December 29, 2024

"In private, Biden has also said he should have picked someone other than Merrick Garland as attorney general..."

"... complaining about the Justice Department’s slowness under Garland in prosecuting Trump, and its aggressiveness in prosecuting Biden’s son Hunter, according to people familiar with his comments.... Had the Justice Department moved faster to prosecute Trump for allegedly seeking to overturn the 2020 election and mishandling classified documents, they say, the former president might have faced a politically damaging trial before the election.... Biden has often looked to Franklin D. Roosevelt as a model, while governing in an age dominated by pop culture figures like podcast host Joe Rogan, tech billionaire Elon Musk and Trump himself.... Substantively, few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments. He mobilized the government to vaccinate Americans against covid-19, bringing the country out of a devastating pandemic. He avoided a recession that many economists had considered inevitable. He rebuilt the transatlantic alliance, rallying the world to help Ukraine battle Russia’s invasion.... But Biden’s critics fault him for failing to grasp that his record itself was not enough, that he needed to tell a story that would resonate in a tribal America...."

This feels like an effort to puff up Biden. Few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments?! Maybe the trick is to ascribe special meaning to the word "analysts" — if you don't think this is an impressive accomplishment, you're not an analyst. Or maybe the idea is that any accomplishment is an accomplishment, so what's to deny?

But look how clearly the article states that Biden intended to use the Justice Department to destroy his political adversary!


Dave Begley said...

“Substantively, few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments.”

And what the fuck were those accomplishments?

This guy was the worst President in US history by a wide margin. He was bribed! And now he’s whining about how his AG didn’t frame and jail Trump before the election? The fuck!

Lawnerd said...

Complaining that Biden’s lawfare wasn’t effective because DOJ didn’t act fast enough. Holy fuck. Biden is unhappy because he wasn’t completely successful in turning us into a banana republic. Biden is a piece of shit.

Dave Begley said...

I read the whole thing. Pure propaganda by WaPo and delusional too.The Fake News is the Enemy of the People. So, so dishonest.

“He succeeded in Phase One of his plan, enacting legislation, much of it bipartisan, to reshape the nation’s infrastructure, revive the semiconductor industry and fight climate change.”

Does this writer know that this wild spending caused the worst inflation in 50 years?

CAGW is the biggest scam in the history of the world.

Wilbur said...

Joe Biden's lonely battle?
It's a rather absurd description, given that he's had the MSM acting as his press agents the last 4 years.

jaydub said...

If anyone had any delusions the depth of the denial that the press and the dems find themselves in, behold this claptrap from the Poo. They deserve to die and hopefully the next four years will finish them off.

Jimmy said...

WaPo giving a final handjob to Biden and the Dems. All for what? Biden was incompetent from day one of his admin. His dementia magnified his own sick and twisted soul.
His time, most of it on vacation, or eating ice cream, was evil. Evil and greedy. One of the saddest most pathetic admins in our history.

wendybar said...

He misspelled Obama

Rocco said...

What did the article say about his Afghanistan withdrawal? Or the Americans left over there?

And then there’s the border crisis…

rastajenk said...

Indeed. Slow Joe was never anything more than a place-holder.

boatbuilder said...

I suspect that someone will be paying big money for Tyler Pager's artwork and/or book in the very near future...

Tacitus said...

It was the raid on Mar-a-Lago that made me put aside my aversion to Trump and my concerns about his (relatively) advanced age. I'm not sure if Lawfare was the result of extreme "bubble dwelling", with behind the scenes power brokers getting "high on their own supply" at a rate not seen since Willie Nelson visited the White House....or if they really knew just how offensive this Banana Republic crap is to the persuadable middle of America. If so, then this was a Hail Mary pass thrown by a QB who'd schmoozed his way through too many concussion protocols. These theories are not mutually exclusive.

tommyesq said...

What were the accomplishments??!! He kept Hunter out of jail despite Garland's "aggressiveness" in prosecuting/persecuting him (remember when Garland, and not the judiciary, screwed up the plea deal??). He kept us out of war (sorta). He continued with Trump's historic peace proposals in the Middle East, protecting our sole ally in the region from attack!

Kate said...

Garland moved faster to prosecute Hunter because he had a case and slower on Trump because manufacturing the case took a while.

Lucien said...

