one of my favorite series is inspector Montalbano, from camilieri, he does happen to put a lot of leftist subtext in his end notes, but the show, from rai, is a somewhat whimsical account of events in this standin for Ragusa, he would have noticed if mifsud had gone missing or is 'sleeping with the fishes,
Interesting article came out yesterday, December 19, showing that Rep. Devin Nunes notified Judge Collyer, Presiding Judge of the FISA court, early in 2018 of the FBI abuses which she is now claiming not to have known about until the FBI IG report in December 2019. Today she steps down as Presiding Judge but she is still on the court. Carter Page had his life ruined by the abuses of the FISA court and she stays on it? No justice, no peace.
My question for the Democratic nominees: if you could only get one of the two following programs -- college debt 'forgiveness' or black reparations -- which would it be?
Which do they think would poll the best with their target voters?
A question that I know will never be asked or answered, but one I have thrown out at some liberal acquaintances. Some funny awkward attempts to answer have ensued.
Tonight, it is Journey to Babel, where Spock's father is gravely ill while the ship is endangered by some unknown aggressive craft. Spock is maneuvered into giving transfusions during the surgery on him and when he says he needs to go tell the captain about some critical piece of information about the alien ship, saying that the Enterprise and everyone on board is at risk, that idiot get-a-clue McCoy has him knocked out, saying that his father's life is at risk too and Spock needs to stay there.
I never have like the character of McCoy -- or the actor who plays him.
Now its the last episode of TNG -- the one where the ship's doctor has become a command officer -- the captain in fact. And also time-distortion "flashbacks" to that silliness of when a psycho-therapist was a bridge officer.
Meanwhile, I still haven't read exactly what the articles of impeachment say. Then again, I have lots of company. Probably none the Dems -- except for those who wrote them -- have read them either.
Not that it matters, what with Pelosi obstructing justice by refusing to send the articles to trier of fact and law, i.e. the Senate.
"He knows where the bodies are buried" --Sidney Powell
CrowdStrike Co-Founder Held Special Government Employee Status >The Department of Defense granted Dmitri Alperovitch, the co-founder of cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, the status of a special government employee in 2013, a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times.
narciso you never talk about yourself you always talk about other people
so what is up with the name narciso
who among us would not have gladly done anything but what Narcissus is described as having done by Ovid,
Echo was hot and beautiful (If narciso was male that should have charmed him away from his reflection, if narcisa was female well God knows that women know better than to foolishly linger and look in the mirror when there is, somewhere in their life, an opportunity to be what God wants her to be, a loving mother or something like that, ens et essentia and all that are all very good but people do care about each other and philosophy comes after the living of life)
me and dc fontana were kindred spirits, well I bought a couple of her books and more important I imagined what the best book she could have written would have been had she written it
"FISA Judge .... is stepping down .... due to health issues"
That is possible, by the time you have worked long enough in the coal mines to be that kind of judge you can have lots of health issues.
Then again, maybe she is just a nice little old lady who just realized she had been snookered into playing along with the first real coup attempt in the United States since the days of Aaron Burr and his romantic rival Hamilton, and she did what any other nice little old lad would have done, she could out of Dodge.
“CrowdStrike Co-Founder Held Special Government Employee Status >The Department of Defense granted Dmitri Alperovitch, the co-founder of cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, the status of a special government employee in 2013, a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times.” ———————————————
“Facebook says a pro-Trump media outlet used artificial intelligence to create fake people and push conspiracies Facebook took down more than 600 accounts tied to The Epoch Times, a media outlet that has spent heavily on digital ads to push pro-Trump conspiracy theories.
The network was called “The BL” and was run by Vietnamese users posing as Americans, using fake photos generated by algorithms to simulate real identities. The Epoch Media group, which pushes a variety of pro-Trump conspiracy theories, spent $9.5 million on ads to spread content through the now-suspended pages and groups.”
There were some great writers there, the late agustin tamargo who went back to the bohemia days, also roberto luque escalona, who dubbed fidel el coma andante, the walking coma
"UN climate summit in Madrid kicks off under cloud of Guterres 'point of no return' warning"
"Global talks tasked with neutralising the threat of global warming get underway in Madrid Monday, but their narrow focus on rules and procedures remains out of sync with the world's climate-addled future.
