July 29, 2022
"The Taliban’s brutality toward women in Afghanistan is a 'suffocating crackdown' that goes beyond the widely condemned bans on work and school to include..."
"... sex slavery, forced marriages, violence, torture, and disappearances, according to Amnesty International, which published a new report on the subject Wednesday.
Women detained after protesting for their rights describe horrific treatment, including electrocution, beatings with cables, and being deprived of food, water, and medical care. Taliban 'whistleblowers' say the number of women detained for 'moral crimes' (being outside with a man who is not a relative) is growing.... Women protesters who were detained and beaten showed their injuries publicly. That prompted a change of tactics, according to women quoted in the Amnesty report, who said they were later beaten on areas of their bodies, such as breasts and the pubic area, that they could not show publicly.
'They did this to us so that we couldn’t show the world. A soldier who was walking next to me hit me in my breast, and he said, "I can kill you right now, and no one would say anything." This happened every time we went out: we were insulted—physically, verbally and emotionally,' the report quotes one woman as saying...."
Impossible. A Taliban official assured the UN that nothing like this would ever happen in Afghanistan again.
The Taliban is almost as evil as Justice Alito!
…aaaaand the endless wars cycle starts over.
…without a peep of criticism from the people currently in charge of the executive.
Just like The Handmaids Tale! But that hag Margaret Atwood thinks this is really only happening in American and has participated in a pro-Burka event.
People always look at Afghanistan wrong, because they never see the country from the perspective of people that had to fight there.
They never understand that turning the whole country radioactive and the people that live there into ash would be an upgrade. I guess you just have to go there to believe it. But yeah yadda yadda women's rights yadda yadda 'muh patriarchy'...sure.
Joe Biden did that. Period, the end.
Does Prince Harry have an opinion on the treatment of women in Afghanistan he'd like to share with the world?
Any mention of Biden? It’s mostly on him.
This is how the religion of peace achieves peace.
It appears Afghanistan is not planning on developing a tourist industry.
They don't vote democrat so they don't deserve consideration.
The Dems running this country should have thought this through before precipitously pulling out of Afghanistan and giving mountains of modern arms to the Taliban. But most of them apparently aren’t smart enough to do so, and those who are, are very often doing so, in order to destroy western civilization. It was one thing to declare victory, and retreat in an orderly manner. They should have given up Bagrahm last, if ever, not first. It was proof against anything anyone in the region could throw against it, and esp the Taliban. It was brain dead. Or intentionally destructive of American interests - and here, that very much includes keeping women from falling back into the 7th Century there.
Feminists are just another interest group that should be questioning their membership in the political alliance that is the modern Dem party. They lost here because the war on White Supremacy required it (required women to wear tents over their clothes and not be educated). Similarly, they are losing their safe spaces, including sex segregated rest rooms, prisons, etc, their sports, etc, all in the name of Inclusion of a statistically insignificant number of perverts, sexual deviants, and mentally confused or disturbed youths.
All of those boys, including the fine young man buried in the cemetery I walk past each morning, died for nothing. It makes me sick to think of it. But Ukraine beckons, we have to drag our weapons halfway across the world and “help” people, that’s what Americans do!
It's horrible. And this is my shocked face.
I'm sorry we went in there, promised better, and left. This is a real mea culpa, not me apologizing for something ancestors I never had did to people long ago. Instead of focusing on past grievances we can't change, let's take responsibility for the mistakes we made during the current era.
sex slavery, forced marriages, violence, torture, and disappearances.. horrific treatment, including electrocution, beatings with cables, and being deprived of food, water, and medical care.
"I can kill you right now, and no one would say anything."
oh Boy! i can use the same (Racist!) comment for Each of these!!
All Lives Matter
Wrong crowd here, AA, if you expect many people to care. Certainly the "U.S. out of Afghanistan" crowd doesn't.
Sebastian said...
This is how the religion of peace achieves peace.
Misconception 1
Islam is `the religion of peace' because:
• the Arabic word Islam is derived from the Arabic word "Al-Salaam" which means peace.
It might seem strange to think of this as a misconception, but in fact it is. The root word of Islam is "al-silm" which means "submission" or "surrender." It is understood to mean "submission to the will of Allah." In spite of whatever noble intention has caused many a Muslim to claim that Islam is derived primarily from peace, this is not true. Allah says in the Qur'an (translated):
[2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered. [Arabic "Muslimoon"]
In addition to the above mentioned linguistic reasoning, Allah in the Qur'an makes it clear this his religion and that of his prophet is one of submission. Peace only comes through submission to Allah and his prophet.
