December 31, 2024

"In a bid to polish up Biden’s rusted image, The Washington Post on Sunday reported on the president’s private complaints that Garland should have been faster to prosecute Trump..."

"... so that he could have staged a 'politically damaging trial before the election.' Funny, as I recall Trump had a lot of trials before the election — and they all seemed to drive his approval levels up, not down. In any case, this seems like an admission, as law professor Ann Althouse observed, that 'Biden intended to use the Justice Department to destroy his political adversary!' Indeed. That now seems to have been Garland’s role throughout this administration, which — in the name of 'protecting democracy' and our institutions — has only undermined our democracy and corrupted our institutions. That’s Biden’s sorry legacy. And Merrick Garland’s, too."

Here's my blog post about the WaPo article.


Captain BillieBob said...

Will the persecutors be prosecuted? Probably not.

Original Mike said...

"In any case, this seems like an admission, as law professor Ann Althouse observed, that 'Biden intended to use the Justice Department to destroy his political adversary!' "

Seems? Assuming WaPo got the attribution correct, it's a hell of a lot more than 'seems'! It's a clear admission of guilt. As if any honest observer could believe otherwise.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Remember when democrats had the gall to actually suggest Garland as a nominee for SCOTUS over Brett Kavanaugh, after their original bid failed before Trump's first term?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Jaq said...

It's proof that whoever has been using Biden's executive powers has been coddling the old man and shielding him from the truth for a long time, he's been a cosseted dotard his whole presidency, and the media knew it when he "called a lid" on his campaign day, sometimes at ten in the morning. It meant that they were putting his face back in the jar by the door.

Peachy said...

The Soviet Washington Post(D) - corrupt embarrassment, + Biden and his corrupt shell company family can all to F themselves.

Peachy said...

Poor Wa-poo - not enough Soviet behavior from vile Garland.

RCOCEAN II said...

Yes, it certainly "seems" that way doesn't it? But I wouldn't want to make a declarative statement. Seems rather risky.

Rabel said...

One of my New Year's wishes is that Reynolds disassociates from the trash at PJ Media so I can go back to having respect for his work.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Imagine having served as the worst president in history's flunky political hatchet man be your legacy.

Paul said...

So Joe just proves it was all political... What goes around... comes around. Gonna be a fun FOUR YEARS.

I am sure all the members of the Jan. 6th Committee, Bennie Thompson, Zoe Lofgren, Adam Schiff, Pete Aguilar, Stephanie Murphy, Jamie Raskin Maryland, Elaine Luria, and Liz Cheney are gonna give 'Big Daddy' his 10% to pardon them.

Lots of luck with that.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Remember when the "Mainstream Media" said Trump plans to go after Biden admin officials for "retribution" no matter how many times he refuted it, and always (as in always) included the key adjective "unprecedented" before the noun "prosecution"?

Surprise they are still doing it and don't intend to stop. It's always (D)ifferent when (D)emocrats do it, you know.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Atta girl! Shit, can we say that anymore?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You'll sooner see Rachel Maddow "disassociate from the trash" that is the Reverend Al or the trash that is Morning Joe. Interesting to see you have some kind of standards for your media consumption. Who knew!

Quaestor said...

Jaq writes, "It's proof that whoever has been using Biden's executive powers has been coddling the old man and shielding him from the truth for a long time."

No, it's not proof. We assume Biden has the mental acuity of a sack of potatoes, but we don't know that, and no proof can be constructed from assumptions. He may be dull as a tuber one moment and sharp as as tack the next. We could assume these evil deeds are the machinations of underlings, but we could be entirely mistaken. Blaming the handlers, whoever they may be, is too much like a "Hitler didn't know about the camps" exculpation.

Enigma said...

Before McConnell's 2016 block of Garland's SC nomination, he was a 'typical' lefty judge and absolutely better than at least one current SC justice. After 2016, Garland was put forward as the face of Democratic Party rage. He became a meek puppet, a deer in the headlights, and a beaten puppy being jerked by tight collar and leash. He was 'slow' to prosecute only because some genuine judicial reason and temperament remains in his soul.