I’m not really happy with Mitch McConnell, but he kept Garland off the Supreme Court, so the country’s got that going for it.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

And Biden is/was the leader of YOUR political party. So your guy wanted to prosecute, i.e , use the legal system, to win/ keep political power. Could you please consider publicly declaring your departure from the Democrat Party? It's ok. It's actually wonderful. I did it in 1979 and I feel great!!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I guess there are people out there who want to pity Joe Biden and it's Tyler Pager's job to make that happen.

Dave Begley said...

The WaPo comments are unhinged. Many complain that we will lose “our democracy” after Trump won a democratic election. Incredibly stupid people.

narciso said...

Merrick garland wasntvin charge clarke and monaco werr

Leland said...

These were the same people saying the Attorney General should not favor the President and be separate and independent of the President's political whims. Now it is, the AG should have moved faster to prosecute the President's political opposition. Having no principles means you don't have to abide to them.

Breezy said...

Funny he doesn’t regret Mayorkas, given he’s the one responsible for the open border and its disastrous effect on our communities. Regretting Garland was all personal to him, not to us. FJB.

Big Mike said...

What?!? Replacing James Buchanan as the worst President in the history of the Republic (thereby elevating Jimmy Carter to 3rd worst and boosting LBJ out of the bottom five) has to be a significant accomplishment, has it not?

RCOCEAN II said...

Thanks for the free link. I guess Biden's accomplishments are as follows: "He succeeded in Phase One of his plan, enacting legislation, much of it bipartisan, to reshape the nation’s infrastructure, revive the semiconductor industry and fight climate change."

IOW, Biden passed a piece of pork barrel legislation, made it harder for Americans to buy gasoline and cheap cars, and gave $Billions to the semiconductor industry.

Leland said...

Garland moved fast to create a sweetheart deal of Hunter that would have given him no jail time and shielded him for further prosecution without the need of a Presidential pardon. The Judge just didn't go along with the scheme.

tommyesq said...

Garland moved fast on Hunter so that Hunter could get to the "get-out-of-jail-free" settlement agreement that Garland's prosecution team agreed to before Biden was voted out (and thus Garland was gone). Only a vigilant judge screwed that up, so Joe had to come in with a pardon that granted the equivalent terms.

RCOCEAN II said...

Most laughable quote in the article “The president has been operating on a time horizon measured in decades, while the political cycle is measured in four years,” Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser"

Goddamn, thanks for the laugh Jake! Guess that's why Biden was spending money like a drunken sailor and running up Trillions in debt, because hey, in the long run - with Biden inflation, you'll need $10,000 dollars for a cup of coffee.

Michael said...

What were American's biggest concerns in 2024? Inflation and Immigration. Both are serious black marks on Biden's record and the reason that Trump is headed back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bob Boyd said...

Analysts in this context means other reporters Tyler Pager talked to about this assignment over some beers.

jim said...

Biden is exactly right, and Trump should have been prosecuted. So lame that you've convinced yourself otherwise.

gilbar said...

" few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments."
could someone name ANY?
i mean:
a failed "vaccine"?
MASSIVE inflation instead of a minor recession?
STARTING a war with (IN!) the Soviet Union?

any others? how about:
got thousands of Afghans killed, and gave BILLIONS of dollars of arms to the Taliban?
flooded the USA with pet eating murderers?
ACTUALLY turned America against the Democrat Party (that one WAS impressive!)

here's Biden's REAL accomplishment: got MILLIONS AND MILLIONS for the Biden family

FormerLawClerk said...

"what the fuck were those accomplishments? "

They never say, of course. And if you disagree, you're clearly a racist. I also blanched at this line:

"... in an age dominated by pop culture figures like podcast host Joe Rogan, tech billionaire Elon Musk and Trump himself."

No mention of $2 million dollar Oprah, Call Me Daddy or Taylor Swift of course.

The problem with the media today is that they're laughably inept at their phoney baloney jobs.

tommyesq said...

And "much of it bipartisan" makes the passage much less of a "Biden" accomplishment.

FormerLawClerk said...

Biden's relatives should be thankful he didn't succeed. They were in grave danger if he had.

RCOCEAN II said...

Reading this article is so amazing. Its an insight into the Democrat/Left mind. The question with Leftists is: "Are they lying, or do they really believe the crap they spew"? And this article seems to indicate, they are really true believers.