It's a woman's talent to contrive to be ordered to do what she wanted to do anyway.
Over the last 100 years the greatest force for good in this world has been the US combat infantryman. Never really appreciated until they leave the field and then the good that they did is only ever recognized in the places where they have left a vacuum.
Never appreciated at home though. When I left I was called a baby killer, even though I can say for a fact that the only deaths I caused were definitely enemy combatants trying to kill me and civilians. They were baaaaad people.
Now our combat vets are considered damaged goods in need of "help". They are being turned into victims right before our very eyes.
Too many victims. Too few heroes.
You never win a war when the enemy has a sanctuary. One test, almost in the scientific meaning, is when the communists were trying to take over Greece just after WW II. Yugoslavia was the sanctuary and no progress was made. Until Tito refused to let the communists use Yugoslavia as a sanctuary and....it was over.
The Taliban had the territory and backing of Pakistan or at least its powerful intel community. Equipment, rest during the winter, recruiting.
All you can do is pay the price to keep it from getting worse. ad infinitum.
Never go back. Well, unless suitably provoked. And then just send them some buckets of sunshine and a promise of more —much more— if the survivors should ever provoke us again.
Yeah, I know it’s not a pretty foreign policy. But it might be the least bad one. People don’t change much. There’s an old Roman saying, “Oderint dum metuant,” and it served them well enough for centuries.
Progressives, please explain this. After all these people have been liberated from the horrors of western society.
Blogger Mr Wibble said...
The Taliban never fielded more than 50,000 fighters at any point in the war. The Afghans had twenty years to get their house in order and prepare for our exit and containing the Taliban on their own. I no longer care what happens to them.
That is a terrible way to think about people.
I have several Afghan deployments. The only way to save Afghanistan would have been to force a surrender of the male population. Every male over the age of 17 needed to be wiped out/forced to act better in a way that ended with at least 30% of them dead.
If you look at pictures of the 70's in Afghanistan you will see pictures of modern airports and growing cities and women in universities.
We are a rich country. Many of the best places in the world are the best places in the world because they are occupied by the US Army.
I was proud of what we were doing for the women and children of that country. We should have been allowed to kill more of the men.
The problem with the Afghan war was not the Afghans in general. It was the shitty neocons and corrupt shitheads like Bush, Obama, and Biden.
The US can do better, but we need to deal with our political class first.
The Taliban won. Some of that loss is on Biden, but the Afghans bear most of the responsibility. The Taliban is not in any way a product of western imperialism, but you can argue that the apathy and corruption of those Afghans who failed to defeat the Taliban has something to do with western influences.
Dave Begley said...
Any mention of Biden? It’s mostly on him.
Biden deserves blame. Bush deserves Blame too. And Obama.
So do 20 years of Republican and Democrat leaders in DC as well as every General/Flag officer that currently lives in DC.
They are all scum.
The Biden/Afghan Spring
Achilles said. We are a rich country. Many of the best places in the world are the best places in the world because they are occupied by the US Army.
This is true. But I would add something
Some of the best places in the world were occupied by the US Army in wars where we actually, you know, went to war with the idea of winning so we could dictate terms on the ground. Every place we’ve done that has appreciated that, at least for a generation or two.
We need to stop these piss ant no win pseudo wars. They do nothing except pump up necessary defense spending and distract us from our real enemies. As point of fact, I refer you to Ukraine as a distraction from China. We will have troops in Ukraine while China takes over Taiwan.
Afghanistan was suffereing from starvation and economic deprivation due to freezing of their assets by the USA and other allied countries.
But who cares about people starving to death, when we can talk about the lack of gender studies and abortions!
And here's anothe point. Its their country. Not ours. Sorry, they don't follow our beliefs, but its their country. Get the mote out of your own eye first.
And why don't you keyboard warriors ever pick up a M16 and go fight. You and pukes like Miss Lindsey and Romney want death and destruction while sit back in your comfy chair drinking a wine spritzer.
Talk about unchristian.
American feminists had twenty years to get into Afghanistan and make a difference. If they didn’t care about their oppressed sisters (beyond hand-wringing and cries of “Oh, dear”) for twenty years it’s hard to see what can be done at this point.
Let's go Brandon.(And for all of those who paid the price Brandon squandered- my apologies and condolences.)
Blogger Mr Wibble said...
