One option is to talk about anything you want in the comments to this post. It doesn't need to be New Year's Eve-y, but feel free to discuss your aspirations for the year that lies ahead or to belabor whatever it is that you liked or didn't like about 2024.
I'm about to go for my last run of the year. I'll still miss 2500 miles by about 15 miles, but so what? Next year I hope to run at least 3500. We shall see.
Clyde's Top 15 Favorite "New" Songs of 2024 - Part 16 of 16
#1 Jemima Price - "My Sweet Lord" - Unfold Your Love: A Tribute to George Harrison - 2003
This is a song from a George Harrison tribute album that Jemima Price released in 2003. It's also the story of solving a mystery that perplexed me all year. Let me explain.
Late last December, after my cutoff date for the 2023 best new songs, I had been listening to Beatles music, George Harrison's 50th Anniversary edition of All Things Must Pass, and some Beatles-adjacent music like Apple Jam. Then, looking for something else to listen to, Amazon Music suggested an album of George Harrison cover songs by a "Christine Collester,' which had been released for download only in December of 2011. I listened to it and it was excellent. However, when I went looking for more information on "Christine Collester," I hit a brick wall. There were no other albums by her at all, and no information on the internet. There was no physical media available on CD or vinyl. The cover art didn't have the artist's name, only a black-and-white photo of Harrison and the list of the ten songs one the album.
There was a folk, blues and jazz singer-songwriter from the Isle of Man named Christine Collister, with an I rather than an E, but she said on her Facebook page in 2012 that she had nothing to do with that album. So, it was a mystery as to who really had done the album. In the end, I decided to just enjoy the music and played the heck out of it. When Amazon gave me my top songs of 2024, the top five spots were held by songs from this album. Besides this song, I really liked the dance version of "Love You To" and the funky version of "Taxman." There is not a bad song on the album.
Today, while writing the first draft of this post, which I had to completely rewrite, I solved the mystery. I was looking at the YouTube versions of the "Christine Collester" songs, and one of them actually had something other than the black-and-white picture of Harrison. A fan version of "Love You To" from Nikopol72 showed color pictures of Harrison. I started playing it and then clicked on the More below to open up the information tab. When I did, I saw the orange album cover art of Unfold Your Love by Jemima Price, even though the text next to it said Christine Collester. When I clicked on the album art, it took me to her original version of the album, and the mystery was solved.
I'm going to give you a couple of bonus songs from this album as well. If you like them, seek out the entire album. You'll enjoy it.
Jemima Price - My Sweet Lord
Who put prune juice in your cereal
Like the last 10 or 12 New Year's eves : quiet evening at home, some TV, some reading.
I expect much greater clarity on the effect of AGI on the economy. And a morass of lawsuits trying to prevent/hinder Trump and Dodge’s efforts to dismantle the bureaucratic state. Epic times over 2025 and 2026. The filter will not survive unchanged!
Bonus song #1: Jemima Price - "Love You To" - Unfold Your Love: A Tribute to George Harrison - 2003
It's probably heretical to say this, but I like this better than the original Beatles version.
Jemima Price - Love You To
Bonus song #2: Jemima Price - "Taxman" - Unfold Your Love: A Tribute to George Harrison - 2003
Jemima Price - Taxman
I sure hope the DOGE boys are busy doing what needs to be done. Two years effort at least.
Culture. Not Filter. Typing next to bouncing 4 year old
Finally, I want to say thank you to all of the other commenters here who responded positively to these posts. This is the new and new-to-me music that was my soundtrack this year, and I just wanted to share those discoveries with you. Hopefully you found something that you enjoyed, too.
Listening to talk radio today and it dawned on me - the dems and the press not only colluded to keep the public from knowing how far gone Biden was, they also colluded to keep Biden himself from knowing it. They apparently accepted written questions (to ask Joe) and he was given written answers without being told that the questions were pre-scripted. He must have just thought his staff was really good. They also reportedly shielded him from baddpolls and bad news in general, which is why he still thinks he could have won.
That is your NYT at work. I know you critically analyze stories, but maybe you should just wean yourself off altogether.
Oh yeah, new years. I can set up to record the midnight rural Ohio rifle shots. They're interesting because of time delay with distance, somewhat ruined by people with bad watches and repeat celebrators.
Thanks, Clyde. As a George Harrison fanatic, I’m grateful for the steer to Jemima Price.
"And a morass of lawsuits trying to prevent/hinder Trump and Dodge’s efforts to dismantle the bureaucratic state."
From the "glass half full" POV, the upside here is that whatever time they devote to disrupting Trump's efforts is time not spent on advancing their agenda.
If I'm awake at midnight, it's because I have to pee.