"Mindful of this gap, UN chief Antonio Guterres warned on Sunday that a "point-of-no-return" in the climate crisis is "in sight and hurtling towards us."
"Indeed, three decades after NASA scientist James Hansen made headlines by telling the US Congress global warming had begun, evidence of its dire impacts is so overwhelming that "climate denier" is synonymous with insisting the Earth is flat.
"Guterres lambasted the world's major economies, describing their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions overheating the planet as "utterly inadequate".
Inga, I'm not sure I'd use NBC as my source for any story outside of a possible restaurant review. In fact, the network of Al Sharpton and Donny Deutsch is still flinging the Russia collusion hoax as the real thing. They should. The alternative is that they're nothing but liars and fake story peddlers. Given the quality of their help (see above) and their inability to face reality, do you really want to use them as proof of anything?
"narciso said... My life has been uneventful, nothing much to write about, some say i regurgirate too many arcane things but i like to find new angles."
Hey linkboy, here's a new angle to discover: link text
"Inga, I'm not sure I'd use NBC as my source for any story outside of a possible restaurant review. In fact, the network of Al Sharpton and Donny Deutsch is still flinging the Russia collusion hoax as the real thing."
“UW Hospital nurses, who lost their union five years ago after a 2011 state law ended collective bargaining for state employees, are trying to revive the union and asking the hospital board to voluntarily recognize it.”
I still don’t know what the Russians did to influence the election. Was it the Jesus wrestling you tube videos or that they sent their Russian secret agent Misfud to tell Carter Page about the Hillary emails? Since Carlos Danger had all the Hillary emails on his laptop from Humma, no one would have had to work too hard to get them, but the Russians are blamed. This Russia thing seems shallow and stupid.
So the rise of sky walker was co writtem bu chris terrio who has done some decent work like argo but has written some of the most lugubrious works of the dc universe.
"Mark said... Meanwhile, I still haven't read exactly what the articles of impeachment say. Then again, I have lots of company. Probably none the Dems -- except for those who wrote them -- have read them either."
The whole impeachment may never be finished like the Tower of Babel because no one can find out what the procedure is for finishing. Some think the articles should be hidden away from the Senators, above all, from Mitch McConnell who keeps laughing at them. And brought out intermittently, if Americans seem to be having a good time. "Well, you haven't finished your impeachment, so you just march right inside till it's finished. And no laughing." And then hidden again till the next viewing. It's thought that this will be very impressive as the increasingly worn and ragged bits of paper held by an increasingly worn and ragged Nancy Pelosi are brought out and flashed momentarily time after time across the CNN screens. But Americans may not be impressed with this daring scheme. But what then? The problem is quite simple - the impeachment is a disaster and they haven't been able to figure out how to blame Trump for the disaster so they don't know what to do.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw Verified account @RepDanCrenshaw Dec 16
Rep. Dan Crenshaw Retweeted Andy Ngo
Meanwhile in Houston, @SecretaryCarson & I toured a faith-based community center for homeless families & met with local stakeholders to discuss how we can improve the successful public-private partnership model that’s decreased homelessness in Houston.
But you do you, Seattle...
Andy Ngo Verified account @MrAndyNgo
A Seattle conference on homelessness organized by public employees last week featured a performance by a transsexual stripper. It was described on the agenda as a “Cultural Presentation.”
“UW Hospital nurses, who lost their union five years ago after a 2011 state law ended collective bargaining for state employees, are trying to revive the union and asking the hospital board to voluntarily recognize it.”
The legislation did not end collective bargaining. IIRC, the law merely removed the requirment that dues were taken from paychecks. When people had to submit dues themselves, they didn't.
if the Wisconsin Nurses Association claims Wisconsin has 80,000 registered nurses...
"Amy Lebowitz, a spokeswoman for the nurses, said the group has collected cards supporting the union from a “strong majority” of the 2,000 nurses the UW union represents, but she declined to provide a specific number".
ok, let's say 60% is a "strong majority" (of the 2K). 60% of 2000 = 1200
1200/80K = 1.5% Is that right? 1.5% of SEIU affiliated nurses are squawking?? really??What's the real story?