Yes, Biden's big mistake was gosh, darn it, he just didn't communicate well enough. Or brag more. And he didn't do anything wrong, except go easy on his political enemies. He should have done everything he did do, only harder!

And there's this gaslite beauty:

"But Ron Klain, Biden’s incoming chief of staff, pushed for Garland. He stressed that Garland — a federal judge with a sterling reputation for independence and fairness — would show Americans that Biden was rebuilding a department badly shaken by Trump’s political attacks."

Yes, Garland was too "independent and fair". LOL. This from the most partisan, out-of-control, AG in the last 100 years. A man who believe in two sets of laws, one for the Democrats and his friends, and another for the rest of us. Muller "the most honorable man in DC", Comey "The defender of Democracy" and Garland "The independent and fair" AG. Black is white, and Up is down.

FormerLawClerk said...

It was the FBI planting fake "Classified" envelopes - taking photos of those and then releasing them to the press - that did it for me.

The FBI/DOJ/CIA was trying to frame Donald Trump, but they failed. So then they tried to murder him. Yes ... they tried to murder him. And probably will succeed soon.

gilbar said...

that was his real accomplishment as "President".. That, and the ice cream

FormerLawClerk said...

Putting Garland on the Court would have relieved him of all his power, tho.

Tina Trent said...

The last thing the dems need right now is for Biden to be Biden and shamelessly tell any more of the truth. The guy’s always been at his most articulate with one foot in his mouth.

Bob Boyd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina Trent said...

Imagine what could have been accomplished if only he had taken a few more vacations.

Old and slow said...

You make a very strong case. I'm convinced.

Old and slow said...

In my experience, they really DO believe that Biden was a great, and sadly underappreciated, president. I don't argue, I just just try to change the subject.

Ralph L said...

If he'd prosecuted Trump earlier, would Biden's actually illegal theft and mishandling of classified docs have been exposed earlier?

cfs said...

The Democrats no longer even try to deny their prosecutions of Trump were political. Now they are just complaining that the prosecutions didn't work as planned and are blaming each other for their failures.

Our justice system is supposed to be where a crime is identified and the investigators work to identify the perpetrator of the crime. In regards to the Biden DOJ and Trump, they had their man so it was just a matter of finding a crime for which to charge him. Finding that crime and the laws and legal precedent to support any charges is what slowed them down. Their obvious corruption created roadblocks while at the same time boosting the support for Trump.

Now, they are at the cope and seethe point.

The WSJ is worried about the poor DOJ attorneys who may lose their jobs and are having to hire attorneys to protect themselves from justice. Poor whiddle things. I hope they all lose their savings and their homes while coughing up millions in attorneys fees.

They didn't expect their plans to fail and to fail so miserably. However, there are three weeks until Trump takes office. I fear what they will do to keep him from returning to the White House.

Aggie said...

Interestingly, these analysts remain anonymous. One wonders how many of them are full time professionals within the intelligence community. Did 51 analysts make a list of accomplishments?

The only sources named are all Democrat politicians or apparatchiks, and there's no evidence that Joe Biden was a steady hand on the tiller for the past 4 years. If he'd really had his hand on the tiller, maybe he wouldn't have fallen so often.

rehajm said...

…you misspelled Soros…

Jersey Fled said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magilla Gorilla said...

I take a back seat to no one in my contempt for Joe Biden, but lay off the ice cream, okay? There's nothing wrong with ice cream. I love ice cream.

Wince said...

Rather than attempting a lasting first draft of history, this Pager hagiography of Biden sounds like preparing the battle space for something short-term, like the mother of all outrageous pardons.

Jaq said...

"complaining about the Justice Department’s slowness under Garland in prosecuting Trump"

He publicly scolded Garland for not inventing some Soviet style case against Trump earlier.

" its aggressiveness in prosecuting Biden’s son Hunter, "

LOL. Hunter could have easily pled out of the case against him by simply attending some counseling for drug addicts, which he probably could have used. Then we see pictures of Biden introducing his son Hunter and one of Hunter's clients to Xi, which makes Biden a liar and Hunter a criminal, given that he didn't register as a foreign agent. and it's all snooze with the Big Guy.

Joe Biden's secret power is his ability to spin a reality completely counter to what he knows is true with such facility. Given this practice of his, the number of gaffes by him is remarkably small.

narciso said...

A politico bloomberg drone how droll

Barry Dauphin said...

"Substantively, few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments."
If true, why is he so lonely? I thought everyone likes a winner.