Those are better covers than the original
Super bonus: Here's the full playlist on YouTube of all ten songs on the album:
Jemima Price - Unfold Your Love
You're welcome.
I’m at the airport waiting for someone who may need me to drive them home.
This year I'm really going to get it together. Years from now, I'll look back on my early eighties as the happiest years of my life. I'm really going to hunker down and cut down on the carbs and everything will finally fall in place.
I watched the Fighting Illini beat South Carolina.
They are all blank pagss (they live) and worse only the samizdat really matter
Started working on my taxes. Will finish a book my son got me for Xmas.
If I was down in Puerto Rico, I’d be celebrating New Year’s Eve counting candles Althouse commentator John Henry sometimes uses the handle “Dark Island.” Well, Puerto Rico’s power grid has gone down and will be days — or longer — before getting it back up.
Same. Fantastic game.
Big plans to watch the college football playoff game, and do a little reading. I'm so beyond all of the revelry. Used to do it bigtime in Chicago, but no more.
I will prepare my annual net worth statement. The first time I did it took almost all day but now just a couple hours. When you have as few assets as we do it’s not hard to compute.
Too much like Charlie Brown dreaming he will kick the football around here I suppose...
Wife, dog, books and music--like all the best New Yearses.
I finally watched "My Dinner with Andre"! I am going to spend this evening deciding whether I have to start my NY resolution tomorrow, in spite of the fact that I am entertaining vast hordes, or whether I get a bye til Thursday.
Dinner at home with the wife. Dungeness Crab, salad, French Bread and a bottle of red. We may even stay up until midnight.
We have livestock and fireworks may spook them.
We have a small herd (five total)of Miniature Highland Cattle and this was our first birthing season. Our two heifers each gave us adorable baby girls. It’s been a lot of hard work and I doubt we will ever make money. But, dealing with animals is so much nicer than the big city and millions of people.
Pop some popcorn, watch a video, go to bed when I'm tired. Hubby will go to bed before I do.
Our most memorable New Year's Eve was about 45 years ago. It was basically a blizzard but we and another couple decided to drive the back roads of Iowa County, WI to celebrate with another couple who decided to stay home because...wait for it...the roads were bad. After bucking through the third huge drift (barely) and seeing nothing but drift after drift in the headlights, we decided to turn that 1969 Buick Electra around and head back to town.
We just had dinner and are going to watch the new Clint Eastwood directed movie "Juror #2" on Max. It has gotten very good reviews. Then we will try to stay awake to watch the big ball drop at Times Square. After that, off to bed.
Prediction - Next year they'll 'misplace' 82 billion. https://www.icij.org/news/2024/11/oxfam-says-41-billion-of-the-world-banks-climate-spending-effectively-unaccounted-for/
Well, it would be because some neighbor thought it would be cute to shoot off fireworks. That would cause me to awaken enough to realize I might want to use the restroom. Probably make it to 2 or 3 am for a normal wake-up if they would just go to bed too.
SEC isn’t showing up this year.
…so are you resolving to not speak in hypertext for the new year?
Yes, thank you
Bret Bielema (or as we call him in our house, Dough Boy) is an ass.
Lobster and filet mignon is the traditional New Year's Eve dinner at our house. A little champagne. I'll make it to midnight but the wife won't.
Old and slow said...
I'm about to go for my last run of the year. I'll still miss 2500 miles by about 15 miles, but so what? Next year I hope to run at least 3500. We shall see.
I too just got back from my final run of the calendar year. 2190 miles for the year. I’ll try for 3500 in the coming year too. I also am old (71 in 2025) and slow (top speed: 3.5 mph) but love being bipedal. Happy New year, everyone!
"Did" our taxes a couple of weeks ago. Not filling out the forms, but a spreadsheet estimate. Need to do it early to figure out how much to withdraw from retirement funds before Dec 31. With a spreadsheet developed over the last few years it's pretty cut and dried.
My old codger knees hurt just thinking about it. Walks are it for me.
This year I'm really going to get it together. Years from now, I'll look back on my early eighties as the happiest years of my life. I'm really going to hunker down and cut down on the carbs and everything will finally fall in place."
Oh dear. I was pretending to be without a plan but underneath my indifference, William's plan as above was my plan.
Now I'm going to think of another plan that will definitely work. I'll bring eighty years of experience to bear upon it. I had a dear friend who was 100 when I was just a 78 year-old kid. She told me: "Old age ain't for sisses." And this is true but sometimes, when I read about the culture in which the young are being marinated, I think that I'm an old person at the right moment. We are the ones who are well treated. People have given up on trying to change us; they don't listen to what we say which in the era of cancel culture is really a benefit; the US hasn't run out of money for Social Security; there are still working furnaces and air conditioning.