Some think the articles should be hidden away from the Senators, above all, from Mitch McConnell who keeps laughing at them. And brought out intermittently, if Americans seem to be having a good time. . . . And then hidden again till the next viewing
The Dems are coming VERY close to breaking the Impeachment Power and rendering it a dead letter, never to be taken seriously again by anyone ever.
Used to be just the fear of a near impeachment inquiry would be a constitutional crisis that would change a president's behavior. Now with the Dems shouting "Wolf" in a crowded theater, no president in the future, no matter how legitimately a tyrant he might be, will be threatened by it.
"Some think the articles should be hidden away from the Senators, above all, from Mitch McConnell who keeps laughing at them. And brought out intermittently, if Americans seem to be having a good time. . . . And then hidden again till the next viewing"
I think it quite likely that Nancy Pelosi did exactly what some suggested and stuck the articles of impeachment up her ass.
"Now its the last episode of TNG -- the one where the ship's doctor has become a command officer -- the captain in fact. And also time-distortion "flashbacks" to that silliness of when a psycho-therapist was a bridge officer."
I distinctly remember the finale was altered in later editions in reruns. The explanation Q offers at the end wasn't present the first time the episode ran- at least not the part where Q admits Q created the paradox, not that he helped Picard solve it.
The Republicans on the judiciary committee that wanted to ask questions during the House hearings should just say, "Well, SINCE WE'RE WAITING ANYWAY, how about just un-closing the hearings and let us call our witnesses. You know. SINCE WE'RE WAITING ANYWAY. And all that urgency you claimed overrode the right to confront accusers and due process appears to be fictitious after all."
How the f'ing hell can they justify replying "No.'?
Hey, I thought everybody loved 'Bones' McCoy (& DeForrest Kelley). The main trio were, by intent or not, written as Logic (Spock), Emotion/Compassion (Bones) and Synthesis of Both (Kirk). That meant Bones got to be the good guy you'd like to have a beer with.
Kelley had been around a lot before Trek. I remember one of his pre-Trek roles on some Western where he ended up on a gallows with a noose around his neck. It's practically impossible to watch that now without saying: "Beam me up, Scotty!"
Saw Skywalker in IMAX in St. Augustine Friday. I thought it was pretty good, though not as good as TFA. I do think they could have come up with a stronger coda than the final Rey scene though. (More below).
Some nice classic Star Wars moments: They can fly now!? Is this a bad time? Let's go with the back-alley robosurgeon plan! Here, Chewey! (I was the only one in the theater who laughed at this redress).
The camera really does love Ridley, and I predict she will persist.
The whole Finn love-life subplot(s) was/were just a mess unwilling to commit to anything: Finn/Rey left hanging but undermined, Finn/Rose left completely unaddressed and Finn/Horse-woman introduced. They couldn't give Poe a break either.
The Mazz character was introduced with a big build-up and she had a lot of potential, but it never came together.
Did it seem like they were teeing up a Lando/Horse-woman quest sequel?
Now, as to what I was going to say about the coda: It grated a bit because: A) No Ben Solo. Logically he should have been with Luke & Leia and B) No Han, which just rubs in how unfair who gets to be a Force Ghost is. Leia goes on in some fashion, but Han does not.
Censure: "Like a reprimand, a censure does not remove a member from their office so they retain their title, stature, and power to vote. There are also no legal consequences that come with a reprimand or censure. The main difference is that a reprimand is "considered a slap on the wrist and can be given in private and even in a letter", while a censure is "a form of public shaming in which the politician must stand before his peers to listen to the censure resolution". - Wiki
Should the House censure Trump they would display publicly their failure to prove anything close to high crimes and misdemeanors by the president; and prove their pathetic partisan motivations.
The NYT goes on the attack this morning: "Mitch McConnell, Master of the Blockade, Plots Impeachment Strategy"
"Back from a surprise party for me for a milestone birthday later this month."
(I've never even been to a surprise party. It's always only something I've see in TV sitcoms. Here's Larry David arriving at his surprise party. I found that looking for a *different* "Curb Your Enthusiasm" surprise party.)
But I'm glad that if you live around people who do surprise parties and there's one for you, you had a great time and that if the surprise was not spoiled, that is the way you prefer it.
Here's a question? Did viewing this sunrise live create a deeper aesthetic experience than did viewing a photo of the same sunrise? Only Ann can answer this question.
The camera really does love Ridley, and I predict she will persist.