I suspect Garland, Manchin, and Sinema have been equally bullied in the backroom. Predators remain predators.

Freder Frederson said...

So, Biden was apparently upset with Garland for dragging his feet on Trump's prosecutions. Let's review, even though Biden was annoyed with Garland, what did he do about it other than complain privately. Did he complain publicly? (the answer is no). Did he complain directly to Garland (don't know for sure, but apparently not)? Did he fire Garland (absolutely not)?

Yet from these indisputable facts, you and Instapundit (genocide and torture advocate) say that Biden somehow politicized DOJ. Brilliant logic on both your parts.

Freder Frederson said...

We assume Biden has the mental acuity of a sack of potatoes

And yet a sack of potatoes somehow manages to run an international crime family.

Lucien said...

For true lefties the real problem is that Garland didn’t prosecute Trump soon enough. That would have solved their problems.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"He was 'slow' to prosecute only because some genuine judicial reason and temperament remains in his soul."

How much is some? Merrick has a shitty soul, so are we talking picograms or micrograms of reason and temperament remaining? Are you praising him with faint damns?

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

I discovered Althouse via Instapundit in 2001. Happy there's still a connection.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RideSpaceMountain said...

"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father." - Hunter Biden

You don't need mental horsepower when your son and heir collects your vig for you, just a pulse, fredo.

Enigma said...

Garland comes across as a compliant team player and loyal milquetoast. As with the tweedledum BATF Director Steve Dettelbach and pollyannish Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, compliant personalities are useful and obedient political pawns for the true powerbrokers who hide in the shadows.

rastajenk said...

Me too. I always feel like I'm an insider to a club of people who are really on top of things.

doctrev said...

What an absolute delight. And yes, Garland slow-walked the Trump prosecutions. The smear was the only hope of victory, if they could persuade enough moronic "Country-First" Republicans to go along with it. The problem is that such people have long since become functional Democrats, and in nowhere near the numbers to make up for the hordes of disaffected working class voters (of all stripes) who realized how much better things were under President Trump.

The NPC class will pretend that they could have "gotten Trump" if the trials went faster. Ignore them. The failure of lawfare is why they had to use the Butler solution.

Readering said...

Never an acknowledgement that 4 years ago Trump with the assiatance of too many others was trying to use DoJ and GOP to overturn an election result and stay in power.

James K said...

Democrats are so deep in the swamp of corruption, with protection by the media, that they can outright say what they are doing, while falsely accusing Trump of doing it (or planning to do it), and seemingly without a shred of self-awareness or shame.

Rabel said...

Too many lies. Deliberate, intentional lies, for clicks - for money. And don't forget that Paula and the boys went anti-Trump until the public demand turned the tide.

RCOCEAN II said...

Not only that, I remember Mitch McConnell, Miss Lindsey, and Grassley all saying what a wonderful moderate pick he was for SCOTUS, and they'd be glad to confirm him, after the November 2016 election. Later, 30 Republican senators supported his nomination to AG. Mitt Romney really loved him.

I love people always want to live in world of illusion and fantasy, where all these Democrats are really nice moderates, but "Gosh darn it" they're just "Cowards" or be "bullied in the backroom". LOL.

Garland, had he got on the court, would've voted with Leftwing bloc. Just like Breyer did. Another so-called "Moderate". Peeps don't want to accept that there are no "Moderate" Democrat Judicial Nominees. Its a fantasy they want to live with.

Deep State Reformer said...

What nonsense. As professor Althouse correctly notes the Biden administration was persecuting Trump from Day 1 with investigations, trials, lawfare, and etc way before the '24 election season. This piece is just the WaPo's way of trying to whitewash Biden's DoJ's failures given that Trump's approval levels increased every time they did so.

Christopher B said...

Nobody slow-walked anything.

The persecutions could not happen too early because if Trump was in jail or seen to be in significant legal peril then only the most die-hard MAGA enthusiasts would have supported his nomination, and he likely would have been passed over. They had to start sufficiently late to ensure that he'd get a sympathy vote during the primaries and then hope the cases moved expeditiously enough to cause him trouble during the general election campaign.

