many many tik many youtube videos where all the groomers bragged and bragged about who they were, what they were doing and why they were never going to stop.
Then: Glenn Youngkin won in VA, based on many of the squishy-headed suburban liberal mom votes that shifted from D to R after they saw what was being done to their children.
And suddenly, many of the dems and their groomer allies, like gadfly here at Althouse who literally defended adult depends-"stud" Joe Biden showering with his adolescent daughter, wanted to hide the very things they were so very proud of just a short while earlier.
tsk tsk tsk
You can't run away from this one. You've STILL got these idiot groomers posting videos of themselves bragging about their activities even AFTER being exposed.
They can't help themselves. They are sick.
Education Realist said...
"Grooming is getting a kid ready for sex with the groomer."
Oh, I get it. So getting him ready for sex with someone else isn't "grooming". And inviting him to an afterschool drag show without mentioning it to his parents is NOT grooming. Got it, ER. You're the "lifelong Republican", right?
All of this started a long time ago, and the camel's nose under the tent was relatively innocuous stuff like "TA for Tots", wherein you were taught all about "warm fuzzies" and "cold pricklies", which when looked at from an adult's perspective were more than just a little weird. I don't think that most of the teachers back when I was a kid even recognized what they were putting out, in terms of message and materials. Yet... I heard that same language used as leverage when reading case studies of pedophiles grooming kids. You condition a kid to think that they're supposed to give everyone they meet "warm fuzzies", and that "cold pricklies" are bad, then you're halfway to persuading them that those funny feelings they're getting when touched inappropriately are just fine, and that if they react badly, they're wrong for giving out "cold pricklies".
I have to say that when I read that stuff, I flashed back to the 4th grade classroom and went "WTF?". My mom taught in that school district, and never once recognized that material for what it was, or what uses it would be put to by people seeking sex with kids.
Normalizing that all that touchy-feely crap started a long time ago, and was sufficiently well-camouflaged that it's only apparent when you are forced to see it.
Daniel12 said...
Most people are NOT inclined to create and defend a zone of innocence for children. That's why you need comprehensive sex ed class.
Especially freaks like you
"It's just way too much sex for little kids. You're asking them to visualize sexual situations so that they can say "no." And you're demanding that children who are nowhere near the age of consent to contemplate the complexities of consent (a topic that confuses adults). Most people are inclined to create and defend a zone of innocence for children."
I mean give me a goddammed break. This is the argument that's been used against every single bit of anything anyone would call "sex ed" including basic anatomy since the very beginning of sex ed.
Let's have a little challenge here:
1: Define what you mean by "comprehensive sex ed"? Is it "teach about all the different forms of birth control". Or is it "celebrate all the freaks"?
2: Provide a scientific paper detailing the study that found that that form of "sex ed" provided significantly better results, in terms of fewer teen pregnancies, abortions, live births, and STDs, than any other kind of sex ed.
Note: you only get to pick one paper, and if I can tear it apart, then the challenge is over, and you lose
So, you got any actual support for your "comprehensive sex ed is best! Teach anal sex to 1st graders!"?
Or are we just going to agree that it's pure BS on your part?
Then: Glenn Youngkin won in VA, based on many of the squishy-headed suburban liberal mom votes that shifted from D to R after they saw what was being done to their children.
The same transformation happened with #MeToo and resulted in its spectacular failure, when the ladies recognized a movement that had diverged from civil rights process through due process to conducting witch hunts and warlock trials that targeted their husbands and sons.
Education Realist said...
Wow, I'm very unimpressed
There are two separate issues. First, gender "instruction" of any sort is wholly inappropriate at any age. Second, it's not "grooming" and Rufo doesn't get to invent definitions. Grooming is getting a kid ready for sex with the groomer. What is happening in these cases is closer to indoctrination, but even that is unlikely.
"Indoctrinating" a kid to get him / her ready to be used sexually by someone else is quite properly referred to as "grooming"
Making kids into victims is evil, even when you're making them someone else's victim. In The Story of O, for example, Rene was grooming O for Sir Stephen
The fact is, the kids who get caught in this net are screwed up kids anyway. So if it wasn't gender, it'd be cutting or suicide attempts. Don't kid yourself that totally normal kids get caught up in this. There's also a great deal of social contagion.
That is an amazingly screwed up statement. "Hey, these kids have mental problems anyway, so what's the problem with "teachers" fighting to make them worse!"
Even if your claim were true, ti would be no defense.
But calling it "grooming" is just playing along with Rufo, who wants to kill all public schools.
Calling it "grooming" is sticking to reality, rather than left wing propaganda. And killing all public schools and replacing them with vouchers when be a significant improvement in education.
So that's Rufo 2 - you 0
As for Libs, she'll lie or mislead to her cult whenever she can. A large number of her examples are from private schools or charters
1: Charter schools are public schools.
2: The fact that there are many bad private school teachers out there is no surprise. See Bernie "kiddie porn on my HD" Ward.
3: So what? The issue is that there's a lot of American teachers out there who are trying to screw over their students, and parents should be monitoring and fighting back
many are from overseas, and many of the ones that are purportedly of public schools are cases where the poster is flatly lying.
1: "Many" is such a lovely bullshit word. How many is "many"? What % of the total? Is it the worse %, best %, or sort of spread out? And what's your proof for this claim?
You're an education blogger. Dont' you have a link to your own site proving this?
2: For those who you claim are lying, what are the numbers, and what is your proof?
The reality of the matter is that the Left went ape shit over Florida's Parents Rights in Education law. And when people go ape-shit over a law saying "you can't discuss sex with K - 3 students", that tells anyone willing to look that there's something seriously wrong with the K - 3 "teachers"
Remember, a poll from the Heritage foundation determined that teachers are barely left of center
1: The Heritage foundation has demonstrated a great deal of stupidity over the last couple of years, so their name is not a magical invocation
2: Why is it that you dont' have a single link to support any of your claims? Do you expect us to just take your word for it? because I certainly don't
3: The "teachers unions" are all violently hard core left wing. If the people voting for those officials were "barely left of center", that wouldn't be the case.
Rufo isn't a scholar and writer. He's a hack with an agenda, and the agenda isn't "stop CRT" but "kill public schools". And even that's just a way to get paid.
I've never seen any of CR's films ('four documentaries for PBS, Netflix, and international television, including America Lost', between 2011-2019) but, I wonder, was he a hack when he made those?
Education Realist: I would take your provocations and denunciations more seriously if you used your real name.
Funny how people like you always hide.
Education Realist said...
Rufo isn't a scholar and writer. He's a hack with an agenda, and the agenda isn't "stop CRT" but "kill public schools".
So, "Education Realist", exactly what is wrong with wanting to "kill public schools"?
Are you claiming that current American public schools are good?
From an article on HotAit about how Maryloand's largest County, by population, has imposed a school policy that teachers may not inform parents about their child's trans games without the written permission of the child.
It is once again worth pointing out that if a tattoo artist applies a tattoo to any minor under the age of 18 in Maryland, they can go to prison. No child is allowed to go on a field trip to the zoo without written parental consent. The school nurse cannot provide any medication, including aspirin, to a student except in cases of emergencies without a written parental consent form.
But now, all of a sudden, if a student begins exhibiting potentially aberrant behavior such as declaring that they have “changed genders” or demanding that new names or pronouns be used when addressing them, that information is “confidential?” And not only will the information not be immediately shared with the parents, but the school will actively work to keep that information secret from the parents?
Do explain why that organization should NOT be destroyed?
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