Wow, if you say so. I haven't seen any of the last three movies but all the trailers show her as a wooden shouty rat-faced git who is only just more attractive than Adam Driver, that spotty, angsty wannabe.
"(I've never even been to a surprise party. It's always only something I've see in TV sitcoms. Here's Larry David arriving at his surprise party. I found that looking for a *different* "Curb Your Enthusiasm" surprise party.)"
Ha ha ha!
Once my husband heard the front door open and stepped into the hall to see a man coming into the house. He started charging down the hall, fist raised the deck the guy, when the man turned around, saw him, cowered, and quavered, "Is this the open house?" Poor arrow placement by a neighbor's realtor. Still makes us laugh.
My husband was smart enough to set it up so that I would think I was going out to a restaurant for something else only to find a surprise party there. I would not like a surprise party popping up in the course of normal life at normal places. It was great!
And this is Freeman Hunt, but I can't get Blogger to let me switch to my regular account for commenting. That's annoying. (This is an account I created solely for a single technical application.)
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Close but not as good as that last one. There's only one perfect work of art.
FISA judge Collyer is stepping down due to health issues.
Probably suicide watch.
Apparently Misfud almost certainly killed himself too.
one of my favorite series is inspector Montalbano, from camilieri, he does happen to put a lot of leftist subtext in his end notes, but the show, from rai, is a somewhat whimsical account of events in this standin for Ragusa, he would have noticed if mifsud had gone missing or is 'sleeping with the fishes,
Interesting article came out yesterday, December 19, showing that Rep. Devin Nunes notified Judge Collyer, Presiding Judge of the FISA court, early in 2018 of the FBI abuses which she is now claiming not to have known about until the FBI IG report in December 2019. Today she steps down as Presiding Judge but she is still on the court. Carter Page had his life ruined by the abuses of the FISA court and she stays on it? No justice, no peace.
My question for the Democratic nominees: if you could only get one of the two following programs -- college debt 'forgiveness' or black reparations -- which would it be?
Which do they think would poll the best with their target voters?
A question that I know will never be asked or answered, but one I have thrown out at some liberal acquaintances. Some funny awkward attempts to answer have ensued.
They don't even know how to accept half a loaf.
I am Laslo.
I don't think that's why they were turned to stone,
Tonight, it is Journey to Babel, where Spock's father is gravely ill while the ship is endangered by some unknown aggressive craft. Spock is maneuvered into giving transfusions during the surgery on him and when he says he needs to go tell the captain about some critical piece of information about the alien ship, saying that the Enterprise and everyone on board is at risk, that idiot get-a-clue McCoy has him knocked out, saying that his father's life is at risk too and Spock needs to stay there.
I never have like the character of McCoy -- or the actor who plays him.
Nunes notified Judge Collyer, Presiding Judge of the FISA court, early in 2018 of the FBI abuses which she is now claiming not to have known about
Mark Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation also filed a pleading with her court outlining many abuses and she summarily dismissed it.
And yet lawfare still insists they did nothing wrong
The first and third pictures have a thermonuclear look about them.
Is that what it will look like if Stoughton goes to war with Waunakee?
They are being charitable:
Now its the last episode of TNG -- the one where the ship's doctor has become a command officer -- the captain in fact. And also time-distortion "flashbacks" to that silliness of when a psycho-therapist was a bridge officer.
Meanwhile, I still haven't read exactly what the articles of impeachment say. Then again, I have lots of company. Probably none the Dems -- except for those who wrote them -- have read them either.
Not that it matters, what with Pelosi obstructing justice by refusing to send the articles to trier of fact and law, i.e. the Senate.
From a 20 year doj veteran prosecutor
"Journey to Babel,"
Great episode, with some funny lines. I noticed at the end they credited "Miss Jane Wyatt," like Miss Barbara Stanwyck was credited on The Big Valley.
Apparently Misfud almost certainly killed himself too.
PapaD says hes's still alive, fwiw
"He knows where the bodies are buried" --Sidney Powell
CrowdStrike Co-Founder Held Special Government Employee Status
>The Department of Defense granted Dmitri Alperovitch, the co-founder of cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, the status of a special government employee in 2013, a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times.
Why indeed:
The late dc fontana wrote that one. The paucity of talent writing for sci fi now adays.