It almost worked. Bragg and Letia James got their jobs done. If Big Fani hadn't decided to get a two-fer by and skim COVID cash by hiring her unqualified paramour to head the persecution in Georgia, and if Garland had just nominally put Killa Smith under a duly appointed AAG instead of (probably following Biden's suggestion) setting him as some kind of freelance hired gun, I suspect Trump would have had too much legal distraction for an effective campaign.

Yancey Ward said...

Turd polishing is what WaPoo is good at.

tommyesq said...

Trump challenged an election through the court system and explored asking Pence to hold off on certifying (the legality of which is at worst an open question) pending further investigation/court action, none of which would have landed Biden (or anyone else) facing criminal charges. Just like Gore before him, among (many) others. Not at all the same thing, which I suspect you fully know but choose to ignore for your dumb-assed partisan purposes.

Yancey Ward said...

This exactly- the delays in prosecuting Trump were specifically done in order to try him in court after he got the nomination. The DoJ, however, was run by incompetent clowns.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Freder, as usual, swallows the polished turd WaPoo has produced.

RideSpaceMountain said...

A liberal, compliant, and loyal milquetoast as a supreme court judge...really dodged a bullet.

doctrev said...

I'm not going to let you rewrite history, Christopher. This was a prime NeverTrumper talking point, and it obviously failed. The vast majority of Republicans saw and see the E Jean Carroll smear as not only false and disgusting, but a serious threat to the possibility of non-Uniparty government. The Trump mug shot enhanced the odds of a President Trump, and a prison sentence would have made him bigger than Nelson Mandela in America.

Ron DeSantis was openly salivating over the idea of a Trump "disqualification," and as a result his federal career is stillborn despite otherwise positive governance. Too bad, so sad. I still think he might have won the nomination if there was an extended standoff between Florida state troopers and a Biden FBI trying to serve a grossly illegal warrant on Mar-A-Lago. Ah well!

Maynard said...

You should give it up Fredo. You are consistently making a fool of yourself.

Jupiter said...

When I see a picture of Merrick Garland, I want to reach down and adjust his pronouns.

Leland said...

You can always subscibe to Glenn’s Substack as encouragement.

I read this mornings request to join the PJMedia membership. I had one, but cancelled it when Ed Driscoll kept going on about Tucker and Daryl Cooper being neo-Nazis. If I wanted to read that nonsense, I’d check the Guardian daily.

rehajm said...

…definitely not. Will any of the Democrat crime family be prosecuted?

Mason G said...

"When I see a picture of Merrick Garland..."

He always looks like a guy who just got caught molesting squirrels in the park.

rehajm said...

…all those years of study and hard work and accolades. A few weeks ago the saviors of democracy. Now irrelevant poop…

Narayanan said...

can the various resigning US Attorneys be 'injuncted' from resigning and put on ice till Trump decide about prosecuting ? for say /fraud against the United States/? especially for J6 travesties!

Narayanan said...

He became a meek puppet, a deer in the headlights, and a beaten puppy being jerked by tight collar and leash.
in Garland case collar and leash wielded by his buddies not so for Jeff Sessions !
what happens with deer if tied up and light shone ? freeze or kick and buck

Narayanan said...

He always looks like a guy who just got caught molesting squirrels in the park.
to me more like other way around!!

Narayanan said...

can the various resigning US Attorneys be 'injuncted' from resigning and put on ice in a rubber room till Trump decide about prosecuting ? for say "fraud against the United States"? especially for J6 travesties!

Kirk Parker said...


Do you mean to say, "In Soviet America, squirrel molest *you"!!!" ?

And then what is moose up to while this is going on?

No Name said...

Truthiness in MSM still reigns supreme: Trump wasn't sufficiently prosecuted by Biden lawfare, therefore Biden lost reelection. Hmm.

RCOCEAN II said...

If we find Joey "the Godfather" Biden personally ordered cuts in Trump's secret service protection, and not giving RFK, any protection, I will not be surprised.