And I look out and I see brave young people rising up. I feel like Ghan-Buri-Ghan - "The wind is changing," she said, and disappeared into the forest.
Happy New Year to all! I figure I've been reading this blog for about 20 years. I've laughed out loud to so many comments, the wittiest bunch of people on the net and shed a tear over some others. Thanks to Althouse for making this possible!
new years= Amateurs Night Got everything we want right here at home,no late nights out trying to hook up,getting twisted, coming to next day sick,got my wife of 44 years and two older grandkids with us ready to check out NEW WILLIE WONKA FLICK (on app) after we get back from dinner at CRACK BARELL (KIDS LOVE IT THERE) Stay off roads ,too many amateurs out there,,been there did all that. Nothing to leave the house for,,its all right here. 45 New Years with my darling, thats the celebration.
did this happen coupla years go?
US man fires AR-15 rifle to celebrate new year, gets shot dead by police
James Williams’ widow says the gunfire is an annual tradition in their Ohio neighbourhood, and many other residents were taking part
She accused the officer of opening fire without warning; the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is looking into the incident
that is one way of popping the bottle!!
Hapa. Full. Very full.
Going to bed. yay bed! My diet starts. now.. oink oink oink oink. uh now!
Happy New Year!
OK - that was mean.
Happy New Year to the Alt-House Althouse!
narciso using AI? or Grammrly?
They literally built this bozo a fake White House Oval Office to putter around in. Anybody who couldn't see this farce for the fakery it was had to be utterly blind.
Joe Biden was put in office by corrupt Deep State operatives who rigged the 2020 election and released a deadly COVID19 virus to enable them to do it. Anybody who quarrels with that statement is culpable themselves.
I can't recall / have a clue when I first came on this blog!!
how do I find my earliest comment? advise please!!!
Before January '24 I had gotten into a routine of regular if not strenuous exercise--including multi-mile daily walks, some dumbbell work and light calisthenics, and some swimming on campus during the summer.
But cataract surgery and a lot of cold and ice last winter, and the brutal heat of the summer, blew my better habits away, and I have regained a lot of the weight I lost after retirement.
My resolution is to update the weight data on my profile.
And start moving more.
We went to see Paula Poundstone at City Winery in Chicago, great show. Lots of Trump will kill us, but that is just weakness.
Self-isolating with a crappy cold I caught over the Xmas celebrations. My aspirations are to set up my retirement so I can eBay my alarm clock.
Made it to midnight for the first time in about 25 years. I had to go to Turkey on a cruise ship to do it. You all are probably still waiting for the ball to drop.
Stay at home with wife and puppy dog. Want to lose weight and get back in better shape. Politically - Won't happen, but as DOGE streamlines and cuts government, I wish DJT would propose some tax increases/adjustments to the well off.
Nice to see that you're not an AI bot. Happy NY!
Hope springs eternal in the hearts of men.
@Original Mike, an ass perhaps, but a victorious ass.
@Big Mike: Did you see him taunting the opposing coach and then laughing about it? What kind of asshole does that? I don't care if he won or not, he's a real fuckstick.
Greetings from the future, Central Time (and west) people. 2025 doesn't look much different from 2024, to be honest. So far, so good.
The 18 teams of the Big Ten have done pretty well in his year’s bowls and playoffs. The score as of tonight is 7-4 and 3 of those 4 lost by only 3 points or fewer (newcomer Washington lost by only 1). There has to be another winner and another loser in tomorrow’s Rose Bowl, it all in all this is a good year for the conference.
The alleged “taunting” was overhyped by Shane Beamer, by the announcers, and by you.
I saw it. It was classic Bielema.
There are a lot of stories of Bielema's assholery around town while he was at Wisconsin. I know a waitress at the bar he used to frequent. He was not a "valued customer". One of his favorite tricks was to buy each new drink (he drank a lot) with a hundred dollar bill. Next drink, another hundred dollar bill. Of course, the bar eventually became unable to break these bills and he was asked to stop. But next time at the bar, the antics resumed.
Wisconsin fans were not sorry to see him go.
Happy New Year and all the best for 2025 - and thank you, Ms. Althouse, for the passion you bring to the blog, a treasured space for many.
Looks like some Repubs are holding their noses about voting Mike Johnson (who doesn't cheat on his wife!) as Speaker again. 218 votes are required but the Dems will put up 215 for Jeffries, and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) says he will vote for someone other than Johnson, so nonattendees could play a big role here. It is unlikely that Kay Granger can travel from her dementia facility in Fort Worth to vote. She last attended a Congressional vote six months ago.