"FISA judge Collyer is stepping down due to health issues."
Read Strassel's piece and it's clear why. Nunes informed her last year of the same information Horowitz made public last week and she blew him off.
She knew and did nothing.
narciso you never talk about yourself you always talk about other people
so what is up with the name narciso
who among us would not have gladly done anything but what Narcissus is described as having done by Ovid,
Echo was hot and beautiful (If narciso was male that should have charmed him away from his reflection, if narcisa was female well God knows that women know better than to foolishly linger and look in the mirror when there is, somewhere in their life, an opportunity to be what God wants her to be, a loving mother or something like that, ens et essentia and all that are all very good but people do care about each other and philosophy comes after the living of life)
cor ad cor loquitur
Just curious.
me and dc fontana were kindred spirits, well I bought a couple of her books and more important I imagined what the best book she could have written would have been had she written it
It has nothing to do with mythology
"FISA Judge .... is stepping down .... due to health issues"
That is possible, by the time you have worked long enough in the coal mines to be that kind of judge you can have lots of health issues.
Then again, maybe she is just a nice little old lady who just realized she had been snookered into playing along with the first real coup attempt in the United States since the days of Aaron Burr and his romantic rival Hamilton, and she did what any other nice little old lad would have done, she could out of Dodge.
My life has been uneventful, nothing much to write about, some say i regurgirate too many arcane things but i like to find new angles.
I used to pick up the anti-Castro Cuban papers every week back in the 80s and I was impressed that there was always a poetry column.
If you used a capital letter I would have figured it out
“CrowdStrike Co-Founder Held Special Government Employee Status
>The Department of Defense granted Dmitri Alperovitch, the co-founder of cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, the status of a special government employee in 2013, a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times.”
“Facebook says a pro-Trump media outlet used artificial intelligence to create fake people and push conspiracies
Facebook took down more than 600 accounts tied to The Epoch Times, a media outlet that has spent heavily on digital ads to push pro-Trump conspiracy theories.
The network was called “The BL” and was run by Vietnamese users posing as Americans, using fake photos generated by algorithms to simulate real identities. The Epoch Media group, which pushes a variety of pro-Trump conspiracy theories, spent $9.5 million on ads to spread content through the now-suspended pages and groups.”
There were some great writers there, the late agustin tamargo who went back to the bohemia days, also roberto luque escalona, who dubbed fidel el coma andante, the walking coma
2017 says NOTHING about today in Madrid:
But if it did, I am glad I am far away from that.
Narciso was a combination of betsy ross and patrick henry, an idealist, sometimes he chose poorly in his choice of allies but thats who was available.
Who can't love islands in the Caribbean that have mountains on them ----
if Florida had mountains it would be so heavenly.
Well yeah, if you understand Cuban history, of course you understand an awful lot about the grotesque characters in our current political headlines
History doesnt repeat but it does rhyme
FREE ADOLFO MARTINEZ!!!!!! Fifteen years for burning a f--king LBGTQ flag. Unbelievable!
The sjw rage, the inpracticality of the 1940 constitution, free education free healthcare full employment what could go wrong,
The student in the universitiesdevolved into gangs fidel was one, masferrer who fought in the spanish civil war for the republic was another.
"UN climate summit in Madrid kicks off under cloud of Guterres 'point of no return' warning"
"Global talks tasked with neutralising the threat of global warming get underway in Madrid Monday, but their narrow focus on rules and procedures remains out of sync with the world's climate-addled future.
"Mindful of this gap, UN chief Antonio Guterres warned on Sunday that a "point-of-no-return" in the climate crisis is "in sight and hurtling towards us."
"Indeed, three decades after NASA scientist James Hansen made headlines by telling the US Congress global warming had begun, evidence of its dire impacts is so overwhelming that "climate denier" is synonymous with insisting the Earth is flat.
"Guterres lambasted the world's major economies, describing their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions overheating the planet as "utterly inadequate".
He didn't name names, but he didn't have to." -
Inga, I'm not sure I'd use NBC as my source for any story outside of a possible restaurant review. In fact, the network of Al Sharpton and Donny Deutsch is still flinging the Russia collusion hoax as the real thing. They should. The alternative is that they're nothing but liars and fake story peddlers. Given the quality of their help (see above) and their inability to face reality, do you really want to use them as proof of anything?