No Name said...

Merritt Garland is from same Chicago suburb as William "Rick" Singer, the college-admissions "fixer" in Varsity Blues scandal, and same Niles West HS. There's something odd about Lincolnwood, more than its fair share of white-collar criminals. Garland merits description of "white-collar" lawfare criminal.

RCOCEAN II said...

You can thank Judge Cannon and Conservatives on the SCOTUS for Trump not being in jail. If DoJ had been able to try to documents case in the DC Circuit, God knows what would've happened.

Of course, McConnell, Bill Barr, Romney, and the whole gang of RINO's were cheerleading for Trump's prosecution every step of the way. Never forget that except for Mr. V, none of the GOP primary challengers stepped up and trashed the obviously partisan and possibly unconstitutional indictements of Trump. They all blathered about "letting the justice take its course" etc.

It'll be interesting to see what a serious investigation of J6 will show. We still don't know how many FBI/DHS/Etc. assets were in the crowd. Or how much Wray and Pelosi knew of a riot beforehand.

doctrev said...

Ukraine, J6, the lawfare campaign, even the assassination. There are more then a enough opportunities for President Trump to crack down hard on the Uniparty, including and especially their judicial wing.

Howard said...

Biden isn't being political. His criticism of Merrick Garland is rooted in patriotism by saving America from a felonious monk.

James K said...

Biden and the Dems have managed to shove in a huge number of leftist judges, so it will be ugly for a while at least at the lower levels. I hope SCOTUS is ready to handle a lot of appeals.

Big Mike said...

Freder is here for comedic relief.

RideSpaceMountain said...

You're not performing any rituals in the Whitehouse any more Merrick, and stay away from those squirrels!

Enigma said...

@Yancy Ward: They were not incompetent clowns, rather, incompetent DEI placements as symbols of "law and order" prosecutorial power and effectiveness. Hoisted on their own petard, Democrats were. They got high on their own supply of Woke.

Enigma said...

Thelonious Monk died in 1982.

Enigma said...

You win "Misread of the day." Merrick Garland was a COWARDLY TEAM CONFORMIST. He was absolutely chosen to be part of the left voting bloc. He does, however, think and approach situations like a judge. The same puppet masters pulling Biden's strings were pulling Garland's strings.

RCOCEAN II said...

Budda Bing. that was no monk, that was my wife.

Listen to monk;
Or be in a funk.
Who woulda thunk;
we'd still not be drunk.

On New Years Eve.

rehajm said...

ya the other lefties are all kind of literally gone to match their…

Bonkti said...

Given that Trump was impeached for asking if Zelenskyy had information regarding corrupt activities--activities which have since come to light--wouldn't those who promoted the impeachment be guilty of obstruction of justice?

Freder Frederson said...

Thank you all for your brilliant responses. Every single one of them (especially "This comment has been removed by the author") are well thought out, astute, and absolutely destroy the points I was trying to make.

I am humbled.

FormerLawClerk said...

Republicans will of course, NOT use the Justice Department to hound Democrats and will return it to its original mission. So the Justice Department is ONLY used to hound Republican politicians. Never Democrats.

Nice little system the idiots in the GOP have gotten us into, no?

Iman said...

“And yet a sack of potatoes somehow manages to run an international crime family.”

“Don’t look at me, I’m no leader. I da ho.”

—— Dr. Jill Biden

Iman said...

“Freder, as usual, swallows the polished turd WaPoo has produced.”

Hook, line and stinker…

Jim at said...

Every single one of them (especially "This comment has been removed by the author") are well thought out, astute, and absolutely destroy the points I was trying to make.

The only 'point' you made was the DOJ wasn't politicized under Biden. And anybody who didn't spend the last four years walking around with their heads up their asses knows that to be a lie.

We watched it happen. In real time.

gilbar said...

" 'Biden intended to use the Justice Department to destroy his political adversary!' Indeed. That now seems to have been Garland’s role throughout this administration"..

to be Fair; the ONLY REASON it "seems" like that, is because is IS like that

AlbertAnonymous said...