The Taliban never fielded more than 50,000 fighters at any point in the war. The Afghans had twenty years to get their house in order and prepare for our exit and containing the Taliban on their own. I no longer care what happens to them.
I am with Achilles here. I care deeply about what happens to the innocent and the powerless, no matter what country they are in. I've said it in the past, if the Dems want more immigration, we should transport every female from Afghanistan, and every boy under the age of 10, seal off the border so that none of the older males can import their sex slaves. In 2 years, any woman that wants to go back is welcome to, but she can't take her daughters under the age of 18.
They men should be allowed freedom of religion, but the women deserve freedom as well. They just don't have to do it on the same plot of dirt.
Crook Biden and his team of radical progressive Soros-ists did that.
when leftists tell you they care about women - IT'S A LIE.
How are all those courses in feminist studies the US spent 20 years teaching working out. Better to have taught the Afghan girls how to fight for their liberty and freedom.
I wonder if the last 20 years of so-called empowerment for Afghan women has meant that they are more actively resisting, that they don't understand that if they could just be meek and compliant, there might be a lessening of the more severe forms of degradation and harm.
I don't think so, though, I think the Afghan men derive satisfaction from beating and torturing the women into submission. It must be so gratifying for the Taliban, the power to inflict violence on these women and girls. It was the most obvious symbol of Western influence in the country, the girls going to school, the women getting jobs.
All societies are equal.
We are in no position to judge as we are the most racist, sexist, and homophobic country in history.
And yet everyone is clamoring to live here.
Yes. And thanks to QuidProJoe the Taliban is a fully armed terrorist regime promoting radical Islam, immune from resistance, with the potential to acquire Pakistan's nukes.
Feminized US military, open borders, defunded police, billions for Ukraine, potentially nuclear Iran and Taliban! What could go wrong?
Maybe we should send some troops over there. Ya think? Straighten those Muzzies right out. Shouldn't take long, they're primitive as dirt.
Screw Afghans. Screw Muslims.
The biggest reason that American interventions and occupations succeeded, where they have, is that the people in question actually had been civilized prior to the conflicts, and were mostly eager to resume civilized life.
As for me, I'll look after my womenfolk, and other fellows can do the same with theirs.
It also must be pointed out that we could have killed the Taliban at any point.
We could have "Won" in Afghanistan by any measure in any way we wanted. Easily. We destroyed our enemies whenever we had the chance.
We were prevented from winning.
The shitheads in DC kept the Taliban alive and soaked the "War" for their own corrupt ends.
The Taliban are just complete pieces of shit and they all need to die.
The Taliban were not our real enemies in Afghanistan. Our real enemies in Afghanistan were the Bush/Obama/Biden axis and the Generals in the Pentagon.
“…we should transport every female from Afghanistan, and every boy under the age of 10, seal off the border so that none of the older males can import their sex slaves. In 2 years, any woman that wants to go back is welcome to, but she can't take her daughters under the age of 18.”
Excellent idea, something I’ve said here in years past.
But...they promised!!
To figure out what went wrong in Afghanistan, read "Jawbreaker," by Gary Berntsen, and then read "Into the Fire," by Dakota Meyer.
The first book explains what happened when "Big Army" arrived and told all the special forces guys to "shave and get into uniform." The SF guys had been doing pretty well with indigenous forces. Once the bureaucracy arrived, that went to hell. It was Vietnam all over again.
The second book describes how it was later in the war. The author was being disciplined for shooting at Taliban. He was not allowed to do so as they "were not in uniform." They were lobbing mortar rounds into his fire base but not in uniform so off limits. Because he was being punished, he was not allowed to accompany the Civil Affairs outfit into the Afghan village where they were ambushed.
He and a motor pool guy grabbed a Humvee and drove into the village to try to rescue the team. They called for artillery to try to drive off the ambushers but it took hours to get approval. By that time, the Civil Affairs team were all dead.
Everything done after the first month or two was futile. We should have tried to catch bin Laden (who escaped thanks to Pakistani aid) and then left. Nation building was never possible, even in Iraq. Bush was responsible for that delusion.
"Joe Biden did that. Period, the end."
No. The Taliban came to power and controlled most of Afghanistan in the mid-late 90s and held that control until our invasion in 2001. Our futile and purposeless 20 year war against Afghanistan simply created an interruption of the Taliban's rule. If this aspect of Afghanistan's culture under the Taliban today is more onerous with their return than it was 20 years ago, it was Bush/Cheney, Obama/Biden, and Trump/Pence that did it. But, terrible as it is, it was due to the religious fanatics who had taken control over most of the country nearly 30 years ago. Our occupation of the country prevented the development of internal factions that will be necessary for the Taliban to be cast out internally, by their own countrymen.