"narciso said...
My life has been uneventful, nothing much to write about, some say i regurgirate too many arcane things but i like to find new angles."
Hey linkboy, here's a new angle to discover: link text
Narciso that is important information, thank you
Nada te turbe oracion ....
"Inga, I'm not sure I'd use NBC as my source for any story outside of a possible restaurant review. In fact, the network of Al Sharpton and Donny Deutsch is still flinging the Russia collusion hoax as the real thing."
So is Inga.
Temujin: "In fact, the network of Al Sharpton and Donny Deutsch is still flinging the Russia collusion hoax as the real thing. They should."
Temujin, be advised that Inga STILL believes the hoax dossier is true and verified, Carter Page is a russian agent AND Trump colluded with Russia.
So, using lunatics from NBC as an example of rabid idiot conspiracy theorists is not going to register with her. She's one of them.
Facebook Bans “Women for Trump” Ads, Because They Target “Gender”…
Facebook Bans Admin Who Supported Trump’s Immigration Policies, Then Bans Libertarian Commentator For Defending Him
Banned from Facebook? New pro-Trump social network offers alternative
Facebook Bans Pro-Trump Pages Over False Reports of Nudity
“UW Hospital nurses, who lost their union five years ago after a 2011 state law ended collective bargaining for state employees, are trying to revive the union and asking the hospital board to voluntarily recognize it.”
My earlier interest was in zoology astronomy and science fiction, i was kind of late to starwars around 1981 for anew hope.
I still don’t know what the Russians did to influence the election. Was it the Jesus wrestling you tube videos or that they sent their Russian secret agent Misfud to tell Carter Page about the Hillary emails? Since Carlos Danger had all the Hillary emails on his laptop from Humma, no one would have had to work too hard to get them, but the Russians are blamed. This Russia thing seems shallow and stupid.
Back from a surprise party for me for a milestone birthday later this month. All people I see constantly, and they didn't blow it! I'm impressed.
We watched Two Popes tonight. Hopkins was great as Benedict. Or rather, Stephens as Benedict.
Pretty soft on Francis but fair overall.
I'm just not sure how much advocating for The Poor really does for them. Seems like business as usual helps more. Invisible hand etc.
So the rise of sky walker was co writtem bu chris terrio who has done some decent work like argo but has written some of the most lugubrious works of the dc universe.
Curious George said...Hey linkboy, here's a new angle to discover: link text
Came back with "Not Found
Error 404"
an alternative is
(repeatedly redirecting to outside sites without excerpting is annoying)
Doesnt work
"Mark said...
Meanwhile, I still haven't read exactly what the articles of impeachment say. Then again, I have lots of company. Probably none the Dems -- except for those who wrote them -- have read them either."
The whole impeachment may never be finished like the Tower of Babel because no one can find out what the procedure is for finishing. Some think the articles should be hidden away from the Senators, above all, from Mitch McConnell who keeps laughing at them. And brought out intermittently, if Americans seem to be having a good time. "Well, you haven't finished your impeachment, so you just march right inside till it's finished. And no laughing." And then hidden again till the next viewing. It's thought that this will be very impressive as the increasingly worn and ragged bits of paper held by an increasingly worn and ragged Nancy Pelosi are brought out and flashed momentarily time after time across the CNN screens. But Americans may not be impressed with this daring scheme. But what then? The problem is quite simple - the impeachment is a disaster and they haven't been able to figure out how to blame Trump for the disaster so they don't know what to do.
For Laslo,
Rep. Dan Crenshaw
Verified account @RepDanCrenshaw
Dec 16
Rep. Dan Crenshaw Retweeted Andy Ngo
Meanwhile in Houston, @SecretaryCarson & I toured a faith-based community center for homeless families & met with local stakeholders to discuss how we can improve the successful public-private partnership model that’s decreased homelessness in Houston.
But you do you, Seattle...
Andy Ngo
Verified account @MrAndyNgo
A Seattle conference on homelessness organized by public employees last week featured a performance by a transsexual stripper. It was described on the agenda as a “Cultural Presentation.”
Doesnt work
“UW Hospital nurses, who lost their union five years ago after a 2011 state law ended collective bargaining for state employees, are trying to revive the union and asking the hospital board to voluntarily recognize it.”