Jaq said...

I wish Freder would weigh in on this one, and lay out the position of our troll community.

Quaestor said...

"But look how clearly the article states that Biden intended to use the Justice Department to destroy his political adversary!"

And WaPo was perfectly willing to act as Biden's accomplice in that blatant travesty -- and without shame. As has been wisely said here numerous time, you can't hate them enough.

Dave Begley said...

Jimmy Carter deregulated telecom, airlines and trucking. That was good.

Maynard said...

It is sad, but fitting when the gaslighters start to inhale the gas they are peddling.

mindnumbrobot said...

But Biden’s critics fault him for failing to grasp that his record itself was not enough, that he needed to tell a story that would resonate in a tribal America...

It was their lack of messaging!

Don't you ever change, WP. Please, never change.

Quaestor said...

"And what the fuck were those accomplishments?"

He stupidly blurted out the truth of Bidenomics, didn't he? "The government debt is meaningless because it has the the power to print money," or words to that effect... A grifter's contemptuous exposure of his own fraud is an accomplishment, but whose? Biden's, or the Olympian gods'?

Narayanan said...

how do you rate Holder v Garland?

FormerLawClerk said...

To what purpose? No reasonable prosecutor .... remember? Lacked the requisite "intent" as a backup. Joe Biden won't face justice until some random American steps up and delivers it.

Quaestor said...

"It is sad, but fitting when the gaslighters start to inhale the gas they are peddling."

Maynard mixes his metaphors like the Weird Sisters mixed their brew, yet a true point is handsomely made.

Kakistocracy said...

Garland: 'a mostly decorative wreath, hung on an inanimate object.'

President Biden became a modern version of LBJ and not for the reasons he and his delusional advisers fantasized about though. And then it was just nothing but unforced errors, all the way down. Biden turned out to be a “bridge” after all -- a dilapidated one between two Trump terms.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Obama weaponized the national security apparatus against his domestic political opponents. I'd say that makes him worse than James Buchanan, whose big failure seems to be not having averted the Civil War, a pretty much impossible task in my view.

Quaestor said...

Dixcus writes, "Joe Biden won't face justice until some random American steps up and delivers it."

An unworthy and easily misinterpreted comment the enemies of this platform could seize upon. If I wielded the blue pencil, Dixcus would get the chop for that one. Random Americans don't deliver justice -- not ever.

Enigma said...

The left tagged Trump as the "worst President ever" very fast. However, Biden was a 100% empty puppet so that made him either logically the worst possible (as a nothing), or a the best puppet ever for the unelected shadowy donor class.

Never forget that the Billionaire oligarch, activist, megadonor, and political dilettante Michael Bloomberg was on the stage during the last true Democratic debate. With Joe obviously suffering from Parkinson's, who was the functional President?

Amadeus 48 said...

Biden is Biden, and no one should expect anything other than cheap lies and self-aggrandizement from him. But what is WaPoo's excuse? And Garland's?

AMDG said...

Not mentioned in the article:

The Border Crisis



The implementation of Obama’s Iran fetish and the abandonment of the Abraham Accords.


With regard to Harland and Hunter x Garland did his job, it was a judge in Delaware who blew it up.

Howard said...

Another example of how the mainstream democratic mouthpieces have continued to fail to comprehend what they are doing wrong and what Trump is doing right. Denial delusion and divisiveness are right out of the Hillary Clinton playbook which they have failed to move on from.

It's like they have already conceded the 2028 election to JD Vance.

William said...

On the plus side, the wheels didn't come off during the Biden Presidency. That has more to do with the resilience of Americans and their institutions than it does with Biden, but, anyway, we're still here......It's hyperbole to say that Biden is the worst. I don't think anyone will ever top Buchanan, who allowed the Confederacy to arm themselves with weapons from Federal armories. I'd rate Wilson as an even bigger fuck up than Buchanan. Wilson's failure was world-historical in its magnitude. He could have kept us out of WWI, and he could have helped to negotiate a better peace. And honoral mention to Hoover. He was as inept as FDR in resolving the Depression, but he could never get the public to think he was on their side. Like Carter, he enhanced the malaise.

Steven Wilson said...

Is there any chance this entire presidency has been an overlong Scooby Doo episode and Biden will leave office snarling "And I'd gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for that stupid orange man!!!!"

Christopher B said...

