July 29, 2022

Here are 8 TikToks to amuse you for a few minutes. Let me know what you like.

1. An odd roller coaster.

2. Can't you understand Gen-Z?

3. What do emo people do for a living?

4. Her mind is a vast chaotic wilderness.

5. Looks from the 1971 Sears catalog.

6. Noises that you can please choose not to make.

7. Cool geography facts about Montana.

8. How to feed the dog.


Lash LaRue said...

Cool geography facts about Montana were indeed cool.

Dave Begley said...

#5 Sears.

wildswan said...


Rosalyn C. said...

This was an amazing collection. "Montana facts" was astonishing, the 1971 Sears catalogue was nostalgic, the vast and chaotic mind was quirky and impressive, the how to feed the dog was somehow addictive and satisfying and mindblowing.

The world has changed and the youngsters are going to be fine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Curious George said...

Montana interesting.

Rudy the dog, wow.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I want to live in a world that has more people like Montana guy please. Genuine, unabashed enthusiasm would then replace cool, hipster irony. That would be nice.

MountainMan said...

Montana facts was really good. I had never heard of the triple divide, that was fascinating. I may have to check out some more of his videos. This was the first time I have ever been into TikTok. Still not sure I want to use it.

lonejustice said...

Then he ate his entire beef patty in one bite.

Scott Patton said...

Montana - very interesting.
I could smell the sears catalog.

Will Cate said...

Favorite: Montana geography.
Runner-up: Sears catalog.

Susan in Seattle said...

Montana facts followed by the roller coaster.

loudogblog said...

Ashley put a lot of time and effort into her video. She's obviously a very creative person with a very subtle sense of humor. I think a good way to judge if you like it is to ask yourself if you'd want to watch it again.

The Montana facts was intellectually interesting.

The roller coaster looked really fun.

The Sear's catalog was classic nostalgia, but lots of people do that.

JMS said...

This was your best list ever.
#6 made me laugh out loud,
#7 was indeed very cool,
and I was a senior in high school in Fall 1971, so yeah, that was fun for this boomer.

Nancy said...

Several were excellent: Montana, Sears catalog, dog eating. Crunching was so satisfying!