Howard, even you don't believe that's true. Pull the other one...

gadfly said...

Not that anyone reading this gives a shit, but Democrats are choosing to wallow in false claims about the Trump investigation to make Garland a scapegoat, rather than noting how Chief Justice Roberts and his partisan Justices rewrote the Constitution to give the leader of the GOP a pass on egregious crimes.

Ann Althouse said...

I didn’t purport to know what if anything was in Biden’s head. All I did was point out that the Washington Post said something that necessarily also meant something I don’t think they meant to say. I thought that was amazing and quite notable and I don’t see anyone showing otherwise. If you want to attack me, you got to parse what was in the Washington Post and show that I misunderstood it. In my opinion, there was only one inference possible.

Mr. T. said...

That's because it's never likely there will be an acknowledgement for something that never happened.

Unless you are Crystal Mangum. At that was only to beat the perjury clock.

Bad news for you, Readee- she isn't going to date you. And even if she wanted to? She doesn't have a very good tradk record with her boyfriends..

rob5819 said...

Am I the only one who believes Garland would have never been a Supreme Court Justice? My version. Republicans said no confirmations until after the election. Democrats said, "what about this "older, moderate, guy?" Republicans were expected to believe Trump would lose to Hilary and say, "ok, we'll do hearings." Garland then steps down for family reasons and someone like Ketanji Brown Jackson is nominated, since Republicans are now open to confirmation hearings.

boatbuilder said...

Indeed. They stepped on their own johnsons.

A silly question: Exactly what are the egregious crimes that Joe Biden thinks Trump was supposed to be prosecuted for?

He was tried by impeachment for J6 and acquitted. What else is there? Documents? You, Joe? Really?

boatbuilder said...

You are not the only one. Also an Obama sop to the radical lefties without sacrificing a promising woman/minority candidate. An opening on the Supreme Court, a Dem president and they put up a white guy? Sure.

Dr Weevil said...

As I write, there are 78 comments and no one has mentioned the most interesting angle:
What if Biden is so disappointed in Garland that he doesn't pardon him? In that case, he'll be left to the tender mercies of the incoming Trumpers. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

john mosby said...

Rusted image made me think of Rusted Root, with the singer only slightly more decipherable than Biden.


Narayanan said...

was he ever bright and shiny to be 'nostalgiacious' about?

gilbar said...

whether he stepped down, or not..
IF the Reps gave a vote.. The Dem pick WOULD have lost. SUX not having a majority!

Narayanan said...

good one!!!

Christopher B said...

@doctrev, in what way am I rewriting history, and why is any of it a DeSantis talking point? The NY court cases were run during late 2023/early 2024, exactly on schedule to encourage the GOP base to predictably rally around Trump, exactly as you laid out. There's no way to know the impact of more competent prosecution in GA and by Smith but it would certainly have curtailed Trump's freedom of action. Willis's ethically issues and Smith's case being dismissed by Cannon, plus the USSC immunity ruling largely negated any impact from the prosecutions.

Original Mike said...

??? I sure hope you don't think I attacked you. Because I didn't.

n.n said...

Rust, Biden, 2024... touche.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Rust, Alec, fore!

Peachy said...

Freder - In 2014 - Joe was VP. That's when the Biden family grifting for personal pay-to-play paychecks went on. Keep up.

Peachy said...

Tell us about the Biden crime family. Oh right - you're so drunk on Trump-hate koolaid you think the Biden's are innocent.

doctrev said...

Christopher, thank you for repeating the talking points without realizing that you're doing it. No competent prosecutor would have touched these cases: it required extreme twisting of the law to even get to court. We will never know how distracted President Trump would have been? The answer is not at all: the Democrats and NeverTrumpers are convinced that the cases could have started earlier, but they would be no less likely to progress against a skilled legal team. Which President Trump isn't a part of,so it doesn't distract him personally.

Rusty said...

Doesn't he have to be convicted of something first?

walter said...

Garland, give those boxers back to Baron.

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