In addition to the sweetheart plea deal, the DOJ didn't move fast at all. The Delaware AAG farted around until the statute of limitations expired on the charges most likely to expose the fact that Joe was getting pay offs via Hunter.

sestamibi said...

I pray he survives until 12:01 PM on Jan 20, if only to keep Kamala from being #47 even for a moment.

Howard said...

You're use of the word "enemies" also implies a fantastically impotent desire for play-pretending heroic acts of violence to mere political disagreement with adversarial competitors.

Christopher B said...

I'm not surprised about Sullivan's inability to master timelines. IIRC he's the guy who penned some op-ed that talked about how the Mid-east was more stable than it had been in decades about two weeks before October 7.

D.D. Driver said...

There was an unfortunate copy error. It was supposed to read “Substantively, quite a few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments."

mindnumbrobot said...

Random Americans don't deliver justice -- not ever.

Hear! Hear!

Never let your adversaries drag you down to their level.

Howard said...

George W. Bush is near the tippy top of the list after his daddy, the author of the highway of death. Chimpy McHitlerburten started two major wars in the Middle East resulting in the slaughter of at least a million people, the permanent naming and scarring of the best of Americans young people at the cost of untold trillions all for the benefit of the military industrial complex.

Mary Beth said...

I mentioned the Munk Debate on Biden's legacy under the Biden quiet quitting post. I'll recommend it here to Dave and anyone who wants to know what some might consider his accomplishments. I'm not saying the list is convincing, just that there is a list.

Christopher B said...

The Democrats were trying to be too clever by half and, to mix metaphors, by trying to thread an almost impossible needle.

The persecutions couldn't start much before the 2024 primaries because if Trump was either in jail or significant legal trouble then only the most die-hard MAGA followers would have backed him as the GOP candidate. They had to start late enough to generate the sympathy necessary for him to win the nomination but advance quickly enough to turn off the mass of independents as well as maximizing interference with Trump's campaign. The NY persecutions worked but both Big Fani and Killa Smith largely shot themselves in the foot. If she hadn't hired her unqualified paramour to lead the case, and if Garland had just had Smith working under a real AAG instead of being neither fish nor fowl, they might have actually succeeded.

wsw said...

Garland and Mayorkas gone, soon. Can't wait

Howard said...

I got to say, his parents were beyond cruel by naming that poor kid Merrick Garland. How many years of teasing did that clever little boy have to endure?

Canadian Bumblepuppy said...

The Washington Post wouldn't let me read that article even as a free gift it insisted I subscribe. There's not a chance I would give even a Canadian penny to Jeff Bezos and his propaganda rag.

Quaestor said...

The fantastically impotent Howard swings and misses once again.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

You may be right. The target audience for this piece may just be Joe and Jill, and its real purpose to encourage them to think that the non-deplorable sector of American society still recognizes them as the good guys, so they shouldn't hesitate to issue blanket pardons to everyone associated with the Biden administration. It's the right thing to do and history will remember it as the last great act of statesmanship by a great and noble leader (and his physician-wife).

M said...

So he "avoided a recession"?
You mean the department in charge of gathering and publishing statistics changed the definition of a recession to ensure that there wasn't one.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"Easily misinterpreted"? Dixcus could hardly be clearer in his advocacy of political violence. He does it practically every day.

Sebastian said...

"Substantively, few analysts deny Biden’s accomplishments. He mobilized..." It is to laugh. But let it be noted that many analysts here on the Althouse blog deny those "accomplishments." Of course, even the prog puffery depends on the meaning of "he." Considering Biden's now well-documented senility, who dat he?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The problem was not that Biden wanted the justice department to go after his political opponents, but rather that the Justice Department was bad at it. Nothing to see here.

robother said...

"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

Big Mike said...

@Dave Begley, which is why Carter isn’t dead last. Carter is also responsible for gasoline shortages, Iran turning from dependable ally to implacable enemy, the rise of OPEC, and “malaise.” OTOH, unlike Buchanan and Biden, I am aware of no evidence that Carter himself was personally corrupt. (Harding and Grant presided over very corrupt administrations, but the presidents themselves were not caught up in the corruption.)

TobyTucker said...

The DOJ actually slow-walked the investigation of Hunter Biden so that the statute of limitations ran out on a number of serious charges relating to his time at Burisma and then pushed for a real sweetheart of a plea deal on what was left, a deal that would have left Hunter facing nothing more than probation. If it wasn't for the judge examining the deal and not just rubber stamping it as expected, it couldn't have gone any better for Hunter.