Well, all the progressives got what they wanted--The US out of Afghanistan, leaving it to the Afghans. They just failed to comprehend that the result of that would be a return to the 7th Century for the women of Afghanistan, despite copious evidence and the testimony of everyone else who had even a passing familiarity with the place.
We tried "benign neglect" of Afghanistan after the Soviets got run out. That got us 9/11 being launched from there, and all that followed. What's going to accrue from Biden's craven withdrawal and destruction of everything we worked for? Who knows? Certainly, nothing good. It's likely that Pakistan will wind up falling to the forces unleashed by that idiocy, and then we'll have a nuclear-armed state under the control of hard-line nutters. Expect India to decide that is intolerable, and then watch the fireworks.
Jimmy Carter either got bought off or he was stupid enough to abandon the Shah of Iran all by his lonesome self. That got us forty-odd years of instability in the region, and millions of dead. We haven't even begun to pay the price for what Biden did in Afghanistan, but we'll learn all about it in the coming years.
"I was proud of what we were doing for the women and children of that country. We should have been allowed to kill more of the men."
Achilles, can you think of a country you wouldn't say that about? Is there any limit to the benefits you want the US Army to bring to the World? I think there's a couple spots we still haven't fixed.
Who is suprised by this? Just another in the long line of Biden/DNC/Press successes.
A few thousand prearranged-location drone drops of the tiny, cheap, easily concealable, single-shot .45 caliber Liberator pistols that the USA supplied to the French Resistance for close-up use in WW II might be a welcome women's-right gift for persuading Taliban creeps that breathing near a lady is apt to bring bad luck:
'The shitheads in DC kept the Taliban alive and soaked the "War" for their own corrupt ends.'
No war, no giant money-laundering scheme.
Why do you think we're spending billions in Ukraine?
"we should transport every female from Afghanistan, and every boy under the age of 10, seal off the border so that none of the older males can import their sex slaves"
Next, give us your genocidal plan for Saudi Arabia, somalia, and Iran. And then tell us how your heart bleeds for the murderers on death row.
If this aspect of Afghanistan's culture under the Taliban today is more onerous with their return than it was 20 years ago, it was Bush/Cheney, Obama/Biden, and Trump/Pence that did it.
You are so ignorant that you don't know that the Taliban are following the same script that they have had since Alexander the Great. The only difference is AK 47s.
Social progress: [unqualified] monotonic change.
"…aaaaand the endless wars cycle starts over."
Pointing out the massive abuse of human rights by a regime isn't the same as wanting to spend decades in a futile attempt to remove the evil present. What it does mean is that people who patted Biden on the back for leaving should have been a little more circumspect. Yes it was necessary. No it wasn't something to celebrate.
"You are so ignorant that you don't know that the Taliban are following the same script that they have had since Alexander the Great. The only difference is AK 47s."
Well...there was no Taliban in the age of Alexander the Great. However, I take your muddled point assume you mean fanatic Muslims. So, then: how is the current situation in Afghanistan Biden's fault (beyond his complicity in continuing the war as part of the Obama administration)? You have confirmed my own observation. Our pointless occupation of Afghanistan--wasteful of lives and a trillion dollars of our tax payments--did nothing to ensure the Taliban would not return immediately upon our departure. We were just an interruption in their long game. We were there 20 years. Anyone who thinks we could have changed this outcome by staying just a little longer or by "leaving in the right way" (sic), is in denial.
(Plus, we didn't invade Afghanistan OR stay there to help the citizens there or to improve their society. We went there, purportedly, to capture bin Laden and his cohort. Once they escaped the country, our claimed purpose for invading became moot, and we should have left immediately.)
Maybe. How can you possibly trust anything from western media?
"If this aspect of Afghanistan's culture under the Taliban today is more onerous with their return than it was 20 years ago, it was Bush/Cheney, Obama/Biden, and Trump/Pence that did it."
From the reading I did decades ago after the Taliban came to power, the treatment of women and boys under their regime is exactly as bad as it is now. Civilization rests on the head of a pin.
I still say what we should have done before leaving was to arm and train the women of Afghanistan; perhaps bringing in some Pesh murga women do do so. The women have the greatest incentive to keep these buttheads in line. The Taliban couldn’t function if every time they turned around a woman stuck a knife in them.
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