The legislation did not end collective bargaining. IIRC, the law merely removed the requirment that dues were taken from paychecks.
When people had to submit dues themselves, they didn't.
I didnt really read the comics but i renember the characters from here, iron man didnt stick out particularky
"...the law merely removed the requirment that dues were taken from paychecks.
When people had to submit dues themselves, they didn't.""
If people had to pay taxes quarterly rather than automatic payroll deductions, might be some serious curiosity as to where our tax money is going.
iron man didnt stick out particularky
"are trying to revive the union and asking the hospital board to voluntarily recognize it.”
If they form a union the hospital board has to recognize it, don't they?
America Sold Justice Thomas so hard,
Perfection can't Trump it.
Crack watching, Thomas stay pi funkin'
Times are comportin' comphrortin
Kid Ri9c payin' Detroit dues
Soome folks always be ultra confused
MI is Me, AND THE FOUR TOPS aIN'T fuigted ever be topped againg aknywaer/x
The greatest of great and the spirit has never comed close to dyin':
The Four Tops Same Old Song.
I ckonjur Althouse being insecure becasue to dislike the Tops, after all the time, is horrible.
Look at all they did goodly, and do your mere part to help more do good things goodly.
ok help us out with these numbers--
if the Wisconsin Nurses Association claims Wisconsin has 80,000 registered nurses...
"Amy Lebowitz, a spokeswoman for the nurses, said the group has collected cards supporting the union from a “strong majority” of the 2,000 nurses the UW union represents, but she declined to provide a specific number".
ok, let's say 60% is a "strong majority" (of the 2K). 60% of 2000 = 1200
1200/80K = 1.5% Is that right? 1.5% of SEIU affiliated nurses are squawking??
really??What's the real story?
Some think the articles should be hidden away from the Senators, above all, from Mitch McConnell who keeps laughing at them. And brought out intermittently, if Americans seem to be having a good time. . . . And then hidden again till the next viewing
The Dems are coming VERY close to breaking the Impeachment Power and rendering it a dead letter, never to be taken seriously again by anyone ever.
Used to be just the fear of a near impeachment inquiry would be a constitutional crisis that would change a president's behavior. Now with the Dems shouting "Wolf" in a crowded theater, no president in the future, no matter how legitimately a tyrant he might be, will be threatened by it.
Repetition works" or not" or ....
The Dems are coming VERY close to breaking the Impeachment Power and rendering it a dead letter, never to be taken seriously again by anyone ever.
Scott Adams mentioned a tweet he saw yesterday that the Democrats had turned impeachment into a "stern letter".
Hurry up and wait..err..weight.
(Wear black, then spring in your step)
then drop anchor..
Too perfectkly immaculate: Gauchwe and distrastfu;;l.
None of us know anything about America.
God knows all.
""are trying to revive the union and asking the hospital board to voluntarily recognize it.”
If they form a union the hospital board has to recognize it, don't they?"
Not without card check and a vote. The "voluntarily" thing is a tell. They don't have the numbers.
Not many businesses volunteering to be shaken down.
The Dems are coming VERY close to breaking the Impeachment Power and rendering it a dead letter, never to be taken seriously again by anyone ever.
They've already gutted the power of the purse. What's left?
This o e seems interesting:
"Some think the articles should be hidden away from the Senators, above all, from Mitch McConnell who keeps laughing at them. And brought out intermittently, if Americans seem to be having a good time. . . . And then hidden again till the next viewing"
I think it quite likely that Nancy Pelosi did exactly what some suggested and stuck the articles of impeachment up her ass.
"Now its the last episode of TNG -- the one where the ship's doctor has become a command officer -- the captain in fact. And also time-distortion "flashbacks" to that silliness of when a psycho-therapist was a bridge officer."
I distinctly remember the finale was altered in later editions in reruns. The explanation Q offers at the end wasn't present the first time the episode ran- at least not the part where Q admits Q created the paradox, not that he helped Picard solve it.
I think I have a solution.
The Republicans on the judiciary committee that wanted to ask questions during the House hearings should just say, "Well, SINCE WE'RE WAITING ANYWAY, how about just un-closing the hearings and let us call our witnesses. You know. SINCE WE'RE WAITING ANYWAY. And all that urgency you claimed overrode the right to confront accusers and due process appears to be fictitious after all."