Joe Biden's criticism of Garland just shows that once again, he didn't have a clue as to what was really going on.

GRW3 said...

Who besides Garland (whom so many Dems felt sorry for missing the SC position), who clearly hates Republicans, could they have found who would have stooped so low, treading on tradition and the constitution?

robother said...

I suppose the position of a Biden presidential analyst has a great deal in common with the proverbial boy digging into a pile of horse manure under the Christmas tree.

Yancey Ward said...

That essay was hilarious. For the record- the federa prosecutions of Trump were delayed in order for him to win the nomination and then be indicted in order to create maximum damage to the GOP ticket. However, the DoJ was a bunch of clowns like the rest of the Biden Administration.

Big Mike said...

Let’s not forget that on the eve of the Civil War the. U hanan administration was busy moving rifles and cannons from armories in Northern states to armories in the South.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Not sure I agree that the way to evaluate presidents is by assessing how bad their single worst failures were. I take a more comprehensive approach. To my mind, Biden was horrible in so many significant ways, he is by far the worst president ever. He let in 10 million+ illegals (many of whom are violent criminals), increased the national debt by something like 50% (and for what, exactly?), used his justice department to go after his chief political rival (worse than Nixon in this regard), got us into an endless proxy war with Russia (far more people killed than in Iraq), used tech companies to stifle free speech, lied repeatedly to the American people (e.g., declaring he would never pardon Hunter and knew nothing about his business dealings), openly violated his oath of office by trying to forgive student loans when he knew he lacked constitutional authority, sought to prevent Israel from defeating its terrorist adversaries, presided over the disastrous Afghanistan pullout and then refused to take any responsibility for it, promoted the "trans-ing" of the military, permitted the Chinese to sail a spy balloon over the length of the entire continent before shooting it down, unleashed record inflation and then falsely blamed it on corporate greed, and did nothing to stem the fentanyl crisis, deal with rampant street crime, or address other pressing social issues, all while disparaging large segments of his fellow Americans as "garbage" and worse. That record of failure will be very difficult (it is hoped) for any president to top.

Aggie said...

+1 ^

Big Mike said...

@M, by the classical definition of recession, we’ve been in one for a while. Don’t ask academics — they don’t know shit. Don’t ask the Bureau of Labor Statistics — they were politicized during the Obama administration and are in desperate need of being depoliticized so people can trust their numbers once again. Ask the working men and women struggling to get by.

FormerLawClerk said...

I noticed it didn't say anything about $6/doz eggs. Or $5.75/gallon gas either. Or $1,400/mo ObamaCare premiums while the illegals are being handed $2,500/mo. pre-paid Visa debit cards.

Must have been limited by space.

Charlie said...

To paraphrase the great Major Kong, "I've been to one world's fair, a picnic and a rodeo and that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard come out of the WaPo."

MartyH said...

Trump was impeached for asking Zelenskyy to look into Biden’s corruption.

David53 said...

Yes, please keep reminding me about how the Biden administration handled COVID and vaccinations. Useless lockdowns, restrictions, citations, fines, lies and more lies, please don’t stop talking about it.

Bruce Hayden said...

I have zero compassion for the DOJ attorneys involved, and esp those who prosecuted the J6 defendants. The J6 defendants did nothing as bad as numerous Dem groups have done on numerous occasions. It was a setup from the start, primarily orchestrated from the Speaker’s Office. It was so blatant that Pelosi had her daughter following her around that day filming her for posterity. The prosecutors knowingly and willingly violated their oaths and legal ethics for partisan political advantage, and as a result got many hundreds of innocent people sent to prison for non-crimes, very often in deplorable conditions, just because they were protesting Biden’s fraudulent theft of the 2020 election. The Garland DOJ knew from the first that the whole thing was a setup between Pelosi and elements of the Deep State, notably in the FBI. They used the massive wealth of the US to do this, overpowering and obliterating the defendants’ meager attempts to fund defenses. The prosecutors knew that there were government funded instigators and other assets in the crowd that day. They knew that busses of AntiFA had shown up, to engage in the instigations to violence they are so well known for. They knew that the violence was instigated by Pelosi’s Capital police, and that the only people who died as a direct result of the protesters that day were protesters. They knew that her Capital Police had ushered many, if not most, of the protesters into the Capital. And that the video shown in court was heavily curated, with the video showing how peaceful the protesters had been (until attacked by the Capital police - but that video was eliminated from their document production too). They had a Brady duty to provide defendants with all exonerating evidence, and that included the duty to provide exonerating video, as well as all the information they had, or could get, about the agents and provocateurs the FBI (at least) had employed that day. The prosecutors happily and eagerly prosecuted many hundreds of J6 protesters, requesting, and often getting, harsh sentences, knowing that their prosecutions both violated their oaths and legal ethics. The prosecutors involved were, no doubt, self selected, with any good and ethical prosecutors bowing out as quickly as they could.