I went to bed at 6:30, as I have company that came in last night. (I get up between 3 and 4 am every single day) Was expecting to get up to greet them, have a New Years eve drink, and return to bed, but I never made it up until 4 am this morning!! Must have needed the sleep. It's only my brother and his gf, and my husband was up to greet them. I can't wait to wish them a Happy New Years!! I'll leave you with this...
the most destructive movement of the last ten years wasn't just wokism. it was the media's lockstep anti-trumpism. think about all the horrible decisions related to the biggest calamities we faced. they were excused or denied by the media, because of their irrational opposition to trump. the biggest examples:
-Crime. if you admitted that progressive policies energized criminality and cost many innocent lives - that would put you on the side of Trump. So you can't do that, decides the media. so theft and violence became routine. recidivism exploded.
-immigration. if you admitted that unfettered illegal immigration stressed all our country's systems, as well as introducing more violent crime - that would put you on the side of trump. you can't do that - decides the media. So it kept going, and people died.
-Covid. if you admitted that Covid came from China, likely a lab leak - then you were on the side of Trump. So you can' do that either - that would be racist, said the media. instead we embraced absurd notions about bat soup.
-Biden. if you admitted he was unfit for office, and reported on it honestly - you were siding with trump. So you cant do that - in fact - you must say that Joe is better than ever, and those who disagree are cruel, ending up with a rudderless country sinking in chaos.
Looking back - its obvious. A mass delusion driven by bitterness, ego and an emotional infantilism brought this country to the brink.
So when the media starts hitting the panic button, laugh at them. They caused this mess. We'll clean it up. They no longer matter.
Last edited
10:37 AM · Dec 31, 2024
Happy News Years to all!!!
I wish I could WALK that much. Arthritis and bone spurs kill my left foot. Getting old sucks.
William's comments are a national treasure.
Wow Meade. That's impressive running at 71! 3500/year would be nearly 20 hours / week. 10 to 14 hours is about all I can handle.
Happy New Year to all!
The hope and optimism jar has been refilled, for real this time. Feeling rested and grateful.
Happy New Year. I know I should say that more often.
@Wendybar, I read that too. Gutfeld may be on to something.
Don’t listen to teh taters, narciso. You be you, brother!
Happy New Year, Althouse Blog and commenters. I rarely ever comment in here. But I have checked in to the blog multiple times daily for well over a decade. Glad you are still going strong and look forward to lurking here in 2025, too!
Hypertext is why Google exists. Algorithms matter. Keep on keepin on.
I’ll start my annual review of my finances today. I’ll go over it with my wife in about a week, and she’ll spend about 5 minutes thinking about it before moving on to what she wants to buy for the grandkids this week. Unfortunately, we aren’t getting any younger, so each year it gets more important to get everything in order.
I put together a notebook each year that shows her exactly where everything is and how to handle things when I’m gone. I started doing this two years ago when her friend lost her husband to dementia. He had done this religiously each year and it made the transition much smoother.
I'm running a little late. I still haven't made plans for December 31st, 1999.
Happy New Year, y'all.
My theory on why Jill hates Kamala...
The Bidens would have kept all the campaign donations they didn't spend.
Hundreds of millions of dollars. Maybe $1 billion?
Kamala spent all the money she had, every penny, even going into campaign debt, so the Bidens would have none of that.
From Bourbon St...
Perp down!
I hate you both.
@Original Mike, next time could you please bring a charcuterie board to go with all the w(h)ine?
Twice I saw Beamer call for a desperation pass into the end zone on fourth and long from inside the red zone instead of taking the chip shot field goal. That would have been six easy points and South Carolina lost by four. Beamer was out-coached by the guy you call an asshole.
You will party like it’s 1999.
The Coming Democratic Revolution
To fight Trump and the GOP, blue states are planning to appropriate a Republican strategy: federalism.
"Resistance is not futile, although it might seem that way at the moment. No major protests are set to descend on the National Mall. Legal challenges to Donald Trump’s policies are likely doomed, given how far rightward the judiciary shifted during his previous administration. With Trump’s unified control of the Republican Party, which now has unified control of Washington, congressional oversight is defunct.
That leaves a lone bastion of countervailing power, one force capable of meaningfully slowing the maximalist ambitions of the incoming administration: blue states, especially the 15 state governments where Democrats control the executive and legislative branches and, therefore, have more latitude to launch aggressive countermeasures.
"Another set of proposals involves deploying massive public-employee pension funds that Democratic states control to make strategic investments in red states. By sinking money into Texas’s wind industry, for instance, blue states would do more than just expand alternative-energy options in the state. They would unleash a powerful interest group, which might help reshape the political dynamic in the state," writes Franklin Foer."
The rest is behind the paywall, but the gist is that leveraging the labor unions' influence in red state energy sectors could augment the blue state resistance to stymie the Republican agenda nationwide
How is this not a subversion of our electoral process?
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