How the f'ing hell can they justify replying "No.'?
Hey, I thought everybody loved 'Bones' McCoy (& DeForrest Kelley). The main trio were, by intent or not, written as Logic (Spock), Emotion/Compassion (Bones) and Synthesis of Both (Kirk). That meant Bones got to be the good guy you'd like to have a beer with.
Kelley had been around a lot before Trek. I remember one of his pre-Trek roles on some Western where he ended up on a gallows with a noose around his neck. It's practically impossible to watch that now without saying: "Beam me up, Scotty!"
Saw Skywalker in IMAX in St. Augustine Friday. I thought it was pretty good, though not as good as TFA. I do think they could have come up with a stronger coda than the final Rey scene though. (More below).
Some nice classic Star Wars moments: They can fly now!? Is this a bad time? Let's go with the back-alley robosurgeon plan! Here, Chewey! (I was the only one in the theater who laughed at this redress).
The camera really does love Ridley, and I predict she will persist.
The whole Finn love-life subplot(s) was/were just a mess unwilling to commit to anything: Finn/Rey left hanging but undermined, Finn/Rose left completely unaddressed and Finn/Horse-woman introduced. They couldn't give Poe a break either.
The Mazz character was introduced with a big build-up and she had a lot of potential, but it never came together.
Did it seem like they were teeing up a Lando/Horse-woman quest sequel?
Now, as to what I was going to say about the coda: It grated a bit because: A) No Ben Solo. Logically he should have been with Luke & Leia and B) No Han, which just rubs in how unfair who gets to be a Force Ghost is. Leia goes on in some fashion, but Han does not.
Censure: "Like a reprimand, a censure does not remove a member from their office so they retain their title, stature, and power to vote. There are also no legal consequences that come with a reprimand or censure. The main difference is that a reprimand is "considered a slap on the wrist and can be given in private and even in a letter", while a censure is "a form of public shaming in which the politician must stand before his peers to listen to the censure resolution". - Wiki
Should the House censure Trump they would display publicly their failure to prove anything close to high crimes and misdemeanors by the president; and prove their pathetic partisan motivations.
The NYT goes on the attack this morning: "Mitch McConnell, Master of the Blockade, Plots Impeachment Strategy"
Only bad actors 'plot', no?
"Back from a surprise party for me for a milestone birthday later this month."
(I've never even been to a surprise party. It's always only something I've see in TV sitcoms. Here's Larry David arriving at his surprise party. I found that looking for a *different* "Curb Your Enthusiasm" surprise party.)
"I've never even been to a surprise party."
No one should read that and interpret it to mean that I would like a surprise party!
But I'm glad that if you live around people who do surprise parties and there's one for you, you had a great time and that if the surprise was not spoiled, that is the way you prefer it.
If people had to pay taxes quarterly rather than automatic payroll deductions, might be some serious curiosity as to where our tax money is going.
Q : do you know which Nobel worthy brain brought it forth?
"No one should read that and interpret it to mean that I would like a surprise party!"
No one? (cough, cough).
Here's a question? Did viewing this sunrise live create a deeper aesthetic experience than did viewing a photo of the same sunrise? Only Ann can answer this question.
The camera really does love Ridley, and I predict she will persist.
Wow, if you say so. I haven't seen any of the last three movies but all the trailers show her as a wooden shouty rat-faced git who is only just more attractive than Adam Driver, that spotty, angsty wannabe.
"(I've never even been to a surprise party. It's always only something I've see in TV sitcoms. Here's Larry David arriving at his surprise party. I found that looking for a *different* "Curb Your Enthusiasm" surprise party.)"
Ha ha ha!
Once my husband heard the front door open and stepped into the hall to see a man coming into the house. He started charging down the hall, fist raised the deck the guy, when the man turned around, saw him, cowered, and quavered, "Is this the open house?" Poor arrow placement by a neighbor's realtor. Still makes us laugh.
My husband was smart enough to set it up so that I would think I was going out to a restaurant for something else only to find a surprise party there. I would not like a surprise party popping up in the course of normal life at normal places. It was great!
And this is Freeman Hunt, but I can't get Blogger to let me switch to my regular account for commenting. That's annoying. (This is an account I created solely for a single technical application.)
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