So, bankrupting them and canceling their pensions would be far too kind. They deserve to serve sentences, in the same prisons they sent the J6 protesters, for terms at least equivalent to those they cumulatively acquired for those protesters. Hanging, then drawing and quartering, would be more appropriate.

The prosecutors and FBI agents involved in the federal cases against Trump should fare no better. Top of the my list would be Jay Bratt, who was the head of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence operation, and, along with his FBI counterparts, had been attacking Trump and his people since at least spring of 2016. Yes, the FL case was just a continuation of the LawFare that they had been waging against him, from at least their MidYear Exam (whitewashing of Clinton’s crimes) and Crossfire Hurricane, up through their fraudulent FISA warrants against Carter Page, the Mueller investigation, etc. Same group of people set up the MAL raid and FL documents case, with the help of a compliant AG and WH, plus a request from the loathsome (but likely untouchable) Adam Schiff to yank Trump’s continuing access to classified information. Of course, the J6 case against Trump was just as sketchy. The DOJ knew that Trump had not only requested National Guard troops, but had later ordered them, which order was ignored by his SecDef and DOD bureaucracy. They also knew that his speech had counseled the J6 protesters to stay nonviolent and go home. Didn’t matter. Rabid attack dog Smith, known for his unethical prosecutions already had been hired to take Trump down, by any means, fair, or mostly foul.

Charlie Eklund said...

Dixcus writes, "Joe Biden won't face justice until some random American steps up and delivers it."

I spy with my little eye an agent provocateur, judging from this comment and many previous comments. Congratulations, Althouse Blog, for having drawn the attention of, who…the feds? Garden variety activist looking to stir up the rubes? One wonders…

Iman said...

0bama and Biden are stains on American polity.

pacwest said...

The funny papers. If you can't laugh at the WaPo and NYT you don't have a sense of humor. Not quite Babylon Bee level, but they're working at it.

Christopher B said...

Great line, Tina!

Lazarus said...

Biden wanted Garland to move faster and harder against Trump?

So much for grandfatherly Mr. Nice Guy.

Iman said...

It’s simple jim.

Jonathan Burack said...

Yes, turn Chris Wright (Energy), Doug Burgham (Interior) and Lee Zeldin (EPA) loose. Not a moment to spare. Biden's rear guard is laying down mines wherever they can. 22 days is too long.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lazarus said...

That's probably a reference to climate change. I don't see Biden playing the long game on anything else. Even if climate change were the disaster some expect Biden messed up that, just like everything else.

It may also be a reference to infrastructure, since nothing has been built yet or is likely to be built for another decade or so. It's another scam.

Lazarus said...

The glitter is off Obama and he's making Nixon look better and better, but compared to Jimmy Carter, GWB and JRB, let alone Buchanan, he still can't be the worst.

Bruce Hayden said...

Of course, printing money to fund deficit spending, is a good part of why we got significant inflation. We are coming up on 50 years now that we have known that was where inflation comes from - the government printing money to fund deficit spending.

Ampersand said...

Keep an eye on Tyler Pager. Graduate of a tony prep school in Westchester, valedictorian at Northwestern Medill School, Masters in Comparative Social Policy from Oxford, and a series of ever loftier journo jobs at USA Today. Boston Globe, NYT, Bloomberg, and now the WP, where he is White House Correspondent.. All this as a white male during the struggle sessions turmoil of the last decade. This is a guy who gives his bosses what they want, without allowing himself to be derailed by the jealousy and general nastiness of his peers. Reminds me of Elizabeth Prelogar. Know your enemy.

Original Mike said...

"Funny he doesn’t regret Mayorkas, given he’s the one responsible for the open border and its disastrous effect on our communities."

He was just following orders. I'm not saying he didn't agree with those orders, but he wasn't the instigator. The whole democrat party was on board with the import-more-dem-voters scheme.

hawkeyedjb said...

I hope Joe Biden will be noted in history books as a feeble, personally corrupt, grasping, angry little man who made a career and a fortune in a business where low morals and lack of intellect are not handicaps, let alone disqualifiers.

n.n said...

Obama was running guns. Biden is gunning runners. Progress.

Readering said...

If Biden is telling people he should have stayed in the race that tells me all I need to know.

Original Mike said...

""Easily misinterpreted"? Dixcus could hardly be clearer in his advocacy of political violence. He does it practically every day."

Yes, he does. He's very likely a moby.

Rabel said...

"He mobilized the government to vaccinate Americans against covid-19, bringing the country out of a devastating pandemic."

I don't think that even the vaccine supporters are making the claim that it "brought us out of the pandemic."

Original Mike said...

And the primary reason for the DOJ's behavior was shielding not Hunter, but Joe.

mikee said...

Biden's spokesperson or controller continues to lie. Much of Hunter's prosecution for criminal behavior was delayed to the point of statute of limitations almost applying when his DOJ sweetheart plea deal was quashed.

Skeptical Voter said...

Mourning the decrepit ancien regime--a kakistrocacy by any other name. I'll be glad when the Biden years are flushed from the national memory.

Yancey Ward said...

It is far worse- the pandemic deaths from COVID didn't stop until people stopped taking the boosters in 2022-23. If the vaccines were really effective, more people wouldn't have died of COVID during Biden's first year in office than died in Trump's last year in office.

Jaq said...

I remember that recession he avoided. That's the one, right before the mid-terms, where he said that it couldn't be a recession because the jobs numbers were so good, so they said it wasn't one, then, right after the mid-terms, they revised all of those jobs gained away, and then some.

It's like the "chocolate rations" scene in 1984, where he realizes that he is putting too much effort into making the retroactive changes to statistics believable, and the more ridiculous Winston Smith made the changes, the better it was for The Party, because it broke down the intellect of the hearers having to accept these numbers. You can see the effect on our trolls here, who just a year ago were telling us that Joe Biden was an honorable man, and that Hunter never involved his dad in his business, even as Hunter traveled with him on Air Force One to all kinds of meetings. Oh, yeah, and "if Trump won, democracy would be ended!"

Jaq said...

Yeah, it's kind of funny that there is a poster who is going to miss the Biden years so much that he has taken its descriptor as his self-selected cognomen.

Narayanan said...

what about all the DC judges who were un-curious about what was happening in their court rooms?

Narayanan said...

moving rifles and cannons from armories in Northern states to armories in the South.
was he arming South or preparing to defend Union?

Ampersand said...

I suspect that the poster in question is trying to draw attention to the kakistocratic nature of the Biden regime and its state, local and private sector allies.

phantommut said...

There's a strong "Now that it doesn't matter the truth can be told" theme running through recent stories.

Jim at said...

Biden is exactly right, and Trump should have been prosecuted.

For what? Be specific.

Nicholas said...

In a similarly Orwellian vein, we can expect WaPo to tell us next week that Biden is “sharp as a tack”.

David53 said...

Yeah, I dunno. Their narrative is still affecting people. I saw a guy in a grocery store parking lot today looking for a place to park. His windows were rolled up, he was wearing an N95 mask and surgical gloves.

Joe Bar said...

JFC. Do they actually believe any of that? I actually read the article. It's kindergarten make-believe.

Bunkypotatohead said...

He made the USA a worse place to live, I'll give him "credit" for that.
And only that.

paminwi said...

Althouse will never leave the Democrats Party. Killing babies is far too important to her because otherwise women can’t make decisions about their own bodies if abortion isn’t included.

paminwi said...

The DC judges were as stupid as the FISA Court judges who just believed everything the FBI/DOJ told them. They are all Dems who believe these J6 Republicans got what was coming to them. And I believe the judges would have given even longer sentences if they could have.

Gk1 said...

Biden trying to lock up Trump guaran-FUCKING-teed he would win the election this year. You are irredeemably stupid to think otherwise.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

I loathe the standard practice of describing a couple crossovers as "bipartisan." As in "the bipartisan Jan 6 committee."

Actual bipartisanship would require more than a token.

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